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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Bath projects with a kitchen are a unique solution for true gourmets. Projects of baths with a rest room: a selection The project of a bath with a rest room is long

Bath projects with a kitchen are a unique solution for true gourmets. Projects of baths with a rest room: a selection The project of a bath with a rest room is long

Having your own land plot and not building a bathhouse is bad manners. Even in small garden plots, where, due to greenhouses and beds, there was nowhere to place a full-fledged house, our man always found a place for a Russian bath. What can we say about full-sized land plots of the IZHS category.

The layout of the bath 3 × 4, indicating all sizes

Where space does not allow building a large bath, a log house with dimensions of 3 * 4 rises, and if there are no restrictions on the area, then you can also swing at. At the same time, any layout of the bath will include the most basic - a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room in various variations. The rest of the rooms are optional.

It is better to divide even the smallest bath into rooms with internal partitions than to leave one large room.

An example of the layout of a small bath with a size of 6 × 2.3

A well-thought-out internal layout of the bath is the key to successful operation. Only by breaking an already small room with walls, you can achieve high-quality heating of the steam room, from which steam will not escape, a well-heated washroom with access to hot water, and a dressing room protected from steam and moisture.

A rest room and other rooms in a very small bath, as a rule, are not made, preferring to take them outside the building.

This allows not only to save and optimize the interior space, but also to organize a recreation area more comfortably and thoughtfully using alternative options.

Dressing room in a Russian bath

Necessarily necessary, as in any capital structure. This is a small, most often unheated, although there are exceptions, premises. Its main task is to exclude direct entry of cold air into the interior of the bath - washing and steam rooms.

The design and layout of the bath with a dressing room size 3×5

Drawings of the most modest-sized baths represent a dressing room in the form of a small nook with two doors - one leads to the street, the second - inside the bath, directly to the washing room. Sometimes the vestibule is equipped with several hooks and a narrow bench where you can leave your clothes.

Some suggest combining a vestibule with a rest room. In this case, the front door from the street leads directly into the bath.

Layout of a small bath 6 × 4

Cold air enters the room, where a small table with benches or sunbeds is located, and a full-fledged dressing room is also equipped. It is assumed that the rest room is so well warmed up from the sauna stove that the cold air from the street will not change the comfortable microclimate.

Where the size of the site allows, the vestibule can be combined with a terrace or veranda. In this case, in the warm season, the rest room is equipped on the street, in the fresh air, and the interior is used for its intended purpose - for a steam room and a sink.

The layout of the bath with a relaxation room size 7 × 5

Washing room in a Russian bath

Traditionally, it separated the steam room from the room where the water splashed. Firstly, it is much more difficult to warm up and make a large room vapor-tight with high quality than a space of a couple of square meters. Secondly, at high humidity it is very difficult to endure high air temperature. Although the baths, where the sink and the steam room are 2 in 1, are not at all uncommon.

Even small buildings with dimensions of 3 * 4 allow you to divide the interior space into a steam room and a washing room. Depending on the needs of the owners, the size of each room will also depend.
If a Russian bath is built for frequent meetings with friends exclusively in a male company, then half a square meter will be enough for a washing room -. And the rest of the room can be occupied by a steam room or a steam room with a rest room.

Bath layout 4×5 with toilet and shower

In the event that the bathhouse is built for a family with children, or is not only a place of rest, but is also used for washing and other household and household needs, then the washing room should be larger.

Read also

Bath projects with an attic

It is quite possible that it will be the predominant room in the bathhouse, and the steam room will be a purely symbolic room designed for 1-2 people. Such a layout of the bath can do without a rest room at all, since you can drink tea and chat after the steam room directly in the house.

Russian steam room

The heart and the very essence of the Russian bath is the steam room. Such a room is arranged at the maximum distance from the front door. It has no window openings and is small in size. If the dimensions of the building can be arbitrary, then the drawings of the steam room comply with the standards, which are calculated based on:

At the same time, the height of the ceilings has a very small spread: from 2.1 meters to 2.4. But the length and width of the room, even for two people, can vary significantly: from 840 * 1150 mm to 1900 * 2350 mm. And these are only very modest, small-sized projects. The larger the room of the bath itself, the more space and opportunities appear when designing a steam room.

In the event that the steam room will be used by 1-2 people, then this room can be made very compact, providing only seats for steamers.

Design and layout of a 5×5 bathhouse with an entrance hall, a washing room and a bathroom

If space allows, then the layout of the bath may include shelves for horizontal placement. With the cascading arrangement of shelves, the steam room can be made more spacious than with the classic arrangement.

Additional rooms in the bath

The bath today has ceased to be only a room for taking water procedures. Today it is a place of rest, meeting with friends, or a country house-bath. Depending on the purpose and size of the building, the number of additional rooms can be completely different.

Bath with relaxation room

If the rest room during the construction of the bath is provided as a separate room, then it performs an independent function, without duplicating the duties of a dressing room, dressing room or washing room.

An example of a 5 × 5 bath layout with a relaxation room

This is a very roomy room, which can occupy up to 1/2 of the area of ​​​​the entire bath. Here, as a rule, there is a large table, comfortable benches or sunbeds, with good ventilation, you can even put special upholstered furniture that is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. This is important, since in winter the bathhouse will not be heated all the time, and the temperature inside will drop from + 25-30 to minus.

Some bath projects involve placing a small kitchen area and a billiard table in the rest room. And the installation of a special sauna stove with a fireplace module allows you to make this room more comfortable and homely.

Bath with a pool

A classic Russian bath does not provide for such luxury, but today a pool in a bath is not such a rarity. Individual projects boast a full-fledged swimming pool, gym and. But the placement of a small pool-font under the same roof with a steam room is quite an ordinary phenomenon.

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Turkish bath construction

A one-story bath with dimensions of 8 * 10 calmly accommodates a spacious relaxation room, a separate steam room, a washing room and a room with a pool. At the same time, the entrance to the water block is through the rest room. A walk-through room, where three doors lead at once, is a washing room. The only way to access the pool from the steam room is through the shower room.

A full pool can be replaced with a font. In this case, there is no need to allocate a closed room for these needs. It is enough to make the washing room a little more spacious and install a font. This option is acceptable even for small baths.

The project and layout of the bath 7 × 12 with a pool

Bedroom in a one-story bath

This layout option is very convenient if you often have guests. Then the bathhouse can be used not only as a place to relax, but also as a separate house to accommodate friends. The bedroom in the bath is an independent room and does not function as a common rest room. It may not have a separate entrance, but it must be isolated from the main bath block: washing room and steam room.

Most often, such projects offer symmetrical or asymmetrical placement of the guest room.

In the first case, the internal layout of the 3x5 bath is divided into two equal parts, the front door is located clearly in the center. And on one side of the entrance there is a guest room, on the other - the whole complex of bath rooms. The guest room has a common wall or with a rest room or with a steam room and a washing room.

The project and layout of the bath with a bedroom

In the second case, the room is also divided into two blocks - a common bath and a guest room, but the space is not divided equally. A large area is allocated for general needs, and a smaller part (usually 1/3) for a guest room.

Two-story bath

A two-storey bathhouse is built only if it is used as a living space by the owners themselves or as a guest house. Less commonly, a two-story bath is built exclusively for relaxation.
A full-fledged second floor, in order to save money, is often replaced by an attic. This type of building fully meets all the requirements that are placed on the second floor.

Most provide accommodation there for bedrooms or guest rooms. In small buildings, this can be one common room, in larger ones, two bedrooms will fit on the second floor. Depending on the option chosen, the floor is equipped with a small hall, where the stairs lead, or it may be absent if there is only one bedroom upstairs.

The layout of all floors of a two-story bath 7 × 8

If a bathhouse with an attic is built exclusively for recreation, then entertainment for a narrow circle of people is transferred to the second floor: a chill-out, a relaxation room, a billiard table and a cinema can be accommodated here.

The space of the first floor is divided by a spacious steam room, washing room, possibly a pool and a relaxation room. The recreation room on the ground floor is a place with a table, benches or sun loungers, as well as a small kitchen area with a kettle, microwave and refrigerator. All this makes for a comfortable rest after the steam room and gatherings with friends.

Bathhouse with outbuildings

Another interesting option for planning a bath is the construction of the main bath block, which contains a steam room, a washing room and possibly a rest room. And all other premises - guest rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas, a pool and a font - are being completed nearby, as needed.

A standard private bath contains the following set of rooms: a waiting room, a washing room, a steam room and a relaxation room, but no one forbids increasing their number, increasing the functionality of the bath and the comfort of its use. In the article, we will consider some of the projects for the construction of baths with additional premises.

Bath-sauna with a terrace

This project allows you to build a standard bath with a total area of ​​​​24.1 square meters. m., of which 70% are inhabited. According to such a project, you can easily create a multifunctional bath in two possible layout options. The common part for both projects are the following premises: a terrace, a lounge and a steam room directly.

Distinctive features of these types of planning:

  1. In the first case, bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace are complemented by a separate dressing room and a sanitary unit (bathroom, toilet).
  2. The second variation is the projects of baths with a relaxation room and a kitchen, as well as a separate shower room. Moreover, the relaxation room is not separated by partitions, but a bar counter is installed in their place (read also: "").

Also, a pool will never hurt on the street, regardless of the season.

During construction, the following set of materials will be required:

  • prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks for the foundation;
  • brick or aerated concrete blocks for laying walls;
  • wooden beams for floor beams;
  • metal tile sheets for roofing;
  • lining for upholstery;
  • plaster for finishing the basement.

Conditions for effective drafting of a bath project

A log bath is one of the most popular building options. The reason for this is the natural nature of the building material and its low cost. It is important to take into account a number of parameters that will allow you to create an optimal design for a small bath with a rest room or other rooms. For example, a bathhouse with a summer kitchen may have a similar design.

These are the following parameters:

  • the maximum number of visitors in the bath;
  • planned intensity of use of the steam compartment;
  • the presence of an attic on the upper level of the building;
  • the presence of a terrace;
  • the planned seasonal schedule for the use of the bath;
  • the maximum allowable size of the building or the limited finances. According to a similar project, a sauna garage can also be built, which, most often, are located on different floors.

Choice of building materials

After all the nuances are taken into account, you can begin the planning stage. The bath should be located 8-10 meters from the nearest buildings. To begin with, a timber is selected, which can be profiled or glued. The second variety will have a higher cost.

So, for example, if a bathhouse with a bedroom is being built (or according to any other project), the bars have the following features:

  • profiled timber has a low weight, which allows the use of a conventional columnar foundation during construction. As a result, the foundation is laid quite simply without shrinkage. The edges of the profiled beams reliably protect the building from moisture penetration through the joints. The thermal insulation characteristics of profiled timber are also high and can be improved by lining the room with foil;
  • construction of a bath from a glue beam should start in the winter. Such a work schedule can even be called a necessity, since in winter the material is cheaper, and its density is many times greater. Also, moisture absorption decreases in proportion to the decrease in temperature.

Inside the building, it is best to finish with lining, but in the rest room and washing room it is worth using material from coniferous wood with forced drying, and in the steam room - from aspen. However, the selection process complicates the work, and therefore you should not refuse to consider typical bath projects: 6x6 or 6x4 meters. Most often, these are one-story baths with a relaxation room and a washing / shower room.

A standard project consists of the following structural elements:

  • column base;
  • frame made of beams with a cut area of ​​9.5x14.5 centimeters;
  • frame-panel interior partitions (read: "");
  • bars with a cut area of ​​​​5x10 centimeters are used as rafters, and 2-centimeter boards are suitable for crates;
  • the floor cake should consist of a rough base, hydro- and heat-insulating layers, as well as a boardwalk 2.5-2.7 centimeters thick;
  • inside the premises are sheathed with clapboard.

The place on the site where the bath should be located

When a standard bath with a rest room and a bedroom or any other is being built, it is necessary to take into account such a parameter as the geography of construction. The entrance door to the bath should face south so that in winter the snow-covered paths are cleared faster. If the windows are located on the western side, then the level of natural light in the room will increase.

The efficiency of using the bath increases if a natural reservoir flows on the land. The building should be removed 20 meters from it, which will allow it to be used instead of a pool or font.

Some builders save space by pre-constructing a compact 3x3 bathhouse with a steam room and washing room, and then building all the necessary premises on a columnar base. In the process of mounting the frame, you need to use high-quality materials, and then make its sheathing in compliance with the technologies.

It is also worth remembering that a special oven can be used for bath procedures. Visually, when viewed and in the photo, of course, the building will not correspond to elite commercial baths, but its efficiency will be high.

Bath house - a scale worthy of the rich

Such a design as a bath-house is not an ordinary bath with a dressing room and a relaxation room, but a whole complex where every visitor will feel comfortable and get real pleasure. The construction of such a bath can be carried out exclusively on a large site.

Kitchens and bedrooms are usually created as additional premises of the bath-house. Their dimensions and technical features are individual and are selected by the owner, of course, after consultation with a specialist.

Sauna on two floors - power, beauty and functionality

The second floor is occupied by living quarters and, possibly, an individual plumbing unit is placed there for greater convenience (more: ""). The use of attic space is at the discretion of the owners. More exotic options may include huge lounges for a large company, or a gym by the pool, etc.

Experts say that stairs should be located in places where access to moist air will be minimal. For example, in the lounge, in the hall or on the terrace. The last option is less practical, because after taking the procedures in the steam room, it is not very pleasant to get under the influence of colder street air.

The conditions for a trip to the bath to be a full-fledged event, useful for both the body and the soul, are laid down at the planning stage. An experienced owner thinks over the device not only for the steam room, but also for other rooms. Much attention is paid to the relaxation room, as a place where the healing effect of bath procedures is fixed. In the conditions of a small plot of land, a bath project with a relaxation room will be an ideal alternative to traditional options that can solve several problems.

Bath with a relaxation room - a good rest and luxury of communication Source

Choosing a place to build a bath

The choice is simplified when there is a lot of space, and therefore the owner has room to maneuver. In this case, you can consider several options for placement and size, consult, and choose the most worthy. In a small area, the place is determined quickly; it is additionally regulated by the standard norms for the location of the bath (fixed in SNiP 30-02-97). In addition to official rules, there are worldly rules, determined by convenience and common sense; also, the features of the site are not discounted. The main factors are as follows:

    Fire safety. The rules define the minimum distances between buildings and distances to the borders of neighboring plots. The footage is affected by the material of the buildings (the bath is allowed to be located closer to a brick building than to a wooden one) and the size of the site.

    Sanitary standards. This indicates the minimum distances to the neighbor's fence (the bath should not obscure the neighbors), sources of drinking water, roads and reservoirs.

    Landscape Features. The bath is conveniently placed on an elevated place (if any). The outflow of water will be natural, and you do not have to think about a drainage system. If the site is flat, you can build an artificial hill.

The bath is located at a safe distance from their own and neighboring buildings Source

    Soil Features. Soil properties will determine the choice of foundation. On complex soil (peat, swampy or sandy), the bath is placed on a pile-screw or slab base. On loamy soils and soils mixed with gravel, a strip or columnar foundation is erected. If you are lucky and the site has dense soil, you can choose any type of foundation.

    natural conditions. The bath is more often used after dinner, so they try to place the building with windows to the west in order to prolong the natural lighting of the premises. If possible, the wind rose (prevailing winds) is taken into account and the bath is positioned so that the smoke goes towards residential buildings (own and neighboring) as rarely as possible.

    limited area. Sometimes the best option is to build a bathhouse with an attic or combine a bathhouse with a residential building. True, in the latter case it is better to arrange a sauna - there will be fewer problems with wet walls, the smell of dampness and mold. The construction of a traditional Russian bath will require additional measures to protect the structure and prolonged ventilation.

The project of a country house with a bathhouse and an attic Source

Advantages of bath projects with a relaxation room

Owners of suburban areas want to dispose of the land with maximum benefit. Modern landscape design is ready to offer hundreds of ideas for landscaping and dozens of ways to make living more comfortable and rich. One of the most successful ideas turned out to be a bath with a relaxation room and a bedroom, which offers several obvious advantages:

    Space saving. Any hospitable owner wants to have not only a bath, but also a special place to relax with friends, and also a barbecue area and a guest house would be nice. If the site is small, the recreation area will take up most of the land, leaving no room for other ideas. Such a contradiction is easily resolved by the construction of a bathhouse, supplemented with the necessary details - a terrace, a relaxation room, a barbecue area. This combination creates a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation, cheers up and makes visiting the bathhouse especially comfortable.

    Organization of space. You do not have to build several separate buildings; the site will have a dedicated recreation area and a neat, well-groomed appearance.

Log cabin baths with a terrace and a relaxation room 6x9 Source

    health care. Not every organism is able to quickly adapt after a steam room to the street air (especially in winter). The relaxation room provides an opportunity to cool off and drink a cup of herbal tea for a pleasant conversation.

    Diversity. The rest room can significantly diversify leisure. In addition to the table and sofas, it is often equipped with a multimedia center or a billiard table, a refrigerator and other electrical appliances are installed.

    Housing.There are options for bath projects with living rooms, but most often the rest room easily turns into a bedroom for guests who stay for the weekend. This room can also come in handy for the owners - the room will become the most convenient and practical accommodation option in case of repairs in a residential building.

The project with a rest room has only one significant minus - its cost will be more than that of a standard building.

The recreation room will easily accommodate guests for the weekend Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building and designing a bath. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The choice of building materials for the construction of a bath

Sometimes, in order to choose a material for a bath, you have to take into account the characteristics of the soil and, therefore, the type of foundation suitable for it. The right foundation is especially important when a full-fledged brick oven is planned. If the soil is stable, a one-story bath with a rest room can be built from any available material. Most often, one of the following building materials is chosen for a bath.

Rounded or solid log

Traditional material for the construction of a bath. The most suitable wood species are coniferous - pine and larch. Both a log of natural moisture and dried lumber are used. It will take 1.5-2 years for final shrinkage. Log baths have several tangible advantages:

    Price. Buildings made of wood are more budgetary than brick ones - the material is cheaper, and a powerful (and, therefore, expensive) foundation is not needed.

    Reliability. Compliance with building codes increases the fire safety of any wooden bath. It is recommended to impregnate the wood with flame retardants that inhibit combustion.

Log bath project with a rest room Source

    Thermal efficiency. Wood is a material with low thermal conductivity, which allows you to retain heat in the room for a long time. Unlike bricks and panels, wooden walls do not need additional thermal insulation.

    Aesthetics and environmental friendliness. Factors that for many are decisive.

    Durability. It is influenced by the quality of lumber, compliance with construction technology and subsequent maintenance of the building.

    Finished log house. Construction companies offer a convenient option - a finished log house. There are various models in size and layout; thanks to the ready-made set of wall parts, the bath is built quickly.


When designing a bath from a bar, the predisposition of this material to shrinkage is taken into account, which implies an extension of the construction time.

    Solid (sawn rectangular) timber. The material is valued for its naturalness; it does an excellent job of regulating the microclimate in the room, and the facade takes on a spectacular look. The disadvantage of solid timber is significant (8-12%) shrinkage compared to other types of timber, which takes 6-12 months to wait.

Lounge in ethnic style from profiled timber Source

    Profiled timber. The material is lightweight, which allows the use of a columnar foundation during construction, good thermal insulation characteristics and less shrinkage.

    Glued profiled timber. Composite lumber obtained by gluing and pressing several lamellas (boards of one or more species). Glued laminated timber has minimal shrinkage (1-2%), increased resistance to cracking and deformation. A bath made of glued material has an aesthetic appearance, and its multi-layered structure increases the thermal efficiency of the structure.


A brick bath is a strong, monumental and durable building. Compared to a wooden bath (which can catch fire from a spark), it is quite safe. The main disadvantage of this design is its high price. In addition, it will take a lot of time and firewood to warm up, since the brick has a high heat capacity.

Video description

What are the features of the construction of bathhouses and hand-cut houses? How to choose the right materials and what to look for? See this video for answers:


Frame baths are gaining popularity due to the relative cheapness of the material and rapid construction. Such a bath can be erected at any time of the year; the building turns out to be warm, it can be used for its intended purpose immediately after construction. The disadvantage of the bath is the need for high-quality insulation and finishing (which can offset the savings on the foundation). It is advisable not to delay the warming process and carry out in dry weather.

Drawing up a project for a bath with a rest room

Having decided that a bath with a rest room is ideal, the owner begins planning. First of all, general questions are considered:

    The size. Its limiters are the size of the plot and the budget.

    Panned usage schedule. Seasonality and intensity are important.

    Capacity. The number of people who can use the bath at the same time.

    Design features. Do you need a terrace, attic, porch or balcony.

    Features of layout and equipment(choice of furnace model, ventilation system).

    Possibilities of connection of engineering communications.

Recreation room for 8 people in a northern pine log sauna Source

As a basis, you can take a finished project and carry out a small redevelopment. The bath project drawing includes the main premises, often with combined functions: a dressing room, a washing room, a steam room, a rest room, a bathroom, as well as a veranda or terrace. When rescheduling take into account

    Lounge area. For a bath with an area of ​​​​about 30 m 2, 8-10 m 2 are allocated for this room. If guests are welcome in the house and they often stay overnight, it is better to increase the size.

    Terrace or veranda. It can be located along one wall of the bath or between the bath and housing, performing a connecting role. It will be more convenient if you provide several entrances, outside and inside. Often the terrace is replaced by a porch.

    If the terrace is barbecue oven, you need to take care of lengthening the pipe (otherwise the smoke will interfere with a good rest).

Video description

Entertaining video about the bath-barrel:

Types of baths with a relaxation room

The most convenient wooden baths are buildings with a total area of ​​​​6x6, 6x8 and 6x9 m. Popular one-story layout options include:

    Bath with a full relaxation room. A large plot of land allows you to build a comfortable sauna with a large terrace and barbecue area.

    Bath with a covered veranda as a relaxation room. The insulated veranda can also be used in winter.

    Sauna with a relaxation room with access to the terrace.

    Bath with a relaxation room, combined with the house. Beneficial from an economic point of view; a bath is often replaced by a sauna.

    Bath-sauna or bath with a pool. The pool is installed on the terrace, often it is designed in the relaxation room.

The optimal solution for a bathing holiday for a large number of guests will be a two-story bath, and this definition includes not only a full-fledged building, but also a building with an attic floor. Such a project provides for a variety of premises, to the taste of the owners: from separate bathrooms, a billiard room and a cinema hall, to a spa and a swimming pool. The rest room is decorated in the chosen style.

The project of a log bath with a swimming pool and a relaxation room Source

Bath room design

A compact sauna measuring 3x3 m can be used by no more than 4 people at the same time. Such a building accommodates a rest room with an area of ​​​​3x1.5 m. The average bath in a country house is designed for 4-6 people.

When designing, the size of the dressing room, washing room and steam room can vary, since these rooms are rarely used by the whole company at the same time. Sometimes a washing room and a steam room are combined to increase usable space. All guests should be comfortably accommodated in the rest room, so they try to make it as spacious and comfortable as possible.

Interior materials

There are special requirements for the interior decoration of the bath, which, of course, is associated with the peculiarities of the operation of the building (the air temperature in the steam room of a classic Russian bath reaches 60-70 ° C, and humidity - 70-80%). The atmosphere in the rest room is not so extreme, so the choice of materials for its decoration is wider.

Natural materials - the key to quality rest Source

Finishing the rest room in the bath implies the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the situation. Wood is considered the best material, and if coniferous wood is not used in the steam room (the escaping resin can cause a burn), then any material is allowed here. Lining made of linden, alder, aspen, as well as pine and Lebanese cedar wood is widely used. For the floor, larch is a practical choice. Oak is a great solution, but you can’t call it budget. To emphasize the exclusivity of the situation, the exotic and expensive wood of the African trees abachi (the second name is abash), afar (ofram) or merbau (meranti) is used in the design.

In order for wood in conditions of high humidity not to lose its original appearance, periodic maintenance is required. Wooden surfaces are treated with a water-based antiseptic; this will help preserve their natural color and protect them from spoilage.

The rest room can be elegant Source

Design Requirements

If the bath is made of logs or timber, then the main task of decorating the rest room is considered completed. Walls made of natural wood are beautiful in themselves and, as a rule, do not need additional finishing. The matter remains with the choice of comfortable furniture, the installation of appliances and the selection of suitable dishes and accessories.

If the bath is built of brick, blocks or frame material, the walls need to be insulated and waterproofed. Then they, to choose from, are sheathed with clapboard or plastered. A fairly popular option is wall decoration with natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles. Thinking over the design of the rest room in the bath (in the country), they care not only about beauty, but also about convenience. An attentive owner will definitely provide:

    quality ventilation and soft lighting.

    Convenient mirror, and next to electrical outlet.

    lockers or allocated space for personal items and bath accessories.

    locker or shelves for dishes.

    Spa lovers will be delighted sunbed(which can successfully replace an ordinary couch).

Modern and cozy Source

The favorite design options for the rest room in the bath are the following styles:

    Russian style. An obvious and least expensive solution that perfectly conveys the atmosphere of relaxation. The laconic look of wooden walls (both natural wood and sheathed with clapboard) is perfectly complemented by deliberately simple or carved furniture, brooms hung on the walls, textiles and a samovar. The stove will be the highlight of the interior.

    Chalet style. Fans of European history can decorate the ceiling with beams painted in a contrasting color and delight guests with a fireplace.

    East style. You can limit yourself to comfortable sofas, a pile of pillows and a hookah on a low table. And you can go further and decorate the room with mosaics - expensive, but spectacular and atmospheric.

Budget option - fast, cheap and eclectic Source

    Sea style. Wooden walls are the best fit for design with a marine theme. Even a small rest room can be turned into a ship's cabin, you just have to choose the appropriate design - white, sand and blue shades of color, themed accessories and simple furniture. A model of a sailboat, a tropical shell and a barometer on the wall will look great here.

    Eclecticism. The combination of styles is a growing trend in recent years. Hookah or elegant tea service in the room "a la rus" - why not.


Among the various projects of baths that can be found in suburban areas, those that are equipped with a comfortable rest room seem to be optimal. The comfort of such a room is determined not only by the original design, but also by attention to the choice of interior materials, an important part of the optimal microclimate and comfort.

Almost all residents of Moscow periodically experience stress. But it is quite possible to avoid them if you are a happy owner of your own plot and are going to build a bathhouse on it. A good option in this case is a combination of a steam room and a relaxation room, which allows you to use the building as a full-fledged alternative to a country cottage.

The specialists of the Tsar Banya company advise you to abandon the occasional visits to public steam rooms, which will give only a fleeting effect, and order a project of your own bath. We are ready to make any of your fantasies come true and give you an unforgettable outdoor recreation.

Designing baths with a relaxation room is a profitable investment in a healthy lifestyle

Building a log cabin, at first glance, seems to be a fairly simple matter. Some owners of suburban areas are trying to save money and do it on their own. However, our employees know that it is better to trust professionals when it comes to creating sauna projects with a relaxation room.

This is explained as follows:

  1. We are perfectly aware of sanitary and hygienic standards, so the location of the steam room, shower room, rest room and other premises will be the most convenient and safe for the owner of the bath.
  2. Our company is not afraid of unconventional design solutions. If you have your own opinion about the appearance of the bath, we will be happy to hear it and try to take it into account during construction.
  3. Our sauna projects with a relaxation room will interest both those who live on their own or with a small family, and those who like to relax in a big company. If you wish, you can order a plan of a one-story or two-story building in which you will be as comfortable as possible. At the same time, the cost of our services will be significantly lower than their quality.

How to build a bath with a rest room without mistakes

Each of our turnkey baths is exclusive in its own way and will become a real visiting card of your summer cottage. We give a guarantee on all buildings erected by the specialists of our company. It is worth cooperating with us in the construction of a bathhouse with a relaxation room, because:

  1. When concluding a contract, we clearly indicate the deadlines for putting the building into operation and strictly observe them. The next day after the date indicated in the documents, you can already try a new steam room.
  2. We stock a wide range of premium quality materials. Whatever you are interested in - a bathhouse made of logs, timber or profiled timber - you can be sure of the durability of the structure and the compliance of the work performed with modern building standards.

The construction of a bathhouse with a rest room of any size is not difficult for us. Give us a call and you will be convinced of the high qualification of our specialists.

Baths from a bar do not lose their relevance. These one-story structures are known for their compactness and comfort, they are very functional and allow you to feel a real unity with nature. Such a structure is in no way inferior to spatial baths made of logs, as well as steam baths made of bricks and other suitable material.

One-story wooden baths are one of the best decorations of the landscape, even in a limited space. In addition, the construction of such a bath will never be carried out to the detriment of the construction of the main structure.

Usually, when developing a typical project for a one-story bath, three rooms are provided: a steam room, a shower room and a lounge. Depending on the location of the premises, their dimensions and the size of the bath itself, there are different designs of the most unexpected layout. A key feature of a one-story building is the presence of a landscaped terrace or veranda, which act as an additional room for relaxation during the warm season. If the bath has a closed porch, then it may well serve as an excellent room for relaxation in the cold season.

The budget (high cost) of the project is determined by the absence (presence) of a porch or veranda, although such structures in no way affect the functionality of the bath and are only additional buildings.

Firms providing project development and implementation services claim the popularity of one-story baths with a terrace, that is, with an auxiliary relaxation area in the spring and summer. The terrace is being improved with the help of wooden railings and gratings with balusters, and its dimensions make it possible to arrange such interior elements as wicker chairs and a table, shelves for bath accessories. All these pieces of furniture are responsible for a comfortable and complete rest in the bath for connoisseurs of fresh air and natural splendor after the steam room.

In addition, the project of a one-story bath can also provide for the construction of a guest house. In this case, the room where the guests will live will be located right on the same territory with the bath. Such a structure is multitasking, and this fact often pleases customers. In this situation, a covered terrace or veranda can be easily equipped as a kitchen, and the recreation room turns into a full-fledged living space with equipped sleeping places and leisure areas. Living in such a house-bath, they do not feel disadvantaged either in coziness, or in comfort, and certainly in functionality.

You can talk for a long time about what kind of one-story bathhouses made of logs and logs manufacturers are ready to offer today, which can surprise, if not impress the customer, but it is better to see with your own eyes the projects of standard buildings and to order (with additional premises), and also draw conclusions yourself. So, welcome to the world of one-story log bath projects!

The project of a one-story house with an area of ​​35.7 m², combined with a steam room (5.8 m²), carries the functionality of a residential equipped premises and a steam complex. This is a very popular construction option, which is in high demand among owners working in the field of tourism services, since such a building will allow customers not only to enjoy bathing procedures, but also to relax in a spacious relaxation room (10.3 m²).

Bath-house from a log house 35.7 m² (Fig. 4)

The project of the bath house (Fig. 5) combines the rest room with the kitchen, where all the necessary attributes (stove, workplace, table) are present. The spacious landscaped terrace will be an ideal place for guests to relax in warm weather.

Bath-house project (Fig. 5)

This version of the bath house is considered attractive not only for an ordinary summer resident, but also for a successful person. There are several reasons:

  • lack of stairs, which often “eat up” space;
  • a house that combines two buildings (a residential building and a bathhouse) allows you to save on the construction of a detached house, which ultimately allows you to more rationally use the area of ​​​​the site.

Visualization of the house-bath is shown in fig. 6, 7, 8, 9 (Visualization).

Option 2

A typical project of a combined bath and a residential building is a practical and inexpensive building with an area of ​​29.2 m². A spacious steam room (5.0 m²) is combined with a shower room of 3.7 m², capable of accommodating at least 4 people. When calculating the approximate area of ​​​​the future building, it is necessary to take into account the minimum allowable footage per 1 person - at least 1 m². Based on this project, we conclude that 4-5 people can easily fit in this steam room.

The one-story house successfully combines the functionality of a living space and a bathhouse: there is a spacious living room (11 m²) with a kitchen and a relaxation area, a separate bathroom, a washing room (3.7 m²). The project provides for the presence of a vestibule and an open terrace.

Bath-house project (Fig. 11)

An interesting detail of this architectural design is the window frames painted with white paint, which gives the building a more solemn and elegant look.

With the help of visualization, you can examine the bath-house in detail from all sides. Rice. 12, 13, 14, 15.

Visualization (Fig. 15)

Option 3

For true connoisseurs of the beauty of Russian architecture, a one-story bath house with an area of ​​49.7 m² will be a pleasant find. Attractive outdoor architecture and convenient placement of premises are the merit of the original layout.

Bath-house with an area of ​​49.7 m² (Fig. 16)

The total building area is 49.7 m². A spacious recreation room (11 m²) with a large window and an open terrace (8.4 m²) provide residents with a good rest. From the terrace you can go to a small vestibule, from where there is an entrance to the rest room. From it you can first get into a shower room with an area of ​​​​3.7 m², and then into a steam room or a separate bathroom. The steam room area is 5 m², which means that 4-5 people can easily fit in it.

Bath-house project (Fig. 17)

An additional convenience of the presented one-story building is an open terrace where you can place a table or benches, as well as barbecue facilities. In addition, the project provides for a kitchen-fireplace, combined with a living space.

Visualization of the house is shown in fig. 18, 19, 20, 21.

Visualization (Fig. 21)

Option 4

The next project is a comfortable bath, which has only one floor and a total area of ​​42.2 m². The entire area is divided into six main zones: a living room combined with a well-equipped kitchen, a vestibule, a shower room with a separate bathroom, a steam room (5.8 m²) and an open terrace, the size of which is comparable to a lounge (9 m²).

Bath house with an area of ​​42.2 m² (Fig. 22)

The bath-house with an area of ​​42.2 m² (Fig. 21) fully complies with Russian traditions. Thanks to the gable roof, a small flight of stairs and a spacious fenced veranda, the building acquired a special comfort and sophistication. From the terrace you can get into the vestibule, and from there into the living room and shower room.

Bath-house project (Fig. 23)

The convenient location of the premises and attractive outdoor architecture are the undeniable advantages of this project. How the structure looks from different sides can be seen in Fig. 24, 25, 26, 27.

Visualization (Fig. 27)

Option 5

For those who prefer maximum functionality with a minimum of frills, the best option would be a log cabin house with a total area of ​​40 m², shown in the figure. Such a compact and outwardly attractive building will be a great place for a measured rest with friends, as well as a place for pleasant solitude against the backdrop of nature.

Bath-house from a log house 40 m², (Fig. 28)

The key feature of the project is that the customer is given the right to choose the construction material (rounded logs or hand-cut wood). Aesthetic and moderately democratic building will fit perfectly into any landscape, it will look good in any corner of the site. The size of the bath-house allows you to place it even in a limited space. The interior spaces are also well thought out: a living room with a kitchen (total area 10.5 m²), a large washing room with a separate bathroom, a spacious steam room (6 m²), a comfortable vestibule and a terrace (7.4 m²), where a large company at the festive table can easily fit .

Bath-house project (Fig. 29)

The convenient location of the premises inside the building, the compactness and presentability of the building are the undoubted advantages of this project. The special solemnity of the bath is given by the original decoration of the veranda and snow-white window openings.

You can examine in detail a one-story bath-house from all angles using the visualization in Fig. 30, 31, 32, 33.

Visualization (Fig. 33)

Option 6

A steam room or bath is the place without which a full-fledged Russian vacation is unthinkable. At all times, serious requirements were imposed on such buildings: the bath room should be comfortable, spacious, as functional as possible and made of wood. Thanks to rounded coniferous logs, the bath will quickly warm up and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Bath house with an area of ​​41.2 m² (Fig. 34)

The bath project provides for only one floor and a clear division into zones: an open terrace ready to receive guests into the house, a huge relaxation room with an adjacent kitchen (14.8 m²), a shower room (3.4 m²), a steam room (4.5 m² ), an isolated bathroom and a small vestibule, from which the virtual acquaintance with the house begins.

Bath-house project (Fig. 35)

Competent architecture and rational engineering solutions make it possible to fit a bath-house into any personal plot, as well as build it near buildings of various exteriors. Thanks to the treatment of logs with an antiseptic, the bath will last for decades.

You can evaluate the attractiveness and sophistication of the structure from different angles by looking at Fig. 36, 37, 38, 39.

Visualization (Fig. 39)

Option 7

A well-known fact: one-story baths are very convenient to use, they are easier to maintain and repair if necessary.

The project of a one-story house with an area of ​​41.6 m², combined with a steam room (4.8 m²), carries the functionality of a residential equipped premises and a steam complex. The peculiarity of this project is that one foundation is used to accommodate a residential building and a bathhouse.

Bath-house with an area of ​​41.6 m² (Fig. 40)

Everything that a guest can only need for a relaxing holiday in a hot bath and a comfortable stay throughout the year - all this easily fits on 41.6 m². There is a spacious living room (14.6 m²), which successfully combines a kitchen and a recreation area, a separate bathroom, a washing room (3.4 m²) and a steam room (4.8 m²).

Bath-house project (Fig. 41)

The project provides for the presence of a utility room (tambour) and an open veranda. To make sure that this project is the most successful architectural solution, you can consider the building in Fig. 42, 43, 44, 45.

Visualization (Fig. 45)

Option 8

The project of a log house bath is an excellent solution for arranging a small personal plot. Despite its compactness, the banya combines a traditional Russian steam room (4.8 m²), a spacious rest room (14.6 m²), utility rooms, and even a cozy terrace. And all this is located on one floor, just on a rectangle of 7.7 m by 5.4 m.

Bath-house with an area of ​​41.6 m² (Fig. 46)

Restrained simplicity and conciseness, maximum functionality and amazing compactness - this sauna house will be an excellent solution for those who value quality and convenience above all. All this does not prevent the structure from harmoniously fitting into the design of the site.

A comfortable stay in a house built of coniferous wood is guaranteed.

You can evaluate the attractiveness and sophistication of the structure from different angles by looking at Fig. 48, 49, 50, 51.

Option 9

The style of this project carries the original Russian traditions and culture, this can be seen both in architecture and in the decoration of the facade and its individual elements.

The building with a gable roof is divided into several main areas: a spacious living room (15.4 m²), successfully combining a kitchen and a relaxation area, a separate bathroom, a washing room (3.7 m²) and a steam room (3.7 m²), designed for simultaneous stay of 2-3 people. Each room has its own window (there are two in the living room), so you can’t really talk about the lack of light.

Everything here is very well thought out and extremely convenient: a flight of stairs leads to a spacious open terrace (9.2 m²). The door on the terrace leads to the vestibule, from where you can get into the rest room. Its area (15.4 m²) allows you to receive a fairly large company.
Visualization capabilities allow you to evaluate the attractiveness and style of the one-story bath project. (Fig. 54, 55, 56, 57).

Option 10

Bath house with an area of ​​54.8 m² (Fig. 58).

Bath house with an area of ​​54.8 m² (Fig. 58)

Maximum functionality, beautiful, aesthetic appearance and the strength of the Russian spirit - this and much more embodies the project of a one-story bath-house, made of hand-cut logs or rounded logs. The total building area is 54.8 m². Such space gives free rein to architects and designers. Focusing on the age-old traditions of the Russian people, the latter managed to make the project sound and comfortable for living. The living quarters and the bath are located on the same foundation, which will allow the building to be located in any, even a very limited space.

The interior spaces are also well thought out: a living room combined with a kitchen room (total area 14.5 m²), shaped like a pentagon, a large washing room with a separate bathroom, a spacious steam room (6.1 m²), a comfortable vestibule and a terrace (7.4 m² ), where a large company at the festive table can easily fit.

You can appreciate the advantages of a one-story building thanks to the visualization capabilities (Fig. 60, 61, 62, 63).

Option 11

The sauna-house with an area of ​​55.4 m², shown in the picture, will be an excellent solution for those who prioritize reliability, quality and aesthetics. A one-story bath, made according to this project, will perfectly fit into any landscape of a personal plot.

For its construction, a rounded coniferous log or hand-cut wood, which has useful properties, is used. The total area of ​​a one-story bath is 55.4 m², which allows you to place a large company in it, where you can not only have a good rest in a spacious and bright living room (14.3 m²), but also take a steam bath in a comfortable steam room (5.5 m²). Nearby is a washing room (5.7 m²) with a separate bathroom (2.5 m²).

The project provides for the presence of a utility room (tambour) and an open terrace (12.1 m²) with a flight of stairs. You can make sure that this project is the most successful architectural solution for a real esthete by examining the building in fig. 66, 67, 68, 69.

Video - VIP-2 one-story bath project with a large terrace and a barbecue area

Video - Bath with an ideal layout. Projects of one-story baths