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» The full form of the participle agrees with. I wonder what a participle is? How many forms of participles can be formed from transitive verbs SV

The full form of the participle agrees with. I wonder what a participle is? How many forms of participles can be formed from transitive verbs SV

Evening out complexion at home, possible reasons the appearance of an uneven shade, a variety of products and folk recipes for self-normalization of skin tone.

The content of the article:

Uneven skin color is a problem for many people, which has many possible causes and even more solutions. Some people do not pay attention to such defects. Others, mostly women, spend a lot of time and effort trying to eliminate them. In this article we will talk about how to even out your complexion at home.

Causes of uneven skin color

A small percentage of our planet's population can boast of perfect skin. The vast majority of people have certain problems, for example, the appearance of age spots, redness, peeling with the formation of light areas of the skin, dark circles under the eyes, uneven tanning, spots left after acne.

All these skin imperfections are of greater concern to the female sex, who strive for perfection in appearance. There are many ways to stabilize skin tone, but to choose the right option, you must correctly determine the cause of color imperfections.

Let us describe the possible causes of uneven skin color:

  • Lack of sufficient hydration and nutrition of the skin;
  • Incorrect and untimely care of the dermis, frequent use low-quality care and makeup products;
  • Poor lifestyle (poor diet, bad habits, disproportionate combination of work and rest schedules, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity);
  • Impact sun rays, low and high air temperatures;
  • Lack of fresh air;
  • Presence of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Unfavorable hormonal levels;
  • Genetic predisposition.
Obviously, some causes appear due to human fault and can be eliminated independently; getting rid of others requires health care. In any case, the appearance of an uneven complexion indicates that something in your usual life needs to be changed in order to preserve beauty and youth.

Existing methods of making skin tone uniform are divided into professional ones, i.e. those that are performed in salons and clinics by medical and cosmetology specialists, and non-professional ones that can be used at home by people who do not have professional skills and do not have special equipment and equipment.

How to even out your skin tone

In order to stabilize skin tone at home, there are a lot of ways and means, some of them can be bought in pharmacies or cosmetic stores, while others can be made from available products and substances yourself. Let's look at the most popular options for evening out skin color on the face.

Skin tone evening cream

It’s worth noting right away that in terms of evening out skin color, there are two categories of creams: gradual and rapid action. There are fundamental differences between them. The first, caring creams, fight the root cause of the heterogeneity of shade, and the result can be obtained over time. Others are able to instantly hide all color imperfections; they belong to the category of “decorative cosmetics”; their composition can be supplemented nutrients.

The first category includes cream products that contain natural ingredients that can supply nutrients to every cell of the skin, restore structure, improve local metabolism and fight the aging factor. They also increase the protective properties of the skin. The main disadvantage is the need for long-term exposure to achieve the desired result.

Creams for evening out skin color related to decorative cosmetics:

  1. Concealer. A long-known product for imparting a uniform skin tone. It is considered one of the most common methods. Creams from different companies have different shades, textures, and stability when worn throughout the day. Their composition can be supplemented with a complex useful substances. The finer the texture of the foundation and the more correctly the shade is chosen, the more natural the makeup looks. But most of these creams can clog pores and disrupt air exchange, which leads to new problems with the skin. The cream is applied to clean skin or a surface treated with a corrector or primer, requires sealing with powder, and must be removed.
  2. BB cream. In Asia it is considered a balm for skin imperfections. It is a multifunctional tool. The developed formula was initially intended to disguise serious skin imperfections after operations, but over time it began to be used as a base for makeup. BB cream masks scars, redness, freckles and other age spots, evens out the structure, hides pores, moisturizes and nourishes, and slightly brightens the skin. Also, some companies introduce components that can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Cleansing the skin from “bibik” must be done using a special oil.
  3. CC cream. It is considered an improved formula of BB cream, compared to which the oil content is reduced, which significantly lightens the structure of the product. The product is even applicable to the area around the eyes to care for and disguise the circles under them. It has high durability and can adapt to the basic tone of the face. From important functions- UV protection, moisturizing and nutrition, matting the T-zone, anti-aging effect.
Advantages of using decorative creams: speed and ease of achieving the desired result. Disadvantages: high cost of quality products, inability to eliminate the cause even tone skin.

Folk remedies for evening out skin color

Folk skin care products - best option in the absence of time to visit beauty salons, as well as the reluctance to spend money on expensive procedures. Folk cosmetology includes those substances and products that every housewife has, you just have to take into account the characteristics of the body so as not to cause harm.

So, here are a few examples of products for stabilizing skin color at home:

  • Herbal lotion. Designed to even out the tone, slightly whiten the skin, and give it elasticity. It contains parsley, linden blossom, sage, oak bark - 5 g each. All components should be crushed, then pour a glass of vodka and let it brew for 12-14 days. After this, the infusion is filtered, the solid part is thrown away, and the liquid is wiped on the face.
  • Steam bath. Necessary equipment: 2 containers, 2 towels. One container is filled cold water with the addition of mint or lavender decoction, another - hot, into which is poured essential oil citrus fruits or add lemon zest. The essence of the procedure is to first apply a cloth soaked in a hot solution to the face, then a towel soaked in a cold solution. Several alternations should be made. The retention time should be selected taking into account the fact that the skin must have time to cool and warm up in order to stimulate blood circulation processes as much as possible. Finish with ice water.
  • Ice cubes. Prepare some herbal decoction. Calendula, linden, chamomile, sage, yarrow, mint, string or a mixture of these plants are suitable for this. Pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze. One ice cube in the morning will be enough to refresh the skin, stimulate metabolic processes in it, and also saturate it with the components necessary to even out the color of the skin.
  • Cucumber lotions. The simplest way, which is known to almost everyone, even men: take fresh cucumber, cut off several thin circles and apply them to the skin for a few minutes. You can complicate the task a little, but at the same time get a more nutritious product. To do this, fresh cucumber is grated on a fine grater, then mixed with a small amount favorite cream. For processing oily skin you can add a little alcohol. The resulting mass is carefully wrapped in gauze, after which it is immediately applied to the face for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • Fruit mask. To prepare it, use apricot or peach pulp, which is kneaded with oatmeal. The mask is applied in a generous layer, exposure time is 15-20 minutes. It is noteworthy that this composition is suitable for any type of skin.
  • Lemon compresses. The acid contained in lemon perfectly brightens the skin and helps eliminate age spots, but you should not expect very quick results.
  • Aspirin. To lighten pigment spots, you can also use acetylsalicylic acid tablets as a stand-alone product or in combination with sour cream. The tablets should simply be dissolved with a few drops clean water, then apply this solution to the skin. It also has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect.
Using familiar Everyday life skin care products ensures the absence of allergic reactions and high level effectiveness. Natural ingredients containing minerals and vitamins can safely improve not only the color, but also the health of the skin.

Face masks to even out skin tone

An even complexion can be achieved using various skin masks. There are several rules for such procedures. Let's describe them:
  1. The best time for the procedure is in the evening, before bedtime, because... impact sunlight may slow down the effect.
  2. Regularity of procedures is important.
  3. It is recommended to use only natural ingredients.
  4. The most frequent use occurs in the summer.
Here are a few simple recipes masks to even out complexion:
  • Potato mass. Boil the potatoes in their skins, grind them into a homogeneous mass, you can use a grater, blender or meat grinder. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of milk. You can enrich the mixture with olive oil. This mask moisturizes the skin well, and sour cream has a brightening effect on the upper layers of the skin.
  • Yeast mass. Dilute 20 g of yeast (preferably live, not powder) with warm water until a thick paste forms, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The exposure time of the resulting mixture is 15 minutes. To rinse off, use clean warm water. After this treatment, the skin becomes more elastic, brighter, and moisturized.
  • Bread mass. A small piece of white bread crumb is poured with milk for 10-15 minutes. This composition is enriched with olive oil. The mass is applied for 10 minutes. It can even be used on sensitive areas. This composition provides good hydration and nutrition, helps reduce fine wrinkles and brightens the skin well.
  • From the bodyagi. Bodyaga powder purchased at the pharmacy (3 tsp without a slide) is diluted with boiling water and stirred until thickened. Apply a thick layer to the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. During the exposure, some tingling may be felt; this is a feature of the bodyagi.
  • From coffee and oatmeal. Mask ingredients: 8 g ground coffee, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 12 g oatmeal, 1 tsp. milk, 2 tsp. butter. All components are mixed, then distributed over the skin of the face, left for 10-15 minutes, and washed off with warm water. This product can give a uniform, slightly dark tint to the skin, but its stability is limited to 5-7 hours, so this mask is an express method.

Cosmetic products for skin color correction

Along with products that even out skin tone for a long time, acting on the deep layers, restoring the natural balance of nutrients and fighting the root cause of uneven color, there are a number of cosmetics that can temporarily disguise the dermis and give the necessary shade. Most of them are known to almost every representative of the fair sex.

So, you can even out your complexion using the following decorative cosmetics:

  1. Primer. Relatively new development, however, managed to earn great popularity among women. This product serves as a base for makeup. Apply first. Hides not only color defects (pigment spots, redness), but also acne marks and wrinkles.
  2. Corrector. There are a great variety of correctors. They can be colored or regular flesh-colored, they allow you to mask skin imperfections and even out your tone. Can be used locally in problem areas or on the entire surface of the facial skin. They are available in liquid, solid and oily form, so it is possible to choose the most suitable release form.
  3. Powder. It has a slight masking effect, which most often does not last long, so you need to reapply a thin layer of powder throughout the day. Gives the skin a more velvety, matte appearance.

Before using this or that product, you should pay attention to cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Don't forget to remove your makeup in a timely manner.

Proper nutrition to even out skin tone

As already mentioned, one of the reasons for uneven skin tone is the lack of certain nutrients due to poor nutrition. To solve this problem, the diet must be enriched with some foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

Here are a few examples: fish (fatty herring, carp, chum salmon, sturgeon caviar), seafood, lean beef and chicken, hard cheese and cottage cheese, soy protein, foods rich in vitamins E and A (liver, dairy products), vegetables (broccoli, carrots, new potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, melon, lettuce), fruits (plums, apricots, papaya), watermelon, juices (carrot, citrus, beetroot), water, oatmeal, barley, rye, sprouted wheat grains , green peas, corn, nuts, vegetable oils, vitamin complexes.

To avoid skin problems, exclude the following foods from your diet: sausages and sausages, mayonnaise, canned food, margarine, hot spices, chips, fried foods, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee. You should also reduce your sugar and salt intake.

Preventative methods for an even skin tone

To avoid skin problems, you should take daily care for preventive purposes. Let's note important aspects:
  • Proper skin cleansing. Mandatory morning washing using soap or other cleansers, using tonics and lotions suitable for your skin type. Carry out an evening wash even if you don’t have makeup on. For deep cleansing, use ready-made scrubs or exfoliators a couple of times a week. homemade. An alternative is chemical peeling, which until recently was performed exclusively in salons. At the moment, some cosmetic companies produce complexes for professional skin cleansing at home. Chemical peeling carried out using AHA acids to remove dead cells with further skin rejuvenation, stimulation of natural metabolic processes and tissue regeneration. This procedure also slightly whitens the skin.
  • Adequate hydration and nutrition. Use nourishing topical products enriched with vitamins to keep your skin healthy. Application can be combined with finger massage to activate metabolic processes in skin cells.
  • Usage protective equipment . To prevent the appearance of age spots under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to apply sunscreens, which can also protect against uneven tanning. In winter, you should use creams that protect against frost.
  • Oxygen enrichment. In this regard, daily walks are important. fresh air, which improve blood circulation and saturation of cells with vital oxygen. Ventilate the room in which you spend a lot of time more often.
  • Physical exercise. Playing sports is beneficial not only for the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. The skin, which maintains its tone, also benefits from them. In addition, improving general metabolism contributes to the accelerated supply of vitamins and minerals to the cells of the epidermis.
  • Water procedures. Very important for human health. Regular contrast showers and periodic visits to the bathhouse significantly improve the protective and regenerative abilities of the skin.
  • Proper alternation of work and rest. Do not neglect healthy, full sleep when the body carries out restoration “work”.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Cigarette smoke is harmful not only to the smoker, but also to those who inhale it passively. Toxic substances primarily affect the condition of the skin, making it dull and less elastic. Alcohol also does not add health and beauty.
How to even out your complexion - watch the video:

Among the many procedures in the process of achieving beauty and health, each person chooses the one that best suits him, because each body is individual. At the same time, you should always remember that it is better to avoid a problem than to deal with it later. First of all, pay attention to your own health.

Of no small importance for women of any age is its appearance, especially complexion. Fresh and smooth skin, without age spots, has always been considered the standard of beauty. A uniform tone is also integral part quality makeup.

Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness, freckles and age spots appear on it. Women make every effort to get rid of such defects.

What methods exist for evening out facial tone?

There are many ways to improve the condition of your skin and restore its healthy appearance and attractiveness. There are three main directions - special decorative cosmetics, hardware techniques and folk methods.

Makeup using special products to even out and lighten skin color

You can hide existing imperfections on the skin with the help of properly selected cosmetics and applied makeup. The only disadvantage of this method is that this way you can solve the problem for a short period of time. Creams for evening out skin color are divided into two categories:

  1. Care products that directly eliminate the cause of uneven shade.
  2. Products supplemented with nutrients, which belong to the category of decorative cosmetics, skillfully mask existing imperfections.

The results from using care products will not be noticeable immediately. As for decorative cosmetics, it gives quick results.

The composition of the care products includes natural ingredients, which will supply nutrients and restore the skin, affect the metabolic process and prevent aging. Such creams increase the protective properties of the skin; the only drawback is the need for regular use to obtain an effective result.

Decorative cosmetics:

  1. BB cream is considered a universal remedy for masking external defects on the skin. Initially, the cream was used as a remedy for eliminating scars and scars after surgical operations. Later they began to use it instead of a makeup base. The cream hides scars and freckles, and also brightens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Depending on the manufacturer, the product may contain components that prevent the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. Removed from the skin using special oil.
  2. CC cream differs from BB cream in its lower oil content. You can use this product to eliminate circles under the eyes. Has increased durability, protects against harmful effects ultraviolet rays, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The cream also contains components that prevent skin aging.
  3. Foundation is the most popular and affordable product for evening out skin tone. Modern manufacturers decorative cosmetics offer a wide range of creams various shades, texture and level of durability. They may contain various components beneficial to the skin. The naturalness of the makeup will directly depend on the correct choice of the shade of the cream and its texture. The foundation is applied to cleansed skin, pre-treated with a special corrective pencil. Powder must be applied on top of the cream layer. The disadvantages of this cosmetic product include its ability to clog pores, which, in turn, disrupts air exchange and can cause skin problems. Foundation should be removed from the surface of the skin along with makeup.

The undeniable advantage of decorative creams for evening out skin tone is the rapid achievement of the desired results. The disadvantages include the high price of high-quality cosmetics.

Hardware methods for evening out skin color

Any cosmetology salon offers equalization of skin tone through the use of hardware techniques. Thanks to the use of special equipment, it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and get rid of a number of serious problems, for example, acne. Improvements in skin condition will be noticeable after just a few procedures, and the results will last for a long time.

To improve the color and general condition of the skin, the following hardware methods are used:

  1. Diamond peeling. The procedure is a facial cleansing that removes dead skin cells. Improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of the skin, evens out the tone and returns the skin to a healthy appearance.
  2. Laser cleaning. Painless and quite effective method eliminating minor scars and age spots. With the help of a thin laser beam, pathological areas on the skin are destroyed, followed by activation of the process of cell division. The procedure promotes the production of collagen, thus preventing the formation of wrinkles and preventing premature aging of the skin.
  3. Oxygen treatment. This method is an injection with a substance that replenishes the lack of oxygen in the skin cells. Improves metabolism in cells, evens out facial tone, eliminates acne and promotes the resorption of minor scars. Stimulates the exfoliation of dead layers of epithelium.
  4. Cryomassage or liquid nitrogen treatment is prescribed when there are spots on the skin after acne and acne. The procedure helps narrow pores, eliminates oily shine and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The face is treated with liquid nitrogen; after the manipulations, redness of the skin may be observed, which goes away after a few hours. The duration of the session is no more than 10 minutes. Cosmetologists recommend using sunscreen before going outside for ten days after cryomassage.
  5. Microdermabrasion is a type of mechanical peeling. The procedure consists of deep cleansing of the skin, followed by treatment with a special exfoliating cream and removal of dead epidermal cells. Most often, dead cells are removed manually. This method is considered quite effective - you can remove spots and blackheads on the skin in two or three sessions. To remove scars and scars, you will need to perform at least 10 procedures.

Evening out complexion at home

You can independently improve the condition of your facial skin by performing special procedures at home. To obtain the desired result, you will need to strictly follow the recommendations for preparing masks, infusions and scrubs, and you also need to ensure proper care for the skin.

Which method to choose to even out your skin tone depends entirely on personal preference.

Peeling at home

Before performing the procedure, you need to prepare a scrub based on natural ingredients:

  • Bleaching

Prepare half a teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon (teaspoon) of honey and bran, as well as a few drops of lemon oil. Combine the ingredients, mix until smooth and apply to the face. Cleanse the skin with light massage movements, then leave the scrub on the face for another 7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

  • Scrub recipe for oily skin

Combine ground coffee, grape seed oil and honey in equal proportions. Stir thoroughly, massage the resulting paste onto your face for several minutes, then wash with warm water.

  • Recipe for dry skin

Combine equal proportions of honey, ground coffee and one egg white, previously whipped into a thick foam. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency and then apply to the skin. Massage for several minutes, after which thoroughly rinse off the remaining scrub with warm water.

How you can improve your complexion yourself - recipes

Many women do not trust store-bought cosmetics, preferring instead to use time-tested folk recipes. Making your own masks and tinctures to improve skin color is not at all difficult.

  • Cucumber mask. To prepare this mask, it is best to use overripe cucumbers. After first removing the seeds, the pulp of one cucumber should be grated. Then add one small spoon of starch and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous, not very thick mass is obtained. Apply the mask to the facial skin, the duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. Then you need to remove the remaining cucumber with a napkin and wash with cool water. Be sure to lubricate your face with nourishing cream.
  • Herbal tincture. For the tincture, take 250 ml of alcohol (you can use vodka), 5 g of dried sage, parsley, oak bark and linden flowers. Stir and add alcohol (vodka). Leave for 12 days, then you can use the tincture daily to wipe the skin. Thanks to regular use of herbal tincture, your face will become fresh, your skin will become brighter and more even.

For getting good results It is very important to properly care for your facial skin:

  • Use only high-quality decorative cosmetics, select them individually, according to your skin type.
  • Cleanse your skin of makeup residue every day, otherwise acne and blackheads may appear on your face as a result of clogged pores.
  • Once every seven days you need to exfoliate and apply masks to your face, purchased in a store or prepared yourself at home.
  • Be sure to apply nourishing cream to your facial skin morning and evening.

Sacrament Participles established by the Lord Himself last supper- the last meal with the students in Easter night before His arrest and crucifixion.

“And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat: this is My body. And, taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said: drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:26-28), " this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19). In the Sacrament of the Flesh and Blood of the Lord ( Eucharist - Greek. “thanksgiving”) there is a restoration of that unity between the nature of the Creator and the creation that existed before the Fall; this is our return to paradise lost. We can say that in Communion we receive, as it were, the embryos of future life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The mystical mystery of the Eucharist is rooted in the Savior's Sacrifice on the Cross. Having crucified His Flesh on the cross and shed His Blood, the God-man Jesus offered the Sacrifice of Love for us to the Creator and restored fallen human nature. Thus, the communion of the Body and Blood of the Savior becomes our participation in this restoration. « Christ is risen from the dead, death by death trampled down, and gave life to those in the tombs; and giving us eternal life...”

Eating the Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist is not a symbolic action (as Protestants believe), but quite real. Not everyone can accommodate this secret.

« Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.

For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink.

He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him.

Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live through the Father, so he who eats Me will also live through Me.

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: whoever eats this bread will live forever.


Many of His disciples, hearing this, said: What strange words! who can listen to this?


From that time on, many of His disciples departed from Him and no longer walked with Him” (John 6:53–58, 60, 66).

Rationalists try to “bypass” the mystery, reducing mysticism to a symbol. The proud perceive what is inaccessible to their reason as an insult: Leo Tolstoy blasphemously called the sacrament “cannibalism.” For others it is a wild superstition, for others it is an anachronism. But the children of the Church of Christ know that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, under the guise of bread and wine, they truly partake of the Body and Blood of Christ in Their essence. Indeed, it is not human nature to eat raw flesh and blood, and therefore at Communion the Gifts of Christ are hidden under the image of bread and wine. Nevertheless, hidden under the outer shell of perishable matter is the incorruptible substance of the Divine nature. Sometimes, by special permission, the Lord lifts this veil of mystery and allows those in doubt to see the true nature of the Holy Gifts. In particular, in my personal practice there were two cases when the Lord wanted to allow those who were communing to see His Body and Blood in their authentic form. Both times were first communions; in one case, a person was sent to the Church by psychics for their own reasons. In another, the reason for coming to the temple was very superficial curiosity. After such a wonderful event, both became faithful children of the Orthodox Church.

How can we at least approximately understand the meaning of what is happening in the Sacrament of Communion? The nature of creation was created by the Creator akin to Himself: not only permeable, but also, as it were, inseparable from the Creator. This is natural given the holiness of created nature - its original state of free unity and submission to the Creator. The angelic worlds are in this state. However, nature our the world is distorted and perverted by the fall of its guardian and leader - man. Nevertheless, she did not lose the opportunity to reunite with the nature of the Creator: the clearest evidence of this is the incarnation of the Savior. But man fell away from God voluntarily, and he can also reunite with Him only through free will (even the incarnation of Christ required the consent of a person - the Virgin Mary!). In the same time deification inanimate, without free will, nature, God can do it naturally, without permission . Thus, in the divinely established Sacrament of Communion, the grace of the Holy Spirit at the established moment of the service (and also at the request of a person!) descends on the substance of bread and wine and offers them into a substance of a different, higher nature: the Body and Blood of Christ. And now a person can accept these highest Gifts of Life only by showing his free will! The Lord gives Himself to everyone, but those who believe Him and love Him—the children of His Church—accept Him.

So, Communion is the grace-filled communion of the soul with the higher nature and in it with eternal life. Bringing this down greatest secret to the realm of everyday image, we can compare Communion with the “nutrition” of the soul, which it should receive after its “birth” in the Sacrament of Baptism. And just as a person is born into the world by flesh once, and then feeds for the rest of his life, so Baptism is a one-time event, and we must resort to Communion regularly, preferably at least once a month, possibly more often. Communion once a year is the minimum acceptable, but such a “hungry” regime can bring the soul to the brink of survival.

How is Communion celebrated in the Church?

It is necessary to properly prepare for participation in the Eucharist. A meeting with God is an event that shakes the soul and transforms the body. Worthy communion requires a conscious and reverent attitude towards this event. There must be sincere faith in Christ and an understanding of the meaning of the Sacrament. We must have reverence for the Savior’s Sacrifice and an awareness of our unworthiness to accept this great Gift (we accept It not as a well-deserved reward, but as a manifestation of the mercy of a loving Father). There must be reconciliation of the soul: you need to sincerely forgive in your heart everyone who has “saddened us” in one way or another (remembering the words of the Lord’s Prayer: “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”) and try, if possible, to reconcile with them ; This applies even more to those who, for one reason or another, consider themselves offended by us. Before Communion, one should read the prayers defined by the Church and compiled by the holy fathers, which are called: “Following to Holy Communion”; These prayer texts are present, as a rule, in all editions of Orthodox prayer books (collections of prayers). It is advisable to discuss the exact amount of reading of these texts with the priest to whom you turn for advice and who knows the specifics of your life. After the Sacrament of Communion is performed, it is necessary to read “Prayers of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion.” Finally, preparing to accept into yourself - into your flesh and into your soul - the Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, terrible in their greatness, you must cleanse yourself with body and soul. Fasting and Confession serve this purpose.

Corporal fasting involves abstaining from eating savory food. The duration of fasting before Communion is usually up to three days. Directly on the eve of Communion one must abstain from marital relations and from midnight one must not eat any food (in fact, one must not eat or drink anything in the morning before the service). However, in specific cases, significant deviations from these norms are possible; They should, again, be discussed individually.

Communion in Church

The Sacrament of Communion itself takes place in the Church at a service called liturgy . As a rule, the liturgy is celebrated in the first half of the day; exact time The beginning of services and the days of their performance should be found out directly in the temple you are going to go to. Services usually begin between seven and ten o'clock in the morning; The duration of the liturgy, depending on the nature of the service and partly on the number of communicants, is from one and a half to four to five hours. In cathedrals and monasteries, liturgies are served daily; in parish churches on Sundays and on church holidays. It is advisable for those preparing for Communion to attend the service from the beginning (for this is a single spiritual action), and also to attend the evening service the day before, which is prayerful preparation for the Liturgy and the Eucharist.

During the liturgy, you need to stay in the church without going out, prayerfully participating in the service until the priest comes out of the altar with a cup and proclaims: “Approach with the fear of God and faith.” Then the communicants line up one after another in front of the pulpit (first children and the infirm, then men and then women). Hands should be folded crosswise on the chest; You are not supposed to be baptized in front of the cup. When your turn comes, you need to stand in front of the priest, say your name and open your mouth so that you can put in a spoon with a particle of the Body and Blood of Christ. The liar must be thoroughly licked with his lips, and after wiping his lips with the cloth, reverently kiss the edge of the bowl. Then, without venerating the icons or talking, you need to move away from the pulpit and take a drink - St. water with wine and a particle of prosphora (in this way, it is as if the oral cavity is washed, so that the smallest particles of the Gifts are not accidentally expelled from oneself, for example, when sneezing). After communion, you need to read (or listen in Church) prayers of thanksgiving and in the future carefully guard your soul from sins and passions.

The Russian language is rich in a large number of different parts of speech, which help to construct a literate and logical text. But it is impossible to imagine our native speech without participles, forms of the verb that contain its characteristics, and adjectives. Participles are synthesized parts of speech that have a large number of expressive capabilities and can perform different functions in a sentence. It must be studied as part of the school curriculum.

First of all, it is necessary to define participle as a part of speech. A participle is a verb form that combines the characteristics of an adjective and a verb and answers the questions which? which? The participle characterizes an action and its sign at the same time. This is how you can briefly explain what a sacrament is. Examples of words related to this part of speech are leading, shouting, knowing, becoming, living, read and many others.

Since a participle is inseparable from an adjective, they have some common features. Thus, participles can change according to numbers, genders and cases. It is important to note that both short and full participles. Examples of words that have these features, bringing them closer to adjectives: dreamer - dreamer (change by gender), recognized - recognized (singular and plural), composed - composed - composed (change by case: nominative, genitive and dative, respectively).

Signs of a verb in a participle

Since the participle is one of the forms of the verb, these two parts of speech are closely interrelated and have a set of common features. Among them, it is worth noting the aspect (perfect - said, imperfect - speaking), recurrence and irrevocability (laughing, removed), voice (passive - prepared, active - aging). Transitivity and intransitivity are another feature that characterizes the participle. Examples of words that are transitive are cleaning (room), reading (newspaper), and intransitive words are worn out, inspired.

A special point is the presence of tense in participles. It is necessary to remember that this part of speech has only past and present tenses. Participles do not have a future tense form.

Active participles

This group of participles names the action that the object itself performs. But what is it in practice? active participle? Examples of words in this category are frightening, whispering, living, screaming, flying, etc.

In a sentence, the active participle describes an action that develops simultaneously with the one that the predicate names (for example: A mother watches her child playing).

A special situation with active past participles. What action a particular participle describes can be judged after determining the type of verb from which it is derived. So, if the active participle is formed using the corresponding suffixes from the verb perfect form, then the action occurred before the other, named by the verb. For example, a student sits in class and decides test. The participle is formed from the verb “decide” (what to do?) - perfect form. A student is sitting in the classroom solving a test. IN in this case the sentence uses a participle imperfect form.

Passive participles

Another variety of this part of speech is passive participles. Examples of words that fall into this category could be: created, acquired, dressed, built, driven, etc.

This type of participle describes an action that is performed on an object. In turn, the process that the participle calls can occur either simultaneously with what the predicate is talking about, or end earlier, but nevertheless have a connection with the present moment.

Very often, both in speech and in literature, you can find a passive participle with a dependent word. Examples of such phrases: a work written by a composer, a music track listened to by a music lover, etc.

Connection with other parts of speech

The participle can be transformed into other parts of speech under the influence of various processes that contribute to the development of the Russian language. Thus, a participle can be substantivized into a noun (you need to pay attention to words such as commander, future, which answer questions Who? And What?).

Another important concept is the adjectivated participle. Examples of words that have been affected by this process are fried, ripe, hidden, innate, etc. A completely logical question arises: how to distinguish a participle from an adjective in each specific case? One of the main signs that will help you separate these parts of speech is to find a participle with a dependent word. Examples of such words: potatoes fried in a frying pan, an act causing indignation, etc.

Analysis of participles in the topic “Morphology”

In the course of studying each part of speech both in the school curriculum and in curriculum Any philological faculty contains tasks on analyzing a particular word in a sentence. To do this, it is necessary to determine the part of speech to which a given lexical unit belongs and competently perform the analysis. So, let's try to parse the participle. How to determine that a word is a representative of this particular part of speech? You just need to know the typical participle suffixes. Examples of words containing the suffixes -ush-, -yush (participating, thirsty), -ash-, -yash- (hurrying, sleeping), -vsh- (become), -t- (deceived), -enn-, -nn - (built-in, recognized), -om-, -em- (adored, driven), - all these are participles, active and passive, past or present tense.

So, parsing a participle consists of inserting a question into it (most often which one?), identifying it as a participle, indicating the initial masculine form, singular in the nominative case, the definition of the verb and the suffix with which it is formed from it. It is also necessary to indicate the type, presence of reflexivity and transitivity, voice, tense, form (short or full), gender, number, case and declension, syntactic role in this particular sentence.

Participle is a part of speech that means attribute of an object by action and answers questions Which? which? which? which? Sometimes the participle is considered not as an independent part of speech, but as a special form of the verb.

Participles are formed from a verb and have some of its constant signs. Participles are perfect ( read, excited ) and imperfect form ( read, excited ). The type of participle coincides with the type of the verb from which it is formed ( excited - from the perfective verb to excite, worried- from the imperfect verb to worry).

Like the verb, participles have a tense sign, but for the participle this sign is constant. Participles are past ( listened) and present tense ( listening). There are no future participles.

Designating sign of an object by action, participle combines features verb And adjective . Like an adjective, a participle agrees with a noun in gender, number and case (these are its inconstant characteristics): child playing, girl playing, children playing . Some participles, like adjectives, can form a short form: built - built, born - born .

The initial form of the participle is the nominative singular masculine form. Syntax function participles: in full form most often perform the function definitions , and in short form - noun part compound predicate .

ATTENTION. We need to differentiate!

Adjectives And participles answer the same question, indicate a feature of an object. To distinguish them, you need to remember the following: adjectives denote a characteristic by color, shape, smell, place, time, etc. These signs are constantly characteristic of this object. And the participle denotes a sign by action, this sign occurs in time, it is not permanently characteristic of the object. Let's compare: reading room - adjective, sign by purpose, and reading person - participle, sign of action; bold - emboldened, dark - darkening, busy - busy . Also, participles are formed using suffixes unique to them: - ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-), -vsh-(-sh-), -eat-, -im-, -om-,-T-, -enn- (the latter occurs in adjectives).

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