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» Advantages of wooden frame houses. How a frame house is assembled: the best options Elements of a frame house made of wood

Advantages of wooden frame houses. How a frame house is assembled: the best options Elements of a frame house made of wood

Frame house construction has a solid list of advantages. Thanks to the features of the walls frame houses, the construction of the facility requires 2 times less wood than timber or log structures. To ensure the same thermal performance, the required frame house significantly less in comparison with walls made using any other technology.

Having a smaller wall thickness, with the same built-up area, at the exit of the house there is additional usable area.

Ease frame walls allows you to significantly reduce costs. Used modern materials provide high thermal insulation properties of the house. With the same wall thickness, the thermal insulation of a frame house is two times better than that of a brick house, and more than 3 times better than that of walls made of.

All of the above advantages, as well as the speed of construction and affordable price frame house makes it popular among consumers. But when developing a project, you need to remember the main functions of any home: to be warm and. It doesn’t matter whether the house is built with your own hands or with the help of specialists, know what it looks like right at home, built according to frame technology, will not be superfluous.

What is the wall of a frame house made of?

Wall structure frame structure includes several required nodes:

  • rigidly connected frame made of horizontal frames (lower and upper), additional elements and vertical posts;
  • internal filler of frame cells, performing the functions of heat and;
  • along internal and external areas, fixing the frame contour.
  1. imitation timber
  2. membrane
  3. Wood board or
  4. Wall frame - or
  5. slabs
  6. Soundproofing
  7. Internal lathing
  8. Soundproofing material
  9. or wood board
  10. or exterior finishing

This frame wall design wooden house received the name "" from experts. Let's look at which pie is correct, “delicious”.

According to technology, the construction of the walls of a wooden house should be made of high-quality dry wood. The result of using undried wood will certainly be cracks, since due to natural drying over time, the width of the edged board decreases.

If you take a raw board with a width of 150 mm, then, in the process of natural release of moisture, its width will become 145-147 mm.

This will not only lead to the formation of cracks in the walls, drafts, and blow-ins, but also to a decrease in fastening characteristics. Therefore, in order not to resort to insulating the corners in a year or two, it is necessary to follow the technology during the construction process and use dried lumber for the frame. Most often, the construction of the walls of a wooden house is made from the most common sizes of edged boards - 50 * 150 mm or 50 * 200 mm. The width size is selected taking into account the expected thickness of the thermal insulation layer required for a given climatic region.

Insulation of a frame wall

Various thermal insulation materials are used as insulation in the cake: foam insulation, ecowool and others. The choice of them on the modern market is quite large. The main thing is that the material in the wall is stable in the vertical plane - it does not settle and does not gather like an accordion in the lower part of the structure, leading to the appearance of uncovered upper sections (cold bridges). To do this, use slab insulation or foam fixation.

When used as a heat insulator, it is necessary to seal the gaps along the contour to ensure tightness around the perimeter of the junction. Considering the cost of polyurethane foam, the use of cheap insulation does not always help save money.

So that the insulation inside the walls does not accumulate moisture (which not only reduces its thermal insulation properties, but can also lead to unpleasant smell indoors) a vapor barrier film is used. Arrange according to inner surface walls, always from bottom to top with an overlap. The overlap line is usually marked on the film roll. To ensure tightness, the joints are sealed with self-adhesive tape.

Important! the use of a vapor barrier film leads to the formation of closed air in interior spaces Houses. Therefore, in frame houses, a correctly calculated effective ventilation system is very important.

The outer side of the frame is sewn up depending on preference: oriented with particle board (OSB), cement bonded particle board(OSB), moisture-resistant plywood or other similar ones. These materials not only perform a tightening role, ensure structural strength, but also protect thermal insulation from external influences.

The design of the walls of a private house in variants of engineering solutions

Technologically, the frame structure of the walls of a private house can be performed in two different ways:

  • Assembly of the frame structure at the construction site. Directly at the construction site, lumber is cut and walls are installed.
  • Assembling a house from boards or panels prepared in production. They are delivered to the construction site, made to size according to the design documentation. Construction crew does not engage in sawing piece parts, but only performs installation work. This method, on the one hand, reduces the time required to complete the work; the outline of the house is assembled in a very short time. On the other hand, the mass of the elements of the house can be quite significant and to carry out the work it is necessary to use either a large team or lifting mechanisms (truck crane).

The panel house wall design is available in several versions.

  • Shields sewn on one side.

With this technology, wall insulation is carried out only after the assembly of the power kit (box) is completed. Then you can start covering the second side.

  • Double-sided shields (). The panel includes a dense layer of expanded polystyrene, with oriented particle boards. This type The shield is significantly stronger than a conventional frame one.

Installation of frame walls

Structurally, a frame house has the following components: top and bottom trim, height posts, fastening slopes, ceilings, door opening trim, etc. The installation order of these units is determined by the selected technical and technological solutions.

  • Most often, installation of a frame structure along the base is used. This method is called platform. At this method Assembling the house, parts of the walls in the form of connected frames are mounted on the surface of the platform and attached to the basement floor along the subfloors. The walls of the second, attic or one and a half floors are assembled in the same way. That is, first they arrange the floors between the floors, after which the walls are installed.

The advantages of such an engineering solution are simpler work. A flat laying area ensures more accurate cutting, facilitates the work of builders, and ultimately increases the speed and quality of work.

The disadvantage is that it is necessary to have a considerable amount of covering material in case rainy weather to prevent the subfloor materials from getting wet (usually the material used for such floors is DSP).

But main drawback installation work in this way is that the frame structure for repairing the walls of the house or ceilings during operation will serve as a hindrance. After all, the main wall is located directly on the beams. If beams need to be replaced over time, this will result in significant labor costs.

Of course, if the floor beams are properly treated with antiseptic and protective agents, the operating conditions will eliminate the impact high humidity, That this disadvantage will not be significant. But in the basement, where aggressive influence environment usually higher, it is preferable to provide for the possibility of periodic inspection of the floor elements.

  • You can, of course, lay the beams and subfloors of the basement after installing the frame blocks of the first floor. However, this option complicates the process of assembling frame frames due to the lack flat surface. In addition, it becomes difficult to adjust the subfloor and thermal insulation at the junction of the ceilings and the surface of the walls.

  • Another solution is to cover the base in the form of an independent box inside the wall perimeter. True, to use such an engineering solution, a width is required that allows you to place a frame wall and floor beams on it. This solution allows you to first build a basement platform, then assemble frame wall frames on it. On the one hand, this option increases the cost of the foundation, on the other hand, the construction time and, as a consequence, the cost are reduced.

For frame houses, it is possible to use virtually any type of foundation. The most cost-effective one is point-based and without a grillage. To tie a point foundation, use a thick

Building a frame house with your own hands is a completely feasible task. You just need to figure out the sequence in which the main elements are installed, and you can pour the foundation, build the frame, and install all the other elements yourself. First, the sequence of constructing a house with your own hands as a whole will be considered, and then each stage separately.

Step-by-step instructions for building a frame house with your own hands

First, prepare the tools and materials that will allow you to install a frame house. You will need the following:

Figure 1. Diagram of a frame house with an attic.

  • hammer big size and a smaller instrument;
  • several chisels of different sizes;
  • electric plane;
  • a large nail puller and a smaller tool;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric circular saw;
  • electric drill and set of drills;
  • building level;
  • plumb line;
  • several brushes of different sizes;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • scaffolding;
  • ladder;
  • marker;
  • concrete for the foundation of the structure (you can make it yourself or buy a ready-made solution);
  • reinforcement of different sections;
  • waterproofing material (usually roofing material is used);
  • board of load-bearing walls (to construct this part of the structure you will need a board measuring 400x15x5 mm);
  • board for constructing a floor frame (you will need pine elements measuring 400x20x5 mm);
  • boards for internal partitions (products 400x10x5 mm are sufficient);
  • OSB boards (traditionally 2.2 cm thick boards are used);
  • thermal insulation material(you can use polystyrene foam and mineral wool);
  • polyethylene film for waterproofing the structure;
  • plasterboard for finishing walls indoors;
  • lining for exterior finishing structures (siding is also suitable);
  • roofing material(experts recommend using metal tiles for the roof of a frame house, but if you wish, you can opt for other materials);
  • pipes, wires and other elements for the installation of communications (think in advance about the layout of the future frame house and buy materials in accordance with it);
  • leveling compounds;
  • antiseptics;
  • paint and varnish compositions.

The frame house itself can be erected according to one of two options, namely:

  1. Installation can be carried out from ready-made factory elements.
  2. Installation is carried out directly on construction site, and the assembly and fastening of all elements will also be carried out independently.

Figure 2. Drawing of the wall of a frame house.

To completely build a frame house with your own hands, it is better to consider the second option. First they prepare project documentation and drawings. All the nuances, the order of fastening and installation of various elements, dimensions and others important points must be provided for in advance so that in the future there will be no problems with fitting materials, etc. There are many standard projects. For example, you can take as a basis the diagram of a frame house (Fig. 1). The main attachment points and interface points are given there. If desired, you can order individual project V specialized company. The project must contain drawings of the foundation of the frame house, plans for each floor, floors and roofing system, as well as facades and sections.

The foundation is being laid according to the project. Installation of a frame house is most often carried out on a column-type base. At the top, individual pillars are connected by a grillage in single design high rigidity. It is not necessary to invite professionals to install such a foundation. You just need to find one or two helpers. At this stage, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the grillage surface using a building level.

Fastening the lower trim is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Waterproofing in the form of roofing felt is laid on the finished foundation.
  2. After this, the installation of the bottom trim beam is carried out. In the corners, fastening is done using anchors or nails.

Figure 3. Technology for building a frame house with your own hands.

It is important to check the horizontality of the timber. Its fastening must be strictly horizontal. Angles and diagonals are also checked. The timber is fastened to the base of the frame house using anchor bolts. The distance between the fastening points should be no more than 100 cm. The diagonals, angles and horizontality of the beam are checked again.

Next, the vertical frame posts are installed. Work begins with the corner elements. To make it easier, you can see what the attachment point looks like (Fig. 2). The racks are attached to the bars of the lower trim. To do this, use reinforced steel corners. See how the fastening points should be arranged (Fig. 3).

It is necessary to make temporary fastening of the racks. This way they won't wobble. The racks are fastened on one side diagonally using a board. Remember the door and window openings. In these places, the racks will be fastened at a distance different from other sections of the wall.

Installation of timber top harness performed using steel angles. Carefully check the horizontal and vertical fastening of all elements of this part of the frame house.

Next, each rack is secured using permanent jibs. Use a beam of relatively small cross-section. Look at the mounting points at this stage (Fig. 4). Ceiling beams are being installed and secured. Steel corners are also used. Are being created truss structure and sheathing. The selected roofing. The outside of the frame house is sheathed with plywood. You can use DSP or OSB. Fastening in progress vapor barrier membrane. This is done using a construction stapler. In the future, sheathing will be nailed along it and siding will be installed.

Figure 4. Scheme of the roof structure of a frame house.

The space between the racks must be tightly filled with thermal insulation material. It must be covered with a vapor barrier film. Use a stapler to attach it to the frame posts. The inside walls of the house are sheathed with plywood or OSB.

This is what the overall sequence of building a frame house looks like. However, this general information not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each stage separately.

Arrangement of the foundation for a frame house

As a rule, frame houses have 1-2 floors. Experts strongly do not recommend making a frame house higher than 2 floors. And it’s better to make the second floor an attic.

Most often, as already noted, for the construction of a frame house they build columnar foundation. You can use a strip base, as well as a prefabricated structure made of concrete blocks. Belt systems require the use of strong reinforcement to create additional strength and rigidity. In the case of columnar systems, the required rigidity is ensured using a monolithic grillage. When constructing a prefabricated base, a strong and reliable fastening is used to increase rigidity. It must be attached along the entire lower trim.

Guide to constructing a house frame

In the process of building a frame house, they use frame structures made of metal and wood. Metal frames increase the cost of a home by an average of 30-40 percent. Therefore, they are not as popular as wood frames. But a metal structure has much less weight, which allows you to save money on the foundation. In the case of wood, the most suitable material is oak. If you don’t have money for oak, timber will do High Quality from other breeds. Its cross-section must be at least 150 mm². A tongue-and-groove connection is used in the corners. The fit needs to be close. Gaps must not be left.

Professional builders categorically do not recommend using metal fasteners, as this material intensifies the processes of wood decay. Therefore, if possible, self-tapping screws and nails should be abandoned. Rotting will make the connection weaker. In such conditions, the frame house will slowly but surely become loose. To ensure a reliable, durable and building-safe connection, wooden dowels are suitable.

It is most convenient to install thermal insulation material in wall spaces. But in order for the structure not to lose its rigidity, it is necessary to brace the frame with braces. If this is not done, under the influence of external loads, distortions will occur over time, which will lead to further destruction. In accordance with the technology of building a frame house, everything needs to be done taking into account the creation of 3 braces. They are made from the same material as frame racks.

On the outside, the frame is covered with boards. It is best that the skin is not horizontal, but inclined by 30-40°. To do this, you can use tongue-and-groove boards 6 cm thick or lining. It is also important to take into account the fact that the wood you use to build a frame house may decrease or increase in volume during the first 12-18 months. Therefore, there is no need to completely nail the boards external cladding. Otherwise, after a year and a half, the casing may become deformed.

Arrangement of the floor and walls of a frame house

Installation of the structure begins with laying high-quality timber around the perimeter of the walls. Use a beam with a cross-section of 15x15 cm. Before installing the bursa, lay the roofing material. The wood itself must be treated with an antiseptic composition. Installation is carried out using anchor bolts. Try to set the angles as accurately as possible. Use a building level to check. The maximum permissible skew is 1 cm.

To construct the load-bearing structures of the walls and floor of a frame house, you need to use the same materials. If the materials are different, then their expansion coefficients will also differ. This can lead to the house simply becoming warped over time. For the subfloor, use an uncut board. This is the most budget-friendly and quite acceptable option. First, the lags are installed. Thermal insulation material is laid between them. Floorboards are placed on top. After completing the floor, begin building the walls.

Before you start building the walls, find a flat, dry area to assemble them. Otherwise the walls will warp. The frame is assembled from identical vertical boards. If possible, you need to select boards of such a length that would correspond to the height of the premises of your future frame house.

High ceilings require a lot of materials. However, it is better not to do them below 2.4 m either. Otherwise, pressure will be felt in the room, causing psychological discomfort. During the wall construction phase, you may want to consider saving on building materials by installing sloping ceilings. Similar ceilings will have the same bevel angle as the slope roof slope. Thanks to this, you can create a comfortable attic space, install there correct windows and provide a more interesting and cozy result.

Calculate wall sections based on the maximum permissible and expected loads on the floor of the house. Beams are installed at distances of 300, 400 and 600 mm. Select the width of the boards in accordance with the selected cladding material.

What to cover the walls with?

Sheathing is most often done with siding. If you choose it, then you need to maintain a distance of 20-30 cm. If you use particle board, pseudo-log house or block house, then you can increase the distance to 40-50 cm.

Siding is the most practical, durable and easy-to-use cladding material. You don't have to paint it or open it with varnish. You don't even have to wash it regularly. The only drawback, and even then a subjective one, is the unnaturalness of such a finish.

If a frame house is built in a factory, then, as a rule, sandwich panels are used. WITH economic point In our opinion, this is the most profitable option.

Panels of this type weigh little, which makes it possible to reduce the load on the foundation of a frame house and generally make its structure lighter. In addition, sandwich panels have low thermal conductivity. This moment allows you to optimally solve the issues of thermal insulation of a frame house.

Installation of windows and roofing

It is necessary to pay due attention to the installation of windows. According to technology, the window area should be equal to 18% of the total area of ​​the wall with the window opening. So the number and size of openings are selected individually. As for double-glazed windows, single glazing is sufficient for seasonal homes. If the frame house will be used throughout the year, you need to buy double-glazed windows with 2 or even 3 glasses. Select the required quantity taking into account the climatic characteristics of your region.

And the last stage in the construction of a frame house structure is the installation of the roof. The roof can be covered with a wide variety of materials. Experts recommend using natural tiles. It goes best with wood. You can choose in favor of any other one you like based on its properties, appearance or the price of the material. Good luck!

This method allows you to solve housing problems in rural areas and quickly build up dacha areas.

In addition, the frame walls of these houses make your home reliable, warm, environmentally friendly and quiet.

The first timber frame houses

This type of construction has gained particular popularity and fame due to the possibility of using more economical materials.

When erected and installed on frame walls, it takes several times less wood than for paving stones and log walls. Thanks to this feature, their weight is reduced and the house can be installed on.

For the inside of the block, a special polyurethane is used, or. Thermal insulation characteristics these materials are very high. This ensures less heat loss when heating the room. All layers can be joined into a monolithic panel using polyurethane glue. Holes for doors or windows in such blocks can be cut at the construction site.

According to their own design features frame walls made of small-sized panels are no different from the features of standard wall partitions. The only difference is that during installation the panels are laid in one piece, and their joints are reinforced with a special silicone mass. For strong grip and fixation of individual parts and elements with the lower beam, the fastening is fixed strictly at the seams and inside assembled frame wall.

Installation of frame house walls

Installing a wall alone

The installation and installation of frame walls begins with the bottom frame. Wooden beams are also prepared for this. The lower trim is laid in a strictly horizontal position. All splice connections at joints and corners can be made half-timber if necessary. During installation, be sure to check the squareness of all constructed contours through measurements of the lower diagonals. Fasten the bottom trim with twists to the anchors embedded in the foundation.

Install the racks with a minimum step of 600 mm.

The distance between the racks for and doors can be determined by the size of the box of these elements. If necessary, their number is increased by adding window sill and overhead racks.

For the strength and rigidity of the supporting structure, in places where the wall partition is adjacent to the frame house, a special additional support is installed, which is reinforced with struts.

An upper frame is placed on top of the racks, connecting them together in half a tree. When building up the harness, its fastening is carried out strictly above the racks. The resulting frame wall structure, as a rule, is sheathed with wood or other selected materials with obligatory laying and.

Frame-panel house structures are a modern and prefabricated technology in construction, as they have more competitive performance compared to wooden, brick and aerated concrete houses. The basis of the entire prefabricated house structure is a frame made of wood or metal. The frame consists of the upper and lower frames, vertical supports, walls, then comes the outer and interior lining, inside which there is thermal insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing, then - external cladding.

Timber frame houses are very popular due to the relatively low cost of construction.


The main advantage of a frame house is the speed of its construction (2-3 months).

  1. Short construction time: construction of a frame house with total area about 150 sq.m takes about two months, or even one, and construction brick house– 8 months minimum. The frame box is installed in 2 weeks, followed by finishing. These are prefabricated construction technologies.
  2. The entire construction process is not so labor-intensive and makes it possible to preserve the existing vegetation and landscape on the site.
  3. Required thermal insulation properties modern design with a fairly low wall thickness of about 25 cm.
  4. Lightweight design does not put as much stress on the foundation as weight brick construction, which allows you to significantly reduce its cost. A house built using frame technology is most resistant to seasonal changes that affect physical changes in the foundation and soil.
  5. Frame house allows you to install communications inside the walls.
  6. Mobility frame system allows you to change existing communications.
  7. Frame technology allows the construction of industrial buildings at a significant speed, which significantly reduces the cost of one square meter.
  8. It is possible to install stoves or fireplaces and other enclosing structures in frame-panel houses, as in houses made of wooden beams. In terms of durability and strength, a frame house in some cases surpasses structures made of timber and logs. These advantages are achieved by using large-sized moisture-resistant panels - oriented strand boards, which give additional strength to the structure and create an enclosing structure that protects the wood from aggressive environmental influences.

Pie diagram for outer wall frame house.

Assessing the overall benefits of frame house construction, we can conclude that it is more profitable production, corresponding technical specifications and operating requirements.

There are two types of house structures - frame-frame or frame-panel (panel).

To build a panel house, you need a pre-prepared foundation and the use of special equipment, such as freight car, for delivery of finished panels and a crane for installation of roof panels and fences.

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Panel construction installation technology

Before you start installing panel structures, you need to prepare the base.

The first method is the main one, in which the base is made up of individual wooden trusses having lower and upper trim - logs on which the floor is laid.

The second method is to install the panels on a core made of logs, while the floor joists are not connected to the core and the walls of the house.

To build a frame-panel house, a pre-made foundation is required.

After fastening the shields and installing interior partitions and fences, the roof is being erected.

The shields are fixed to each other with a standard tongue-and-groove fastening or steel corners and plates; after installation, the shields are fastened with a top frame made of timber.

The roof for a frame house is often trussed ready-made panels. The rafters are mounted directly on the house.

The main advantages of building a panel house are time savings, additional strength and stability of the structure thanks to the frame framing. After installing the roof, the door and window units and are produced interior decoration and enclosing structures, since no additional time is required for shrinkage of the house.

The frame of the walls is constructed from logs, the frame posts are fixed together with lower and upper frames and horizontal jumpers, and for additional rigidity, metal jibs are used between the frame stops.

Installation of roof trusses is carried out on side walls houses, and roof battens are installed on top of the rafters. The roof is then covered with roofing material.

The absence of seasonal restrictions significantly saves time when constructing a frame house. Unlike the construction of a panel house, the use of special equipment is not required. The price of building a frame house is 15-20% less than the price of a panel house. Architectural design has no technological limitations in comparison with a frame-panel project.

TO structural elements Such a frame house includes the foundation, frame and roof.

The choice of foundation determines the composition and type of soil, as well as the weight of the future structure. If the soil is silty or subsiding, then the foundation would be better suited slab In this case, a basement is not provided. Thanks to the large area of ​​contact with the ground, the pressure on it is reduced, distributing the weight over the entire slab.

A shallow foundation requires removal of the top fertile soil layer by at least 0.5 m to reduce soil compression. The slabs are laid on a layer of sand. The weight of 1 square meter of a frame house is about 165 kg.

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Necessary building materials for a wooden frame

  • timber 100x100 (or 100x150 for northern latitudes) or logs with a diameter of 12-14 cm;
  • edged board 50x100 (150) and 25x100 (150) mm;
  • embedded timber or logs.

The moisture content of lumber should not be more than 15%.

For a one-story house, boards for racks with a thickness of 50 mm are suitable, for a two-story house - 100x100 mm.

The choice of roof type depends on the project and whether residential attic space. The most popular are gable and mansard roofs, as they are convenient for covering all types of roofing materials. Hip roof Suitable for regions where strong squally winds prevail.

They require high-quality roofing material, and it is also necessary to provide a system of thermal insulation and waterproofing.

A frame house is a great opportunity to acquire your own comfortable housing for reasonable money and in short term. But to be the first strong wind or soil heaving has not folded it like a house of cards, you need to know the clear sequence of work and some secrets frame construction. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do it correctly.

Design project and drawing of a house

Design will help you significantly reduce construction time, avoid many mistakes and reduce material consumption. But this is not only about designing the interior of the rooms. The design project includes blueprints. For the foundation, rafter system and the frame of the walls they are simply necessary.

To develop a design project and drawings, you can turn to professional designers or try to master specialized programs. For example: ArchiCAD, Arcon, WoodEngine, CadWork. However, please note that some programs require the purchase of a license key and time to master.

Laying the foundation for a frame house

A frame house can be erected by you on a slab, pile, column or strip foundation. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for a certain type of soil. How to determine which one to choose?

Soil analysis at the construction site

A foundation selected in accordance with the characteristics of the soil is not just a reliable foundation for the entire structure. This is also rational use your funds. A frame house does not always need an expensive slab or deep foundation.

Do right choice will help earth analysis, taken from the construction site. What it will help determine:

  1. Depth groundwater. If they flow close to the soil surface, you will have to abandon the construction of a cellar.
  2. Qualitative composition of the soil (fine sand, gravel, clay, etc.). The best option for construction is gravel soil, the worst is fine sand.
  3. The depth of soil freezing. The larger it is, the more labor-intensive and expensive the foundation work will be.

For research, you can dig a hole yourself, at least one and a half meters deep, take soil samples and take them to the laboratory. A less labor-intensive option is to invite geological engineers directly to the construction site.

Features of strip foundation

The strip foundation is a closed loop of reinforced concrete. It is laid under the load-bearing walls of the house along their entire length.

Despite the laboriousness and high cost of installation, the strip base is the best option for a frame house. It has a large load-bearing surface, allows you to arrange a basement and perform construction works even on heaving soil.

Construction sequence strip foundation:

  1. Digging a trench and laying a sand cushion on its bottom.
  2. Waterproofing trench walls.
  3. Installation of wooden formwork.
  4. Assembly and installation of reinforcing mesh.
  5. Pouring the formwork with concrete and compacting it.

Height of strip foundation should be at least 2 times its width. Under such conditions, transverse deformation does not occur in it.

Pile-screw foundation - a simple and affordable foundation for a house

A pile-screw foundation allows you to build a residential building on weak areas and areas with uneven terrain without construction experience. It becomes a reliable support for the walls, since the piles firmly cling to hard rock below the freezing level of the soil.

Screw piles– metal rods, onto the pointed ends of which blades are welded. This design allows you to simply screw them into the ground like a drill. This can be done using special equipment or manually. But in the latter case, at least three people will be needed.

Laying a columnar foundation

The columnar foundation is erected only on stable soils with high bearing capacity.

The work is carried out step by step:

  1. Round holes are drilled in the ground along the selected perimeter.
  2. They install a metal frame connected from reinforcement.
  3. Formwork made from casing pipes is lowered into the wells.
  4. Above-ground elements are cut one level at a time.
  5. The wells are filled with concrete and compacted.

The height of the heads (the above-ground part of the pillars) should not be less than 400 mm. Otherwise, the wood flooring will rot from constant exposure to moisture.

Slab foundation - when considerable investments pay off

The slab foundation is rightfully considered the most expensive. This is due to the large load-bearing area, which is the main advantage of a monolithic foundation.

A house built on such a slab is protected from distortions, because even when exposed to the forces of frost heaving, it moves along with the foundation.

The base laying technology involves

  1. Removing the top layer of soil (fertile).
  2. Laying geofabric, backfilling the sand and gravel cushion and compacting it.
  3. Flooring waterproofing material.
  4. Installation of wooden formwork.
  5. Installation and installation of mesh knitted from ribbed reinforcement.
  6. Pouring concrete and its subsequent compaction with a special vibration machine.

The height of the slab base is usually 100 mm.

Bottom frame of the house

If you are planning to build a frame house with your own hands, you cannot do without the bottom frame. It unites all the elements of the foundation, if it is columnar or pile-screw, connects the base of the house with its walls, and serves as a support for laying the floor.

For device bottom trim use 150x200 mm timber or a bunch of boards placed at the end. Lumber must be pre-treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

They are fixed to the foundation using anchor bolts with a wide nut. The beams are connected to each other using panels or “half a tree”, “in a paw”, additionally strengthening them with nails and steel corners.

Laying and insulating the subfloor

The basis of the subfloor are beams basement floor. Their function is performed by beams with a cross-section of 140x180 mm or boards measuring at least 160x50 mm. Perfect option– material with the same cross-section as the elements of the lower trim.

The floor beams are fastened “in half a tree”, making appropriate cuts. For additional fixation, use two nails at each junction of the beams.

Then the flooring and its insulation are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Attaching the cranial bars to the bottom of the beams.
  2. Fixing subfloor boards on them.
  3. Waterproofing beams and decking using dense polyethylene.
  4. Laying insulation in cells formed by beams.
  5. Installation of vapor barrier.
  6. The flooring is plywood, floorboard or OSB board.

This “pie” is ready for finishing at the final stage self-construction frame house.

Stages of construction of the frame of walls and roof

The subfloor with its rigid base is the reference point for the construction of the wall frame and installation of the rafter system under the roof. This is one of the most labor-intensive stages of building a frame house.

Installation of vertical racks for external walls

Using the existing lower trim, markings are made for fastening the vertical frame posts. Their length determines the height of the ceiling on the floor minus its finishing.

Work begins with the installation of corner elements with a cross-section of at least 100x100 mm. They are fixed in two main ways:

For racks on straight sections, timber with a smaller cross-section – 50x100 mm – is suitable. Its connection to the harness is made by complete or partial cutting or using steel corners. Here you can use fasteners without reinforcement.

When determining the pitch of the racks, be guided by the width of the insulation or sheet material of the wall cladding. To prevent the vertical elements of the frame from tilting, they can be fixed with temporary jibs.

Upper frame frame and interfloor slab

Only after fixing the racks strictly vertically and in a stationary position do they begin to work on the upper trim. All grooves and fastenings in it must be similar to those that took place in a similar lower belt. This will give the structure good spatial rigidity.

Note! The width of the top frame beams should be equal to the width of the vertical posts.

Mounted similarly to the basement. Logs from boards 50x200 mm with a pitch of 600-800 mm are fastened with nails to the beams of the upper frame.

If the ceiling is not an element of the roof truss system, but the floor of the second floor, it must be additionally reinforced with spacers. Their function is performed edged boards, which are lined up between the logs in one line and fixed with nails. With a second floor span of 2.5-3 m, one line of spacers is sufficient. For a larger span you will need two parallel lines.

Assembling the rafter system

The rafter system determines the shape of the roof of a frame house built from scratch. Most often it is gable.

Suitable for rafters boards with a section of 50x150 mm or 50x200 mm. They are installed on the bars of the upper trim in increments of 0.6-1.1 m.

The rafters are also connected to each other, which gives the roof appropriate rigidity and determines its bearing capacity. To do this, use the following elements:

  • longitudinal runs;
  • lathing;
  • crossbars;
  • racks;
  • sill;
  • puff.

If the width of the span of the second floor or attic is less than 10 m and there are no load-bearing walls in the house, except for external ones, you can install hanging rafters. This system involves fastening each rafter with one end to the frame, and the other to the counter element. Tightening in the form horizontal beam allows you to strengthen the structure.

Layered rafters appropriate where there is intermediate support for them in the form load-bearing wall or columnar element. They are reinforced with internal middle pillars.

Thermal insulation of walls and roof

Work on insulating walls and roofs should begin only after all windows and doors have been installed.

In a proper frame house, the technology for their implementation is similar and comes down to creating a “pie” consisting of several layers.

  • External cladding. It can be fiberboard, OSB, DSP or facade board.
  • Waterproofing. Necessary to protect the insulation from moisture from the street.
  • Thermal insulation material. This can be polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc.
  • Vapor barrier. Typically, a membrane film is used to remove moisture from the room.
  • Internal lining. Suitable for these purposes: plywood, OSB, drywall.

The roof is not sheathed on the outside sheet material. His place is taken sheathing, which serves as the basis for the roofing material.

The insulation of the interfloor ceiling is similar to the thermal insulation of the subfloor.

Frame house engineering systems

Without engineering communications a frame house will be a dark and cold box. For this reason, it is necessary to know where and at what stage they are laid.

  • Heating and water supply system pipes are mounted inside frame walls. This is done before they are insulated. The cold water supply pipe is placed in a corrugated moisture-resistant “sleeve”, which is associated with the constant formation of condensation on it.
  • Sewer pipes are installed in walls and under the floor. Their supply to septic tanks is provided at the stage of laying the foundation.
  • Electrical cables are located inside the walls, under suspended ceiling or in the channels of baseboards.
  • The laying of hidden electrical cables can only be carried out in special pipes and ducts. These works are also carried out before the walls are thermally insulated.

Video: unacceptable mistakes in construction