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» Make the Yandex home page in Russian. How to make Yandex the start page in different browsers

Make the Yandex home page in Russian. How to make Yandex the start page in different browsers


Launch your browser in the usual way and enter in the address bar. Press the Enter key or the arrow button to the right of the address bar to go to the Yandex main page. If the address bar is not displayed, configure it: right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Navigation bar” item in context menu.

Find the link at the top of the page “Make Yandex home page» and click on it with the left mouse button. A small dialog box will open, follow the instructions contained in it: drag the Yandex icon onto the house icon on the toolbar. This is the most quick way make Yandex again home page. You can also set for this correct parameters in settings.

Regardless of which browser you use, the principle of operation will be similar, only the names of the buttons and commands may differ, but their meaning is the same. The Mozilla Firefox browser is taken as an example. From the Tools menu, select Settings. If you don’t see the menu, right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Menu Bar” item.

Once the new dialog box opens, make sure you are on the General tab. In the “Launch” group, enter the address of the Yandex home page in the “Home Page” field. To confirm your actions, click on the OK button, the window will automatically close.

If you install the Yandex Bar add-on, you can go to the Yandex main page at any time, even if it is not your home page. The software provider's branded icon will appear in the right corner of the toolbar, which you need to click to go to. You can download Yandex Bar from the official website. For each browser there is a . So, for Mozilla Firefox you need to open the page, for Internet Explorer- and so on.


  • how to switch to Yandex

At frequent use the popular search engine “” does not need to type its address in the line every time or search in bookmarks. By installing it instead of the start page, you can automatically be taken to it when you open the browser.


The steps to save Yandex as a start page differ depending on the Internet browsers used and their versions. In each of them it is installed differently.

In Opera, click on the top browser icon, open “Settings”, then “General settings” and in the “Home” line write the address of the desired page. To save the settings, click “OK”.

In Internet Explorer, you access settings by clicking on the gear icon. Select "Internet Options" and in the "Home Page" line, enter the desired address.


  • how to change home page on Yandex

The home page is the web page that is displayed first when you launch your browser by default. If your keyboard has media keys, there's probably a button that does Instant Launch, which is very convenient. Sometimes the settings get lost, but it is always possible to restore them.


Changing the home page or start page could happen when you were, for example, in a search engine and accidentally clicked the “Set as start page” link. The first and easiest option to return everything to the way it was is to have a similar link on your website. If you do not remember the exact address of the site, and it is not saved in bookmarks (or in “Favorites”), you can find it by name, using the same search engines: Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc. If there is no link on the site “Set as start page”, you will have to go to the browser settings.

Internet Explorer. The transition to the settings is made by clicking on the gear-shaped icon. Click “Internet Options” and in the “Home Page” line enter the desired address. If you are on the page you want, click the Current option. Then click OK.

Opera. Click on the browser icon at the top, select “Settings”, then – “General settings”, in the “General” tab in the “Home” line, enter the address of the desired page. To quickly open the General Settings menu, you can use the Ctrl+F12 key combination. Click "OK" to save. If you are on your page, click "Current Page" and the browser will automatically fill in its address.

Setting up the Mozilla Firefox browser is also quite simple. On the top panel, select the “Tools” tab, then “Settings”, a window will open, open the “Basic” section in it. In the “Home page” line, enter its address. You can also enter it manually, copy it from the clipboard, or select one of the options: “Use current page”, “Use bookmark”, “Restore to default”. To set a saved bookmark as your home page, use the middle button to indicate the location of the desired bookmark. Click on it, then add it to the line of the main page of the browser.

Google Chrome. You need to find an icon like wrench. Click it and in the new window, select the Settings option. The first window that opens after clicking is the main settings section. In the first parameter – “Initial group” – check the line “ Home page" Just below, enter the page address in the empty field. This is the page you will see when the browser loads.


  • how to change Yandex home page

The search engine is one of the most popular. In order not to type the site address in the address bar every time, it is convenient to make Yandex the start page.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - one of the Internet browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.

Every time we open our favorite Yandex browser, we see the same picture: the Yandex website opens or windows that we did not close, shutting down the browser. Some users are quite happy with this, and they are not going to change anything.

This article is for those who want to see their website when they launch the Yandex browser.

What is a home page?

Let's start with what we are going to change. Almost any user can tell what a browser page is, but not everyone can define a home page. The browser's start or home page is the website that launches when the browser starts. In most browsers, the address can be easily changed by going to the settings. However, Yandex Browser does not belong to this majority. The usual way this is not provided for by the developers.

Method 1: Use Tabs

Despite the fact that we cannot set the home page ourselves, it is quite possible for us not to close the necessary sites. Before you start installing tabs, you need to make sure the settings are correct:

In order to finally configure everything, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch Yandex browser;
  2. Close unnecessary tabs;
  3. Open the necessary tabs;
  4. Close the browser;
  5. When you open the browser, unclosed sites appear.

Method 2. Scoreboard

Yandex Browser has such a thing as Tableau. This is a kind of local site on which links to the necessary sources can be posted. For this method to work, you need to make some minor adjustments:

Now we customize the scoreboard to your liking:

The scoreboard is set up. From now on, when you launch the Yandex browser, a display with your sites will appear.

Method 3: Pinned Tab as Home Page

I would like to immediately note that this method is closest to the truth.

A pinned tab is different from regular topic that there is no close button in its header. This means that it will always open when the browser loads. Configure the display option at startup:


The start page is an attribute of many browsers. Correct setting provided it fast access to the necessary data and comfort in using the browser. After switching to Yandex browser, many users who were accustomed to their start page were confused by the lack of direct configuration. However, thanks to this article, you can cheat the system a little and customize the home page to your liking.

Hello friends! You have probably often encountered such a situation that when you open your browser, your start page suddenly changes to some kind of left page, which we don’t need at all. Most often the start page is changed free programs- didn’t uncheck the extra box during installation? That's it, Khan, now Bing or something worse opens on our home page...

Don’t worry, now I’ll tell you and show you how to make Yandex your home page automatically in any browser. This method is the easiest and fastest. There is no need to tinker with anything, a special program from Yandex will do everything for you, you just need to download and install. In the article you will also learn about the browser manager; it blocks all changes in your browser. This is protection against any virus bars (panels) and programs that change settings and the start page in browsers without your knowledge.

Make Yandex the start page automatically in all browsers

To make Yandex the start page automatically, a special utility was developed; you can download it from the link: don’t be shy about visiting, the site is verified and official.

Nothing complicated or scary: feel free to click the “Download” button, and soon we will have Yandex as a start page, and for free!

Just install the application, you don’t need to do anything, launch it - and you’re done! Our beloved Yandex is with us again! Well, after restarting your browser, of course. But Yandex also offers us a certain browser manager, I wrote about it above. If necessary, why not? Security wouldn't be unnecessary, would it?

I also installed a browser manager, my feedback is only positive. It immediately became clear that this was a useful thing. More than once it happened that all sorts of or Rambler satellites installed programs on the sly for me, and yet many people don’t even know how to remove this crap from the browser. And the browser manager knows and will protect you from this dregs, and if the settings have already been changed, it will return the default settings.
I had a whole bunch of all kinds of bars hanging in the Internet Explorer, but Yandex returned everything back:

Making Yandex your home page automatically has become easy. Our Yasha definitely rules! If you liked the article, click on the social buttons! See you in the next posts, good luck!

Attention! You might be interested in how to use Paint on a computer, for example, and other tricks.

How to make Yandex the start page in all browsers manually

So, now we will tell you how to do this action manually.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Fans and admirers of Opera Browser can be offered a simple option on how to make Yandex the start page in the Opera browser in just a few steps. We just repeat and everything will work out.

Open the Opera browser (this is important, don’t make the wrong button, otherwise nothing will work) and either simultaneously press the buttons on the keyboard Alt and P, or go to the browser menu and select the “Settings” tab in it:

In the window that appears (and it will definitely appear, don’t doubt it) find the “At startup” section and check the box next to “Open a specific page...”:

As a result, the “Start Pages” window will open. In it we find an empty field and just impudently enter the address After that, click the OK button:

The hard part remains. Yes Yes! We need to close our beloved Opera. Closed? What's wrong? Well, don't cry, don't kill yourself. Now let's open our Opera again. Here, they opened it. So, what do we see? Yandex? Wow! Is it really Yandex? Still would! Now your dear search engine is always with you when you start Opera. Simple as pie, right?

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox)

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox)? It's terribly difficult. This will take you as much as 1.5 minutes! Have you changed your mind? Well, then open your “fire fox” browser, find the “Settings” tab at the bottom and left-click on it:

In the window that appears, find and select the “Basic” tab:

Now comes the most important part of the job. We work with full dedication and by the sweat of our brow. So, in the new window we find the “Home Page” item and in the field opposite it, enter the Yandex address ( and click OK:

We close the browser and, lo and behold, after opening Mozilla Firefox again, Yandex appears as the start page. Difficult? Well, you were worried!

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

What to do with setting Yandex as the home page for Internet Explorer? Yes, very simple! To get started, just open your Internet Explorer browser. Have you dealt with this? Well, then you can handle the rest. What are we doing? Find the “Service” button at the top of the page, click on it with our favorite left mouse button and select the “Browser Options” tab:

In a new window, we find the data “Home Page” and enter a new one instead of the old address: (of course, if you have not changed your mind about setting Yandex as the start page for Internet Explorer). After that, put a checkmark next to the item “Start from the home page”, and let everything be OK with the button of the same name:

Want to check if the method worked? Yes please! We close the browser, open it and admire our miracle Yandex. That's all! Thomas is an unbeliever, this is necessary!

How to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

Have no idea how to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome? Then open the browser. Come on, come on, don’t be shy, not at a gynecologist’s appointment, by God! Have you opened it? Great! Now enter the address chrome://settings/ into the search bar. What do we see? Right! Settings window! Now find the “Initial group” section and check the box next to “Next pages: add”:

After that, enter the Yandex URL in a new window and click OK:

This is all! Don't believe me? Yeah, you've been scammed here like a rabbit! Then close Google Chrome and open it again. What do we see? Yandex? Oh really! Come on again! Closed, slowly opening. What appears? Yandex again? Oh, this can't be true! The miracle happened, and that means we did a great job!

How to make Yandex the start page if it doesn’t work

What's happened? Why so sad? Wai-wai-wai! What, do you feel sorry for the bird? No? A! Did you fail to install Yandex as the start page in your favorite browser using this method? Yes, well, it happens. What, the seedy Webalta is appearing again? No? And what? Conduit Search? Not again? Ah, then, probably Pirrit Suggestor! Exactly? Well, getting rid of these “junk” programs won’t be difficult either. This is what we do.

We find the shortcut of our browser and right-click on it. You can also do this from the Start menu. Do you know how to open it? Right! The Windows logo key on the keyboard or the same shortcut, far left in the tray. After clicking on the shortcut, in the menu that opens, find the “Properties” item and click on it now with the left mouse button:

After that, in the new window we find the “Object” tab and remove the Webalta address and other “add-ons” from it. You should get “clean” browser data. For example, like this:

The final touch is the OK button. Note that in 98% of cases after this intervention the problem disappears on its own. There is nothing to worry about.

I think it’s already clear how to make Yandex the starting page, so I missed one of popular browsers, guess which one? Yes, that same Yandex.Browser, if you got to the page from it, then read the latest, fastest and easy way(will work for sure).

As you can see, setting Yandex as the start page is as easy as a piece of cake, regardless of the browser installed on your computer! Enjoy it for your health!

P.S. Eh, let's tell you another secret!
You can make Yandex your home page automatically in any browser on the search engine’s website itself: Just select the “Make Yandex start page” section, and then in the window that opens, click the “Add” button:

Well, that’s it, now our conscience is definitely clear! Use Yandex and find everything you need without extra costs time!

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The start page is the one that automatically appears first when you start the Internet, and it is also displayed when the “Home” or similar commands are provided in your browser. Many people are interested in the opportunity to see their favorite search engine as the start page. This will save you from having to dial the same address multiple times. You can start searching for information immediately after loading the browser. There are several options with which you will learn how to make Yandex your start page.

Installing a browser with built-in Yandex

How to make Yandex the start page with built-in Yandex? When downloading such a browser, you will not need to take additional steps to designate Yandex as the start page. An additional advantage this method is the presence of a built-in Yandex.Bar, which provides the user with the opportunity to immediately gain access to a whole range of services: Yandex.Money, Yandex.Weather and others.

One of the most reliable, convenient and secure browsers with built-in search engine Yandex is Firefox. When installing this browser, you will simply need to answer the system’s question about your consent to make Yandex the start page. The Russian-language version of Chromium – Yandex.Internet – will also ask you the same question.

Many are tied to the not very convenient, but familiar Internet Explorer. In this case, you can install its version with built-in Yandex.

A very successful browser for surfing - accelerated browsing of pages on the Internet - is Opera, which also has a version with a built-in search engine.

If you install Yandex.Bar in your browser, you will automatically receive a Yandex search form.

Installing the Yandex start page manually

How to make Yandex the start page yourself? If you decide to change the start page in the browser you already have installed, this operation will take you very little time. In Mozilla Firefox, click on the menu “Tools” - “Settings”. Then “Home page” - in the “Basic” line, type the address and “Ok”.

How to make Yandex the start page in Chrome? This is selected by pressing the wrench-shaped button located in the right corner and clicking “Settings”. In the “Home Page” line of the “Basic” tab, select the “Next Page” checkbox - the address. Settings are saved automatically.

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer? The start page in this browser is selected in the same way. Look for a gear-shaped button, then click “Internet Options” - line “Home Page” - address. Next – “Ok”.

In browsers not considered by us, selecting Yandex as the home page occurs in a similar way. If you have installed your browser on English language and are experiencing difficulties installing the start page, install its Russian version.

If you, having read the information presented here, make Yandex your start page, then immediately after opening the browser you will be able to search necessary information or use the services of your favorite convenient services.