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» Homemade pitchfork for digging a vegetable garden. Drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture. How to choose a miracle shovel for digging earth

Homemade pitchfork for digging a vegetable garden. Drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture. How to choose a miracle shovel for digging earth

There is a lot of work in the garden, but the most exhausting work is digging up the soil, cultivating it and removing weeds. They start digging ahead of time, in small areas because the load is too heavy.

The miracle shovel will help reduce the complexity significantly and at the same time speed up the process at least twice. It's relatively inexpensive and easy...

How to make a miracle shovel (ripper)

There is a lot of work in the garden, but the most exhausting work is digging up the soil, cultivating it and removing weeds. They start digging ahead of time, in small sections, since the load is too great. The miracle shovel will help reduce the complexity significantly and at the same time speed up the process at least twice. This relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated device really works, even on difficult soils.

What is different and what can

To be precise, this is not a shovel, but a ripper, since it not only digs, but also breaks clods. The miracle shovel consists of two (sometimes one) slats with pins movably connected. Some models also have a back stop - for easier digging of dense, heavy soil. So in reality it looks more like double pitchforks (see photo below).

Miracle shovel and its components

From the picture it is clear that this tool does not have a shovel as such, but the differences from the classic bayonet shovel do not end there. It also has a much higher handle - it should reach your shoulder. It is also convenient if there is a crossbar at its top - you can operate it with both hands.

The miracle shovel performs three operations at once:

  • loosens the soil;
  • breaks clods;
  • “extracts” the roots of weeds without tearing or cutting them (in any case, damaging them much less);
  • Digs root vegetables easily - you can dig carrots, potatoes, etc.

But its main advantage is that it greatly facilitates digging the earth, and the main load falls not on the back, as when using a conventional bayonet shovel, but on the legs (driving the working forks into the ground) and on the hands (turning the forks out of the ground). During work, the back is in a vertical position and is almost not loaded.

The only downside to this tool is the weight. It is really much larger than the bayonet one. But the super shovel can be rearranged; there is no need to lift it. Or rather, it is raised only a few times: when it is placed on the ground at the beginning of the row. Then, by pulling the handle, it is simply tightened a little.

There is another very attractive point in using a miracle shovel - digging a garden is at least twice as fast. This occurs due to the wider working part - up to 50-60 cm. Provided there is little physical activity, this is very good.

How to work

Although this design is not particularly complex, working with it has its own characteristics. First, you need to start from the far edge of the bed, then move back, gradually dragging the forks back. well and general order actions like this:

  • Holding the handle, place a miracle shovel and rest it on the front ripper.
  • Stick the pitchfork into the ground. Drive them in until the back stop touches the ground. If the ground is heavy or dense, additional force may be needed - press your foot on the crossbar of the front forks.
  • Pull the handle towards you. With this movement, the forks will begin to move upward. As they rise, they pass through the forks of the front stop, breaking up the lumps.
  • Pull the device back a little, repeat all the steps (plug, squeeze, pull the handle).

It's actually very simple. It’s worth trying a couple of times and then everything repeats automatically.


In addition to the option shown above (called “Tornado”, “Digger” or “Plowman”), there are several more variants of miracle shovel designs under different names.

Soil ripper without front support

This design also has working and support forks, but does not have a front stop. Because it is less bulky and weighs a little less. But the front stop gives increased stability during operation. And the weight when dragging is not so important.

The handle is attached to the working forks, the back stop is welded to the comb of the second forks. Both of these structures are movably connected to each other (even door hinges can be used).

Ripper miracle shovel for easy tillage

The photo shows one of the implementations, which is made on the basis of a corner and a round pipe. When working, the pins are driven into the ground by pressing on the crossbar, and not on the stop, as in most models.


An option called “Digger” is essentially a wide fork with a stop for easier turning and a high, powerful handle.

Miracle shovel "Digger"

The peculiarity of this design is the stop and the adjustable handle. It is fixed with two bolts and adjusted to the height of the working person.

The emphasis is not stationary, but movable. It is fixed to the frame. When plunging the pins into the ground, press on it with your foot, then, without removing your foot, turn it out by pressing the handle of the fork out of the ground.

The physical load during work is low, the work progresses quickly. But this miracle shovel is not suitable for hard and lumpy soils: it does not crush the soil. She collapses through the pitchfork under her own weight. But this is only possible with loose soils. On clay or black soil it is better to have a second comb with pins.

How to make a miracle digger, see the following video.


This miracle shovel design is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arched, but the basic structure is the same. There is some drawback - there is no way to adjust the handle, but otherwise everything is the same - a movable stop and working forks.

Two options called "Lightcop". The simplest ripper for the vegetable garden, garden and cottage

It’s hard to say whether this variation is better or worse. It would be possible to evaluate only by comparing the performance of both copies on the same site.

If you watch the following video, you will see that with such a miracle shovel you can dig not only loose soils, but also heavy ones. And the second thing you can pay attention to is that for such soil it is better to have a second comb of pins, against which you can crush the inverted lumps.

What and how to make it from

The designs, as you have seen, are different, but the set of materials will be approximately the same. Their number differs, but the cross-section and characteristics remain unchanged.

You can use a round or profiled pipe, metal rods or “parts” from forks

Materials for production

They usually start with making the frame. It is often made from a profiled pipe, the optimal cross-section is 30*30 mm or so. The wall thickness is important - at least 3 mm. Some models used a corner. The shelf width is also about 30 mm, the metal thickness is at least 3 mm.

The handle can be made from the same profile pipe, or you can use a round one. The thickness of the walls is also important. In principle, having made a latch, you can use a wooden shovel holder. Some purchased models provide for the installation of a wooden holder.

The main attention should be paid to the material that is used for the teeth of the working forks. It must be good structural steel. The forks are made from a rod of at least 8 mm in diameter.

What craftsmen make them from:

  • They cut it off from an ordinary fork and weld it onto a miracle shovel.
  • Straighten the suspension springs.
  • Car springs are sawn into narrow strips.

If you can find a good rod - round, square or hexagonal - it doesn't matter, it will be much easier for you. Not a bad option, by the way, with a pitchfork. But you have to buy good ones, and this is not cheap. And one more thing: calculate the dimensions of the miracle shovel so that the working forks have 8 pins. Then you will need to buy two jokes of ordinary pitchforks.

If the design is chosen with two forks - working and thrust, you can place pieces of a suitable length of metal rod on the thrust forks. The loads here are not so high, so the strength should be enough. The diameter of the rod is 10 mm; you can use ribbed reinforcement, which is used to reinforce the foundation.


Most companies that produce miracle shovels have a range of sizes for this product. Our people are different in build and physical fitness. For men, you can make more massive models, and for women and older people, smaller and lighter ones. The average sizes are:

All other sizes are selected depending on the design and material used.


Detailing of the stop and forks

This device is simply indispensable for summer residents - a miracle shovel! Original design shovels, allows you to quickly dig up a garden with minimal physical exertion, especially useful for people with back problems.

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Introducing the photo step-by-step production homemade miracle shovel.


  • Rod.
  • Corner - 45 mm.
  • Pipe.
  • A pair of 10mm bolts.

From the rod we cut 15 pieces 30 centimeters long. Next, 8 segments need to be sharpened on one side.

We take a corner 60 cm long, measure out exactly 8 parts on it in order to place 8 rods at the same distance. Next, we take another corner 50 cm long and divide it into 7 parts, respectively, into 7 rods.

We weld rods to the corners, and to a corner 50 cm long you need to weld corners 35 cm long at both ends.

We drill holes along the edges of the side corners and make loops from the corner pieces.

We insert and weld bolts into the hinges, insert the hinges into the holes on the corner, and weld the previously made part on top.

From a 15 pipe, cut two pieces 125 centimeters long and bend them slightly.

We weld the pipe sections along the edges of the upper corner and reinforce them with rods.

We weld a handle to the pipes.

As a result, we got a homemade miracle shovel, made with our own hands, with its help you can quickly and effortlessly dig up a vegetable garden.

How to use a miracle shovel is shown in this video.


Don't like digging your front garden? You've just never held a really cool one in your hands garden tools! How to achieve maximum efficiency when working in the garden, and at the same time apply a minimum of physical force? A drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for making it from scrap materials will help you with this!


DrillWashing machine wheel HammerFishing prisonStroller frameWelding machine DrillT-mount Profile pipe


We prepare materials for making a miracle shovel

A branded tool that you can buy at hardware store, consists of a frame, a counter-cutting element, a working base of 8-9 rods resembling a pitchfork, 2 support posts and a handle holder. We will now produce a similar design with my own hands. And with the money saved, we will be able to buy seeds for sowing throughout the entire garden, including neighboring plots, since this device costs a lot of money in the store.

Let's start with the frame. It can be cooked using welding inverter from a metal square with a cross section of 25x25 mm. To do this, you need to make only 4 welds and 3 cuts with a grinder. We measure 60 centimeters and cut off 4 pieces of square profile. Then we cut 1 more with a cross-section of 20x20 mm - we will have it as the middle jumper in the frame, onto which the anti-cutting elements will be attached. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time making such a ridiculous design, you can simply take a frame from a baby stroller or disassemble an unnecessary sled. Their dimensions will be a little larger - no big deal, they can be compensated for by the number of teeth on the working surface and reduce the force on the handle.

Now let's begin choosing the forks themselves with which you will loosen the ground. They must be strong, like the communist idea, otherwise they will bend at the slightest effort. The steel must be hardened, the bayonets are straight, it is not advisable to make bends. A fishing jail, which every self-respecting poacher has, is ideal for such a role. Here you can help nature by exchanging fishing tackle for something useful on the farm, and for yourself, since the best tool we can't find it. You can also make it to order from a turner, but it will cost much more. The most extreme case is to install regular pitchforks. But the result will suffer significantly, because the steel is very soft.

The choice of counter-cutting tool should also be approached seriously. Here you can also use ordinary steel, since the role of this unit is to break up lumps that will be picked out by the “active” part of the tool. Width – about 50 centimeters, frequency of teeth – every 5-6 cm. Perfect option– a scraper for cleaning beds made of stainless steel, which was previously used. It can be found in almost every retiree who likes to store artifacts in his shed. Offer to exchange with you for new, beautiful, modern and “high-quality” domestically produced forks - the majority will immediately agree. It’s good for you and it helped people. Next, we break off the holder along with the handle; if it doesn’t come out, we saw it off with a grinder. We take the “cassette” with teeth onto the ripper shovel.

It’s even easier to find a holder for the handle - break off any unnecessary tool or look for a pipe with a diameter of 30-40 mm and a length of 15 centimeters. Now all that remains is to make the lever mechanism. For it you need a wheel from an old Soviet car (fortunately there are plenty of them at scrap metal yards and in villages), we beat off the plastic, and all that remains is U-shaped mount. We need 2 such fastenings.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Making a miracle shovel is a very interesting and responsible business, since the force that will need to be exerted when working with the tool will depend on the quality of your assembly. Follow the instructions so that your creation will delight you for many more years.

Step 1 Making a frame.

First of all, we collect it in a heap. If we have a square profile, then we can do without reinforcements, we just weld it. If you have adopted a stroller, then you will need to make oblique struts in the corners from a metal strip or a square profiled pipe. It will be enough to install 8-10 centimeter inserts so that they distribute the pressure exerted on the frame when digging.

Step 2 We make a lever mechanism.

Here we need a U-shaped mount from the wheels of the washing machine. We weld it upside down to the frame, drill an 8 mm, or maybe 10 mm, hole in the sides with an electric drill, so that our super shovel is strong. We weld exactly the same fastener to the handle holder, again drill holes 10 mm opposite. Now we connect 2 fasteners so that the 4 holes are in one row, drive the axle 10 mm inward. We will get a lever mechanism with a force of approximately ½. This will be quite enough for working in the front garden and vegetable garden, even with dense, dry soil. You can additionally strengthen the sidewalls with a metal plate, but this is unnecessary - in most cases such fastening is more than enough.

Step 3 We weld the shear resistances.

The miracle shovel design involves the use of oblique shear blades directed at an angle of 45 0 to the ground. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the effort when breaking clods of earth. You can install them horizontally, but in very dense soil they can bend upward, so you should not experiment for the sake of a beautiful appearance of the tool.

Step 4 We weld the rear support.

The relevance of its presence on the tool in general should be questioned, since its main role is to level the depth of loosening, which can be done easily “by eye”. But, since we need a high-quality miracle shovel with our own hands, we will not change the drawings here. We weld the T-shaped fastening in the middle of the frame at the back - the limiter is ready.

Step 5 We make a cutting.

There is no need to worry too much about this operation. We buy the simplest pine cutting and hope that it will not last long. If it breaks, we buy a new one and work again. You can try to buy an oak cutting or larch without knots, but its price is 10 times more expensive, but its strength depends on your luck.

Now we have almost made a shovel for the lazy with our own hands. All that remains is to paint it in a neat color so that only the original parts distinguish it from the new instrument.

Alternative drawings or “what can be replaced”

Above we described a drawing of a ripper, but there are also very practical models of shovels that can significantly simplify work in the garden. Such a tool will be especially relevant during harvesting, where you need to turn the soil over, and not loosen it.

If you need just such a miracle shovel, its drawings and dimensions will differ significantly. Firstly, the working area will be a metal plane, rather than pointed segments for loosening. The counters are removed. All that remains is the mechanism itself for reducing the effort to turn over the earth clod. That is, its advantage will only be in the absence of back strain - the earth is lifted by pulling the handle of the shovel.

The lever must be made at a height of 45-50 centimeters from the ground - this is optimal ratio lifting height and effort expended on it. Some models are made with a very high lever, then more effort will be needed to lift, but the scoop itself rises to a greater height - very convenient for construction (digging trenches).

Another very popular miracle shovel design is a tool with a triangular support. Its essence is to significantly reduce the effort when digging out a clod of earth. Its subsequent transportation is carried out using the spinal muscles, which will not satisfy the requirements of many builders. This design is perfect for working in very hard soil, where it is necessary to apply very high pressure precisely in the process of undermining the coma.

For summer residents, spring is not only the time when nature awakens from the winter cold, and frosts are replaced by the first warm sun. This is also the time to complete a huge amount gardening work, which will require a lot of effort.

Every owner personal plot does everything possible to make his work easier and the physical stress on his body easier. For soil treatment experienced gardeners a new invention called the miracle shovel is increasingly being used. What it is and how to make the device with your own hands, we’ll figure it out in the article.

The miracle shovel simplifies work in the garden.

Typically, a miracle shovel is a type of bayonet shovel that can be used to process any type of soil. Essentially, this invention is a pitchfork that is connected to a sled, thanks to which it has become much easier to plow the soil, saturating it with oxygen.

There is an even simpler way - to purchase a walk-behind tractor, which does not require any effort from the owner at all when cultivating the soil. But the price of the issue can be significant, because such machines are available only to a few.

Other amateurs prefer to plow the land at their dacha with their own hands. It’s cheaper this way, and the area is treated well.

The main feature of the miracle shovel is that the sharp teeth enter the ground quite easily, and thanks to the high handle, which acts as a lever, the soil is easily lifted. Even large pieces of soil are easy to deal with, because, rising to the surface, they are loosened against the second half of the forks located on the ground.

Depending on the additional elements, installation features and the number of tasks that the device can handle, all miracle shovels are conventionally divided into three types:

  1. Conventional ones, which consist of a fork and a back stop. This is the option most often done by owners of small plots with their own hands. When cultivating the soil with such a device, you will indeed put in much less effort and spend little time, but the miracle shovel will not cope with large blocks of earth. It is great for regular tillage, but not for deeper digging.
  2. The “plowman” variety is intended not only for loosening upper layers soil, but also for deeper cultivation of the site. The length of the bayonet on such a device is at least 15 cm, which makes it possible to saturate the deeper layers of the earth with oxygen. Due to the special design, even a person weighing less than 60 kg can handle the unit perfectly.
  3. A “mole” type shovel is intended for deeper digging of a vegetable garden, because the length of the bayonet is at least 25 cm. Usually, various root crops are immediately planted in the soil treated with such a device. Of course, in order to cultivate the soil so deeply, a certain amount of physical effort will be required from a person, especially if the soil is compressed or has a clay structure.

In addition to the options that we have already considered, you can also find on the Internet universal option, with a bayonet length of about 15-20 cm, which is used in regions where black soil freezes by 10 cm in winter.

The special feature of the miracle shovel is its ease of use. You will no longer need to bend over, which significantly reduces the risk of back injury. This fact will especially please patients with chronic radiculitis and simply older people.

In addition, the amount of physical effort is reduced, and the time spent on cultivating the garden is significantly reduced.

So, let's look at how to work with the miracle shovel in more detail:

  1. Press the pad on the shovel with your foot to drive it into the ground.
  2. Take one step back with your other foot and tilt the shovel towards you.
  3. Use the levers to shake soil off the tines.
  4. You can turn the earth over with one sharp upward movement of your hand, moving the device 10-15 cm back.

After several approaches have been completed, it is better to walk through the treated soil with a regular rake to break up the pieces.

For devices that can be bought in special stores or on the Internet, the moving parts are often clogged with earth, which is why productivity drops sharply. There is also a common problem with handles that break after the first pressure.

In a tool that is made with your own hands, all parts fit tightly to one another, so breakage and jamming almost never occur.

But this does not mean at all that the miracle shovel, made with your own hands, has absolutely no flaws. Here you need to be as careful as possible when choosing materials. Also a weak point is the welded seams, which can become deformed. But this is only possible after many years of constant use.

What do we need to make?

There are a few important aspects, which you need to pay special attention to when making a miracle shovel with your own hands:

  • the length of the bayonet that will sink into the ground directly depends on how deeply the ground freezes in winter. If you just need to loosen the soil, then 10 cm will be enough. But for planting root crops, deeper cultivation will be required;
  • You can adjust the width of the future shovel yourself, it all depends on the area of ​​land that you plan to capture. But you should not make the width more than half a meter, otherwise you will need to exert a lot of physical force to dig up the garden;
  • When selecting materials, you must understand that for industrial production shovels, pitchforks are used, but not regular size, and about 35 cm wide, and since the standard difference between the teeth in this case is 5 cm, then there are 7 teeth on one plate.

In order to make a shovel yourself, you will need:

  • reinforcement or flat slope with a cross-section of half a centimeter and a width of about 2 cm;
  • square pipe with a cross section of 1 cm;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 5 cm or more;
  • welding apparatus;
  • washers and bolts for assembling the device;
  • drill and grinder;
  • small segment sandpaper for grouting.

Only after you have prepared everything you need can you begin to work.

Before you begin, you need to pay close attention to the basic design features mechanism.

In this device, the forks are attached to a horizontal, strong frame that is slightly extended forward. Usually, for greater stability, it is supplemented with a support at the back.

Between the main teeth you need to pass counter rods, which appearance resemble a rake.

As for the handle, there can be two of them, they are used in turn, or one, like a regular shovel or fork. It is better not to make it from wood, as it quickly deteriorates and breaks. An iron or even steel pipe will last much longer.

If you nevertheless made the handle from wood, then you need to use the device with extreme caution. If it breaks, it will not be easy to remove the lever. You can try to drill it out, otherwise you will have to disassemble the product.

You should start making your own miracle shovel with the bayonets themselves. To do this, you need to cut the iron into appropriate sections and sharpen one side at an angle of 30 degrees.

Once the work with bayonets is completed, you can proceed to creating the main strip, for which a segment is used square pipe. You also need to cook round pipe required diameter, which will act as a handle. All that remains is to connect all the elements into one whole using welding, focusing on the drawings.

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Advantages and disadvantages of using the tool

Like any other device, the miracle shovel has a number of positive and negative aspects, which are important to know before starting production. Let's define them in more detail.

Advantages of the miracle shovel:

  1. The level of physical exertion that needs to be applied when cultivating the soil is significantly reduced.
  2. Due to the wide channel, the process of processing the area is significantly accelerated.
  3. The shovel is easy to use and anyone can handle it.
  4. The device is perfect for use on different types soil.
  5. A miracle shovel, especially one made with your own hands, is highly reliable and will serve you for many years.

But this one has useful invention and disadvantages:

  1. It is difficult to repair, so initially you need to make the device high quality.
  2. You cannot figuratively dig up part of the site.
  3. The device cannot dig a hole.
  4. In order for the work to be truly productive, it is better that the worker’s weight is more than 80 kg.

The miracle shovel is universal invention, which will help cultivate the soil on the site several times faster and with better quality. And making it with your own hands is not at all difficult if you use all the tips and recommendations indicated in this article.

A popular tool for agricultural work on summer cottage count a shovel. It will help dig up the beds, remove weed roots, and loosen the soil. There are many types of shovels, but one of them deserves the name Miracle. Its functions are more extensive than those of an ordinary tool, and the cost-effectiveness of physical costs is much higher.

Among gardening equipment the shovel occupies a dominant place. And even progress does not push the tool back. Summer residents do not part with a shovel, although nowadays there is a lot of equipment available for cultivating the site. But for small areas it's difficult to use. Only with a shovel can you cultivate, dig, loosen the space for beds and flower beds.

This hard work requires a lot of effort and time. After it, the whole body hurts, but the spine suffers especially. Therefore, they came up with a modification of the shovel, an improved miracle tool suitable for all types of agricultural work.


  • harrow the ground
  • loosen the soil
  • destroy
  • The value of such a tool for a summer resident is great. After all, one transforming tool combines a rake, a hoe, a harrow, a fork, and a shovel. You can dig up the soil even in a medium-sized area quickly, without much strain on your back. You won’t have to constantly bend down or squat, the main load will go to your legs.

    It is not without reason that the miracle shovel has gained popularity among gardeners - the effect of using the equipment increases many times over.

    Setting the miracle shovel to a certain depth of harrowing and loosening is quick and understandable for every summer resident. Thanks to original device unit, you can fix the working surface relative to the soil level, the handles at different angles.

    They call a miracle shovel a miracle: a miracle fork, a miracle ripper, and a shovel for the lazy. But one thing is important: the design of the unit has many different functions. Therefore, it will take much less time and effort to dig up an area than when using conventional tools.

    They bury the equipment in the ground, leaning on the comfortable handle with the whole body, and not with one leg. And by controlling a special lever, you can easily turn over a heavy layer of soil.

    Speaking about the advantages of the miracle shovel, we can note its reliability and ease of use.

    While working with the tool, a person does not feel tired, performing not only digging, but also harrowing the garden, turning roots and stones upward. Of course, unlike a simple shovel, such a miracle tool is less maneuverable; it cannot dig up trees, shrubs, or prepare holes for tomatoes or holes for planting, but for spring work in the garden it is simply irreplaceable. Enough models of miracle shovels have been created, but you can design the unit yourself.

    The most popular types of agricultural products for garden processing include:

    • The miracle shovel Plowman has many advantages. It is equipped with levers that operate the entire tool. With such equipment, you can process a large area quickly and efficiently. In addition to digging, the unit loosens the soil to a depth of twenty centimeters. The width of the Plowman shovel blade is from 43 to 55 centimeters.
    • Gardeners call the miracle shovel of the Mole brand an excellent assistant. The equipment consists of a fork with a wide working blade and a small harrow. The design helps raise the top layer of soil, preventing it from turning over. This is how the soil in the garden is dug up and loosened. The advantages of the model include the fact that the roots of the weeds rise to the top, hence the conditions for their death are created. In an hour of work, a shovel is used to cultivate three hundred square meters of land, loosening the soil to a depth of 25 centimeters. The only drawback of the unit is that it is used for cultivating areas with light soil; it is not suitable for rocky, virgin areas.
    • The miracle shovel Farmer has expanded functionality. Thanks to the adjusting plates, the vegetable grower can use the tool as a harrow, rake, potato digger, for cultivating garden soil in the fall or spring. The working teeth of gardening tools are 25 centimeters long, and they dig up the soil with a shovel twenty centimeters deep.
    • For the super tool Digger, the width of the working blade can increase from fifty to ninety centimeters, depending on the physical characteristics of the gardener. At the same time, the weight of the product also changes. The equipment will allow you to save effort and time, spending a minimum amount of work on performing a large amount of work. In addition to the width of the blade on the unit, you can adjust the length of the handle to suit your height.
    • And the miracle shovel Light Kop, in addition to its reasonable price, has characteristics that can help in digging up a site, removing weeds, loosening the soil - and all this without heavy loads on the back.

    All models of improved shovels have a number of advantages and advanced functions. They are especially preferred by older people.

    Any tool must be used skillfully so that it lasts as long as possible. At the heart of the work hand cultivator lies the principle of leverage. By pressing the foot pedal, a person helps to drive the working teeth into the soil. By lowering the lever with his hands, the summer resident forces the earthen layer to rise. In this case, the soil layer is broken by opposing teeth. Without turning over the entire layer, the device loosens the soil without depleting its fertile layer.

    The peculiarity of the tool is that it can only be used on wet soils. It will not loosen dry soil. The best time The beginning of spring and mid-autumn are considered to be the time when unusual equipment is used. But too moist soil is difficult to work with a miracle shovel. During the period of preparing the soil for planting, they dig up with a tool large areas. In this case, you need to dig and pull it back towards you. Loose soil It’s a pleasure to process a miracle with a shovel, but on dry, rocky, clayey soils the device will be of no use.

    You should use the miracle shovel carefully, then it will serve for a long time.

    The tool is selected depending on the type of soil with different ripper widths. Soft soil is dug up with a miracle shovel with a working width of 55 centimeters, and hard soil with a working width of 35. But a wide shovel will require the summer resident to use a lot of effort.

    Caring for the tool is the same as for gardening equipment. It is stored under a canopy, protecting it from rain. For the winter, clean the teeth from soil and wipe all parts of the structure with a dry cloth. You can lubricate the metal parts of the shovel with machine oil to prevent rust.

    For a craftsman, it is not worth the difficulty to build a miracle shovel with your own hands. The sequence of making the tool is as follows:

    1. They start with the working part of the equipment, similar to a pitchfork. Teeth of fifteen centimeters are cut from a metal rod ten millimeters thick. They are welded to the corner, slightly bent forward.
    2. The square frame is bent out of metal corner slightly wider than the forks, welding teeth to it, which are placed between the working parts of the forks.
    3. A U-shaped arc is welded in the same plane as the forks.
    4. The forks are connected to the large frame by hinges.
    5. For the cutting, take a wooden pole about one and a half meters long.

    More simple design The wonder of a shovel is made from a bicycle handlebar attached to the top of a pipe and a bucket made of a sheet of metal. The blade of the shovel is welded to the base of the pipe, retreating five centimeters from the bottom. To prevent the steering wheel from pressing on your chest, rubber tips are placed on the handles. Simple form shovels will allow you to drive the blade deep into the ground, easily turning over the layer of earth.

    For innovators who make agricultural work easier at their summer cottage, it is not difficult to come up with a universal design themselves and make it from scrap materials.

    More information can be found in the video:

    Many gardeners and summer residents recommend using a miracle shovel to manual processing soil. The miracle shovel for digging earth has a special design to increase the speed of work with less load. Its main task is not turning over the earth, but loosening it. According to many reviews, the thing is worthwhile. The operating principle and design are not much more complicated than a regular shovel - it is not difficult to make it yourself if you have basic welding skills.

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      What is the advantage of the miracle shovel?

      First of all, it allows you to significantly increase the speed of work. Thanks to the special design, the load on the back when digging is much less, and the muscles hardly get tired. There are several designs of the miracle shovel, but basically it is a combination of a fork and a tool for loosening the earth.

      In order to use the miracle shovel of the most common “mole” or “crotch” design, you just need to stick a fork into the ground, as with ordinary digging, and place the device on the back stop. After this, the soil is gradually raised and loosened.

      It is worth noting that it will be quite difficult for a man or woman weighing less than 80 kg to operate the device. It is also not suitable for digging or digging a hole. Repairing a breakdown is quite complicated.

      But these disadvantages are insignificant compared to the positive aspects:

      • suitable for any soil;
      • significantly reduces physical activity;
      • easy to use;
      • increases digging speed;
      • has a high degree of reliability.

      Types of shovels

      There are several types of miracle shovel designs. They are conventionally divided into three types: a ripper with almost no front stop, a “plowman” type design, and a “mole” type design.

      Some types of rippers without a front stop have only working forks. For example, the “digger” option, which is simply a wide fork with a back stop. In this case, it is fixed to the frame not stationary, but movably. First, the pins are placed in the ground, after which they press against the stop and turn the ground out. When working with such a shovel, the physical load is small, but it does not crush the soil like other structures. Instead, it can be used for digging potatoes as opposed to a shovel with two sets of forks.

      Additionally, the digger is equipped with an adjustable handle, which greatly simplifies the work process, but its design is much simpler and does not have the same efficiency as a miracle shovel with 2 pairs of forks. Another "Lightcop" design. Looks the same as the previous one, but does not have an adjustable handle. Equipped with working forks and a movable stop.

      The other two designs look similar. With only one exception - the plowman shovel has a shorter length of working fork teeth, which makes it more effective as a ripper rather than a digger. The depth of the bayonet of a shovel in the “mole” design is more than 25 cm. There are also universal shovels, the length of which is 15-20 cm. The choice of a specific type depends on the depth of soil freezing and its type.

      Features of use

      Although the shovel looks simple in appearance, its operation has its own characteristics. First of all, the basic rule is to move backwards. Therefore, they begin to dig from the far edge of the bed. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

      • Place the shovel on the front ripper, holding it by the handle.
      • The forks are pushed into the ground until the back stop touches the ground. At this stage, the amount of force applied directly depends on the type of soil, its hardness and workability.
      • Next, the handle is pulled towards itself. At this time the forks begin to move upward. As they rise, they pass through the front forks, simultaneously breaking up lumps.
      • For the next step, you need to drag the device back and repeat all the steps. After some training, the work becomes automatic, and much less effort is actually spent.

      Buy or make it yourself?

      There are quite a lot of debates about whether or not to purchase a miracle unit, since its price for a shovel is not so small - about 1.5 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that many factory-made designs have some design flaws. Often the moving parts become clogged with soil, the teeth bend, and the handle breaks.

      If you make such a tool with your own hands, you can avoid many problems. It won't require any special material costs and will not take much time, provided you have welding skills.

      DIY making

      Before you start manufacturing, you need to solve several fundamental issues for yourself. The length of the bayonet depends on the depth of soil freezing. If the shovel will be used only as a ripper, then 10 cm will be enough. If you use it to dig, then the length must be 5 cm longer than the depth to which the soil freezes in winter.

      The width of the tool depends on the desired area of ​​land coverage. But it is not recommended to make it wider than 50 cm, because in this case the effort involved will be much higher. Industrial models are based on the design of wide forks, with a width of 35 cm, where the distance between the teeth is 5 cm.

      To create the tool you will need:

      • square pipe 10 mm;
      • metal pipe from 5 cm;
      • reinforcement or strip made of alloyed rolled steel at least 50 mm thick and 2 cm wide;
      • bolts and nuts;
      • welding machine;
      • drill;
      • Bulgarian;
      • sandpaper.

      Before proceeding directly to manufacturing, you need to know some design details. Most models have a horizontal frame on which the forks are mounted. It is equipped with an additional stop at the rear. Between the teeth of the main forks there are second, support ones, which in their structure are more reminiscent of a rake. Some tools have two handles, but this is less common. Typically a shovel handle is used. It is best to replace the cutting metal pipe, then the likelihood of breaking it will be much lower.

      More simplified models have only a frame in their design, which is a stop. The teeth in them are attached directly to the rod, at the ends of which there are fasteners for the handles. This design is much more often made at home, but it is less effective.

      The first thing you need to do when making a shovel yourself is to create bayonets for a working shovel. Reinforcement is used for them. The ends of such bayonets are sharpened on one side at an angle of 15-30 degrees. The angle depends on the hardness of the soil; for soft soil, a smaller angle is sufficient.

      The frame along with the front stop is created from a square pipe. The ends of the front stop, according to the drawings, are bent at an angle of 120 degrees. All parts are cut with a grinder and welded using a welding machine. As a lever mechanism, some craftsmen use mounts for legs from washing machine. It has a U-shape and is ideal for this task. The holder for the handle must be equipped with the same fastening.

    Owners of summer cottages, vegetable gardens and private houses are looking forward to the start of spring field work. Digging begins the garden season. Then lovers of manual labor take up shovels and pitchforks - objects without which it is impossible to dig up the ground, plant or dig something in it. But working with them is accompanied by lower back pain and enormous physical exertion. Today, thanks to the latest technical developments, you can reduce the load on the muscles and speed up the work process several times. After all, scientists or ordinary people who were tired of suffering and overworking, developed a supernovelty - a miracle shovel.

    Here it is: a miracle of technology

    The above tool is a combination of a ripper and an ordinary fork. This shovel works on the principle of a lever. Its main details are:

    • stalk;
    • front and back stop;
    • fastenings;
    • ripper forks;
    • digging forks.

    If you just look at such a device, you won’t immediately be able to tell how to handle it. Therefore it is difficult to describe it. If you read user reviews, the miracle shovel becomes an understandable tool, and it is clear that there is absolutely nothing complicated about this unit. Its main part is the traditional pitchfork that we are all accustomed to. A handle is attached to them, and a back stop mechanism is attached to them on different sides. Another forks are located at the front. They, together with the main “brothers”, converge on the castle. Their main purpose is to break up clods of earth. If the soil on the site is compacted or clayey, then this process is quite in demand. A front stop mechanism is attached to the ripper. Thanks to it, the shovel is stable, and the whole device resembles scissors: they crush large lumps of earth into small lumps. They, in turn, are quite easy to level using ordinary garden rakes.

    The miracle shovel mainly works on large land plots, but it can also be used in small areas. The miracle shovel, a photo of which can be seen in our article, speeds up digging and makes this process much more convenient.

    What kind of miracle shovels are there?

    There are three types of miracle shovels: regular, “Mole” type and “Ploughman” type. This division is carried out depending on what additional parts are present on the tool and what is the depth of loosening.

    Reviews (the miracle shovel has already collected them in large quantities) indicate that conventional devices are made at home. They contain the main forks and back support. This makes it possible to reduce the load and increase the digging speed several times, but it will not effective means for breaking up piles of earth. Such a tool can only be used on regularly cultivated soils - chernozems. In order to loosen the soil, there is a miracle shovel “Plowman”. It was invented specifically for these purposes. For deep digging, experts have developed the miracle shovel “Mole”. The depth of its bayonet reaches 25 centimeters or more.

    Tilling the soil is simple and easy

    In order to cultivate the land not only quickly, but also efficiently, a ripper was invented - a miracle shovel. Agriculture is a fairly important part of production, because agricultural products have always been, are and will be in demand. Therefore, innovative developments in the agricultural sector, such as the miracle shovel (ripper), cause extraordinary excitement.

    The ripper is a convenient and reliable tool. Thanks to the presence, ease of loosening the earth is achieved. At the same time, little physical effort is required. Thus, the miracle shovel can be used by elderly people and people suffering from spinal diseases. The mechanism of such a device is simple, as they say, like doors: the earth is loosened by two forks that move towards each other. In addition, the shovel does not need to be turned over during this process.

    Using such a ripper (the miracle shovel receives the most enthusiastic reviews), you can cultivate the soil to a depth of 20 centimeters. At one time, the tool can cultivate a piece of land the width of one bed, which is from 10 to 20 centimeters.

    Ripper "Mole"

    The miracle shovel "Mole" is gardening tool with a harmonious and uncomplicated design. It includes a frame, two counter forks and a horizontal support. There is a foot rest on top, so the forks can be easily driven into the ground. When the earth being removed rises, the force is applied downwards. “Mole” is aimed at eliminating the load on the back. When working with the “Mole” miracle shovel, you do not need to lift anything. You just need to press the fork into the ground with your foot, and then press on the handle with your own weight and the force of your hand. In this case, the shovel will turn out the soil, and the oncoming forks will knead its lumps. Weeds and soil will rise to the surface.

    The “Mole” can only be used to dig up previously plowed soil.

    Do it yourself

    You can buy a miracle shovel at any agricultural store, but if this is not possible, then you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare metal blanks, a sharpening machine, a welding machine and a square pipe.

    First of all, you need to determine the depth and width of the shovel. How long the bayonet will be depends on the goals set by the master (either digging or loosening) and the depth of soil freezing. It just seems that making a miracle shovel with your own hands is difficult. There is nothing difficult here. If it is necessary to build a device for loosening, then a bayonet length of ten centimeters is sufficient.

    What the width of the miracle device will be depends on your own preferences. Most optimal size- this is 50 centimeters. Then everything is done strictly according to the instructions or drawing, which are easy to find.

    To buy or not

    There are quite a lot of disputes about whether or not to purchase a miracle shovel. After all, along with its advantages, there are also disadvantages. Therefore, before a miracle shovel appears in your home, the price of which ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles, weigh the pros and cons of this purchase.

    So, the disadvantages of the tool include the following facts: the inability to perform figured digging; for the work to be productive, a person’s weight must be at least 80 kilograms; there is no possibility to dig holes; Repairs in case of breakdowns are quite difficult.

    But all this is nothing compared to the fact that the miracle shovel is suitable for any soil, reduces physical stress, is reliable and easy to use, and increases digging speed.

    Who says what

    To prove the truth of our words, I would like to provide some reviews (the miracle shovel receives them in abundance) from people who have already tried it in action. Many claim that even though they use this tool throughout the season, they do not feel the load on the spine. Those who have already tried this device always recommend it to their friends and relatives, and they, in turn, never tire of thanking them when they realize what a valuable purchase they have made.

    Manufacturers of miracle shovels

    This tool is an invention domestic producers. The import market does not produce such devices, since the developer of the first miracle shovel was an Ekaterinburg clergyman, Father Gennady. And the first person who made the instrument a mass product was private entrepreneur A. N. Bessonov. The Mezon company, located in Chelyabinsk, also produces shovels. The Volber plant specializes in the production of tools based on the “Mole” type.

    Cultivation, digging up soil, and removing weeds are among the most exhausting gardening jobs. When it is not possible to hire special equipment, you have to dig with a regular shovel. This activity requires enormous effort. Therefore, they usually start digging up the garden in advance, in small sections. To make such work easier, they came up with a unique device - a miracle shovel, which minimum loads allows you to dig up a site 2-3 times faster.

    There are several varieties of such universal self-diggers. They have various designs, weight, dimensions. The principle of their operation is that the ripper, which is not an ordinary shovel, but a pitchfork, digs, breaks clods of earth and pulls weed roots to the surface of the earth. They can then be disposed of. As a result, it is possible not only to dig up an area 2 times faster than with a regular shovel, but also to simultaneously loosen the soil into small lumps and remove weeds.

    Principle of operation

    Digging begins with installing the handle and fork teeth strictly vertically. Then you need to place your foot on the top of the fork or on the fence and press firmly until the tines are completely embedded in the ground. After this, the handle is pulled back towards itself. Working forks grab and lift a layer of soil, which is pressed through the teeth of a stationary stop.

    Simultaneously with digging, loosening also occurs. Next, the digger is moved a little back to the untreated area, and the process is repeated. This gardening tool significantly reduces back strain.

    When using such a shovel to dig up soil, your arms and legs are more involved. There is no need to constantly squat or bend over.

    Unlike a shovel, which has a movable Archimedes mechanism, this device is more multifunctional. Several tools are collected in one tool - a shovel, a rake, a pitchfork, a hoe, a harrow. With this universal super-inventory you can:

    • prepare the area for planting vegetables;
    • loosen, harrow the ground;
    • destroy weeds;
    • dig up potatoes, carrots, beets.

    Varieties of miracle shovels

    There are several main types of such structures. Their structure and operating principle are similar, they differ only in some features. Several models are on sale, even more homemade varieties. Knowing the operating principle and design, such self-digging forks can be made independently, by welding from metal profile and additional details.

    After gaining widespread popularity, many enterprises began to produce such a device for digging up a vegetable garden en masse. The most common types of structures, which can be purchased in specialized stores:

    • classic ripper. This digger has the most a light weight, because it consists of one segment. It is a working fork with a back stop. With its help, productivity during digging increases and labor becomes easier. It does not break up clods of earth. Additional loosening with a rake is required;
    • miracle shovel "Plowman". Modified classic version with an additional component - the second segment, which is stationary and allows you to crush clods of earth. It is not suitable for developing virgin soil, but it copes well with previously cultivated areas. There are different widths of the working part, the length of the teeth varies from 10 to 25 cm. Accordingly, the weight also differs;
    • miracle shovel "Mole". It has a device similar to that of the “Plowman”. Only the rear stop differs (in the “Plowman” it is T-shaped, in the “Mole” it is in the form of an arc) and the stationary segment, the front stop of which is raised. The length of the teeth can be at least 25 cm, which allows for deeper digging. It is more difficult to work with such a tool, especially in clayey areas;
    • miracle shovel "Tornado". An improved version of the Plowman shovel. It is lighter in weight. It has a modern powder coating and more reliable forging teeth. There are some on sale various models, differing in the shape of the body and the length of the teeth.

    DIY making

    To make such a tool, it is enough to have a good command of welding techniques. This does not require large expenses. Buying a similar shovel in a store will cost several times more. Finding good DIY drawings of a miracle shovel on the Internet is also not difficult. You can make the simplest light-duty cop or make a more practical two-segment one.

    It is necessary to study the available drawings well and select suitable sizes for your product. The width of the working part can be different, but the maximum is 50 cm. The length of the fork teeth depends on the purpose. If only loosening is required, then 10 cm will be enough, but for deep digging they must be at least 25 cm. The height of the cutting is also selected depending on the height of the worker.

    In that big advantage homemade shovels - all parameters can be chosen at your discretion.

    Having understood the drawings and decided on the details, you can begin preparing working tools and materials. To make a miracle shovel you will need:

    Assembly steps

    First, everything is prepared necessary details. For the classic model, the assembly diagram is as follows:

    To get a more universal model with a ripper, an additional movable element with teeth is added to the single-segment shovel, through which clods of earth will be crushed:

    This design is quite reliable. If you treat it with care, it will last a long time. A convenient, smart tool will help you out when performing many garden jobs.

    A do-it-yourself shovel for the lazy, made in a home workshop, the drawings of which can be found on any specialized website, can be no less high quality than a factory one.