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» The most profitable small business today. Edible glasses made from sugar. ideas for a profitable business without initial investment

The most profitable small business today. Edible glasses made from sugar. ideas for a profitable business without initial investment

Everything appears today more people who want to improve their financial well-being and open their own business. The main problem that faces those who want to organize their own business is not even the search for money, but the choice of a production niche.

Your profit and business viability depend on the correctness of this decision. To somewhat ease the pain of choice, we will present in the article the most popular areas of business that are most widespread in our country.

Which niches are not fully filled?

If we talk about the situation in the whole country as a whole, last year marketers identified the following promising areas of activity.

  1. A traditional niche in which there is always a rotation of players is trading.
  2. There are few normal producers of food, furniture and consumer goods.
  3. Competition in the areas of tourism, personal services and business consultations is weaker than ever. The point is not in the number of companies that are engaged in this business, but in the low quality of the services offered.

So which business is more profitable to open in our country? First of all, pay attention to the small business segment, since recent legislative initiatives in the field of increasing the tax burden have simply scared away many start-up manufacturers and opened the way for more competitive enterprises.

Public utilities

In our country, there is practically no development in the housing and communal services sector. Of course, the number of management companies is increasing, but there are very few honest players among them. If you provide your clients with quality services at reasonable prices, such a business has very attractive prospects.

We take unconventional paths

When deciding which business is more profitable to open, do not try to follow generally accepted dogmas. Thus, few people believed in the profitability of production artificial snow in Russia... until business owners literally got rich after Sochi. Considering the pace of development tourism business in the North Caucasus, the prospects for this kind of “abnormal” venture are becoming very interesting.

Important! Although this has been known for a long time, experts now especially warn against “hackwork” in their endeavors. Even the most profitable idea can be ruined in the bud by treating your customers like wallets with legs.

This is especially true in the food production sector, where last years something indescribable is happening. The absence of GOSTs and Federal Laws has given rise to so many violations and scammers that an honest manufacturer is able to easily make huge money simply by following production technology and producing tasty and high-quality products.

Startups and other “newfangled trends”

We remind you once again that conservatism in business is punishable by profits. When deciding which business is more profitable to open, look at the world more broadly: high technology and mobile games, nettotop production, etc.... All this can bring you a lot of money.

Do you remember what a stir the Jolly Farmer, notorious for its senselessness, caused at one time? More precisely, it was such only for the players, while the creators were raking in money with a shovel. Thus, by investing in a potentially attractive game, you can become a millionaire.

There are a huge number of such examples. Just remember “Angry Birds,” which started out as a stupid joke and today brings its creators millions.

Cloud technologies

Due to distrust of major players in this market, many companies are beginning to abandon cloud technologies. It’s just that this cannot be done completely, and therefore virtual data storages from third-party companies are becoming increasingly in demand.

By organizing cloud storage that is guaranteed to be protected from customer attacks, you can safely count on good fees from interested people.

Services for setting up home multimedia systems

In recent years, the number of consumers purchasing complex and functional multimedia systems for organizing home theaters has sharply increased. But the level of technical literacy of buyers often leaves much to be desired, so services for setting up this type of equipment are a great success. The key is to hire polite and tech-savvy employees.

Such a small profitable business will easily provide you with the required amounts of money.

Translation of technical documents

Until recently, almost every entrance wall was full of advertisements for translation agency services. Unfortunately, almost all of them provide only the possibility of translating literary texts. Simply put, find a specialist who could literally convey the meaning of some technical project, almost impossible.

Take advantage of this! The niche of technical translation is filled by barely a third even in major cities, not to mention the province. But the demand for this type of service is constantly growing!

Hotels for pets

When thinking about which business is more profitable to open, do not forget about pet lovers. After looking at thematic forums, you will determine one important nuance: if the owners of a dog or cat are going to fly to another country on vacation, they often simply have nowhere to leave their pet. This market niche is practically unfilled, and the cost of this type of service can be enormous.

Private veterinary clinics

Looking at reviews of government veterinary clinics can sometimes make you cry. In many places, the situation is such that animals are taken in by people who have not the slightest idea about veterinary medicine. However, this does not prevent them from demanding huge amounts of money for “treatment”.

Thus, by organizing a normal clinic and hiring specialists, and not the first citizens you meet without a certain type of occupation, you will quickly develop yourself and acquire a circle of regular clients. Do not forget about strict control by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, this is not the most profitable business, but a profitability of at least 40% is not bad at all.

Small pet store

And again let's return to the topic of pets. If you ever visited a pet store as a child, you probably remember the incredible emotions you experienced there. Even in large cities there are not so many of them, let alone in smaller settlements!

But they can sell not only hamsters and cats, but also animal food, fertilizers, drinkers and bowls, and specialized literature on raising and caring for animals.

Meat and dairy stores

We continue the painful topic of nutrition. Many have already become accustomed to the fact that even in large retail chains there is a far from illusory risk of simply purchasing spoiled meat and dairy products. This is especially noticeable in medium-sized cities.

So a very profitable business in Russia is the sale of fresh and high-quality agricultural products. Of course, you will need to obtain a lot of permits from the SES and others supervisory authorities, but it's worth it.

Recycling collection points

Unfortunately, in our country the situation is still very difficult both with the garbage itself and with its processing. This is especially evident in the spring, when literally tons of trash crawl out from under the snow.

Considering the current situation, it is quite possible to turn it to your advantage. We are talking about organizing a collection point for plastic, glass and waste paper. Since in recent years they have begun to pay at least minimal attention to the environment, secondary raw materials are accepted quite willingly at processing plants.


Yes, we foresee your indignation. Of course, we ourselves said that you shouldn’t be trivial in choosing an idea for a business, but you can open a profitable business in this case too. In principle, most more or less large cities have cafes, but the quality and taste characteristics of the food served there are, in many cases, extremely far from perfect.

So what profitable business is best to open in the field Catering? In recent years there has been an increased interest in pubs. Yes, this is an echo of traditional Great Britain, which our citizens liked.

Of course that we're talking about not about banal pubs with a dubious contingent, but about restaurants where you can not only drink a high-quality foamy drink, but also eat delicious food. There is practically no competition in this area, so the prospects for this type of business are enormous.


And what profitable business can you open? The advice is banal and simple: look for unoccupied areas, apply your imagination to the process. There are plenty of earning opportunities, so just don't miss them!

When you get tired of working for your “uncle” and your own workplace does not evoke positive emotions, thoughts about starting your own come to mind. Indeed, it would be quite nice to work for yourself, for your favorite business with full dedication. A number of questions immediately arise: “What should we actually do? What kind of business should I open?” are enormously diverse, and I really want my favorite business to bring profit.

We will not talk about the oil and gas business or the establishment of large financial institutions. Let's consider what can open a common person with a small start-up capital. So, we present to your attention profitable types of business available to non-lazy citizens:

1. Services

This is characterized by the fact that you do not need to sell any goods and fool around with the purchase of batches of goods, their warehousing and logistics. Providing services is the most universal type of activity today, allowing you to get maximum results with minimum costs. Let's look at the most profitable of them:

When providing small services, you should remember that the more points around the city with your services, the better for you. And don't forget about advertising. Don’t be greedy to spend money on it, otherwise the influx of new customers without advertising will be very low.

  • Craft. The practice of past centuries is again gaining popularity among the population. People with talent for carpentry, sewing, drawing, knitting, turning, cooking and other crafts can turn their favorite hobby into profitable business. If your work is truly amazing, then in the near future you will be able to make a small fortune for yourself from your hobby. At the beginning of your business, sell your goods via the Internet (specialized websites, social networks, forums) or agree with some store that it will sell your goods for a certain percentage. This type of business will initially bring in a small income, but it all depends on your imagination and efforts.

2. Trade

If you don’t have enough imagination, but you want to be the master of your wallet and destiny, then the easiest way is trading. Before deciding what to sell, it is better to analyze the market to identify competitors and demand for a particular product. Success factors:

  • demand for the product;
  • availability of suppliers;
  • affordable price;
  • advertising;
  • service;
  • convenient location of the department.

This one is the easiest to organize, it is in short time will be able to pay for itself. But this will only happen if you choose your area of ​​activity correctly.

In the field of entrepreneurship, the most important thing is to have a great desire to work. And funds can always be found. Therefore, if you decide to remove the shackles of a “hired employee”, then only forward and not a step back!

Whether the enterprise will be profitable depends primarily on the entrepreneur. It is hardly worth recommending the same type of activity to all businessmen, even if it is considered highly profitable. We compared current business areas in Russia today and identified the most profitable ones.

Definition of a profitable business

The first evaluation criterion when comparing different directions commercial activities there will be profitability. At the same time, each type of activity is suitable for a specific entrepreneur, because some plan to start their own business from scratch, while others intend to invest millions in it. Therefore, the second parameter for comparison is the amount of initial costs.

A commercial enterprise is also characterized by intangible costs necessary for its successful start and development (knowledge, technology, know-how, etc.). Therefore, the third criterion is the complexity of opening and running a business. This assessment is also important for analyzing types of activities and answering the question of which business in Russia is the most profitable today.

In addition, one should take into account the novelty of the business and the level of competition, on which the riskiness of the enterprise depends. Initial costs, complexity and level of risk form a certain threshold for entrepreneurs to enter the chosen commercial area. Even before registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, you need to think about which taxation system to choose. The tax burden on the enterprise and the complexity or ease of submitting various reports will depend on this. When starting a business, it is better to give and withdraw all paperwork on . It is better to use the services of reliable companies with a good reputation, for example.

The most profitable business in Russia with a low and medium barrier to entry

Traditionally, small and medium-sized businesses are based in those niches that are in steady demand and bring constant profits. These niches include:

  • retail;
  • domestic services;
  • catering;
  • production of food and consumer goods;
  • services for legal entities;
  • real estate transactions and so on.

Among the variety of types of commerce, it is difficult to identify areas that provide maximum profit. Profit depends, for example, on the location of the enterprise and on the level of competition. Here is a list of not yet very common, but in demand commercial endeavors.

Buying a franchise

One of the most simple options- purchase ready-made enterprise by franchise. This type of business requires significant costs, so it is not suitable for novice entrepreneurs. But it allows you to quickly get into business, has a short payback period, low risks and good level profitability.

Today in Russia, retail stores, restaurants, cafes, bars, and salons are opening by franchise. As a rule, the payback period in this area ranges from six months to two years.

In addition to the franchise, a quick start to sales is ensured by vending (installation vending machines). This type of entrepreneurship is relevant today and has good prospects, since it is still poorly developed in Russia. However, such a business is not one of the most profitable: payback is achieved on average in one and a half to two years.

For example, the purchase of two machines (snack and coffee) will require 300,000 rubles, and the same amount will cost for annual maintenance and refilling of the machines with products. In this case, the estimated average monthly revenue from two machines will be 50,000 rubles.

Own business

Having start-up capital, an entrepreneur can open his own business in the field of services or catering. Traditional cafes, bars, mini-bakeries, nail salons, taxi services or auto repair shops are profitable, but competition is fierce in this area. It’s better to take a closer look at less common destinations and discover:

  • hostel,
  • hookah bar,
  • tattoo parlor,
  • delivery service,
  • cleaning company.


Hookah bar

The demand for hookah bars is growing, which makes this type of activity attractive for budding entrepreneurs. Amount first initial investment- 120,000 rubles, operating expenses are small, and annual income exceeds 200,000 rubles. Thus, the investment pays off in less than a year. Read more about opening a hookah bar.

Tattoo parlor

Tattoos are popular, their cost is high, and tattoo parlors have few competitors, since it is not easy to find artists to work with. The initial costs for the salon are 800,000–900,000 rubles, payback with 20-30 clients per month is achieved in a year.


Busy people prefer not to waste time moving around the city or cleaning the house. For this reason, in the last 2-3 years the demand for delivery of goods and cleaning services has increased. It is still difficult to call such a service highly profitable, but this direction has prospects.

Services for legal entities

If we compare the profitability of household services with services for legal entities, the latter are distinguished by higher costs and much lower risks. Traditionally, companies need consulting, accounting and auditing services, equipment setup and software product support. The corresponding areas of commerce are highly profitable and do not require serious financial investments. However, the most progressive trends of this kind - such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS - are associated with information technology and therefore have a high barrier to entry.

Use of new technologies

Business related to new technologies is not always complicated and expensive. On the contrary, today technology helps to achieve high profitability and create a profitable business practically from scratch, including in Russia. Already traditional web design studios are still as relevant and profitable as ever, and opening them requires almost no costs. Online stores attract customers with convenience, social media allow you to advertise products for free, and crowdfunding platforms help raise initial capital for a startup.

If you're looking for a technology-related niche, we suggest you take a look at 3D printing. 3D printers appeared a long time ago, but did not gain popularity for a long time due to high cost. Today, the price of equipment has fallen, and the need for products manufactured using 3D printing continues to grow.

The initial costs for purchasing a printer, computer, consumables, and renting premises will be 300,000 rubles, and the estimated monthly revenue will be 90,000 rubles. In this case, the investment pays off in 3-4 months.


In economically developed countries, healthcare is considered a highly profitable field of activity, especially its individual branches (dentistry, pharmacology). Dental offices and medical centers in Russia also serve as an example profitable business, thereby confirming world practice. However, opening a new enterprise in the field of medicine is not very easy: it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment, hire medical staff, etc., and the work of medical organizations is strictly regulated by law and tightly controlled.

The most profitable business in Russia with a high barrier to entry

The most promising areas in the world are related to information technology, scientific research, creation of new materials, etc. These areas are knowledge-intensive, require large resources and involve significant investment risks. Here is a short list of emerging areas of the economy that analysts recommend paying attention to.

  • wearable gadgets;
  • mobile payments;
  • working with big data;
  • efficient batteries;
  • robots;
  • smart materials;
  • alternative energy sources.

Instead of a resume. List of current business areas for 2018-2019.

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  • Pharmacy business
  • Bakery products
  • Auto repair shop, service station
  • Anti-crisis car wash
  • Microfinance organization
  • Export of goods abroad
  • Funeral services
  • Cinema
  • Driving school
        • Similar business ideas:

The bad economic situation in the country is not a reason to hang your nose and lose heart. There are many examples of large companies starting their journey at the most unfavorable time for business. A crisis is a time of great opportunity, a time of real “cleansing”. Weak entrepreneurs who did not think about business development leave the market, making room for new players.

Today we will look at 11 of the most profitable and “unkillable” business ideas that work great and bring profit to the owner, despite the crisis in the economy.

Lotteries and bookmakers

When there is a crisis, people begin to believe in luck more. The state of low income and lack of work forces people to make adventurous decisions and literally throw the remaining money down the drain. Therefore, any business related to the sale of lotteries, bookmakers, auctions - all this works with super profits. To organize a business on sports betting, it is not at all necessary to have a lot of capital and go through a strict registration and licensing procedure. Today, many large bookmakers are developing their own franchise networks in Russia and the CIS. Therefore, for a symbolic fee of 200 - 350 thousand rubles. you can join the network and open a betting office in your city. The only significant pitfall is strict regulation by the state. Here you can’t guess when the government will decide to close the “shop” by issuing another law. I think everyone remembers what happened to gambling clubs that brought hundreds of percent of profits to their owners.

Pharmacy business

The pharmacy business, despite the oversaturation of the market, shows high profitability during an unstable economic situation. In our city, many well-known pharmacy chains have only increased the number of retail outlets over the past couple of years. The reason is clear - people are starting to get sick more because of stress and frustration (they were fired from their jobs, their salaries were lowered, they are afraid of layoffs). The number of people with heart problems, diabetes, digestive disorders, etc. is growing. Accordingly, trips to the pharmacy are becoming more frequent. Investing in a pharmacy business can be intimidating. However, it is not at all necessary to open a large store. At the start, you can limit yourself to a small pharmacy kiosk. Another option is to open as a franchise.

Bakery products

Food is an eternal topic. It has long been known that when people's incomes decrease, they switch to cheaper food. The number of bakery products in the diet increases: bread, pies, rolls, donuts, cookies. I noticed that in our city the number of kiosks selling bread and flour products has increased significantly. In the place where I buy bread, instead of one kiosk, there are now four. And, you know, there’s enough for everyone. After work, you have to stand in line to buy bread.

How much money does it take to open a bread kiosk?

To open bread kiosk you will need to invest approximately 300 - 500 thousand rubles, or even less. It is not necessary to rent or buy a permanent structure. You can, for example, purchase a mobile trailer (Kupava) and arrange outbound trading by obtaining permission from the local administration. There is less paperwork, and you can earn money almost immediately. You can purchase goods from local bakeries or open your own production. True, this is a completely different investment.

Auto repair shop, service station

Like products, car repair is a “hard-to-kill topic.” Despite the crisis, there are more and more cars, and those that exist are getting old and breaking down more often. In our city there are service stations and auto repair shops at every turn. At the same time, everything works successfully, and you can only get in by appointment. I haven't heard of anyone closing or leaving the market. Tire fitting, body repair, auto electrics - all this is relevant. And at the same time, these ideas do not require large initial capital. You can start even in a “garage” environment. The main difficulty is to find good craftsmen. Well, if you know how to work with equipment yourself, you’ll have the flag in your hands.

Anti-crisis car wash

Self-service car washes - the new kind services in the automotive field. The idea came to us from the West, but before the crisis it did not develop very much. Now that people are thinking more about saving, such services will flourish. Many people will prefer to wash their car themselves, since the savings are almost double (about 150 rubles instead of 300 rubles). Read business forums, many people there talk about good prospects for self-service car washes. Some people post photo reports showing a queue for such a car wash.

How much money do you need to invest to open a self-service car wash?

The only disadvantage of this idea is the high investment required to start a business. To open even a small car wash with three bays, with all approvals, you will have to pay at least 1.5 million rubles. Not everyone has that kind of money, especially during a crisis.

Microfinance organization

According to some data, over the past three years the demand for microloans up to 30,000 rubles. increased threefold. There are a number of reasons for this, including those related to the economic situation in the country. Interest rates on loans from large banks have increased since they were received falsely. While a microloan can be applied for without leaving home, without certificates or proof of income.

How much money do you need to invest to open microloans?

To open your own microfinance organization it is enough to invest no more than 500 - 1000 thousand rubles. And the investment pays off quickly. Judge for yourself. Loans are issued at an average interest rate of 2% per day.

How much can you earn with microloans?

That is, taking a loan of 30,000 rubles. in a month the client will have to return 48,000 rubles. Profit 18,000 rubles! It is clear that not all clients are conscientious. But, as practice shows, only 15% do not repay the debt. At the same time, debts can always be sold to collectors. In any case, the company remains in good profit.

Export of goods abroad

During the period of an “expensive” dollar, a business selling certain types of goods abroad is quite profitable. For example, recently our citizens have begun to actively sell honey and other food products to China. Eat good news for traders of various small items on the Internet: ebay is coordinating simplified rules for the export of goods from Russia to the USA and Europe with customs and Russian post. That is, selling felt boots, hats and handicrafts to the “bourgeoisie” will be many times more profitable. The only danger is that someday oil will rise, the ruble will rise in price, which will reduce the export benefits of some goods.

Funeral services

Business in providing funeral services does not depend in any way on the crisis phenomena in the country. People can save on expensive purchases, entertainment, vacations, and food, but they will not refuse to spend on a decent burial. At any time of the year, the demand for funeral services remains high. Oddly enough, the worse the times, the higher the profits in this area. It is not necessary to open a funeral service bureau with all the difficulties of conducting this activity. According to some data, more than 80% of funeral companies are not manufacturers. That is, they buy the same coffins from manufacturers or resellers. In this case, organizing your own coffin production would be a great idea. For example, from fiberboard using the hot molding method. The entrance ticket to such a business is 300,000 rubles, and the number of personnel is only 4 people. Production can be organized even under open air. There are companies that can supply ready-made blanks from which coffins will be put together. The markup on products is 100%.

Economy class hair salon

Hairdressing services are always relevant. Well, who can refuse a haircut or hairstyle, except perhaps a very poor person. Therefore, we can say with confidence that such a business is not subject to crisis. However, it is precisely the crisis that may affect elite hairdressing and beauty salons. And here economy class hair salons, where for only 150 - 200 rubles. you can get a high-quality haircut - they will be in high demand. It may not be a super profitable business, but the idea is definitely not a failure and will work regardless of the situation in the country.


Although the entertainment industry is experiencing better times, such mass budget entertainment as watching films in cinemas, on the contrary, is in good demand. People are tired of gray everyday life, problems at work, negative news and want to get something magical for the soul. And they find this peace in the movies. A budget 3-D cinema is a good business idea in a crisis. Such activities are not subject to licensing. You just need to purchase permission to rent films. Rental companies, as a rule, work on a 50/50 basis. That is, you keep 50% of the box office receipts for yourself, and give the rest to the license holder.

Step-by-step plan for opening a small cinema

Large investments are not required to start a business. You can open a very small cinema for 12 spectators. The required room area is only 18 square meters. m. In fact, a cinema can be opened in apartment conditions(on the first floors of apartment buildings). If at least 50 people visit such a cinema every day, and each leaves 300 rubles, then the monthly revenue will be 450,000 rubles. Of this amount, half will go to pay for film rental, approximately 10% for rent, 15% for labor and 5% for other expenses.

How much can you earn by opening a small cinema?

That is, the net profit will be approximately 90 - 100 thousand rubles. per month. This is not a bad amount, considering that the cost of opening a mini-cinema with 12 seats does not exceed 1 million rubles. Moreover, you can earn money not only from entrance tickets, but also on the sale of strong drinks, popcorn, chips, etc. I would also like to mention an idea related to the cinema - opening a cinema cafe. In such an establishment you can not only show movies, but also give the opportunity to play video games, smoke hookah, play Board games, sing karaoke. Payment, however, is not for a specific service, but for the duration of your stay in the establishment. On average, it is 100 rubles. per hour per person.

Driving school

Another business that is not afraid of crisis and competition is driving schools. No matter how bad the income is, the flow of young people in need of a driver’s license does not dry up. Moreover, if 15 - 20 years ago, for the most part, only men went to training, today exactly half of future drivers are women. Naturally, this only increased the number of clients for existing driving schools. Moreover, due to innovations in the law, the minimum period of training in driving schools has increased, which has resulted in an increase in prices. Today, to obtain a license you will need to spend at least 50,000 rubles. only for training (theory and practice). This is a lot of money. It turns out that from a small group of 20 people you can earn 1,000,000 rubles! How many people want to study in your city? These are thousands of people.

Step-by-step plan for opening a driving school

To open a driving school, you will need to rent premises, accreditation with the traffic police and a staff of instructors (with whom you can negotiate for a percentage). A room with an area of ​​35 - 50 square meters is suitable as a student classroom. m. There is even an option to open an online driving school. You can learn theory remotely, and practical classes will be conducted by licensed driving schools in a specific region (you can negotiate with them for a certain percentage). This will allow you to save on renting premises and setting up a student classroom. In fact, a business can be started from scratch. The main thing is to properly advertise the service and find good performers (teachers and instructors). There are companies that offer to open an online driving school as a franchise. But you can invest not only in business or start your own business. Even during a crisis, it is possible to invest money in real estate or cars, while receiving passive income. You can learn what to invest money in and how to do it by reading new book Territories of Investment. Do you want to establish a stable cash flow, but don’t know how? You have the opportunity to become a completely financially independent person in a few years. Find out, how to invest money wisely and take action.

The most profitable business in the world: 3 determining factors + 3 profitable business areas in Russia + Top 7 ideas from around the world.

Every aspiring businessman at the start asks the question, what is the most profitable business in the world?

We will try to answer it by identifying the areas of entrepreneurial activity that are considered the most promising.

By what criteria can a business be called the most profitable?

Before determining the main directions, it is necessary to identify factors indicating that the business idea will be profitable:

    Speedy return on investment.

    This fact plays a significant role.

    A profitable business is a project in which investments pay off in the shortest possible time.

    Increased demand.

    The success of a business depends on many factors.

    It is impossible to name ideas that will give a 100% guarantee of success.

    But it is possible to identify such goods or services, the demand for which is initially at a high level.

    As a rule, we are talking about essential items.

    Minimal investments in raw materials and production.

    It is logical that the less finance an entrepreneur needs to invest in a business, the more benefits he will receive.

    This is especially important when there is a link to the exchange rate.

If you already have your own business and it has at least two of these signs, you can rejoice - your business is potentially profitable.

What if you are just taking your first steps and don’t yet know which direction to go?

A review of the most popular ones will help you make a choice. profitable ideas in different areas of business.

Small Business: Review of Profitable Ideas

Almost all newcomers start with a small business.

It requires a relatively small investment, a modest material base (premises, staff, equipment).

It’s easy to register such activities – you can do it on your own, even without a legal education.

Therefore, it is obvious that we should consider the most profitable ideas from this direction entrepreneurial activity.

a) Essential goods and services are a profitable business even during a crisis

Let's remember one of the factors that determines the profitability of a business: .

Areas that are related to satisfying primary human needs remain relevant even in times of financial crisis.

As you can see, food, clothing and shoes are what people spend their income on first.

It is worth adding that the cost of medicines is small only because ordinary family they are purchased relatively infrequently (unless there are members with chronic diseases).

However, pharmaceuticals are also essential goods.

If the need arises, people are ready to “give their last,” but buy the necessary pills and the like.

Conclusion: a potentially profitable business is a grocery store, pharmacy kiosk, clothing and footwear trade.

b) Auto repair shop - a profitable business idea

After some time, every car requires repairs or routine inspection.

Therefore, repair shops can also be classified as services for which the demand is initially high.

Thanks to this, you do not have to convince the client that visiting an auto repair shop is what he needs by listing the benefits for the person.

It's enough to stand out among your competitors.

A service station can offer a number of basic services:

  • cleaning injectors;
  • repair and inspection of electrical equipment;
  • repair of fuel and brake systems;
  • replacing spark plugs;
  • headlight adjustment

And this is only a part of the possible services.

And if you open a car wash next to the service station, the business will be doubly profitable.

Among the advantages of the business, it is also worth noting that in addition to a large service station with a large capital investment, you can open a simple mobile tire service.

And such a business will still be profitable and in demand.

Still in doubt? Pay attention to the “age” statistics on cars in Russia:

c) How profitable is the vending business?

There is a lot of debate regarding the profitability of the vending business.

On the one hand, it exactly corresponds to one of the factors of a profitable business given at the beginning of the text: the entrepreneur is not required to make a large investment - it is enough to spend money on the purchase and installation of a miracle machine, and only replenish consumables from time to time.

Moreover, if previously they offered a short list of services, now you can do literally anything with their help:

  • sell coffee, tea, and other drinks;
  • sell food products;
  • replenish mobile phone accounts, electronic wallets;
  • pay public utilities and much more.

Why is it controversial that this business is profitable?

Please note the distribution of vending machines across Russia:

As you can see, Moscow and St. Petersburg are open to innovation, and people do not find the use of automatic machines repellent.

While in other cities, there is mainly demand only for payment and coffee machines.

Accordingly, there is high competition in these areas of business.

If you take your place, successfully choosing the location of the device, you have the opportunity to become the owner of a very profitable business:

Top 7 most profitable business ideas in the world

As already mentioned, it is impossible to determine the most profitable business in the world that provides a 100% guarantee of success.

However, it is quite possible to conduct a thorough analysis of existing entrepreneurial trends in order to get inspired.

That is why we will look at the top 10 business ideas, the implementation of which brought their founders wealth and recognition in the world. Who are these people?

1) Profitable online store “Amazon”

This ranking opens with Jeffrey Bezos, a businessman from the United States who is considered one of the richest people on the planet.

His capital is $70.3 billion.

This fortune was brought to him by the name “Amazon”.

A profitable business was based on selling books via the Internet.

The interesting thing is that only $300,000 of the initial investment was invested in the idea.

Unexpectedly for Jeffrey himself, after some time, the project began to bring in huge capital.

Thanks to this, the opportunity opened up to expand activities.

Now this online store is known throughout the world:

2) The sweet kingdom of Michel Ferrero.

“Silver” goes to the Ferrero company, the founder of which is Italian businessman Michel Ferrero.

According to Forbes, Michel Ferrero's capital is 600 billion rubles.

What brought such success to the businessman?

A regular chocolate butter that became something new and magical in the grocery industry during that era.

At the moment, Ferrero produces products from equally well-known brands:

  • "Ferrero Rochen";
  • "Tic-Tac";
  • "Raffaello"
  • “Kinder surprise” and others.

Russians can learn more about the business on the website:

3) Idea on billion: storage cells.

Bronze goes to a businessman from South America Brad Hughes. He earned his capital (about 200 billion rubles) thanks to a business that now seems commonplace.

We are talking about storing things in a certain place (along highways) for a certain fee.

Thanks to the Public Storage company, it has become possible to store your belongings in specially designated safe places in more than thirty countries around the world.

If you need services of this nature or are interested in business details, visit the company’s official website:

4) Can toys be profitable?

American businessman Ty Warner earned his capital of 146 billion rubles thanks to a project that can easily be included in the ideas of the most profitable business in the world.

Its condition is based on its manufacture soft toys"Beanie Babie"

This product is produced in single copies and has the status of a collector's item, so it is very expensive.

Buying one such toy can cost 10,000 – 60,000 rubles, while the cost of creating it does not exceed 600 rubles.

Secret of success?


Warner toys cannot be found in regular stores.

And even more so, you will not find two identical copies.

5) How to become billionaires through one product?

The names Dietrich Mateschitz and Kaleo Juvidiha should be familiar to nocturnalists, athletes and young people who like to drink energy drinks from time to time.

The fact is that they are the creators of the world-famous energy drink “Red Bull”.

The drink has a rather simple composition:

  • water;
  • glucose;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin B.

But this was enough for the idea to earn the title of one of the most profitable business options in the world and brought its creators recognition and capital of 110 billion rubles.

6) Another profitable business on sweets

Brothers Paul and Hans Reigel invented chewable gum candies in various shapes and flavors.

Hans came up with 260 types of these sweets!

Sweets are made almost all over the world.

Each of the founders, thanks to this idea, has a capital of about 1.5 billion dollars.

7) Profitable business on regular coffee

To achieve this, Schultz opened a line of coffee shops.

Currently, the Starbucks chain consists of 12,000 stores!

The capital earned from this profitable business is $1.1 billion.

Official website of the company:

And to open your own profitable business, use the tips from the video:

How to make your business profitable?

If for some reason your business does not generate the desired income, pay attention to the following ways to make it profitable:

  1. Make a graph of expenses and profits - this will allow you to determine which area of ​​​​the business is stealing the most. Try to reduce it.
  2. Constantly improve your own qualifications and the interest of your subordinates in their work.
  3. Carry out a set of measures to prevent theft at work.
  4. Divide the business into segments, and identify a responsible person in each area.
  5. Launch a PR company to attract more clients.
  6. Buy new, better equipment.
  7. Raise workers' wages - this will help provoke greater returns on their part;
  8. Secure all company data held electronically. This will save you from financial losses in the future.

To sum it up, we can say that the most profitable business in the world is the one that you put your heart and hard work into.

Nothing is given for nothing; you have to work at every task.

Remember that there is always a place for young entrepreneurs!

Therefore, you should implement your bold ideas for a profitable business without any fear.

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