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» Orthodox church holidays for October

Orthodox church holidays for October

17th Sunday after Pentecost, after the Exaltation. Voice 8th.

Troparion and Kontakion Sunday 8th tone(see Appendix 1) Kontakion of St. Eumenius, tone 2: Enlightened by the Divine Light, O all-blessed One,/ you enlighten us,/ singing with your honest and glorious love/ and holy, Father, repose,/ Hierarch Eumenius,// praying unceasingly for all of us.

The Lord, pointing to the child, said amazing words that people cannot fully understand, but in which there is great truth and life force: “Unless... you are like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 18:3). Why didn’t the Lord point to His apostles and say: “To such is the Kingdom of Heaven—be like My disciples and enter the Kingdom of God”? Some may think: what, we need to be as undeveloped as children? Is it really necessary to have the same intelligence as children? Is it really necessary to have the same life experience as children? Why then the whole life? Of course, a child eats milk, soft food, as the Apostle Paul says (see Heb. 5:12-14). A child needs to gain strength, he needs to grow up, he needs to gain intelligence, wisdom, strength, and the ability to resist evil. But in the soul of a child there is something that should never leave a person - this is purity of heart.

Liturgical instructions awaited

This October there are many holidays that are especially revered by Orthodox believers. This calendar presents the most important and serious of them.

Orthodox church holidays in October

October 1, 2017, Sunday
— Ikon Mother of God Molchenskaya (“Healer”), Starorusskaya.

October 3, 2017, Tuesday
- Vmch. Eustathia Placida, his wife Theopistia and their children

October 8, 2017, Sunday
- Repose of St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh

October 9, 2017, Monday
- The death of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

October 13, 2017, Friday
- Shchmch. Gregory Bishop, Enlightener of Greater Armenia

This holiday is highly revered by Orthodox Christians. Tradition says that at the time of October 1, 910, the robe of the Virgin Mary, her belt and head cover were in the Blachernae Church of Constantinople. It was then that the city was surrounded by Saracens. Residents in horror prayed for salvation.

The holy fool Andrew saw the Queen of Heaven above the crowd, surrounded by angels. Holy Mother of God spread Her cover over all the people in the temple and over the city. Soon the enemy retreated. The Mother of God always extends her prayer cover over all Orthodox Christians and asks Jesus Christ to grant eternal salvation.

On this day in Rus', families always went to churches to ask in prayer for the mercy and intercession of the Mother of God.

St. Roman Sladkopevets

October 16, 2017, Monday
- Shchmchch. Dionysius the Areopagite, bishop. of Athens, Rusticus the presbyter and Eleutherius the deacon

October 20, 2017, Friday
- Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”

October 22, 2017, Sunday
- Ap. Jacob Alfeev. Korsun Icon of the Mother of God

October 23, 2017, Monday

- St. Ambrose of Optina. Cathedral of Volyn Saints

October 24, 2017, Tuesday
- Memory of the Holy Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council. Cathedral of the Optina Elders.

October 25, 2017, Wednesday
- Transfer from Malta to Gatchina of a part of the Tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the Philermos Icon of the Mother of God and the gum of the hand of John the Baptist.

October 26, 2017, Thursday
- Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

October 27, 2017, Friday

- Mchch. Nazaria, Gervasia, Protasia, Kelsia

October 28, 2017, Saturday
- Dimitrievskaya parent's Saturday. Remembrance of the dead.

October 28, 2017, Monday
- Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”

October 29, 2017, Tuesday
- Martyr. Longinus the centurion, like those at the Cross of the Lord

October 30, 2017, Wednesday

- Mchch. the unmercenary Cosmas and Damian of Arabia. Icons of the Mother of God “Before Christmas and after Christmas the Virgin” and “Deliverer”

Previously on VK Press on this topic:

Like other months, October is rich in events from Christian life. This is not the most active month, however, and there are church dates and holidays that every believer should remember.

Today we will learn about all the most important Orthodox events of October 2017.

Orthodox holidays in October 2017 - church calendar

The Orthodox Church calls this saint a venerable, that is, a glorified monastic feat. Sergius lived in the 14th century AD. The world called him Bartholomew. He was endowed with a good mind, love for his neighbor, willpower and hard work. This saint became famous for his ability to perform miracles. Prayer and kind words he encouraged and helped the desperate in moments of special sorrow. Often his prayer healed.

Despite this, St. Sergius was a very modest man; from childhood he kept strict fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he was often fed only with water and bread.

This man became a beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. He was faithful to the Savior until the last minutes, following on his heels to Golgotha, where later, together with the Virgin Mary, he mourned his beloved teacher. It is believed that John lived for more than a hundred years. He predicted his imminent death and ordered his disciples to bury him alive. However, some time later, when his grave was opened, his body was not found, and since then a thin layer of manna began to appear on the grave, which was considered a miracle.

Great holiday celebrated Orthodox Church. The events to which this holiday was dedicated occurred in 910 AD. It is believed that on this day Holy Virgin During the service, Mary appeared to the clergy of the Church of Constantinople, spreading her covering in the air - white bedspread or a cape. She was accompanied by two saints - the holy Baptist of the Lord John and the holy Apostle John the Theologian.

Day of special remembrance of the dead. Otherwise called Parents' Saturday. On this day the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica is honored. This day has been revered since the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. Believers go to the graves of their deceased relatives, clean them before starting winter period and honor the memory of the deceased.