Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

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Cooking black caviar at home. How to pickle caviar of river fish at home. Differences from natural caviar

Being talented is not enough to become a member of the Voice show.

Evgeny Orlov: “Entertainment television is created by specially trained people who follow several immutable rules. And the most important of them: so that the viewer does not get bored. It's just that people who sing well are not the criterion that will make a show rated. It's no secret that The Voice is a copy of the Dutch project The Voice. Despite the fact that the copyright holders of the show, the Dutch, initially made the project about voice, but they also noted that it was also about emotions. Therefore, unusual, extraordinary, interesting people are necessarily selected as participants. One is a singing plumber, the second has an incredible non-standard timbre, the third is a crazy assistant to the deputy, the fourth is a rocker with dreadlocks, the fifth is engaged exclusively in academic vocals ... An absolutely diverse palette of voices and characters makes the show interesting, perhaps that is why the audience's love does not weaken from year to year.

Evgeny Orlov

Fact 2.

Mentors are asked to express emotions, and the team misses Gradsky.

Evgeny Orlov: “The channel management and the creators of the project never impose their opinion on mentors. They do not say who to turn to, whom to choose ... (Unlike husbands, wives, children, directors and friends of mentors!) The only thing they ask is not to fall asleep in armchairs and to react more actively to the speakers. Our people are not very emotional compared to the West. We are not used to showing how much we are happy or surprised about something. Each sincere emotion mentors are a blessing. The main thing is that Ildus, our brilliant cameraman, has time to catch these reactions and show them in the frame. Disputes and quarrels between mentors also do not occur as often as we, who make the show, would like. The sharpness keeps the viewer in suspense, it creates a real emotional atmosphere. To be honest, we sometimes miss Alexander Borisovich Gradsky, who was not afraid and did not hesitate to express those thoughts and those feelings that he had inside. Sometimes he even voiced it too emotionally, but it was always an honest reaction, sometimes unpredictable. He cried, sometimes he got up and danced, sometimes he laughed, sometimes he threw down his notebook and pen and went off to smoke. It happened that Dima Bilan lost consciousness on the set, the work was stopped. These are all unwritten stories, not according to the script, their own life reigns there, very bright, emotional, honest. What makes the team of super professionals that makes this project come together.”

Fact 3.

Each mentor has his own administrator, and Dmitry Nagiev lives in a private trailer.

Evgeny Orlov: “Our mentors are real stars, but even they, adequate and nice people, have bouts of star disease. Not from tyranny, but from fatigue. Try to sit for three days in an armchair, stuffy, with a heat of plus 30 degrees in the same suit! Each mentor is assigned a personal administrator who already knows all their weaknesses and aspirations: when they want tea, something to eat, get some air or a smoke, or when they need to bring a napkin to wipe their tears... They already know all this, get used to their habits and oddities, which, thank God, are few, but they happen, after all, they are stars ... Of course, each of them has a separate dressing room, and Dmitry Nagiyev even has his own trailer, his own mobile home in which he lives ! All lounges are located on the same floor side by side, with doors between them, so mentors do not have to knock to discuss something. Everyone can calmly visit each other, drink tea together. Especially often they do this after filming, when they have something to discuss. We are even sorry that we do not film these gatherings, because they are always very funny and full of artistic gags.

Fact 4.

The tantrums of the show participants have not led to anything good yet.

Evgeny Orlov: “Nervous breakdowns in our country due to the intensity of passions happen quite often. Especially on the children's "Voice". One of the seasons a little boy even lost consciousness due to excitement. He was allowed to cover the song, although this is strictly prohibited by the rules of the project. But these are children, we cannot demand composure from them. I myself have been working with children for a long time and I know for sure: they easily survive any injustice.

They can easily cry and laugh, they can easily put up with some temporary setback. It's harder with parents. It is from them in most cases that all "evil" comes. They tell their children that being on The Voice is "a matter of life and death." And in case of failure, and even "schmuck". Sometimes parents backstage arrange fantastic tantrums, because their child has previously won twenty-two competitions, and then no one turned on him, which means that everything is bought here and dishonest. But TV is subjective. If you go to a TV project, you have to play by the rules and put up with it. Adult participants even often do not cope with emotions. Someone is offended by themselves, someone by mentors, and someone says: “I am grateful to fate for being here, I made my dream come true, they noticed and saw me. In a couple of years you will come to my concert, buy a ticket yourself and understand how wrong you were! And you will still be proud that you had a relationship with my fate as an artist! And this is a very correct message. As practice shows, it is with such thoughts that artists achieve popularity in the profession.

Chairs of mentors are uncomfortable, and the conditions on the set are unbearable.

Evgeny Orlov: “The drawings of the chairs of mentors were sent to us by the creators of the show The Voice, but our masters assembled them. This is a common practice in franchise projects. But in every country, as far as I know, they come up with their own "chips". Some put speakers in their chairs, like in a car. We did not add anything to the design, but Grigory Leps always comes with his own pillow. Alas, the seat is not very comfortable for mentors. But it is great for the essence of the project. The chair is designed in such a way that no matter how the mentor sits - straight, sideways, throwing his legs over his neighbor - he will not be able to see what is happening on stage.

Fact 6.

Evgeny Orlov: “Many artists do not have big money, many non-residents do not even have enough money for a normal existence in Moscow. Participants go a long way, spend money on the road to come here for rehearsals, for these castings, for the selection of repertoire, sometimes they get into debt, take loans ... They are great, and it should be noted that none of them has ever let us down. There was no such thing that a person came to the casting, got on the show and then said: “Oh, sorry, I can’t go on. Or pay for my travel and hotel.” The project would never have been launched if the creators had to take on the expenses of the participants. The Voice is already a very expensive project, in my opinion, one of the most expensive entertainment shows. But it's definitely worth it."

Fact 7.

There is always a bench for substitutes.

“And how without her? We have never had a shortage of quality performers in any of the seasons. Here is the deficit bright personalities happens. Here is the last, fourth season of "Voice", frankly suffered from this. And so not only I think, this is the general opinion of many viewers and creators of the project. If, after blind auditions, all teams have at least 10 bright artists, then there is a feeling that the project is fantastically interesting. This season we managed to recruit interesting characters. We also tried to diversify the palette with our repertoire. Not to be repeated by the fifth season is getting harder. But it looks like we can do it!”

You need to read and agree to the rules below. By registering in the application, you agree to all clauses of the User Agreement. The application is available via the Internet on mobile devices running operating systems iOS (at least iOS 8) and Android (at least version 4.1).

Access to the content of the show "Voice" and the drawing of invitations to shoot the project is carried out on the basis of this mobile application and is associated with the fifth season of the television show "Voice", which airs on Channel One from September to December 2016.

The data specified by the user during registration is considered final, but can be changed in the manner prescribed by the functionality of the application.

For all questions regarding the mobile application "Voice", write to webmaster@site.

Raffle prizes

During the show "Voice" on television, download and run this application on your mobile device. The app can be downloaded from Apple App Store and Android Play Store. The application is completely free. Users pay for Internet traffic according to their tariffs, to clarify the tariff, contact mobile operator.

Register in the application, while providing a valid email address and / or linking your accounts in in social networks. When registering, it is forbidden to use profanity.

Application users must participate in activities within the project application according to the rules, which can be found in a special section of the application. At the stages of "Blind auditions", "Fights" and "Knockouts", key activities in the application will be carried out simultaneously with the broadcasts of the show "Voice" in the Moscow orbit.

For full access to all the functionality of the application, users must have stable high-speed Internet access on their mobile devices (4G/LTE or Wi-Fi).

Registration of users to access the content of the project and participate in the drawing is possible at any stage, but in case of late registration, the organizers do not provide access to some of the activities that have already taken place.

Use of any third party technical solutions to participate in the draw and activities, or mass registration of accounts from one device is strictly prohibited and entails account blocking and exclusion from participation in the contest.

Users can share the results of polls and voting, their achievements and the content of the project in social networks, this is provided by the functionality of the application. At the same time, users agree that the application and the organizers of the competition will receive information about this action. The organizers of the contest are not responsible for the observance by users of the rules of social networks.

Conditions for drawing invitations to shoot the show

Residents of Russia can participate in the prize draw. Users under the age of 18 must obtain from their parents or official representatives permission to provide their data and participate in the draw. If a minor wins, prizes will be awarded through their parents or official representatives.

Approximate dates for the draw: from 08/29/2016 to 12/31/2016.

Determination of winners is carried out by the organizer of the competition. The winners will be informed by e-mail or through social media accounts specified during registration.

Prizes do not have a monetary value and cannot be given out in the form of it. In case of refusal of the winner, the organizer has the right to reward another user who is lower in the overall rating of the participants. If the winner does not contact the organizers and does not respond to their requests within three working days, the organizer has the right to choose another winner.


The organizer reserves the right to require the winner to confirm his identity and / or personal data using a photo or identity documents. If the photo and / or documents are not provided, the organizer has the right to block the user's account and deprive him of the right to receive prizes. Any attempt to scam and/or manipulate data, as well as interference with the normal functioning of the application, will be considered in the context of the administrative and criminal codes of the Russian Federation.

The organizer reserves the right to require the winner to sign an official document confirming that he has received an invitation.

The winners will be awarded only if they correctly indicated all the information required during registration and passed all the necessary stages of verification.

The organizer of the invitation draw reserves the right to change the rules of the draw or cancel it without notifying users.

The organizer of the drawing of invitations and partner companies bear full responsibility for the organization and conduct of the competition, statutory.

When registering, the user agrees that in case of victory, his full name, photo, voice and / or video with his participation can be used by the organizers in any existing media channel without notice or compensation. The winner also agrees to participate in advertising activities related to the show "Voice".

The draw organizer does not bear any responsibility for application malfunctions caused by external factors, such as an unstable Internet connection or problems with the user's mobile device.

The organizer of the drawing is OJSC "Channel One". Legal address: Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva 12, 127427.

Privacy Policy

All user data collected through the mobile application "Voice" can be used by the contest organizer in the following channels:

The official website of the project www..

Any other sites and pages on the Internet belonging to or related to the organizer of the competition.

Official groups project in social networks:,,,, https: //,

Any other media, including television channels, press, radio.

User information may be transferred to the copyright holders of the show "Voice" - Talpa Distribution BV ("Talpa").

By registering, users agree that their data may be used by the organizer for contacts regarding other products and services of the contest organizer.

Users can access their personal information stored by the organizer at any time.


Every week, the most active users of the mobile application "Voice" who scored the largest number points, will receive invitations to the shooting of the program and branded T-shirts of the show "Voice".


The leader among mobile application users will be the one who scores the maximum points by the end of the project. It is he who will receive a unique prize - the statuette of the winner of the show "Voice"!