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» The most amazing and incredible photographs of the world. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, photos of celebrities and much more. Red speckled borer beetle

The most amazing and incredible photographs of the world. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, photos of celebrities and much more. Red speckled borer beetle

Photographers from 20 countries presented their most incredible work taken during 2016. Most of the photographs are dedicated to the beauty of the planet - landscapes, landscapes, cities and animals, as well as the beauty and imperfection of the human form, love and sincerity, relationships and family.

We can confidently say that photography is the ability to see real beauty through multiple zooms and share it with others. A photographer has one superpower - he can immortalize what he sees literally in a second, by clicking on the camera.

A photographer must have a sense of composition in order to develop a subtle aesthetic perception of the world around him.

Artists skillfully control the brush, distinguish and mix colors, and make a lot of complex movements. So, becoming a photographer is almost as difficult as becoming an artist. Not everyone can create masterpieces.

Photography allows us to capture the world around us with the press of the shutter. WITH scientific point Vision is the act of recording light or a chemical process.

Meeting in the Serengeti

An encounter with an elephant in a national reserve must have left the photographer confused. However, the shot turned out to be very interesting.

Early morning, late autumn in Canada

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. In Canada there is always a sharp temperature transition from summer to autumn. But who would have thought that it also looks amazing?

Canyon USA

There are always two people in every photograph: the photographer and the observer. What could be more beautiful than contemplating such beauty?

Morning at the Matterhorn

Switzerland is the unofficial capital of beauty, where the streets are swept with bouquets of fragrant flowers, and the streets smell of aromatic coffee and intimate conversations.

The big picture

A large photograph is an expression of how a person feels about being photographed. This happens in the deep depths of our unconscious. It turns out that the emotions that a person emits cannot be hidden from any lens.

Northern Lights in Iceland

Iceland is the birthplace of Santa, perhaps that is why there is such magic and beauty in the air. Photography, by the way, is called the strict and flaming poetry of reality.


There are no rules that will teach you how to be a brilliant photographer. Everything ingenious is simple, but what could be more complex than love?

"Power" of the moment

Should I express my individuality? A photograph is a record of a bright moment in life for those who really want to share the joy of this moment with you.


Every trip outside the city or into nature reminds a person of his true freedom.

Blue Harbor

Japan is rightfully considered a place where miracles happen and cherry blossoms, for example. However, the magic doesn't end there...

There should be a lot of good things, right? The baby of the rarest whale color in the world will probably agree.

Unusual and truly amazing photographs are appearing more and more often, and here are some more of them. The selection is called incredible photos without photoshop, and here the nature of each creation will be explained as fully as possible. The only question is, should you believe it?..

1 Photo: Photo on the water, just like a famous biblical character. Photo taken in Indonesia.

2 Photos: Tragic photo - the driver lost control and drove onto the bicycle cross track.

3 Photos: The photograph shows Julio Aparisi, a professional matador. At one of the performances, a bull literally pierced the matador's jaw. The matador survived, underwent many operations, and also continues his performances.

4 Photos: Amazing footage of a girl in the reflection of a puddle.

5 Photos: This is not photoshop. This giant chair really exists. The photo was taken in Italy.

6 Photos: Gymnast performance in Germany. Incredible photo without photoshop- only skillful photography skills.

7 Photos: Funny photo from Egypt, James Hernis, a traveler, took a photo from an incredible angle.

8 Photos: An extraordinary photo without Photoshop - a synchronous moment of vibration of liquid in a glass is captured.

9 Photos: Walking on a tightrope over an abyss and without insurance! No photoshop, just the incredible skill of a professional - Edwin Mayen.

10 Photos: The girl is busy taking pictures of herself jumping. It turns out amazingly incredible photographs.

11 Photos: building located in Paris. Architectural creativity, in general.

12 Photos: And this animal is a crossed horse and a zebra. Such a zebra horse really exists.

They will help you verify this statement.

It's like hundreds of different planets collected in one place. Everyone has long known the fact that humanity is not able to live in harmony with nature, unfortunately this is hardly possible in the near future, because we do not even live in harmony with each other, such is the human essence. But it might not be all bad, and many of these incredible photos prove it.

In this article you can see 30 stunning images and photographs collected from different countries the world, starting with the most heavenly places of our earth and ending with exactly the opposite.

Photography Wilfred

Photography by Jack Paulus

Photo by Shivji Joshi

Photography by Anurag Kumar

Photo by Michael Melford

On the trail to Mount Goodnow, a yellow birch tree appears to swallow a boulder left behind by a glacier. With its tenacious roots, trees and nature all around it is an amazing sight, the Adirondacks are a wild park in New York.

Photo by Michael Melford

Photography by Brent Stirton

Their hands stained with indigo, in their new clothes, Tuareg women celebrate the birth. Tuareg women rarely cover their faces, while men traditionally wear turbans that hide everything except their eyes.

Photographer Paul Wilkinson

Smaller fish keep their distance as a blacktip reef shark swims among them in shallow water in the Maldives.

Photography by Diana Jones

Photographer David Doubilet

The clown grin of parrotfish is surprising and alarming: grinding teeth is used to scrape algae from rocks. Although these fish are sometimes destructive to certain species of coral, parrotfish are primarily beneficial influence on ecology. Without them, growing algae could choke out the reef.

Photo - Jose Cardona

On Maui, in an aquarium, Hawaiian green turtle welcomes any guest. This endangered species is unique among all sea ​​turtles, due to their herbivorous diet, it is thought that fat with a greenish tint is deposited under their skin.

Photo by Jay Koppelman

This photo of a blue dog befriending a horse was taken in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Photo by Marian Abrankovich

This photo was taken in national park Snowdonia, Wales. The sun was already setting, and the rays of light created this dramatic picture.

Photo by Christian Weasel

The natural beauty and uniqueness that you can find in the underwater caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico is amazing. They are impressive in many ways, some of them huge and very rich in stalactites or stalagmites, with crystal clear waters, secrets and history mixed with unspoiled jungle nature. But there are also narrower caves, their beauty is hidden in their unique details, which are not so easy for a diver to notice when snorkeling in these caves.

Photo of Madison Hall

A young leopard, bathing in the morning dew, takes its place on top of a fallen tree, one South African morning. Compared to other African creatures, leopards are very shy and are very rarely seen, partly because they are predominantly nocturnal and because of their hunting habits. Leopards are among many other predator species whose numbers and populations are declining due to humans.

"Street Scene", Havana

Photographer Dave Rodden-Short

A man looks at the busy street below, he went out to get some air fresh air after a hot day in Havana.

Photography by Lior Patel

Feasibility Study Photography Travis

On a rainy evening in Tokyo, as people gathered to take shelter in a cafe, this amazing photo was taken.

Photography by Linzi Dyer

Jumping into an unfamiliar abyss, in Yosemite, Mariposa and Tuolomni counties, USA, the sport called BASE jumping is becoming increasingly popular in these places, despite its illegality. Climbers say that it is faster (and more enjoyable) to fly with a parachute over the valley than the long, return descent from the mountain.

Photography by Hardy Boody

Nice view of Gunung Situ Lake in Indonesia

Photography Kamal Kannan

"Street Scene", Rio de Janeiro

Photo by Rasko Ristic

Photography by Stefan Untertheiner

These monkeys are not always mothers. This type monkeys differ in that a close-knit group of females cares for small offspring. Young monkeys are born with fine, dark fur, only to develop a dense, gray-gold color after a few months.

Photo by Michael Nichols

Orphaned elephants need more attention and affection than other elephants. The process of maturation and socialization begins as the elephants' mental wounds heal over time.

Photography by Linzy Addario

Photo by Charlene Npo

Photo by Florian Schulz

Ashore in Spitsbergen, a male polar bear examines a whale's spine. Fat reserves from hunting ringed seals, sea ​​hares, and sometimes walruses, polar bear must save up for difficult times.

Photo by Ricardo Ordonez

Actors dressed as clay and marble sculptures perform at a parade during a celebration in the central Spanish village of Banos de Valdearados on August 21. This village was founded by the Romans, it is located in the famous Spanish wine region of Ribera Del Duero, where annual celebrations in honor of the Roman God “Bacchus” take place. Almost all residents wear Roman costumes and take part in various street shows.

Photo by AFP

The photo shows the North Korean parade to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in the capital of the DPRK in Pyongyang, on September 9. Eternal leader of North Korea Kim Jong Il and his son watch the parade military equipment, where thousands of soldiers goose-step to demonstrate military might and training. Analysts regard these parades as an attempt to strengthen loyalty to the totalitarian regime.

Photo-Jorge dan Lopez

A girl sits in the back of a car during a parade ahead of the 190th anniversary of independence in Joaquin Robles, primary school at Los Encuentros, Solola, 130 km from Guatemala City, September 14. The whole country celebrates its independence on September 15th.

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But amazing photos that you most likely have never seen before.

1. Walkway laying machine

2. The internal mechanism of a watch created by Patek Philippe, recognized as the most unrivaled watchmaker in history

3. Sunset and solar eclipse occurring at the same time

4. Twisty fence in the Algodon sand dunes, Southern California

5. Perfect Pyrite Cubes Shaped by Mother Nature

6. Melted glass in a building damaged by fire

7. The deepest swimming pool in the world (34.5 meters), holding 2271 cubic meters of water

8. A turtle riding a jellyfish

9. Child’s skull before baby teeth fall out

1 0. It's hard to imagine how accurate General Electric's new CT scanner has achieved.

11. Spiral horizontal brickwork structures decorating the restaurant building

12. The lizard threw away its entire “face” in one movement

13. Exquisite color scheme of a pencil drawing with a wave image

14. More than twenty thousand holes have been drilled into this eggshell.

15. The Sverd i fjell monument in Norway represents three giant swords

16. The image of modern Manhattan is combined in one picture with its supposed appearance six hundred years ago

17. An original and witty idea for a bridge design

18 This is what Disneyland's Space Mountain attraction looks like when the lights are on.

19. Cabbage geometry

20. Fukang meteorite

21. This is how a person sees (picture above), and this is how a cat sees (picture below)

22. An intricately carved chest of drawers that resembles a computer glitch

23. Grass after a lightning strike

24. This 3D printed “plaster cast” heals bones forty percent faster than normal using ultrasonic waves.

25. View of the bridge over the freezing river

26. This image of fireworks is obtained if the camera focuses during the next volley

27. Wounded Lion - a monument in honor of the Swiss Guards who died during the French Revolution, Lucerne,


28. The artist created this cute wolf from pipe cleaners

29. Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia. This is a man-made “wreck dump” created so that yachts can

safe to anchor and at the same time an ideal diving site

30. Lenticular cloud resembling an unidentified flying object

31. The runway at Gibraltar International Airport is crossed by a highway.

32. “A Slice of Art.” Each color was formed with a separate layer of material to create this amazing “loaf” that

No matter how you cut it, it turns out to be a work of art. The price of each slice is about five thousand dollars

33. View of the space shuttle Atlantis from the International Space Station

34. This is what a liter bottle of soda looks like before applying compressed air

35. Rare image of the Hoover Dam, taken before the Colorado River was filled with water.

36. Marlon Brando before and after applying makeup for his role in the film “The Godfather”

37. Alternative to surge protectors

38. Submarine cable cross-section

39. This is one solid image

40. Kryptex flash drive

41. Sectional view of a commercial airliner compartment

42. This image contains a million different colors.

43. Hitler had to shave his mustache so he could wear a gas mask. And before that he looked like this

44. A predatory fish that eats its prey, which is ten times its weight and twice as long

45. Bismuth is a chemical element that, as a result of oxidation, acquires a rainbow-colored surface

46. ​​Coins stacked in a special way that allows them to stay together even off the table

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A lot of time has passed since the invention of the first camera. This technique has been improved, allowing high-quality photographs to be taken. Thanks to this, today many people try to capture moments that amaze with their beauty or the improbability of what is happening. Some photographers are constantly searching for unique moments. This allows them to take the most incredible photographs in the world. But sometimes to an ordinary person, who does not claim to be the best momentary photographer, manages to capture footage that amazes the imagination.

Incredible nature photos

Despite the harsh conditions, deserts can amaze with their beauty. The photo of a massive dune found in the Namib Desert is simply mesmerizing. The photo was taken at sunset, when the sand shines gold under the last rays of the sun. Against the backdrop of the dune, lonely trees look extraordinarily beautiful.

No less attractive is the pristine nature preserved in Bryce Canyon. The amazing photo captures the majesty of the rock formations where the trees are found.

The Fly geyser looks incredible in the photo. The photo was taken in the US state of Nevada. The area captivates with its fabulous view. What makes this photo fantastic is the unique lighting. The rays breaking through the clouds are reflected on the water in different colors.

It is impossible to look at photos of lenticular clouds without admiration. This is truly an amazing sight. Clouds, like spirals, rise into the heavens. They are given originality by the rays of the sun illuminating this grandiose picture.

It's hard to believe the beauty captured in the following photo exists. It seems that the photographer managed to shoot two starry sky. This is exactly what the bioluminescent waves that attract tourists to the beaches in the Maldives look like.

Amazing animal photos

Quite a lot of amazing shots can be taken when photographing animals. Some photographs are amazing and captivating. Particularly lucky photographers are lucky enough to capture unique moments that can inspire admiration.

The photo in which a lizard, as if enchanted, runs along the water surface seems incredible. These inhabitants Central America can cross a body of water while staying on the surface. Myriads of small droplets make the photo truly unreal.

It is difficult to imagine what the photographer felt while photographing a hunting hippopotamus. A huge animal a few meters away from him decided to have a feast for himself, catching the delayed fish. The shot turned out amazing, demonstrating the power of a huge animal.

Undoubtedly, the photographer was lucky when he captured the seagull landing against the backdrop of the setting sun. The bird at this moment looks like an angel spreading its wings. The seagull already walking along the surface looks no less interesting. It's like she's trying to tell the other bird something.

Almost every person knows that in nature there is an animal called a mole. But not everyone has seen what this admirer of underground life looks like. A photographer from France managed to see and film the moment when a mole, making a hole, ended up on the surface.

Many people have a terrible fear of bees, and with good reason. The bite of this insect causes pain, and in some cases can have quite sad consequences. But it’s worth watching how a bee collects nectar from a crocus, strewn with fine pollen, and a feeling of admiration for this hardworking insect immediately appears.

Unreal pictures of settlements

Some cities look quite normal. Their streets are not particularly different, which creates an impression of everyday life. But there are cities and towns that amaze with their beauty, which is clearly demonstrated in many photographs. The castle located in Croatia looks amazing in the photo. It is located on a small island and is surrounded by perennial trees. The snow-white building looks stunning against the backdrop of nature.

Singapore looks amazing on the eve of the New Year. The photographer managed to capture how a huge snake made of numerous lamps stretched along a city street. This sculpture welcomed the coming of the year of the snake.

The American city of Anchorage, located in Alaska, looks unreal in the rays of the setting sun. Even though it's huge locality, against the background of huge majestic mountains it looks very small.

The Bourtange fortress looks amazing, taken from a bird's eye view. She looks like a huge star. This real work of art is located in the Netherlands. The fortress is one of the country's most popular attractions among tourists.

Incredible pictures taken in space

The American research center NASA annually presents photographs taken by satellites or astronauts staying on spaceships. These are amazing shots, stunning the imagination. The Spitzer telescope takes very beautiful pictures. One of them depicts the Helix Nebula, captivating with its colorfulness.

The astronaut managed to photograph the northern lights, which can only be observed in the pole zone. The photo turned out simply unreal. The planet seems to be surrounded by a bright red hoop.

A comet sweeping across the vast expanses of space looks no less attractive. Against the background of a myriad of twinkling stars, such a spectacle looks amazing. An astronaut from Holland, who was conducting research papers on the ISS. To capture this unique moment, all I needed was a simple Nikon camera.

An unrealistically beautiful photograph of the Earth was taken by American Astronaut Scott Kelly. He managed to photograph the planet at night. Thanks to millions of twinkling lights, you can see where the big cities are.

Every day the collection of unreal photographs is replenished with new masterpieces that are impossible to look at without stopping your heart.