Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» One of the actions in the context. Context menus of Windows objects. Using the left mouse button

One of the actions in the context. Context menus of Windows objects. Using the left mouse button

Hello, friends! Notes in Excel are like a paper sticker on the fridge with a reminder to buy milk. Such a label can be attached to any cell and put important text there. Notes are used to describe the contents of a cell or to decipher the formulas it contains.

Cell with note

Create a new note

To write a note to a cell, place a table cursor in it and do one of the following:

  1. Right click inside the cell and from the context menu select Insert note
  2. Run a tape commandReview - Notes - Create Note
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F

All these actions will lead to the appearance of a small yellow box called a note. By default, it will contain the text: Username:. Here "Username" is the name specified in the Microsoft Office Preferences ( File - Options - General - Microsoft Office Personalization - Username). The cursor will be on the next line of the note, you can immediately take notes. When you're done, click on any inactive cell on the worksheet.

After creation, the note will be automatically hidden, and a red triangle will appear in the upper right corner of the cell - the note indicator.

Viewing Notes in Excel

To view a note, just hover the mouse over the cell and it will be displayed. Remove the mouse from the cell and the note will be hidden again. This is very convenient, the auxiliary text does not obscure the main information and easily appears on demand.

If there are a lot of comments on the worksheet, you don't have to move the mouse around looking for every comment indicator. To view all notes sequentially, run the ribbon command Review - Notes - Next.

There is a ribbon command to display all notes at once: Review - Comments - Show all comments. To cancel the display of all notes, run this command again.

Displayed comments in all cells

To hide or display only one of the notes, there is a context menu command. Click on the cell with the note indicator and in the menu that opens, select Show or hide notes.

Displaying Notes via the Context Menu

Change the note text

To change the text of the note, place the cursor in the desired cell and do one of the following:

  1. Press combination Shift+F2
  2. Right click, in the context menu select Edit Note
  3. Execute the command on tape: Review - Notes - Edit Note

All of the listed operations open the note for editing.

Customize the appearance of notes in Excel

you can customize appearance notes so that the entries in them are displayed in a form convenient for you:

Adding the Edit Shape command

Highlight the note box and click the added button. In the window that opens, select the form you need

Change the shape of a note

Other Actions with Notes

To highlight cells with comments, use the function.

For deleting notes- select the cell or range from which you want to remove notes and run the command Review - Comments - Delete. Or, choose Delete note in the context menu.

To print notes Excel - click on the icon Page settings tabs Page layout. On the Sheet tab, find the Notes drop-down list and select one of the three options:

  1. Not- do not print notes
  2. At the end of the sheet– group notes for printing at the end of the sheet
  3. Like on a sheet- print notes as they are displayed on the sheet

Printing notes

So we figured out how to work with Microsoft Excel notes. I often use these tabs for my notes, because they do not clog the sheet and appear when needed. Learn this one too useful tool developer. Write additional questions in the comments, I will be happy to answer!

And in the next post, I'll start looking at the tool. This is a novelty from Microsoft developers, which is designed to do some of the work for you in the design and filling out the calculations. See you!

One of the goals of the development of version 5.0 is to get a modern, simple and comfortable interface to use. To develop a new interface, various studies were carried out and statistics were collected on the work of users in the system. In this article, we will try to take a closer look at the new and changed interface elements.


A new type of interface in GUI applications based on tab-separated toolbars. The ribbon was first used in Microsoft Office, and now well-known software products have come to this approach. For quite a long time, tapes took root in the minds and hearts of users around the world. It is safe to say that they have found their place, and now they are successfully replacing the usual main menus and toolbars.

Almost all forms of the DIRECTUM system have replaced the main menu and toolbars with a ribbon. Accordingly, all buttons, actions and menu items have moved to the ribbon. Thanks to this, many users will discover many new and useful actions. No, we didn't add these actions, we just placed them closer to the user. And by the way, the tape also appeared on the web.

What is the tape made of?

And it consists of tabs and Group on which are located actions: buttons, drop-down lists, checkboxes.

The ribbon may appear Context tab. It appears when it is needed. For example, if you select a document in System Explorer, a tab appears on the ribbon Document with a set of actions for working with documents. Contextual tabs are used in the system explorer, in task and task cards, and in the task tree.

For each type of object and its state, the set of actions on the contextual tab is different. Actions common to all types of objects are located on the main tab of the form.

Job Opportunities

Some actions that are now available on contextual tabs were previously available only in the cards of the objects themselves, for example, Start, stop, Run, For revision. These actions now support multiple execution. So, for example, from the system explorer, without opening the task card, it is now possible to complete at least a hundred tasks at a time with just a couple of clicks!

Help actions occupy a special place on the ribbon. For them, a special button is highlighted on the ribbon in the upper right corner. When you click on it, a drop-down list appears in which the user can: open help on the system, go to the community site, watch videos or information about the program.

Ribbons appeared where there was neither a main menu nor a toolbar - in document cards and directory entries. At the same time, ribbons will not appear by themselves in the existing forms-cards. This requires the intervention of an application developer, whose task is not just to enable the ribbon on the form, but also to make the ribbon look beautiful and harmonious.More on this will be a separate article.

Standard actions such as Add, Cancel, Save etc. transferred to tape. There will be no more of them in the place familiar to users. But to"swallow the blame" :) in front of users, we have placed many useful actions on the ribbon that could not previously be called from a record card or document. For example, now, without closing the card, you can conveniently navigate to related records, or perform a search, send as an attachment to a task, or copy a link.

Quick Access Toolbar

A panel appeared on each form with a ribbon quick access. It is designed to call frequently used commands. And in order to determine which action is used more often than others, we collected statistics on user activity in the system.

Using the button in the upper left corner of all forms with a ribbon, the user can now choose from the list of actions that he would like to see on the panel.

The Quick Access Toolbar can be placed above or below the ribbon.

Address bar

The address bar is a path through folders, all elements of which are hyperlinks. It allows you to quickly and conveniently navigate between system folders. Try it yourself, in terms of convenience, it is not inferior to the usual folder tree, and in terms of functions it is similar to the address bar in Windows Explorer.

Next to the address bar are navigation buttons and a quick search bar.

All together they provide a convenient search and a quick transition to the desired system objects.

Context menus

Interface changes also affected context menus. Minor cosmetic repairs have been made.

  • shortened the names of actions in the context menu;
  • rarely used actions have been removed and moved to the ribbon;
  • the default action in the context menu is now bold;
  • Removed hotkey hints. Now they can only be viewed in the tooltip on the ribbon buttons;
  • in the context menu of tasks, notifications and task-control, only one of the paired actions is now displayed at one time. For example, either the item will be displayed Mark as read, or item Mark as unread;
  • if the user does not have rights to sign documents of a certain type, then point Sign in the context menu of such documents will not be displayed. Similarly, all actions related to deleting objects will be hidden if the user does not have delete privileges.

For comparison:


Was paid Special attention replacing the icons of all actions and system components. They got a new design and color. And also improved the display of all icons when working in large fonts.

The change in icon design was aimed at providing a modern look, improving quality and working in the system. After working for a few days new system, the user can quickly get used to the new icons and no longer want to return to the old version. Tested on my own experience :)

Folder covers

Now you can set up "covers without content" - folders that do not have the ability to switch to content, but only the cover is available. To do this, a checkbox has been added to the folder cardShow cover only. Also added to the object model is the property IFolderInfo.ShowCoverOnly– flag for displaying only the cover of the folder.

As well as

Implemented support for editing the ribbon in application forms. A more detailed description can be found, for example, in .

And of course, a preview of documents, tasks and assignments appeared, but this is already a different …

To be continued!

Although the Word Office processor does text alignment very well, either on the edges, in the center or in the width, still some users are unhappy with the fact that the right edge of the text looks jagged or uneven in the density of letters is striking in the lines. To make a text document look more aesthetically pleasing, you can use the word wrapping function.

It seems to someone that the main thing is not “beauty”, but the content of the document made. However, in reality, it turns out that the inspectors first of all pay attention - this is the design of the work. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to how the text looks externally.

If in ordinary text, located across the entire width of the page, the uneven spacing between characters and words in different lines is not very noticeable, then in narrow columns of tables such text does not look very presentable. Therefore, one can often observe how hyphens are inserted in tables to indicate word wrapping.

Arranging hyphens in this way is tedious. In addition, these words will be highlighted as words with an error - a red wavy line, and even if simple change font size, these “hyphens” will move from the end of the lines and extra hyphens will remain in the words. Therefore, it is better to use a special tool for hyphenation. The ability to automatically wrap words is available in all versions of Word Office.

To hyphenate in automatic mode, you need to enter the "Page Layout" tab, where in the "Page Setup" group, find the "hyphenation" button. When you click on it with the mouse, a list appears in which you need to select the "auto" item. After that, hyphens will be automatically put in the text of the document. If you later make changes to the content of the text or change the font, the hyphenation will also be automatically changed.

Hyphenations inserted in automatic mode by simply clicking on the "No" button in the hyphenation tool are removed.

Hyphenation in parts of the text

In manual mode, the program prompts you to choose the most correct location hyphenation in the words of the selected text fragment. Manual hyphenation is best used for part of a document. That is, to insert hyphens in a part of the document, you must first select this fragment, and then click the hyphenation manually. After this process is completed, the program will ask you to check the rest of the document, and if hyphenation is needed only in the selected part, then further verification should be abandoned. you can choose: where to put the transfer

Deleting manual hyphens is done a little differently than automatic hyphens. To do this, in the main tab of the menu ribbon, find and click on the "Replace" button. Expand the replacement window by clicking on the "More" button and find the "Special" drop-down list there.

In this list, you need to click on the soft transfer item and, leaving the “Replace with” field empty, start the replacement process.

Transfer options

The hyphenation feature has configurable options. Where you can specify whether to insert hyphens in words from capital letters. Upper case letters (capitals) are usually used to highlight headings where hyphenation spoils the look of the document.

Also improving the presentability of the text contributes to setting the width of the hyphenation zone. If you increase this zone, the number of hyphens in the text will become less, but if you decrease the size of this zone, the right edge of the text will look more even.

So the use special tool hyphenation helps to make the text of a document more compact and attractive by evenly distributing letters and symbols in lines.

Word wrapping is required set books, magazines, booklets, and special-size documents. But do not manually insert a hyphen in the required place, because when formatting the text, you can ruin the entire document. The Word editor has a special tool.

When typing text, do following:

  1. We open finished document.
  2. On the top panel, select the tab " Page layout».
  3. Click on the menu " Hyphenation» and choose one of the two modes.

AT automatic mode, the program itself breaks the words, guided by the rules of the Russian language. You can turn it on before you start working on the document, and then it will be automatically formatted by the editor.

Manual mode prompts the user to determine the breakdown location himself. This may be required if the text contains special terms, jargon, and other words that the program may not transfer correctly.

If selected manual placement, a dialog box will appear on the screen offering options.

Tuning and optimization

By "default" the words will be be transferred at the end of each line. If this feature is not desired, you can adjust the frequency use. To do this, we find in the menu " Hyphenation" paragraph " Options” and in the window that appears, specify the required number, which determines how many hyphens can be placed in a row in several lines.

In field " Wrap zone width» you can specify the distance between the last word on the line and the right edge of the page. By increasing this parameter, you can reduce the number of hyphens, but with a narrower line endings in the text will become smoother.

If present a few paragraphs, in which words should not be hyphenated, you can disable this function for a piece of text. The algorithm is this:

If there is a word in the document with a hyphen (for example, "sci-fi") that cannot be broken, it should be inserted instead of a regular hyphen inseparable by holding down Ctrl+Shift+hyphen (-).

Removing hyphens

To cancel automatic placement, you just need to click " Not” in the mode selection menu.

With manual input it is more difficult, because you will also have to remove it manually. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. On the menu bar, select the " home».
  2. On the right we find the item " Replace».
  3. In the window that opens, do not fill in any fields. Just click on the button More>>».
  4. Select the panel at the bottom Special».
  5. Find in the list Soft transfer».
  6. Click on " Replace All».


Call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button, and go to the "All Programs" item. Expand the Microsoft Office link and launch the Word application. Open the document to be edited or create a new one.

In the version of Word 2003, you will need to open the "Tools" menu of the top toolbar of the program window and select the "Hyphenation" item. Next, apply the checkbox in the line "Automatic hyphenation" in the dialog box that opens and save the changes made (for Word 2003).

Expand the "Page Setup" menu of the top toolbar of the Word 2007 program window and select the "Page Layout" sub-item. Select the "Hyphenation" sub-item and use the "Auto" option to apply automatic hyphenation to the entire document (for Word 2007).

To automatically hyphenate a certain part of the document, select the required text and use the above algorithm of actions. When selecting the "Manual" option in the "Hyphenation" list, the user will be able to see the proposed hyphenation options in the current word in a separate dialog box. Also take advantage of the opportunity to change the hyphenation settings in, which is provided by the "Hyphenation Options" sub-item.

Pay attention to the soft hyphenation option. This handy function is used to determine where to break a word or combination of words at the end of a line. When the selected word is found anywhere else, soft hyphen becomes visible only if the Display option is enabled. To enable this feature, expand the "Paragraph" group of the top toolbar of the Word application window and go to the "Start Page" tab. Use the Hide/Show command and specify where to insert a soft hyphen in the selected word. Confirm execution necessary action by pressing the Ctrl and the Hyphen keys at the same time.

Related videos


  • Transfer paste
  • how to disable hyphenation in word

Text editors allow users to save time by typing words in full and not separating them when wrapping to the next line. It is, of course, more convenient to read the whole word, but sometimes it is advisable to use the transfer of several syllables.


If you adhere to a certain format when typing, for example, left alignment, you will inevitably encounter the problem of wrapping the word on, because it is important for you not to leave an empty space that does not reach. If this is an isolated case, you can install manually. Just press the “ ” key before the end of the line, while respecting the syllabic principle of dividing words. Remember that you cannot transfer only one letter of a word to another line, or a combination of a consonant and soft sign. Ideal for syllable division is a combination of a consonant and a vowel, forming a common syllable. You can transfer several syllables at once, dividing the word into half.

If, when typing, only speed is important to you, and you prefer to give the computer a check, use the "Automatic transfer" service of a text document MC Word. You can set such a function in MC Word 2003 using the "Tools" menu located on the main toolbar. By clicking on the "Service" button with the left mouse button, hover over the "Language" section. In the context menu that opens, select the Arrangement function. Check the box "Automatic" and confirm your actions by clicking the "OK" button. You can enhance the automatic hyphenation settings by selecting the width of the hyphenation zone and the maximum number of consecutive hyphenations. Enter the required numeric values ​​in the appropriate fields and click OK. Saved changes will be applied to all subsequent MC Word documents.

To set automatic in MC Word 2007 and higher, click on the "Page Layout" button, which is located on the main toolbar of an open MC Word document. Hover over the "Page Setup" box and check the box next to "Hyphenation". Select the "Auto" option. Save changes by clicking OK.

You can also set up automatic word wrapping in the Notepad text document. To do this, in the open program window, click on the "Format" button on the main toolbar. Check the box next to "Word wrap.

Microsoft Word is one of the programs in the Microsoft Office suite. It is used to create documents, dissertations, abstracts. Page design is set by the user using hot keys or the context menu.


Most research papers require page numbering. To insert numbers, select "Insert" from the top menu, then click "Page Numbers".

Determine the position of the number on the page. It can be placed at the top and bottom. Alignment can be done in five ways: left, right, center, inside, outside. Choice of where pages place the number depends on the specific format of your work and the requirements for it.

The title page is usually not numbered. If your work requires a title page, uncheck the box next to "Number on the first page." In general, in the page number format, you can choose which sheet to start numbering from.

You can also change the type of room at your discretion. Click on the "Format" button. number pages you can use ordinary Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, numbers with - 1 - , - 2 - , - 3 - , Roman numerals I, II, III, Latin letters a, b, c and other options. Number format pages may include the chapter number. For example, 1-A is the first heading, page A.

To start a new page, go to the "Insert" menu, select "Break". Put a bird in front of the "Start a new page" item, confirm your choice by pressing the "OK" button. If you have the insertion of page numbers enabled, the numbering of each new pages will happen automatically. Since “enabling” numbering is a one-time procedure, there are no hot keys for it.

When compiling content, it is useful to indicate in which page range a particular section is located. This will help you and your reader navigate the work. Select "Insert" - "Link" - "Tables and Indexes". Go to the "Table of Contents" tab. Opposite the item "Show page numbers" should be ticked.

Wrong words in documents arise from the fact that the syllables were separated by hand. In such cases, with the slightest editing of the text, the changes made can “move out”. Therefore, it is recommended to set automatic transfer words.

You will need

  • - Installed Word from Microsoft Office.


Typically the default in Word transfer s are not put in. This is due to the fact that in many documents - business letters, legal and official papers - words are not transfer yatsya. They are placed in the document according to the selected formatting style - centered, left-aligned, right-aligned, and justified. For this, the program has special options. However, in a number of industries, such as science, medicine, technology, there are often very long terms and concepts. When typing, they are shifted to the next line, but sometimes under certain circumstances transfer words are essential. But remember: you need to be able to approach editing the text and putting hyphens in words. Otherwise, at the first changes, the text will turn into something incomprehensible.

Please note: before organizing transfer You don't need to highlight anything. If you set certain options, they will apply to the entire document, not to the selection. For execution transfer ov, on the toolbar, find the "Service" item and in the drop-down window find the "Language" section. Click on this button and select the option "Arrange transfer ov".

Check the box next to the item you need in the window that opens. There are several customization options here. Choose one of the methods - "Automatic placement transfer ov "or" Hyphenation in words from capital letters. In this case, you can set the width of the zone transfer and words and the maximum number of consecutive transfer ov.

The program also has a forced placement option. To break a phrase into, click on the desired word and select "Force". In the window that opens, in the line, indicate the places where you want to place transfer s, put a hyphen and press Shift+Enter. And do this as many times as you need syllables. But do not abuse manual breakdown. Otherwise, when making changes, the text may simply “leave” you.

If on the "automatic" the text is not transfer It turns out, select the fragment you want to edit, select the "Tools" menu and the "Language" section. Then go to the "Select Language" option. In the "Mark selected text as" window, specify Russian. Also here you need to check the box next to the line "Detect language automatically".

If you still cannot wrap the text, select the "Format" command and the "Paragraph" section. Then in the tab "Position on the page" disable auto transfer words.

To separate hyphenated words, use a soft transfer, for it you will need the Ctrl keys and the "-" sign.

Documents may have different formatting requirements. A separate item may be the requirement to place text on the page in a certain way. If you need to customize transfer words, use the tools of the Microsoft Office Word editor.


In Word, there are several ways transfer a. The mode is enabled by default. transfer but whole words. If the specified number of printed characters does not fit between the previous word and the right margin of the document, the new word is shifted to the next y, the program does not break it with a character. transfer a.

If this mode does not suit you, you can use one of the editor's features: automatic or manual insertion transfer s in the document. Open a Word document, go to the Page Layout tab and find the Page Setup toolbox.

Click on the button in the form of an arrow opposite the item "Arrangement transfer ov". In the context menu, select the option that suits you by clicking on it with the left mouse button. In the "Auto" mode, words will be checked in the document or in the selected text fragment, and characters transfer and automatically placed in the places where it is needed. If you edit the text in the future and the length of the lines changes, the characters transfer but will be re-arranged by the editor in accordance with the rules of the language you have chosen.

Microsoft Word attracts so much a large number of users, because it can offer a variety of ways to automate when working with text. One of these is automatic hyphenation.

In order to set up automatic hyphenation, you need to go to the " Layout" In chapter " Page settings» select item « Hyphenation” and in the list that opens, click on “ Auto».

In this case, transfers will be placed in all necessary and possible places. To do this, the dictionary of the language for which hyphenation will also be enabled must be installed. However, all official distributions of Microsoft Word contain them for any supported languages.

An important feature of automatic transfer is that if you suddenly increase the size, change the font or add any decorative elements for text, hyphenation will adjust itself.

If you select the “By Width” pull-out, the page will generally take on the appearance of a well-designed book.

It is also not recommended to independently set hyphens in the document using "-" and line breaks. To do this, Word uses the Soft Transfer feature. Select the desired word, set the cursor and press "CTRL" + "-". Now, if necessary, the word will wrap according to the rules you specified. Soft hyphens are not visible in the document, so to display them go to the tab " home" In chapter " Paragraph" Press " Show all signs».

Returning to the point " Hyphenation» and clicking on « Manual”, the program will search for all words that can be hyphenated and show you options on how to do it. Set the cursor to right place and press " Yes».

The last item is the minimum settings. " Hyphenation in words..." is responsible for including hyphenation separately in those words that are written in capital letters. Without a flag, an exception will be made for them.

AT " Wrap zone width» sets the distance from the edge of the wrapped word storage to the page frame.

« Max. number…» will limit the number of repeated cases of word wrapping for a selected fragment or the entire document.

In order to remove hyphens, it is necessary in the paragraph " Hyphenation» select option « Not».

Or with the activated mode of displaying all the symbols, remove manually entered ones. If there were too many of them, then you can use the "Replace" function, which is called by the F5 button.

In the replace tab, click " More>>» -> « Special”, select “ Soft transfer' and replace it with an empty string, no space.

Word 2003 also has an automatic hyphenation feature. It is installed at Service» -> « Language» -> « Hyphenation».

If you are interested in how to make transfers in Word, let's figure it out together. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to clearly follow the algorithm of actions, only in this case you will succeed, and the work process will not cause trouble. So, first things first.

Transfers in Word can be done in two ways. Firstly, automatically, secondly, manually. We will talk about each of them in our article. However, when hyphenating, you should not forget that manual hyphenation can only be applied to text that has already been typed. But when setting up auto word wrapping in the Word text editor, hyphenation will be applied already in the course of typing the text.

How can I change the hyphenation option in Word? To do this, the user needs to go to the "Page Layout" tab on the toolbar, then in the "Page Setup" section, click on the item called "Hyphenation", and then select the desired option.

How to hyphenate in Word: manual way

To begin with, we suggest that you consider how you can arrange hyphenation in a Word document using manual way. To do this, open the document and follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the "Page Layout" section on the toolbar.
  2. Next, click on "Hyphenation".
  3. Select the "Manual" option.

If everything is done correctly, then a window will open in front of the user, where the word requiring transfer will be divided into syllables. The user needs to place the cursor exactly where the transfer is required. After all the steps, click the "Yes" button.

How to hyphenate in Word: automatic staging

Setting up automatic hyphenation in a Word document is even easier. Even a novice user can cope with such a task. When setting up automatic hyphens, the editor decides for himself how and where to place them in the text.

To enable automatic staging, the user must go to the menu, go to the "Hyphenation" item and select the "Auto" item. If the user needs to remove word wrapping in the Word, then the “No” option must be selected.

If we assume that there are hyphenated words in many lines of text, and this looks ugly, then in this case, in the "Hyphenation" section, the user must select the "Hyphenation Options" section. After that, a window should appear on the screen, where in the field “Max. number of consecutive transfers" you must specify the required value. We complete the work by pressing the OK button.

If in your text a word written with a hyphen falls to the end of the line, then the Word editor will automatically transfer the part of the word after the hyphen to the next line. How can this be avoided? It is enough for the user to put a non-breaking hyphen in the document, while pressing a combination of three keys: "Ctrl", "Shift" and "Hyphen".

Word hyphenation in Word for Mac

How to make transfers in Word used on Mac computers? To get started, in the item on the “Tools” on the toolbar, select the “Hyphenation” section. Then check the box next to the item that says automatic hyphenation. Next, in the paragraph "Width of the hyphenation zone" indicate how much space you need to leave between final word and the right border of the sheet. But in the line where it is indicated about max. the number of consecutive hyphens, you need to specify the exact number of lines where word hyphens can be placed.

Manual hyphenation in Word for Mac

To set manual hyphenation in a Word document First you need to make sure that a word, paragraph or other part is not highlighted in the text. Then we go to the menu item called "Service", select the item where it says about hyphenation. The last step is to click "Manual".

If the user needs manual hyphenation in some part of the document, the algorithm of actions will be slightly different. To begin with, the user must select the part of the text where hyphenation is required. Next, in the "Service" section, we make a choice in favor of the item called "Hyphenation". Click on "Manual". After that, in the "Option" item, indicate the desired location of the transfer.

All the options described above on how to make hyphenation in Word are quite simple and are suitable even for a novice user of the Word text program. All the described methods are effective, and, most importantly, allow the user to work more extensively with Word documents. Keep it up and you will definitely succeed!

The usual keyboard can be conditionally divided into several areas.

The topmost area of ​​the keyboard contains keys that are not used to enter data into the computer. These keys perform auxiliary actions, which are shown in the table below.

Esc key - this key is used to cancel an action, exit programs, games, exit applications, etc.

Esc Key Functions .

Its main function is to cancel the team that was ahead. If you right-click to open a menu on the desktop or on the taskbar and then press the Esc key, the menu will immediately close. If you start playing a game and accidentally press the Esc key, you will almost always exit that game. But by pressing this key again, you will return to your game again.

When you are on the Internet, you enter the next site address, and then accidentally press the Esc key, you will immediately return to the previous site address that you have already considered.

In the top row of the keyboard are function keys (limited by a red rectangle in the picture).

Function keys FI - F12 designed to perform certain actions assigned to them. Actions depend on the programs currently running on the computer, but usually the F1 key are used to call up the help system of the currently running program. If a program is running, help about that program appears.

F2 Booting the computer while pressing this key, or the “Del” key, makes it possible to configure the Bios of your computer.

"F3" Calls up a search box.

"F5" Reloads an open browser page.

"F8" Booting the computer while pressing this button makes it possible to work in the safe mode of the operating system.

The actions of the remaining function keys with the F symbol are mostly possible in combination with modifier keys and may vary depending on the make and model of the computer. If the actions of any key on the keyboard of your computer differ from those described here, then you can find out about its purpose in the user manual.

Pause/Break . When the computer is booting, it allows you to put the computer "on pause" - to suspend the boot process.

Functions of the Pause/Break key. When you boot Windows, at first you see information appearing on the monitor about your computer, about the hard drive, about the state of RAM, about all the components. The information displayed on the monitor appears and disappears quite quickly and it is extremely difficult to comprehend it. Here, to get the opportunity to deal with it, you just need to press the "PAUSE" button. And to complete the process of loading the operating system, you must press any button on the keyboard. Sometimes used by some programs.

Print Screen/SysRq key.

Pressing this key allows you to take a screenshot of your monitor. When this key is pressed, and it is in the picture in the red frame, at the moment it is pressed, the image that is currently on the monitor is saved in the computer's memory. Next, we take the saved image from computer memory using a conventional graphic editor, you can use the Paint graphic editor, which is already built into the Windows operating system. If you use the "Alt+PrintScreen" key set, then you take a photo of only the active window, but those of the entire screen. In the picture, the Alt keys are framed in blue.

Key switches the mode of displaying information on the display screen, in which pressing the cursor keys moves the screen itself, and not the cursor. When you press this button, the indicator light will immediately turn on. By using this key to control the cursor, you can move the screen image. This function is used in Microsoft Excel, LotusNotes. This is especially evident in Excel. It can be used to scroll through text, although it is more convenient to do this with the mouse wheel. Other programs use ScrollLock to special functions, for example, in the Opera browser, the key is used in combination with numbers to switch voice signals. Currently, this key is practically not used, so there are keyboards where it is not.

Shift key. Simultaneously pressing this key and a character key allows you to temporarily switch to the uppercase (capital) letter input mode, or enter another character located on the same key. There are two such keys on the keyboard - left and right, and in some programs their action is different. For example, to enter a capital letter "And" you need to press the Shift key and without releasing it, press the AND key.

Tab key It is indicated by an icon in the form of two opposite arrows and pressing it indents from the beginning of the line - a paragraph. Allows tabulation - horizontal alignment of characters. A tab character is equal to eight regular characters. Tabs are used when creating text documents. Designed to move the cursor:

  1. when editing texts, it is used to move to the next tab stop, i.e. move the cursor several positions forward;
  2. in dialog boxes, jumps to the next query field;
  3. in a table, moves the cursor to the next cell.

In other programs, its purpose is to switch between windows on the screen.

Below it is caps lock key. Pressing this key fixes the spelling of capital letters. When pressed again, capital letters are written again. This mode is indicated by a light indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Pressing again cancels the mode. When CapsLock is enabled, pressing a key enters lowercase letters.

Num lock key turns on and off the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard. If the keyboard is enabled, you can use it to enter numbers and arithmetic.

When enabled, this mode is also displayed by an indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard, signaling that the additional keyboard is in operation. Now, in addition to entering numbers from the main keyboard field, they can also be entered from the additional one. True, those characters that are printed on the keys of the additional keyboard simultaneously with numbers will not work.

In most cases, the described keyboard fields are enough for work, but for those who like to work with a compact numeric and control keyboard “a la calculator”, there is another additional key field - the rightmost one. This field is called that - an additional keyboard, in contrast to the field of the main keyboard.

When you press this block of keys with the designation of numbers, the numbers are printed, but with one condition - when the "NumLock" key is turned on. Numeric keys with the "NumLock" key turned off perform the functions of a different plan. The “End” key is duplicated by pressing the “1” key on the main keyboard and the “Home” key is duplicated by the “7” key also on the main keyboard.

The same keys move the cursor to the end and the beginning of the line. When you press the "3" and "9" keys, there is a duplication on the main keyboard with the "PageUp" and "PageDown" keys, respectively. The same keys move the cursor one screen up and down. When you press the "2", "4", "8", "6" keys, the cursor is controlled, which means that the operation of the arrow keys is dubbed.

Spacebar - this key creates an interval between letters.

The Space key is the largest key, located under the block of alphanumeric keys, used to enter an empty character, regardless of the case switch.

Space key function.

When using a key, words or characters are separated from each other. But this key has an additional mode. In the replacement mode, which you can turn on using the "Insert" key, by pressing the "Space" key you turn on the same function as when you press the "Delete" key (this key deletes characters on the right).

Backspace key – pressing this key deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

Functions of the "BackSpace" or "Left Arrow" key.

When you press this key, we delete the selected one character on the left or the entire text. When using this key in the file manager, we move up one level. And when viewing photos, by pressing this key, we go back one photo.

By using the Alt+BackSpacr keys together, we undo the previous action.

Key performs data entry or action confirmation depending on the context:

When you use the numeric keypad, which is on the right, when doing work on a computer, it is much better to use the “Enter” key, which is on the same block.

Delete key is designed to delete any object, such as a folder, file, etc.:

  1. in the text, a character is deleted to the right of the current cursor position (with a line shift to the left);
  2. in folder windows, the selected file system objects are deleted to the Recycle Bin.

You can also delete an unnecessary file by pressing the keys together Shift+Delete. Shift keys are marked with a frame Green colour. Just keep in mind that the file in this case will not be deleted through the recycle bin, and in this case it can no longer be restored.

The "Delete" key, indicated by a blue frame, located on the numeric keypad, along with the "." performs the same actions when the NumLock key is turned off.

It is possible to open the "Task Manager" by pressing the key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del". These Ctrl and Alt keys are marked with beige frames.

Key , denoted by a red rectangle, is related to the insert mode:

  1. in the text, switching between insert and character replacement modes or inserting a fragment from the clipboard (depending on the Microsoft Word settings) occurs. If the "insert" mode is enabled, then when you type, between two words the right word will move to the right, and the text you enter will move the words apart and be printed between them. In this mode, the text seems to be inserted and moves the entire end of the phrase to the right.

But with the “replacement” mode, if you insert a word between two words, then the word located on the right is replaced by the word that you insert .;

  1. in programs like Total Commander, objects are selected.

If you press the Inset key, the text will be printed on top of what is printed, while erasing the latter. If you press this key again, this action will be terminated.

The blue-framed "Insert" key, which is located on the numeric keypad, together with the number "0" works only when the "NumLock" key is turned off.

We can make a copy of the text after it is selected if we apply the key combination "Ctrl + Insert". And when we use the Shift + Insert keys together, it becomes possible to insert text.

Keys PgUp, PgDn, End, Home intended for cursor control.

Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, and End key to the end of the line"), as well as either to the beginning of the list or the end of the list.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the end of the entire document.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the beginning of the entire document.

PgUp key moves the cursor to the top of the page, and PgDn key - at its end.

Functions of the "PageUp" and "PageDown" keys.

The use of these two keys is used when working with text editors, or when working with documents where the height of the information is much larger than the height of your screen and it becomes necessary to scroll in height. These keys are marked with a red rectangle.

And the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys, which are indicated by a blue rectangle and are located on the numeric keypad, only when the “NumLock” key is turned off, scroll the screen down or up along with the numbers “3” and “9”. The state of the NumLock key is controlled by the indicator light (the indicator light is on when the key is in the on state).

Key used to expand the capabilities of the keyboard. Often used in combination with other keys to activate an action in a program.

Keys also, like Ctrl, is used in combination with other keys.

Functions with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys.

When you use these keys, you expand the capabilities of other keys. Using these keys in various variations, you perform various actions.

Ctrl+Alt+Del keys these keyboard shortcuts open the task manager.

Combination Ctrl+A keys selects all objects at once, such as folders, files, text, etc.

Combination Ctrl+X keys cuts the selected object to the clipboard, such as a test, files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut ctrl+c copies any object to the clipboard, such as files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut ctrl+v pastes the copied file or folder from the clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N allows you to create a new document in various programs.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z undoes the last action.

Using the keys ctrl+s the current document is saved.

Using the keys ctrl+p the document is printed.

Ctrl + Esc - Open the start menu. This can also be done by pressing the Windows key.

Using the keys Alt+Enter there is a transition to full screen mode and vice versa, for example, if you press these keys in KMPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerClassic, they will expand to full screen.

Alt keys and keys 0 to 9 located on the right side of the keyboard make it possible to enter arbitrary characters that are not on the keyboard. In order to enter arbitrary characters, you must press the Alt key and, without releasing it, press the desired number located on the right side of the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut Alt+F4 closes the active application.

Keys Alt+Tab allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when you select the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times.

Combination Alt + Space (space) opens the window's system menu, which allows you to restore, move, maximize, minimize, and close the window without using the mouse.

Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift - switch keyboard layout.

Windows key usually found between the Ctrl and Alt keys. When pressed, the Start menu appears.

And by using the key for various options along with other keys, you speed up the launch of programs.

When pressing keys Win+E The My Computer explorer will open.

When pressing keys Win+D all active windows will be minimized.

Keyboard shortcut Win+L allows you to switch between users or block workstation. The Win+F1 key combination brings up the Help and Support Center.

When pressing keys Win+F a search window will open.

When pressing keys Win+Ctrl+F The Search for Computers window will open.

With help Win+D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the keys Win+M Minimize all windows except dialog boxes.

Win+E opens the My Computer folder.

Win+F – Opens a window to search for a file or folder.

When pressing keys Win+PauseBreak The System Properties dialog box opens.

Key calls the context menu of the object on which the mouse pointer is currently located.

When using the key, we call up the menu in the same way as when clicking on the right mouse button. This menu corresponds to the program that is enabled for your work. If you are on the "Desktop", then pressing this key, you open the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop.

Cursor keys (navigation) . Perform various actions related to moving the cursor:

  1. in the text, move the cursor one position in the specified direction;
  2. on the Desktop in the folder window, transfer the selection to another object;
  3. in the menu, move the selection to the next command;
  4. in tables move the cursor between cells.

These keys are also used in many games to control objects.

Also, these keys are used in many programs, for example, to move through the pages of a document or when viewing photos to move to the next image.

Hotkeys in the browser

To zoom in or out on a page, just hold down Ctrl key and spin the mouse wheel. Up - the scale will increase, down - accordingly, it will decrease. The same can be done by simply pressing + or - while pressing Ctrl. To restore the font size, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + 0 .

And use Shift keys and the mouse wheel allows you to move through the history of tabs: Shift - scrolling the wheel up - moving forward through the history, Shift - scrolling the wheel down - moving back through the history.

If you need to open a new page in a separate tab in the browser, you can hold down Ctrl key and click on the desired link. The new page will open in a separate tab.

Alt + Home keys return to the home page, and Ctrl+R (or F5) refresh the page. To force an update without using cached data, use the keys Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R .

Pressing the keys ctrl+s , you can save the page on your computer, and the keys ctrl+p allow you to print the desired page. Hotkeys Ctrl+G, Ctrl+F, Shift+F3, Ctrl+K are intended for searching on the current page or on the Internet.

Notebook keyboard features.

Since a laptop keyboard, by definition, should take up little space, many functions are “hidden” on it. And in order to find them, there is a magic key. It is not found on all types of keyboards, although it is almost always present on laptops. It is usually located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, but there may be other options, there are no standards here. The inscription on the key is highlighted in color (most often blue) or surrounded by a frame. Those keys that work in conjunction with have labels or symbols that have the same color as the label on the key, or they are also surrounded by a frame.

The inscriptions or symbols that have the same color as the one are activated by the + (key) combination, i.e. while pressing and holding the key, press the key where the function we need is shown in a stylized form. Combining this key with function keys (keys on the top row of the keyboard) changes the basic actions of these keys. So, combining it with the F1 key puts the computer (laptop) into sleep mode;

  • with F2 - turns on and off the wireless adapter (Wi-Fi);
  • with F3 - opens the mail program;
  • with F5 - reduces the brightness of the monitor;
  • with F6 - increases it;
  • with F7 - turns the monitor on and off;
  • with F10 - enables and disables the built-in speakers;
  • with F11 - lowers the volume of the speakers;
  • with F12 - increases it;
  • the screen brightness is increased by pressing the key where there is a “big sun” (there may be a “sun” icon in combination with the “increase” icon);
  • decrease - on the contrary, the one where the “small sun” (or maybe the “sun” icon in combination with the “reduce” icon);
  • keys with the “loudspeaker” icons in combination with the “more” or “less” icons - increase / decrease the volume;
  • crossed out mouse - turn off / on the TouchPad;
  • crossed out loudspeaker - mute / unmute the sound, etc.

Actions when combining function keys with the Fn key may differ for different types of keyboard, so you can clarify them in the user manual of the device, or be guided by the icons (usually of a different color) located on the keys next to or below its main value.

Look carefully, slowly, at the keyboard of your laptop, put the instructions attached to it nearby, spend some time mastering all these wonders and they will become familiar to you.

12. Keyboard Troubleshooting
19. On-screen keyboard on your computer

What do the computer keys mean, the purpose of the keys on the keyboard

Keys according to purpose
on the keyboard are divided into six groups:

what groups of keys is the keyboard divided into

cursor control;
digital panel;

function keys F1 - F12 on the computer keyboard

Function keys F1 - F12
on a computer keyboard

Functional row keys F1 - F12.
Twelve function keys are located
on the top row of the keyboard.

Purpose of the f1 - f12 keys on the computer keyboard

Function keys also have their own functions on the computer, you can see this in the "User's Guide" that comes with each computer.
But besides this - these keys are involved in or they are also called - this is when, by pressing one, two or three keys, certain commands are executed for the computer.

For example:
by pressing the F1 key - we call up help for that
program that you currently have open.
About "hot keys", below.

Keys of the alphanumeric block on the keyboard

Alphanumeric keys

To include
keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation marks
and arithmetic operations, special characters.

The keyboard is initially capitalized. To print a capital
you must first press the Shift key and while holding it press the desired letter.

The Shift key can be pressed both to the right and to the left, as you like.
more convenient (although for the ten-finger typing method, this is
it matters which side of Shift you press).

If you want to print all text in capital letters, then press the key
Caps Lock, no need to keep it, all text will be in capital letters. Return
To normal typing, press the Caps Lock key again.

Switch from Cyrillic to Latin and vice versa - press the Alt key and hold
her, Shift. Or you can simply - by clicking on the button with the language designation at the bottom of the screen -
RU, EN and choose.

Number pad keys

Number pad keys

The main purpose of the keys is
duplication of alphanumeric key functions
block in terms of entering numbers and arithmetic operators.

Using the keys of this panel is more convenient for entering numbers and arithmetic operators than entering these characters with the keys of the alphanumeric block.

On some computers, the number pad is located in a separate block,
right, (top image). Sometimes, most often on laptops, the number pad is located on the keys of the alphanumeric block, (bottom image).
In my opinion - not too convenient, but probably you need to get used to it,
if the need arises.

Keyboard modifier keys

Modifier Keys

Shift , Ctrl , Caps Lock , Alt and AltGr (right Alt) keys
belong to the number.

They are designed to change (modify) the actions of other keys.
Modifier keys are the most commonly used, so they have
enlarged size. In addition, the Shift and Ctrl keys are duplicated
on both sides of the alphanumeric keypad.

assignment of each of the keys on the computer keyboard

Purpose of each of the keys
on a computer keyboard

And now - more about the purpose of each of the keys on the keyboard
computer. It is possible that not all of them will be useful to you, but to know
for which each of them is responsible, probably necessary!

Spacebar - in addition to its main function, do
a space between words also removes the "selected" object.

Esc - cancel the last action (closes unnecessary windows).

Print Screen - prints the contents of the screen -
takes a picture of the screen. Then we can paste this screenshot
in Word or Paint. Such a photograph of the screen is called a "screenshot".

Scroll Lock - in theory, it should serve in order to
scroll the information up and down, that is, duplicate the wheel
scrolling on a computer mouse, but not on all computers this
the button works.

Pause/Break - designed to pause the current
computer process, but also - it does not work on all computers.

Insert - Insert button to type text over already
printed. If you press this key, the new text will be
be printed by erasing the old one. To cancel this, press again.
on the Insert key.

Delete - delete. Deletes characters on the right side
blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text,
folders, files).

Home - jump to the beginning of the filled line.

End - jump to the end of the filled line.

Page Up - turns the page forward.

Page Down - turns the page back.

The Home, End, Page Up, Page Down keys are mainly needed by those who type professionally and a lot. But also to move with the help of these
keys on a website page on the Internet - you can too.

Backspase - removes the characters to the left of the blinking
cursor while typing text. And returns to the previous
page in browsers and in Explorer windows, replacing the arrow
"back", in the upper left corner.

Tab - tab stops the cursor at a specific location in the line.
Required to work in Word, Excel, Access. And in the usual
typing - quickly jumps to the end of an empty line.

Caps Lock - fix capital and small letters. If you need all
Type the text in capital letters - press the Caps Lock key.
Return to normal position - press again.

Shift - a short press of this key - gives a capital
letter. To type a capital letter, you must first press
Shift key and while holding it, press the desired letter. Shift key
You can press both right and left, as you prefer.

Alt - to switch to the opposite language (from English to
Russian and vice versa) - you need to press the Alt key and not releasing it
Shift key. Pressing and holding the AltGr key (right Alt)
used to move to the second level of the keyboard.

Ctrl - right and left. Opens additional features

Nut Look - when the Nut Look indicator is on, it works
numeric (numerical) keypad, which is located on the keyboard
either as a separate block, on the right, or in the center, on the keys -

Enter - key for entering information, confirms the "yes" command.
For example: you enter an address into the address bar of your browser,
but there is no “find” button there, so we press the key
Enter, thereby instructing the browser to find. Search
lines, you can also not press "find", but press Enter.
And when moving to the next line when typing - also,
press Enter.

Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
(left). Move only on filled lines. By using
these arrows you can move not only through the text that you type,
but also on the open pages of sites and programs. Except for those sites
where is the search string. There it is possible to move only along the most
search line.

What are hotkeys or keyboard shortcuts

What are "hot keys"
(or "shortcuts")

"Hot keys" or "shortcut keys" is a way to
when, by pressing one, two or three keys, certain
commands for the computer or for the currently open program.

To begin with, you should know that the combination "key" + "key" means
that first you need to press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second. Keyboard
while pressing the "hot keys" - in Latin (in Cyrillic, some commands call other programs).

Hotkeys sometimes use the Win and Menu keys, and since
on the keyboard there are only icons on them, then the Win key is between
Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (the Windows logo is drawn on it).
The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl .

Since my site is prepared to help an inexperienced user,
then I will not "load" you with a lot of existing "hot keys",
I will suggest only a few with which it is easier to work and with which
I work myself.

General hotkeys

general purpose

Win - Open the Start menu.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Call "Task Manager".

Win + E - Launch the "Explorer" program (short press,
because a long press opens multiple windows).

Win + D - Minimize all windows.

Win + F1 - Open Windows Help.

Win + F - Open a file search window.

Win + Pause - Call the "System Properties" window.

F4 - Go to the address bar of the explorer.

F1 - Calling the help of the currently open application.

Backspace - Go one level up in the explorer window.

Ctrl + F - Launches the search utility.

Alt + Printscreen - Take a screenshot of the currently active window.

Ctrl + A - Select all (objects, text).

Ctrl + Insert t - Copy to clipboard (objects, text) -
but first "select" the object, the text.

Ctrl + P - Print the current document.

Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action.

Hotkeys for working with text

working with text

Ctrl + A - Select all.

Ctrl + Insert - Copy.

Shift + Delete - Cut.

Shift + Insert - Paste.

Ctrl + → - Jump through the words in the text. Works not only
in text editors.

Ctrl + Shift + → - Select text by words.

Ctrl + End - Move to the beginning / end of a line of text, document.

Of course, not all of these "hot keys" are convenient to use.

It is more convenient for me to “copy”, “paste”, “cut” - with the right mouse button.

Hotkeys for working with files

working with files

Shift + F10 - Display the context menu of the current object
(similar to right-clicking).

Menu - Same as Shift + F10 .

Enter - Same as double clicking on the selected object.

Delete - Delete object.

Shift+Delete- Permanent deletion object,
without putting it in the trash.

What is a virtual keyboard

What is "Virtual Keyboard"

"Virtual Keyboard" is a program that is installed either on a PC,
or there are online services. With this program, you can type
letters, numbers, punctuation marks and more - without the help of your keyboard on your
computer using only the mouse.

That is, you do not type the text with your fingers, but click on the letters with the mouse
on the "virtual keyboard" and the text is printed just like on your native keyboard.

Free virtual keyboard online on Yandex

Probably, every user on his way to the heights of computer mastery asks questions: How can you speed up the system? How to make work more comfortable? And here numerous "picking in the registry", tweaks, boosters and optimizers come into play. Some users who are caught up in this process even gain the valuable experience of reinstalling an over-optimized system to death.

But for now, let's leave such entertainment for a while and try to look at the problem from the other side. Completely different. Here, for example, two people have cars (no, not Pentiums or Athlones, but those cars that they drive). These two people sit behind the wheels and go to the race. And it turns out that one of them goes faster. You can, of course, say that his car is more powerful. But let's put them in the same cars. Anyway, someone will go faster. Because he CAN drive fast. Similarly, with those machines that are computers. Someone barely presses the buttons, performing one useful action in five minutes. And someone's fingers just flutter over the keyboard, the windows on the screen change at such a speed that less sophisticated users do not even have time to understand what is happening.

So, we conclude: in order to increase the productivity of your communication with a computer, you need to master the means of this very communication. And what are our resources? Mouse and keyboard. There are not so many buttons on the mouse, and their purpose is immediately clear. But the keyboard ... A bunch of keys, usually 105 or 106, and if everything is clear with letters and numbers, then with the rest of the keys it's not so simple. But there are also keyboard shortcuts! Here, even an advanced user may not know some secrets.
Let's say right away that any self-respecting computer scientist should master the blind ten-finger typing method. Why so categorically? Simple arithmetic: how many times a day do you have to press keys on the keyboard? It can be assumed that quite a lot, even if you do not type several sheets of text, but limit yourself to typing Internet addresses in your favorite browser or entering a network password. Count how much time you spend looking down at the keyboard, finding the right key, bringing your finger to it and pressing. Now imagine how much shorter this procedure would be if you did not have to look at the keyboard and look for the right key. To learn a blind ten-finger requires a week or two daily classes for several hours. And for the rest of your life you get the ability to work with the keyboard much faster and, of course, more comfortable than before. Draw your own conclusions.

Now let's figure out WHAT you need to press, or, simply put, what are the key combinations and what you can do with them. Windows Help says: "When working with Windows, use keyboard shortcuts instead of a mouse. Using keyboard shortcuts, you can open, close, navigate the Start menu, the desktop, various menus and dialog boxes, and web pages. Using keyboard shortcuts keyboard shortcuts will make it easier to interact with the computer. And this is undoubtedly true.

Now let's finally get down to business and begin to study these very combinations. The first table lists the most commonly used ones. If you still do not use them, immediately take them into service.

Note for very novice users: the "+" sign between the key designations means that these keys should be pressed together, and in the order in which they are indicated. So, for example, if you see the inscription "press CTRL + C", this means that you must first press the CTRL key, and then, without releasing it, press the C key and then release them in reverse order. If you press the C key first, and then the CTRL key, what will happen is not at all what you intended ...

Key combinations. Table 1

CTRL+XCutting out
SHIFT+DELWhen working with text - cutting, when working with files - deleting without placing it in the trash
CTRL+ZUndo last action
Hold down the CTRL key while dragging an elementCopying a draggable element
Hold down CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an elementCreate a shortcut for a draggable element
F2Rename the selected object
CTRL + RIGHT ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word
CTRL + LEFT ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL + DOWN ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL + UP ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL + SHIFT with any arrowParagraph selection
SHIFT with any arrowSelect multiple items in a window or desktop, or select text in a document
CTRL+ASelect all
F3Open search box
ALT+ENTER, ALT+double clickLaunching the properties window of the selected object
ALT+F4Close active window
ALT + SPACEOpen the system menu of the active window
ALT+minusOpen the system menu of a child window in a program that allows you to work with multiple windows at the same time
CTRL+F4Close the active document in a program that allows you to work on multiple documents at the same time
ALT+TABMove to the next window
ALT+SHIFT+TABMove to the next window in reverse side
ALT+F6Move to the next document in a multi-document program
ALT+ESCSwitch between items in the order they were opened
F6Switch between screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F4Display address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer window"
SHIFT+F10Opening a context menu for a selected item
CTRL+ESCOpening the start menu
ALT + underlined letter in menu nameDisplaying the corresponding menu
Underlined letter in command name open menu Executing the appropriate command
F10Activate the menu bar of the current program
F5Update active window
BACKSPACEBrowse the folder one level up in the My Computer window or in a Windows Explorer window. When working with text, delete the character to the left of the cursor."
DELETEWhen working with files - deleting the file to the recycle bin. When working with text - delete the character to the right of the cursor
ESCCancel current action
SHIFT when inserting a CD into the driveOpting out of automatic start

Now let's see what you can do with the keyboard in dialog boxes.

Key combinations. table 2

For those who prefer to work with Windows Explorer (Windows Explorer), the following table will be useful, which shows how to work with a directory tree.

Key combinations. Table 3

Arrows up and downNavigating the explorer tree
END and HOMEJumping to the bottom and top positions of the tree, respectively
"*" (asterisk) on the numeric keypad. Num lock enabledDisplay all folders under the selected directory
Plus sign on the numeric keypad. Num lock enabledExpands the selected branch
Minus sign on the numeric keypad. Num lock enabledCollapses the selected branch
Left ArrowCollapses the selected branch, or navigates to the parent branch
Right ArrowExpands the selected branch, or navigates to the first subfolder

Among other things, your keyboard most likely has special keys that open up additional features. These are the Windows key, the context menu key, and the Turbo or Fn key. The Turbo key (aka Fn) in combination with the F11 key locks the keyboard. And, accordingly, unlocks by pressing the same combination again. The purpose of the context menu button is clear from its name. As an alternative, you can use the combination SHIFT + F10. For those who have not yet understood: this button calls up the context menu, that is, the menu that is usually called by right-clicking on an object.

Now let's deal with the Windows key.

Key combinations. Table 4

WinOpens the start menu"
Win+DMinimizes windows, pressing again - expands
Win+MMinimizes windows other than dialogs
win+shift+mMaximizes windows
Win+ELaunching Explorer
Win+RLaunching the "Run" Dialog Box
Win+CTRL+FComputer search
Win+F1Launching Windows Help
Win+UOpening the Utility Manager
Win+BREAKOpening the system properties window
Win+LFor Windows XP - blocking the computer, or, if the computer is not included in the domain, switching users
Win+TABSwitch between buttons on the taskbar. By clicking on any button, pressing Enter, you can expand the selected window

Now let's talk about the quick launch of programs. First, you can use the Run window, which, as you already know, is opened by the Win + R key combination. Below is a short list of the most commonly used commands entered into the Run window.

Key combinations. Table 5

TeamWhat is running
cmd commandCommand line
wordpadWordpad text editor
mspaintGraphic editor Paint
regeditRegistry Editor
winmineGame "Sapper"
controlControl Panel
x:Explorer window with a table of contents of the disk directories (x is the drive letter)
excelExcel spreadsheets
win wordWord processor

If you are too lazy to type commands, you can do the following. Create a shortcut to a program or document that you intend to run frequently. Open the properties of the shortcut and in the "Shortcut" line, specify the key combination by which this shortcut will be launched.

Since you are using the Windows operating system, then most likely you also have the Microsoft Office package installed. And, probably, you sometimes (and maybe often) have to create text documents using Word. But the text must not only be created, it must also be formatted. And for this you have to break away from the keyboard and use the mouse to poke buttons and menus: alignment, underlining, font size ... And if you type quickly (you didn’t forget that you absolutely need to master the blind typing method?), you do not want a mouse at all, because a lot of time is lost. So for your own optimization of yourself, it would not hurt you to learn how to use the keyboard to format text.

By default, the most frequently used commands are already configured with keyboard shortcuts. If you want to see which combination is used for which command, or even reconfigure to your own combinations, you are here: Tools - Settings - Commands tab - Keyboard button.
Well, below are some default combinations. Learn and use.

Character formatting

Key combinations. Table 6

CTRL+SHIFT+FFont selection
CTRL+SHIFT+PChoosing a font size
CTRL+DFont format window
SHIFT+F3Changing the case of letters
CTRL+SHIFT+AConvert all letters to uppercase and back
CTRL+BAdding Bold Style
CTRL+UText underlining
CTRL+SHIFT+WUnderline words but not spaces
CTRL+SHIFT+DDouble underline text
CTRL+SHIFT+HConvert to Hidden Text
CTRL+IAdding italics
CTRL+SHIFT+KConvert all letters to small caps
CTRL+"=" (equal sign)Convert to subscript
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+XConvert to superscript
CTRL+SPACERemoving additional formatting from selected characters
CTRL+SHIFT+QDecorating selected characters with the Symbol font
CTRL+SHIFT+8Displaying nonprinting characters
SHIFT+F1 (then click the text of interest)Displaying information about character formatting
CTRL+SHIFT+CCopy formatting
CTRL+SHIFT+VPaste Formatting

Paragraph formatting

Key combinations. Table 7

CTRL+0 (zero)Increase or decrease the spacing before the current paragraph by one line
CTRL+ECenter paragraph alignment
CTRL+JJustify a paragraph
CTRL+LAligning a paragraph to the left
CTRL+RAligning a paragraph to the right
CTRL+MAdding padding to the left
CTRL+SHIFT+MRemoving padding on the left
CTRL+TCreate a ledge
CTRL+SHIFT+TProtrusion Reduction
CTRL+QRemove additional formatting from selected paragraphs
CTRL+SHIFT+SApplying a Style
CTRL+SHIFT+NApplying a Style
CTRL+SHIFT+LApplying a Style

Editing and moving text and graphics

Key combinations. Table 8

BACKSPACEDelete one character to the left of the cursor
CTRL+BACKSPACEDelete one word to the left of the cursor
DELDelete one character to the right of the cursor
CTRL+DELDelete one word to the right of the cursor
CTRL+X, SHIFT+DELDeleting a selection to the clipboard
CTRL+ZCancel action
CTRL+YRepeat action
F2, then move the cursor and press the ENTER key
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROWUntil the end of the paragraph
CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROWBefore the beginning of the paragraph
SHIFT+PAGE DOWNOne screen down
SHIFT+PAGE UPUp one screen
ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWNUntil the end of the document
CTRL+SHIFT+HOMEBefore document start
CTRL+ASelect entire document
CTRL+SHIFT+F8, then - cursor keys (to exit the mode - ESC key)Select vertical block of text
F8, then - cursor keys (to exit the mode - ESC key)Select a specific section of a document

Work with documents

Key combinations. Table 10

And what is needed for? You already know. Now we need to talk about the purpose of the keyboard keys. After all, the keyboard, figuratively speaking, is an intermediary between you and the computer, a tool for interacting with a smart assistant. By pressing the keys, you send commands to the computer to execute.

Hence the conclusion: when you know the purpose and key combinations, working on a computer becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Key assignment:

The service key stops or undoes the last action. For example, if a web page takes a long time to load, you can press ESC to stop the download.

F1-F12. reserved for specialized functions in programs. Therefore, the execution of the function in different programs may differ. For example, the F5 key in a text Microsoft Editor Word, performs the "Find and Replace" function, and in the Total Commander file manager, the same key performs the "Copy" function. But we can say with certainty that the key F1 opens file in all programs Reference.

Tab used to create indents ( Red line) in word processing programs. Also, if you are filling out tables or forms, you can use the Tab key to move to the next field.

Performs a case change function (CAPITAL LETTERS). When you press this key, the indicator above the numeric keypad lights up, further typing will be done in capital letters. Pressing this key again will disable the mode. Capital letters”, the indicator above the numeric keypad goes off.

Shift- function keys are used in conjunction with other keys. As you can see, the keyboard has two shift keys, left and right. The purpose of these keys is exactly the same, and their location on the keyboard is due to the convenience of typing. blind printing method.

Now I will explain, say, when you are typing and you need to put Exclamation point, it is most convenient to hold the shift key with the little finger of the right hand, and press the 1 key with the little finger of the left hand. The shift key is also involved in many key combinations, for example, entering a capital letter, punctuation, performing specialized program functions, and so on.

Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt)- Control keys are designed to work in combination with other keys. Typically, you hold down the Ctrl key, Alt key, and then press another key to perform a specific task. For example, in many programs, the combination ctrl+s- save the file.

The main part of the keyboard includes alphanumeric key set (letters and numbers) and space.

Enter- confirmation of the action. For example, while on the internet, you can enter a website address and then press the Enter key to go to the website. It is also used to start a new line in text editors. Enter on the numeric keypad has the same purpose and is often used when performing mathematical calculations, say in a calculator application to get a result.

- in a text editor, erases the characters to the left of the cursor. And in the browser allows you to return to the previous page.

Delete(Del) in a text editor, erases the characters to the right of the cursor. Performs the delete function in file managers.

Enable/disable the "insert-override" mode. The key is practically not used, but it can play a cruel joke. If you accidentally press this key while working in a text editor, you will switch it from "insert" mode to "override" mode. After that, if you make a mistake in a word, you will want to correct it. After correcting the error, you will find that the character to the right of the cursor has disappeared! You will try to enter it again, but the next character to the right of the cursor will disappear. So it will be until you press the insert key again. Not knowing about this key, some people, due to one typo, retyped the entire remaining text.

Cursor keys

Home - moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

end- moves the cursor to the end of the current line.

Page Up/Page Down- Page view of the document up or down.

The arrow keys are used for many different purposes, including cursor movement, document scrolling, or control in the game.

Auxiliary keys

Print Screen takes a screenshot - the so-called "screenshot", which can be edited or saved using a graphics processing program (graphic editor).

scroll lock vertical scrolling, rarely used today.

Pause/Break performs a pause function, often used in combination with the Win key.

Win- serves to call the Start menu, and is also used in combination with other keys to call functions of the Windows operating system.

The key calls up the context menu (equivalent to pressing the right mouse button).

Enables/disables the numeric keypad. After turning on, the indicator lights up. When the numeric keypad is disabled, the keys perform the functions of the keys labeled on them.

Keyboard shortcuts

A key combination is when you hold down one or two keys and briefly press a third. For example, Ctrl+S, where the plus indicates a key combination. That is, you press and hold the Ctrl key, and then briefly press the S key. The plus in this notation is used to indicate a key combination and is not pressed in its execution.

When working with files and documents:

Ctrl+N– create a new file;

Ctrl+O- open a document;

Ctrl+A- select all;

Shift+Home– select the line to the left of the cursor;

ctrl+end– select the line to the right of the cursor;

ctrl+c– copy the selected text or file to the clipboard;

Ctrl+X - cut the selected text or file;

ctrl+v– paste the contents of the clipboard;

Ctrl+Del– delete the word behind the cursor;

Ctrl+Backspace– delete the word before the cursor;

Ctrl+Home– move the cursor to the beginning of the document;

ctrl+end– move the cursor to the end of the document;

Ctrl+Z– undo the last action;

ctrl+p- seal;

When using a browser:

ctrl+D- add a bookmark in the browser;

Ctrl+Shift+T- open a closed tab in the browser;

ctrl+t- open a new tab;

Ctrl+L- select the contents of the address bar;

When running on Windows:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc– terminate hung processes;

Shift+Ctrl+Alt- call the task manager;

Alt+Tab– quick transition between program windows;

Alt+F4- quickly close the window;

Alt + PrintScreen- take a screenshot of the active window;

Win+Pause/Break is a property of the system;

Win+E- open the explorer;

win+D- minimize all windows;

Win+F- search for files on the computer;

win+L– user change;

Win+F1- reference;

Win+Tab– switches windows in a circle.

And there are many such key combinations, and in different programs these combinations often differ from each other, but you will easily remember them if you often work with a software product.

"Relationship of objects" - The name of the relationship indicates the nature of the relationship between objects. The most important. Below… Object Relationships. How can you visualize the relationship of objects? Relations. The Colosseum is located in Rome. The bridge across the strait is longer than the bridge across the gorge. The bridge across the gorge is shorter than the bridge across the strait. The cheetah is a predator.

"Elemental composition of the object" - Compare. Elemental composition -. Elemental composition of the object. Input Devices. Inner memory. Bicycle Orange Spruce Christmas tree. An object created by human hands to receive and transmit information. CPU. Elemental composition of objects. An object created by human hands to work with information.

"Computer Information" - Printers. The composition of the computer. Modern computer. Turn the computer on or off only with the teacher's permission. Keep information. Monitor. Flash drive. Notebook Pocket computer. Play games. What can a computer do? Scanner. Time of practical work at the computer - no more than 15 minutes. laser disks.

"The composition and actions of objects" - Birds. Textbooks. What can? Listen. Fan. Steering wheel Wheels Pedals Frame Spokes Call. Ride Carry goods Ride. Write. Tail. Scales. Fins. Boil. Wings. Silicheva AT OSSH No. 1. Actions. There is chain mail, not a warrior, Nosik. A diary. Princesses. Compound. (Composition and actions of the object) Grade 3. Warrior's mail.

"Composition and action of the object" - Consists of: body, tube, disk. Shell. Learning to create riddles. twirl. Composition - Action. You can: pick up the phone, dial a number. Solve riddles. Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. Composition and action of the object. Paint. Possible: Sharpen. To hold in hand. Lead.

"Object Model" - Representations of material objects. Explanations known facts. Model examples. Management. What models are shown in the pictures? The object is huge. The proxy object is a model. What is a model? Give 2-3 examples of full-scale models. The object is too small. The model reflects only a part of the properties, relationships and behavior of the original.

In total there are 7 presentations in the topic