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» Spelling noun endings. Spelling case endings of nouns

Spelling noun endings. Spelling case endings of nouns

Table 1 - Case endings of singular nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-and I

wives A, earth I

, -o, -e

horse, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

R. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

-and I

con I, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

D. p.-e

wives e, earth e

-u, -yu

con Yu, sat down at, floor Yu


night And, horses And

V. p.-u, -yu

wives at, earth Yu

, -a, -i, -o, -e

con I, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

etc.-oh (-oh), -ey (-her)

wives Ouch, earth to her

-om, -eat

con eat, sat down ohm, floor eat


night yu, horses yu

P. p. -e

wives e, earth e

-e, -i

con e, sat down e, floor e


night And, horses And

In case endings singular is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the 1st declension and in the prepositional case of the 2nd declension (except for words in -and I , -th , -ies ), For example: to factories e, to factories e, to the ground e, about the battery e, to become e; to factory e, to the machine e; about pestilence e; all L e;
  2. letter And :
    • in the genitive case of nouns of the first declension, for example: at the factories And, near the ground And, near the battery And, from becoming And;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns of the II declension on -ies , -th , For example: in the lecture hall And, in excitement And, about worldview And ;
    • in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the first declension in -and I , nouns of the third declension and heterodeclinable neuter nouns on -me , For example: from the collection And, to the collection And, in the collection And; from overcoats And, to the overcoat And, in an overcoat And; at the banners And, to the banners And, about the banner And.

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the prepositional case of neuter nouns on -ies And -ye , For example: be in thought And, be fully prepared And (ending -And ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (ending -e ).

Case endings in surnames and titles

In Russian surnames -in(-yn) and on -s(-s) in the instrumental case the singular is written -th (like adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th . The ending is written in foreign surnames -ohm , For example: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In titles settlements on -in(-yn) , -s(-s) , -ino(-ino) , -ovo(-evo) the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -ohm (as in nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, Borodin village ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings for plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of plural nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

a, -i, -s, -i

con And, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con to her, sat down, floor to her

-to her

night to her, horses to her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, earth yam

-am, -yam

con yam, sat down am, floor yam

-am, -yam

night am, horses yam

V. p.-s, -i,

wives, land And

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov

con to her, sat down A, floor I

-and, -ey

night And, horses to her

etc.-ami, -yami

wives ami, earth yami

-ami, -yami

con yami, sat down ami, floor yami

-ami, -yami

night ami, horses yami

P. p.-ah, -yah

wives Oh, earth I

-ah, -yah

con I, sat down Oh, floor I

-ah, -yah

night Oh, horses I

  1. In the genitive case plural after the sibilants the letter b is not written, for example: solution tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In the genitive plural of nouns, -ya And -ye in unstressed position it is written -th , under stress - -to her , For example: liar th(liar), delusion th(meditation), But stat to her(article), scam to her(bench). Exceptions: Rouge to her(gun), pay ev(dress), ust ev(mouth), upper reaches ev(upstream), downstream ev(lower reaches).
    In nouns -and I , -ies in the genitive case it is always written -th , For example: lin th(line), built th(building).
  3. If nouns in the genitive plural end in -en , That soft sign is not written, for example: songs, cherries ( Wed apple trees, kitchens). After -en letter in the genitive case b written in words villages b, young ladies b .

In this article we will analyze spelling unstressed case endings nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension.

So, which unstressed endings need to be checked, and which ones you just need to remember. You need to check the unstressed endings –е, –и in nouns of the genitive, dative, and prepositional case. You should remember unstressed endings in nouns in the instrumental case.

1st declension: -th memo(s) Ouch, village to her.

2nd declension: ohm (th) year, ohm, gender.

To check the correct definition unstressed ending The case of the noun must be determined (see how to determine). Then determine the declination (see how to determine). Next, we remember the ending of the noun of a certain declension in the required case.

In the summer the children swam in the lake.

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) In the lake, that means prepositional.

Ozer O (it, mine) is a neuter noun, has the ending -o, which means it belongs to the second declension. A noun of the second declension in the prepositional case has the ending -e. So, let's write down:

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) PP 2nd class., -e) to the lakes e .

Another way to check the ending of a noun is to insert instead of a noun with an unstressed ending, substitute a noun of the same declension and in the same case, but with a stressed ending: the guys swam in the river, in the lake .

Now let's look at the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns in all cases.

The declension of a noun is determined by nominative case and we talked about this in.


A noun in the genitive case answers questions whom? what? (from where? where?) . Prepositions used: from, to, from, without, at, for, about, with.


1st declension: -i, -s.

2nd declension: -a, -i.

3rd declension: -i.

Example: The sheep has soft long wool . → Wool(who?) in sheep s – 1st declension.


noun in dative case answers the questions to whom? what? (where? where?) . Prepositions used: to, by.


1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -у, -у.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: The boy ran to the lake . → fled(where? to what?) to the lakes at – 2nd declension.

IN genitive case nouns of the first declension have the ending -i, in the dative - the ending -e.

Nouns of the third meaning in both cases have the ending -i.


noun in accusative case answers the questions whom? What? (where? where?) . Prepositions used: in, on, for, through, about .


1st declension: -у, -у.

2nd declension: -a, -i.

Example: You can often find a heron in the swamps . → Meet(whom?) herons Yu – 1st declension.

Nouns in the genitive and accusative cases can be distinguished by prepositions. In the first declension, the nouns in these cases differ in endings.

Instrumental case.

A noun in the instrumental case answers questions by whom? how? (where? where?) . Prepositions used: with, behind, under, over, between .

1st declension: -oi(s).

2nd declension: -ом (-ем).

3rd declension: -yu.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: Fish is caught with a fishing rod . → They catch(how?) fishing rod Ouch – 1st declension.


A noun in the prepositional case answers questions about whom? about what? (Where?) . Prepositions used: o (about), in, on, with.

1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -e.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: We talked about autumn . → They talked(about what?) about autumn And – 3rd declension.

In the next article we will talk about the declension of plural nouns.

Nouns have three “fallible” cases: genitive, dative, prepositional. This lesson will help you cope with difficulties in declension of nouns.

For nouns of the first declension in the genitive case the letter I is written at the end, and in other “mistaken” cases - dative and prepositional - the letter E is written.

For nouns of the second declension, only the prepositional case, in which the letter E is written, causes difficulties. For nouns of the third declension, the letter I is written in all “mistaken” cases.

To find out which vowel should be written in the unstressed ending of a noun, you must first determine which declension this noun belongs to, then find out in which case it is used, and remember which vowel letter is written in this “erroneous” case.

2. Reinforce what we have learned

We reason like this:

Smile when meeting... Meeting- a noun of the first declension, used in the prepositional case, we write the letter E at the end.

Strive for the goal... Goal is a noun of the third declension, in which the letter I is written in all “erroneous” cases.

When writing unstressed case endings of nouns, you can use another verification method. You can use “wildcard” words with stressed endings in all “erroneous” cases. For first declension nouns, such a “wildcard” word will be the word fox.

We reason like this:

Write in a notebook... Notebook- a noun of the first declension. Without specifying the case, we use a “wildcard” word fox. Wrote in a notebook - wrote in a fox.

We remember that nouns ending in -ИЯ, -ИИ,

II ( army, essay, planetarium), in all “mistaken” cases the rule of two letters I applies.

For nouns ending in -IYA, -IE, -IY, in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases we write two letters I at the end (one letter I belongs to the stem, the second letter I belongs to the ending).

We reason like this:

Approach Marie... Maria- a noun ending in -YA. In all “mistaken” cases it has two letters AND at the end. That's why we write approach Maria.

Visit the planetarium... Planetarium- a noun ending in -II. In “erroneous” cases, the rule of two letters I works in it. Therefore, we write visit the planetarium(two letters I at the end).


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.


Task No. 1

Rewrite, opening the parentheses. Determine the type of declension of nouns and their case. Graphically indicate the endings.

To languish in (captivity), play on (piano), hear about (defeat), stand on (square), think about (realization) (idea), travel around ( middle Asia), in quiet (solitude), arrival (parliamentarian), walk along (path), play a role in (development) of the plot, calm down at (thought), fight (duel), come to (mother), visit (construction) , prepare for (audit), participate in (excursion).

Task No. 2

Rewrite by putting the nouns (in brackets) in the appropriate case form. Indicate the case of nouns and indicate their endings.

1.Gavrila was overcome by a wave of (memories) of her (village), running down a steep mountain down to (river), hidden in (grove) (M. G.). 2. So he lived with (the feeling) that he could call and come to (Lyubov Petrovna) (Sol.). 3. I sit in (half-oblivion): neither sleeping nor awake (Sweet). 4. The snow at (the foot of) the trees resembled lean sugar (Nag.). 5. I lived in (charm) (incomprehensibility) of the surrounding (Nag.). 6. In the fierce (singing) winds, the heart does not hear the correct (harmony) (Sick.). 7. And how many (deeds), (events), (fate), human (sadness) and (victory) fit into these ten (days), which turned into ten years! (Tward.). 8. The trunks of (apple trees), (pears), (cherries) and plums are painted from worms in white paint(Ch.). 9. Heavy huge clouds (T.) were still crowding in (distance).

The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension the nouns belong to. Errors in the choice of endings -e or -i do not occur in all case forms, but only in forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.

Nouns of the first declension (country, drop, uncle, alley) in forms genitive case have the ending -ы (-и), and in the dative and prepositional forms - e: R. Country-y d. Country-e Drop-e p. (O) country-e2. Nouns ending in -iya (army, series, line, Maria) form special option declension, in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, have the ending -i:P. =D. =P. Army-i Seri-i Lini-i Mari-i

3. Nouns of the II declension in the form of the prepositional case have the ending -e: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the table, (about) heat, (in) other-e. 4. Nouns in -iy, -i (genius, scenario, meeting, meeting) form a special variant of declension and have the ending -i in the form of the prepositional case: (about) geniuses, (in) scenarios, (at) meeting, (at) meeting. These words should not be confused with nouns in -е (confusion, doubt, oblivion, grumbling), which are declined according to general rule: (o) confusion, (o) doubt, (o) oblivion, (o) grumbling. Exception: forgotten. 5. Nouns of the III declension (sadness, night, rye, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -i: R. Grust-i Night-i Rzh-i Tish-i d. Grust-i Night-i Rzhi Tish-i p. (O) sad-i (K) night-i (In) rzh-i (V) tish-i 6. The word path, as well as ten nouns starting with -mya (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup and etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i: p. Put-i d. Put-i p. (B) put-i

Endings of adjectives and participles1. Checking the unstressed ending of an adjective can be done in two ways: 1) by selecting a similar adjective in the same form, but with a stressed ending (new, new, new, but: holy, holy, holy); 2) by asking the question “which one?” in the required form (what? - new, what? - new, what? - new). 2. The rules for writing case endings of participles coincide with the rules for writing endings of adjectives. A slight difference concerns only participles with a sibilant stem. So, if at the endings of adjectives after sibilants, e is written in an unstressed position, and under stress - o (bigger, greater), then at the endings of participles e is always written: walking, seeing, singing, roaring.

Endings of numerals1. In the nominative and accusative forms (when combined with inanimate nouns) cases of computation three hundred, four hundred is written at the end -a, in the numeral ninety - -o, in the numeral two hundred - -i. 2. Numerals denoting numbers from 11 to 19 in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -i:3. The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases have the ending -a:4. Numerals denoting numbers from 200 to 900 (two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred) change both parts when declined:5. All parts of complex ordinal numbers, except the last one, are used in the genitive case: twenty-five thousandth, forty millionth. The exceptions are parts one hundred, ninety: one hundred millionth, ninety thousandth.

Pronoun endingsThe spelling of some pronoun endings is similar to the writing of adjective endings, so can be checked either by an adjective with a stressed ending like saint, or by the word what. Full correspondence of the endings of pronouns in indirect cases (except for the accusative) with the endings of the word “what” is observed in the pronouns this, himself, everyone, each, such, which, no, etc. Incomplete correspondence (instead of -o- is written -e-)- in pronouns mine, yours, yours, ours, yours, etc.:

Verb endingsThe spelling of personal verb endings depends on what type of conjugation the verbs belong to. 1. In the Russian language there are two main types of conjugation: I conjugation with the endings -у, -ест, -ет, -ем, -ети, -ут (-ут) (I’m going, I’m going, I’m going, I’m going, I’m going, going) and II conjugation with endings -у, -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -am (-yat) (shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout). If the verb has a stressed ending, writing it does not cause any difficulties. If the ending is unstressed, you need to determine the type of conjugation of the verb and select the ending according to the conjugation. 2. The verbs run, want, honor (as well as prefix formations from them) are heterogeneously conjugated. The verbs give, eat (and their prefixes) are called special conjugation verbs: give - I'll give, give, give, give, give, give, give; eat - eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.

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    Nouns masculine with zero ending in the prepositional case Along with the ending -e, they can also have the ending -y. The presence of such forms is associated in some cases with differentiation meanings: into the forest at(adverbial meaning) - about the forest e(object value), to stand in formation - in the syntactic structure of the Russian language, to be on the Don - heard about "The Quiet Don" (novel); in others - with stylistic coloring: to the workshop e (book) - in the workshop (colloquial), on vacation - on vacation, on the hook - on the hook, in alcohol - in alcohol.

    In nouns masculine and female the ending -e is written on a(z) in: by waves e, about the wave; on the gallery, about the gallery; to Maya, about Maya; to Kostya, about Kostya; to the quiet one, about the quiet one (the quiet one), to the young man, about the young man.

    Feminine nouns ending in -iya are written with the ending -i: from armi and, to the army, about the army (army); from illusion, to illusion, about illusion (illusion); from discussion, to discussion, about discussion (discussion). Proper names iya also has the ending -i: from Marie and, to Mary, about Mary (Mary); from Ii, to Ii, about Ii (Iya); from Biya, to Biya, about Biya (Biya River).

    1. First names and patronymics, standing nearby, may have different endings: Lead Iya Ivanovna. Name Lead and I changes as a noun to iya, and the patronymic changes as a noun to a: from Lidi and Ivanovna, to Lydia Ivanovna, about Lydia Ivanovna.
    2. It is necessary to distinguish parallel forms of proper names like Anastasia and Nastasya, Maria and Marya, Natalia and Natalya, Sofia and Sophia. They have different endings in the dative and prepositional cases; cf.: to Natalie And(since it ends in iya) - to Natal e(since it ends in i).

    In nouns masculine with zero ending, as well as for neuter nouns on o(e) in prepositional case the ending is written -e: about the house e, about the goose, about the edge (but: in the edge), in the frost, in the beehive; in the window, about the sea.

    For masculine nouns it is iy and neuter nouns it is iy prepositional case the ending is written -i: in herbari and (herbarium), in Gogol's "Vii" ("Viy"), in the commentary (commentary), in the planetarium (planetarium), about aluminum (aluminum), about genius (genius), about cue (cue), about criteria (criterion ), about solarium (solarium); in a building (building), in a constellation (constellation), about a disaster (disaster), about a stay (stay), about sympathy (sympathy).

    Exception: on edge e .

    For neuter nouns on е in prepositional case the ending is written -e: to the seaside e, in the Azov region, in the Amur region, about the necklace, about happiness, in the underground, in excitement (but in excitement).

    Exception: in oblivion.

    Note: There are differences between words that sound the same, but have different endings in the prepositional case, such as varen e (product) and boiling (process), pickling and pickling, smoking and smoking: about jam - about jam.

    Neuter nouns have me (there are ten of them: bre name, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown), as well as in the noun child in dative and prepositional cases the ending is written -i: to flames and, oh flame, to the child, oh child.

    Russian surnames and names of settlements on in, yn, ov(ev), ev change differently: surnames in instrumental case singular have the ending -й (like adjectives): Pushkin ym, Spitsyn, Nekrasov, Vorobyov; names of settlements in instrumental case end in -om (as nouns): near the cities of Pushkin, Tsaritsyn, Saratov, Kiev.

    1. Foreign language surnames on in and ov in instrumental case have noun endings -om: Darwin om, Chaplin, Bülow(in these words -in, -ov are not suffixes).

    2. Slavic surnames on them, oh, ovo (Debt them, Kutsykh, Durnovo) And foreign-language surnames on e, i, o, y (Dod e, Rabelais, Buonarroti, Defoe, Nehru) do not bow. Foreign language surnames, ending in hard consonant(Wagner, Gliere), when designating females, they also do not bow.

    Nouns feminine, ending in hissing, in the nominative (accusative) singular case have ь at the end: bla life, bitterness, game, trifle, mouse, youth, night, baldness, luxury, rye, harness, nonsense.

    Note: Nouns masculine ending in sibilant, do not have at the end: goals sh, crumb, prestige, chizh, khlyshch.

    Feminine nouns ending in ь, в genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -i: among young people and, to youth, about youth; no watercolor, to watercolor, about watercolor.

    Note: The common noun love in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases loses the vowel o, however, with declension own name Love vowel o is preserved; compare: no love, to love, about love, but: no Love oh you, to love you, oh love you.