Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Secrets of The Fall: Last Days of Gaia

Secrets of The Fall: Last Days of Gaia

Game: Platform: PC Genre: rpg Release date: November 19, 2004 Developer: Silver Style Entertainment Publisher: Deep Silver Publisher in Russia: Russobit-M Localizer: MiST land - SOUTH / Hunt Part 1: Ratskully.
New government: Talk to President Haynes.
Quest: Find the President of the New Order and obtain important information regarding the new government.
You will find the President on the central square of the settlement just at the moment of execution. After meeting with the president, set off to get a passport. Some principal objects of the settlement are already marked on the map. Click on the appropriate object with the right mouse button, and your character (group) will automatically proceed to the chosen place. Snow-white pointers will distinguish a suitable character from the crowd.
Merit: fundamental information.

Warning: Be sure to install Derrflinger's patch before playing the pirated version of The Fall. Also Retranslation Mod will make The Fall more playable.

New government: Get a passport.
Task: Get a passport in the office of Lucas.
You have two options for shaping your character's temperament. 1st - perform all the options manually, guided only by your knowledge. 2nd method, more common (frisky) - ask for help from Lucas. You will only need to give one answer for the computer to create an image of your character. My advice to you - do not rely on the help of Lucas, but rather take the character of your own character in all seriousness. Throughout the game, most of the tasks can be solved by persuasion, danger, or deceit. Only your main character (you) can start a dialogue with the rest of the NPCs, your party members do not have such an ability. The highest sweetness (> 80) will solve many difficulties, charisma is recommended (> 14) not lower than 10. It is worth paying attention to the "heavy weapon" and "light weapon" abilities. Other (main) abilities will be correct (profitable) to distribute among the rest of the party members.
Experience: 50 XP.

Hint: Save is just a regular "zip" file. It has a file "act_mission", it is text. Open it with "WorldPade", find the name of your own character and edit the main properties (Strength, Agility, Constitution, etc.). Then back archive in "zip". I recommend not setting the main properties > 20 (an error appears). It is better not to rewrite additional abilities, but to find the line "skill_points_left" (these are ability points). The main thing is not to overdo it, without distributing all the points, you cannot exit the ability menu. More than 99 ability to install will not work.

New government: Recruit as a mercenary.
Assignment: Go to the mercenary camp and talk with the head of Weasley.
The mercenary camp is located northeast of Lucas' office. From time to time, certain places on the map will be marked only after visiting them (or (and) talking with the responsible characters). Your team (including yourself) can have up to 6 fighters at once. You can recruit your team here or replenish (recruit) during your trip. It is appropriate to recruit fighters with differing morals (abilities and talents). In my opinion, the most important abilities in the game are: Light weapon, Heavy weapon, Mechanics (repairing and combining items), Driving, Theft, Hacking, Survival (search for water, cut animal carcasses, pretend to be dead, etc.), Speech and Medicine . The Fall has an unlimited number of items (trophies), it is not necessary to pick up all of them, but if you are one of those who empty the cards completely, then all the characters will come in handy. And do not forget that other fighters may join you during the journey.
Merit: Primal Weapon.

Training camp.
The developers could have made a separate training module, but they acted wiser by creating a training camp. All controls are simply viewed, memorized and configured in the game's functions, but our instructor will show it all in practice. Surely, the main discovery for you will be that your party members can climb over some obstacles (fences, walls). Well, why pull, remember the meanness of the old good RPGs. After all, this is how not to lose the ammunition given to you by the instructor. Before entering the shooting range (for steel gate), throw all the ammunition received here on the ground (it will not work to hand over to the party members), no, I'm not crazy, but after the briefing, everything will be taken away from you, you won't be able to throw anything for yourself. When you go through the briefing again, the ammunition will not appear now (at the instructor).

The merchant can be found by looking at the yellow mark on the map, all merchants in the game are marked with such marks. There are no funds in the game! Have I told you about this yet? All transactions are carried out in the traditional barter, i.e. a thing is valued and exchanged for another thing according to their price. That is why it is very unprofitable (troublesome) to clear all the cards. Let's imagine that you collect all the ammunition, but there will be nothing to exchange it for and it will also be impossible to sell it. So it turns out that you will have to carry all these things for yourself or store them on the ground (it is not foreseen to store items in containers). I can only recommend exchanging cheap items for more expensive ones, this method can free up the backpacks of the entire team and, most importantly, you do not lose anything with all this.

The chest near his counter can be easily looted (the merchant will not pout), of course, if you have a master key and your lockpicking skill is at least 80. In this and other locations, it is difficult to hack anything with a low hacking skill. Almost always, all containers (chests, crates, safes, etc.) are equipped with traps, encountering which will not bring pleasant feelings. Great if you have the ability to spot traps and disable them. Naturally, not even any safe can be opened with a huge lockpicking skill, so provide your own character with the "Safepick" talent. Even at the moment, when your characters are not gifted with special talents and pumped abilities, it will not be difficult for your thieves (I have Lin) to pick out the pockets of a couple of 10s of inhabitants. Your merchant is the most appetizing target, with a successful theft attempt, you can steal the entire range of his products, but this is not good, but why, if there are a lot of different game around.

Hint: After wandering around the village, you will find a lot of necessary things, among which is the Calico M900 rifle (range 33, weight 4.5), which you can take from the president's house. You can get into the house only from the back side of the yard, climbing over the fence. If you do not have a master key, then there is no point in poking around. It is not likely to buy or find a master key here. One more necessary thing- leather armor (armor 4, weight 2.0). It can be found in a basket, near the dryer behind the house, eastern part of the settlement. All other items are either stolen or obtained with the introduction of a master key.

New Government: Visit your father's grave.
Task: Visit the grave of the father in the east.
The grave is located on the outer - eastern side of the settlement. Once in place, you will meet three vandals in camouflage, what they need and what they did there is not clear. I feel your passion for violence, but lower your own ardor. These boys cannot be destroyed.
Experience: 50 XP.

New government: Talk to David.
Task: Talk to David, a former member of the Rathskull gang.
Follow the road north and you'll soon find David's house or what's left of it after the explosion. There, behind the house you will be lucky to follow the next scene ...
Experience: 150 XP.

New Safford: Ratskulla.
Mission: Save David's life.
David is a former member of the Ratskull gang of scumbags, that's exactly what they call themselves. The man came to his senses in his old age, stopped robbing, gave up drinking and drugs, even, probably, stopped drinking and smoking, because a child needs to be brought up. But, as it happens, the mafia does not forgive betrayal and let's terrorize the poor dad. At the moment, you are required to either save your informant, or let him die. In both cases, you will receive all the information, and the course of events will not change much.
A) If David is saved, he will ask you to protect the village in the east and save his daughter Sarah from the same Ratskulls. After completing both tasks, David will indicate the location of the drug laboratory. You will find out the location of the weapon storage after the release of Sarah by examining the corpses of the Rastkulls.
B) If David could not be saved, you can get a task to protect the village from Ben - the head of the settlement, he will also ask you to find Sarah. Ben will tell you the coordinates of the laboratory, you will find out the coordinates of the warehouse after the release of Sarah. Hint: Climbing up to the east side of the bridge, you will find a first aid kit + 10 health.

New Safford: Headlines for a newspaper.
Task: Find 5 stories for the newspaper.
To the north of the bridge you will find a road leading west. If you look at the mini-map, then there you will see a building, this is where you need to be. The journalist will ask you to find 5 stories (headlines) for him for his future newspaper. In return for your efforts, he will tell you about an abandoned factory far to the northeast (in the very corner of the map). The 1st story will appear when you talk to the journalist, the second story you will get by defending New Safford, the third story will be the search for the wolf Wari, the fourth story is the hidden ingredients of rat meat, and the last, 5th story is related to the time machine. Each story can be obtained by completing an earlier task (see below). As you collect all the stories, your diary will be updated again.
Experience: 150 XP.

New Safford: Save New Safford.
Task: Defend the village from the attack of the Ratskulls.
Find Ben and tell him about the Rathskulls. At the moment, it makes no sense to ask anything about Sarah, especially since David asked not to mention his name. Within minutes, the entire village will be evacuated. To facilitate the task, you can ask Ben's offspring for C4 explosives, which, without any complications, can undermine half the Ratskul gang. To do this, plant a bomb next to the hanged bandit and move the whole group behind the houses, but in such a way as to maintain an overview of the area near the tree. Now lie quietly and do not move, and when 5-6 bandits gather near the tree, feel free to blow it up. Others can be met from the outside of the village. Now Ben and his comrades will safely return to the village, talk to him one more time - and now you can go in search of Sarah. You have found the second story.
Experience: 200 XP.

New Safford: Sarah's threatened.
Task: David's daughter is missing, she needs to be found and taken to a safe place.
Sarah is being held up by the remnants of the Ratskulls in the lower right corner of the map. The small camp is guarded by two bandits. After the firefight, do not forget to look around the corpses of the dead, you will find a note indicating the location of the Rathskulls' cannon storage. Sarah does not have to be accompanied, she herself will safely get to the village of New Safford. Now talk to David, he will tell you about the laboratory. And don't forget to visit Ben.
Experience: 150 XP.

Hint: The camp will not be easily accessible until the quest is given.

New Safford: The Runaway Wolf.
Task: Find for the boy Bobby his tame wolf Wari.
The little boy is easy to find in New Safford, he sobs very loudly!! A whole catastrophe for a child ... his pet wolf Varya fled. You will find the wolf in the east of the settlement, near the herd of brahmins. This place is impossible to miss, it can even be seen on the map. But, obviously, not everything is so simple, he is a wolf, but oh, so bring him back ?! To solve this difficulty, you will need a piece raw meat. You will find the meat in the kennel, use the meat on the wolf and he will run after you. The wolf will appear in suitable place only specifically during the attack of the Ratskulls (in other words, from the 1st conversation with Ben to another conversation). Now talk to the boy, and you have another story ready.
Experience: 70 XP.

New Safford: The Hidden Ingredients of Rat Meat.
Quest: The Meat Trader asks you to kill the bad wolves in the gorge to the east.
The meat merchant is at the very top of the map, there you will find small settlement. Go along the road, and on the left side you will see a counter. Talk to the merchant and he will tell you about his misfortune. Abominable wolves have blocked the canyon to the east of the settlement. Wander there a little, and (in one moment) a cutscene will appear that will tell you about the correct location of the place. Move deeper into the canyon, soon you will meet a flock of wolves. Get rid of the wolves and return to the merchant with good news, he will give you a couple of rats in gratitude. The number of rats depends on your skill "eloquence". You have found the fourth story.
Experience: 80 XP.

Hint: You can fry meat only if you have a twist, for this you drag the meat into the fire. You can also cook meat if you have a frying pan and the “Cook” talent. All this makes sense with a blazing fire.

New Safford: Time Machine.
Task: Tiberius asks to find the energy mixer, which is the source of energy conversion needed to operate his time machine.
The task can be obtained in the same village. The customer is easy to find, this unhealthy fanatic, who decided to prevent a catastrophe, is always not far from his own miracle machine. Have you seen the movie "Back to the Future"? Here, on a similar device, he plans to move into the past. The very part that he asks you to find can be obtained from the unusual boy Marty next to the printing house. He sits nearby and meditates. This is unique - the first person, albeit a schizophrenic, who decided to do something for nothing. Now return to the constructor and watch an indescribable journey through time. Before his own death, in gratitude for the work you have done, he will stuff you with all sorts of different rubbish. You have found the fifth story, now it's time to go to the journalist.
Experience: 100 XP.

Hint: On the outskirts of the village, from the water tower, you will find a barrack, a former building painted reddish. In the last room you will find a safe, and in it is an AK74 (range 36, weight 4.3).

New Safford: Fredo Village.
Task: Clear the village of vagrants.
You are required to visit the past village of Fredo in order to free it from the seekers. The number of seekers does not reach even 10. In one of the houses (on glass table) you will find SIG SG-552 (range 32, weight 3.2). After you destroy all the marauders, your diary will be updated, you do not need to report this to Fredo. To the north of the village, the old man Wiggler lives, from him you will learn about the camp of the monks of the desert.
Experience: 100 XP.

The Fall: The Last Days of the World is another incarnation of many...

Dedicated to Alexey

"This game can't be beaten by a lone hero!"

Alexey about the game "The Fall"

"Everything is possible. The question is

how badly you want it."

Max, feature film "Sword"

Let me introduce myself - Computer Hero! Actually, it would be more correct to say: "Hero computer games»; but I like the first one much better. After all, I really wander from computer to computer, visiting dozens of worlds and constantly changing my appearance ...

Whoever you didn’t have to be: a paladin, a monk, a commander, a sniper, a machine gunner… A dwarf and an elf, a man and a woman… To save wizards and princesses, kingdoms and entire worlds… In a word, to be where and who my creator wants to see me. Oh, wait a minute - it seems that he needed me once again ... Yes, that's right - the creator sends me to a new world! See you later; then we will continue the conversation.

So where am I? Ahead is the gate to concrete fence. More precisely, not a gate, but a simple opening, above which an old car is suspended on chains with an inscription along the entire side: “The New Government”. And a few moments ago, even before the moment when the world took on a clear outline, the inscription “Fall” flashed before my eyes. I think I've seen this name before, only it was a little longer before...

I'm wearing battered equipment: jacket, trousers and boots. Stop! What nonsense!? The clothes are on me, and she is in the backpack! What is it like? Of the eighteen places in the backpack, two are occupied by clothes ... It seems that the creators of this world have never had to wear backpacks - how else to explain such oddities with equipment?

I have no weapons, just as there are no allies nearby. It's not scary, satellites will probably appear a little later. What is the creator grumbling about? “I will prove to them that this world can be saved alone!” Again he argued with someone, and I have to take the rap! It looks like you will have to manage on your own ... Nothing, not the first time! Time to find out what's behind the fence?

A familiar picture: a small village and right in front of me, in a lowland, a crowd of residents. I wonder what they are doing in the square? Maybe they're on holiday? Or has the circus arrived? I'll come closer...

Brrrr… Well, the entertainment of the locals! But he immediately met the president and offered his services as a mercenary. The President agrees to accept another recruit, but demands that I get a passport. strange formality...

I am glad that the guards, here and there wandering around the territory of the village, have very good weapons. True, this also causes fair fears - the enemies may have the same weapon, my leather “armor” is poor protection against bullets. How do I know there are enemies here? Since the president is gathering an army, it means that there is someone to defend against - is it logical? In addition, something I do not remember worlds in which there would be no enemies ...

Here, it turns out, what's the matter: obtaining a passport is a distribution of characteristics! Perfect! And then I started to wonder.

So, this time my name is Alex. Hmm, "protector"! OK. "Attributes". Op-la! The same number of points, allocate as you know. Probably, one will be given after leveling up. And how many of them are there, levels? Unknown… "Hey Creator, I'm asking how many levels are there?" He is silent... Either he doesn't know, or he doesn't want to speak. Yes, this is not Baldur’s Gate, where everything was given out at once, and the number of points could be changed; will have to be careful.

Of course, "Strength" to raise to 15 - it does not happen much. Accuracy when shooting depends on "Agility": 15, and increase at the first opportunity. "Intelligence" - 15, I will learn new things faster. That's it, points are gone! And it would be necessary to raise "Physique" and "Mobility". Especially - the latter, because the speed of movement depends on it. As usual, at the expense of attractiveness - it is not the first time for me to frighten the civilian population and merchants with my appearance.

Single passage games fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

What's in the skills? "Pocket theft"? You must definitely take it - if you have such a skill, then there will be something to steal! But once upon a time I already came across this: I learned to steal, and there was absolutely nothing to steal in Neverwinter and its environs, I developed my skill in vain ... Sorry, I digress!

What, and "Cracking locks" is there? Everything, without hesitation, I translate life experience into "Crime"! Of course, I will take a light weapon: it is probably available from the very beginning; Better to be prepared for trouble right away. It is worth taking a sniper weapon - the unknown world must be viewed from a safe distance, through an optical sight. "Eloquence"? No, peace negotiations are not my style. Hmm, "Technique" ... means repairing something? Better take it, just in case.

And here is another meeting with the president... He has an interesting fate! Who would have thought that chance would make one of the presidents... Eh, no: you will find out for yourself if you visit the Headquarters of the New Government. I'm sent to meet with the commander of the mercenaries.

Here are some potential allies! And a great selection! Creator, have you changed your mind? Well, at least for a while? Look at the equipment and characteristics? Silence means you can.

I would also like to understand which of the mercenaries is the most useful of all! So, what's the news? They have broken weapons in their backpacks!.. Yes, and they handed me a broken revolver ... No, it was not in vain that I took the “Technique” skill; only it is still small, I can not fix anything myself.

Okay, guys - forgive me for the robbery, but you stay here, and I go into the unknown, so I need your equipment! I'm going to the merchant ... How can I take away all this mountain of equipment? Yes, there was nothing to steal in Neverwinter, but the backpack was dimensionless ...

A new surprise - there is no money in this world! Not in the form of bottle caps, not paper, not gold - only a natural exchange. But the face value of the items is still there! I wonder what is the equivalent of the cost?

It seems that I neglected eloquence in vain: for the Uzi submachine gun, the merchant demanded things twice the face value; I had to run from the temporary warehouse in the middle of the mercenary camp to the store and back. But now I have an automatic weapon, we live!

I searched all the barrel-boxes on the territory of the village, opened a couple of chests - useful items come across. I tried to get into someone else's pocket - caught! No, the guards didn't open fire, it's just that all the locals refused to talk. You need to learn how to steal!

No matter how hard he tried, he could not get into two protected houses, and there must be something useful there. There's nothing to be done, it's time to go.

New Safford

There's a house up ahead, probably where David lives. Just something I don’t feel like going there, isn’t it better to explore the surroundings first? He turned back, climbed the embankment of the bridge and ran in the direction of the houses that could be seen on the hillock, fenced with a palisade. By the way, outside the village, in a paddock, several cows wandered. Only for some reason they have one head each ... Shouldn't they be two-headed?

As usual, the villagers are full of "problems": The reporter is obsessed with the desire to publish a newspaper and ask to work as a correspondent, Bobby is saddened by the loss of a tame wolf, the meat dealer speaks of wolves with hatred - they do not allow him to collect rare herbs. Fredo has been kicked out of his village, Tiberius is looking for a part for his car. The last two unexpectedly presented new maps of unexplored lands. Great! We need to help people - I took up the implementation of all tasks at once.

I found another merchant, he has a richer assortment than the first one; there is even a good bulletproof vest. But there’s nothing to change for ... Hurray, master key! I traded for the rest of the equipment and rushed to the village - I saw a chest in the last house. Sat down, poked around in the lock with a master key - how it explodes! Trap! He received damage, but in return he received a bulletproof vest: the game was worth the candle. Perhaps now you can visit a new area on the map, I'll go to the seekers.

Village Fredo

Probably, the villagers were already very cowardly - how else did the five seekers manage to drive them out of their dwellings? Moreover, when I dealt with the attackers and began to examine the houses, a lot of weapons were found in them. I found a heavy SIG SG 552 - a good thing, but not suitable for me - and Walter PPK with a silencer. I unscrewed the silencer from the pistol and screwed it onto the barrel of my Uzi - now my weapon fires without noise. Not bad! One of the chests presented another surprise: as soon as he lifted the lid, a poisoned needle stuck into his hand. It's good that I bartered the antidote from the merchant ...

On a hillock behind the village I saw several deer and decided to hunt. Managed to kill only one, the rest fled. Don't chase after them? I tried to remove the skin from a deer - what is it! No matter how hard he fought, he received only a tiny piece of meat, the rest was simply cut into trash. It's annoying, but there's nothing to be done - I can't develop the skill of survival.

I talked to Wigler, he gave me another card. Go and check? And where to put the booty? He threw everything less valuable on the ground, and went to discover new lands.

Desert Monk Territory

Two camps: on a hill and in a lowland; and in the camps - the next enemies, the monks of the desert. These guys are more serious than seekers! How to take care of them? It turned out to be quite easy - thanks to the muffler. While I fired at the sentry, the rest of the enemies did not react in any way: they simply did not hear the shots.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Moreover, in addition to silent shooting, I had another advantage: I raised my sniper weapon proficiency to 75% and took the Disguise talent. Enemies now only notice me if they come within 10 meters. And Uzi hits 23 meters. As a trophy, I got a Remington M870.

I crept up to the camp in the lowland, removed the sentries - and then the cartridges for the Uzi ran out. Nothing, I have a Remington M870. After the first shot, the desert monks sitting around the fire jumped up and rushed towards me. What's happening!? No, everything happened: they chopped me down with swords, stabbed me with spears, burned me with fire, threw grenades, poured lead from automatic weapons ... They even shot at me from a catapult! But never in my life have I been beaten with frying pans! Well, the world!

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

True, in fairness it should be noted that I myself once thrashed enemies with a kitchen rolling pin ... It worked out well ... But that's a completely different story ...

In the camp I found NK UMP 45 - a new light weapon! We live!

New Safford

Oh, and ran! While he transferred all the trophies to the merchant, he scared the locals out of his mind: still, a half-naked man rushes back and forth along the hills. What was to be done? The backpack is tiny, so I had to lay out my uniform from it. But I bought steel boots, a helmet, cartridges. I traded black powder, all food and all first-aid kits. Now you can go to the connected! I went to find out the news: the Ratskuls are preparing an attack on the village. Well, let's meet! It would be nice to mine the approaches, but I don’t know how to use explosives. Okay, I'll manage without it.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

In vain I relied on the Remington M870 ... The damage of the weapon, of course, is huge, but the roar of the shot is like that of a howitzer. So I immediately unmasked my ambush. It's good that the weapons of the Retskuls turned out to be rather weak against my defense, otherwise it would have been salty.

Finally raised Pickpocketing to its limits by taking the Inner Pockets, Distract and Excuse talents! Well, what's interesting about civilians? A lot of things: weapons, clothes, food, cartridges and some medicine bottles. It turned out that they cannot be used, but the merchant estimates each bottle at 25 units. Wow!

I was very puzzled by incomprehensible ammunition: heavy cartridges, eight pieces in a clip. They were not for sale, they came across only when stolen. He looked at the damage indicator and whistled - only to treat vehicles with such gifts! What kind of weapons are they? And from the Meat Dealer, he stole something outstanding from his pocket - a jacket with rat fur in 75 units of value. Excellent!

Mike Bellins

I visited Mike Bellins: yes, the poor fellow was unlucky ... And there is nothing to help ... In a pile of various rubbish I found iron plates - this is a find! With the skill "Technique" in 75% of them you can make Armor. I bought a belt even earlier, from Sebastian, but where can I find a sledgehammer? It is neither for sale nor in pockets ... What a pity ...

New Safford

He returned to New Safford, saved David's daughter, Sarah, and received two cards at once. Which one to choose? Of course, the armory - there are never too many weapons. Before leaving, I went to the merchant: wow, he updated the assortment! DT 21 gloves and… a laser gun are on sale?! Wow, light weapon! But where to get ammunition for it? Batteries are not included in the kit ... Still, I could not resist, I traded. It's scary to think what kind of weapon will fall next!

Found in the assortment of goods MP 5 with a laser designator. I traded it, took it apart - I don't need the submachine gun itself - and put a target designator with a silencer on the UMP 45 NK. It looks good!

I go to the armory, to the village of Bowie.

Bowie Village

Hills, withered trees… Where is the warehouse? You have to go up the hill and look around. The warehouse is still not visible, behind the hills you can see the villages ... Wait, what is that there, in the lowland? Automobile? It even seems to be correct. But what's the use of it - I don’t know how to drive a car ... What, I already know how ?! Hey creator! Great, let's go!

Yeah, the wolves are ahead! Strange, they do not react to the car ... Here I am now! Hmm, why can't you open fire? Okay, I'll give it a go! At full speed, he ran into a wolf, and already sparks fell from his eyes - with such force he shied against the steering wheel of an instantly stopped Hammer. Such a surprise! While in the car, you can’t fire at enemies, you can’t crush them either! And the car gets damaged in a collision...

How great it was in the wastelands and cities of Fallout Tactics - with one hand I twisted the steering wheel, and with the other I fired from a heavy machine gun, sweeping enemies with a lead broom! And when my fighters were moving in two vehicles: a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle, no one had time to get close to the detachment ... It was a good time!

No, I don’t need such a “Hummer” - the enemy will have time to riddle you before you stop and get out of the car. In addition, it requires repair and refueling - some torment! And for what?

On foot I reached the village - as usual, the inhabitants are full of problems: find the missing children, bring the battery, drive the enemies away, calm the husband ...

While running through the forests and hills, I found a lowland, completely studded with flags with the inscription "Mines". Oh, nonsense - I know these tricks - there is nothing there! I ran down the aisle: in a moment the world flared up, then darkness set in... In another moment I came to my senses, standing at the edge of the lowland... Thanks to the creator - he resurrected me. So there are still mines.

I turned back to the village - and met with a shepherd, who began to warn me about the minefield. Hmm, when will I remember that you first need to talk with the residents, and only then explore the area?

With the help of Pete and his cows, he made his way to the armory - to no avail, the Wretskuls managed to hide inside. I have some explosives: left over from previous missions, but I still don't know how to use them. Will have to come back later.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

I received an SVD rifle - the first long-range weapon, hurray! Only without cartridges ... We must look. I'm off to the lab.

Casa Verde

As expected, the laboratory is guarded: there is no way to enter its territory without knowing the password. You can’t climb over the fence anywhere, you can’t attack the guards and open the gate either. I saw that a car was driving up to the gate, and tried to eavesdrop on the password - it didn’t work, it was hard to hear.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

There is only one way left - to attach a listening device to the car. Unless, of course, his flights are regular ...

But where to get the "bug"? I remember that next to one house there was a huge pile of various junk, including old electronics: maybe there? Intuition did not disappoint: I found both the "bug" and the receiving device. Of course, I had to run around, but now I know the password.

Wretskul took me for their own, it's time to rob them! For some reason, one bandit carried an ordinary electric lamp in his pocket. Probably an expensive and rare artifact? Of course, I stole it. Ugh, it's only worth two coins! It just takes up space! Get out of your backpack! The last thing I heard before the onset of darkness was the terrible curses of the creator. Something about "bugs" and "crashes". When the world was clear again, I tried throwing the lamp out again, with the same result. Here it is, the most terrible weapon of the enemy - an electric flash lamp. Kills instantly, and there is no defense. You have to carry with you...

Found something useful in other pockets and left the enemies without ammunition; it will be easier to fight. In fact, it turned out not to be a battle, but a beating - the enemy could neither see nor hear where the fire was coming from, and did not fire a single return shot. In exchange for freeing their families, the scientists revealed the location of the Wretskul's main base; and the cartographer Miriam opened another piece of the map.

He helped the merchant Nigel to return the barker, Adrian: he simply gave the latter a sip of moonshine, for courage.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

The performance was a resounding success, and I got access to the arms dealer, Miles. As soon as I went to him, the light faded, and in a second I found myself not far from Hadrian's hut. Creator, did you “load a save” again?! What didn't you like this time? So be it, I will return the guy his toy: it was lying under the first tree from the entrance to the village.

Miles has a good assortment of weapons! I bought a HK PSG-1 sniper rifle, I will test it later. Unexpected joy - the merchant accepted the electric lamp as payment. Get out of here before he tries to throw her out! I am running fast.


Wow: wolves live right at the entrance to the village. In vain you, animals, attacked a sniper! The first shot is past; the second - easily wounded the oncoming wolf; third - point blank! Another minor injury. What else is it!? So after all, they will bite! He laid down a flock of NK UMP 45. Probably, a sniper rifle should be used at long distances.

At the request of Zakhar, I fixed a broken tape recorder, and as a reward, he gave me a small map. He received another card from Clive, promising to deal with his brothers. The dilemma is to go to the Vulture Trail or to the Wretskul camp? While he was thinking, he was attacked by an enemy patrol. So, to the Wretskul!

Not bad they settled down: the base is surrounded by a minefield and numerous guards. It seems that radio communication has even been established between the enemies - it was enough to open fire on one of them, as the rest rushed to the rescue. Yes, please, wise men, resort at least all at once! You still can't see me!

I dealt with the patrols, got close to the gates of the base and began shooting sentries.

It’s like a circus - they run back and forth, squat, but they can’t see me. Suicide bombers, and more! In, another one jumped out, right into the open - closer, a piece! I feel your horror! And I want ... ugh! It's from another world!

Hell, he's got a grenade launcher! And my NK UMP 45 does not finish! He rushed at a run: the first explosion, the second ... First aid kit, first aid kit! I put the first-aid kits out of my backpack to reduce the weight... I barely had time to raise my weapon when there was a third explosion, and darkness fell...

Fortunately, very quickly the world brightened up again. So, arrogance is punishable - it is quite obvious that the grenade launcher notices me before he is within range of the UMP 45 NK. Try a sniper rifle? Well, to destroy a single enemy, 10-15 rounds are required ... I'm a bad sniper, and the weapon is "very unusual." In addition, the grenade launcher sat behind the barricade and saw me again before he was within reach. First aid kits were saved this time; I need to carry a few more with me.

Lucky - the Ratskuls have only one grenade launcher, and the rest of the enemies did not cause trouble. Among the trophies was a completely unnecessary MG-3 machine gun and armor. Now you can go to visit the Clive brothers ...

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

vulture trail

Something here is too empty. True, I met a miner at the entrance, but there was no one else. Did the brothers kill each other? Yeah, deer ahead! I still can't get meat, but I should practice shooting with a rifle.

As usual, after the first shot, the deer rushed to run straight down the valley, but they did not manage to run far. Ahead there was such a familiar sound from previous adventures - the rumble of a powerful electric motor - and immediately after it the hellish roar of shooting! I managed to see that the deer, one by one, fell as if they had been cut down; and immediately turned back. I don’t know who fired, and from what weapon, but there is no desire to get to know him better.

Meanwhile, it turned out that while I was trying to hunt, a sentry was watching me attentively from a nearby hill. Isn't there one of the brothers hiding there? Need to check!

No, they didn't kill each other, but that was the point. Since I've already appeared, it's a sin not to try to do the dirty work with someone else's hands. And as a reward - together we will clear the base. Is it coming? I was just about to agree, when the world suddenly faded, and in a few moments I found myself again at the foot of the hill. Creator, are you on your own again?! What do you need this time? I think I understand - you want to know what will happen if you turn to another brother, Howard. Okay, now turn to the hills, located on the right side of the valley.

It seems that the brothers are not twins, but the story is the same: destroy the competitor, Benson, and clear the base. I know how such promises usually end for singles... But I have to agree: without outside help it is impossible to bypass the automatic turrets - they killed the deer - and penetrate the base.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

And I'll check what's in the pockets of the bandits! At the same time, I will deprive them of their weapons - just in case. He stole a light machine gun from the leader, the rest were equipped with simpler weapons, but also wow. I had to arrange a temporary warehouse: why not drag this whole pile with you? Fortunately, the objects left on the ground do not disappear anywhere ...

Everything turned out as expected: as a reward for the work done, I was sentenced to death. Finally, the main villain made a traditional mistake: he decided to mock the hero and revealed the secret of access to the base. Ha ha, let's see guys, what will you shoot with? What's the news ?! Where do they get their weapons from? Did you find my warehouse? No time to think, you have to run!

It’s good that there are hills around: as soon as I crossed the nearest peak, the enemies lost sight of me. Of course, I immediately lay down, crawled to the side, and then the systematic destruction of the enemy began.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Only Howard was able to see where the fire was coming from and returned fire. So, machine gunners and grenade launchers need to be wary - they see very far. Now I will see far away - among the trophies I got binoculars.

The funny thing is that my "warehouse" turned out to be intact, and on the corpses of the enemies there was the same weapon that had already been stolen. Where have I seen this - the stolen item is again in the pockets of the robbed?

Well, of course! Baldur's Gate! I have stolen the same ring twice from the mage Ramazith. And then he removed the third - from his corpse ...

I waited for the night and entered the base. But why don't the keys work? Everything seems to be logical - three keys, three pedestals. No matter how many combinations I change, the door does not open, and that's it! It turned out that three keys are combined into one, and applied to each pedestal in turn ... I barely guessed!

It's good that I took a special master key with me - I had to tinker with the lock on the safe. You don't need a rifle, but the DT 21 light armor comes in handy: who knows what lies ahead of me?


It would seem that all the problems have been solved: revenge has come true, the enemies have been destroyed... But it wasn't there: new, unknown opponents were discovered; they have my sister in captivity. I'm lying on top of a hill and looking through binoculars at another enemy base...

The armory was left behind - returning from the Headquarters of the New Government, I blew up the door and destroyed the bandits hiding inside. However, there was nothing useful in the warehouse, except for a map of another unexplored place ...

Behind the labyrinth: overcame it without much trouble. Enemies were located far from each other and almost always in open space, within the reach of sniper rifle fire.

These three-meter big men who are swarming below are also within the reach of the fire, but I am in no hurry to shoot: something tells me that you cannot kill such an enemy with one shot ... I really don’t want to be at the forefront of a massive attack of all the defenders of the base. I'm going to check out what kind of gladiatorial fights are, which are mentioned in the ad on the poster bollard next to the abandoned train station ...

Hmm, indeed, the arena ... And what is supposed to be the winner of the battle? Armor? Okay, let's take a chance - suddenly it's better than the one I have. This scuffle continues for a long time: I am not very strong in hand-to-hand combat ... But I have a chicken! Le-e-e-roy Jenkins! Uh… What else is a chicken? Which Leroy? What am I talking about? Again memories of previous adventures? And it looks like a stranger! Well, they hit me on the head!

Whatever it was, the food helped win the first match, and as a reward I really got a helmet. Wow! Blimey! I really haven't seen this before! So who's next? Especially since the head is now protected ...

What nonsense? Again the same opponent? Maybe he has another helmet? On, on, get it! Yeah, how! He has nothing, I took everything! Oh you... Oh you... Creator, are you asleep?! Quick, "load a save": I know you do them a lot! Submit armor here - in addition to the helmet!

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

And yet, I collected a full armor M 46: with the help of the creator, I achieved fights with the first, third and fifth fighters; receiving a helmet, cuirass and boots. I found gloves from this set even earlier, at the station.

After the first three fights, the insidious Marco changed the conditions - now for the victory they give not armor, but ammunition and various trifles. Fight, or something else? Moreover, now it is unlikely that any of the former champions will be able to harm me ... Here is another victory! So, one cartridge, another cartridge, a leather jacket, a couple of pistols. And what's that? Batteries? Batteries for a laser pistol?! A whole hundred pieces? Hey, who else wants to fight? All come here!

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall


My return from the arena was delayed: I agreed to accompany Abraham to the Garden of Eden and opened another piece of the map. And Horace told about the abandoned village, Trez Cabezas - of course, and there was work ...

But here I am again lying on top of the hill and inspecting the same base, with giant defenders. It turns out that this is the second, main base. I did not immediately notice the additional one - I ran past. But good people suggested where to start. Shadows react to silent shooting in the same way as other opponents - they rush back and forth, trying to understand where the fire is coming from. That's just the ammo...

Yes, I've learned how to upgrade normal ammo to explosive ammo, with more damage. But still, it seems that the shadows do not die due to injuries, but are simply crushed by the weight of the bullets fired at them. And you can’t increase the damage - my NK UMP 45 is the best weapon from the light category. At least - from the "silent".

At first, seduced by the promised possible damage, I opened fire with a laser pistol, but the crackling sound stunned both the Shadows and me. A gun that fires a concentrated beam of light crackles like a heavy machine gun! Or is it the cooling system? However, it does not matter - at the very first sounds, all the Shadows rushed at me. And given the fact that it is not so easy to hit the target with a “very unusual” weapon, I had to flee. Fortunately, I have developed Mobility to the limit, and now none of the enemies can catch up with me.

Maybe do the same with the main base - open silent fire? No sooner said than done. Only the Shadows have a good security system: upon discovering the loss of several fighters, the patrol raised the alarm, and almost the entire garrison ran to me!

He used an old, more than once rescued technique - “exhausting the enemy by running”; then he crawled into the rear of the enemy and finished them off. The general was the last to put down, in his briefcase there was another card - that's where they hide Annie! Rather go there!


The dried-up sea... The enemy is at a glance. I uncovered a sniper rifle: it wasn’t there, I can’t aim at enemies! And why is not clear. Have to go down. Oh, and the curator of the museum, Rupert, tormented me with his questions! Well, at least the clue was found nearby, in the garbage on the back of the building. It looks like a solemn meeting awaits below ...

Nothing, with the “well-known” laser pistol, close combat is not so scary! How did it work? Yes, by chance: I lay down to sleep with him in my arms, the wolves attacked ... Bang! The beast is ready. Bach! Ready for another. One charge - a battery per enemy. Great!

I remembered where I had met wolves before, and went on a safari to the places covered: wolves appear every night, from 22.00 to 6.00, while they themselves approach, which allows them to open fire from as close a distance as possible. After the destruction of the thirtieth predator, the gun became "well known". So you can fight!

I went downstairs, lay down - I was lucky, the Shadows did not notice me. The rest is a matter of technique. He crawled away and began shooting the enemy with a sniper rifle ...

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

The Shadow Machine Gunners were no different from the regular ones. I mean, they were just as far-sighted and opened fire back. And all the rest - so, suicide bombers ... True, I had to crawl ...

Released Annie, you can go home. No, you can’t: your sister was given some kind of injection, you need to find out what it was - suddenly a slow poison? I'll have to look for the main base of the Shadows... What am I supposed to do all my life through these damned wastelands?! (Where did I hear this phrase? Only there, it seems, it was said about the sands ...) However, everything is as always ...

Shadow Base

Surprisingly, the Shadows guarding the main base do not open fire. But they won't let me in either. Over the fence? You can't - he's energized. We need to find a way to get inside...

Hooray, new merchant! Finally, I found out what weapons fit powerful cartridges that came across only in other people's pockets. Of course, the Barret M82A2 rifle is "very unusual." Hey, has anyone seen any wolves around?

This dealer doesn't have batteries for the laser pistol either... It seems that the Arena is the only place where you can get them...

I wandered around the village, talked with the locals: it seems that they have developed quite normal relations with the Shadows. Strange... Something is wrong here... The discrepancy between the image of the villains and their deeds. In any case, the relations of the Shadows with the locals are mutually beneficial - in exchange for food, the Shadows attract residents to clean up garbage at their base and do some other work. That's the way to get into the base! Only ... where to get overalls?

Because of some overalls, you have to run back and forth, performing various stupid tasks! Too bad you can't just steal them. As soon as they let me through the gate, I tore off this gray abomination and quickly put on the armor M 46. Strange, the effect is zero ... Apparently, the scavengers can walk around the territory of the base in anything, but to pass through the gate - only in overalls.

I searched several houses, making my way closer to the center of the base, when suddenly my legs themselves carried me forward, to the square. Yep, "scripted scene"! Sometimes my creator scolds these "scripts" terribly, probably because he loses the ability to issue orders. Before I had time to approach the square, the world blinked, faded and brightened again, only I was already standing not far from the base, outside ... Again, "saved"! Everything is clear, the creator did not like the peaceful way to penetrate the base; will have to find another...

I didn’t have to look for a long time: behind the nearest hill I found a place where current is generated for the fence. An interesting "power plant" ... I've already seen a similar one in Fallout Tactics. But there was only one guard, and a peaceful one. And there are many of them, and all of them are hostile. However, it's worse for them! "Silent Death" did not disappoint here either ...

Now the base guards have become hostile - here I am with a rifle!

The roar is, of course, stunning; but the shooting is carried out from such a distance that the guards cannot understand anything.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

This time, he did not meddle in the center, but first went around the perimeter of the base and destroyed the remaining enemies. Again the "script", followed by another one and - for the umpteenth time! - darkness...

A new twist of fate - but how many of them have there been? Now I have two companions with me at once. It’s good that at least they don’t get into battle and don’t interfere. In the Gorge he built a kind of bridge, crossed the canyon. It would be possible to go forward, but I decided to return - you should not leave enemies behind you.

The Cave of Shadows is another labyrinth, only underground. Think! Enemies still can't see me. I just thought - wow! - sniper! I answered him with the same weapon, the Barret M82A2 rifle. But why does he shoot less than me? It turned out that his rifle was faulty, and misfired in two shots out of three. You have to be careful: if the enemy has snipers, fighters with laser weapons may also appear. Go ahead.

hidden cave

Still late - the enemies have already been here. And left "surprises"; that's when my skill with explosives came in handy. For some reason, the stupid enemy equipped the mines with flashing indicators, so that their detection was not difficult.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

He blew up the door of the armory and was rewarded with batteries for a laser pistol. This is not good: since such ammunition is being issued, it means that they will be needed soon.

To save the scientists, they had to refuel and repair the special equipment, but it was too late again: it turned out that it was the scientists who were the target of the attack, they were kidnapped. The enemies underestimated the cunning of the wastelands and the observation of the Shadows - now I know the location of their temporary shelter.

In the meantime, I looked into my passport: well, well, it turns out that I can’t learn anything else! The number “26” appeared on the first page, the level growth indicator does not work now ...

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall Single player walkthrough of The Fall

While exploring the cave, I saw two small green boxes. I tried to poke the lock with a master key - I heard the terrible curses of the creator and the world faded ... Maybe leave these chests alone? No, you have to blow it up! It turned out, and I became the owner of the RPG-7. That would be to this "Shaitan-pipe" - yes, more charges! But there are only two of them; with "very unusual weapons." It’s not even worth taking, unless it’s for sale.

He freed the scientists and finally learned the details about the purpose of his search. It's time to prepare for the main battle!


Yes, the preparation for the last battle was hard! In the literal sense, I had to go back and forth many times, carrying equipment and ammunition. Maybe I overdid it, but how do you know what exactly is useful?

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

I took my favorite NK UMP 45 and crawled to the left of the entrance, towards the burning fire. Ha, lone guard! What could be better? Fire! Yes, this fighter has more health than the Shadows ... And - the rest run to help him! The last thing I heard was the characteristic crackling of laser pistol shots ...

So, the opponents are equipped with intercoms and well armed, my NK UMP 45 is not suitable here: you will not have time to kill one enemy, as the rest will turn you into a sieve. It seems that the time has come for sniper weapons and a laser pistol. The only pity is that I recklessly used up the ammunition for the Barret M82A2 rifle, there was nothing left of them. But there are more than five hundred batteries for the gun. It might be worth turning right this time, just in case.

I found enemy patrols and opened fire from a rifle from a maximum distance. What the hell? Everyone rushed to me again! He took out a pistol and managed to destroy a couple of rapidly approaching enemies, when he suddenly heard the unusual sound of a single shot, a piercing whistle - and darkness again ...

Wow… Creator, what to do with such enemies? And who killed me this time? Is it possible to try a trap: I didn’t bring explosives here for nothing?

Crawled to the right again, there is more open space. Without opening fire, he got as close as possible to the enemy and mined a conspicuous mound with five charges. Then he crawled away, fired at the sentry and waited for the result, holding the detonator at the ready.

Exactly! The enemies rushed towards me at the shortest distance, right through the mine bouquet! He finished off the wounded with a pistol and began to collect trophies. All heavy weapons ... And what is this? An unusual-looking rifle, long, bulky, and very strange ammunition for it: heavy metal arrows without cartridges ... Creator, yes, this is ... Railgun! That's what killed me the second time! And - only five cartridges for this outstanding weapon! Just one copy? Brrrr... It's better to let it be - only one...

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

But now it is clear what cannot be done - you cannot go on a frontal attack, they will instantly kill you. He moved to the left, bypassed the second detachment of opponents and climbed the hill in their rear. Enemies - at a glance. He took out a laser pistol and destroyed this group without any problems, replenishing the supply of batteries. Perhaps it is worth continuing to move in the same direction ...

Ahead is a small shed surrounded by a fence; Isn't that where the third scientist is hiding? I crawled forward, when suddenly on the right - danger, a whole group was running in my direction.

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

I rushed about in a panic, and all the enemies stopped in one place - at the foot of the hill, from the top of which I had just descended. Strange, they don't run. Some even squat down and drink something from bottles. So they didn't notice me? Why did they run then? Everything is clear - the motion sensors have worked. If these guys had looked around, my song would have been sung.

But they are so crowded ... We should have left a couple of mines at this point - if we knew in advance ... Creator, maybe we will load the “saved” and use the moment? Swearing... Something about "munchkin" and "foul play"... Honest... And they'll kill me... Okay, there's more explosives in my backpack!

I did the same trick - mined the mound, crawled away and just threw the Barret M82A2 into the air: the enemy was not visible behind the hill. Run, right on the mines! Bah, bang! Still running... some. I shoot at them with a pistol, but the enemy who got close opened return fire, but what! I barely had time to heal...

He examined the corpses: wow, they are armed with GMG OCSW! However, these guns are useless to me. I went up to the mound and found that I was lucky again: it was the owners of the Railguns who blew up on the mines.

Before I had time to collect the trophies, I again heard the heavy roar of the GMG OCSW, I had to flee: apparently, one of the wounded managed to report the invasion, and all the defenders of the sphere rushed at the enemy.

Only now I have a Railgun! A terrible weapon - none of the opponents took more than two hits. Only a couple of arrows remained when the enemies could not stand it and turned back. It turned out that I destroyed two more snipers, apparently, who were commanders, and the enemy retreated ...

Okay, time to look around. I collected weapons, replenished the supply of first-aid kits and found a very convenient high hill in the lower left corner of the sphere, with an open space in front of it. Well, yes, it sounds wild - the corner of the sphere. Nothing can be done, the map is square, with corners. So there is also a lower left corner.

He crept up to the camp, laid mines, fired the last cartridge from the Barret M82A2 at the sentry and rushed to run to the hill. By the time I took my position, the enemy was barely within reach. Five minutes later, only the main villain survived, and he was defeated - I managed to shoot earlier.

That's all... I became the defender of the Biosphere, and the creator won the argument...

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

As usual, I really did not want to part with the newfound world. Apparently, the creator had the same feelings, because very soon I visited the Headquarters of the New Government in the guise of a sniper, then a heavy weapons specialist, a girl with three pistols (what's wrong with that?), a commander with a partner, a group commander ... to be embodied in two special fighters, which need to be told separately. Or even, who knows? - show their story.

In a word, see you soon, fellow creators and their Computer Heroes! Good luck to you!

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Single player walkthrough of The Fall

Survival Practice Surviving in a world after a disaster is a difficult task, so a whole squad of six people will go on a journey. They will convince good people, kill bad people, steal from the rich, help the poor, and solve the problems of everyone around.


Guides and Walkthroughs

survival practice

Surviving in a world after a disaster is a difficult task, so a whole squad of six people will go on a journey. They will convince good people, kill bad people, steal from the rich, help the poor, and solve the problems of everyone in the area. Random meetings are not expected: travelers are waiting for certain cities in a given sequence. The exit to the next city will open after completing the main tasks. In addition to the main cities, secondary cities will appear on the way, which are not necessary to enter.

The range of occupations of the squad members is quite wide: in addition to serving the population and killing enemies, our wards are able to steal, pick locks, hunt, cook food, and so on. The one from the team who is better versed in the chosen occupation will act, so there is definitely no leader in the squad. The main character is obliged to personally carry out only tasks according to the plot: talk with other characters, inspect strange installations...

Most classes are available via the context menu (right mouse button). You need to point the mouse either at the target or at the character himself - depending on the specific case. Universal Action- "inspect": it allows you to remove the weapon from the corpse and trigger the next story step. If the inspection does not help, it is worth trying to "use" the item. You can use the equipment from the backpack (eat an apple, for example) by double-clicking on it.

In the outside world, the time of day is extremely important: at night, most characters sleep, and you won’t be able to talk to them. On the other hand, it is better to hunt at night. During the day, soldiers see farther, at night it is easier to sneak up on the enemy.

Travelers do not need to eat and drink all the time, but food will help heal injuries. Food is bought or caught by oneself: it is enough to kill the animal and skin it. The characters also eat raw meat, but a skewer or frying pan will allow you to cook food on a fire. By the way, a skewer is better than a frying pan in that it is much lighter. The action of water is similar - it heals, and a specially trained warrior will help to get it, who will find a place for a well. From time to time you will have to rest, but this is important only before major battles. Finally, the hero can be poisoned, but rest will easily cure him (there is also an antidote, but it is hardly worth carrying it with you all the time).

On a note: resource files and saved games are regular zip archives, but with different extensions.

Each hero's backpack has 18 compartments, and small identical items are allowed to be placed together. Everything should fit in these 18 cells: clothes, shoes, gloves, a helmet, weapons, cartridges, grenades, camping supplies, food or water supplies, plot items ... Unnecessary things should be ruthlessly sold to the first merchant or even just thrown away. Moreover, there is also a limit on the maximum weight of the cargo. However, the heroes are able to move under overload conditions, but more slowly, and they will also not be able to crawl and duck.

It is interesting: at any time of the trip, including immediately after the selection of the team, the main character can change clothes with any of the subordinates, regardless of gender.

Battles do not deserve close attention: the autopause mode makes them actually turn-based - from one important event to another, and the message customization mode allows you to choose the dynamism of the battle display. Access to the backpack does not take time, so there is no need to calculate all the actions in advance in steps. With the exception of the last battle, the main principles are to stick together, keep an eye on the bullets and identify dangerous snipers among the enemies in time. It is useful to keep a spare weapon in your backpack in case you run out of clips in the main.

Soldiers get used to their weapons and the better they shoot, the more they went with him. Think thrice before changing your favorite barrel for a hero. And warriors are able to give names especially to their beloved ones: they say that you get used to weapons with a name faster, but it was not possible to verify this. Lethality must be judged by ammunition, especially since different cartridges are often suitable for the same weapon: simple, improved, reinforced ... The interface will help you quickly identify suitable cartridges: the background color of the ammunition will change when you aim at the weapon.

Role system

The role-playing system as a whole is close to its progenitor from Fallout. Its basis is attributes: strength, mobility, agility, physique, intelligence, charisma. Each of them takes values ​​from 1 to 20, and this interval is divided into groups: 1–3, 4–6, 7–8, 9–12, 13–15, 16–18, 19, 20. Attributes with values ​​from one the groups are usually equivalent: for example, the mobility is the same throughout the entire interval from 13 to 15.

So, what is the meaning of the mentioned characteristics?

Force affects the weight of the load being lifted, the accuracy of shooting from heavy weapons and melee damage. The maximum weight of the load is equal to the force multiplied by three.

Mobility affects movement speed, armor effectiveness, and silent walking.

Agility affects accuracy, rate of fire from light and sniper weapons, theft and hacking.

Body type determines only the level of vital energy.

Intelligence affects the number of skill points acquired upon reaching each new level.

Charisma affects the skill of trading and persuasion, as well as the longevity of the memory of "bad deeds".

Progressive vehicle of the XXI century.

All actions in the game depend on the levels of the respective skills. At each new level, the hero receives from 4 to 18 points spent on learning skills. For every skill there are talents- special skills that allow you to significantly exceed the level ordinary person. At high levels, you can choose three talents for each skill. The conclusion is obvious: narrow specialists are more valuable than generalists.

Melee skill

Skill melee speaks for itself: he is responsible for combat with melee weapons. It should be noted that the local melee is quite diverse, and the arsenal begins with a pipe fragment and a knife, and ends with a chainsaw and a katana. If a warrior runs to the enemy, then he will surely win, but it will not always be possible to run.

Melee talents are monotonous and not very useful:

  • successful attack increases the chance of a knockout by 10%;
  • evasion reduces the chance to get hit by 10%;
  • endurance reduces damage taken;
  • trick gives an additional 10% to the chances of stunning the enemy;
  • combined strikes 20% increase the chance to perform a series of three hits.

Weapon Skills

Lung- a variety of pistols and rifles. Strong at the beginning of the game, but very soon they begin to lose to heavier counterparts. There is even a laser pistol, but it appears hopelessly late. At the end of the game, light weapons are practically useless. Talents:

  • hit accuracy increases accuracy by 5%, and firing range - by 10%;
  • shot stability allows you to shoot standing up no worse than lying down;
  • Headshot Increases headshot chance by 5% (useless talent);
  • critical hit adds 10% to the chance of double damage;
  • fast reload allows you not to waste time on this mechanical operation.

heavy. All machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, in general, are the most important part of the arsenal. Most of the talents are already familiar to us, except that one useless one is replaced by another, no less useless talent: instead of headshots eat shoulders to reduce the weight of the weapon. It makes no sense, since lovers of heavy weapons are already strong enough - weight does not really matter to them.

Sniper. Pretty weak and requires patience. The main principle is to catch the enemy from a distance and, when he runs up, finish off other characters with the forces. Sniper rifles are not needed until the very last battle, but it will be hard without them - there should be at least one good sniper in the team. Among the talents are repeated hit accuracy,shot stability and headshot. But there are also unique ones:

  • night visibility increases accuracy at night by 20%;
  • disguise allows you to be invisible at a distance of more than 10 meters.

Throwing. Various grenades and shurikens. A fairly powerful thing, but there is one difficulty: even with an average skill level, the thrower gets more damage than the enemy. A grenade will not kill a strong enemy, and it will not be possible to throw it far, so the value of grenades remains in great doubt. It is useful to develop one thrower during the game, but you should not specifically take it. Talents throw accuracy and throw stability resemble their "shooting" counterparts. And here are the special ones:

  • ninja useful only for working with shurikens and therefore useless;
  • double throw- similarly useless;
  • specialization in grenades allows you to improve performance by 10%.

explosives. An extremely important area of ​​​​knowledge, urgently needed to complete the game. The team can not do without a specialist in explosives. Key Talent for the Demoman - the ability to blow up locks. Other talents:

  • demining increases the chances of working as a sapper by 30%;
  • lbucket with explosives will help to detect and neutralize the traps on the locks.
  • \effective explosion Increases explosion power by 30%.
  • making explosives allows you to provide yourself with weapons.

Peaceful skills

Skill survival affects the ability to butcher animals and find water. Both are a stable source of health for the team and a significant income. Here, too, there was no shortage of talent:

  • prepare allows you to fry meat on a frying pan or skewer: this increases the medicinal properties of the product and its price;
  • power over animals allows you not to frighten the shy and not attract aggressive animals, which is useful only for avid hunters;
  • will to live temporarily increases the unit's vitality by 10%: useful in the late game;
  • pretend to be dead is responsible for survival in a particularly hot battle, but there is no point in it.

Silent movement needed to silently eliminate the enemy. You won't need it until the last fight, although it's worth a try just for fun. Talents sneak up quickly and sneak around in a semi-squat speak for themselves, the rest are a little less obvious:

  • disguise will help to get 20% closer to the enemy;
  • night disguise will let it get closer to it by another 30%, but only after sunset;
  • group disguise narrows the unmasking area by only 10%, but affects all soldiers within a radius of 30 meters.

Essence of skill pickpocketing obvious: other people's pockets are always fraught with a lot of interesting little things. However, lovers of honest behavior do not lose anything and even win: if the hero is caught, then prices for the long term will jump sharply. It is quite possible to go through the entire plot without stealing. The most valuable talent for a thief is the ability justify: even if caught, there will be no problems. Other talents are no less interesting:

  • inside pockets dramatically increase the value of stolen items;
  • distract helps to commit theft in front;
  • creep up allows you to successfully get close to the victim from behind;
  • seduce interlocutor - this immediately increases the chances of 30%.

On a note: only characters of the opposite sex can be seduced. What can not but rejoice.

Lockpicking much safer than theft. However, after a certain point, this skill ceases to be useful: the demoman easily “opens” the locks with the help of gunpowder. Of course, gunpowder is wasted when blown up, but the performer does not risk being poisoned or blown up if the castle is protected by a trap. The talent names speak for themselves:

  • find a trap in the castle;
  • disarm the trap in the castle;
  • doors specialization;
  • chest specialization;
  • specialization in safes.

Ability to technique help repair equipment and operate the machine. There should be one mechanic on the team who can fix broken weapons, anything beyond that is a luxury. The talents are obvious:

  • repair weapons;
  • extra protection for accessories(helmets, shoes and gloves);
  • enhance armor protection;
  • improve ammunition;
  • improve the car.

Special development is not needed: it seems that the developers have not implemented all the ideas in this direction.

Driving affects driving speed and gas mileage. This is a secondary skill: there are very few cars left in the world of the future. Relevant Talents:

  • careful driving;
  • maneuverability;
  • economical driving;
  • car repair;
  • driving on the road.

Eloquence provides low prices at merchants and allows you to simply skip many tasks. Unfortunately, you won't be able to complete the game without a single shot, and it's not by chance that we have six fighters in the squad.

  • Belief increases the chances of a successful dialogue by 20%;
  • haggling- increases by 20% the benefit of the exchange;
  • insult allows you to divert the enemy’s attention to yourself, but the role of a “tank” is unlikely to suit him;
  • eloquence training, alas, it is useless: there is no point in teaching comrades, in a group one speaker is enough;
  • humor- a very interesting talent: you can get some small change from any character just for a good joke.

An abandoned city is a reason to run away faster.

Medicine affects the effectiveness of the use of first-aid kits. Talents are the most valuable in it, because you can simply be treated with food, water, and just rest.

  • Minor injury specialization allows you to heal damage less than 15% of your total health;
  • recovery allows you to sleep 20% more efficiently, which, however, is the same as sleeping 20% ​​longer;
  • alternative medicine- learns to heal with plants;
  • psychology temporarily increases all the main parameters by one;

In general, it will be very useful if one of your characters masters the profession of a doctor by the last levels.

Team selection

The selection of a team before the first task is a responsible matter, and they entrust it to light green beginners. Well, let's try to help at least with advice.

The main character can choose a simple role in the team, but it is he who will most often communicate with those he meets. Its peculiarity is that all parameters can be set by yourself: the flexibility of choice is maximum here. First of all put high levels charisma and eloquence, and the rest - to taste. For example, you can raise the intellect in order to initially “pull” the hero at the expense of his comrades, but in the long run to get a comprehensively developed genius with the skills of Rambo.

Further, the team has several roles, without which the passage will become much more difficult: a demolition man, a lockpicker and a techie. A good thief and any driver are welcome. Medic and sniper can be grown from any hero by the end of the game. Silent movement is relevant as a second profession for a demoman, melee specialist or sniper.

A close combat specialist is a special role: you either need to do without him at all, or develop him as a spy-saboteur from beginning to end. There are enough rounds in the world, they are cheap, so if you want, it’s quite possible to complete the game, avoiding engaging in close combat.

The survival expert is of little use at first: Milton will soon take over this role, and if not, it will not be difficult to grow him in his ranks. As a result, the team needs a person to complete the initial missions - a specialist in light weapons, who will not be sorry to expel.

If the team has free places, advantage - for connoisseurs of heavy weapons.

Last days of the world

New government

2083 year. A wanderer in a dirty leather jacket approached a small settlement bristling in all directions with machine guns. He scowled at the blank walls and went to the sentry. The taciturn guard immediately sent the hero straight to the head of the settlement - President Hayes.

In the meantime, the square was crowded with people gathered around the guillotine. It was clear that it had only recently been put into action. A loud voice exhorted the people: FROM today at the request of the president, we no longer maintain the tradition of spitting on the corpses of criminals". The Stranger noticed an elderly man in the distance, distantly contemplating the movement of the crowd.

- I'm sorry for my ignorance, but aren't you the new president?

Of course I am the president. What can I do?

“I have heard of a new government that will take care of law and order. I want to join you as a soldier.

- Okay, we need soldiers! Go to Lucas, he will issue you a passport.

The future hero ran in the indicated direction and soon saw the building where Lucas was sitting. A pen and a blank form flashed in their hands, and the conversation quickly turned into a constructive direction.

- What's your y-name?

- Hmm... Let's say my name is Max.

- Okay, M-max, sign here...

The Stranger received a passport and went out into the street, where he came face to face with the President. Peaceful life did not last long. Here is the first task: to destroy the strongest local gang - the Retskulov. Max ran to the training camp, listened to the "young fighter course" and went to the commandant.

It is interesting: when preparing a beginner, they will teach you how to climb over fences. It is worth noting that the training ground for beginners is the only place in the entire game where you need to climb over the fence. Not such an unusual approach to education, unfortunately ...

The commandant turned out to be - there are coincidences - an old friend of our hero, a certain Wesley. It was from him that Max learned about the fate of his family: his father and mother died, and his sister Eni was kidnapped by the Retskuls. Needless to say, within a few minutes a team of fighters was selected and the detachment set off. They stopped only once - Max visited his father's grave in the east of the settlement and fought off a starving wolf.

New Safford

It all started with a meeting with David, a former member of the Ratskulov gang. Wesley suggested where to find the defector's house, but as soon as the detachment approached the target, the house exploded. It seemed that the thread was about to break, but the heroes who ran up found David safe and sound, except for the fact that there were already crookedly grinning bandits around. A short firefight and David is saved. From his story, the reason for the overwhelming success of the Ratskuls becomes clear: they gained control over the distribution of some new drug. David is ready to provide additional details about the enemy base only in exchange for saving Sarah's daughter.

According to the defector, the gang should soon attack the neighboring village of New Safford. Max hurried there, alerted Elder Ben, and took the explosives from his son Jay. Having planted explosives next to the body of the executed bandit, the detachment began to wait for the Ratskuls. Those turned out to be quite predictable, and the raid ended badly for them. The explosion destroyed the main forces of the attackers, and the survivors were finished off by joint efforts. The village was saved.

Ben told the story of how Sarah went into the woods and didn't come back. It seemed that all that remained was to look askance at the wolves scurrying through the forest.

Before the attack of the bandits, Max managed to do one more thing: to find a tame wolf for the boy Bobby, crying loudly in the middle of the village. The wolf appears during the battle with the Wrathskuls east of the village, near the corral with cows, and is perfectly lured by meat. Without bothering to hunt, Max simply borrowed a portion from one of the nearby dog ​​kennels.

The hypothesis with the wolves was not confirmed: Sarah is alive. According to rumors, she was held captive in the east of the village. The brave girl taunted the criminals until Max came up from the rear and freed her with two well-aimed shots. As a reward, a grateful David told me where to find the bandit armory.

Wrestling is not the only entertainment around New Safford. The merchant in the center of the map helped replenish supplies, and the reporter offered to find news for the only newspaper in the world (to complete his task, you must complete all the missions in this area). The reward for the news is the path to the factory in the north-east of the region, and the main prize for the trip to the factory is the survival specialist Milton, who is ready to join the pogrom squad. Milton is a good fighter, and besides, he is able to butcher animal carcasses and find water. It is he who turns hunting into a profitable activity and allows you not to worry about treatment during the entire trip.

It is important: boiled meat costs twice as much. Just do not ask how Milton manages to cook it on a fire with one skewer - this is secret knowledge.

A lot of work has accumulated in the town in the north. Crazy old man Fredo complained about his village, captured by bandits. A short trip - and uninvited guests went to heaven, and Max met the hermit Wigler and listened to the story of a gang of crazy desert monks.

A strange detail: fanatics sewed up their mouth and one eye, but this did not save them from bullets. The meat merchant begged to be spared several wolves terrorizing the east of the village. Mechanic Tiberius asked to find a part with a sonorous name flux compensator needed to build a time machine (parts can be found near the reporter's house at the strange guy Marty, who obviously got somewhere back to the Future). In general, it was not necessary to be bored.


As you get acquainted with the life of the village, it became obvious: there is an acute shortage of alcohol. The elder, of course, put the blame on the same gang: they say they captured a strategic moonshine still north of the village. Meanwhile, a nameless woman with a black eye was constantly complaining about her husband. Say, this same Gonzo will come home now, he will see a spoiled dinner and put it under his second eye. Well, the order in this village, mama mia ..

It is interesting: the characters of the game repeatedly meet the death of their relatives with genuine joy.

The battery was found here, in the village, at the farmer McKenzie. The farmer agreed to trade him for three liters of water, and the hermit gave the hero a sniper rifle named Rosie. The rifle turned out to be of little use: there were few cartridges, and the damage was not impressive, so Max soon sold it and forgot it like a bad dream.

After that, I had to hurry to find Gonzo on the western field: he was already about to go to lunch. Had Max not been in time, he would have probably stabbed his wife, but everything turned out quietly and peacefully: just think, one Gonza more, one less ... And anyway, well, who is rude to the company of noble dons with sawn-off shotguns? This is something to think about...

The operation to rescue an ordinary moonshine still was not difficult either: his guards were already hopelessly drunk.

Having finished business in the village, the detachment went along the road to the Wretskul warehouse. Suddenly, the hero was called out by Farmer Pete, who was grazing a herd of cows on a lawn next to the road. It turns out that the path to the warehouse is mined: the uninitiated will not walk a meter there. The bandits annoyed Pete himself: for some reason they stole a tractor from him. Soon an unusual plan was born: the shepherd drove the cows to the mines, and the detachment carefully followed the herd of suicide bombers along the cleared road and liberated the warehouse from the owners.

Several bandits locked themselves inside the bunker: it took explosives to get to them. A suitable specimen was found by Donald, who lives on the slopes of a mountain on the outskirts of the village. The cunning old man asked for wild bison and mountain tiger meat in exchange for explosives. However, he can be persuaded to take one thing: the meat of one animal will be enough for his lifetime.

A particularly difficult occupation is mountain tiger hunting. The hero received information about him right in the village from the hunter Valdemar, went to the rocks to the west of the fields of Gonzo and waited for the night. According to the hunter, this is where a tigress comes every night to avenge her dead cubs. After wandering around the rocks, Max finally noticed the shadow of the tigress, crept up to her and shot the animal. In exchange for meat, Donald issued explosives, and the squad got to the contents of the warehouse. At the sight of the armed heroes, the guards surrendered without a fight, and Max received a new riddle in the form of a tightly closed safe. Locksmith Luke, who lives on Pete's farm, helped to reveal the secret. As soon as the hero brought him a special master key from the blacksmith Herman (who lives next to Donald), Luke opened the safe and gave the documents to Max.

From the documents that were in the safe, the detachment learned about the abandoned convoy. Apparently, this secret is a joke of the developers, a riddle without an answer. Not all questions have answers, not all holes are worth sticking your nose in... Such is life.

Casa Verde

The drug lab was the next target for the fireteam. The first who caught the eye of the heroes in the town of Casa Verde is the mechanic Jim-Bob. The guy obviously needed help: it's time to get married, and with his always smeared face, this is, to put it mildly, difficult. We should wash the poor fellow, cut his hair properly, find decent clothes. With soap, it turned out to be the easiest: the washerwoman Maren nearby gladly changed the meat for soap. Hairdresser Louis agreed to cut Jim-Bob's haircut, taking clothes as a payment - the hero no longer needed them, because the merchant had a good bulletproof vest.

It is interesting: the merchant lives in the south: the inhabitants call this place the valley, but it is located on a hill.

Cartographer Miriam, who met on a trip to the merchant, asked to conduct a geodetic survey on the tops of three hills in the vicinity of the old station. Max himself had been thinking for a long time to visit this place in order to take a look at the funny sect of fans with his own eyes. God Zheldorbog. Her cultists believe in the offensive consumer paradise where the water will beat out Sacred Bottles while the meat emerge from the mysterious Refrigerator Cabinet.

By the way, the railway station settlement turned out to be a good place to look for mercenaries. Max noticed experts in throwing weapons, silent movement, lockpicking, and technology. And clothes dangled from the rope, which suits Luis quite well.

After talking with the merchant Nigel, Max showed interest in an empty stage nearby. He told how a professional mass entertainer lost inspiration and has since abandoned the performing arts. This story could not fail to impress the sentimental hero. Finding a sad actor (his name was Adrian) in a hut north of the merchant, and Max convinced him to resume work. The method turned out to be simple - to return to him a talisman, a teddy bear, lying alone under a tree right in the middle between the villages. Once the case was completed, Nigel made a recommendation to Miles, an arms dealer who lives near Jim-Bob's workshop. A strange way, of course, to find clients with this Miles!

But back to main story. Despite the abundance of good deeds around, the laboratory did not fall apart on its own. To penetrate the fortified walls, I had to eavesdrop on the password. Helped Laila, a priestess of love serving the local guards. In the morning, while the soldiers were visiting Lila, Max planted a bug in their car and overheard the code word. Now nothing prevented the detachment from going inside and methodically cutting out all the bandits.

The key from the chest to the north allowed the scientists to be released from the cage. Help, so to the end: the heroes also rescued the families of scientists from the camp southwest of Laila's trailer. In response, the head of scientists Jeff gave the coordinates of the headquarters of the Ratskulov.


Life at the side of the bandits, few people are happy. Someone endures, and someone is looking for ways to fight. General Lewis, an ex-military living in the southwest, was trying to rally a militia to fight the gangs. The idea did not take root due to the lack of proper equipment, but it is not too late to improve the situation. As always, our hero, or rather, his wallet, had to take the rap - the general needed four tents and four water detectors to equip (the hero had to travel through all the merchants). The general also reasonably considered that he could not do without a doctor - Dr. Franklin from Bowie agreed to travel. Finally, a training ground was needed for training: the nearest car dump in the north had to be removed. Her owner Umberto remained deaf to the arguments of the heroes, but the solution was found by itself: to shoot this bore.

This is instructive: the villagers didn't mind getting rid of Umberto's neighbor at all. Maybe because of the landfill on his property?

The truth is told by those who say: "Do good to people, and they will surely remember you when something else is needed." Zakhar, who lives not far from the merchant, asked to fix his tape recorder. Max found a spare battery in the Umberto junkyard, next to the bench. After the repair, Zakhar spoke about the burned farm, but, as it turned out later, it was a trap. I had to shoot back, once again reducing the number of bandits.

Cleve, who lives near Zakhar, asked to help resolve a dispute between his brothers from a gang of seekers (marauders, in other words). They argued over their father's legacy - an abandoned military base.

The first on the territory of the seekers, the detachment was met by the crazy miner Dick. He brought the heroes up to date, and they hurried to the city in the southwest. There was only one resident in the abandoned city - the odd scientist Jody. To the north is the camp of Howard, one of the bandits. He quickly conspired with Max against the second leader, Benson, and the detachment soon dealt with the western camp. In gratitude, Howard revealed the secret of the military base: you can only go there from three to four in the morning. True, after a small quarrel, Howard had to be killed, but this was for the best: now Jody was able to work without interference. And the quarrelsome brothers no longer quarreled, because they died. Both. There will be something to please Clive.

In the bunker, Max found a corpse, and he had a letter. In the bedroom, near the box in the warehouse and in the closed chest of the central room - three parts of the key. Placed on three ashtrays in the central room, the key opened a secret room with new armor. Same thing.

It's time to attack the enemy base. Having killed all the bandits, the squad got to their leader Phoenix. What the bandit, squeezed into a corner, told, managed to surprise even the worldly-wise Max. Wesley is a traitor. It was he who opened the gates of the village and let the Ratskulov in. Shocked by new information, the hero hurried back to the camp of the new government. Wesley did not deny it and immediately laid out that Max's sister was not kidnapped by Ratskuls, but by mutants. Only they were not enough, by God.


The path to the shadows (as the mutants are called) leads through a strange labyrinth, from which far fewer people leave than enter. At the entrance, the squad was met by an unusual couple - Stitch and Shuffle. They asked to bring them the corpse of an Indian who had entered the labyrinth a little earlier. According to them, the corpse is needed for medical experiments, but it was not difficult to guess the true state of affairs: Stitch and Shuffle are cannibals, and they needed the body for culinary needs. There really was an Indian in the labyrinth, but Max decided not to spoil the cannibals beyond measure.

It soon became clear why so few people come out of the labyrinth: the inside is full of bandits-seekers. The detachment went through the fire on their positions, and the hands of the hero - on the orphaned chests. The journey through the labyrinth ended with an informative conversation with the helper of the bandits, Hickey.

First of all, Max took an apple from the merchant Gerda. For sleeping pills, on the advice of a nomad, the detachment went to the shaman of the Aidan tribe, who lived on a hill far to the west. He agreed to exchange Valium for a package disposable syringes, if the heroes manage to get them.

It is most logical to look for syringes in the medicine warehouse. And it had to happen that way - there is just one such nearby: near the railway station in the southeast. Horace spoke about his village of Trez Cabezas, which was destroyed by the bandits, and allowed to take syringes from the building behind his back. Further, everything is simple: Max flavored the apple with a tranquilizer, put it in the pasture southwest of the shaman's hut and took the mustang to Joshua.

It is important: eloquence will help to avoid many problems and cut the hero's path in half. A well-suspended tongue can even replace a horse!

Bill, who lives near the road near Aidan, helped watch for the convoy of shadows, but the operation was unsuccessful. It was not the general of shadows himself in the convoy, but his double. It became clear: there is also a traitor in the camp of nomads. Joshua helped establish his identity: there is no doubt, this is Caleb. The traitor himself disappeared, and if not for his wife Fatma, they would have been looking for him to this day. And so, it was only necessary to threaten her with reprisals against her son, as everything turned out to be as simple as shelling pears. Max took Caleb's old jacket off the rope so that old Eric's tracker could sniff out the traitor.

Eric happily borrowed his dog for a piece of meat. From time to time, letting her smell the jacket, Max and the company got to the cave where Caleb was hiding, and quite effectively interrogated the poor fellow. He honestly spoke about his cooperation with the shadows and shared valuable information: the main forces should soon leave, and the general will remain defenseless. Now the detachment could safely liberate the city of Copperhill in the southwest of the map.

Before his death, the general managed, however, to spoil the mood:

- You... The result of your actions is zero, complete zero! While you rejoice in your success, we are already capturing the nearest settlement. In Wesseltown... no one will be spared... and hostages too...

The Shadows have been defeated at Copperhill, but there are other things to do. Alexa from the camp of juvenile bandits (northeast) asked to kill the former Ratskuls - can there be any reason to refuse her? Moreover, the heroic company coped with the task in record time.

Simple work was found in the liberated city. Abraham, in the north of the nomad camp, offered to look for paradise with him. The heroes, of course, did not find the Promised Land, but they ended up in an interesting place called the Garden of Eden. After reading a poster near an abandoned train station in the middle of the Copperhill area, Max learned about the fighting in the arena: the result is a short but full of impressions trip.

But the most interesting adventure awaited in Trez Capezas: in the village next door, they were preparing to burn two girls on charges of witchcraft. According to the local soothsayer, they caused damage to the settlement, poisoning several residents. To save the girls, I had to find out the real cause of the poisoning. First, Max talked with Mayor Lincoln, a little later - with Dr. Marcus. Having collected enough fragmentary information from the baker and the butcher, the heroes concluded that bread was to blame for the poisoning. To make sure, Max even brought some ears of corn from the field and a book from Horatio.


Wesseltown is a city of abandoned ships, a port of a sea that no longer exists. The heroes ran through the empty streets without meeting a single person. Only the elderly lady Connie stood on the threshold of her house and followed the wanderers with a tired look. Finally, the team reached the pier. It turned out that the real city was below, on a dry bottom among abandoned ships. The crane operator Andrew could lower the heroes down, but in exchange he wanted a code from the body painting museum - an exhibition of the bodies of famous people. There are two ways to get the code: from museum curator Rupert and his wife Connie. The woman would ask to find a lost donkey that roams somewhere in the north, but Mike decided that it would be much more interesting to visit the museum itself. The strict caretaker demanded to pass an exam in the history of art - a brochure found in a dump behind the museum came in handy in this difficult task.

Museum of Dead Celebrities.

Here are the correct answers to the exam questions:

  • body painting museum built by Ian Wymers
  • the founder of this trend in art was Ephraim Raben
  • the first embalming was carried out on January 12, 2043
  • the first mummy was the singer Jean "Angel" Morgan (and not Herb the Goat-like)
  • he did not say the phrases "I love you all forever", "true art is timeless" and "this is an honor for me" ...

The code is 0443. The body painting museum is a wonderful place, glorious for detailed epitaphs of celebrities. Here, for example, are a couple of interesting epitaphs.

Bob Doors is an American multi-billionaire and avowed Monopoly fan. He went bankrupt in an attempt to seize world domination through tactically correct company buyouts, and then sold the rights to his corpse to the world's leading Linux distributor in order to increase his meager welfare benefits.

BibsyBears - until the beginning of the 21st century, a world-famous show star, was married nine times, a recognized beer lover (the most famous song is “Oops, I swig it again” - “Oh, I sipped it again”). She drank away her entire fortune, then sold all ownership of her corpse in exchange for a lifetime right to live near the bottling shop of a large brewery in Germany.

The delighted crane operator lowered the squad down, and the heroes began to exterminate the local mutants no less joyfully. Max found a key from one of them, then found a cage and was finally able to hug his sister Ani. Taking a deep breath, the girl told her story.

On that ill-fated day, her father managed to hide Eni in an old food box, where she was able to wait out the attack, and then ran away so far that she lost all her bearings. She was rescued by a government detachment new order, but then shadows attacked the expedition and bogged her down. Ani said that the mutants conducted some experiments on her and other prisoners. The soldiers assumed we are talking about the poison, and decided to immediately go to the shadow base to get the antidote.

Kill the shadows - half the battle, you still need to get upstairs. Andrew left for the museum and the local workers decided to build a small helicopter to fly back up. After talking with Brad and Craig, it turned out that they lacked blades and a windshield to complete the work. Max got all this in the north: he took the glass from an old car, and the blades from a crashed helicopter. The mechanics began work and continued until the warrior spoke to Emily. At her request, he found a note from her husband in the garden and promised her to get alcohol (the last time Max saw alcohol was in the body painting museum). Finally the team made it to the top.

Shadow base

The main shadow base is heavily guarded. It takes cunning to get in there. In the northeast of the merchant, the squad found the old man Angus, who advised him to turn to the trinity of local idiots - Honist, Fan and Likit. The trinity lives in the south. Max came to their house, listened to the end of the memory of the donkey bathing in beer and asked for advice. The assholes asked for a new pet instead - quite in style. Soldiers found a suitable little animal in the north at Shanti. Having exchanged the monitor lizard for meat, the squad waited until the animal hobbled to the idiots' house, and listened to valuable advice: go to the base in the clothes of scavengers. Having received a bicycle saddle as an additional prize, they took out clothes from the box, changed clothes and went to the base. The guards let them pass without hindrance, despite the machine guns gleaming in their hands, and in the center of the base the guests were already met by the head of the mutants Abel himself.

“Before you kill me, you should know that someone else will take my place. And if you kill him, another will come again. Your campaign against us will not succeed, and the people will retain their well-deserved place in the biosphere.

- Hike? It was you who attacked the new government! You took hostages and executed innocents!

- Do you really think that we were the aggressors in this fight? Looks like Hayes isn't telling you everything. I will tell you a little story and then you can kill me. If you want...

Abel began the story. According to him, after the disaster, the government tried its best to save the situation. All newborns were given the vaccine, which after a few years led to the fact that all vaccinated skin turned blue, their height exceeded two meters, and the skin lost its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The side effects of the vaccine led to a reduction in life expectancy. Over the years, blueskins have become known as mutants or shadows. According to Abel, Hayes is a fascist, a fighter for the purity of blood, who decided to cleanse the earth of people with blue skin. In response, the shadows began to kidnap the inhabitants and inject them with a vaccine. This is exactly what happened to Ani: in fact, she also became a mutant.

It is interesting: the absence of radiation in the plot did not save the world from mutants.

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by President Hayes himself: apparently, the base was guarded badly. He ordered Abel to be shot without further ado, and when Max asked for time to think, he shot at his former soldier. Only thanks to the care of Abel, our hero recovered and was soon able to take up arms again.

The squad's next target is the Citadel of Shadows, a hidden cave. Two paths led there: through the gorge or through the dungeon. The path through the dungeon (no, it is not called Moria - more precisely, it is not called at all) lay through the corpses of "bad" shadows who did not seek cooperation with armed people. But the path through the gorge is more interesting: in this case, Farmer Li will help to cross it with the help of a ballista.

Ballistas, in farmer's terminology, are small catapults. Of course, there are no whole ballistae in his arsenal, and Max will have to repair one of them - the one that stands at the entrance to the village. A broken chain lies right next to it (Lee will gladly fix it), an old car in the yard will provide a spring for repair, and an unfinished ballista in the workshop behind the house will lose its wheels. Following this algorithm, the team will get into a hidden cave along a rope bridge thrown over the gorge.

hidden cave

The travelers were late: the caves had just recently been plundered by soldiers of the new government. First of all, I had to deal with the restoration of the destroyed city. Dr. Kayla needed large first aid kits, and the squad had no problem donating three of their supplies. Several people were covered with stones - they had to be rescued in the first place. Excavations were carried out in the northeast of the cave, and a mutant named Samson ran everything. To help him, Max took part in the repair of the drilling machine (to the west of the large mountain in the center of the cave). In the same area, another mutant, Zeke, asked to find the key to the armory: for a professional lockpicker, this was not a problem. It turned out well - the inventory of travelers was replenished with a camshaft for the car.

In addition to mechanics, the car suffered from the most common breakdown: lack of fuel. A lone canister of gasoline was found in a shed near Kayla's hospital. After talking with Samson again, Max found out that the car needed a driver: Hale was in the same hospital.

The sapper in the northwest of the cave spoke of another problem: the area was mined. The soldiers easily cleared the charges located in a square at the corners of the cave. One was hidden near the entrance, the other - near the blockage.

On a note: if you speak with the rescued, with proper eloquence, you can beg for good uniforms.

The expected scientists were not in the rubble: only one mutant named Jacob was saved. He gave Max a memory plate, and the warrior took some kind of nano-surgical device. The mutant Hyde (maybe Dr. Hyde?) implanted a memory plate into the head of the long-suffering hero, and the squad set off to save the scientists.

The salvation of scientists is the work of machine guns and machine gunners. The only difficulty is the guards' love for grenades, which does not allow them to get close to the enemy. Scientists repeated to travelers what had long been known: the biosphere is an automated dome with a closed biosystem, a piece of paradise on a dying Earth. It was there that the soldiers of the new government, led by Hayes, went.

Before the last battle, the detachment collected all the available first-aid kits, stocked up on water and food: the fight was going to be serious. The group grew noticeably: several defectors joined it, although this did not give a noticeable advantage. In the arsenal of enemies - the most powerful weapon in the game, the railgun, which shoots twice as far as ordinary sniper rifles and can kill with one shot.

Let's go sniper rifles and long-range machine guns, but this was not enough. We had to go to all possible tricks: retreat, set up ambushes in the folds of the terrain, mine the approaches.

After a hard battle, all the hero's companions died. Max bandaged his wounds and went to the house where Hayes hid. A short discussion ended with an exchange of bullets. And now, all enemies are defeated. The winner is named king of the biosphere, but the adventure is clearly not over: the finale is left open to continue.


Left mouse button Choice

Right mouse button movement / action

Mouse wheel Camera control

W, S, A, D Movement

ctrl Selection mode

Space Pause

M Map transparency

E Full inventory

C Select all characters

X Choose next character

Y Select previous character

F lie down

G sit down

H get up

J Stay

N Collect Items

R Reload weapon

I Characteristics

1–6 Character stats 1-6

F1–F6 Character Inventory 1-6

F7 Task list

F8 Quick Save

F11 Console


In 2062, science reached its peak. Genetics made it possible to get rid of most diseases, the first human clones were preparing to come of age, and NASA planned the colonization of Mars. January 21, 2062 NASA announces the creation of six terraformers - giant machines that will make the atmosphere of the red planet habitable. October 2, 2062, 11 days before launch spaceship, the terrorists have taken over the terraformers and launched them here on Earth.

Unprecedented hurricanes demolished entire cities, water from the ice melted at the poles flooded most of the inhabited land. A drought followed, making most of the land uninhabitable. Humanity was attacked by new diseases unknown to science. The ecological system of the planet has disintegrated, food and pure water have become a rarity. Armed gangs seized power in the cities.

Twenty years later, a government of a new order appeared, which set itself the goal of reviving humanity. Their first goal was to destroy the gangs terrorizing the villages. The government, led by a new president, was gathering mercenaries to put together an army and establish the rule of law...

Passage of the game version forPC2017


The character moves across the game screen in two directions - left and right. The key is responsible for moving to the left. A, for movement to the right - key D. With key W you can force the hero to climb to the higher platforms, using the key S- sit down. These actions can also be performed using the directional arrow keys. There are two more keys involved in the game: Left Shift- run away Space- bounce. Right mouse button ( PKM) during the game, grab the sight of the acquired pointer, click the left mouse button ( paintwork) on the sight aimed at the target, allows you to perform an action.

Menu opens by pressing a key Esc. Has a set of standard options.

Inventory not used in the game.

Preservation progress made in the game is made automatically upon completion of the chapters. After completing a chapter, you can go through it again.

About the game and guide

You can die multiple times in the game. After the death of the character, the passage continues from the place of his death.

During the game, you should pay attention to the signs found on the locations, because. they give clues to upcoming actions to be taken.

The game is two-dimensional. The main direction is to move to the right. In the text of the passage, it will be indicated as "forward." Accordingly, the movement to the left will be specified as "back".

The text indicates the locations of some hidden locations, the visit of which is intended to receive Steam-achievements.

Part One: Escape

Chapter one

We leave the cage, in which there are the same as our hero, workers. Let's go ahead.

Obstacle 1

We approach the exercise bike, press the key E and the hero sits in the saddle. Hold down the key E. The hero spins the pedals, generating electricity. We continue to rotate the pedals until a cart moving along the rails appears from the window in the depths of the screen.

Steam-achievement"Working Class Hero".

We get off the simulator, go forward to the red line. As soon as the cart passes through the gate and the metal door opens for a short period of time, we run into the opening (hold down the key Left Shift).

Obstacle 2

We FAST run through the area controlled by the automatic machine gun installation.

Obstacle 3

We are waiting for the plate moving along the monorail to be above us. Taking advantage of a short period of time, while the plate blocks the beam of the machine-gun installation at the top, we slip through the dangerous area.

Obstacle 4

Hold down the key E and the hero opens the mesh gate.

Chapter Two

Obstacle 5

We jump to the platform at the top left. We rotate the valve and shut off the fuel supply to the pipeline. We jump down, we pass forward.

Obstacle 6

Open the hatch, jump to the lower tier. We wait until the foreman who controls the workers is distracted (his red identification beam will shine to the side) on the gaping worker, and we run ahead.

Obstacle 7

We jump onto the platform. We rotate the winch lever on the right, turn the arrow to the “down” position. We pass to the winch lever on the left, rotate the handle (the hero must make three turns). When the platform falls below the level of the open opening on the right, then go to the pointer control winch, put the arrow in the “right” position. We rotate the platform moving winch, and the platform breaks through the fence. We pass to the right, wait for the turret beam to go to the side, and jump to the platform.

Obstacle 8

We climb to the platform. We choose the moment when the laser beam turns to the right, quickly sit on the exercise bike and pedal. As soon as the installation beam turns to the left, we run to the right and leave the danger zone. Bending down, we move along the channel to the right.

Obstacle 9

We squat. Crouching, we pass a dangerous area, and jump down.


Bending down, we pass under a jet of steam escaping from the pipe. We go down the slope, jump to the platform below.

We go into the room in which one of the workers listens to the radio. We go back, climb up, return to the place where we jumped down.

We jump, we climb onto the platform on the right. Bending down, we make our way forward along the canal. We find ourselves in the territory guarded by a machine-gun turret.

Chapter Three

Obstacle 10

We quickly descend into the ravine on the left and crouch, hiding from machine gun fire. We wait for a short period of time when the machine gun automatically cools down, and FAST we move into the ravine on the right.

We rotate the valve located here, and fire begins to break out of the pipe on the left. Again we are waiting for the reloading of the machine gun, FAST we run into the ravine on the left, we squat. We wait until the jet of fire burns the machine gun, after that we pass forward.

Obstacle 11

We pay attention to the fact that the installation left without a machine gun exactly repeats all our movements.

We run back to the left, then we run to the right, close to the wall. Installation with a swing hits the wall of the second tier. We repeat this action several times until the installation breaks a hole in the wall. We climb to the second tier, we enter the opening.

The rest can be found on the outside of the village. Now Ben and his comrades will safely return to the village, talk to him one more time - and now you can go in search of Sarah. You have found the second story.
Experience: 200 XP.

New Safford: Sarah is in danger.
Task: David's daughter is missing, she must be found and taken to a safe place.
Sarah is being held by the remnants of the Rathskulls in the lower right corner of the map. A small camp is guarded by two bandits. After the shootout, do not forget to examine the corpses of those killed, you will find a note indicating the location of the Rathskull weapons depot. Sarah does not need to be accompanied, she will safely reach the village of New Safford on her own. Now talk to David, he will tell you about the laboratory. And don't forget to visit Ben.
Experience: 150 XP.

Hint: The camp will not be available until the quest is received.

New Safford: The Runaway Wolf.
Task: Find for the boy Bobby his pet wolf Wari.
The boy is easy to find in New Safford, he cries very loudly!! The child has a whole tragedy: his pet wolf Varya ran away. You will find the wolf in the east of the settlement, near the herd of brahmins. This place is impossible to miss, it can even be seen on the map. But, of course, not everything is so simple, he is a wolf, but how to get him back ?! To solve this problem, you will need a piece of raw meat. You will find the meat in the kennel, use the meat on the wolf and he will run after you. The wolf will appear in the right place only directly during the attack of the Ratskulls (that is, from one conversation with Ben to another conversation). Now talk to the kid, and you have another story ready.
Experience: 70 XP.

New Safford: The Secret Ingredients of Rat Meat.
Quest: The Meat Trader asks you to destroy the vicious wolves in the gorge to the east.
The meat merchant is located at the very top of the map, where you will find a small settlement. Go along the road, and on the left side you will see a counter. Talk to the merchant and he will tell you about his misfortune. Vile wolves have blocked the canyon to the east of the settlement. Wander there a bit, and (suddenly) a cutscene will appear, which will inform you of the correct location of the place. Move deep into the canyon, soon you will meet a flock of wolves. Get rid of the wolves and return to the merchant with the good news, he will give you a couple of rats in gratitude. The number of rats depends on your skill. You have found the fourth story.
Experience: 80 XP.

Hint: You can fry meat only if you have a skewer, for this you drag the meat into the fire. You can also cook meat if you have a frying pan and talent. All this makes sense with a burning fire.

New Safford: Time Machine.
Task: Tiberius asks to find an energy mixer, which is the source of energy conversion necessary for the operation of his time machine.
The task can be obtained in the same village. The customer is easy to find, this sick fanatic, who decided to prevent a catastrophe, is always not far from his miracle machine. Watched a movie? Here, on a similar device, he plans to move into the past. The very part that he asks you to find can be obtained from the strange boy Marty next to the printing house. He sits nearby and meditates. This is unique - the first person, albeit a schizophrenic, who decided to do something for nothing. Now go back to the constructor and watch the incredible time travel. Before his death, in gratitude for the work you have done, he will provide you with all sorts of different rubbish. You have found the fifth story, now it's time to go to the journalist.
Experience: 100 XP.

Hint: On the outskirts of the village, from the water tower, you will find a barrack, a former building painted red. In the last room you will find a safe, and in it is an AK74 (range 36, weight 4.3).

New Safford: Fredo Village.
Task: Clear the village of vagrants.
You are required to visit the former village of Fredo in order to free it from seekers. The number of seekers does not even reach ten. In one of the houses (on a glass table) you will find SIG SG-552 (range 32, weight 3.2). After you destroy all the marauders, your diary will be updated, you do not need to report this to Fredo. To the north of the village lives the old man Wiggler, from him you will learn about the camp of the monks of the desert.
Experience: 100 XP.

Westlands: Monks of the Desert.
Task: Destroy the camp of the monks of the desert.
In the northwest of your spawn location, you will find the first Desert Monk Camp, carefully inspect the crates in the corner of the camp for useful documents. You will find the second camp in the north, the guards are dumber there, beware of the sniper. After completing the task, your diary will be updated, Wiggler does not need to be informed about this.
Experience: 100 XP.

Buvi village: Ratskull armory.
Task: Get the Ratskulls out of the bunker.
First of all, you need to get over the minefield, for this run straight to the Buvi settlement, along the way you will meet farmer Pete, if you run past him close enough, he will call you himself, in case you missed him, follow the white sign . After Pete gathers the brahmins, talk to him again, and then he will drive the herd into the minefield. But the Ratskulls are not fools, they immediately saw the chip and are ready to meet you. Four guards to put is not difficult. Now that the path is clear, follow the camp. Your next task is to find C4 plastic explosive.

Place C4 near the entrance to the bunker. Move away from the explosives at a distance of 20 meters, otherwise you will die, since the explosion is very great strength!
Experience: 100 XP.

Hint: There is a farm to the west of Pete, it is the only one in the area. On the territory of the farm you will find a lot of useful items, among which one is special - chain mail (armor 10, weight 10).

Buvi village: Where to get C4 explosives?.
Task: Take from Donald.
A digger, a miner, or whatever you can call him, just a hard worker Donald lives in the foothills of Buvi, it will not be difficult for you to find this place. C4 is an expensive pleasure and it’s not just given for free. Deliver buffalo meat and mountain tiger meat to Donald, then you will receive C4. You will find a buffalo in the northwest (this is the upper left corner), he is alive or dead, in both cases it is useful for you to have a knife with you. You will learn the location of the mountain tiger from Valdemir (hunter), who is easily recognizable by a necklace made from various animal fangs and claws. If he is not in the village, you can find him near the hermit's shack (see below). For information, Valdemir will require you to bring him water. If you have eloquence pumped, he will tell you where to find the tiger, and will not require payment for this. You will find the tiger in the western hills, resting against the fields of Gonzo (see below). Now that you have both pieces of animal meat, return to Donald. C4 you!
Reward: C4 plastic explosive.

Hint: It is not necessary to bring both types of meat, Donald will agree to one tiger meat, however, eloquence is required. The knife in the case of the tiger is optional. Valdemir will agree to help in butchering the carcass for half the meat, the rest is enough for Donald. With pumped eloquence, Donald can be persuaded for one buffalo or tiger meat.

Hint: Water is found with a water detector or with a skill. With a boost, your character will find water faster than a water detector, you don't even have to go down into a crater or any other depressions in the ground. If you use a water detector, then it is best to search for water in pits (craters, ditches, etc.). To start searching for water with a detector, you need to activate it (take it in your hand). To dig a source of water, you must hold the right mouse button, and then select the icon from the menu. Use the waterskin on the well, it will fill with water (the waterskin is bought from merchants = 5). A sip of water restores +10 pts. health.

Bouvee Village: An intricate lock on a chest.
Task: Find a way to open the lock if your skills are not enough.
If you can't pick the lock... go back to Bouvee, look for locksmith Luke there, he will agree to help open the chest. After that, he will ask you to find the blacksmith Herman (look in the mines) and take a special master key from him, in return he will ask for something from the products, but the master key can be stolen. Another possible way to open the chest is to blow it up with gunpowder, but I have not been able to find gunpowder.
Reward: The contents of the chest.

Buvi Village: Dinner for Gonzo.
Mission: Prevent the murder of Gonzo's wife.
The task can be obtained from Gonzo's wife. She lives in small house not far from a wandering merchant. Distinctive feature: she often sits on a bench near the fire (and plays the guitar). The trouble that happened to this lady may have affected other settlers as well. The food she cooked for her husband. ran away from her, and now she is in danger. Go to her husband in the field and talk to this neurasthenic, if he will rock the boat, then kill the bastard and inform the widow about it. Gonzo can be found west of Buvi. You must have time to catch Gonzo during work, otherwise you will not be able to prevent the murder. If you failed to protect Gonzo's wife, then the next time you are lucky enough to meet Gonzo at the entrance to Buvi, in which case the combat mode is activated. Kill Gonzo and the task will be credited to you.

Buvi village: The missing twins.
Mission: Louise lost her twin children Mia and Pia.
You can learn about what happened from a resident of the village, you will find her not far from the exit from Bovi. Now she will send you to Louise - the mother of the missing twins. Louise can be found standing next to Widow Gonzo's house. She does not know the exact place where to look for the twins, but she will direct you to the forest. The twins got lost between the moonshine still and the hermit's shack (see below). There you will meet wolves. After escorting the twins to Bouvee, talk to Louise.
Experience: 160 XP.

Buvi village: Battery for the hermit.
Task: Take the battery from McKinsey.
A hermit lives north of Buvi.