Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Prepositions are divided into derivatives and non-derivatives. Derivative prepositions: writing rules and list of exceptions

Prepositions are divided into derivatives and non-derivatives. Derivative prepositions: writing rules and list of exceptions

There are many in Russian spelling rules. Most of them cause writing difficulties not only for schoolchildren and foreigners who study Russian, but also for adults. One of these rules is the spelling of prepositions. Mainly the problem is finding them correctly. With simple non-derivative prepositions everything is more or less clear, and most people have no difficulty in finding them. But in the Russian language there is another group of words that, depending on the context, can refer to different parts of speech. These are derived prepositions that come from adverbs, nouns or gerunds. They are so difficult to write that many people have great difficulty encountering them in the text.

Characteristics of derived prepositions

All prepositions in the Russian language are auxiliary parts of speech that do not have their own meaning and morphological characteristics. They serve as a connecting link between words in a sentence and are used to build a grammatically correct and competent construction. Derivative prepositions in the Russian language appeared relatively recently. They came from significant parts of speech due to the loss of their own morphological characteristics and meaning. Because of this, their spelling often began to differ from original words, and this causes difficulties in spelling. They are used quite often in speech, so every literate person should be able to find them and write them correctly.

Features of this part of speech

1. Derivative prepositions can be simple, consisting of one word, for example, “near”, “around”, “thanks to”, “towards” and others. But many of them consist of two words, retaining the form they had as a significant part of speech. Usually this is a combination of a non-derivative preposition with a noun, so merged with it in meaning and grammatically that it is often perceived as one word. For example: “with the help”, “for lack of”, “not counting”, “at the expense”, “to the extent” and others.

2. The spelling of such prepositions needs to be memorized, because most often it is not regulated by any rules. IN difficult cases need to check with spelling dictionary. The greatest difficulty is in writing the prepositions “during”, “in continuation”, “as a result”, “subsequently”.

3. To determine that a derivative preposition, and not an independent part of speech, is used in a sentence, you need to replace it with another preposition or conjunction. For example, “as a result” - “because of”, “about” - “about”, “towards” - “to”, “like” - “how”.

4. There is a small group of derived prepositions that are difficult to distinguish from independent parts the speeches from which they originated. This causes difficulties in writing them. In this case, you can only understand the meaning in the context. These words are: “about”, “as a result of”, “thanks to”, “despite” and others.

Types of derivative prepositions

All prepositions under consideration are divided into three groups depending on what part of speech they came from.

1. Adverbial prepositions, that is, derived prepositions formed from adverbs, have retained their meaning. Basically they indicate the time and location of an object in space. For example, “near the house”, “after school”, “inside the box” and others.

2. Denominal prepositions are so called because they are formed from a noun. They can denote spatial, temporal, causal or object relations. This is a fairly large group of prepositions, and they are the ones that most often cause spelling difficulties, for example: “in connection”, “to the extent”, “about”, “like”, “on arrival” and others.

3. Verbal prepositions originate from gerunds, which have lost their meaning of additional action. They are closely related to nouns and are usually used with only one case. For example: “thanks to (what?)”, “in spite of (what?)”, “despite (what?)”.

What meanings do they have?

Each derived preposition, when combined with nouns, gives it a specific meaning. Most often they are used with one case, but you can also ask adverbial questions about them. The most common meanings of derived prepositions:

They denote a certain period of time: “during”, “at the end”, “in completion”, “after” and others;

Causal relations are determined by prepositions: “thanks to”, “in spite of”, “due to”, “as a result of”;

They can indicate the location of an object: “near”, “about”, “opposite”, “in front” and others.

How to learn to write prepositions correctly

The spelling of independent words is regulated by spelling rules. Most people learned them during school and have no difficulty spelling. And derived prepositions do not follow any rules. You need to remember how to write them. But in difficult cases, you can check with a spelling dictionary. The difficulty is most often caused by people’s inability to distinguish sentences with prepositions from constructions with independent parts of speech. If you learn to find these words in the text, there will be fewer mistakes. After all, most people still know the basic rules of spelling.

Ways to search for prepositions in text

1. You need to try to replace the word with another preposition. Each derived preposition has a similar one from the category of non-derivatives, for example, “in view of - because of”, “about - about”, “towards - to”, “following - for” and others. Significant parts of speech are replaced only by synonyms: “for an account - for a book”, “for a meeting - for a date”.

2. Ask a question about the word. If there is a preposition in a sentence, then most likely it will be part of the question, and the answer will be a noun: “I live opposite the school - (opposite what?)” or “(where?) - opposite the school.” And the word, as an independent part of speech, itself answers the question: “this house is opposite - (where?) - opposite.”

3. Derivative preposition cannot be removed from a sentence without loss of meaning and destruction of the grammatical structure: “to walk in front of the column - to walk (?) the column.” If you remove the significant part of the speech, then although the meaning will be impoverished, the sentence will not lose its integrity: “he walked ahead - he walked.”

4. They can also be distinguished by meaning. For example, “during the day” is a preposition that denotes a period of time, and “during the river” is a noun that denotes the flow of water.

What derivative prepositions are written together

Among the words of this part of speech there are many that have long been used in the Russian language. Some prepositions have so merged with nouns in meaning that almost no one has any difficulty spelling them. For example, “near”, “like”, “in view of”, “instead of”, “like”, “inside” and others. But there are also words that are written together only when they are used as prepositions. And here you need to be able to distinguish them from significant parts of speech. For example, “due to the rain” is a preposition; you can replace it with the word “due to,” and “as a consequence of the case” is a noun: “(in what?) - as a result.” More examples of frequently used prepositions and their difference with homonymous parts of speech: “towards each other” - “to meet friends”, “about repairs” - “to a bank account”. You also need to remember that “not” in prepositions formed from gerunds is written together: “despite his advanced age (despite what?)” is a preposition, but compare: “he walked without (not looking) around” .

Compound derivative prepositions

Spelling of prepositions that consist of two words also causes difficulties. But they are not connected with separately written these words, and most often with a letter at the end of the preposition. It needs to be remembered, since basically it is completely different from the nouns from which these words come:

The letter “and” is written at the end of the prepositions “after”, “on arrival”, “at the end”, “in connection”, “in accordance”, “in comparison”, “during”;

You need to remember the spelling of prepositions with the letter “e” at the end: “during”, “in continuation”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”, “in conclusion”, “in commemoration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” ";

There is also a group of prepositions that cause almost no difficulties: “by virtue”, “to the extent”, “in connection” and some others.

In order for a person’s speech to be literate, it is necessary to use derivative prepositions as much as possible. They enrich the language, allow you to more accurately express your thoughts and use grammatically correct constructions.

Prepositions can be derived or non-derivative. Derivatives prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, which thereby lose their lexical meaning and morphological characteristics. For example, the preposition around (walks around the house) comes from the adverb around (it is clearly visible around), the preposition by (to convince through strong evidence) - from the noun path in the instrumental case (serves as a convenient way), the preposition in continuation (to wait for an hour) - from the combination of the noun continuation with the preposition e (to believe in the continuation of the acquaintance), the preposition thanks (we managed thanks to the help of a friend) - from the gerund (left, thanking for the help provided).

TO non-derivative These include prepositions that are not formed from independent parts of speech, for example: without, in, to, for, for, from, to, on, over, about, about, from, on, under, before, with, about, with, at, through.

Many non-derivative prepositions can be used with different cases; derivatives are usually used with any one case. For example, the preposition thanks is used only with dative case: thanks to courage (D. p.).

337. Prepositions are highlighted in these phrases. First write down phrases with non-derivative prepositions, and then with derivatives. Use verbs in the 3rd person plural.

Crossing the street, building behind the house, writing on an envelope, throwing it over a coat, deviating from the topic, dividing it into five, finding it thanks to resourcefulness, thinking about it... meaning, add to two, replace..t due to dilapidation.., run..t near the house, write..t from a book, moves along the road, walk..t in a column, act contrary to custom, run..t from the mountain , ready..t within a month, tired..t out of habit.., sharing..with friends, waiting for an hour, located..t in front of the house, laid..t across the road, built near the stadium, elevated.. located in the middle of the square... in order to combat the elements.

338. Write it off. Underline the highlighted adverbs and nouns together with the highlighted prepositions as parts of the sentence. From what part of speech are derived prepositions formed?

  • Around You wrapped your braid twice around the lily brow. (A. Pushkin)
  • The coffin was broken. The maiden suddenly came to life. looks around with amazed (n, nn) ​​eyes. (A. Pushkin)
  • The horn began to play, and the village herd began to sweat by Houses. (A. Pushkin)
  • Near forests, like in a soft bed... you can get some sleep(?) (N. Nekrasov)
  • The gray hairs of a cloudy day float, disheveled, by. (S. Yesenin)
  • Grigory led his horse to a bush and lay down near, shielding his face from the wind with a hollow shawl.4 (M. Sholokhov)

339. In what style of speech are the prepositions given in the box most often used? Select prepositions that are appropriate in meaning (see box) and insert them into sentences when copying. Write down words with the same root for the highlighted word.

1. The ground (abundance of snow) is deeply saturated with moisture. 2. The weather (prediction of the forecast bureau) was rainy. 3. Work on the farm is carried out (schedule). 4. The smiling agronomist walked quickly (tractor drivers). 5. Planting began at an earlier date (custom).

340. Analyze the proposals. Find the mistake you made. Correct it by using another preposition with a causal meaning.

1. Thanks to the rain interesting excursion did not take place. 2. The hike to the mountains was postponed due to heavy fog. 3. Thanks to the varied program, the ensemble's tour was successful. 4. Thanks to the skill and perseverance of the hockey players, the team entered the major league.

341. Read an excerpt from a comic story by F. Krivin. Determine whether the choice of not only a derivative, but also a non-derivative preposition can affect the meaning of the statement. Copy the passage, filling in the missing punctuation marks. Insert instead of blanks on us or behind us. How many lines are there in the dialogue? Read the text aloud by role: author, little hare, old hare.


The frightened bunny ran home:
Dad, they're hunting us(?)!
Are we being hunted(?) or are we being hunted(?)? - said the old hare.
I don't know. I just know that they are hunting(?)
How many times have I taught you to correctly express your thoughts. A lot depends on how accurately we express a thought.
But they are hunting (?) Dad!
Behind us or at us?
I don't know how to say dad...
Let me explain for the last time: if they are hunting _ _ _, it means that they only want to catch us. And if _ _ _ are hunting (?) it means they want to kill us. Can you tell the difference?
The hare began to tremble with his whole being, feeling (?) this difference.
And they ran.

342. Insert preposition from or For.

Lotion _ _ _ protection against mosquito bites.
Composition _ _ _ stain removal.
Liquid _ _ _ shoe stretches.
Tablets _ _ _ cough.
Cream _ _ _ shoe cleaning.

343. Correct the errors that are often heard on modern radio and television broadcasts. Indicate the type of error: extra preposition, wrong preposition, wrong case of the dependent word, wrong preposition and case of the dependent word.

Sample. Concerned about how to resolve this issue. (An extra preposition.)

Necessary: Concerned about how to resolve this issue.

1. Received interesting offers from our regions. 2. Now we will find out where school graduates will go. 3. Today we are concerned about what today's schoolchildren will become. 4. They say you found it mutual language in a miner's family. 5. About four hundred movie cameras were still here yesterday. 6. We need to pay attention to this problem.


Spelling of derived prepositions


– teach how to correctly write derivative prepositions, distinguish derivative prepositions from homonymous forms;

– develop the ability to work with text: highlight new information, establish cause-and-effect relationships, form new ideas based on the data received;

– cultivate communication skills and independence.

Required material: educational text on a separate sheet for each, tests.


1. Updating existing knowledge.


Technique “True and False Statements”

Read out loud only the true statements.

Prove that these statements are correct.

Give examples. Why are the other statements incorrect? Prove with examples. Let's return to these statements a little later.

1. Derivatives are prepositions that consist of two words.

2. All prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used.

3. All prepositions are written in one word.

4. The spelling of derivative prepositions must be remembered.

5. In a sentence, a preposition cannot be replaced by another preposition or conjunction.

6. Derived prepositions are homonymous to independent parts of speech.

– Try to formulate the topic of our lesson: what will we talk about?

– What goals can we set for ourselves?

3. Studying new material.


Reception "Insert" A.

When reading the educational text independently (see “Spelling prepositions”), make notes in it:

“V” – I know this information;

“+” is new information for me;

"?" – this information is not clear to me, I have questions.

Spelling prepositions 1. Prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used:.

with me, to my sister, to school 2. Compound prepositions because of, from under, over

are written with a hyphen. 3. Derivative prepositions can be written in one word ( instead of, like, as a result of, like, towards, despite, in view of, about, around etc.) or two.

(to the extent, during, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast)

4. You need to remember the spelling of derivative prepositions and check their spelling in a spelling dictionary.

5. Prepositions can be replaced with other prepositions or conjunctions. For example:

about = about; despite = in spite of;

towards = to, to; instead of = for; due to = due to; like = like. 6. Derivative prepositions must be distinguished from similar (homonymous) forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions:

Due to(= because of) the drought the river became shallow.

A dog ran out towards (= towards) me.– I didn’t count on (what?) meeting with friends.

Despite (= in spite of) the rain, the walk took place.“He passed without looking at us.”

Due to (= because of) the upcoming exam, the walks stopped.- Sail in sight of the city.

Keep in mind. During

lesson. - Along the river. In continuation

vacation. - In the continuation of the film. Finally.

fireworks were given on the occasion. – The expert’s conclusion gave an assessment 7. Preposition due to has causal significance; prepositions during, in continuation

transmit the time value. Prepositions as a result, during, in continuation, in conclusion have a letter at the end



B. Working with educational text.

– What information from the text did you know?

– Write down those prepositions whose spelling you were familiar with.

– What new did you learn from the text?

– Write down those prepositions whose spelling you did not know.

– What are these prepositions called?

– Compose and write down sentences with derived prepositions that are written in one word.

– How can these prepositions be replaced?

– Compose and write down sentences with derived prepositions that are written in two words.

– What is the meaning of these prepositions?

B. Practicing the skill of writing derivative prepositions.

Writing a dictation

There have been changes in the flow of the river. I stayed with my grandmother for a month. Despite doctors' prohibitions, he continued to train. He answered without looking at the book. The error occurred due to ignorance of the area. A mistake was made in the investigation into Ivanov’s case. Will you help me continue my search? Leaves will fall throughout the week.

Working with tests I option.

Indicate the line number that does not contain a derived preposition. 1. To arrive on time(to) a meeting,

we left early. 2. When(to) a meeting

3. An old man came out to the guests, I recognized him immediately. B(continued)

4. During the day, my father recalled his life several times.(B)consequence

accident, the elevator did not work for a week. Option II.

1. Indicate the line number that contains the derived preposition.(At first

lesson we read the text. 2. We're going on a hike(together

3. with parents.(Together

4. The fall of a meteorite formed a crater.(During

There was a kind of alarming calm in the river.

Peer review.

4. Lesson summary.

– Name the true statements again.

– What derivative prepositions are written in one word?

– What derivative prepositions are written in two words?

– How to distinguish derivative prepositions from consonant forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions?

Level 1 – mandatory minimum – exercise...

Level 2 – create a diagram or cluster on the topic “Spelling of derivative prepositions.”

Level 3 – select or compose a dictation text, which will include the studied derivative prepositions.


Homonymy of derived prepositions and forms of independent parts of speech


– practice the skill of identifying the part of speech of externally similar words;

– develop the ability to correctly write homonymous words different parts speech.

Required material: multimedia complex, slide presentation.


1. Start of the lesson.


Technique “Delayed guessing”

(At the same time, we give an individual task: to prepare a report on homoforms based on the specified material.)

– What is the name of an animal that changes its color depending on external environment?

– Could there be something in common between a chameleon and some linguistic phenomena?

3. Studying new material.

– Read the text, determine whether there are chameleon words in it.

(A slide with highlighted words is presented if students find this task difficult.)

Can rivers age? Despite to the difference of opinions, we are forced to answer: “Yes.” It's a shame that on the list of aging people there is Also and Kuban rivers. lesson. - Along the river. These are Eya, Chelbas, Kirpili and Ponura. gradual changes have taken place over many centuries during rec. Their valleys are shallow, but 7. Preposition wide great abundance in the old days. Now these rivers are low in water. During In summer and autumn they dry out in places. They can be crossed That's why shallow water despite

under your feet. And so from year to year... What explains this? Let's do a little investigation. Let us remember that the source of food for steppe rivers is precipitation and. groundwater Instead of towards = to, to; instead of = for; due to = due to; natural protection, such as virgin steppes and riverine forests, we now see plowed areas and cleared areas. this rivers began to silt up. It's hard to get in these days instead of pristine beauty, as old-timers remember V ancient sort of Kuban Cossacks. Because of no error. Rivers grow old and fade away. But they can be rejuvenated! That's why we are all interested in continuation



So, let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. Do you remember the question asked? Were you able to find the chameleon words? Choose a name for chameleon words from the suggested ones: linguistic terms

synonyms, homonyms, antonyms.

So how are chameleons and homonyms similar?

Yes, homonyms change their meaning depending on their belonging to one or another part of speech, just like chameleons change their color depending on their environment.

Formulate the topic of our lesson. What tasks will we set for ourselves?

- So, the topic of our lesson is - “Homonymy of words of different parts of speech.” If we can together determine the part of speech of outwardly similar words, then we will be able to write them correctly.

3. Updating existing knowledge.

Reception "Cluster"

What are homoforms, homographs and homophones?

(We listen to a prepared student.)

– Homographs are written the same, homophones are heard the same. The main difficulty for the student is Homophones. They are spelled differently.)

4. The main part of the lesson.

– Does the spelling of a word depend on its belonging to one or another part of speech?

(According to context.) Let's return to the text.

Exercise. Write out any sentence with chameleon words from the text. Identify them as parts of speech.

Find in the text or come up with a sentence with a homonym for this word and write it down.

– Name sentences in which derived prepositions are used and prove that these are prepositions.

– How are these prepositions written? What prepositions are written separately? Which ones are all together?

So, what needs to be done in order not to make mistakes in writing the mentioned prepositions and combinations homonymous to them? (Define part of speech...)

Working with multi-level cards

1st level. Write the words together or separately. Identify the prepositions.


As a result of rain.

About the hike.

In spite of difficulties.

Changes in the_flow_of the river.

As a result of the Ivanov case.

Deposit money into a bank account.

He walked without looking at his feet.

2nd level. Complete the words, indicate the parts of speech.

There are many whirlpools in the flow of the Kuban River.

Last year there were many sunny days. As a result of the intense heat, the river became shallow. As a result, there was a lot of uncertainty in the accident case. We were sad at first. Four months have passed since the beginning of the year. 3rd level.

Complete the words and label the parts of speech. In parentheses indicate (possible replacement prepositions, adverbs, nouns and participles. Go ahead (before– preposition)


He was driving ahead

behind – adverb).– see in the sequel of the film; to say in conclusion - to be in custody; due to drought - to participate in the investigation of the case; a flower like a lily - pay attention to the similarity of the figures.

Lesson Summary

– What are homonyms?

– Why are homophones difficult to spell?

– How to determine the part of speech of externally similar words?

– How are prepositions written?

– What prepositions are written separately, together?

6. Homework.

You will complete cards from other levels as homework.

Write a text on the topic “How to rejuvenate rivers?” using chameleon words.

If there's time left

Shall we play?

Let's get into the unusual interpretation of words. Linguists call such an unusual interpretation of words individual-author homonymy. Many jokes are based on it. Our task is to give a humorous interpretation of the proposed word. For example: bad encounters - meetings in the park, lead - pig farm worker absurdity – low quality plasticine, harvest - exchanging handshakes, spruce forest - mouth, poplar - a pedestrian, lady - bar manager swift - hairdresser, classmate – nutritionist, sniffling

- duet. Sponsor of the publication of the article: the company "", which is ready to provide any tire fitting work around the clock. Experienced craftsmen At your call, we will travel to any place in Moscow or the Moscow region to help deal with problems that may arise on the road. They will quickly and efficiently replace the tires on your car, repair the tires, eliminate side cuts, replace the wheel and carry out balancing. If earlier, when the seasons changed, you often had to spend tedious hours in line at a tire shop in order to “change the shoes” of your car, now, by contacting, you can calmly wait for specialists in the place where it is convenient for you. The technicians will come to the place you need and at the time you need, replace winter or summer tires and pick up the tires for seasonal storage

. Prices for mobile tire fitting services can be found on the company’s website at:

E.L. TRUMP Target:

familiarity with the difference between derived prepositions and non-derivative ones; ways of forming derivative prepositions.


1. Give the concept of derivative and non-derivative prepositions, their similarities and differences.

2. Strengthen the spelling of complex prepositions.

3. Improve the speech competence of students. Methodical techniques:

linguistic analysis, teacher explanation, work to prevent speech errors, exercises.

During the classes

I. Linguistic warm-up speech errors.Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worry about your younger brother, pay attention to the spelling characteristic of verbs.(Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worry about your younger brother, pay attention to spelling, characteristic of verbs).

II. Checking homework

1. A coherent monologue answer on the topic “Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech” (1 student talks, the rest give examples and review his answer).

2. Checking the tables compiled by students and summarizing the material on this topic using the table.

“Preposition as a functional part of speech”:

1. A preposition is a small word, a necessary part of our speech.

2. Does not change.

3. Not used separately from independent words in speech.

4. Expresses the dependence of a noun, numeral and pronoun on other words in a phrase and sentence.

5. Expresses various relationships between independent words.

6. Has a meaning that appears only in combination with independent words.

7. Forms two-way syntactic connections between the main and dependent words.

8. Included in the members of a sentence together with the case form of the name and clarifies the meaning of the case.

III. The concept of derivative and non-derivative prepositions

1. The teacher's word.

The very name of the prepositions that will be discussed suggests their characteristics. Non-derivative prepositions have no analogues in other parts of speech, they were formed as prepositions in, on, without, from, about, with, with, at, through and others. They are used with different cases and have many meanings. Derivative prepositions are formed by transitioning independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, they are usually used with one case, and have one or more meanings: for example, the preposition in continuation(hour, year) is formed from a noun with a preposition (to believe in continued cooperation); pretext despite formed from the gerund (the chess player plays without looking at the boards) and so on.

2. Self-study theoretical material textbook (§ 50, p. 136).

What new have you learned about prepositions? - What prepositions are called non-derivative? Derivatives? - How are derivative prepositions formed?3. Teacher summary using table:

IV. Doing exercises

1. Exercise 296: commented letter.

2. Work independently.

Guys, everyone has a card on their desk. Assignment: Write out phrases with derived prepositions from the sentences, then nouns with prepositions. Prove your point. During three days coal was loaded (Obruchev). There was nothing interesting in the continuation of the novel. The polar explorers were no longer interested in continuing the expedition. The restless behavior of the dogs during the night made us believe that some animals might meet (Obruchev). The river overflowed, and there were changes in its flow.

3 Analysis of phrases with derived prepositions.

Exercise. From the sentences written on the board, write down phrases with derived prepositions, putting the verbs in the initial form; make the necessary graphic notations, determine the meaning of derived prepositions and the case of nouns. Tell us from which independent parts of speech these prepositions were formed. (At the same time, difficult spellings are explained and attention is drawn to the spelling of derived prepositions).

1. Due to the large difference in temperature and atmospheric pressure, constant winds blow from the mainland over the interior regions of Antarctica.

2. Due to the upward movement of air, low pressure is formed at the surface of the Earth near the equator.

3. Knowledge about the Earth, its nature, and population has accumulated over many millennia.

4. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the moving air gradually deviates to the east and does not reach the poles.

Sample entry

Conclusion: Derivative prepositions, just like non-derivative ones, express the dependence of some independent words on others, establishing certain relationships between them. Unlike non-derivative prepositions, which are characterized by polysemy, derivatives are unambiguous and are used with any one case. This is due to the fact that derived prepositions retain traces of the meanings of those independent parts of speech from which they were formed: nouns, adverbs, participles. - Give examples in which the words “during”, “as a result” would be independent parts of speech.4. Exercise 297 (oral); phonetic, morphological and parsing– on the board (3 students perform analyzes at the board, the remaining students are divided into 3 options, work independently, then a check is carried out). Conclusion: The derived prepositions given in the exercise are formed from adverbs.

V. Summing up

(Is carried out using signal cards: P – derived preposition, N – non-derivative preposition). Appear from the ground.Stand in front of the house.Win through willpower.Be late due to transport delays.Sail away from the shore.Quarreling over a trifle.

VI. Reflection

The tree of knowledge has leaves of three colors: red, yellow, green.

Reds – there is still a lot that is unclear to me on this topic.

Yellow – I didn’t understand some questions in this topic.

Greens – I understood this topic very well.

VII. Homework assignment

Topic: Non-derivative and derived prepositions


Introduce students to derived and non-derivative prepositions;

Develop the ability to distinguish derived prepositions from homonymous parts of speech,

use prepositions correctly in speech;

Foster a culture of communication, attention, and respect for the language.

Lesson type: lesson in gaining new knowledge.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, group

Equipment: computer, media projector, handouts, textbook.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Today in class we will reveal another little secret of the Russian language. But to find the key to this mystery, you need to complete several tasks. Let's first smile at each other, I'm glad to see your smiles and I think that today will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

Open your workbooks and write down the number.

I . Linguistic warm-up

(1 student at the blackboard, check d/z exercise 295 (2.3)

- Correct speech errors: (slide)

Warn about danger, confidence in victory, worrytake care of your younger brother, pay attention to spelling,characteristic of verbs.

(Mutual check)

(Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worrytalk about your younger brother, pay attention to spelling, yourrelated to verbs.) (slide)

- What do you know about pretext?

2. Language warm-up.

Recording dictation of text followed by self-test.

The neighbor's cat Timofey crawled out from under the fence. He sat at the mouse hole for an hour, but the harmful mouse never showed up. Due to this turn of events, Timofey was left hungry.

Check if you wrote it correctly.

Please explain the punctuation in the second sentence. Make a diagram. (slide)

Name the parts of speech in the first sentence. (slide)

What other prepositions are written with a hyphen? (slide)

3. Statement of the problem.

    Please name the derived and non-derivative prepositions

Same slide.

    Why can't you find them? (We don't know what it is)

3) What is needed to complete this task? (You need to find out which prepositions are called derivatives and which are non-derivative)

4) This will be the main goal of our lesson.

4. Communicate the topic of the lesson, write it on the board and in notebooks. (slide)

So what is the purpose of our lesson? (slide)

How can we solve our problem?

Reading paragraph 50 pp. 138-139

5. Messages from students showing the presentation.

After working with the textbook, we learned the following about prepositions:

(The most ancient prepositions are called non-derivative. They consist of only one, less often two syllables, and sometimes even one consonant sound. And here they are: by, about, from, before, through, with, with, at, in, without , to, from, to, on and others...

Derivative prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, thereby losing their lexical meaning and morphological features. For example: about, past, despite, by, etc.

(slide) Derivative prepositions are formed from

Adverbs : near, around, past, after, behind;

noun : in view of, to the extent of, as a result of, about, during;

Participles : thanks, ending, including, despite .

6. Solving the problem.

Can you now name derived and non-derivative prepositions? (slide)

Now you will see 2 offers. Determine which of them

derivative preposition. (slide)

What else can we add to the purpose of our lesson? What else do we need to learn? (Distinguish derivative prepositions from independent parts of speech) (slide)

How are they different?

7. Primary consolidation. (slides)

- Let's look at a few examples.


A gusty wind quickly rushed towards me through the yellow, dried stubble.

Along the old shady garden path, the son hurried towards the house, and the father walked towards him.

It is indecent to be late for a previously scheduled meeting.

Rushed (towards whom?) towards to me. – Etc. pretext .

Went (where?) towards .– Adverb .

Be late (for what?) for a meeting. – Noun .


I left my acquaintances, thanking them for their warm welcome.

Thanks to the help of a friend, I coped with difficulties

Left (doing what?) thanks to . – Participle .

coped ( thanks to what?) thanks to help.–

Derivative preposition .


Derivative prepositions cannot be asked a question; they do not denote specific objects,

signs or actions.

They are not members of a sentence; they indicate the connection between the main and dependent words in a phrase. Formed from significant parts of speech.


Determine what part of speech the highlighted word is in the sentences.

The football player was racingpast (adverb) . During the trip we sailedby house (preposition).

Sasha and Tanya were happythanks to parents for wonderful gifts. (gerund) Andrey understood the rule thanks to the teacher. (preposition)

ATTENTION! A derived preposition can be replaced by a non-derivative or another derived preposition.

due to a snowstorm (due to),

about the hike (o),

due to frost (due to),

during the day (for),

a few years later (after)

make your way through the thickets (through),

sitting near the fire (at) .

Before starting the next work, a physical minute against the backdrop of nature:

Stand up slowly, raise your arms sharply,

lower them smoothly, jump high,

squat low, sit quietly at your desk.

8. Independent differentiated work:

1 option - ex. 296. Selective cheating. Write down phrases with derived prepositions.

Option 2 – work on cards (see Appendix) Write down only phrases with non-derivative prepositions.

Option 3 - work with cards. Write down the phrases in two columns: 1) with non-derivative prepositions; 2) with derivative prepositions

9. Checking independent work .

Option 2 – self-check using the card.

Option 3 – self-test according toslide:


Climbing a mountain against predictions

Under the tree during class

On the way due to the rain

In the Caucasus due to bad weather

From under the dome towards the wind

Outside the window due to fire

1 option – collective verification.

10. Test work with self-test

1. How many prepositions are there in the poetic passage?

Russia begins with addiction

To work, to patience, to truth, to kindness.

That's where her star lies. She's beautiful!

It burns and shines in the dark. (V. Bokov) (A-5; B-6; V-7; G-8)

2. Which part of the sentence is a preposition?

A. Circumstance.

B. Addition.

B. It is not an independent member of a sentence, but is included in their composition along with significant words.

3. Find phrases with non-derivative prepositions:

A. jump over puddles;

B. live at the station;

B. Thanks to heavy rains;

D. Build behind the house.

4. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted words are prepositions.

A. The herd pulled past the house.

B. Virgo looks around with amazed eyes.

B. Near the forest, as if in a soft bed, you can sleep well.

G. The most persistent ones walked ahead.

5. Indicate derivative prepositions.

A. In, on, over, from, under, with.

B. Thanks to, during, according to, despite.

(Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, B, 4-A, C, 5-B)

11. Lesson summary.

    How do derived prepositions differ from non-derivative ones?

(Difference between derived prepositions and non-derivative ones: derived prepositions originate from independent parts of speech)

How are they similar?

(Derivative and non-derivative prepositions serve to connect words in a phrase)

12. Homework.

1. P.50, exercise 297

2. Creative task of your choice: Describe the street where you live, using adverbial prepositions: near, near, behind, near

13. Evaluation, gratitude.


Write down phrases only with non-derivative prepositions.

Go into the water, tell a secret, load into a boat, appeared from behind the clouds, appeared in front of me, settled down near the dachas, walked near the house, was expected for the holiday, collapsed with her, walked towards the wind, will find thanks to resourcefulness, be on the mountain.

Insert the necessary prepositions into the sentence:

We met old friends when exiting... the metro.

We were invited to participate in... a competition.

The frightened kitten jumped out right ... corner.

... bad weather the walk was cancelled.

The Russian language has independent and... parts of speech.

Functional parts of speech are….

Service part speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and sentence is called....

Prepositions with words are always written…. They should be distinguished from...

Prepositions can be non-derivative and...

Non-derivative prepositions are, for example, ....

Derivatives are those prepositions that...

Derivative prepositions can be formed from…. (examples)

Write down the phrases in two columns: 1) with non-derivative prepositions; 2) with derivative prepositions.

Climbing a mountain, contrary to predictions, under a tree, during a lesson, along the road, due to rain, in the Caucasus, due to bad weather, from under a dome, towards the wind, outside the window. Due to a fire.