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» Professional personality deformation: causes and consequences. Professional personality deformation

Professional personality deformation: causes and consequences. Professional personality deformation

Professional deformation is changes in personality, character, values, behavior and other qualities that occur under the influence professional activity. Those individuals whose work is closely connected with other people are most susceptible to deformation. These are leaders, officials, psychologists, teachers, doctors, human resources specialists, managers, military personnel, etc.

Most often, professional deformation is expressed in formally towards people, increased aggressiveness, inadequate perception of situations and people, disappearance of vital and moral values. Such changes can be episodic or become a stable personality trait. Professional deformation manifests itself in a person’s behavior, speech, habits and even appearance.

Types of professional deformation

One of the special cases of professional deformation is administrative delight. This state is characterized by excessive enthusiasm for one’s power, intoxication with it. This deformation leads to abuse of power, administrative arbitrariness, and abuse of one’s position.

Managerial erosion is the second type of professional deformation. This condition is typical for representatives of leadership positions. A long tenure in a managerial position often leads to a person beginning to make ineffective and unrational decisions. This is due to the fact that a leader reveling in power constantly strives to expand his powers and total control, and the interests of the business fade into the background for him. Proven leadership methods become ineffective, but the person continues to adhere to them, because... unable to learn new management methods. The “treatment” for this type of professional deformation is removal from management or transfer to another position.

The third type of professional deformation is emotional burnout. It is expressed in indifference, physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, a negative attitude towards people and a negative self-perception of oneself in the profession. Those most susceptible to emotional burnout are individuals who lack autonomy (for example, women with low wages), as well as overly people-oriented idealists, gentle, humane professionals obsessed with their idea. Emotionally cold people who prefer to restrain negative feelings within themselves are also prone to burnout. The risk of developing emotional burnout increases with prolonged and intense psycho-emotional activity, an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the team, and the lack of clear organization and planning of work.

During labor activity The employee develops qualities that are in demand in the field of his employment, which helps to improve his personality. However, prolonged performance of the same work often changes the mental qualities of a person, leaving a negative imprint on his neuro-brain structure and behavior in general. Qualities that are not in demand in professional activities disappear, and those most often used in the work process are distorted. Professional acts performed by a person distort him repeatedly and comprehensively. Duration, specificity, difficulty in terms of adaptation are the circumstances under the influence of which professional deformation occurs.

Negative and positive impacts

The answer to what professional deformation is is as follows: it is a change personal properties under the influence of prolonged performance of professional duties. People whose activities involve regular interpersonal communication (trade workers, doctors, etc.) are most prone to this. Professional personality deformation is expressed in the fact that the employee begins to transfer work issues to everyday life and family. Certain behaviors are used among loved ones and friends and become the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts, aggravating interpersonal relationships.

The consequences of professional deformation are presented below.

  • Reduced process of personality restructuring. A person with a certain type of work stops looking for alternative ways to solve problems that have arisen. Qualities in demand at work develop into character and become part of behavior: an accountant can carefully check daily expenses, a doctor can demand strict hygiene, and a successful artist can demand attention and self-worship in non-work circumstances.
  • Formation of a mechanical approach to work instead of a creative one. Professional personality deformation can lead to a deterioration in the quality of work performed.
  • Personal burnout. When a person is constantly immersed in work, it becomes uninteresting for him. This behavior is typical for workers who have been unable to advance up the career ladder for a long time.
  • Sometimes deformities can have a positive effect on a person, since certain professional skills sometimes help in everyday life. It is important that the individual is able to maintain the line between work and everyday life.


Occupational deformities are divided into the following types.

  • Physiological changes. This means atrophy of organs unsuitable for work or an increase in tissue structures and transformation of organs necessary to perform professional activities. Examples are diseases of the musculoskeletal system in people who work in front of a computer, throat problems in teachers, and delicate, sensitive skin of the hands in workers who do not engage in physical labor.
  • Deformation of style and image. A person’s profession directly or indirectly affects the style of clothing, hairstyle, and accessories used. Personal activity also affects posture, manners, and gait. You can observe the swaying gait of sailors and the straightened posture of military men. The deformation also leaves a mark on a person’s speech, expressed by specific pronunciation of words, frequent use of terms and constructive phrases.
  • Mental deformation. Representatives of the same specialty are often similar in the properties required for a given profession. In the process of professional development, the similarity and at the same time the difference from people of another specialty intensifies. When communicating, a doctor can assess the health of the interlocutor, a culinary specialist can advise recipes and comment on treats. Mental deformation stimulates an increase in the subjective importance of the employee's specialty.

Professional personality deformations are:

  • general professional, characteristic of employees in certain areas;
  • special, formed by specific specialists;
  • typical, due to the psychological specifics of the work;
  • professional individual deformation manifested in a specific person of any specialty and caused by the rapid development of skills.

Professional personal deformation in some can be revealed by unreasonable aggression and inflated self-esteem, in others - indifference, in others - a decrease in professional qualities.

Changes in the psyche are associated with a person’s character, experiences of conflicts, crises and psychological tension, dissatisfaction with the social environment and personal relationships, and reduced productivity of his work activity.

Risks of occurrence

It is believed that professional deformation develops as a result of the fact that an employee gets used only to a specific social role and cannot go beyond it. In this case, specialists in the field of psychology record personality changes. A person ceases to feel the boundary between work and personal life, and continues to fulfill his duties at home. Assessing the degree of one’s own professional deformation is almost impossible, since this requires introspection and a critical examination of one’s behavior from the outside. In such a situation, loved ones and those around you should help.

The risk of deformation can be predicted based on certain circumstances:

  • there is a fear of losing normal contact with colleagues, work, and professional skills;
  • the topics of conversation are reduced to discussing problems of work activity;
  • achievements and success are associated only with work activity;
  • personal relationships are limited, there is contact only with colleagues;
  • the expression of emotions is suppressed, and the expression of emotions on the part of colleagues is not perceived;
  • a conversation with this person resembles communication with a doctor, investigator or teacher (depending on the profession), since a person transfers the professional terminology of communication into everyday life;
  • the interests of this person are limited only to activities in his professional field;
  • all loved ones and relatives are perceived as part of the work.

Forms of manifestation

Consideration of the problem at specific examples allows you to determine the manifestations of changes in the human psyche as a result of professional deformation.

For teachers, the problem manifests itself in the fact that they begin to look for flaws in students’ work and become picky. In the family circle, they continue to look at the behavior and activities of others, mentally rating them. Gradually, they begin to evaluate the actions and behavior of strangers whom they may meet on the street.

The designer can even join in the conversation strangers and start asking professional questions or recommending something. He can argue with another person, explain subtleties different styles, advise on how to choose suitable furnishings for an apartment, etc.

Deformity in medical workers is detected by automatically assessing a person’s health when meeting them on the street or shaking hands. He can look for symptoms of a supposed illness when he observes a cough, pale skin, ask questions, mentally compiling a history of a friend. After asking questions, he begins to give advice and recommends getting examined.

When deformation is observed in a stylist, its manifestation is his appraising gaze, with which he determines the taste, style and flaws in the appearance of an acquaintance or even a random passerby. He can mentally transform a person to his liking, and also out loud suggest that he change his image, dress in some style that he finds more suitable, or not use a certain cosmetic product.


The professional development of an employee cannot but be accompanied by continuous personal development. But over time, stabilization occurs. Experts call such stages stages of professional stagnation. It occurs when an employee reaches certain heights in a specific field of activity, but he has to perform monotonous work using monotonous techniques. Over time, stagnation becomes the cause of deformation; the individual becomes so attached to his specialty that he is able to fulfill only this role in society.

The following facts can serve as conditions for the formation of professional deformation.

  • Monotonous acts that lead an employee to a psychological trait. A person will have great difficulty adapting to new requirements if circumstances change.
  • Motivation for choosing a specialty. It may be the desire to acquire a certain social status and power, provided that the person does not achieve the assigned goal.
  • High expectations at the beginning of professional activity, which are not justified during the period of service.

Under the influence of these factors, the individual begins to manifest professional deformation. The following are the reasons for its manifestation:

  • stress, excessive nervousness;
  • fatigue as a result of many years of work;
  • stereotypical work;
  • reluctance to continue working in this field as a result of awareness of the wrong choice of specialty: for some, understanding comes immediately after entering work, for others it takes years;
  • lack of understanding of the goals of one’s work activity;
  • age-related changes: in youth, the choice of specialty satisfied the requirements of the individual, over time, the performance of work began to be automatic;
  • conflicts in the team, violations of disciplinary norms;
  • devoting oneself to a specialty with an absolute lack of understanding of the merits of colleagues;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • impossibility of future professional growth.

There can be many more reasons, each of them can lie both in the chosen profession and in personal qualities ah of the individual, that is, to have an individual character.


To avoid the development of deformation, its first manifestations should be noticed in a timely manner and eliminated.

You need to start by independently checking how much deformation is manifested. It is recommended to pass tests with the help of which a person can find out what social roles she needs to pay more attention to which aspects social activities more time needs to be devoted. This makes it possible to independently analyze your own condition and find out what qualities are missing to fully fit into ordinary life, what areas of life have been forgotten, pushed into the background by work.

There are also reclamation options;

  • completing trainings aimed at personal and career growth;
  • increasing socio-psychological awareness;
  • taking advanced training courses and moving up the career ladder;
  • independent identification of problems and development of personal mechanisms for their correction;
  • self-correction of professional changes and adjustment of one’s own qualities;
  • preventive measures for professional maladjustment of an employee with little experience.

Proper and correct resolution of professional difficulties will contribute to the development of personality, preventing the occurrence of deformation.


1. The concept of personality and its deformations___________________________ 5

2. Reasons causing professional deformation of police officers__________________________________________________________11

3. Ways to overcome professional deformation among police officers _______________________________________________________________ 19

Conclusion_________________________________________________ 24

List of used literature_______________________________________ 26


Issues concerning the mutual influence of professional activity and the personal characteristics of a specialist have attracted the attention of representatives of various branches of science, including psychologists, for several decades. The question that occupies special place, is the problem of professional deformation of a specialist, in in this case- law enforcement officer.

Service activities in various departments of the internal affairs department have their own distinctive characteristics. Thus, the performance of functional duties is associated with increased responsibility of employees for their actions. Service often occurs in situations with an unpredictable outcome, is characterized by insufficient definition of role functions, mental and physical overload, the need to communicate with a wide variety of citizens and requires the employee to take decisive action and the ability to take risks. These specific features of professional activity have a significant impact on the personal characteristics of its representatives and can lead to the development of the phenomenon of professional deformation among police officers.

A consequence of the development of this phenomenon may be such behavioral manifestations of employees that entail undesirable assessments of others and do not coincide with professional ethics. In particular, statistical data indicate that representatives of police units often committed violations of the law and official discipline. According to official data, there is an increase in the number of employees brought to disciplinary liability for official misconduct. Among the grounds for applying disciplinary sanctions for violations of the law, violations of the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation predominate, in particular, unfounded refusals to initiate criminal cases, facts of dishonesty in the performance of official duties and absence from work without good reason are noted.

Statistics also show a growing trend in the number of violations of discipline by employees of internal affairs bodies, such as committing an offense while intoxicated, losing service weapons, official documents, special equipment and property.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation records monthly reports of the following facts of illegal activities of employees: illegal bringing to administrative responsibility, concealment of a crime from registration, unreasonable use of special equipment, consumption of alcoholic beverages on duty, illegal possession of weapons, verbal abuse of detainees, deviation from procedural norms in order to overcome difficulties, arising during the investigation of crimes, etc.

In the scientific literature, such facts are often referred to as manifestations of professional deformation. Among these manifestations are not only illegal actions of police officers and violations of discipline, but also some personal changes, such as, for example, the development of strict professional stereotypes and the transfer of a professional role to the sphere of non-office relations. The development of manifestations of the phenomenon under consideration is explained by the action of various reasons related not only to the specifics of work activity, but also to the insufficient level of professional skills, features of the socialization process and other factors.

Increasing degree of criminalization of everyday socio-economic relations, increasing legal nihilism, the decline in the level of morality of citizens, unfortunately, including employees of internal affairs bodies, has a negative impact on the possibility of truly restoring proper law and order in the country. The changes that occur with police officers require special, closer attention, since this work makes special demands in terms of morality and psychological stability. Due to the specific nature of the activities of police officers, there is always a real danger of undesirable changes in the system of moral values, in their worldview, mental and physical state. The totality of these changes is usually called professional deformation or maladaptation.

This work is devoted to the professional moral deformation of police officers.

1. The concept of personality and its deformation

Before considering the issue of personality deformation, we should dwell on the very concept of personality.

The category “personality” is multi-level and multifaceted. This makes it impossible to develop a list of recipes suitable for resolving all personal contradictions in each specific life and professional situation.

Every single person, individual, is a personality of one or another level of development and formation. We often say: “so-and-so has succeeded as a person, or has not quite succeeded, or has never succeeded as a person.”

As Leontyev A.N. writes: “The concept of personality, just like the concept of an individual, expresses the integrity of the subject of life; personality does not consist of pieces, it is not a “polyptyak”. But a personality is a holistic formation of a special kind...they are not born a personality, they become a personality.”

Thus, a personality is understood as an individual in his relation to different social systems, therefore the social essence and social functions of a person as an individual are the main criteria for its formation and representation in an individual. The real basis of personality in this sense becomes the totality of the diverse types of activities it implements and, accordingly, attitudes towards their different aspects.

A psychologically competent solution of professional problems requires a police officer to know what he is as a person and what level of development the person appears to him as an object of his influence.

An individual can be considered a mature personality, the more likely the wider his range of knowledge about reality, which acts as a system of scientific concepts and laws of nature, society, the formation and development of man. It is obvious that the breadth of a person’s horizons is determined by the level of development of his mental cognitive processes (attention, perception, thinking, imagination) and the emotional-volitional sphere, the ability to intelligently control himself (will), especially in extreme situations.

The ability to realize one’s “I”, introspection and self-esteem is a qualitative characteristic of the human psyche as an individual, a bearer of consciousness. Naturally, the personality in a person will be presented the more vividly, the more developed this ability is. If, in the context of the above, we talk about the professional self-awareness of a police officer, i.e. level of his personal and professional development, then this is concretized in his ability and desire to pose questions to himself: “Who am I in my profession, what motivates me in my work, what is the difference between the relationships that I enter into with society and other people within the framework of your profession, from all other relationships, other professions?

It is known that the formation and development of personality depends on natural and social factors, the degree of a person’s involvement in work, the level of education and upbringing. If a person is aware of the need for purposeful development of personal property, then we can talk about self-education.

Personality self-education can be defined as a person’s activity with the goal of changing his personality. Self-education, like education, has a social orientation and in different social conditions can acquire a positive or negative meaning (for example, in the process of self-education negative qualities can be formed: hypocrisy, arrogance, sycophancy, etc.).

Personal self-improvement is the conscious cultivation of positive, socially valued qualities. By improving oneself, striving for the ideal, a person acquires new opportunities both for managing himself and for influencing others. Since life does not stand still, achieving personal success in professional activities is unthinkable without hard work to improve one’s own personality. As the Orthodox confessor Seraphim of Sarov said: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved.”

Currently, almost no one doubts the need and obvious benefits of a person’s ability to independently manage his mental state, especially in extreme situations. However, people often reject this need - either because of difficulties in acquiring such a skill, or because of laziness. This also applies to police officers. Despite the fact that the emotional stability of police officers is generally higher than that of most people, which is due to strict medical and mental professional selection, they should improve themselves as individuals.

Climbing the path of perfection is available to everyone, and every person must understand that to stagnate in one place and not strive for self-improvement is a crime against oneself.

Improving the psychological potential of police officers is especially important now, in conditions of growing corruption, corroding various layers of society, cynical attitudes and distortion of value orientations, narrowing the scope of needs to an exclusively consumer level, and rising crime. Police officers are required to have such psychological potential that is able to withstand their personal and professional deformation.

In addition, it is known that even a physically healthy and trained person who constantly experiences emotional overload can lose control over his feelings, which leads to loss of energy, narrowing of consciousness, and concentration exclusively on stress-generating factors. As a result, complete disorganization of behavior is possible, which can plunge a person into panic and lead to emotional exhaustion. To avoid such breakdowns, it is necessary to develop the ability to maintain balance, “discipline of feelings,” and self-control in any situation. This can be achieved through long-term and daily work on oneself in the mode of mental self-regulation.

The need for personal self-development of employees of internal affairs bodies is beyond doubt, since only a strong personality is able to withstand the numerous problems and difficulties encountered in law enforcement. Unfortunately, one often observes a certain skepticism and a kind of spiritual laziness in working on oneself, on “creating one’s own personality,” free from one’s narrow egoistic interest, one’s worldview as an “absolute” criterion for the phenomena of life. This leads many police officers, on the one hand, to the destruction of the psyche and, consequently, loss physical health, and on the other – to all kinds of professional and moral deformations.

Professionally deformed comes from the Latin deformatio, which means “distortion, disfigurement”, and undoubtedly has a negative connotation.

Professional deformation is a phenomenon that objectively accompanies the development of a person in his professional activity, if he does not work on himself every day. Unlike other professions, where the deformation of one employee does not “cast a shadow” on his colleagues and does not level out the social value of their work, in the activities of a law enforcement officer this phenomenon has more serious consequences. Here, the mistakes of one person are personified in the public consciousness as a shortcoming of all employees, giving rise to the corresponding stereotype - “everyone there is like that.”

The specifics of the activities of law enforcement officers contain elements of a negative impact on the employee’s personality and contribute to a crisis in the motivational sphere in the profession, a decrease in professionally significant goals and interests, loss of satisfaction with the service, constant feeling physical fatigue and emotional devastation and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of psychosomatic and somatic diseases. The result of this is often a violation of the law, official discipline, and professional and ethical standards. This occurs when the employee does not have a sufficient level of psychological and moral stability, which leads to the development of professional deformation.

Consequently, professional deformation of personality is understood as the process and result of negative changes in personality under the influence of the environment in which its life activities are carried out, characterized by varying degrees or levels of manifestation and leading to inappropriate behavior and loss of professional competence.

To consider this phenomenon, the following characteristics are used: speed, depth, latitude.

Types of deformation: professional deformation, official deformation, deprivation deformation.

The rate of deformation is individual for each person and depends on the characteristics of the individual. It is conventionally believed that the rate of deformation increases after five years of service, with deeper deformation after ten years.

The depth of deformation characterizes negative changes from the initial stage to the manifestation of the full complex of socio-professional inadequacy of the individual.

The breadth of deformation shows the presence of negative changes in all spheres of the personality: intellectual, moral, emotional and volitional.

Proper professional deformation due to the direct influence of the criminal environment. It manifests itself in the following:

Use of obscene expressions in communication with colleagues and convicts;

Use of slang and swear words;

Dismissive, derogatory, hostile attitude towards colleagues and convicts;

Behavior based on moral and physical humiliation of human dignity;

Loss of sensitivity to human grief, moral and psychological wounds.

Job deformation due to the fact that employees are vested with authority in relation to the objects of their influence. Job deformation is manifested in the following:

Feeling of unlimited power;

The desire to suppress the will, humiliate the dignity of another person;

Intolerance of others' opinions and criticism;

Lack of self-criticism;

Reverence, servility;

Lack of friendly business relations between various services and departments.

Deprivation deformation is expressed in the replacement of unsatisfied needs with others, the satisfaction of which is more accessible, such as, for example, the place of spiritual values ​​is taken by material values ​​or alcohol.

In general, professional deformation causes a shift in the development of mental qualities of a police officer towards his professional unsuitability: distortion of the sphere of interests, the emergence of a sense of personal infallibility due to an overestimation of one’s knowledge and experience, stereotypical thinking, accusatory bias, corruption, etc.

Therefore, the first and very important step along the path of personal self-development, including increasing the culture of self-awareness, is the process of self-knowledge police officer one’s personality based on knowledge of psychological patterns and principles, content and characteristics of mental cognitive, emotional and volitional processes, states and properties.

As they say, to defeat the enemy, you need to know him by sight. Therefore, now let’s move on to studying the causes of professional deformation.

According to statistics, a person devotes a quarter of his life to work. And this is not a lot of 18 years out of 80. Therefore, the impact of the specifics of professional activity on the employee’s personality is very noticeable.

Many people notice that military men, who are required to be smart and serious in their duty, look the same in everyday life. And representatives of creative professions, for example, actors, are distinguished by impressionability and excessive emotionality. And that's not a problem. Trouble Begins only when " man in uniform” begins to give commands during a friendly conversation, and the actor begins to pass off the fictional world of his next hero as reality. This behavior indicates professional deformation of the individual. Let's talk about this phenomenon in more detail.

What is professional personality deformation?

Professional personality deformation ( PDL) is a change in personality structure that develops during long-term performance of professional duties. In other words, this phenomenon means that the profession has “taken root” and strengthened in all spheres of human life.

All personality qualities are subject to distortion:

  • character;
  • behavior and method of communication;
  • motivation;
  • stereotypes of perception;
  • scale of values.

A person who has suffered from professional deformation will perceive everything that happens around him, any events, ordinary or important, only through the prism of his competence, like a pro.

There are many examples of this. Psychologists begin to diagnose and type everyone, philologists - to hand out comments and mercilessly fight for the purity of speech of others.

Relatives and friends suffer the most from this condition. It becomes difficult to spend a weekend together, let alone just live together and carry on with everyday life. It is especially difficult for children. cognize the world, play pranks and grow up under the strict guidance of a professionally deformed dad-investigator andIt's very difficult for mothers and teachers. And, perhaps, the saddest thing is that such people are poorly aware of the fact of personality deformation. After all, not everyone is able to admit to themselves that your sincere zeal and desire for success, your immersion in your profession makes the life of your loved ones unbearable and interferes with you yourself.

However, it should not be taken high level professionalism as a factor provoking PDL. A person can remain a professional without transferring his high qualifications into everyday life and maintaining the original qualities of his personality.

Differences between manifestations of professionalism and personality deformation

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen - Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin in his work “Work and Personality [Workaholism, Perfectionism, Laziness]” he quotes his colleague, professor of psychological sciences, colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Beznosova S. P., which gives an example of the differences between the manifestation of professional qualities and PDL.

He writes that under the influence of professional activity, railway transport dispatchers develop the skill of performing their duties as accurately as possible, without making even the slightest mistakes. And telephone operators have to develop their reaction speed to maximum. Traffic inspectors are gradually “sharpening their eyes” on determining the speed of movement and driver errors during maneuvers, and passport attendants are learning to falsify documents...

Further E.P. Ilyin writes that when new feature personality is formed under the influence of professional responsibilities ( how this happens in the example of telephone operators and dispatchers), we can talk about PDL. But when a passport officer or traffic inspector learns to differentiate any objects or situations, here we are already talking about the development of professional skills.

Pros and cons of professional personality deformation

First, let's talk about the cons. Let's take professional managers as an example. Against the background of PDL, they may develop:

  • Administrative delight. A condition in which a person becomes overly involved in the process of administration and revels in power, which usually ends in administrative arbitrariness and abuse.
  • « Damage by power" or another name "managerial erosion" This phenomenon from a psychological point of view is that as a result of a long stay in power, the effectiveness of a leader’s activities is significantly reduced. Moreover, the decisions that this subject of power makes are becoming increasingly irrational. Such leaders suffer from egocentrism, and the whole essence of their activities comes down to maintaining and expanding their powers. Their thirst for power can be compared to drug addiction, and there is no need to even talk about any social benefit.

Not only senior executives, but also managers, regardless of their leadership style, face similar problems.

Another common case of PDL is emotional burnout syndrome. This is a specific type of PPD in people whose professional duties force them to communicate closely with people. This is a problem for many professions.

The term itself emotional burnout» ( burnout) was proposed by psychiatrist Freudenberg (USA) back in 1974. That is this problem has been studied for decades.

The following manifestations are characteristic of professional burnout syndrome:

  • a gradually increasing feeling of emotional exhaustion, exhaustion and indifference (the person can no longer immerse himself in work as enthusiastically as he did before);
  • dehumanization (developing negative attitudes or impatience with clients and colleagues);
  • obsessive feeling of lack of professional skill.

According to the concept of a famous psychologist M. Burisha strong dependence on work ultimately ends in complete despair and existential emptiness.

From all of the above, we can conclude that professional personality deformation is not only not useful, but also dangerous for the person himself. Since emotional exhaustion leads not only to psychological problems, but also seriously undermines his physical health.

Is this treatable?

As the heroine of the film by G.I. Gaidai said: “And you will be cured..., and you too will be cured.... and I will be cured..."

In fact, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the development of professional personality deformation, but any person is able to control this process. Even if he has already plunged headlong into the work routine, if he constantly thinks about his responsibilities and tasks, he needs to find the strength in himself to say: “Stop”!

Need to start:

  • Learn to separate work from other areas of life. We leave all work problems at work.
  • Look after yourself. Relatives and friends are not your subordinates, so away with the commanding tone, criticism and moralizing. Take a closer look at yourself and be moderately self-critical.
  • Look for a hobby. A hobby should be radically opposite to a profession. Are you a teacher - play football, a lawyer - how do you like pottery?
  • Give the “palm” at home if you are a leader, and subordinates should try to take responsibility for leadership in the family.

good preventive measure for the managers and companies themselves is regular rotation. Many organizations predetermine the maximum duration of a manager's duties. After this period, the position is occupied by a new manager, full of enthusiasm, innovative and creative ideas.

Let's summarize: a person vitally needs diversified development. He has a gift that allows him to transform into a butterfly from a caterpillar more than once. If, after becoming a pro, he believes that this is the pinnacle of his evolutionarymission, then he becomes an impersonal, effective cog in the system. Each area of ​​a person’s life requires its own knowledge and skills, and you have to start again from scratch, which, you see, is very interesting!

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Occupational deformation is a disorder in the human psyche when external factors regularly exert extreme pressure, leading to the destruction of personal qualities and perceptions. In this article we will talk about the main reasons that cause professional deformation, and also take a closer look at this phenomenon, using examples from police, healthcare and education employees.

What it is

Occupational deformation is a personal structure that develops gradually. The main reason for the appearance of PDL (professional personality deformation) is the specificity and area of ​​work. In this case, the violation leads to changes in all factors, such as behavior, communication, perception, characteristics, prioritization.


According to statistics, individuals who have dedicated their lives to healthcare, military and public service, and pedagogy encounter PEP. Let's look at the main reasons causing professional personality deformation:

Signs of occupational deformation

Occupational deformation is a period when a person loses all interest in his work activity. People call this phenomenon quite simply - professional burnout.

Let's give an example: due to the lack of working conditions, reduction wages, reduction of employees, fines and increase in after-hours hours, a specialist may be systematically late for work, be rude to clients (patients, schoolchildren, subordinates).

Memo to the boss: how to prevent

Occupational distortion is a mental state of a person, so the employer must understand that, for the most part, his actions can lead to cognitive distortion. It is important to carry out prevention so as not to cause disgust and hatred both towards the work and towards the boss himself.

First of all, the leader must reconsider his behavior. Exceeding authority or, conversely, lack of discipline can lead to PDL. You also need to conduct a thorough analysis that will tell you whether employees have time to complete all tasks or whether several more professionals need to be hired.

Don't forget about events. Research has proven that regularly holding corporate events and competitions improves morale, has a motivating effect and unites the team.

How to deal with professional deformation yourself

An aggressive environment can lead to the development of mental disorders, so it is important to take action at the first sign. First of all, take a short break - a vacation or weekend at your own expense. Perhaps symptoms such as fatigue, irritability and apathy are just another overwork. In this case, rest should be complete: you should not take days off to avoid professional deformation, but at the same time spend all your free time on household chores. Leave the cleaning, cooking and construction to someone else, or put it off until better times.

A person must understand why he begins to burn out. The main reason is difficult working conditions. In the 21st century, there are many options that offer decent income and with better conditions. As a rule, many people cannot quit for one reason - lack of self-confidence. Low self-esteem also affects the development of professional deformation, therefore, when conducting an analysis, you need to be as honest as possible with yourself.

Occupational deformation of health workers is a common phenomenon that psychologists encounter. In particular, PDL applies to those who work in surgery, intensive care, ambulance, oncology and the morgue. Health workers are people who, unwillingly, let all the stories of patients pass through themselves. Coupled with difficult working conditions and low wages psychological destruction develops.

Prevention. Realize the simple truth that we are not able to help absolutely everyone. Therefore, is there any point in worrying and blaming yourself for the fact that medicine has not yet stepped forward enough to cure absolutely all diseases? It is also necessary to understand that working 7 days a week, 13-17 hours a day is the right path to professional deformation. Learn to appreciate your hard work and the effort you put into completing tasks assigned to colleagues while spending extra unpaid hours.

Occupational deformation of teachers, like health workers, is a fairly common phenomenon. And this is not surprising, because in Russia the work of specialists in the field of education and healthcare is not rewarded with decent pay. Teachers are often subject to pressure from colleagues and superiors. All extra-hour hours are practically unpaid, and work standards increase every year.

Prevention. You should not abuse power if you are a more professional and experienced employee. You should not shift your work and assignments to younger teachers who are eager to teach and develop fragile children's minds. It is important to value your work and realize that working for food and pay utilities sooner or later will lead to the development of PDL.

Professional deformation of police officers negatively affects the work of both the entire department and the entire law enforcement system. Scientist P. Sorokin found that those individuals who regularly interact with big amount of people. The reason is simple: emotional oversaturation occurs, where regular stressful situations lead to cognitive distortion. main feature This phenomenon is that professional deformation affects absolutely all law enforcement officers.

Prevention. It is not surprising that, due to a more rigid workplace, the police officer becomes less empathetic and becomes more callous and aggressive over time. This leads to a decrease in motivation and energy, and apathy appears. We need to learn to develop professional immunity, which would allow us to respond more adequately to everything. conflict situations. Try to change the psychological climate in your department, and for this you need to constantly develop, improve your skills and strive for career growth.

The structure of professional deformation among correctional system employees is similar to burnout among police officers. However, first you need to figure out who we're talking about. The penal system is the penal system to which employees belong pre-trial detention centers, judicial authorities and other government organizations.

Prevention. It is important that employees strictly follow Labor Code and were aware of their rights, responsibilities and duties in the workplace. At the same time, just like in the police, they must develop professional immunity. But management also plays an important role in this. They must motivate their employees, while being competent and fair.


Every person, in order to avoid the development of professional personality deformation, must be aware that his attitude to work will subsequently affect his mental state. It is important to understand what tasks are entrusted to his shoulders and strictly follow these principles. At the same time, always be ready for change and realize that slavery was abolished a long time ago and working only for food is wrong.

Carry out regular preventive maintenance - at least 2-4 times a year. Namely: do not forget about self-development, visit spiritual and cultural centers, do not overwork and give yourself the opportunity to rest, be both strict and kind to yourself. Realize yourself as a person and develop. Direct your energy into those areas of life that bring you even the slightest joy. To do this, you can read books, do not forget about your health, give up unnecessary things, be able to say “no” and improve your skills. Otherwise, professional deformation will become a real problem for you, preventing you from leading a full life.