Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Scenario for summer camp. Finest hour. Intellectual game "finest hour" elementary grades

Scenario for summer camp. Finest hour. Intellectual game "finest hour" elementary grades

Intellectual game

"Finest hour".

for students of 1st – 4th grades

Prepared by: Debelaya Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes

Goals and objectives of the game:

To develop children's ingenuity, imagination, and flexibility of thinking through play; - improve children's speech culture; -broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren; -develop attention and the ability to self-control;

Develop teamwork skills.

Progress of the event

Today we will spend our “finest hour”. To select participants in our game, we will conduct a selection using riddles. Those six people who are the first to give the correct answers will become participants in the “Finest Hour”.

In calm weatherWe are nowhere to be foundThe wind blows -We run on water.(Waves)

He comes first in the count,The new year will begin with it.Open your calendar soonRead! Written -...(January)

Rustle, rustle the grass,The whip will crawl through alive.So he stood up and hissed:Come, if you are very brave.(Snake)

Bel, but not sugar.No legs, but walking. (snow)

It might breakIt might cookIf you want to kill meIt may turn.(Egg)

Carved, laceSpinning in the air.And how it sits on the palm of your hand,So right away - water. (snowflake)

He's tall and spottedWith a long, long neck,And he eats leaves -Tree leaves. (Giraffe)

I lived in the middle of the yardWhere the kids playBut from the sun's raysI turned into a stream.(snowman)

And no snow, and no ice,He will turn the trees into silver. (Frost)

Fish live warmly in winter:The roof is thick glass.(ice)

Low and pricklySweet and fragrantPick the berries -You'll rip off your whole hand.(Gooseberry)

Winter on gray roofsThrows seeds -Grows white carrotsShe's under the roofs. (icicle)

The participants have been selected - we move on to the game (the participants choose their assistants).


Our first tour is dedicated to fairy-tale heroes. I read, and you must raise the sign with the corresponding number. For the correct answer - a star. If the answers of the participant and his assistant match (if the answer is correct), then the participant receives 2 stars.

1.Cinderella 5.Little Red Riding Hood
2. Monkey 6. Sleeping Princess 3. Turnip 7. Frog Princess 4. Prince 8. Kolobok

First question. “ old age her eyes became weak, but in people she could hear. that this evil is not yet true big hands: You just have to get glasses. He turns his glasses this way and that: the glasses don’t work at all. Out of frustration and sadness, she hit them against the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled.” What hero are we talking about?(2)

Second question . “And the elder brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell on the boyar’s courtyard, and the boyar’s daughter picked it up. The middle brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell into the merchant’s yard, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up. The younger brother shot the arrow.” Who raised the arrow?(7)

Third question. This hero met a hare, a bear, a wolf and a fox on his way. And only the fox managed to outwit him. (8)

Fourth question. This heroine fell asleep after tasting a poisoned apple, and woke up from the kiss of her savior. Who is she?(6)

Fifth question . This girl had to hide in a basket to escape the bear. What is this girl's name?(0)

Summing up the results of the 1st round.After the first round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


The second round is about poultry and animals. Listen to the riddles and, at my command, raise the sign with the corresponding number.

1.Cow 5.Donkey

2.Duck 6.Goat

3.Camel 7.Cat

4. Chicken 8. Goose

Sir, not a wolf,long-eared, but not a hare,With hooves, but not a horse.(5)
There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back.(1)
With horns, not a bull,Not a horse, but kicking,They milk, not the cow,With down, not a bird. Bast is tearing up,

but he doesn’t weave bast shoes. (6)
I swam in the water and remained dry. (8)
Eyes, mustache, tail,And he washes himself cleaner than anyone else. (7)
Small stature, long tail,Gray coat, sharp teeth. (0)
Summing up the results of the 2nd round.After the second round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


Letter cubes spill out of this box. You need to make a word from these letters. The word should be as long as possible.

k r o m a t e l s i

(Old man, forester, sailor, romantic, etc.)

Summing up the results of the 3rd round.After the third round, 1 participant who composed the shortest word is eliminated from the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


Participants are offered “Logical chains”. They must determine the correct sequence. If it is correct, the participant raises sign 0; if not, then two signs (in accordance with the answer numbers) that need to be swapped.

All these names refer to the fruits of the fruit. Remember which fruit is the smallest and which is the largest in size.Is our “chain” located correctly in the order of increasing fruit size or should the numbers be swapped?

1.Plum 2.Cherry 3.Apple(1,2)

Walking to the Emerald City, Eli met on her way first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and lastly the Woodcutter. Is it so? Or do you need to swap the numbers?

1. Scarecrow 2. Lion 3. Woodcutter(0)

All these fairy tales have a happy ending for the heroines. Whoever disagrees, raise a sign with the desired number.

1. The Little Mermaid 2. Snow White 3. Cinderella

Summing up the results of the 4th round. After the fourth round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

5th round

Two participants advanced to the fifth round. This round can be called a duel. You are given a word and in 2 minutes you must make as many nouns from it as possible.An assistant may come to the aid of the participant. This word:


(Snow, year, hell, leg, hay, nose, sleep, bliss, recession, foam, and so on).

Summing up the whole game.

SUMMARY OF THE GAME “THE FINEST HOUR” for elementary school

- expand children's horizons;
- develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, thinking;
- cultivate attentiveness and activity in children

Progress of the event

Today we will spend our “finest hour”. You probably watch this type of show on television often and are familiar with its rules. To select participants in our game, we will conduct a selection using riddles. Those six people who are the first to give the correct answers will become participants in the “Finest Hour”.
In calm weather
We are nowhere to be found
The wind blows -
We run on water.
Rustle, rustle the grass,
The whip will crawl through alive.
So he stood up and hissed:
Come, if you are very brave.
It might break
It might cook
If you want to kill me
It may turn.
He's tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves -
Tree leaves.
And no snow, and no ice,
He will turn the trees into silver.
Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant
Pick the berries -
You'll rip off your whole hand.
- Participants have been selected - we move on to the game (participants choose their assistants - relatives: mother, sister, brother, etc.). - Our first round is dedicated to fairy-tale characters. I read, and you must raise the sign with the corresponding number. For the correct answer - a point. If the answers are the same and correct, each team gets a point.

Monkey-3 Turnip-4 Prince-5 Little Red Riding Hood-6

Sleeping Beauty-2 Cinderella-1 Kolobok-7 Frog Princess 8-

First question. “ old age her eyes became weak, but in people she could hear. that this evil is not yet so big: you just have to get glasses. He turns his glasses this way and that: the glasses don’t work at all. Out of frustration and sadness, she hit them against the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled.” What hero are we talking about?
Second question. “And the elder brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell on the boyar’s courtyard, and the boyar’s daughter picked it up. The middle brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell into the merchant’s yard, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up.” Who raised the arrow?
Third question. This hero met a hare, a bear, a wolf and a fox on his way. And only the fox managed to outwit him. Who did the fox eat?
Fourth question. This heroine fell asleep after tasting a poisoned apple, and woke up from the kiss of her savior. Who is she?
Fifth question. This girl had to hide in a basket to escape the bear. What is this girl's name?
Summing up the results of the 1st round. - The second round is about poultry and animals. Listen to the riddles and, at my command, raise the sign with the corresponding number.

Camel-3 Chicken-4 Donkey-5 Goat-6

Duck-2 Cow-1 Cat-8 Goose-7

Sir, not a wolf,
long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse. (5)

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:
A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (1)

With horns, not a bull,
Not a horse, but kicking,
They milk, not the cow,
With down, not a bird.
It pulls bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes. (6)

I swam in the water and remained dry. (7)

Eyes, mustache, tail,
And he washes himself cleaner than everyone else. (8)

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth. (0)

Summing up the results of round 2. - Cubes with letters pour out of this box. You need to make a word from these letters. The word should be as long as possible.

C r o m a t e l s i

(Old man, forester. old man, sailor, romantic, etc.)
Summing up the results of round 3 - All these names refer to fruits. Remember which fruit is the smallest and which is the largest in size.
Is our “chain” located correctly in the order of increasing fruit size or should the numbers be swapped?

Plum-1 Cherry-2 Apple-3

Walking to the Emerald City, Eli met on her way first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and lastly the Woodcutter. Is it so? Or do you need to swap the numbers?

Scarecrow Lion Woodcutter
1 2 3
- All these fairy tales with happy endings for heroines. Whoever disagrees, raise a sign with the desired number.

The Little Mermaid-1 Snow White - 2 Cinderella-3
Summing up the results of the 4th round. - Two participants advanced to the fifth round. This round can be called a duel. You are given a word and in 2 minutes you must make as many nouns from it as possible. This word:

(Snow, year, hell, leg, hay, nose, sleep, bliss, recession, foam, and so on).
Summing up the whole game.

Olesya Gabbasova
Scenario of the intellectual game “Finest Hour” for children of senior preschool age

Intellectual game scenario« Finest hour»

For children of senior preschool age

Target: identify the level of knowledge of children in various educational areas: « Cognitive development» , "Speech development", "Social and communicative development" and identify individual characteristics children at the end of the year.

Tasks: - identify skills children work according to the rules;

Ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions;

Develop memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Create a joyful mood.

Progress of the game.

Leading: We are glad to welcome you, dear fans and guests. Today we gathered for an unusual exciting competition– where you can show your knowledge and ingenuity, show resourcefulness and intelligence, and participate in competitions. This competition is called « Finest hour» . And today this star The hour will come for the winner of our competition, for the one who completes the tasks faster and more correctly. Well, dear viewers, I will ask you to help them. Let's meet our participants.

(Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music)

Ved. Today you guys need to show your wits, be attentive and fast. For the correct answers you you will receive stars. And the one who has more of them will be the winner « Finest hour» . Ready?

Your first star you can earn money right now. Your first task "Tell about yourself".

(children take turns talking about themselves, sitting at the tables (there are prepared numbers from 0 to 4 on the tables))

So, very soon we will find out whose it is « Finest hour» .

Dear participants! There are tablets with numbers on your tables, with their help you you will answer my questions.

Let's start the competition. 1st round

Ved. You are presented with a question and 4 answer options. You need to find the correct answer on the screen and pick up the corresponding number plate. If one of you does not know the answer, then raise a sign with a number «0» .

For each correct answer you will receive star.

Question 1. Guess riddle:

Just jump over the threshold

And he went for a walk without legs...

Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok, Piglet, Barmaley.

Question 2. Who are among the heroes of the fairy tale? "Little Red Riding Hood" extra?

Grandmother, hunter, miller, wolf.

Question 3. Who is this riddle about?

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What's that boy's name? (Pinocchio)

Question 4. What is unnecessary here? (there are pictures on the board under the numbers)

2. Carrots

Question 5. On the board under the numbers there are illustrations with flowers.

1. Chamomile

2. Dandelion

3. Bell

Listen carefully to the riddle and answer it by picking up the number under which the answer is located.

On a sunny summer day

A golden flower blossomed.

On a high thin leg

He kept dozing by the path,

And I woke up and smiled:

That's how fluffy I am!

Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,

Hush, meadow wind!


Task 6. Now let’s check how you know the seasons. On the screen there are pictures depicting the seasons. I make a riddle, and you guess by showing the card with the desired number.

1. I have a lot to do -

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth,

I remove it from the ice of the river,

White fields, houses,

My name is (winter)

2. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers

Take a swim, I invite you. (summer)

3. I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops. (spring)

4. I bring the harvest,

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees. (Autumn)

These were riddles about the seasons. Now recognize him by his description.

5. 1. The sky is often covered with clouds. Birds are preparing to fly away. Swallows fly away, starlings gather in noisy flocks, and cranes fly in a caravan.

6. 2. With the onset of cold weather, people close the windows, begin to heat their houses, put on fur coats, coats with a fur collar, warm hats, and mittens.

7. 3. The sun is shining brighter and brighter. The roads in the fields darkened, the ice on the river turned blue. The rooks have arrived and are in a hurry to fix their nests.

8. 4. Screams and laughter from the guys are heard. Someone is bathing in the river, someone is picking up a box of ripe strawberries. And the girl carries a bouquet of daisies for her mother.

Ved. The first round is over. You've earned it all stars. Now I propose to play a game with the fans "Don't miss the profession".

A task for all the guys. I will name the words, if you hear a word denoting a profession, clap your hands 3 times.

Flower, bag, livestock breeder, book, apple, carpenter, painting, letter, teacher, lily of the valley, forest, shepherd, notebook, doll, milkmaid, shop, sculptor, needle, thread, mason, leaf, pen, doctor.

Ved. Let's start the second round. Dear participants, on your tables you see counting sticks. We will start the second round with a task "Do the same". You see figures on the screen. Which? You need to repeat these figures exactly. For each correct figure you will receive 1 asterisk.

In the meantime, we will play with the fans.

1. - What time of year is it now? What time of year was it before? What will happen after this?

2. - What number is missing (by ear? 1234578910.

Ved. Now you can help make money stars for your friends. (Coming out for game 8 children: two fans for each participant. They choose star with questions. For the correct answer you receive a reward asterisk, give it to the one they support)

I have riddles for you. Choose any asterisk.

1. How many chickens did the rooster hatch if he laid five eggs?

2. There are two apples and three pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?

3. How much honey will two butterflies collect if they have one bucket each?

4. Three fish flew over the forest. Two landed. How many flew away?

5. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs two kilograms. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?

6. The pig bought air balloons and all of them gave away: She gave two balls to the zebra and the same number to the hare. How many balls did the pig buy?

7. There are tubs against the wall. Each one contains exactly a frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs were in them?

8. Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries. But one kid was tired and fell behind his friends. And now the answer find: How many bears are there ahead?

9. Five guys played football, one was called home. He looks out the window believes: How many of them are playing now?

10. How many necks do five cranes have?

Well done boys! Let's check how our participants coped with the work. Well done!

There's one more thing waiting for you on this tour. math problem. Look at the screen, what do you see? (mathematical figures on the screen) Behind each geometric figure the task was hidden. Take turns choosing a figure. Problems are solved by ear

1. Two spoiled puppies

They run and frolic.

Three puppies for the naughty girls

They rush with loud barks.

How many puppies are there?

2. One bunny bought three carrots, the other one. How many carrots did both hares buy?

3. Sasha bought four apples and ate one of them. How many apples does he have left?

4. Yesterday, a kind grandfather gave his grandson Shura seven pieces of sweets. The grandson ate one candy. How many pieces are left?

5. Four ducklings and two geese are swimming in the lake and screaming loudly. Well, quickly count - how many babies are there in the water?

So that our participants do not get tired, we will conduct musical break. Come out to me. And the audience can repeat after us in their seats.

Musical warm-up "Dance of little ducks"

So we warmed up and rested. Let's continue our competition. We move on to the third round. He will be our last.

Let's check how well you know fairy tales. On the tray are envelopes with scenes from fairy tales. You need to choose 1 of the envelopes, determine what kind of fairy tale it is, arrange the pictures in sequence, determine which picture is the beginning and which is the end of the fairy tale. Then we will check that it was done correctly. ( "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba")

Game with fans “Say the words backwards”: The elephant is big, and the mouse... The pillow is soft, and the table... The fire is hot, and the ice... The enemy is evil, and the friend... The river is wide, and the stream... The bush is low, and the tree... Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot... Winter is cold, and summer... Pear sweet, and lemon... Well done!

Let's check how the participants completed their tasks. We listen to the answers and check the correct sequence.

Ved. Now look at the screen. Fairy-tale characters have prepared questions for you. Now you take turns you will choose a character. You only need to answer their questions with yes or no. A game “Does this happen or not?”.

The train flies across the sky.

A wolf wanders through the forest.

Salted apple.

A man builds a nest.

The cat is walking on the roof.

The boat floats across the sky.

Well done! Well guys, our The finest hour has come to an end. And you and I must find out which of you became the hero of this Finest hour. Please count yours stars. Children take turns calling the number.

The most large quantity stars at..... Let's clap for her guys. It was hers Finest hour. She showed us her knowledge, was smart, was attentive and fast! Well done! Award certificate "Genius Finest hour» , medal.

And also awarded... in the nomination "Fairy tale connoisseur", "The Expert in Mysteries", "Math Expert"

Guys, I want to thank you for taking part in this wonderful game, I invite you to join a round dance in honor of our genius and experts.

A round dance is performed to a song « Finest hour»

If the same amount many will have stars, game offered "Who is bigger"

Participants must name as many words as possible starting with a certain letter. The one who named the most wins.




Geometric figures


Scenario of the game "Finest Hour"

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys! Hello adults!

Today the most resourceful girls and boys, as well as their teaching assistants, will take part in the game “Finest Hour”. This is a game for those who read anything, hear anything, know anything! Meet the participants!

Exit of the participants (6 people) to the song “Finest Hour”. All participants are wearing white T-shirts with the Finest Hour emblem.

Our game will be monitored by observers (4 people)

1. Elena Mikhailovna Korobskaya (director orphanage)

2. Bulgakova Zoya Kirillovna (librarian)

3. Aminova Tatyana Sergeevna (social teacher of the orphanage)


Rules of the game. The game involves 6 pairs: 6 participants and 6 helpers. Each pair has plates with numbers from 1 to 4.

Let me introduce the participants of our game:

1. Anastasia Evtushenko (teacher Oksana Anatolyevna Filatova) (Anastasia is responsible and executive, enjoys volleyball and football)

2. Anastasia Tretyakova (additional education teacher - Alexander Anatolyevich Gorlov) (Anastasia is an inquisitive, creative person. She devotes a lot of time to studying)

3. Denis Levchenko (Deputy Director for HR Management - Victoria Vasilievna Markova) (Denis is active, friendly, enjoys sports and computer games)

4. Shapovalov Petr (teacher - Ruchiy Ekaterina Vasilievna) (Petya is sociable, kind, sympathetic. He takes part in the life of the orphanage with pleasure)

5. Lyulyakova Laura (teacher - Drobot Irina Arkadyevna) (Laura loves animals and is fond of quilling)

6. Breus Sergey (teacher - Markov Sergey Nikolaevich) (Sergey reads a lot, is well versed in computer programming)

1st round

Participants are given a question and four answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. The assistant does the same, and if his sign matches the participant’s answer, then the latter receives a star.


    Rolan Bykov

    Eldar Ryazanov

    Leonid Gaidai

    Nikita Mikhalkov

Question: Did Alla Pugacheva’s daughter Kristina Orbakaite “Scarecrow” star in this director’s film? Who is this director?

Answer: 1 – Rolan Bykov

Question: My father is a famous author of children's poems, and his two sons became famous film directors. One of the sons is in front of you.

Answer: 4 – Nikita Mikhalkov

Question: He was the progenitor of the famous trinity of comedians Yuri Nikulin, Georgy Vitsin, Evgeny Morgunov. He invented them, he brought them to the screen. Today these three are very famous for the films “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures.” Who is this director?

Answer: 3 – Leonid Gaidai


In the world of sports, as in the rest of the world, the territory has long been divided. Today, 2275 disciplines and 177 sports are registered in Russia.

There are 4 sports in front of you:

    Capoeira (Brazilian national martial arts, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, games, and accompanied by national Brazilian music).

    Checkbox (a hybrid sport, a combination of chess and boxing in alternating rounds).

    Sepaktakraw (represents team game played on a court divided by a low net, through which players of two opposing teams throw the ball with their feet and heads in order to land it in the opponent’s half and prevent the ball from falling on their half of the court).

    Skeleton (a sport that is a descent down an ice chute on a two-runner sleigh on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four races).

Question: Which of these sports is an Olympic sport?

Answer: 4 - Skeleton


    Los Angeles




Question: All these cities are in Europe. Is there a city here that is not in Europe?

Answer: 1 – Los Angeles






Question: In what year did the famous battle on the Kulikovo Field take place?

Answer: 1 – 1380






Question: If you watched the movie “12 Months,” can you easily tell me which month was the youngest?






Question: Which of these words was laid out from ice floes by Kai in the kingdom? Snow Queen?

Answer: 1 - Eternity

Summarizing. At the end of the round, the two participants with the fewest stars are eliminated from the game. Eliminating couples are awarded diplomas for participation and consolation prizes.

2 round

Letters (10 pieces) spill out of the box. From letters in one minute you need to make the longest word (noun in nominative case, singular). Assistants perform similar intellectual work. The assistant who composes the longest word earns an additional star for his participant. The participant who composes the longest word receives a star and the opportunity to open boxes with a surprise, and the one who composes the shortest word or has fewer stars is eliminated from the game and receives a consolation prize.

After the time is up, a game is played with the spectators.

Playing with the audience.

Spectators also had to form the longest word from the dropped letters in the same amount of time. The viewer who uses the most letters becomes the winner and receives a prize.

3rd round

Participants are offered “Logical chains”. Participants must determine whether the sequence is given correctly. If it's correct. the participant does not raise the sign, and if it is not the correct one, then two signs with numbers that need to be swapped.




Question: Remember the fairy tale “Kolobok”. It seems to me that it was in this order that this round bread crumb of ours, the bun, left and escaped from them. Or maybe it’s necessary to swap places of two animals standing next to each other, or maybe it’s not necessary?

Answer: 1 2

The participant with the fewest stars in this round is eliminated from the game.

The final.

The two remaining participants must form as many words as possible in 1 minute using the letters from the word "POWER PLANT". The winner is the one who completes greatest number words The loser receives a consolation prize and a diploma for participating in the Finest Hour game.

Finest hour.

The winner has his finest hour. He makes a speech. He is awarded the main prize.