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» Natural resources. Project "Rocks and Minerals of the Khabarovsk Territory"

Natural resources. Project "Rocks and Minerals of the Khabarovsk Territory"

Rocks and minerals of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Completed by: student of 4th "A" class - Smirnova Anastasia.

Head: teacher primary classes– Olga Anatolyevna Baranova

Our goals:

Formation of knowledge about rocks and minerals. Are rocks important in human life.


  • Learn about rocks and minerals.
  • To develop knowledge about the formation of rocks.
  • Is it possible to live without rocks?
  • Production natural resources in the Khabarovsk Territory. Types of rocks of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Properties of rocks.

1. Density.

2. Melting point.

3. Color.

4. Shine.

5. Hardness.

6. Durability.

7. Porosity.

8. Water absorption (salt-acid).

9. Frost resistance.

10. Mineral composition.

Rocks are born, live, die.

All rocks arise in a specific geological setting. Depending on the conditions of formation, they are divided into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.


Minerals are components of rocks characterized by one or another chemical composition and structure. Rock is usually a mixture of different minerals.


Rocks are usually called loose or dense masses that form earth's crust and become sources of minerals.

Rock formation.

  • This happened in different ways. You've probably heard about a volcanic eruption. During its eruption, hot, fiery streams of a special substance - magma - erupt from the bowels of the earth with enormous force. They pour out onto its surface and cool. Magma leads to the formation of igneous rocks. Magma is the “mother” for many igneous rocks, these include granite and basalt. Formed millions of years ago, igneous rocks are clearly visible on the slopes of mountain cliffs.

Underground treasures of the Khabarovsk Territory.

  • Khabarovsk region- a real pantry natural resources. In terms of diversity and reserves, this is the richest region in Russia. The region is rich in minerals: tin, mercury, iron ore, hard and brown coal, manganese, graphite and other natural minerals.


  • Transparent, colorless, elongated crystals of rock crystal, pointed at the end, are one of the most common varieties of quartz, the same one that is familiar to everyone in the form of sand.

Iceland spar.

  • Iceland spar - clear or slightly colored crystals. They are used in the souvenir and optical industries .


Amethyst .

  • Amethyst - a variety of quartz with a purple color. Used in jewelry.


  • Halite - crystalline product of grayish, dark gray, reddish, bluish color. This is the only mineral in nature that people eat (ordinary salt).

Native sulfur.

  • Native sulfur - hard crystalline substance yellow color. In nature, sulfur occurs in native form. The role of this substance is very important in chemical production.


Rhodonite - a beautiful, opaque jewelry stone of uneven pink or cherry-pink color. Used in the jewelry industry.


  • Marble - crystalline rock. It comes in white, pink and other colors. Used for sculptural and architectural works.

Of course, the rocks and minerals that the Khabarovsk Territory is rich in can be listed for a very, very long time. We showed you only a small part of the fossils .

Let's summarize.

  • 1. We learned what rocks and minerals are.
  • 2. We learned that most rocks have a feature - constancy of shape.
  • 3.Khabarovsk region is very rich in minerals, rocks and minerals.

State of the mineral resource base

Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest regions of Russia in terms of potential mineral resources. The main areas for the economy of the region are placer deposits of gold and platinum, deposits of ore gold, tin, alunite, hard and brown coal. There are prerequisites for identifying unique and large deposits of complex apatite-ilmenite-titanium-magnetite vanadium-containing ores, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, alunite, and zircon. Areas that are promising for rare earths, tungsten, platinum group minerals, oil and gas have been identified.


In 2008, the Khabarovsk Territory was in the top five regions in terms of ore gold production, and the volume of production increased at all enterprises (AS Amur, CJSC Mnogovershinnoye and LLC Okhotsk GGK). The gold mining industry of the region is based on 360 deposits registered by the State Balance with total reserves of categories B+C1+C2 of 279.9 tons. The main balance reserves of gold category are concentrated in 24 primary deposits. B+C1 129378 kg (76% of the region's reserves), cat. C2 103318 kg (94% of the reserves of the region, category C2), total reserves of category. B+C1+C2 amount to 232.7 tons. In 335 alluvial deposits, gold reserves are cat. B+C1 are 40564 kg and cat. C2 6579 kg, total reserves cat. B+C1+C2 amount to 47.1 tons. The complex tin-sulfide ores of the Festivalnoye deposit contain 32 kg of gold cat. C2. The distributed fund takes into account 59 developed deposits, including 9 primary, 49 alluvial and 1 complex, 27 alluvial deposits being prepared for development and 34 explored, including 11 primary and 23 alluvial. The unallocated fund includes 207 gold deposits, including three ore deposits: Khotorchanskoe and Chachika with cat. C2 4.8 t, Oemkunskoe with off-balance reserves – 517 kg; 204 placer deposits with cat reserves were also taken into account. B+C1 18.7 t, cat. С2 0.7 t and off-balance sheet 7.1 t. Gold mining is carried out by 17: JSC AS "Amur", JSC "Mnogovershinnoe", JSC AS "DV Resources", JSC "Okhotskaya GGK", PC AS "Primorye", LLC "Ros-DV", LLC "ZAS "Alpha", PC AS "Vostok", PC AS "Vostok-2", LLC "AS "Zarya", LLC NPF "Compass Geoservice", LLC "AS "Niman", LLC "GGK "Plast", PC AS "Pribrezhnaya", CJSC "AS "Amgun-1", LLC ZDK "Dalnevostochnik", LLC GGP "Marekan", and also, incidentally, LLC "Vostokolovo".


As of January 1, 2009, the total balance reserves of platinum group metals in the Khabarovsk Territory amounted to about 23,380 kg. The balance takes into account 3 placer deposits: river. Conder, b. Worgalan and Mokhovaya stream. Platinum mining has been carried out at the Konder deposit of JSC AS Amur since 1984. In 2008, 5095 kg of schlich platinum was mined. In general, for the deposit, the balance reserves of spot platinum of category B+C1 are 15,150 kg, and the off-balance reserves are 1,947 kg. The balance takes into account the reserves of concentrate platinum of category C2 in the lower reaches of the river. Worgalan in the amount of 8230 kg. The provision of JSC AS Amur with balance reserves based on a productivity of 2900 thousand m3/year is 10.9 years. Off-balance reserves of the creek deposit. Mokhovaya (right of the Chad river) are taken into account by the Vostok prospecting team, the deposit is not mined. JSC AS "Amur" completed search work for ore platinum within the Konder intrusive massif and its framing, the predicted resources of category P2 are estimated at 7.3 tons.


The state balance accounts for 15 deposits with balance reserves of more than 2508.4 tons. The main silver reserves are contained in the Khakanja (1624.2 tons) silver-gold deposit, which account for 82.8% of the reserves in the region. 7 deposits are being developed for silver in the region: 2 tin deposits (Festivalnoye and Pravourmiyskoye), 3 silver-gold deposits (Mnogovershinnoye, Khakanjinskoye and Yuryevskoye) and 2 gold deposits (Tukchi, Usmun). In 2008, 88.1 tons were extracted from the subsoil, including 66.8 tons at the Khakanja and Yuryevskoye deposits (Okhotsk Mining and Geological Company OJSC).


Within the region, three tin mining districts have been identified - Komsomolsky, Badzhalsky and Buta-Koppinsky, as well as the Dusse-Alinsky district with placers of tin. The balance reserves of tin of the Khabarovsk Territory as of January 1, 2009 amounted to cat. V-17 818 t, cat. C1 – 267175 t, cat. B+C1 –284993 t, cat. C2 – 137,860 tons, of which 17,818 tons, 266,651 tons, 284,469 tons and 137,442 tons for primary deposits, respectively, and 524 tons for alluvial deposits. C1 and 418 t cat C2. Off-balance reserves are equal to 20,964 tons, of which 20,910 tons are in primary deposits, and 54 tons in alluvial deposits. Tin reserves are accounted for in 12 deposits: 10 primary and 2 alluvial, including one placer with only off-balance reserves (Agdoni River). The group of those being developed includes three fields - Festivalnoye, Perevalnoye (Vostokolovo LLC) and Pravourmiyskoye (Pravourmiyskoye LLC). The remaining deposits are listed in the undistributed fund. In total, the undistributed fund includes 9 deposits with total balance reserves of tin: cat. B+C1 – 88476 t, cat C2 – 69775 t. For 2008 In the region, 386 tons of tin were extracted from the subsoil, including at the following deposits: Festivalnoye 90 tons, Perevalnoye 24 tons, Pravourmiysky 272 tons. The mined ore is supplied by Vostokolovo LLC to the processing plant of Dalolovo LLC, where it is processed. At the Pravourmiyskoye deposit, all work on the extraction and processing of ore was carried out by CJSC "Artel of Prospectors "Amgun-1". The resulting tin concentrate was sent to OJSC Novosibirsk Tin Plant.


As of 01/01/2009, the GBZ in the Khabarovsk Territory takes into account 6 coal deposits, including 34 areas (accounting objects), including 3 with brown coal and 31 with hard coal. The bulk of balance reserves cat. A+B+C1 (80.5%) is represented by hard coals, significantly less (19.5%) is represented by brown coals. The balance reserves of hard coal (80.6% of the explored reserves in the region - 1645.5 million tons) are concentrated in the Bureinsky basin. Mining work was carried out by Urgalugol OJSC at the Northern Urgal site (for mines), the Urgalskaya mine, and the Bureinsky and Marekansky open-pit mines. The main amount of coal in the region was mined at the Urgal deposit: at the Northern Urgal site (for mines) and the Bureinsky open-pit mine (69.1 and 22.7%, respectively, of the total production in the region). In 2008, 1603 million tons of coal were mined, in including 1548 million tons of stone and 0.055 million tons of brown, with 26.1% - open method. Coal production in the Khabarovsk Territory decreased by 109 thousand tons (4.6%), which is due to the technical re-equipment of underground longwall faces carried out by Urgalugol OJSC. There is a possibility of increasing coal reserves through exploration of coal-bearing areas in the Khudurkanskaya area, carried out by JSC AS Amur under license KHAB 02256 TE. The main reserves and predicted resources (12.93 billion tons) of brown coal are concentrated in the Middle Amur basin. The total reserves of the Khurmulinskoye, Lianskoye and Marekanskoye deposits, capable of providing remote areas of the region with energy raw materials, are estimated at 322.5 million tons. Brown coal mining amounted to only 3.4% of the total in the Khabarovsk Territory and was carried out by open-pit mining. Eco-DV LLC, under license KHAB 02055 TE, carried out exploration and production of brown coal at the Mukhenskoye deposit in the Nanai region. Coal reserves in the author’s figures are for category C1 – 6770 thousand tons, C2 – 4781 thousand tons.

Edition: Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 2009, 239 pp., ISBN: 978-5-8044-1028-6

Language(s) Russian

The characteristics of the methane content of the main coal-methane basins, information on the origin of hydrocarbon gases and the forms of their occurrence in coal-bearing strata, as well as the values ​​of the methane content of coal seams depending on the depth of their occurrence are given. A geological and industrial assessment of methane resources and an analysis of the prospects for organizing coal methane production were carried out. Promising technologies for the extraction and use of coalbed methane are proposed. The research was supported by the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science. Foundation of the International Energy Prize "Global Energy" - "Energy of Youth"; Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project 2009-Р1-ГрО-П 17-10) and a grant from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (09-Ш-Л-07-324).

Edition: Vladivostok, 2011, 26 pages.

Language(s) Russian

In terms of economic importance, gold is among the leading group of metals. The most profitable is the extraction of gold from placers. However, in recent decades, due to the development of most alluvial deposits, increasing attention has been paid to the forecast and search for primary deposits of this metal.

Therefore, priority when studying gold placers

Geochemical and mineralogical areas of research are becoming available, which can provide information about the material and genetic characteristics of the indigenous food sources of placers.

Editor(s): Oleynikov A.N.

Publication: FSBI "VSEGEI", St. Petersburg, 2004, 234 pp., UDC: (564.1+564.5):551.76 (084.4) (571.6), ISBN: 5-87399-119-7

Language(s) Russian

The atlas represents the first and most complete generalization of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous macrofauna of the Russian Far East (Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, Amur and Chita regions). More than 500 stratigraphically important and widespread generic and species taxa of ammonoids and bivalves are described and depicted. A significant part of them is published for the first time. The description of the fauna is given in taxonomic order, the image on 103 paleontological tables is given in stratigraphic sequence. The stratigraphic section examines regional biostratigraphic schemes for all three systems, including autonomous scales for ammonoids and bivalves. The characteristics of the established biostratons - zones and layers with fauna - are given. The section includes 6 stratigraphic schemes.

Atlas is methodological manual for stratigraphers, paleontologists and practicing geologists of the East of Russia. The book is also intended for a wide range of domestic and foreign specialists dealing with issues of biostratigraphy and fauna of the Mesozoic.

Editor(s): Marinov N.A.

Edition: Nedra, Moscow, 1971, 514 pp., UDC: 551.49 (571:62-61)

Language(s) Russian

Volume XXIII is compiled from stock materials of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical research and published works of a general nature, accumulated over 50 years Soviet power. The volume highlights the main patterns of the formation of fresh and mineral groundwater, assesses the total resources and provides recommendations on the most rational use them, which is shown on the hydrogeological map attached to it. The main sources of water supply to the southern and eastern parts of the territory are aquifers and complexes contained in Cenozoic, less often Mesozoic, sediments that fill artesian basins, as well as in Lower Quaternary and Miocene basalts. In the zone of development of permafrost rocks, sub-channel groundwater, sub-permafrost groundwater, as well as groundwater from through taliks and areas of development of disjunctive disturbances can be used for water supply. Thermal nitrogen, nitrogen-methane and cold carbon dioxide waters are installed on the territory. Seven deposits are used for medicinal purposes mineral waters. The volume provides a general estimate of fresh groundwater resources for artesian basins, which are approximately 500 m3/sec. The volume also reflects the hydrogeological conditions of mineral deposits, issues of reclamation hydrogeology, groundwater protection and general engineering and geological conditions of the territory.

Map compiled by: VSEGINGEO, DVTGU, Ministry of Geology of the USSR, 1968.

Editor(s): Marinov N.A. , Raikhlin I.B.

Language(s) Russian

Scale: 1:2500000

Purpose of the map: Hydrogeological map

Editor(s): Marinov N.A., Raikhlin I.B., Sidorenko A.V.

Edition: Nedra, Moscow, 1971, 514 pp., UDC: 551.49(571:62-61)

Language(s) Russian

Volume XXIII is compiled from stock materials of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical research and published works of a general nature, accumulated over 50 years of Soviet power. The volume highlights the main patterns of formation of fresh and mineral groundwater. the general resources were assessed and recommendations were given for their most rational use, which is displayed on the hydrogeological map attached to the volume. The main sources of water supply to the southern and central parts of the territory are aquifers and complexes contained in Cenozoic, less often Mesozoic, sediments that fill artesian basins, as well as in lower Quaternary and Miocene basalts. In the zone of development of permafrost rocks, under-channel and sub-permafrost soils can be used for water supply. as well as groundwater of through taliks and areas of development of disjunctive disturbances. Thermal nitrogen, nitrogen-methane and cold carbon dioxide waters are installed on the territory. Seven deposits of mineral waters are used for medicinal purposes. The volume provides a general estimate of fresh groundwater resources for artesian basins, which are approximately 500 m3/sec. The volume also reflects the hydrogeological conditions of mineral deposits, issues of reclamation hydrogeology, groundwater protection and general engineering and geological conditions of the territory.

Editor(s): Sidorenko A.V.

Edition: Nedra, Moscow, 1976

Deposits and manifestations of combustible and non-metallic minerals, as well as ferrous metals of the Khabarovsk Territory and Amur region. Brief hydrogeological, engineering and geological characteristics of these territories are given. For the first time, a large amount of factual material on the geology of one of the most important regions of the Far East - the Amur part of the Soviet sector of the Pacific Mobile Belt - has been summarized. A comprehensive systematic description of deposits and occurrences of minerals is carried out against the background general patterns their placement. The presented materials give an idea of ​​the prospects for ore and coal content, mining and technical conditions for the exploitation of deposits, their wider and more comprehensive use for the development of the productive forces of the Far East, as well as the direction of further prospecting and exploration work. The work can be used by geological planning organizations and mining enterprises

Editor(s): Sidorenko A.V.

Edition: Nedra, Moscow, 1966

Volume XIX of "Geology of the USSR" provides a description of the geological structure of the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region - part of the Soviet Far East, which is a very diverse region in geological and structural terms. It includes the most ancient archean projections of the Aldan Shield, the Early Proterozoic structures of Stanovik-Dzhugdzhur and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic and Mesozoic folded areas of the Amur region and Sihoge-Alin. In the history of the region's development great importance had processes of Mesozoic and Cenozoic activation. The vast territory occupied by the Amur Region and Khabarovsk Territory is uneven and still insufficiently studied. Quick update geological material, especially in last years, forces us to admit that ideas about the structure and geological history of this part of the Far East cannot be considered indisputable. In all necessary cases reflects the existing different opinions. The volume provides for the first time a systematic description of the geology of the Amur Region and Khabarovsk Territory. This description will undoubtedly contribute to the knowledge of the mineral resources of the vast and important mining and industrial region of the East of the USSR - Many structural elements of the described territory can also be traced in adjacent areas. Therefore, the volume makes a connection with the geological structure of the Chita and Magadan regions. Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Primorsky Territory.

Locations of minerals in the Khabarovsk Territory and adjacent territories. Compiled by: © A.A. Evseev
Read more: Evseev A.A. . M., 2004. - 284 p. Attention: the name and location (position on the map) of some locations requires clarification (shown on the map with red and brown icons). Maps are for educational purposes only.

Locations of minerals in the Khabarovsk Territory and adjacent territories (Far East) with examples of finds. Compiled by: © A.A. Evseev. Marked with an arrow: Irnimiyskoe, Komsomolsky district, Konder, Merek, Olga, Tropinova Gora, Luck, Khakanja, Chergilen.Attention: the name and location (position on the map) of some locations requires clarification (shown on the map with red and brown icons). Maps are for educational purposes only. More details:\\ k-12

Anorthosites! !\\ Geransky massif, Dzhugzhdur, Khabarovsk region, Russia \\iris. anorthosites - Lennikov A., 1980(l)

Brownite. Transverse deposit, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 83116. Museum collection, 1984).

Photo 1-2: © A.A. Evseev. From left to right: Helvin, genthelvin. Gelvin. Gelvin Mine (No. 63), Ilmen Mountains, South Ural, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 32991, Kryzhanovsky L.I.). Gentgelvin

. \\ Top. R. Uchur, Dzhugdzhur ridge, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 69028, Ivanovsky A.G. Recorded in 1966). Photo: © A.A. Evseev.


Taragai deposit, Khabarovsk region. , Russia \\ hydromagnesite--FM (No. 75415, Smolin P.P., 1974)


Shatnov Yu.A. et al., 1990. Rock crystal, quartz. Khabarovsk region Graphite! \\


\\ Dzhalinda deposit, Mal. Khingan, Khabarovsk region, Russia

Jamesonite Jamsonite. Pridorozhnoye deposit, Khabarovsk region. Russia. Sample: FM (No.). Photo: © A.A. Evseev.


_Khakanja deposit (Au-Ag), ~100 km northwest of Okhotsk \\ “In the placer of the Nash stream (Khakanja) and in the ore occurrence from which the placer was formed, a third of the gold is represented by crystals several millimeters in size. The crystals have the shape of cubes and octahedra in combination with rarer forms, bear traces of skeletal growth (see figure) in the form of steps and funnels. Ribbon crystals, dendrites and stepped intergrowths are also found. (Rascheskin E.V., 2004, 178) Gold on platinum crystals. 2.5x6 mm. M-nie Konder, Khabarovsk region. Photo: M.A. Bogomolov. \\ NMK-169


Platinum [isoferroplatinum]. Twins 5-6 mm. Conder, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Samples: W. Pinch\W.W. Pinch. Photo: © M. Moiseev \\ Big photo - ttp://

Indit*\\ Dzhalinda deposit, Mal. Khingan, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia --FM_syst. (No. 65279)

Jasper ("irnimit").

Ir-Nimi, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Mineralogical Museum of the RGGRU, No. 802. Photo: A.A. Evseev. Cadmium

\\ top. R. Maya, Khabarovsk region, Russia --FM_syst. (No. 80829, Novgorodova M.I.) \\ Map physical map



Cassiterite (crystals up to 1 cm). [Solnechnoye deposit], Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample: V.G. Grishin. 2012.09. Photo: © A.A. Evseev.

Cassiterite (crystals up to 2 cm). [Merek], Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample 1-2: Miner. RGGRU Museum (R-1308 (right). Gift: Tonkacheev.D., 2012.04.11). Photo: © A.A. Evseev.

1. Cassiterite (crystals 2-3 cm). Merek, Khabarovsk region, Russia. 2. Cassiterite. Merek, Khabarovsk region, Russia. 3 cm. Samples: Min. Museum RGGRU (R-1191. Evseev A.A., 2011.12). Photo: © A. Evseev.

Cassiterite. Merek, Khabarovsk region, Russia. About 5 cm. Sample: Min. museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS (K-4596, Tolpegin Yu.G., 1991). Photo: © A.A. Evseev. 1. Quartz. Astafievskoe deposit, Southern Ural, Russia. (K-4657. Museum collection. Abramov D.A., 1995) 2. Quartz. Khingan deposit, Khabarovsk region, Russia (No. 31313. Gift: Prusevich N.A., 1992). Sample 1-2: Miner. museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS

. Photo: © A.A. Evseev \\ 33_12--Ast--Ha


Photo: © A.A. Evseev. Kotoit. Gray granular aggregate of kotoite. containing ludwigite crystals and spherulites. Gonochan deposit, near the lane. State-owned, hr. Dzhugdzhur, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample: FM (Collection of V.I. Stepanov. ST 6944).

Photo: © A.A. Evseev L amprophyllite!!< 6 см


Lamprophyllite. Conder, Khabarovsk region. Crystals up to 6 cm. Sample: FM (Andreev G.V.). Photo 1-2: A. Evseev. Laumontite(?), amethyst in propylitized basalt (Paleogene). White Mountain m-nie, Nikolaevsky district, Khabarovsk region, Russia. 7 cm. Sample: Miner. Museum MGRI-RGGRU (gift: Okulov A., 2011.10). Photo:

© A.A. Evseev.


Miserite. Chergilen, Khabarovsk region, Russia. 7x7 cm. Sample: FM. Photo: © A.A. Evseev Monticellite!!!

\\ Conder - large xls \\ FM (No. 62870. Bogomolov M.A., 1961)

Marble\\ Birakanskoe deposit (Pink Rock), west of the Teploozerskoe deposit, Jewish Autonomous Okrug. Used for cladding the Moscow metro stations "Belorusskaya (rad.)", "Airport", "Sokol".

Far Eastern marble (Birokanskoye deposit (Pink Rock)) in the cladding of the Belorusskaya metro station. Photo: © A. Evseev.

Nepheline\\ Conder-huge xls \ Geol. monuments of Russia, p.166

Orthoclase. Gray transparent columnar crystal (4.5 cm). Manifestation Udacha, 60 km south of the Konder massif, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 91405). Photo: © A.A. Evseev.


Rhodonite. Ir-Nimiyskoye deposit, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Mineralogical Museum MGGRU, No. 1102. Photo: A.A. © Evseev.

Rhodonite. Shantarskoye deposit, Shantar Islands, Far East, Russia. Sample: Museum "Gems". 2011.12.11. Photo: © A.A. Evseev.

Rhodonite with tephroite and spessartine. Teploozerskoe deposit, Mal. Khingan, Jewish Aut. region, Russia. More than 10x15 cm. Sample: Miner. museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS(No. 82556. Kudinova L.A.). Photo: © A.A. Evseev.


Taikanit*\\ Ir-Nimiyskoye deposit, Taikansky range, Khabarovsk region. --FM (No. 84394, Kalinin V.V., 1986)

Toponymy\\ Burykin A. A. On the history and etymology of some toponyms of the Okhotsk coast

Torostenstrupin* \\ Chergilen, Khabarovsk region - FM (No. 64285)

Tugarinovit*\\ Lenskoye deposit (Mo-U), [Amur region], East. Siberia--FM (No. 81395. Kruglova V.G., 1981)

Ferrorhodsite*\\Chad* and Conder*

Photo gallery _nature \\

Colored stones\\ Zmievsky Yu.P., Fedorova L.K. Colored stones of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. - Khabarovsk: Publishing house DVIMS, 2002. - 122 p.

Shorlomit!! \\ Conder-huge xls \ Geol. monuments of Russia, p.166


Euclase [in breed. Ulkanskiy massif], Dzhugdzhur, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia. More than 10 cm. Sample: National Museum"Earth and People", Sofia. (No. 5696. Collection: M. Maleev). Photo: © A. Evseev. 2011.10.09.

Amber in coal. Key Kholodny, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 83127, Godovikov A.A.). Photo: © A.A.


Yakhontovit* [greenish veins in oxidized ore]. Pridorozhnoye deposit*, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Sample: FM (No. 84395. Postnikova V.P., 1986). Photo: © A.A. Evseev. \\ MINERALS LOCATIONS

\ EXAMPLES OF FINDS Birokanskoe deposit

marble (Pink Rock), Jewish Autonomous Region, Far East, Russia, sources of the Chulby River (100 km from the mouth along the road), right. adv. Uchura (above Chagda), ridge. Ket-Kap, [Khabarovsk Territory] \\ adit, etc. - stockwork of quartz veins, in them there are cavities, including soda. hundreds of kg of raw materials - forge. crystal and smoke

quartz; soda crystals on rutile. hematite. tremolite. phantoms with powders of pyrite and mica. min., "blue rays" \\ Source: Rascheskin E.V., 2004, 96-97 Jalinda estate

, 21 km NE from Khingansk, Far East, Russia \\jalindit*; indite*; cassiterite - various "woody tin"!;, Jewish auto. region Far East, Russia

-\\ useful. fossils - - \\ Colored stones - Deposits of non-metallic minerals of the Jewish

autonomous region

: Directory / Vrublevsky A.A., Kuzin A.A., Ivanyuk B.O., Ivanyuk M.B., - Khabarovsk-Birobidzhan: Amur Geographical Society, 2000. - 208 p. Karadub deposit (Sn), north of Obluchye, Jewish Autonomous Okrug Komsomolsky district. Khabarovsk Territory, Russia \\ \\ Postnikova (Zvereva) V. P., Yakhontova L. K. Mineralogy of the hypergenesis zone of tin ore deposits in the Komsomolsk region. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1984. 122 p.

Radkevich E. A., Korostelev P. G., Kokorin A. M.

and others. Mineralized zones of the Komsomolsk region. M.: Nauka, 1967. 116 p. Kuldur deposit \ Kuldur brucite. r-k, 14 km to the north from the village of Izvestkovy, Jewish Autonomous Okrug \\ of the world's largest deposits of brucite

Pravourmiyskoye deposit(W-Sn), Badzhal ore district, Khabarovsk region, Russian Federation \\ cassiterite!;

topaz! \\ Semenyak B.I., Nedashkovsky A.P. Sulfostannates of copper and iron in ores of the Pravourmiysky deposit // Ore deposits of the Far East - mineralogical criteria for forecasting, prospecting and evaluation. Vladivostok: DVGI Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1991. pp. 11-12. \\ Semenyak B.I., Nedashkovsky A.P., Nikulin N.N. Indium minerals in ores of the Pravourmiyskoye deposit (Russian Far East) // Geol. ore deposits. 1994. T. 36, No. 3. P. 230-236.

Raddensky manifestation Khingan block of the Bureya massif, Jewish Autonomous Okrug \\ agate!; opal! in rhyolites , \\


pr-nie, Khabarovsk region, Russia \\ barite layer. agri-photo; Fluorite-druze is fractured. cr-lov-photo \\ Rascheskin E.V., 2004, 208

Soyuznenskoye graphite deposit, district of Konder, district Yuna, Khabarovsk Territory \\anataz!!-rek.<1, 5-2 см; кварц!!-xls, обсосанные; пол. шпат!!-есть розовый, который быстро выцветает и становится серым; в 2001 г. в Минералогический музей им. А.Е. Ферсмана РАН поступили образцы от А. Ступаченко (его сборы за короткий период работы в 1987 г.)

xl 1.7 cm (from A. Stupachenko); brookite!!-black-brown prism xls Ulkan

alkaline granitoid complex \ Ulkansky pluton, river. Ulkan, pr. R. Uchur (upper stream), bn. Aldan, Dzhugdzhur ridge, Khabarovsk region \\ astrophyllite granites; genthelvin;monazite; riebeckite; euclase \\ Lennikov A.M. Petrology of rapakivi-like granitoids of the Ulkan complex. - Vladivostok, 1978. -223 p. \\ slot amphiboles, riebeckite (from pegmatites) -- Gamaleya Yu.N., 1970 (Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences, ser. geol.. 1979, No. 2, 39-49)--Genetic types of rare metals deposits of the Ulkan volcanogenic deflection a (Aldan shield, Russia) [Text] = Genetic types of rare metal deposits in the Ulkan volcanogenic trough (Aldan shield, Russia) / P. G. Nedashkovsky, V. A. Guryanov, V. E. Kirillov, B. L . Zalishchak; Far Eastern Geological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok) // Geology of ore. deposits. - 1999. -, T. 41 N 4

. - pp. 329-341--Annotation: A formational-paragenetic classification of deposits of beryllium, niobium, tantalum, rare earths, molybdenum, uranium and gold, manifested in paragenetic connection with the Early Proterozoic Ulkan volcano-plutonic complex of the rapakivi-granite formation, is given. The identified paragenetic series of deposits (iron-manganese metasomatites, feldspatites, greisen, fenites, alkaline pegmatites and stockscheiders, albitites and hydrothermalites) is also typical for rapakivi granitoids of other regions: the Ukrainian (Perzhansky complex) and Baltic (Pitkäranta region) shields and Western Transbaikalia (Katuginsky complex). According to the variety of types and scale of ore occurrences and deposits deposits of the Ulkan volcanogenic Ulkansky

--is assessed as a new rare metal province of Eastern Russia. \\ Geological structure and metallogeny of the Ulkan volcanogenic trough (south-east of the Aldan shield) [Text] = Geological structure and metallogeny of Ulkan volcanogenic trough (south-east of Aldan shield) / N. G. Nedashkovsky, V. E. Kirillov, V. A. Guryanov , V. A. Pakhomova; Rep. ed. A. I. Khanchuk; RAS. Dalnevost. department Dalnevost. geol. int. - Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2000. - 65, p. : silt, table. - Bibliography: 44 titles. - ISBN
5-7442-1205-1: 20.00 r.

. - pp. 329-341 The geological structure, magmatism, genetic types and ore formations of rare metal-rare earth, uranium-molybdenum and gold deposits and ore occurrences located in the Early Proterozoic Ulkan volcanic trough and paragenetically associated with the Ulkan rapakivi granite pluton are characterized. Two metallogenic epochs of ore formation have been established - Early Proterozoic radometal-rare earth and Late Proterozoic uranium-gold ore. A genetic classification of ore occurrences has been proposed, including ferromanganese (pyroxmangite) metasomatites, feldspatites, greisen, fenites, alkali granite pegmatites, stockscheiders, albitites, eisites, beresites and argillicites with industrial contents of niobium, tantalum, beryllium, lithium, molybdenum, gold and silver . Similar series of ore formations are characteristic of the rapakivi granites of the Ukrainian (Perzhansky complex) and Baltic (Pitkäranta region) shields and Western Transbaikalia (Katuginsky complex). \\

Festival site, Komsomolsky district, Khabarovsk region, Russia \\ arsenopyrite!; woodwardite!(l); graphite!(l); cassiterite! - brushes of black crystals; quartz!; poznyakit!(l); rhodonite!; serpierite!(l); tourmaline; scheelite \\ GOMS-2-1, 1986, p. 338 \\ Yakhontova L. K., Postnikova (Zvereva) V. P., Vlasova E. V., Sergeeva N. E. New data on poznyakite, serpierite and woodwardite . - Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1981c. T. 256, N 5. P. 1221-1226.

Khakanja (Khakanja), deposit (Au-Ag), in the interfluve of Okhota and Kukhtuya, ~ 100 km northwest of Okhotsk, Khabarovsk Territory, Russian Federation \\ adular--FM; argentite; gold!!-skeletal crystals (fig.); quartz; rhodonite; rhodochrosite--FM; sulfides; electrum; mineralization is associated with quartz and quartz-adularia veinlets (Rascheskin E.V., 2004, 178); the deposit was discovered in 1960 (F.F. Veldyaksov et al., 1967) \\ adularia; rhodochrosite;

MM \\ geological structure, features of mineralization placement (V.G. Khomich) - \\ gold!!--"In the placer of the Nash stream (Khakanja ) and in the ore occurrence from which the placer was formed, a third of the gold is represented by crystals several millimeters in size. The crystals have the shape of cubes and octahedrons in combination with rarer forms, bearing traces of skeletal growth (see figure) in the form of steps and funnels. ribbon crystals, dendrites and stepped intergrowths." area of ​​pegmatites 60 km north of the village. Uega (Okhotsk district), Khabarovsk region, Russia \\ morion!-pr-nie in pegmatites; in the canyon of the Hakchan spring at an altitude of 1500 m; search.- development slave - smoky crystals quartz and morion up to 35 cm, contain defects (streaks, gas-liquid inclusions) \\ Source: Rascheskin E.V., 2004, 47 (on the map - No. 5) 195-197

From publications

Berman Yu.S., Veldyaksov F.F. Characteristics of gold from the Khakanja deposit // Mater. according to geol.

and useful lawsuit Northeast of the USSR. Magadan: 1974. Vol. 21 (tr. SVTSU). pp. 117-130.

Veldyaksov F.F., Ryabov A.V., Starnikov Yu.G., Umitbaev R.B. A new type of epithermal gold-silver deposit // Ore content of volcanogenic formations of the North-East and Far East. Magadan: 1967. P. 58-69. [Khakanja deposit]

Emelyanenko E.P., Maslovsky A.N., Zalishchak B.L. and others. Patterns of distribution of ore mineralization on the Konder alkaline-ultrabasic massif // Geological conditions for the localization of endogenous mineralization. Vladivostok: Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1989. pp. 100-113.

Zmievsky Yu.P., Fedorova L.K. Colored stones of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. - Khabarovsk: Publishing house DVIMS, 2002. - 122 p.

Kravtsova R.G., Solomonova L.A. Gold in pyrites of ores and metasomatites of gold-silver deposits of volcanic fields of the Northern Okhotsk region // Geochemistry. -1984. - No. 12. - S. 1867-1872.

Lazarenkov V.G. and others. Konder massif and its mineral deposits, M, Nauka, 1995.

Nedashkovsky P.G., Zalischak B.L., Pakhomova V.A., Kirillov V.E., Guryanov V.A. Ulkan trough - a new rare metal province of Russia // Materials for the International Symposium "Strategy for the use and development of the mineral resource base of rare metals in Russia in the 21st century." Moscow, 1998.

Nekrasov I. Ya., Ivanov V. V., Lennikov A. M., Oktyabrsky R. A., Sapin V. I., Zalischak B. L., Molchanova G. B. Gold-copper-palladium mineral association of the Konder massif (southeast of the Aldan shield).

// Sat. "Platinum of Russia (problems of development of the mineral resource base in the 21st century)". T.IV. 1999. pp.51-59.

Palazhchenko V.I., Stepanov V.A., A.A. Danilov A.A. Association of minerals in gold-bearing skarns of the Ryabinovoye deposit (Khabarovsk Territory) \\ Dokl. RAS, 2005, t. 401, No. 6

Rascheskin E.V. Flashes of the North. Eastern Siberia through the eyes of a geologist. - Ekaterinburg: GRAFO Studio, 2004. - 280 p., ill.

Rudashevsky N.S., Mochalov A.G., Menshikov Yu.P., Shumskaya N.I. Ferrorhodsite (Fe,Cu)(Rh,Pt,Ir)2S4 is a new mineral. - ZRMO, 1998, part 127, c. 5, pp. 37-41 (Chad and Conder estates)

Sukhanov M.K., Nosik L.P. Graphite in rocks of the Geran massif of autonomous anorthosites. Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Ser. Geol., 1989, N10, pp. 128-131.

mineral finds from world map sheets: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -

The territory of the Khabarovsk Territory is part of the great ore belt. In terms of diversity and reserves, our region is one of the richest in Russia. In its depths: coal, tin ore, gold and rare metals.

In the depths lies a tenth of all Far Eastern gold reserves, a quarter of platinum, half of copper, twenty percent of tin and about eight percent of coal. The region's prospects for oil and gas are estimated at more than 5 billion tons of standard fuel, including on land - 1 billion tons, on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait - 4 billion tons.

The history of the study of minerals in the Khabarovsk Territory goes back many decades. For the first time, a large amount of factual material on the geology of one of the most important regions of the Far East was summarized in a scientific publication in 1976 - "Geology of the USSR". Volume XIX, section Amur part of the Soviet sector of the Pacific mobile belt.

In this work, scientists described deposits and occurrences of combustible and non-metallic minerals, as well as ferrous metals. These materials then gave an idea of ​​the prospects for ore and coal content, mining and technical conditions for the exploitation of deposits.

Today the numbers speak for themselves about the unique riches of the Khabarovsk Territory.

According to official data, there are now 218 deposits of various minerals in the region. Of these, only a quarter - or 48 - are involved in industrial development! The prospects are endless.

In addition, the region is rich in resources that have not yet been mined. For example, six iron ore deposits have been described in the Tuguro-Chumikansky region. Forecast - more than 3 billion tons. Titanium ores are concentrated in the Ayano-Maisky and Lazo districts. Reserves amount to 66 million tons. On the territory of the Nikolaevsky, Ulchsky and Komsomolsky districts of the region, 5 deposits and more than 20 occurrences of aluminum have been identified.

Well, besides, the Khabarovsk Territory is the only region of Russia where the development of tin deposits continues.

Metal production at the deposit in the Verkhnebureinsky district increased almost 3.5 times compared to the previous year. After two years of inactivity, the Solnechnaya Concentration Plant in the village of Gorny, Solnechny District, began production of tin concentrate.

As you can see, the wealth is truly unique. However, mining is only the beginning of a long process of working with valuable substances.

Precious reserves need to be enriched. This is the most important intermediate link between extraction and use. A kind of primary processing. Enrichment allows you to significantly increase the concentration of valuable components. The theory of enrichment is based on the analysis of the properties of minerals and their interaction in separation processes - mineralurgy.

Enrichment is a very complex process in itself. Minerals go through different operations. And what is important is that modern factories do not harm the environment. Daniil Mayevsky observed how coal from the Urgal deposit in the Khabarovsk Territory is enriched and how the properties of the fuel change at the output.

According to experts, there are approximately one billion two hundred tons of coal in the bowels of the Urgal deposit. Now its production is ongoing, in an automated mode. The valuable mineral is cut in layers by a special harvester, after which it reaches the surface along conveyor belts. But before solid fuel is sent to the consumer, it must be enriched, that is, its quality must be improved. This process takes place in a newly built factory.

The main goal is to obtain a concentrate - pure coal without impurities. At the first stage, raw materials are divided into three classes: large, small and ultra-fine. This is done using screening. Thanks to vibration, the coal is filtered through a sieve with different mesh sizes. Afterwards, each fraction is separated into concentrate, middling product and waste using hydrocyclones, separators and centrifuges. This factory operates on the principle of enrichment using a heavy medium - a magnetite suspension. A mixture of iron ore concentrate and water separates the rock from the coal. It is worth noting that the factory is environmentally friendly. During enrichment, sludge water is formed. They contain coal particles smaller than half a millimeter. To remove impurities, sludge water is settled with a special reagent.

This sludge, coal dust, is lifted by pumps to the filter press, drawn out and we have a dehydration process, and we also separate the sludge from the water.

After purification, two thousand cubic meters of water are again included in the enrichment process. The main indicator of the quality of processed coal is the percentage of its ash content.

Evgeniy Erofeev, head of production at the Chegdomyn enrichment plant

Our concentrate with ash is 18, the middling product with ash is 34. The rock is shipped to dumps in the breeding grounds, the middling product concentrate is shipped directly to wagons and taken to the port of Vanino, where we carry out further shipment.

Before consumers receive coal, it is tested in a certified international laboratory.

We start our working day strictly with control. We have done the control, and then we begin to work directly with the coal samples that arrived at our laboratory.

Here the finished product is checked for moisture and sulfur content, the combustion temperature, the release of volatile substances and ash content are determined.

Olga Protopopova, laboratory assistant at the Chegdomyn processing plant

We show the quality of coal by the physical and chemical qualities that coal has.

By 2018, production and enrichment volumes at this plant should reach twelve million tons per year. The Khabarovsk Territory needs two million. The rest will go to foreign markets.

The extraction of any mineral begins long before the first ton of finished product. The cornerstone of the entire system is geologists. For example, the Albazin gold deposit. It has been mentioned since 1912, when a placer was discovered along the Bolshoi Kuyan stream and its tributary, the Ivanovsky spring.

But it was officially discovered in 1990 by Anatoly Kurochkin, at that time the senior geologist of the Lower Amur geological exploration expedition. Exploration and appraisal work was carried out until 2005. The industrial potential of the deposit was doubled, but it was not possible to convince potential investors of its prospects. Calculations, and most importantly, instinct told the geologist that there was truly a gold mine here. Together with him, his youngest daughter Anfisa went down in history.

My father named the ore-bearing zone in honor of his favorite, now it is known as Anfisinskaya. By the way, this is not the only zone in this area that bears a woman’s name. It turns out that another geologist immortalized his wife Olga in this way, and this is how the Olga zone appeared. And in the 90s, the Albazinskoye deposit grew with another interesting object - the Ekaterininskaya ore zone. The author of this discovery could have named it after his wife or daughter, continuing a good tradition. But he was modest. And the zone was called Ekaterininskaya after the name of the stream where the search was conducted.

By the way, if we talk about the Albazinskoye field, it was thanks to the work of geologists that it was possible to change the forecasts for reserves upward - more than doubling. Including due to the fact that various innovations help specialists in their work today. We talked about this with a representative of one of the largest precious metals mining companies about what new technologies are used in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Vladimir Makhinya, Deputy Director of the Khabarovsk branch of OJSC "Polymetal UK" for mineral resources


So we will monitor how new technologies will help change the map of mineral resources of the Khabarovsk Territory, stay with us on the TV channel