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» Cool competitions. Competition-game “Exposure

Cool competitions. Competition-game “Exposure

Do you like to play a competition on your anniversary? Then let me offer you a competition that you and your guests will play with great pleasure. The competition is called - guess who you are? We have prepared for you funny examples of characters for this competition. Take a look, you will definitely like it and have fun playing it.

This competition can be held in two stages.

This is the simplest one, but still interesting option. You need to prepare signs that you will hang on the guests’ foreheads. Each guest will have a sign on their forehead, but they will not see which one, but they will see the signs of others. Each guest takes turns asking one question to himself. And the other guests answer him. So not cunning, but in an interesting way they must guess who they are. Whoever can guess first who he is is the winner. Examples of characters could be like this:
- Leopold the cat.
- Pumpkin.
- Musketeer.
- Pamela Anderson.
- Sergey Zverev.
- Raccoon.
- Snow Maiden.
- Cheburashka.
- Sorrel.
- Radishes.
- DJ.
- Agent 007.
- Ox from “Well, wait a minute.”
- Tomato.

And the second option is slightly different in that instead of signs you need to make masks. Guests will stick their heads into them. And again, they themselves will not be able to see themselves in masks, but others will be able to see them. This option is funnier and more interesting. Here are examples of masks that can be made:

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Do you scour the Internet at night in search of cool competitions for corporate events? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time writing various competitions for parties, and at the same time monitoring various sites where we can get various jokes. For the most part, everything is offered the same everywhere... One word Toastmaster-Style. Dear reader, brings to your attention a unique TOP-7 competitions that will definitely go well in any company. Something has been observed, something has been invented, the fact is that these things go great in any company.

Competition 1. Shifters.

A great competition to start your New Year's program. The presenter invites everyone to play the game. It is necessary to guess the original names of films from the “upside down” versions. To help participants understand the point better, you can give them an example. You can come up with your own list of changelings, here’s what we offer:

Changelings - movies

1. “Seventy-one eternities of autumn” (“Seventeen moments of spring”).
2. “A ragged man with the last name hippopotamus” (“Crocodile Dundee”).
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. “Cap of the French Republic” (“Crown of the Russian Empire”).
5. “Everyone is on the street” (“Home Alone”).
6. “Glass Leg” (“Diamond Arm”).
7. “Vorovskoye Vocational School” (“Police
8. “Cadets, go back!” (“Midshipmen, forward!”).
9. “Black Moon of the Jungle” (“ White sun desert").
10. “Home Cactus” (“Wild Orchid”).
11. “Cold Feet” (“Hot Heads”).

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. “Devil’s Liver” (“Angel’s Heart”).
2. “Sing, sing!” ("Dance Dance!").
3. “Uryupinsk trusts smiles” (“Moscow does not believe in tears”).
4. “We’ll die after Wednesday” (“We’ll live until Monday”).
5. “Vasil the Good” (“Ivan the Terrible”).
6. “It’s all men in rock” (“It’s only girls in jazz”).
7. “Little hike” (“Big walk”).
8. “Cat under the straw” (“Dog in the manger”).
9. “Put Dad on the Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. “Sidorovka, 83″ (“Petrovka, 38″).
11. “Short Lesson” (“Big Break”).

Changelings - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. “Stupid green sock” (“Stylish orange tie”).
5. “I can live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts lying on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “The Russian in the house does not wait for the sunset” (“The Chukchi in the tent waits for the dawn”).
8. “I, I, I morning and evening” (“You, you, you night and day”),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She likes strawberries on ice”).

Competition 2. WHERE AM I?

Another conversational competition, which is also good for starting a holiday program.

The game requires four participants. They stand in a row with their backs, and a pre-prepared poster with one of the following notes is hung on each person’s back: - sobering-up station - public bath- restroom - public transport.

The participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that hang on their backs. Next, the presenter asks questions, addressing each participant in turn. The questions should be:

Do you go there often?
- When going there, who do you take with you?
- What are you doing there?
- What do you feel after being there?

Do you want to come there at least once more?

The inscriptions on the “signs”, of course, can be changed. Let's say you can make signs:
- Nudist beach,
- Shop "Intimate"
- Pedicure

Competition 3. BOXING MATCH

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc. After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. Then they are given a can of beer, which they have to open and drink themselves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

PROPS - 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candies, 2 cans of beer

Competition 4. DANCE FLOOR STAR

A super-active competition that will go great before musical break for warming up. Here a lot depends on the presenter; you need, of course, to tease and joke with the contestants and cheer them up. The competition was held at more than one hundred corporate events, and it was always met with laughter and fun!

Well, now a competition called “Star of the New Year’s Dance Floor” will be held for you. This competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is simply to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (rock and roll plays) (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now there are only four of you left. Imagine that you danced for an hour and were so tired that your legs gave out, but real stars don’t give up that easily! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your legs. (plays “hands up - well, where are the hands”). (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and asks him to leave the dance floor to applause).

There are only three of you left, and you are pretty tired, it’s time to sit down. Now dance actively while sitting, you can only move your head and hands. (Caste - Blatnoy number). After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the least active one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we still have two real superstars of the dance floor! There's one last push left. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle the whole body goes numb, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is to dance with facial expressions without moving anything! Let's go! (rock and roll).

After the 30-second “make” a face, the presenter, with the help of applause from the audience, chooses the New Year’s star of the dance floor!

Competition 5. A SIECE OF BREAD


The essence of the competition is that the presenter offers to bet with someone that he cannot eat a piece of bread (a standard half) in 1 minute without drinking. This seems like a very simple task and will captivate participants to try their hand at it. But in reality it is almost impossible to do this. Do you have any doubts? Try it for yourself at lunch.

Competition 6. ICE, BABY, ICE!

A VERY INTERESTING TEST THAT IS FUN TO DO. True, a little trouble with the props is required.

The presenter calls three daredevils to participate in the competition and says that the task is “easy as pie” - you need to put on a T-shirt, that’s all. After participants are found. The presenter brings out three T-shirts, well rolled and frozen in the freezer. The participant's task is to put on the T-shirt the fastest.

Competition 7. KISS TO KEEP OUT


The presenter calls 8 participants - 4 males and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - m-f-m-f. Then they are told that they need to pass a kiss on the cheek, everyone in order kisses the next one on the cheek. At any moment the music stops and whoever stops is eliminated. The host should subtly command the DJ when the music needs to stop. At first, you can do it so that girls and guys drop out one by one, but by the end you need to adjust it so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear organizer of noise and fun! We hope you enjoyed our competitions. We will post a lot of them on this blog, so don’t forget to subscribe, and we will do everything to ensure that you celebrate the most joyful New Year in your life.

Remember Smartyparty is a boxed solution for holding a corporate event on your own. if you AND YOUR COLLEAGUES don’t want AND CAN’T waste time and fuss with finding props and preparing the holiday - Give them a box. in it you will find everything you need to organize a super fun PARTY.

A really funny scenario for a New Year's corporate party here!

Children are fidgety and at events such as birthdays, New Year, graduation in kindergarten and other holidays, they need to be occupied interesting competitions. When holding competitions, you should remember that moving and active types should be combined with calm ones so that children have time to relax. If competitions are accompanied by the awarding of small prizes, it will be even more interesting for children to play.


Competition 1: “Find yours”

A fun competition for children to test their thinking and imagination. The child must figure out how best to show the pantomime.


Carrying out:

Leaflets with drawings of animals are prepared at the beginning of the competition. Each animal must be in duplicate. The leader puts all the leaves into a small bag and mixes thoroughly. Each child takes turns taking out a piece of paper with a drawing for themselves. On command, children begin to depict the animal that is drawn on the elongated piece of paper. The goal of the competition is who will find their animal pair faster, for example, a giraffe - a giraffe, an elephant - an elephant, and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • The animal should be portrayed through facial expressions, without uttering words or sounds.

Competition 2: "Parrots"

An interesting mindfulness game that helps children learn to concentrate.

Carrying out:

The leader stands in the center, with children - parrots - located around him. Parrots must repeat all words and actions after the leader. A forbidden word that cannot be repeated after the presenter is “parrot”. The one who accidentally repeated the forbidden word after the leader stands in a circle, an imaginary “cage”. The most attentive child who does not repeat the forbidden word wins.

Features of the competition:

  • for older children, you can come up with not one, but two or three forbidden words or actions.

Competition 3: “Breeze”

A fun, active competition for children that kids of any age will enjoy.


Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams. One inflated balloon is placed in front of each team. The task of each team is to help their ball reach the finish line as quickly as possible. You should move the ball without touching it, namely: wave your hands, create a stream of air or blow on it. The team whose ball gets to the finish line the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • To prevent the children from pouncing on the ball all at once, you can tell them to divide into numbers and blow on the ball in turn.

Competition 4: “Snowfall”

A fun competition that will excite even the shyest child.


  • Pieces of paper of two colors.
  • 2 bags.

Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of players. The leader gives each team a pack of paper of a certain color, for example green and red. Two parallel lines are drawn in the center of the room at some distance from one another. The task of each team is to throw snowballs at their opponents without stepping over their line, crumpling up their own color of paper. The team that defeats its opponents wins big amount snowballs.

Features of the competition:

  • You can hold the second stage of the competition by inviting children to race to collect snowballs in the colors of their team into a bag.

Competition 5: “Indian name”

An interesting competition for children, which is held at the beginning of the celebration.


Carrying out:

The leader gives each child a piece of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper the child writes a noun, on the other - an adjective. Each child throws the leaves into a bag, one with adjectives, the other with nouns. The contents of the bags are thoroughly mixed by the presenter. Children take turns taking out a piece of paper from each bag. The combination of words on the pieces of paper becomes the child's Indian name throughout the holiday. Often very interesting and funny “names” are obtained: “happy corn”, “blue beard”, “sharp eye” and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • It is important to monitor the children’s reaction to the names given to them so that no one is offended.

Competition 6: "Swamp"

The competition is ideal for birthday celebrations, as it instantly creates a friendly atmosphere.


  • Chalk or tape.

Carrying out:

Before the start of the competition, the presenter tapes or draws round “bumps” across the swamp with tape or chalk so that two feet can fit. The presenter tells the children that now they need to cross the swamp, which can be done by walking over the “bumps”. All participants in the competition join hands and begin to walk over the “bumps”. If the child steps over the edge of the “bump,” the hike starts all over again.

Features of the competition:

  • The quick implementation of the competition makes it not so interesting, so the presenter can once again find fault with the guys so that they start the journey again.

Competition 7: “What is your name?”

A very fun competition for children, which helps develop endurance and patience.


Carrying out:

The presenter writes on pieces of paper nouns that will become names of children, for example: “Boot”, “Broom”, “Breadbox”, “Pencil” and so on. The leaves are placed in a bag and mixed. The children sit around the leader in a semicircle, he approaches each one, offering to get himself a “name.” Next, the presenter will begin to ask questions to which the child must answer with the name given to him.

The presenter approaches the child with the words: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught!” Whoever laughs will have a bad time!” The presenter begins to ask questions: “Who are you?”, “What’s on your head?”, “What did you eat for lunch today?”, “Who is your friend?”, “What do you eat soup with?”, “Who flies in the sky?” ? and so on. The presenter’s task is to ask questions in a more varied way. The child’s task is not to laugh or smile when answering questions. The players sitting around can laugh as much as they want. Whoever laughs leaves the game. The one who wins is awarded a prize.

Features of the competition:

  • Losing players can be asked to perform some kind of forfeit.

Competition 8: “Turnip”

A fun active competition for children with mandatory awards for speed.


  • Chairs - 2 pieces.

Carrying out:

Players are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. In each team, depending on the number of children, there may be: “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “bug”, “granddaughter”, “cat”, “dog”, “mouse”. At the beginning of the room, chairs are placed on which two “turnips” sit, one for each team.

At the command of the leader, the “grandfather” puts his hands on his hips and begins to skip towards the “turnip”, run around it and gallop to the “grandmother”. Now “grandfather” and “grandmother” jump by hand towards the “turnip”, run around it and jump back. One jumper is added each time fairy tale hero. The last participant, the “mouse,” must run around the “turnip,” take it by the hand and pull it to jump with everyone else to the starting line.

Features of the competition:

  • The team that reaches the starting line with the “turnip” the fastest wins.

Competition 9: “Balls are little animals”

An interesting competition for children, in which you need to show your imagination and creativity.


Carrying out:

All prepared balloons should be inflated, tied with a long thread and hung in different corners of the room in equal quantities. Divide the children into two equal teams. Give each child on the team several different colored markers. The children's task is to draw a mouth, eyes, nose, ears on the balls to make an animal. The winner is the team that draws the animals the fastest.

Features of the competition:

  • The number of balls should be one for each child on the team.

Competition 10: “Owl”

A fun competition for the holiday to concentrate children's attention.


Carrying out:

At one end of the room, the leader draws a circle with chalk - an owl's nest. An owl is chosen from among the children, the rest are butterflies, bugs and other insects. The presenter says “Day”, all the children run around, imitating the flapping of insect wings. At the signal “Night”, the children must freeze in the position they were in, as the owl flies out to hunt. The owl slowly, flapping its wings, flies between the children and looks to see who moves. If someone moves, the owl takes him into her nest. When the nest is filled with three children, the presenter chooses a new owl from among them and the competition continues.

Features of the competition:

  • When the presenter says “Day”, the owl stands in the house with his back to the children who are pretending to be insects, and at the signal “Night” he turns.

Competition 11: “Scarf and Laughter”

A fun competition for children to test speed and attention.


Carrying out:

The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle and takes a small silk scarf. Children stand around the birthday boy. The birthday boy throws his handkerchief up and laughs, and the children should also laugh loudly with him. If the child stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, he is out of the game. When the handkerchief falls to the floor, everyone must stop laughing; whoever stops too late is eliminated from the competition. The child who remains in the competition the longest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The birthday boy can prepare the prize for the winner with his own hands in advance.

Competition 12: “Beads - Bagels”

An original and funny competition for children that will not leave them indifferent.


  • Bagels.
  • Threads.

Carrying out:

Before the competition, the presenter must string bagels on threads and tie them in the form of beads. The number of beads should be on each bead, as there are children in a team. A captain is chosen from each team of children and beads are hung around his neck. Children stand in a row, at the leader’s signal, the first child runs up to the captain and eats one bagel with beads. Then the next child takes over the baton. The team whose captain's beads were eaten the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The threads for stringing must be strong so that they do not break during the competition.
  • You can make the competition more difficult by telling children to keep their hands behind their backs and try to eat the bagel with one mouth.

Competition 13: “Give a smile to the birthday boy”

A fun competition for which children must try very hard.


Carrying out:

In the midst of the holiday, the presenter says that all the children are sitting with a sour face and the birthday boy will now be offended by the guests. All the children begin to smile intensely, but the presenter says that giving the birthday boy a smile should be done differently. The presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemons. Each child in a circle takes a slice, chews it and smiles. The winner is the one whose smile, in the opinion of the birthday boy, was the most beautiful.

Features of the competition:

  • Before holding this competition, you should ask the parents of the guests if any of their children are allergic to citrus fruits.

Competition 14: “Guess who eats what?”

An interesting competition for children who have just come to the celebration and are still a little shy.

Carrying out:

The host says that the theme of today’s feast is “animals.” You should ask each child in turn a question about which animal eats what, for example: “What does a cat eat?”, “What does a pigeon eat?”, “What does a dolphin eat.” You can ask several questions to everyone in a circle, starting with ordinary animals, moving on to exotic ones. For each correct answer, the child should be rewarded with candy, a sticker or other small prize.

Features of the competition:

  • This competition can be held while sitting at the table.

Competition 15: "Turtles"

A fun competition - a relay race that will immediately lift the spirits of all guests.


  • Two basins.

Carrying out:

The leader divides the children into two teams with an equal number of people. All team members line up in a column. Participants standing in front are given a basin, with the help of which they must become turtles. The child gets on all fours and places an inverted pelvis - a shell - on his back. At a signal, the child begins to move on all fours to the finish line, then back. Then the basin is passed to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members complete the turtle test the fastest.

Features of the competition:

To make it more comfortable for children to move around, make sure there is a clean, soft carpet on the floor.


Regardless of the occasion for which a cheerful adult company has gathered at the table - an anniversary or just a birthday, it does not hurt the birthday person to prepare in advance. Undoubtedly, good menu, appropriate drinks, appropriate music are an important part of spending time together. But fun competitions For adult company at the table or in nature will allow you to achieve a special effect.

The company may include both long-time friends and unfamiliar people. It is possible that informal communication is organized for people who are seeing each other for the first time. It could be people of different ages- men and women, boys and girls. No matter how the communication is supposed to be, having at least a conditional plan of action, including competitions for young people, quizzes for adults, funny jokes and theatrical performances, means ensuring the success of any event!
So, competitions for young people: students, schoolchildren, adults, young at heart!

Fun competition at the “Thoughts” table

A musical selection is prepared in advance, where wishes or funny sayings are expressed in songs. For example, “I’m a chocolate bunny, I’m an affectionate bastard...”, “And I’m unmarried, someone really needs it..”, “It’s great that we’re all gathered here today..”, etc. The host simply approaches each guest and puts a magic hat on his head that can read thoughts.

Carbon Contest “Milk the Cow”

On a stick, chair... (whatever is more convenient for you) attach 1 medical ordinary glove for each participant in the competition, make tiny holes at the end of each finger and pour water into the glove. The participants' task is to milk the glove.
The delight is indescribable for both participants and spectators. (Especially if no one has seen how to milk a cow and the company drank a little). The mood will be through the roof!!!

Competition “Guess the Animal”

It is necessary to prepare several photographs of famous stars in advance. Only one person participates in the competition - the presenter. The presenter selects a player from the audience, the player turns away, the presenter says - I show the audience a photo of the animal, and you ask leading questions, and we will all say yes or no. Everyone except the player sees the photo (for example, Dima Bilan in the photo), everyone starts laughing, and the player thinks that this is a funny animal and starts asking crazy questions:
– does he have a lot of fat or not?
-does he have horns?

Mobile competition for the company

Two large but equal teams are participating. Each participant ties an inflated balloon your team colors. The thread can be any length, although the longer the better. The balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy their opponents’ balls by stepping on them at the same time, preventing them from doing the same with their own. The owner of the burst ball steps aside and stops the battle. The winner is the team whose ball remains the last on the battlefield. Fun and not traumatic. Verified. By the way, each team can develop some kind of strategy and tactics for combat. And the balls may not be the same color in a team, but to successfully fight you need to know your partners well.

Competition for those who are thirsty (can be held outdoors) -)

We need to take about 10 plastic glasses, fill them in front of the competition participants with various drinks (both tasty and intentionally “spoiled” with the addition of salt, pepper or something like that, but most importantly compatible with life). Glasses are placed in a pile. Participants take turns throwing a ping pong ball into glasses and whichever glass the ball lands in, the contents of that glass are drunk.

Competition “Make a Wish”

Participants collect one item of each, which is put into a bag. After which, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out thing. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and moo, and so on.

Competition “Fairy tales with a modern twist”

Among the people invited to the birthday party, of course, there are representatives various professions. Each of them is a professional in his field, and, of course, has a full set of terms and specific vocabulary inherent in people of his profession. Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? This is done simply.
Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the contents of well-known fairy tales in professional language.
Imagine the fairy tale “Flint”, written in the style of a police report or a psychiatric medical history. And “The Scarlet Flower” in the form of a description tourist route?
The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Competition “Guess the picture”

The presenter shows the players a picture that is closed large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet across the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The one who guesses the fastest wins.

Writing competition (fun)

The players sit in circles and give everyone blank sheets papers and pens. The presenter asks the question: “Who?” Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After this, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible. After this, they pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks: “Where did you go?” Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Presenter: “Why did he go there?”…. And so on. After this, the fun reading begins together.

An incendiary game “Let's dance!?”

Preparation is simple: a neckerchief is selected and the leader responsible for musical accompaniment. The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, fiery melodies that can excite the participants so that they want to perform the most fiery steps and pirouettes.

Everyone taking part in the entertainment stands in a large circle. The first dancer is chosen. This may be the hero of the occasion; if there is none, you can decide by drawing lots or counting. The player stands in an improvised circle, a scarf is tied to him, the music is turned on, and everyone dances. After making a few or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in a circle. The scarf must be tied in a knot around the neck, and the “heir” must also be kissed. The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps. The dance lasts as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the leader turns it off, the remaining dancer in the circle is taken by surprise and is forced to shout something like “ku-ka-re-ku.” The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun those present will have.

Competition “Dress each other”

This team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “gets dressed” faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

Competition “Boar Hunting”

To play you will need several teams of “hunters”, consisting of 3 people and one “boar”. The “hunters” are given cartridges (this can be any piece of paper) after which they try to hit the “boar”. The target can be a circle of cardboard on which a target is drawn. This circle with a target is attached to the “boar” on the belt in the lumbar region. The task of the “boar” is to run away and evade, and the task of the “hunters” is to hit this very target.
A certain time is recorded during which the game is played. It is advisable to limit the space for the game so that the game does not turn into a real hunt. The game must be played in a sober state. It is prohibited to hold a “boar” by teams of “hunters”.


There are many balls scattered on the floor.
Those interested are invited. And on command, to the accompaniment of fast music, each participant must take and hold as many balls as possible.

Competition “Try and Guess”

The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth in such a way that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives a text that needs to be read. The participant tries to read it with expression (preferably it is an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original. Instead of a bun, you can use another product that makes it difficult to pronounce words.

Competition “Overcome the Obstacle”

Two couples are invited to the stage. Chairs are placed and a rope is pulled between them. The guys' task is to pick up the girl and step over the rope. After the first pair does this, the second pair does it too. Next you need to pick up the rope and repeat the task again. The rope will rise until one of the pairs completes the task. As has already become clear, the pair that falls before the other pair loses.

Competition “Potato”

To participate in the competition you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players' belts, with a potato tied at the end. The essence of the competition is to quickly push an empty pack to the finish line with these same potatoes, which are dangling at the end of the rope. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition “Clothespins”

Couples take center stage. All participants are given 10-15 clothespins on their clothes. Then everyone is blindfolded and fast music is played. Everyone needs to take pictures greatest number clothespins from their rivals.

Competition “Who is the fastest?”

Two teams of five people each are recruited. A pot of water is placed in front of each team; the water in both pans is at the same level. Whichever team drinks water from the pots using spoons the fastest, that team wins.

Competition “Diver”

Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to wear fins and look reverse side through binoculars, cover a given distance.

Competition “Associations”

The participants of the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning is and where the end is). The first one utters two completely unrelated words. For example: wood and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two items. For example, “The wife got tired of her husband constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled in a tree with him.” Then the same player says the following word, for example, “Bed.” The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example, “Sleeping on a branch has become not as comfortable as sleeping on a bed.” And so on until the imagination is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts any of the participants and asks them to repeat all the words spoken; the one who fails to do this is eliminated from the game.

Competition “How to use?”

The competition requires 5 – 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants must take turns saying how the item is used. The use of the item must be theoretically correct. Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

You can complicate competitions and make them more creative and creative. Be happy not only on holidays. Give laughter and smiles to your friends, family and loved ones.

Fool me
Each participant is given a whole pack chewing gum, for example, Orbit. At the “start” command, each participant begins the chewing process. The task is to chew all the plates faster than the others and inflate the largest balloon. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws will receive a prize.

Feel the booty

The competition is fun and interesting. Each participant's eyes are closed and an object is placed on a chair, for example, a nut, a spoon, a pencil, and so on. Each participant sits down on a chair and tries to guess what is under his soft spot. Whoever guesses the most items correctly will receive a prize.

Crazy dancing

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one leg of one participant is tied to one leg of the second participant. The host turns on the music and commands are given to dance, for example, lambada, cancan, chunga-changa, hip-hop, and so on. It will be interesting to watch how the couples will interact and dance with their feet tied. The most eccentric and talented couple will receive a prize.

Make up your own word

For this competition, the presenter must think through and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests there is an easel and the word - . u. nya The host explains that the guests must think carefully and pronounce the word that fits, that is, simply add letters instead of dots. Or, for example, you need to make up a word of 5 letters, which must contain the letters p, z, d, a. In this way, guests will cheer themselves up and become inspired. But the answers are quite simple. The first option is the kitchen, and the second option is the west.


Participants are divided into two teams. The first team is customs, and the second is people who travel abroad. Customs will not let them through until they answer the main question: “What will you take with you abroad first?” Travelers must name things that begin with the same letter as their name.
Whoever names the most things wins.

Draw the word

The host and the guests come up with a word and say it to one of the competition participants. His task is to depict this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the team of players is to guess what word it is about we're talking about. The one who guesses first will receive a prize.

Show me your tongue

The guys are divided into teams. One by one, the participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant takes out his phantom from the hat, in which a certain phrase is written, difficult to pronounce, for example, “a somersault with a twist” or “the ships were still able to catch” and so on. Each participant goes to the center and, opening his mouth wide, sticking out his tongue completely, pronounces the phrase assigned to him, and his team must guess as quickly as possible and pronounce this very phrase word for word. If the team this participant is a member of guesses, it gets its point; if the opposing team guesses, it gets 2 points. There is an incentive and there will certainly be fun after everyone sticks out their tongue and tries to say something.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

This competition involves those interested who are ready to show their announcer skills at speed. Each participant holds two nuts in his mouth, and the leader has a stopwatch in his hands. Each person in turn, with nuts in their mouths, says a simple tongue twister: “The cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood! You can choose another one. Who's for the most a short time If he tells a tongue twister and doesn't let the nut out of his mouth, he wins.

Don't take me weakly

In this competition, the presenter offers to do one of two things: do 500 push-ups or:
- drink a glass of vodka (in fact, there will be water in the glass);
- drink a liter of potassium permanganate (diluted cherry juice);
- eat 2 worms (in fact, the worms will be gummy);
- smear your face with mud (melted chocolate) and so on.
It will be interesting who is not weak to accomplish a “feat” and it will be funny to watch the surprised faces when the truth turns out to be untrue. And the most courageous ones will receive prizes.

Legs can do anything

Each participant sits on his butt, takes a marker at his feet (between his feet) and must write a phrase on a piece of paper, for example, I’m great. All letters must be clearly visible. Whichever of the guys writes the phrase faster will win a prize.