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» A chic bouquet of roses at home. Making bouquets of fresh flowers How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers correctly

A chic bouquet of roses at home. Making bouquets of fresh flowers How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers correctly

Beauty is a relative concept. What was admired yesterday may seem completely tasteless today and not worthy of attention. Not hard to do beautiful bouquet do it yourself, but you should first familiarize yourself with the latest trends in the world of floristry so that it looks stylish and fashionable.

Current trends in floral design

Natural, practical and creative – this is what a beautiful arrangement should be, according to leading florists. It is important that the bouquet arrangement not only pleases, but also surprises, for example, with an unexpected combination of components, color scheme, decor, packaging method. Contrasts that until recently shocked and caused bewilderment are now met as a matter of course.

It is fashionable to mix exotic plants with field and garden plants, adding fruits or vegetables as an accent. Due to the beneficial interaction of shades and textures, dynamic, expressive compositions are obtained. But the main trend recent years became mixes of fresh flowers and sweets - the quintessence of pleasure.

The second no less popular trend is mono-bouquets. To highlight the natural beauty of flowers, luxurious, carefully thought out packaging is used. Some mono-compositions are best “diluted” with decorative greenery and berries, but roses, callas, carnations, gerberas and eustoma do not need such an addition.

For those who decide to please their loved ones winter period, it is not necessary to wander in search of exotic flowers, like the heroine of the famous fairy tale “The Twelve Months”. It is allowed and even fashionable to make beautiful bouquets with your own hands, not only from flowers, but from any seasonal materials. Cones and twigs coniferous trees, dried flowers and succulents in combination with “New Year’s” fruits - oranges, pomegranates, kiwis will make a magnificent arrangement, in no way inferior to their traditional counterparts.

With the arrival of warmer weather, when the choice of floral components expands, the time comes for creative experiments. Nothing stops us from uniting spray roses and ornamental sunflowers or delicate garden anemones, proteas, cereals and cotton bolls. Boldly? But with a delicate taste, it turns out fantastically impressive.

Beauty is in convenience

The well-known slogan: “Beauty requires sacrifice” seems to be losing its relevance. Floral compositions now impress not only with aesthetics, but also with practicality. Comes into fashion original look packaging - a cone-bag, which allows you not to hold a huge armful of flowers on outstretched arms, but to carry them freely, like a purchase from a store.

Only the desire to simplify life can explain the appearance of miniature “compliment” bouquets, which are usually given on a date, as a sign of sympathy, or as encouragement to employees. Almost weightless compositions in original paper envelopes do not embarrass or oblige the recipient to anything, but they definitely lift the mood.

Another “convenient” trend is to present flowers in boxes, baskets or drawers, equipped with a floral sponge. Creative solution eliminates a lot of hassle, because the arrangement already has both a vase and water, all that remains is to decorate your interior with it. The box is often made into 2 compartments, adding some pleasant surprise to the floral elements.

Among the most popular gifts:

  • perfumery;
  • decorations;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • elite confectionery products.

Examples of fashionable and stylish flower arrangements

Thanks to the fashion for naturalness and unusualness, making a beautiful bouquet with your own hands today is easier than ever. Novice florists can give full rein to their imagination and passion for experimentation. But fresh ideas will not interfere even with the most creative individuals. Like useful tips on their implementation.

Moss and cotton

A birthday bouquet is one of the most popular after wedding floristry. But if previously it was compiled exclusively according to the rules of floral etiquette, now is the time to break stereotypes. Unusual combination dried flowers, cotton bolls and moss accessories will be appropriate in almost any situation, regardless of the gender, age and taste preferences of the birthday person. This bright and positive mix is ​​simply bound to please.

For convenience and ease of assembly, a floral frame is used. You can twist it yourself from wire, but it is better to buy it ready-made in a specialized store. The frame perfectly retains the shape of the bouquet arrangement, helps distribute plants without resorting to spiral techniques, and also eliminates the need to make complex packaging.

You will need:

  • eucalyptus greens, stabilized moss balls, cotton bolls, Albiflora brunia sprigs;
  • decor: rattan balls, wood wool, “ladybugs” figurines for decoration;
  • floral wire, pruning shears, heat gun.

We cut “stems” of the same length from the wire. We attach plants and decorative elements to them. We braid the rattan balls with wire, place moss elements on it, and extend the cotton bolls.

A small tuft of decorative filler, known as “wood wool,” is wrapped in the middle with thread to give it a neat shape. And glue it using a heat gun at the base of each moss ball.

We mask the wire “stems” of all decorative components with tape.

And let's start assembling the bouquet. It is based on 2 types decorative balls and cotton.

We fill the gaps with brunia sprigs and eucalyptus greens. Next, we carefully “thread” the bouquet arrangement into the finished frame, decorated with moss. After shaking slightly, we distribute the plants over the frame so that there are no voids and “crowding”, and additional volume appears.

We fix the stems with tape, after which we wrap them with decorative ribbon made of organza folded several times. There is still an unattractive underside of the frame. We mask it with the same wood wool, gracefully lowering some of the material onto the handle.

Having secured the filler with threads, we decorate it with a colorful textile bow. And we enliven the composition itself with cute ladybugs. The result is a very original and stylish arrangement in eco-style.

Blooming Provence

Delicate compositions in pastel colors, reminiscent of one of the most beautiful provinces of France, are unlikely to ever lose their relevance. They only change slightly, following new fashion trends. Today it’s especially chic to give such floral masterpieces in hat boxes.

This is probably The best way Beautifully pack a bouquet of flowers with your own hands. By performing all the operations step by step, you can get an excellent result without delving into the intricacies of professional floristry. The main thing is to choose a harmonious color scheme and plants with different textures that will effectively complement each other.

For example:

  • roses of 2 varieties: bush and peony, eustoma, ranunculus, waxflower, viburnum, eucalyptus greens, as well as the symbol of Provence - lavender.

Materials you will need:

  • elegant box;
  • floral sponge (piaflor);
  • mica packaging film.
  1. We assemble the bars of dry piaflora together using wire staples. Cut it out stationery knife circumference according to the size of the gift box. In order not to make a mistake, we simply place the “container” on the structure made of bars and trace the outline with a marker.
  2. We line the inside of the box with thick cellophane film, which will protect the cardboard from getting wet.
  3. Place Piaflor in a container of water and let it submerge freely without pressing to speed up the process. Otherwise, dry areas may remain.
  4. Wrap the damp sponge in cling film, leaving the top open, and place it in the box. We smooth out the cellophane protruding above the piaflor with scissors, leaving 1.5 - 2 cm.
  5. We prepare the plants. We cut the stems obliquely, having previously measured what length is needed to make the composition look beautiful. First we distribute large roses, then eustoma and ranunculus, and finally decorative greenery. We complete the arrangement with lavender, which will add not only a special charm, but also an aroma.

Everything in the garden

A hot trend is to collect as many seasonal plants as possible in one arrangement. It turns out very fresh and unexpected, as if the girl had a piece in her hands summer garden. An interesting and beautiful do-it-yourself bouquet can be made from gladioli, roses, carnations and Santini chrysanthemums. Especially if you add umbrellas of dill and its closest relative, buplerum, branches of jasmine or other ornamental shrubs to the flowers.

To cope with lush forbs you will need the following tools:

  • pruning shears, scissors, tape.

And materials:

  • decorative braid of several types, pins.

How to put together completely, seemingly incompatible plants? In the traditional way, using the spiral technique. The core is formed by roses.

Then they are joined by small-flowered chrysanthemums and greenery. In order not to disturb the horizontal composition, tall gladioli are disassembled into inflorescences and placed in capsule stems with a nutrient solution.

Each layer of flowers is interspersed with greenery. Umbrellas of dill and buplerum add delicacy, and bush leaves add picturesqueness.

Having gained sufficient volume, we fix the plant stems with tape. Then we cut it with pruning shears to the desired length. We decorate the stem with several types of satin braid.

If fresh flowers do not seem creative enough, you can replace them with a beautiful paper bouquet. Gone are the days when such a decision was frightening and alarming. Exquisite roses collected from sheets of an old book will become a great gift for a paper wedding.

Before starting the creative process, you need to make sure that the paper, if we are talking about really old editions or sheet music, is still flexible enough to withstand various manipulations with it.

  1. Let's prepare 5 types of petals, as shown in the photo below. All of them are intended for one rose. The number of petals of each type depends on how lush the flower is needed. In any case, there should be at least 5 of them. The smallest petals, from which the middle is collected, have a narrow, pointed shape, the peripheral ones are wider and rounder.
  2. We bend each piece slightly along midline, and pull the edges back, as if “curling” with your fingers. This way the petal turns out voluminous and naturalistic.
  3. We twist one of the paper blanks intended to form the central bud into a tube and glue it to the wire. Around we begin to collect the rest of the flower, using all the petals bigger size. Each subsequent copy must overlap the junction of the previous two.
  4. We wrap the wire stem of the rose with tape. You can also make sepals from it.
  5. We assemble the composition on a foam ball or porta bouquet.

The simplest and most effective way of packaging

Even a simple arrangement will sparkle with new colors if it is designed correctly. Not only baskets or hat boxes, but also ordinary wrapping paper can work wonders. Moreover, with its help you can beautifully wrap a bouquet of flowers with your own hands in just a few minutes.


  • 1 sheet each of craft paper and tishy, ​​as well as 2 sheets of wrapping paper;
  • ready-made floral accessory.

We collect a small free composition on our stems. We cut the packaging sheets into rectangles with sides of 20x25 cm. We place them on top of each other at a slight angle. We cut out a base from kraft paper, 50 cm wide and 1.5 times the height of the flowers.

Let's start assembly. Place 2 sheets of wrapping paper on craft paper so that their bottom edge is centered and the top edge protrudes slightly. We arrange the flowers. We cover the lower part of the stems to the leaves with a long rectangle. We gather thin tissue paper into wide folds.

We lay 1/3 of the craft sheet on top, and form an envelope from the rest of it. We secure the packaging with satin ribbon.

Not a single celebration is complete without bouquets - flowers help to express warm feelings and confess love. Don’t think that only a professional florist can create a flower arrangement. Of course, floristry is a science with its own subtleties and rules. This doesn’t stop you from coming up with bouquets yourself and delighting your loved ones with them more often.

Flowers have been a decoration for holidays and part of interior decor since ancient times. Centuries passed, fashion and people's tastes changed, but the tradition of congratulating with bouquets remained unchanged. If we recall modern trends in design and decor, we can come to the conclusion that bouquets of fresh flowers also serve as a means of creating coziness at home.

Don’t think that you need to spend a lot of money and look for a good florist for this. Anyone can make bouquets of flowers with their own hands. It is enough to adhere to certain rules. Before you move on to making a bouquet, you need to think through everything. It is very important to decide on the shape, color and composition.

It is worth remembering that some plants do not tolerate any proximity. If you chose wildflowers, then it is better not to add anything else to them. The same rule applies to exotic plants. For example, an orchid can be framed with a small amount of greenery. There are also flowers that are an excellent background for almost all other plants. These are irises and decorative sunflowers.

DIY flower bouquets: how to make?

For those who are making a bouquet of fresh flowers with their own hands for the first time, professionals advise focusing on options from one type of flower. Floristry for beginners also involves a number of other features.

  • There are several styles of making bouquets of fresh flowers. Most are done in a massive style. In this case, there is no free space between the elements. Simple bouquets of the same type of flowers can be classified as a linear style.
  • Do-it-yourself flower bouquets do not tolerate stylistic overkill. When creating a composition, you should not use too many types of plants. As a result, you will get something overloaded and clumsy. 2-3 varieties are enough and small quantity greenery
  • The creation of any bouquet can be broken down point by point. First, we determine the shape and composition, then the color compatibility and the number of plants in the bouquet. If you are going to make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden, it is recommended to cut them at an angle. Next, they should be placed in water. For those flowers that were not immediately used when making a bouquet, florists advise updating the cut - this way they will not wither longer. Remember, the number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Bouquets can be made different sizes. For birthdays, large ones are preferable, but for weddings, on the contrary, not very voluminous ones. The shapes of men's and women's bouquets should be different. For beautiful ladies it is better to make round bouquets, and for men - elongated ones.
  • Also, when forming bouquets, you should remember that there are incompatible flowers.

  • This is not about composition or color compatibility. Some plants release substances into the water that can lead to the rapid death of other flowers. It is believed that roses, carnations and lilies should be placed in a vase separately.

Bouquets of flowers: master class

Sometimes the simplest bouquets look the best. A very delicate spring bouquet can be composed of white and pink flowers. To do this, just place it in the center pink flowers, frame them with white and tie with a pink ribbon. Peonies and ranunculus - garden buttercups - are suitable for such a bouquet.

  • Prepare your tools - floral tape, garden shears, wire. Cut the flowers 45 cm long. The cut should be at an angle. To make the bouquet last longer, cut the cut again under water and place the flowers in a vase.
  • Prepare the plants: remove all leaves located at the bottom.
  • Find the largest one among the flowers. Take it out of the vase. Try to hold below the bud with your index finger and thumb. It is more convenient to hold it in your left hand.

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You can also make unusual flower arrangements using packaging. Wildflowers, porridge, white stars placed in a cone made of craft paper, decorated with textile or paper lace, will appeal to romantic people. To do this, the finished bouquet is placed in a cone with the top cut off. Next, the paper is decorated in any way - using lace, decorative tape.

The same effect can be achieved if you use floral mesh or coarse burlap. To do this, you also need to trim several branches of yellow and pink carnations and sprigs of greenery. Place flowers of the same length in the center, greenery along the edges. Preparing the decorative wrapper. To do this, we begin to wrap the upper right edge of the mesh or fabric, heading to the left. We have a cone. To prevent the wrapper from falling apart, it can be secured with a stapler in an inconspicuous place.

Cut off the top of the cone. We pull the resulting bouquet through the hole. We tie the bouquet in the middle with a decorative ribbon. The bouquet of carnations is ready!

There are many subtleties that help you create a beautiful bouquet.

If you want to make a symbolic bouquet that carries a certain meaning. Then you should familiarize yourself with the symbolism of color. Red color means love, passion, pink means tenderness, white means purity of thoughts, fidelity. Don't think that yellow denotes only separation and betrayal. The ban on its use in bouquets is a thing of the past.

Florists advise using different textures in bouquets. This effect can be achieved by using open flowers and twigs with buds. This effect can also be achieved using the texture of the petals - terry, smooth, needle-shaped. Remember that it is better not to overdo it with the number of textures, as well as with shades. 2-3 different varieties are enough.

To make the bouquet look compositionally complete, use additional decorative elements(beads, corrugated or kraft paper, ribbons).

Large inflorescences are always located in the center, and smaller flowers frame them. Try not to cover them with greens - everything is good in moderation.

Many people believe that best gift- this is the one that is made with my own hands. Bouquets are an excellent confirmation of this statement. Do-it-yourself flower bouquets are made according to certain floral rules. You should take into account color compatibility, the possibility of sharing certain varieties of flowers. All this will help you create a bouquet that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time!

Flowers are an amazing gift from nature. They attract the eye and exude a wonderful aroma. Flowers are used as decoration and presented to people in honor of significant events in their lives.

You can create a composition from living plants. Products made from artificial flowers look beautiful. You can surprise your family and friends by creating a bouquet of sweets with your own hands.

Such original gift Sweet tooths and small children will love it.

When starting work, you should adhere to certain rules. The style of the bouquet should correspond to the event, age and gender of the person for whom it is intended.

The composition should look natural. To learn how to make a bouquet with your own hands, use step-by-step instructions.

Each flower in the composition should be visible at first glance. The structure being created can include plants of different types, of the same color, but in different shades.

White color goes well with other tones. Pay attention to the stability and size of the composition.

Bouquet of fresh flowers

The range of modern stores is simply huge. All year round You can purchase almost any flower, which opens up unlimited possibilities for florists. A bouquet in one color scheme looks gentle. It's easy to make yourself.

Garden flowers are suitable for bouquets, which are often used as gifts. Field plants allow you to create a romantic composition. Exotic plants will make the bouquet bright and unusual.

Mono compositions also look beautiful. In them, flowers of one type occupy about 80% of the bouquet, the remaining plants are used as a background, complement or contrast. Properly selected packaging plays an important role in design.

Bridal bouquet

First of all, they are determined by the type of plant and color. To do this, the style of the celebration and the time of year are taken into account. It is better to stick to delicate colors: pink, white. You can use several shades in the bride's bouquet.

The most persistent plants are roses, callas, orchids, and daisies. So that the composition remains in perfect condition all day long, they use a porta-bouquet holder.

Amazing compositions from ribbons

A bouquet of satin flowers looks stylish and fashionable. In a wedding salon you can purchase a composition of artificial flowers that looks no worse than the standard options.

You can create an original bouquet of ribbons yourself. To do this, you need to make flowers and then assemble them into a delicate composition.

To get the base, you need to squeeze out construction foam to CD. Then trim off any excess after it dries. Using a glue gun, glue a tube that will serve as a handle.

If gaps remain, they can be filled with hairpins with rhinestones or flowers. The handle is wrapped with bias tape and then a bow is placed on it. The base can be made from crumpled newspapers, and a wooden stick can be used as a handle.

Men's bouquets

Flowers are usually given to women. If a man needs to put together a bouquet, then you should pay attention to carnations. This flower symbolizes success, honor and loyalty.

Irises are suitable for loved one. You can choose callas and gerberas. To prepare a pleasant surprise for your loved one or colleague, you need to know how to make a men's bouquet with your own hands.

Such a gift does not have to be issued in a standard way. But it should be taken into account that the bouquet should be elongated and laconic. A man who loves sweets will love a composition of sweets.

You can give a gift in the form of a ship or a car. The flower arrangement is complemented with a bottle of alcohol and fruit.

A bouquet of beer and fish will appeal to the stronger sex. A man will definitely appreciate originality and care.

Fruit bouquet

The edible composition evokes delight and a smile. It is made using fruits, berries and leaves. Citrus fruits, bananas, grapes and other fruits are suitable for such a bouquet.

All fruits are washed, peeled and dried. To give the components beautiful view, they are left for some time in the gelatin solution.

Find yours interesting idea Photos of fruit bouquets will help. Do not use overripe fruits. It is better to choose copies without visible defects.

Place such bouquets in a basket or low vase. The selected container should have a special material at the bottom into which skewers with fruit are stuck.


You don't need to spend a lot of money to make an original gift. You can make a beautiful bouquet yourself that will please the hero of the occasion.

Compositions are made from flowers, sweets and other items. They are complemented with different decor.

Bouquets are part of the holiday; they are given for special occasions. Unusual compositions of toys, money, fruits and sweets are popular today.

If you want to surprise your loved ones, create an original gift yourself.

Photos of DIY bouquets

Beginning florists or simply people who are interested in arranging bouquets as a hobby often face the problem of learning how to assemble bouquets.

And before starting to compose compositions, many try to gain theoretical knowledge and apply it in practice. But without proper guidance, quite often such information does more harm than good.

Watching master classes turns out to be much more practical. Step-by-step design bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners in video lessons or in a lesson with a florist helps in learning the art of floristry.

At the same time, both adults and children are able, thanks to visual guidance, to create beautiful living bouquets. And age will not matter.

We recommend learning floral art professionally at Ekaterina Andryukova’s online school. There is a special promotional code only for visitors to our website. SL84ECBA88, which entitles you to a 10% discount when purchasing any product from a florist school.

But how can they figure out what to pay attention to when assembling? And to determine which master classes will be not only entertaining, but also useful? We will try to highlight important points on making bouquets of fresh flowers.

Choice of colors

Making bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners, both adults and children, begins with choosing flowers. The most important points in this regard are the freshness and ease of working with plants.

Regarding the fresh type of plants, for the most commonly used flowers the following parameters will help you make the right choice:

  1. Alstroemeria – flower stamens are elastic and have green tint, a fresh petal only crackles when bent, while a stale petal folds like paper;
  2. Carnation – flexibility when shaking and brightness of color;
  3. Gerber – a strong green stem without thorns and petals that do not fall off when shaken;
  4. Hydrangea – dense color of flowers, their density and strength of petals, absence of brown spots;
  5. Peony – elastic bud when palpated;
  6. Chamomile – a slightly green or green-yellow core indicates a recent cut and youth of the plant;
  7. Tulip – leaves raised up and tightly pressed to the stem, and flowers tightly closed;
  8. Chrysanthemum – like chamomile, the middle of a young, freshly cut flower will be green, the leaves should not have brown spots;
  9. Eustoma – flower buds should be slightly flattened, and the length of the stem of a fresh plant should be more than 70 cm, with the exception of dwarf species - 40 cm. In addition, the stem itself should not leave a greenish mark, which would indicate staleness;
  10. Rose – parts of the sepals look vertically upward, so if they are lowered to the middle, this will mean that the flower was cut a long time ago. In addition, the flower bud will be quite dense to the touch.

For beginning florists, as well as for children, it is better to avoid caustic plants when learning. This is why some varieties of roses are not always the best option for assembling a bouquet, even though we are all used to them. But there are a lot of colors, so you can always make a different choice.

Also, large and strong-smelling plants are more difficult to work with, so novice florists and children should also avoid them. Moreover, the latter are sometimes dangerous to health. For example, lilies can cause an allergic attack.

After choosing the flowers, you will need to decide on the shape of the bouquet. The simplest of them for students are round and spiral.

Easy bouquet shapes for beginners to assemble

The shapes of bouquets are different, as are the types of floral arrangements. But it is difficult for novice florists to understand all the subtleties of design the first time.

Certainly, full information the formation of various compositions is difficult to master right away (it will be presented in more detail in the second part of the article). But it’s worth starting practical exercises with easy-to-use forms that can be reproduced either by reading step-by-step master class, or repeating after the florist.

What forms are distinguished by their simplicity and ease of execution? There are several of them:

  1. Round form – the flower heads touch each other from above, and the bouquet is collected in a spiral. This shape is the most popular and is easy to create from a variety of colors;
  2. Elongated shape - Quite simple to assemble. It is assembled using parallel technology. All you need to create it is to lay the plant stems tightly together;
  3. Ball shape - a bouquet created on piaflora, a special floral foam. The flowers completely cover the outside of the foam and create a beautiful floral craft.

In addition to this form, many other interesting bouquets can be created using an oasis sponge. How to work with it is described in detail in the article “Floral materials and tools.”

Both adults and children can make various simple flower arrangements using piaflora. At the same time, children's floral lessons have their own characteristics.

What master classes will be useful for beginners? Let's give some useful examples.

Floristry master class: assembling a round bouquet of carnations

Making bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners using carnations is simple master class, which will help anyone assemble a flower arrangement from scratch, even if they have no basic understanding of floristry.

Any beginner can create such a beautiful bouquet using the step-by-step instructions provided. So where should you start?

The stages of composing a bouquet step by step are as follows:

  1. Choose 9 or more carnations for the bouquet. The color is chosen at will, but it is worth noting that monochromatic plants look no less beautiful than multi-colored ones;
  2. We collect flowers in a spiral, pressing the buds tightly;
  3. We adjust the buds to give the bouquet volume;
  4. We fasten the resulting bouquet with a thin ribbon;
  5. Take a wide ribbon and create a frame for the stem of the bouquet;
  6. Glue the end of the tape so that it does not come off. We supplement the gluing area with ribbon tied with a bow;
  7. Since the stems are still a bit long, we cut them to the required length;
  8. We check the accuracy of execution and the bouquet is ready!

In such a composition, greenery, for example, gypsophila or hypericum, can complement the carnations before decorating the stem, as well as decorative ornaments, among which strings of pearls and beads are popular.

Besides carnations spiral bouquet You can also assemble them from other colors, combining them with each other according to your taste and desire. What other options are available to beginners?

Making bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners - video tutorials:

Floristry master class: assembling a vertical men's bouquet

One of the striking examples of an elongated composition is a vertical men's bouquet. In this bouquet you can use different quantities colors. If there are not too many plants, this will simplify both the time and the assembly process.

In addition, a parallel technique for composing a bouquet is used, which does not require special skills and thanks to which composing a bouquet is very easy. The main thing is to choose flowers that will set the upward direction.

What does it look like to make a vertical bouquet of fresh flowers for beginners step by step:

  1. Let's take plants such as anthurium, brunia, hibiscus, cymbidium orchid, large chrysanthemum, anigazanthus branches, bushy greens and ferns;
  2. We prepare the flowers: we clean the chrysanthemums from the bottom of the leaves, remove the lower flowers from the orchid branch;
  3. We first connect hibiscus and a little anigazanthus in parallel, alternating them with each other;
  4. Then we attach one chrysanthemum at a level just above the middle, the other at a level higher, so that the asymmetry remains;
  5. We also add anthurium and orchid to the composition;
  6. Along the perimeter of the bouquet we add shrubby greenery, branches of anigazanthus and brunia;
  7. It is necessary to maintain beautiful transition lines in the composition; if necessary, you can easily rearrange the elements of the bouquet;
  8. We complete the composition by creating a cuff from three branches of fern at the bottom of the bouquet;
  9. We make two strong ties at the bottom, higher and lower, so that the parallelism is not broken;
  10. We take the tape and hide the place of the bunch with it, while hiding the tip of the tape either by gluing it with tape or fastening it with a piece of floral wire;
  11. Carefully trim the ends of the stems;
  12. And now an interesting men's bouquet is completed!

This type of composition can be collected not only for men, but also for women. Just use more for this delicate flowers and color scheme. In addition, elongated bouquets can serve as an organic addition to various spaces.

Such vertical bouquets can be decorated to decorate the interior of an apartment, house, or even a country house or estate.

Floristry master class: assembling a flower pomander

Despite the incomprehensible name, assembling a pomander bouquet is a master class in floristry for beginners.

The pomander itself is a small flower ball hanging on a satin ribbon. Florists use it not only to decorate various events, but also as elegant gifts for lovely ladies.

And you must agree that it is so nice to receive a flower miracle as a gift, which will be a wonderful reminder for a long time, for example, of a romantic date. That's why making this flower arrangement with your own hands is especially nice.

And to create a balloon bouquet, you can take not only store-bought flowers, but also those grown at the dacha, because the basis of the composition will be a floral sponge. The pomander assembly scheme is extremely simple, and every novice florist can easily complete it.

Floristry for beginners step by step: assembling balloon bouquets looks like this:

  1. We take an oasis sponge and give it the desired round shape small size;
  2. Place the sponge in a container of water and wait until it is completely submerged, then remove it. Under no circumstances should you drown the sponge, because then it will not absorb the required amount of water;
  3. Wrap the oasis sponge in a thin layer of stretch film;
  4. We take two long dense floral wires and create a pendant mount for the satin ribbon:
    • We pierce the oasis with wire vertically in the middle;
    • We bend the lower ends into different sides so that the ball holds;
    • We shorten the upper ends and create a loop for the ribbon;
  5. We stretch the ribbon and hang the ball on the base;
  6. We fill the piaflora space at the top and bottom with flowers so that there are no gaps;
  7. We check the aesthetics of the composition and voila - the bouquet is ready!

In addition to creating bouquets with adult hands, master classes for children are popular in floristry, which bring no less pleasure. And although they often look like unprofessional crafts, their value is invaluable.

Floral lessons for children

Floristry for children is important for their all-round development, because contact with the wonderful world of flowers will give not only new knowledge, but also expand children's horizons.

However, it is necessary to carefully and carefully prepare a program for children's master classes so that children of preschool and school age were not only involved in the process, but were not injured.

Also, taking into account the possibility of children's perception, it is most advisable to conduct lessons during the day, when it is light.

In addition, it is worth considering following points when working with children:

  1. The time for assembling the composition should not exceed an academic hour, since later the children will no longer be assiduous;
  2. It is necessary to prepare tools and some materials in advance. Children can process the other part and flowers themselves;
  3. Training should be carried out in a fun way;
  4. It is better to create small compositions and small bouquets;
  5. The compositions should be bright and colorful, evoke a feeling of celebration;
  6. You can complement fresh flowers with artificial or edible materials such as butterflies, birds, candies and small fruits.

And, of course, parents will be able to help the child while assembling the bouquet if the master class on flower arranging is a joint event.

Floristry for beginners step by step - assembling bouquets for children is presented in the following videos:

Gallery of useful lessons on creating bouquets for beginners

In addition to the above master classes, a series of dedicated video lessons will help you learn how to make simple bouquets at a florist.

The spiral technique of assembling a bouquet is used by florists all over the world, literally being the basic skill of this art. This composition looks more lush, neat and voluminous due to the advantageous arrangement of the stems, which gives space to each bud and does not allow them to overlap and press on each other.

This is a fairly simple but elegant method, and every novice florist, and even those who have never been involved in arranging bouquets, can master it.

Spiral bouquet: weaving technique

To work within the framework of this technique, it is necessary to choose flowers that have straight and unbreakable stems. Roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, etc. are suitable. You need to work with tulips more carefully, choosing those that have straight, non-curved legs. Roses have thorns and lower leaves, if they exist, they must be removed. The spiral bouquet design is simple and starts with a central flower that serves as the starting point for the entire arrangement. It should be tall enough and have an even, dense stem. The others will gather around him in a circle.

Spiral bouquet: master class

The process will be described for a right-handed person. In this case, the bouquet is held in the left hand, and new elements are added with the right. For left-handers, the distribution of hands will accordingly be different.

To work you will need:

  • pruner;
  • scissors,
  • plants prepared for weaving;
  • twine (floral tape).

Before you start working with the selected plants, “rehearse” on twigs, twigs or Chinese sticks to acquire the desired skill.

  • We take the second plant right hand and place it at a slight slope on the nameless and index fingers left. The direction is always counterclockwise!
  • The third element rests on the middle and index fingers of the left hand and is held with the thumb.
  • We draw the fourth stem under ring finger between the index and middle.

  • We continue in a circle in the same order. It is better to work in front of a mirror to be able to control the result. When the flower is at the front of the bouquet, it should be tilted to the left. WITH reverse side- to the right. Each subsequent element rests slightly diagonally on the previous one, forming a spiral composition.

  • We tie the finished bouquet in the narrowest place with a rope or floral tape for secure fixation.
  • We straighten the flower heads and carefully trim the bottom of the stems with pruning shears at the same level. Try to make oblique cuts between the buds - this will prolong the life of the plants.

The higher the bundle is made, the tighter it will be flower hat. Low binding will give a visually more voluminous, lush bouquet.

If the stems of the plants are very thin or you just want to get a more lush and voluminous bouquet, you can lay more greenery between the stems of the flowers.

For a special occasion

If the bouquet is intended for the bride or for another occasion when it does not have to stand quietly in a vase from the very beginning (transportation, presentation, carrying in hands, etc.), additional fixation will be required. For this, there is a special floral glue, thanks to which the structure will not fall apart even when riding a motorcycle on a country road. Apply the same glue to the cuts on the stems. This will allow moisture to be retained, and the bouquet will live without water for a longer time.

Doesn't have to be a circle!

A bouquet assembled in a spiral pattern does not necessarily have to have classic shape. If you master this technique well, you can lay out, for example, a heart. In this case, the design is created without a central, apical flower. If you make the interception low, the flower cap will take the shape of a circle. It can be either hollow inside or “filled”. To make a heart, you will need fairly hard wire.

It needs to be braided around the stems at the base of the buds, and then bent into the shape of a heart. You can place a gift in the center of such a composition. But it should be borne in mind that it should be very light - for example, Raffaello candies.