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» Common boy names. Male names: how to name a child

Common boy names. Male names: how to name a child

The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of a married couple, for which they prepare in advance. Mom and dad sort out female and male names for the child, until at a certain stage the doctor says what the sex of the future baby will be. Even then, the number of options is halved, and choosing a name doesn't get any easier.

In this article we will talk about names for boys: how to choose a name so that the baby grows up happy, because, as you know, the name determines the character and can influence fate.

The birth of a son is greatest event. All parents want their son to grow up to be a strong and self-confident person. The name should become an important part of the child's personality, help him form the most necessary and positive features character. What name should the boy choose?

How to choose a name for a boy?

A family clan is not only a mother, father, grandparents, but also a national identity. If you want your son to share your patriotism, you should consider Russian names for the child.

The boy can be called the name of a historically significant person for the country. In the future, when the baby begins to get acquainted with history, he will identify himself with his famous namesake, adopting it best qualities and striving to live up to the glorious name of a great man.

When choosing a name for a child, many couples take into account the month in which the boy was born - after all, each of these calendar periods has its own energy.

The following male names for a child by months should be considered for the development of a harmonious personality:

Noteworthy is the point of view according to which the name of the boy should be chosen with an eye on Eastern horoscope, where, as you know, each calendar year has its own sign. So, male names for a child born in 2016 are selected taking into account.

Names can enhance energy and purposefulness Anton, Victor, Nikolai. If you want a boy to have leadership skills and independently achieved its goals, it can be called Vadim, Pavel or Novel. Easy to achieve creative success Leonid, Valery, Oleg who were born in 2016. And here are the names Andrey, Ilya, Yuri or Peter it is worth bypassing, otherwise there is a risk that the child will have a quick temper, which at some point can interfere with life.

The most popular male names

Despite the recommendations of psychologists and astrologers regarding the choice of names for children, Russian parents choose mostly the same names. Social media, in which the majority of the population of our country is registered, allows us to form a rating of the most frequently occurring names.

  1. Alexander 7.6%
  2. Sergey 5.2%
  3. Dmitry 4.8%
  4. Alexey 4.5%
  5. Andrew 4.2%
  6. Maxim 2.8%
  7. Eugene 2.8%
  8. Vladimir 2.5%
  9. Ivan 2.4%
  10. Michael 2.1%

These data are relevant for the conscious population of our country, their parents are people of the Soviet era, in which to call a child rare or foreign name was not accepted.

If we look at male baby names popular in 2016, the picture is similar, but the percentage is much smaller. Modern parents are more inclined to call their child an unusual male name - Plato, Oscar, Mark and Herman.

In addition, demographic studies clearly demonstrate that modern male names are often associated with events taking place in the country and the world. For example, in 2014 and 2015, parents had a kind of boom in the name Crimea.

It is up to you to listen to advice on choosing a male name for a child or not, but in conclusion we want to say that in addition to the chosen name, your care, love and proper upbringing able to make a child successful person with a happy fate.

The appearance of a child in the family is a happy and responsible event, because parents are expected to pleasant chores associated not only with caring for the baby, but also with choosing a name. At the birth of a boy, every parent dreams that their son will grow up courageous, successful and happy, respectively, the name for the baby should ideally fit the surname and patronymic.

After all, it often happens that even the most fashionable names do not fit with the surname or are completely inappropriate in the child's country of residence. It would also be useful to choose a name that is not often found, because the fashion for names is cyclical, and unusual name given to a child, in a few years can turn into a standard and even banal.

When choosing a name for a boy, keep in mind that it should be harmoniously combined with the surname

Fashionable names for boys in 2016

Analyzing the popularity of male names in 2015, we can assume which of them will be fashionable in 2016, and which will lose popularity. Very often, names that are quite ordinary at first glance unexpectedly fall into the top of the most beautiful, so it is important to carefully choose a name for your son, because it will accompany him all his life. We offer you some popular male names that have every chance of becoming the most harmonious and relevant in 2016.

Translated from the Hebrew language, this name means "sculpted from red clay." As a rule, men with the name Adam are talented, reserved and hardworking. Periodically, this name gains popularity, but in general there are not so many Adams, even in European countries, so if you want your son to wear a beautiful and rare name be sure to take a look at it.

The name has Celtic roots and literally translates as "big bear". The fact that the legendary king of the Britons was called Arthur adds a special masculinity to this name. As a rule, men with this name are emotional, enthusiastic and hospitable. The name Arthur is quite universal, it sounds equally good in almost all countries of the world. In addition, it is believed that such "royal" names for boys carry a special meaning and good luck for their owners.

According to one version, the name comes from the Latin name Hadrianus, meaning "the one with Adriatic coast". Men with the name Adrian have a strong character, they are determined, purposeful and successful. Judging by the low popularity of the name Adrian in previous years, by naming your son this way in 2016, you have every chance of giving the child a rare and beautiful name.

Translated from Slavic means "glorious defender." As a rule, Bronislavs are laconic, pragmatic and decisive. They always have their own point of view, which they are in no hurry to voice. The name Bronislav is quite rare, in recent decades it has not been popular, but this does not make it less beautiful and original.

The meaning of the name is very prosaic and comes from its root: "more glorious." The owners of this name are firm and determined, sometimes even tough. You can always rely on them, the Boleslavs are responsible and competent in making decisions. A boy named Boleslav has every chance of becoming a real man, for whom a woman can feel like a stone wall. By choosing the name Boleslav for your child, you can be sure that at school your son will not be the second or third boy in the class with that name.

Another very beautiful and rare name in our area, which translates as "blessed." Benedicts, as a rule, are quite calm, balanced and reasonable. Due to their certain coldness, the owners of this name often enjoy respect and authority, which is supported by decisive actions. In 2016, the name Benedict may become super popular, as it blends perfectly with many surnames, and organically fits into the Slavic pronunciation.

An unusual name that literally translates as "manage people" and, according to one version, comes from English name Walter. The owners of the name Walter are most often hardworking, kind and generous, although sometimes they are too silent and secretive. In 2016, western boy names are expected to be at the peak of popularity.

The meaning of the name is translated from Latin as "one-womb, native." Boys named Herman are rather stubborn, cunning and irritable. In adulthood, they tend to achieve success in their careers and personal lives, because they are purposeful and patient. Two years ago, the name Herman was quite common, but over time, his popularity began to decline. According to some statistics, in 2016 the name Herman will once again regain its leadership position.

The name has two variants - Gordey and Gordy. According to one of the legends, Gordey tied a knot that was cut by Alexander the Great. Men with the name Gordey are optimists, witty storytellers and leaders in any life situations. In addition, the Gordeys are talented and charismatic, they are always in the spotlight and are able to establish contact with any interlocutor. This name is now quite common among children, and, most likely, in 2016 it will be one of the most beautiful boy names.

An ancient Greek name, the meaning of which is translated as "conqueror." IN Western countries there are several variants of this name, in particular Damian and Damian. The owners of this name are very kind and disinterested, but often this plays against them, since others can take advantage of their altruism. Demyans tend to be brave and determined, but often this is due to their desire to create a positive impression. Already now there is a trend towards an increase in the popularity of this name, and in 2016, it is quite possible that such beautiful names will be in the top of the most popular.

In Hebrew, David means "beloved." This name is undeservedly considered primordially Jewish, not suitable for other peoples. In fact, the name David sounds equally good in different countries, since its pronunciation is easily adapted to any language. Men with the name David are truthful, decent and talented. They have the gift of convincing people and "poaching" them to their side. However, dealing with Davids is always easy and beneficial for everyone. The fashion for the name David periodically returns, which means that it is quite possible that it will soon become common.

There are two versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, Elisha comes from the Hebrew name Elisha, meaning "God saves", and according to another version, Elisha is derived from the name Odysseus. Elishas are cheerful, cheerful and literally attract good luck. A real boom in the name of Elisha has been observed for the last three years. Most likely, the name will not lose its popularity and in 2016 will once again take its place in the list of the most beautiful names for boys.

A very common name in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and some other CIS countries. It is quite universal, goes well with almost any surname and patronymic. Translated from Hebrew, Zakhar means " God's memory". Men with the name Zakhar are extremely hardworking, conscientious and decent. It is pleasant to communicate with them, because Zahars often become the soul of the company. If you want your child to have a rare and beautiful name, put the name Zakhar on your list.

Another version of the name is Ignatius. A rather unusual and very harmonious name, which, nevertheless, in last years undeservedly forgotten. The owners of this name are very emotional and sensitive, they are easy to offend, but Ignats are not vindictive, so there are always many friends and acquaintances around them. It is expected that in 2016 the name Ignatius will again be on the wave of popularity.

A very rare, but beautiful name that can become your child's calling card. Translated from Latin, Clement means "meek, gentle, merciful." The owners of this name fully fit the description - they are calm, balanced and unshakable. They are not aware of emotional ups and downs, they are always “on the same wavelength”, which makes them ideal leaders and educators. When choosing the name Clement, be sure to compare it with the patronymic and surname of the child, because such an unusual name obliges you to have the same harmonious surname.

Unusual and even exotic names in our time no longer surprise anyone, and the name Christian is a vivid confirmation of this. According to statistics, over the past year there have been noticeably more Christians than in previous years. In Latin, Christian means "one who belongs to God", which makes this name even more attractive, especially for Christians. Men with the name Christian have a calm character, they are trusting, reliable and pleasant in communication. If you are ready to give your son a rare name, then the name Christian might be a great option.

A name with Slavic roots, which is very common in Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as in Ukraine. The name combines two roots - "lyub" ("beloved") and "peace" or "one who loves the world." As a rule, the owners of this name are very pragmatic, intellectually developed and consistent. They will always come to the rescue, which is why many people consider them best friends. Having named your son Lubomir, after a few years you may find that this name distinguishes your child from other children with its euphony and “peaceful” meaning.

Another extremely beautiful and rare name that suits almost any boy. Despite the rather aggressive meaning - “one who fights”, “like Mars” - this does not mean at all that its owner will be a militant man. As a rule, the Martins are serious and sometimes too categorical, but fair and unsophisticated. One of the variations of the name Martin is Martin, but due to the difficulty of pronunciation, this name is practically never found.

The name is of Hebrew origin, meaning "given as a gift." Until recently, the name Nathan could only be found in Israel, but fashion dictated its own rules, and even such a name, uncharacteristic for the Slavs, became popular. Despite being atypical, the name Nathan is quite universal and beautiful. Men with the name Nathan are very talented, wise and complaisant. IN original version Nathan's name has an accent on the second letter "A", but more and more often one can see the accent on the first letter "A", which sounds like a different name.

Translated from ancient Greek Orestes means "savage", "highlander". Having learned closer to a person with this name, we can conclude that the meaning of the name leaves a certain imprint on his personality and character, because Orestes really gives the impression of a closed person. But once in the circle of acquaintances and friends, Orest changes dramatically, turning into the soul of the company. If you want your son to have a harmonious and very rare name, Orestes can be a great option.

A popular name in the Scandinavian countries, the meaning of which is translated as "divine." From early childhood, boys with this name demonstrate leadership qualities and always strive to take everything into their own hands. Oscar winners are often phenomenally talented, especially in exact sciences and medicine. A few years ago, this name was on the wave of popularity, then gave way to other names, but already in 2016, it is quite possible that Oscar will again take a leading position as one of the most beautiful names.

Translated from Greek, the name Plato means "broad-shouldered", "wide". Indeed, men with this name are reliable, courageous and always ready to close people close to them. In addition, Platos are straightforward and never keep their opinions to themselves, which can make others think that they are too strict. It can be seen that in Lately many celebrities have given their sons the name Plato, which means that by 2016 this name may become one of the most common.

Without a doubt, the names that were at the peak of popularity twenty or thirty years ago are returning to fashion again. A vivid confirmation of this is the ancient Germanic name Rudolph, which until recently was practically not found anywhere. The bearers of this name often have an analytical mindset and are able to achieve significant success in science. Judging by the growth rate of the popularity of this name, by the beginning of 2016 the name Rudolf will take pride of place among the most beautiful male names.

Name of Polish origin, which means "become glorious." The owners of this name are stubborn, but kind and decent. They always have their own opinion, which they voice at the first opportunity. The abbreviated version of the name - Stas - is harmonious and modern, so young parents often call their sons that way. Despite this, there are not so many Stanislavs today, which means that this name has every chance of being on the wave of popularity in 2016.

A very common name in Ukraine has become popular in other countries in recent years. Due to the ease of pronunciation and euphony in any language, the name Taras remains on the list of the most beautiful male names. Translated from ancient Greek, Taras means "rebel", "restless". Men with this name are fussy and emotional, but charismatic and attractive to others.

This rather rare name of Latin origin literally translates as "happy." Indeed, it is believed that the owners of the name Felix are lucky in financial affairs and personal life. That is why the name Felix became so popular that it ended up on the list of the most beautiful names.

This name is still very rare, but there is a tendency to increase the popularity of the name Khariton, thanks to the fashion for such exotic names. Translated from Greek, Khariton means "grace, joy." The owners of the name, as a rule, are very strong and decisive, they always take the initiative in their own hands and know how to be responsible for their actions.

When a long-awaited baby appears in the family, it is both a great joy and tangible chores. Caring parents collect packages for the maternity hospital, buy diapers, undershirts, strollers, care encyclopedias ... And in this vain, but certainly pleasant, sooner or later the question arises of how to name the child. Today we will tell you which names for boys born in 2016 are the most in demand!

Orthodox names for boys-2016: to be or not to be?

Modern parents are more and more eager for extraordinary choices and much more often than they used to be inheriting the Western naming tradition. However, 2016 offers us a new trend: to pay close attention to authentic names that are specific to our area. They can be completely different: Greek, Roman or even Slavic in origin, but almost all of them are recorded in the so-called calendar.

The tradition of choosing names according to the holy calendar is rooted in deep, deep antiquity, and it is characteristic of many peoples united by common religious views. It is believed that a child named in the name of an angel, apostle, saint, martyr, or simply an outstanding clergyman, along with the name, will receive not only a fraction of the necessary virtue, but also automatically, as it were, acquire an invisible, and, of course, very strong protection from a patron.

Even if the parents decided to name their child an extraordinary foreign version of the name, in most cases they still recommend giving the child another, church one. This is especially true in those cases where it was decided to perform the rite of baptism.

In order to better understand such a delicate issue, we suggest you take a look at a specially formed calendar of names.

As you can see, the names for boys born in 2016 are not limited to several standardized and generally accepted options. Picking up beautiful classic or rare options is not difficult!

Muslim names for boys born in 2016: the depth of Eastern traditions

The depth of Eastern traditions is in fact inexhaustible. Wise men of various generations have always been in awe of the sacrament of naming, especially when it came to a boy - a future warrior, protector, faithful confessor of religion, husband, brother, father, citizen. Therefore, all possible variations were selected in the most thorough manner. To look, for example, at the name Muhammad (which means “worthy of praise”) – wouldn’t this person become worthy of his land?

Another interesting fact: since the Middle Ages, not only qualified clergymen, but also astrologers, whose science was considered the craft of philosophers, sages, were widely engaged in nominal business. They developed entire schemes and theories, few of which, unfortunately, have survived. However, it is the value of the ritual that is important for us, because we ourselves join the culture of Islam through the assimilation of some elements.

Muslim names that experts predict will be the most popular in 2016, you can see in these photos.

Tatar names for boys born in 2016

Since we are talking about the goodness of influential cultures, it would be unfair not to mention the Tatar names that are gaining well-deserved attention. Without further ado, just choose from the list: Ababil, Abel, Abelgazi, Abunasyr, Abyzbai, Agzamkhan, Adjebay, Adrar, Azamatullah, Aktai, Allahiyar, Almatai, Arslan, Akhmetbari, Badgi, Badrulla, Bayek, Bayramkhan, Bayrash, Bahram, Bashar , Valiakhmet, Valim, Valishah, Gabdelgaffar, Gabeljalil, Gabdessattar, Gaisa, Janahmet, Janbak. Jani, Zabib, Zagidar, Zunnun, Kabanbay, Kazanbay. Kail, Kaim, Mugallim, Miyan, Mihri, Niyazgul, Nugaybek, Nukrat, Nuraglam, Rashat, Rizvan, Rijal, Saitmulla, Saitmukhkhamet, Saligaskar, Tashkay, Takhautdin, Khalisfaizkh, Hamatgali, Halfetdin, Hamazan, Shahbulat, Shafkatulla, Yavarai, Yasit, Yazil.

We hope that our short information excursion and the presented tables shed some light on the current state of affairs and helped you decide which names for boys in 2016 you consider the most suitable for your baby. Do not forget to consult with your relatives and those you trust - the choice will become even easier!

Girls, I am writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think over (I apologize in advance for the many letters))). The child will be 8 years old in May, he is finishing the first grade at a lyceum school. He was born with hypoxia, was pumped out for a day in intensive care, as a result: he went late (1.5 years), spoke late (in some words, at 4-4.5 years). I was afraid that he was at all regular school they won’t accept, but in the 0th grade my speech improved, I learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschoolers usually know how to do (thanks to neurologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 "triples" and 3 "fours". Mathematics and English - with a bang, the rest is not very good. But I do not focus on this, I am confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle-aged (45-50), as they say "of the old school", very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard enough complaints from her in the first half of the year: "he sleeps all the time, does not listen, yawns, is not active, does not answer, peas against the wall, etc." . All this is said in such a tone (maybe I'm exaggerating) as if he is the last fool in the class (which has 32 children). The load at school is heavy: in addition to general subjects, homework is set to a heap (for example, solve 1 page a day from Nefedova’s “3000 examples in mathematics” and keep reader's diary: read the story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to improve my studies, I enrolled my son for additional education. classes with a tutor who teaches lessons with him every day for 2 hours and cooks for another 1 hour in separate subjects. The son opened up, cheered up, made new friends, every day he rushes to this tutor as if it were a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: the last two math tests I wrote "excellent", with the rest of the subjects it was also not bad - from "deuce" to "four". Only his Russian language is unimportant, but remembering how he could not hold a pen and connect two words literally a year ago, I am generally happy with what I have. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were progressing, I heard that he was copying the tests (yeah, he wrote off two controls in a row), and in general, "things are still there." In short, as he was a fool, he remained.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word is the law, and the authority of the teacher is unshakable. Maybe I just got lucky with my teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son's teacher confuses me. I do not confess to anyone, but it seems to me that my son is not comfortable with her, buying up at least an encouragement. If a person is constantly spread rot, then every desire can be beaten off.
And the atmosphere in the classroom is somehow unhealthy: all the competitors, all climb on each other's heads (in the first grade!), all the children are nervous, some kind of aggressive. For six months at school, the son did not find friends for himself, but at the tutor (she teaches at a private training center), he made friends with everyone on the very first day. Yes, and it seems to me that the attitude of the teacher was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: all year a classmate finds fault with his son, last week he kicked him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he offered to play catch-up, so he he caught up with his son and kicked him in the legs).
Now I’m thinking: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or is it the same everywhere? Or maybe I screwed myself up and over-dramatized everything?
I’ll make a reservation right away, I never asked the teacher for a special attitude towards my son, but before starting school year honestly warned that there are small problems with speech. Yes, and the teacher at first glance is not a monster, maybe she has such a method and it would be worse if she didn’t demand anything from him at all? I really want to hear your opinion (I’m divorced from my son’s father, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I translate it, I’ll teach you how to run away from problems. In general, it hurts ....

The year 2016 is coming to an end, and we decided to take stock - what names in our country were most often chosen for daughters and sons? Based on official data from the Office of the Civil Registry, here's what we got.

Records were broken this year: Kirill, Nikita and Artem, as well as, of course, Sofia, Anastasia and Victoria. Quite Russian and “standard”, although everyone around accuses young mothers and fathers of being too resourceful.

Top 10 baby boy names


Became "fashionable" in the last two years. Means "lord" in Greek. Nature is contradictory, strong. Self-confident, intractable, very purposeful. Diversified, little intellectual, has a good memory. Polite, rarely flaunts his feelings.


"Winner" - from ancient Greek. Nikitas often grow up as small egoists, they try to be the best among their peers. They do not allow themselves to be commanded, stubborn and persistent. With all this, they are very touchy, vulnerable, sentimental and shy. They are not sociable, rather, on the contrary, they are closed and modest.


The noble and conservative name closes the top three. It has not lost its popularity for two decades. Strong and smart beyond his age, fair and honest, Sasha will never give offense to the weak. They achieve everything they sincerely want, charming and charismatic.


Trusting and open, complaisant and balanced - this is all about Artem. They are very hardworking, but they are not too stubborn in achieving their goal. They have a rich imagination, they are happy to meet guests in the house, they rarely make a fuss.


The name has Greek roots, suddenly becomes more and more fashionable. Little Andreys are secretive and cunning, children are mysteries. They study well at school, but at the same time they are often hooligans. They are jealous and want to be the center of attention, especially in childhood.


From Hebrew - God's judgment". They are obedient, kind, but at the same time cunning. but not vindictive. Sociable, have many friends, often successful in sports.


The name Ilya was "forgotten" quite recently, but over the past 12 months it has gained incredible popularity. What kind of boy will Ilya be? He helps his mother, studies well, but without much enthusiasm. Friendly, but poorly versed in people, quick-tempered. Calm and quiet happens only with loved ones.


To those around them, they seem unusually simple and good-natured, skillfully hiding their anger or rage. Egocentrics. Talented natures, you just need to understand what exactly. Closed with peers, but very attached to the family.


They are usually academically successful and hardworking. Stubbornly trying to take a leading position among friends, straightforward, sharp and categorical. They don't tolerate lies. Already in childhood, they are pedantic and picky, they value cleanliness and order in the house.


Such boys from an early age amaze with their prudence. Creative natures are for teachers, complaisant and polite children are for parents. At the same time, they are not very decisive and easily succumb to other people's influence, do not dream of superiority, but are loved in the team.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Age crises in children: causes, symptoms, help." Download it and learn how to help your beloved baby during a crisis.

Top 10 names for girls


Russian scientists have calculated that every eighth girl born in Russia in the last 24 months was named Sofia or Sonya. Sofochki are usually shy, friendly, conscientious. Independent, always ready to help.


Nastenka are often found in folk literature, fairy tales. Nastya is a universal favorite, she is accommodating and sweet in communication. A dreamy and very trusting nature, so you should teach her to understand people.


Vika does not strive to become leaders, she prefers to be unnoticed in the team, she is a little lazy. Not always confident in her actions and not very decisive, from childhood she learns to rely only on herself.


Suitable for a strong and courageous baby, translated as "protector". Despite the male energy, these girls are usually very feminine and beautiful. She is very affectionate with her parents, treats them with great respect, of course, if she is brought up correctly. Diligent in studies, but in behavior - a real tomboy.


One of the brightest Slavic names. Sveta is pleased with both academic performance at school and victories in sports competitions. Creative person, friendly and always calm. Light is so hard to piss off! She is a mother girl, very caring and economic.


The name comes from Rome, has not lost its popularity for a long time. Natasha as a child is a small "ball of energy", very cheerful, mobile. Unobtrusively occupies an important place in the team, is very attached to her mother and becomes independent late.


If your baby's mood is constantly changing, then there is a high probability that her name is Yulia. Yulia is a little arguer, she always defends her opinion, hardly accepts criticism. With strangers behaves cautiously, distrustfully. With the help of Saule Utegalieva's course, you will teach Yulenka safe behavior with strangers(free at )

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Age crises in children: causes, symptoms, help." Download it and learn how to help your beloved baby during a crisis.


The quietest and most modest in the class, does not cause trouble for adults and does not make her blush for her. Deer are touchy and closed, it is not so easy to find an approach to them even to relatives and friends. Indecision is another feature of their character.

Alena or Elena

Lenochka is a little sun, sweet and courteous, obedient and affectionate. What she lacks is determination, your task is to teach Lena to achieve her goals and not turn off halfway.


Tanechka grows up at home and quiet, economic, diligent in her studies. But among her peers she is too bold and wants to be only the first, emotional. He does not tolerate loneliness and monotony, a rather domineering person. He likes to argue with adults, often does everything "with precision, but vice versa."

What names will be fashionable in 2017?

short and sonorous

American scientists came to the conclusion that short, sonorous, energetic options will be in demand in the near future: Eva and Mark, Leo and Mila, Leia and Max.

Fashion for "unisex"

In our country: Sasha, Valya and Zhenya, in Europe - Chris, Alex and Michel.


Among them: Sasha or Alex, Maxim or Max, Anna, Maria, and also Christina.

Own composition

Most often these are “alterations” from the usual ones, for example: Anna - Annetia or Ania, Irina - Irinia, Natalia - Natalia.

Retro is back in fashion

Well, it should be noted that retro options are increasingly being chosen: Zakhar and Savva, Yesenia and Seraphim, Plato and Vasilisa.

And which name among fashionable do you like? Or are you a fashion savvy and prone to something unique and rare?

Download the checklist "Age crises in children: causes, symptoms, help"

All children face age-related crises when moving from one stage of development to another. Learn about the causes, signs of crises, and how to help your beloved baby!