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» The easiest way to build a garage. How to quickly build a garage from inexpensive materials with your own hands. Features of construction from cinder blocks

The easiest way to build a garage. How to quickly build a garage from inexpensive materials with your own hands. Features of construction from cinder blocks

To quickly and inexpensively build frame house, OSB - oriented strand board, suitable in all respects. For the construction of the frame, bars and beams are used, so the structure is light and does not require a massive and expensive foundation. Learn the types of OSB boards, get acquainted with the features of the technology of building and finishing a house from improved wood.

Technical features of the material

Knowing the abbreviation is not enough to understand all the features of OSB panels. Therefore, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of this material, as well as its functional differences.
OSB is oriented strand board, that is, panels that are made from wood chips. You can also find the name in English - OSB.

What is OSB

These panels are somewhat similar to chipboard, but differ significantly in the laying method, as well as the type of chips used. So, in chipboard, the chips are smaller, they are mixed in different directions and glued randomly. And in OSB panels, all the chips are directed in one direction, which is why they are called oriented.

Another feature of these panels is that each layer in them has its own direction. Usually these layers are 3-4. As a rule, the chips are placed in the slabs as follows:

  1. The first layer - make the direction of the fibers parallel to the panel structure.
  2. The second layer is strictly perpendicular to the first.
  3. The third layer is laid in the same direction as the first.
  4. The fourth layer of chips is again perpendicular to the third layer of fibers.

Sometimes another option for placing layers inside the slab is also allowed. So, it is possible to make the direction of the chips in the outer layers parallel to the panel itself, and in the two inner layers - perpendicular.

Chip size for OSB panel production is up to 15 cm long. It is placed on certain area and pressed under high pressure. In order for the fibers of the chips to hold each other, they are impregnated with a waterproof synthetic resin.

According to the reviews of many developers who used OSB panels in construction frame houses, thanks to this structure, the frame of the building becomes more heat-intensive, which saves money on heating.

Typically, oriented strand sandwich panels are used in the construction of buildings using Canadian technologies. This means that the sectioned wall represents three layer construction.

Between the two layers of OSB is some kind of insulation. It is very comfortable, because such material is convenient to use, it has high performance characteristics, increased durability, the ability to quickly build. But it must be borne in mind that OSB boards have their drawbacks.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB

Choosing , especially if we are talking about building with your own hands, it is worth considering all its advantages and disadvantages. Essential advantage of OSB boards in that they are minimum thickness more durable and stable.

There are other positive qualities of this material:

  • Minimum cost building materials.
  • Due to the fact that the plates are light, they can be mounted without the use of heavy and expensive lifting equipment. Because of this, those who build a house on their own choose OSB panels.
  • Minimum plate weight. If we compare wood slabs with a brick, then their weight is 5 times less. Therefore, you can save on the foundation and make it not so expensive and complicated, since even a very large house will be easy.
  • OSB frame houses can be built on almost all types of soil.
  • Fire resistance. Although the plates are made of natural wood they don't burn like wood. Firstly, fire resistance is ensured by a special production technology. Secondly, the panels are treated with special substances.
  • Moisture resistance. The house and OSB panels will not sag even under constant exposure to moisture, since the material is treated with a special water-repellent coating.
  • High thermal insulation properties. OSB keeps the temperature in the house well, even if outside there are strong swings temperature. What's more, many sandwich panel manufacturers specially produce OSB boards with insulation inside if the house will be operated in particularly difficult weather conditions.
  • Simple finish. Due to the fact that in OSB boards the surface is almost perfectly even and slightly rough, finishing materials can simply be applied to it without pre-treatment.

But despite such an impressive list positive qualities this material, it has its drawbacks. But they are less than the advantages:

  • Low soundproofing. Due to the fact that the plates are very thin, they transmit sound very easily. Therefore, they need to apply special soundproofing materials.
  • Flammability. Although the materials are more fire resistant than normal wood because they are impregnated with a special substance, there is still a minimal danger of sustaining a fire.
  • The need to strictly comply with all technology. Yes, you can build a frame house from OSB panels yourself. But in order to do this, you need to clearly follow the project and observe all dimensions perfectly. This is due to the fact that the building is assembled from many small elements, and if they do not match given parameters, the constructor may fail.

Classification of OSB panels

There are different types of OSB panels, which have their own narrow scope. All of them can be used at separate stages of construction frame house. Experienced Builders agree that it is better to choose specific types panels for every situation than to take a universal material.

It is better to study the properties of various OSB boards before ordering the material in order to calculate the required quantity and scope in advance. Since there are only four options for plates, it will not be difficult to choose the right ones for each stage of building a house.

So, the panels are distinguished by types:

  1. OSB-1. These plates have minimum degree of strength and practically no moisture resistance. They are purchased for internal works, since the outside of such material will collapse. Especially important is the use of OSB-1 in the manufacture of furniture and other small structures as a replacement for chipboard and plywood.
  2. OSB-2. The plates still have low strength characteristics, but they are already higher than those of the first type. Such panels are used not only for interior purposes, but also in the construction of light partitions and ceilings. It is not recommended to use this type of plates in basement floors, basements, kitchens, bathrooms due to low moisture tolerance.
  3. OSB-3. These panels are used most often because they are almost universal. They can apply both outside and inside various parts Houses. They have fairly good resistance to moisture.
  4. OSB-4. These are the most durable OSB boards that can be used for all kinds of construction works. The limited use is due to the high cost. This material is suitable for outdoor use. In addition, it is used in the construction of roofs, attic equipment. The plates are resistant to moisture, so they can be used not only outside, but also in basements, basements, and bathrooms.

The difference between all these types of panels in a different adhesive base, as well as in different technology bonding of wood chips and the thickness of the layer. But there are other differences as well.

The choice of OSB depending on the type of coating

Available for sale as conventional panels, so with laminated surface. The latter are purchased for the construction of multiple formwork. It is also possible to purchase double-sided lacquered boards for decorative use.

OSB panels in frame houses are even used as a replacement for floor coverings. To do this, they install special connecting elements - grooves and end combs.

Many homeowners buy OSB flooring panels because it is more budget-friendly and convenient option. According to builders, such floors have the following advantages:

  • Due to the peculiarities of gluing wood chips and shavings, the material becomes more rigid, so it can better withstand any load.
  • Due to the fact that all boards are produced by a conveyor method, they have perfectly accurate dimensions, including thickness. They are more convenient to mount, unlike many other materials.
  • The panels have a minimum weight, they are easy to transport and do not create problems during storage. Therefore, with their use, the efficiency of building a house increases.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Nobody likes cold floors, so they choose materials that can make them warmer. High thermal insulation is provided by wood shavings.
  • Available processing methods. OSB boards are well tolerated by cutting, drilling, grinding. Even if you drive nails into the edge of the slab, it will not collapse.

OSB boards have advantages not only in the construction of a house, but also in its operation. They are the following:

  • Houses that use OSB boards as the main frame material do not shrink because they are very light.
  • In winter, these houses are very warm, so the minimum amount of money is spent on heating them.
  • You can change the layout of the house, since all the material is light, and the removal of some elements will not violate the integrity of the entire structure.

But in the process of operation, there may be disadvantages. Some homeowners experience rotting of the frame, others do not like the knotty and the presence of voids in some of the slabs. But these are extremely rare problems, and in most cases they are insignificant.

Of the more significant disadvantages of OSB boards, they note the presence of phenol in the adhesive composition. And this means that the environmental friendliness of the material may be somewhat lower than expected. But in quality slabs the amount of harmful substance does not exceed the standard. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right type of board, since waterproof boards contain more harmful substances, so they should not be used for interior decoration.

Painting OSB panels

You can paint OSB panels in the usual way, without using any special technologies. The main thing is to choose a paint that will be combined with the tree. To decorative material better fixed on the surface and lasted longer, it is recommended to prime the panel before that.

In the interior the best option will apply acrylic lacquer. You can also choose water-based paints and stain. All these materials are recommended by builders.

Features of OSB boards in construction

So, the use of OSB panels in construction has its own characteristics over other materials:

  1. It is a very versatile material that can be used in any building design.
  2. With the help of these plates it is possible for a month or less.
  3. The advantage of the plate is that it can be used as a part of the designer. It is enough to prepare the elements in advance the right sizes and then assemble them by project.
  4. But at the same time, it is necessary to accurately prepare all the materials and follow the calculations so that the designer is assembled.
  5. Thanks to light weight, the building can be placed even on unsteady soils. In addition, the foundation is required ordinary.
  6. Since the OSB boards themselves are warm, the most inexpensive additional insulation will do. Moreover, you can purchase ready-made insulated panels. This is especially true for construction in regions with a harsh climate.
  7. When building a house from OSB, you do not need to be afraid of further shrinkage and distortions - with proper construction, this will not happen.

    Video: installation technology

    If you are going to build a frame house from OSB panels, watch a video about the rules for installing plates.

The facade is the calling card of any country house. Despite the huge selection of modern and proven facade finishing options, users of our portal are not afraid to experiment.

Interesting experience FORUMHOUSE member with a nickname Victor Banev, who decided to improve old dacha, by making the facade of OSB (or OSB, oriented strand board) with further imitation of the fachwerk layout on them.

OSB durability

Usually, everyone who decides to do something like this is primarily concerned with the question - what will happen to the facade in 3-5 years if it is sheathed with OSB.

Someone thinks that the plates will swell, because. OSB is not finishing material designed for outdoor use. Someone believes that such a plating option is possible and, moreover, optimal in terms of reducing financial costs and the possibility of self-repetition.

Victor Banev FORUMHOUSE User

Whether or not to use OSB on the facade - opinions differ. I decided that the game is worth the candle in terms of speed, ease of installation and low cost of such a facade. I will only note that the facade ofOSB is an economy option for thrifty summer residents. To finish a capital structure - a cottage, more weatherproof materials should be used.

Looking ahead, let's say that the service life of the facade of OSB-plates has already entered the third year, and the following photo clearly demonstrates how it looks.

Pie wall with OSB

The result is impressive, and now let's move on to practice. There is an old uninsulated dacha measuring 6x8 meters. Outer skin- "inch" board. On top of the boards - painted hardboard. Place of alteration - Leningrad region, i.e. area with more high humidity than Moscow, with frequent rains, fogs and short summers.

It is required - to insulate the building from the outside and make beautiful facade. The budget is minimal. This means: work without hired workers, using relatively inexpensive materials and technology that can be done by two people. Also interesting is the user's way of thinking when choosing ways to finish the facade.

Victor Banev

I don't like siding on the front. Pall. Block house is too expensive. A well-established variant using DSP ( cement- particle board) also disappears for further staining and imitation of fachwerk. Expensive and, due to the large weight, it is difficult to lift the sheets, and even more so, to mount them at a height. Sheathing with clapboard is also not right. But I, as they say, fell for fachwerk and began to think about how to bring this idea to life.

After going through several options, the user decided to make the facade he liked so much for half-timbered construction based on OSB boards. This, according to the user, is much cheaper and easier than fiddling with the DSP.

Pie wall based on OSB

As a result, the user came to such a “pie” of the wall. From inside to outside:

  • drywall;
  • wall;
  • insulation - mineral wool, laid in 2 layers, with a total thickness of 100 mm;
  • wind and moisture protective membrane;
  • counterlattice;
  • OSB 3 slabs with fachwerk layout imitation.

Since the focus is on total savings, the first thing a user of our site did Victor Banev, virtually laid out the slabs on the walls to minimize their sawing and waste.

Moreover, sheet dimensionsOSB dictate the location of the decorative layout from boards (25x100 mm), which close the joints of the plates and imitate half-timbered timber.

After several intermediate layout options, we managed to come to a common denominator. A sheet measuring 224x122 cm, placed vertically, almost completely covers the wall, and linings (boards) are needed only to protect the vertical joints of the plates. We'll tell you how to figure out the layout (after removing all required dimensions from the facade) on the example of the left wall of the house.

If you look at the figure above, you can see that 2 whole sheets of OSB are placed vertically on the left and right. According to the results of measurements of the wall, it turned out that the distance (the remaining gap) in the middle is wider than one sheet, but already two. Those. - we need to sheathe the wall with two segments laid horizontally, and then close the resulting horizontal seam. To maintain symmetry and the overall design of the layout, we add horizontal strips to the extreme OSB sheets and act in a similar way around the entire perimeter of the building.

The layout of the slabs and boards that close the joints depends on the size of the house, and each case should be considered and calculated individually.

Mounting plates

Having dealt with the design of the layout, we proceed to the installation of plates. The work is simple, but there are a number of nuances. First of all, let's not forget that hinged facade requires good ventilation to exit excess moisture. If we neglect the main ventilation ducts, (gap) with an exit in the upper part of the facade, then the moisture will be locked inside, behind the OSB boards, which do not pass steam well, and with a large thickness are practically vapor-tight. Hence - a bunch of problems in the form of mold and waterlogging of the insulation.

The user has a gap at the top of the facade, approximately 1.5 cm across the entire width of the panel.

We proceed directly to the installation of OSB. The thickness of the plates in this version is 9 mm. This is quite enough, because. sheets are almost non-existent power load. First, on the walls, outside, we fill the frame - a crate of vertically placed wooden bars with a section of 50x50 mm.

We lay between them, by surprise, a mineral wool insulation.

Next, we fill the horizontal crate and, accordingly, lay the insulation (the so-called cross-insulation), orienting it horizontally. Thus, the joints of the plates overlap. Then we attach vapor-permeable waterproof membrane, with obligatory overlap and gluing of joints with adhesive tape (double-sided).

Then we stuff vertical bars 30x40 mm, for attaching OSB sheets.

Victor Banev

The installation step of the bars is 0.4 m, i.e. it turns out: 3 vertical strips per 1 sheet. OSB was fastened with self-tapping screws, 6 pcs. for 1 bar. A gap of 2-3 mm was left between the sheets. Further, the gap was carefully painted over, although I think that this is not necessary, because. from direct contact with rain or dew, the ends of the slabs will be protected by wooden plates 100 mm wide.

In addition to insulation, windows were replaced at the house, for which they were brought forward on frames made of 5x15 cm boards.

Upon completion of the cladding, they began painting the mounted walls.

Before painting, one additional layer of universal bioprotective moisture-resistant impregnation, on a varnish basis, was applied to the surface of the plates. Application was performed on 2 sides.

Further, the plates, before mounting on the walls (it is more convenient and faster to work), were covered with two layers of acrylic facade paint. At the stage of coverage, the user made one mistake, which will be discussed below, but for now we offer to see what happened on this stage. According to the user, the result exceeded all expectations.

If you move away from the facade by 1.5-2 meters, then it seems that the walls are finished with plaster, and it is impossible to understand from the street that this is an OSB facade.

In addition to decor, instead of the old porch, they erected summer veranda in the shape of the letter G from a bar 15x15 cm.

After that, they moved on to finishing- installation of half-timbered layout. The planed layout board has different lengths. Somewhere - 2, somewhere - 3 meters.

Diagonal jibs, 2.5 m each, are made from one solid board.

Boards are attracted along the edges with self-tapping screws. It turns out a strong, tight connection, which does not get moisture.

For contrast, the boards were painted in dark brown.

The three-year operation of the facade confirmed the correctness of the technology. The OSB boards on the ends did not swell, the paint did not peel off, the quality of the facade is consistently high. The only point mentioned above: due to an error made at the installation stage (several boards “forgot” to be treated with bioprotection), OSB was covered with fungus on the outside, which in places came out from under the paint.

Plates treated with protection were not touched by mold. This error turned out to be easily fixed. The lining was removed and painted over again with paint (for safety - with an antiseptic additive). A year later, the fungus did not appear. What ended up happening Victor Banev, show the following photos.

Andrey Pavlovets FORUMHOUSE Member

The facade has been in use for 10 years. Walked through DSP slabs water emulsion 2 times, and that's it, since then, for all this time, I haven't tinted anything. The paint is holding up really well. Did everything myself. Sawed DSP size 1200x3600x10 mm into squares with a side of 1200 mm. Otherwise, do not lift. The hardest part is making the top corner outer pieces. To sheathe, I had to climb the stairs, if I made a mistake with the gash, go down and saw again. I drilled holes for self-tapping screws in advance, then baited them with fasteners and, using a system of blocks, lifted them up. Difficult, but worth it.

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Owning a home is the dream of many Russians. But not everyone decides to implement it, because it is so expensive to buy or build it. At first sight. But you can do everything with your own hands and enough affordable price. This is what modern Finnish technology gaining popularity in our country. We are talking about a frame house made of OSB-boards. Such wooden houses environmentally friendly, their construction and decoration or sheathing is as simple as possible. They are ideal for the northern climate, despite the fact that the thickness of their walls is not at all impressive.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards

The peculiarity of OSB panels is that they are produced by pressing coniferous chips under very high pressure. Needles are one of the best wood building materials, and a frame house made of OSB panels acquires many of its positive qualities.

A special role in the production technology is played by the cross arrangement of chips, thanks to which the boards are especially flexible and durable. After all, the chips are flattened and penetrate each other. If we compare OSB with plywood boards, then although their smaller thickness is striking, the technology gives them an advantage over the latter in resistance to mechanical stress.

Domestic and external device OSB boards

When it comes to the choice of material for building a house, especially when the project is going to be built by hand, obviously great importance has a clear understanding of all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

OSB boards, despite their smaller thickness, have greater mechanical stability than plywood boards.

OSB wooden boards have the following advantages:

But of course, ideal materials does not exist in nature, and even panels for frame construction have a number of disadvantages. But still, there are not so many of them as advantages:

Having found out all the pros and cons of the material, you can proceed to the features of construction with its use. In particular, the features of the construction of the important element any home is the foundation.

In houses made of OSB boards, it is very difficult to arrange really high-quality sound insulation.

OSB house foundation

Frame houses in which such slabs are used are so light that they do not require a complex foundation. This means that the task of designing and building them with your own hands becomes much easier.

Both forces and time for creating the foundation for the structure are significantly saved. If you choose which foundation to use, then regardless of what kind of soil, you need to build using bored piles.

You need to build it like this:

  1. Drill wells in the ground;
  2. Install the reinforcement, after filling the bottom with small gravel;
  3. Pour everything with concrete;
  4. Combine with a monolithic reinforced concrete grillage.

    The ventilation gap must be present in wall plate Necessarily

This technology is preferable for a reason - thanks to it, the tree is protected from the negative effects of soil moisture, and indeed, the negative effects of the earth. In fact, today it is the most common technology due to its versatility, safety and low cost.

It is worth noting that before building the foundation, you need to do an analysis physical characteristics soil. This will allow you to choose the right type of foundation for the house more accurately. You can order such an analysis in special laboratories.

Scheme of the device kroli frame house

House building technology

When the construction of the foundation is completed, it is time to build the main volume of the building. As noted earlier, it will not be very difficult to do this with your own hands due to the fact that hoisting machines and other mechanisms are not needed, which are indispensable in traditional construction.

The foundation must be well waterproofed. When this is done, the assembly of the house begins. The first step will be the laying of supporting boards around the perimeter of the base of the building, which must exactly repeat its configuration, as it is presented by the project.

Scheme for calculating the distance between the lags for OSB sheathing

It is necessary to choose boards so that their thickness corresponds to the width of the grooves of the OSB plate. You need to connect them using sealant inside, and for grooves and corners - also self-tapping screws.

Further, strong bars are used as vertical guides. When their thickness is selected, the same principle is used as with the boards - it is equal to the width of the OSB grooves. This will allow the latter to enter flush. The bars are connected in pairs with self-tapping screws, which need to be fixed both internal and outer side. The recommended pitch is 15 cm.

A feature of the frame house is that when assembled, the corners of the house form panels. One corner plate fits into the groove of the adjacent one. No more manipulation is needed. When the main volume is ready, it remains only to install OSB for the roof and floor.

Comparative table of types and features of OSB boards

The latter are already designed for heavy loads, their thickness is greater. Already put on top of them roofing material. And finishing is done, for example, sheathing.

Strong wooden beams must be used as vertical guides.

Features of construction using OSB boards

The general features of construction when such panels are used come down to a few simple points:

All of them very clearly characterize this technology which is getting more and more popular every year.


You can watch a video where experts talk about how to build a frame house with their own hands.

IN Lately the trend of construction is on the way to reduce the cost of structures while accelerating the time of work. This does not always meet the requirements of SNiP and GOST, but in private construction it is allowed. The most striking example of such construction is frame houses sheathed with OSB panels. Some call them "Houses from SIP-panels".

The following describes how to build a house from OSB panels with your own hands. Such a house is a classic frame, built on strip foundation shallow. It is planned to insulate the frame with foam plastic. There are, of course, very interesting alternatives, for example. But this is a matter of taste and a combination of conditions. In any case, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the material "".

So, as a matter of fact! The house has dimensions of 6 * 6 m (without a porch). The frame is attached to the foundation with 200 mm anchor joints. As a mauerlat, a 100 * 50 bar was used, pre-treated with an antiseptic ground solution for wood, which also covered the supporting supports of the frame.

The main bearing supports are prefabricated and were mounted using wood screws (75 mm) from two 100 * 50 beams, forming an internal wall thickness of 100 mm. All self-tapping joints on wood were necessarily duplicated with nails. The supports were installed with a step of 625 mm along the central axis in such a way that a solid face looked out and in. Their installation was carried out immediately to the full height (length 4000 mm), at the same time forming the frame of the second floor. A 1500 * 50 timber, supported on the frame of interblock partitions, was used as the overlap of the second floor. All corner connections fixed with metal straps. A bar 100 * 50 was installed around the window and door openings.

After installing the frame, proceeded to the installation of the roof. First, the pedestal beams were installed. For this, a bar 100 * 50 mm, twisted three times, was used. Next, rafters were mounted from a 150 * 50 timber with a pitch of 650 mm, on which the crate frame was fixed. After that, a layer of vapor barrier was laid and laid roll waterproofing. Thus, the basis for laying the main material for covering the roof was made. Between themselves, the rafters were fastened with a crossbar. The inside of the roof was insulated basalt wool and lined with OSB sheets.

During the performance of these works, ventilation and chimney ducts were not laid out. It was decided to place ventilation in the parapet of the walls. Heating in the house was planned to be electric, by establishing warm floors and radiators.

After manufacturing and closing the frame with a roof, they began to enclose the walls. At first, solid OSB3 boards covered those places where they did not need to be cut. The dimensions of the house are such that four slabs become vertically in a row without trimming. Kronospan 2500*1250*12 slabs were used to form the walls. The fastening of the plates was carried out in compliance with several rules:

  1. Only OSB boards were used. This process was carefully controlled when purchasing the material. Dishonest sellers often give out OSB Basic, which does not have water-repellent properties and is cheaper than OSB3. It is almost impossible to distinguish visually one from the other. Therefore, copies of certificates for all OSB sheets were requested from the supplier.
  2. The plates were installed only vertically (according to the manufacturer's technological sheets).
  3. All sheets were screwed with stainless steel screws.
  4. Only solid pieces were installed below and above the openings.
  5. Plates must be fastened along the edges and in the middle.
  6. The manufacturer's requirements for external and inside plates.

After closing the outer part of the frame, there were attempts to seal the seams from the inside. For this, a ready-made putty was used. After the first attempts, this lesson was decided to stop.

Then the frame was insulated with foam plastic 100 mm thick. This process is completely effortless. The only thing that had to be taken into account was that the attachment points for future sockets were handled in a special way. For their fastening between the racks of the frame, the strips were stuffed in a recess of 40 mm. The foam was placed under the plank and on the side in such a way that there was room for attaching the mounting box. Next, we proceeded to the wiring of the electrical network. The cable was placed in a plastic corrugated pipe, and fit into a strobe pre-cut in foam. Thus, the wiring turned out to be hidden inside the walls and safe.

The closing of the walls inside the premises took place according to the same technology as outside. For this, OSB3 sheets from the same manufacturer were used, only 2500 * 1250 * 10 mm. Previously, before mounting on the wall, holes were made in the plate for power outlets.

Of course, it is possible to build a house with your own hands easily and quickly, without large investments, without the use of heavy construction equipment, and most importantly, without having great professional qualifications. How practical and environmentally friendly they are, only time will tell.

The OSB frame house is a reliable and inexpensive building, the sheathing of which can be done independently. For the construction of the building should be selected suitable material and fasten all the details correctly.

Oriented strand boards are highly durable. According to their characteristics, they significantly exceed many wood products that are used in the construction of houses.

OSB boards are made from wood chips, which is laid out in several layers and pressed under high pressure. Each wood layer is impregnated with a special adhesive. The mutually perpendicular construction of wood chips significantly increases the wear resistance of the boards.

OSB panels have high performance properties:

  1. Ease of material processing. Plates can be sawn, cut and polished. There are no cracks at the cutting points.
  2. Strength. In terms of durability and rigidity, OSB is not inferior to a strong board. Due to the fibrous dense structure, the material can be fastened with various fasteners - staples, screws or nails. Also, the panels are well connected with any building adhesive solution.
  3. Resilience to atmospheric changes. Sheets High Quality subjected to additional treatment against fungus and mold. This manufacturing technology allows you to withstand rainfall and tolerate temperature changes well.
  4. Light weight of the product. A nine-millimeter panel weighs no more than twenty kilograms. Therefore, it is easy to transport and carry during construction.

Approximately chip material is a harmless material, since it consists of natural wood particles, and the content of adhesive substances in it does not exceed three percent. Due flat surface slabs do not need to be further processed before painting and cladding.

OSB panels, due to their homogeneous structure, do not exfoliate or split. Compared to others natural materials, which are used to build buildings, particle boards are of low cost.

What plates are suitable for building a frame house

Frame house from OSB panels

Approximately - particle boards, depending on the method of manufacture and construction purposes not divided into four categories. Each type of material has its own characteristics that affect the scope of use in construction:

  1. OSB 1. The material has a low resistance to moisture and a reduced level of strength. It is used for the production of packaging, furniture or upholstery.
  2. OSB 2. The plate is not water resistant and belongs to the medium hardness category. Well suited for the manufacture of wall partitions in dry rooms.
  3. OSB 3. Moisture-resistant product that can be used for the construction of load-bearing partitions.
  4. OSB 4. High-strength material resistant to various mechanical influences. Such panels are not exposed to moisture and tolerate temperature changes well. Is used for various kinds construction.

For the construction of frame houses, oriented strand panels of the third class are most often used.

Such a universal material has all the characteristics necessary for the construction of buildings.

Instructions for building a house from OSB slabs

For the construction of a frame building, slabs are often ordered according to the dimensions of a pre-prepared project.

Foundation construction

OSB panels are enough lightweight material, so for the structure suitable at home any kind of foundation. Most often, a tape base is used, which is easy to do on your own:

  • after leveling the construction area, carry out a complete marking of the site in accordance with the planned layout;
  • dig a trench with a depth that depends on the characteristics of the soil and the level of its freezing - from eighty centimeters to one and a half meters;
  • tamp the soil at the bottom of the recess;
  • lay two layers of waterproofing material;
  • sprinkle with a mixture on top - one bucket of sand and three of the same containers of crushed stone;
  • put formwork from OSB panels;
  • install a reinforced frame in the trench;
  • on top make concrete pouring and level it with a hydraulic level.

After complete solidification concrete mortar on the foundation is covered with a film material for waterproofing.

After that, the top is built wooden frame which includes:

  • tying the bottom with logs;
  • installation of vertical supports for walls;
  • consolidation floor boards and lag;
  • building truss system timber roofs.

The finished wooden frame is sheathed with high quality oriented strand boards.

Floor sheathing

OSB panels are connected on logs with straight edges. There should be a 3 mm gap around each particle board.

The sheets are laid with the central axis perpendicular to the bars on the floor. Each slab must be connected to the previous OSB panel on logs or have additional support at the ends with a special tongue-and-groove fastening.

Sheets are attached with nails. Adhesive solutions are used for additional contraction strength.

Fastening OSB boards to walls

For the finishing of load-bearing structures, oriented chip material twelve millimeters thick is used. To improve thermal insulation, the openings are initially filled with mineral wool.

Installation of sheets on the walls can be carried out both horizontally and vertically. in windows and doorways panels are connected with a gap of three millimeters.

Fasten the plates with ring or spiral nails. At the junction of chip sheets, they are driven in every fifteen centimeters, and the distance between the nails doubles to the supports.

Installation of OSB panels on the roof

The quality of strengthening the sheathing depends on the evenness of the frame base of the roof. For installation, strong, undamaged panels are selected that have been properly stored and transported.

Short sections of sheets are connected on wall and ceiling supports. The remaining panels for fastening should have a comb and groove markings at the ends and rely on auxiliary supports. Every OSB sheet must rest on at least two wooden bases.

The sheathing is fixed with spiral nails fifty-one millimeters long. On roof battens fasteners are mounted at a distance of thirty millimeters, and at the connection of the edges of the plates, nails are driven in every fifteen centimeters.

From the edge of the OSB panel to the screws or nails, a minimum gap of one centimeter must be observed. When lining the chimney, the distance provided for by the building safety rules is observed.

Fastening OSB material is carried out in accordance with the established rules:

  • leave a ten-meter gap between the panels and the foundation to protect against moisture;
  • keep a distance between nails or screws of at least fifteen centimeters;
  • when screwing in the fastener, retreat one centimeter from the edge of the sheet;
  • do not connect the panels tightly, leave a three-millimeter gap between them.

It is not difficult to build a frame house from OSB panels. The main thing is to fill in a strong foundation, evenly build a frame and make sheathing with oriented strand sheets in accordance with all the rules for their installation.