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» Ring on the ring finger of the left hand: meaning for men and women. Why wedding rings are worn on the ring finger Why is the wedding ring on the left ring finger

Ring on the ring finger of the left hand: meaning for men and women. Why wedding rings are worn on the ring finger Why is the wedding ring on the left ring finger

In some countries, on the right hand, in others - on the left ... and yet it is customary to “ring” the ring finger of lovers. Why has the choice been falling on him for several thousand years? How to use rings to declare not only marriage, but also your intimate status? Is there any harm in constantly wearing wedding rings, and what can their appearance say about the intentions of the giver? - Now let's figure it out!

Anatomy of Ancient Egypt

The first wedding rings, which appeared about 5,000 years ago, were not gold. The Egyptians wove them from reeds that grew along the banks of the Nile - the river of the past, present and future. Such rings could be afforded by the most ordinary people - tillers, shepherds, lotus pickers ...

It was the Egyptians who first put wedding rings on the ring finger. And all because the doctors of ancient civilization were keenly interested in the structure of the human body and discovered that only through this finger (on the left hand) does a vein pass, leading directly to the heart. On the other hand, the ring finger is practically not used for work, and therefore the ring put on it did not interfere with daily activities.

Ancient "language of rings"

The so-called "language of the rings" originated in ancient Greece and was widely used by men until the beginning of the last century to communicate basic information about their personal lives.

The ring finger, according to the inherited Egyptian tradition, was accompanied by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Naturally, the ring on this finger spoke of marital ties or the presence of a bride, lover or lover.

The ring on the index finger signaled that its owner was looking for a future wife.

If the middle finger was decorated with a ring, the man emphasized his amorous successes and declared that he was not averse to having a mistress.

The little finger, adorned with a ring, indicated the absence of a beloved, but also disinterest in finding a partner (at the moment).

"Subtle energies" of the Slavs

In ancient pagan times, the Slavs worshiped the solar deity - Yaril, who also patronized all living things. The ring finger was connected to it, so it was on it that wedding rings were worn. In order for them to serve as powerful family amulets, they were made smooth - according to the ideas of the Slavs, patterns destroyed magical properties. The husband gave his wife a golden ring, which carries male, solar energy. The wife gave her husband a silver ring, thereby transferring to him a part of the lunar, female energy. Thus, a balance and "harmony" were established between the spouses. Wedding rings were considered more precious, the more generations in the family wore them. Moreover, the Slavs did not part with these symbols of marital unity day or night.

There is also evidence that in ancient Russia wedding rings were also worn on the index finger, as is customary among Jews today. However, with the introduction of Orthodox traditions, the final leadership was assigned to the ring finger.

We explain love "on the fingers"

Each finger is a symbol of certain members of a family or clan. The thumb is parents, the index finger is brothers and sisters, the middle finger is self, the ring finger is spouse, and the little finger is children. If you fold your palms in a “house” and rest your fingertips against each other - except for the bent middle one (as shown in the photo), you can come to a very vital conclusion.

Try to separate your thumbs - you can easily do this, because parents cannot be with us forever. Try to spread the little fingers - and everything will work out, because the children grow up and leave the parental nest. The index fingers will also easily disperse, because brothers and sisters one day create their own families. But no effort can separate the ring fingers, once folded together. Only they can show what love and fidelity are - that's why only they deserve to be decorated with wedding rings.

Esotericists against doctors - who wins?

Previously, esotericism was dominated by the reputation of "quackery", but times are changing, and science does not stand still. Today, no one doubts that in the human body there are not only physical tissues, but a higher “energy plane”. Energy passes through special energy channels, and it turns out that it can be influenced in a completely physical way. It is believed that the wedding ring on the ring finger restricts the flow of energy leading to the heart. “Exchanging” rings, lovers close the partner’s channel of love on themselves, and thereby close his heart to other passions.

However, doctors are not happy with all this - after all, a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the hands, which are affected by the rings. In addition, the very material from which they are made can sometimes give the owners a lot of trouble. Science knows cases when it was enough for infertile women to remove their wedding ring in order to become pregnant. Or get rid of problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system, as well as migraines. Everything is individual here, but at the same time, doctors also mention the benefits of gold rings: it turns out that they protect against arthritis and arthrosis (at least one single finger). But, on the other hand, we use it so little - maybe it just “wears out” less than the rest?

ring ring strife

Of course, anything happens in our time, but still, the initiator of the most desired gift for a woman - a wedding ring - is most often men. At the same time, the budget of the purchase does not play a role, but the design of the jewelry itself is important. He will tell you with what secret hopes the man acquired the ring...

A thin ring 2-5 mm wide is a “classic of the genre” and rather a tribute to traditions than an ardent recognition of feelings. Such a design indicates that the partner is quite satisfied with the relationship, is not inclined to look for "extreme" on the side, and, most likely, expects to grow old with his wife, surrounded by children and grandchildren. It may become routine, but at least the donor's intentions are good.

A wide or massive ring indicates a desire not only to “ring” the chosen one, but to provide her with an “anchor”. Most likely, the man is not sure about the strength of the relationship or feels that the woman is less interested in him than he is in her. Well, it does happen.

Finally, an intricate ring with stones, notches, patterns and other frills speaks of the donor's dissatisfaction with the current relationship - but hopes to make it brighter, more ardent and passionate. There is a risk that, without getting what he wants, the man will switch to a more interesting “prey” after some time.

Well, how to understand a person who wears a ring on his ring finger - but not an engagement ring at all? And what can they say about the character of the owner of the ring and rings on other fingers? - We will return to this in the near future.

Vika Dee

For a long time young people exchanging wedding rings during the marriage ceremony. At a wedding, jewelry is usually worn on a specific hand and the desired finger. It is believed that this helps to show the desire for harmonized relationships, happiness. However, in different countries, wedding rings are worn on different hands and fingers, which is due to the peculiarities of religious faith.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger of the right hand?

The first to wear a wedding ring in the appropriate manner began the inhabitants of ancient Rome. They were sure: in the ring finger there is a vein that connects heart and finger. Vienna was named after love. If a person put jewelry on this finger, one could immediately understand: he is busy and married. It is for this reason that the wedding ring should be on the ring finger.

Wedding ring

There is another legend that allows you to better understand the existing tradition. In this case, the legend arose thanks to the ancient Hellenes. They noted that ring wear on the ring finger to confirm the busyness of the person's heart and tie it all together. If a person decorated the index finger, he was in active search, the little finger - unpreparedness for marital relations.

The ancient Hellenes also believed: the presence of a ring on the middle finger confirms amazing victories on the love front

The Christians acted wisely, because they tied the legal wearing of the ring on the ring finger of the left hand and church ritual. From the 9th century, symbolic religious engraving of inscriptions on jewelry was allowed, but this tradition was observed only by Catholics.

It is believed that with the choice of hands, everything is much simpler. The ancient Romans believed: right hand will be happier than the left. For this reason, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. This tradition is followed by residents of most countries of the world, including Russia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Portugal. Now it becomes clear on which hand wedding rings are worn in Russia and why the corresponding tradition arose.

Photo of a wedding ring on the finger of a Russian woman

Who wears wedding rings on their left hand?

The tradition of wearing a ring left hand originated relatively recently, at the beginning of the 18th century. It is believed that women recognized the authority of spouses who did not receive special decorations in the old days. This opinion was due to the fact that the left hand is not the main one. For this reason, wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand means recognizing the authority of the spouse. This practice is common in English-speaking and Muslim countries, as well as in Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Romania.

Muslims in the 21st century only wear wedding rings on their left hand. There are many in the world Catholics and Muslims which is important to remember. Many people in Europe belong to the Catholic and Muslim religions. Not surprisingly, in Turkey they also wear a ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

In Russia, divorced women and men, widows and widowers put wedding rings on their left hand.

By this they show memory, respect for the departed or deceased spouse. Surrounding people often understand such actions, but psychologists have a negative attitude towards such an act, since the decoration reminds a person of the past stage of life and interferes with the search for new happiness. It is advisable to abandon the ring, although the memories will remain. Without an accessory, the chances of finding personal happiness will increase.

Wedding ring on a man

Married men and women wear wedding rings only for ring finger left hand.

Can an unmarried girl wear a ring on the ring finger of her right hand?

Girls often choose jewelry and are interested in symbols. Sometimes the question arises whether it is right for a girl to wear a wedding ring or it is advisable to refuse such an act. In most cases, it is not advisable to decorate the finger of the hand, taking into account existing traditions, because such an act reduces chances of meeting with potential candidates.

Palmists and astrologers note: each finger has a special symbolism

Each finger of the hand is under the auspices of a particular planet, therefore it affects the character and habits of people. Jewelery is often worn on a specific finger and is tried activate the desired area, but jewelry should have a simple design and be different from the wedding ones.

Wedding ring

Many nations believe in I will accept: a free girl should not wear a ring on her ring finger, as this will lead to failure in personal relationships, celibacy. In fact, there is some truth in this, because dating will occur less often due to the fact that the other person will think about the lack of opportunities for developing relationships.

On the other hand, the ring finger is under the favorable influence of the Sun.

If you wear a ring on this finger, you can contribute to personal self-expression, finding a partner, gaining fame and fortune. It is believed that in order to get married, you need to wear a ring on your ring finger, but it is advisable to choose a gold piece of jewelry. It is undesirable to choose silver jewelry, as they have an energetically calming effect and make it difficult to find a soul mate.

Intimate Jewelry cannot be sampled. If a girl chooses a ring that should attract her chosen one, it is forbidden to give jewelry to other people to try on.

Wedding rings on lovers

Also, a married woman should wear a wedding ring and not give it to others. Otherwise, personal life will be wide open, so the chances of personal happiness will decrease.

The meaning of the wedding ring on different fingers

Wedding rings are allowed to be worn on different fingers despite existing traditions.


It symbolizes willpower, reflects the inner essence of a person. If you plan to wear a ring on your thumb, you need to be especially careful, attentive, as serious changes will take place in the near future. Also, the decoration will contribute to the development of will, determination. Thumb rings are often surprising, although the phenomenon remains common in the world. In medieval Europe, rings were often worn on the thumb and spouses could wear symbolic jewelry on different fingers, attracting the right energy.


The index finger is a symbol of power, leadership ambitions. Decoration activates the corresponding energy. Kings could develop leadership qualities by putting a ring on a specific hand. Nowadays, only a few do this, but sometimes people can see a symbolic decoration on their index finger.

Middle finger

The middle finger reflects the personality of a person. The decoration, located in the center of the hand, is a symbol of a balanced life and attracts the energy of harmony. On the middle finger of the left hand, Russians often wear it, because they are Orthodox and honor religious canons. A wedding ring on the middle finger of the right hand means that the person managed to become a divorcee or a widower, and may also belong to the Muslim or Catholic religion.

ring finger

The ring finger has a direct connection with the heart, so it is most often worn with jewelry. It is believed that this contributes to positive energy in marital relationships, enhances joint affection, helps to get closer and gives optimism. Silver jewelry is a good option, as they have the right energy. Also rings are often made of gold. To decorate jewelry, it is advisable to choose gems such as moonstone, jade, turquoise or amethyst.

Little finger

They often wear pinky rings. It is believed that in this case a person wants to report something, to give a signal to the outside world. The fact is that little finger with a wedding ring is sure to attract the most attention, and it is not associated with religious or cultural traditions. The reason for wearing a wedding ring on the little finger may be the desire to strengthen the marriage through business or joint creative activity, to show public attention to personal relationships. It is advisable to choose jewelry with moonstone, amber or citrine.

You can also learn additional facts from the video: why wedding rings are worn on the ring finger:

Married women and married men wear an engagement ring not only in accordance with traditions and beliefs but also as a sign of respect, closeness to each other.

August 31, 2018, 19:41

Everyone knows that the most important symbol in marriage are wedding rings. The question immediately arises: why not some other precious object, such as a bracelet or earrings?

The explanation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the rings are presented in the form of a closed strip of metal, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of fidelity and eternal love, which guarantees cohesion in relationships, the ability to support each other in difficult times, as well as such a quality as constancy. Today, this symbol no longer has the same power as before. Although all the newlyweds swear and believe that they will find immense happiness.

But still, the question certainly arises: why exactly is the ring finger the place where wedding rings are worn?

According to legend, the first rings appeared among the Egyptians, who made them of gold for exchange during marriage. To do this, they took a strip of gold, gave it a round shape, which symbolizes fidelity and love. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt put rings on the middle finger of the left hand, believing that it was he who was the connecting thread of the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, Eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

Residents of European countries are used to wearing a wedding ring on their right hand, namely on the ring finger. There is a belief that he has miraculous powers, thanks to the ring. Speaking of the Egyptians, the ancient Greeks and Romans, it was this finger that they used to rub in healing ointments. According to legend, the finger that wore the wedding ring could heal from illness.

There is also another legend according to which we owe to the ancient Hellenes that they wore a ring on the ring finger, talking about the employment of a person's heart. It was they who tied together the ring and love. If a person wore a ring on his index finger, then he was in active search. The presence of a ring on the little finger spoke of the unwillingness to marry. The presence of a ring on the middle finger testified to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

The act of Christians was wise enough, consisting in the legality of wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand, associating it with church ritual. Since the 9th century, the Pope has blessed the engraving of the church text on the ring. But this was characteristic only of Catholics, since the Orthodox were accustomed to wear them on their right hand, while the ring finger of the left hand was for divorced people.

So, in history there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of the bonds of marriage. And it does not matter where this symbol of love and fidelity is worn. The main thing is that everything in life goes well for a married couple. In a word, to have advice and love in their lives.

Has anyone wondered why an engagement ring is worn on the ring finger? We will try to explain it to you!

According to legend, the first rings appeared in Egypt. They were made of gold and or exchanged during marriage. The ancient Egyptians wore rings on the middle finger of their left hand. It was he who they considered the link between the veins and the heart. That is why Eastern peoples wear wedding rings on the middle finger.

Residents of European countries put rings on the ring finger of their right hand. There is a belief that the finger becomes "magic" because of the ring on it. If we talk about the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks, then it was with the ring finger that they rubbed healing ointments. According to legend, a finger with a wedding ring is able to heal from the disease.

Another legend belongs to the ancient Hellenes. She says that the ring on the ring finger symbolizes that a person's heart is busy. It was these people who connected the ring and love. If the ring is on the index finger, then the person is in search of his soulmate. The ring on the little finger is a sign of unpreparedness for a serious relationship. But if the ring is on the middle finger, then its owner has conquered more than one heart.

So, there are many options for wearing an engagement ring, which is a symbol of marriage. And if you think about it, there is no difference where to wear this symbol of love. The main thing is that married couples live happily and understand each other. As they say, so that in life there is advice and love!

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"A wedding ring is not an easy decoration..." For many, warm memories of a happy wedding day are associated with this song, when the bride in white is the most beautiful in the world, and the groom glows with happiness. A large number of beliefs and folk beliefs are intertwined with modern ideas about how to spend this day. What and how to wear? Where to go and even how to cross the threshold correctly? Each people and culture has its own special traditions and rituals, but one feature is characteristic of all. Wedding rings are worn on the ring finger. In most countries, on the right hand, and somewhere on the left, but the finger remains unchanged. So what's the reason? Where does this tradition come from?

How was it in ancient Rome and Greece?

One of the most ancient references to wedding rings is the mention by the ancient Greek thinker Plutarch of the work of Apion "On Egypt", in which there is a rationale for wearing this symbol of love on the ring finger as a result of scientific experiments on the human body. So, the ancient Egyptians, examining the human body from the inside, discovered a barely noticeable nerve that connects the ring finger directly to the heart, which is not observed in the rest of the fingers. Paying tribute to the importance of the spouses and the involvement of the symbol of love in the heart, it was decided to wear the ring on this finger. Of course, many may be confused by such a rationale and methods for discovering this connection. Therefore, it is necessary to mention a beautiful parable that came to us from Ancient China.

Ancient China

Chinese culture is rich in symbols and beautiful justifications for simple things. So, very simply and beautifully in Chinese tradition, it is said about choosing a finger for wearing a ring.

Chinese culture encourages us to consider our hands as symbols of the closest people. In their opinion, the thumbs will denote the father and mother of a person. Index fingers are a symbol of close relatives (brothers, sisters). For the person himself, the symbol will be the middle finger. The ring finger is a partner, and the little fingers are symbols of descendants. If we connect all the fingers together, while removing the middle fingers inside the palm, we can see the real state of things in the world. In this position of the hands, the thumbs that represent the parents are very easy to spread in different directions, showing that the parents are not always next to the person. With brothers and sisters, life paths also diverge, as a result of which the index fingers can be opened. No matter how much we are attached to our children, they will leave the parental hearth and go their own way - the little fingers can be opened. And only the ring fingers, no matter how hard you try, will not be able to open. In such a simple and visual form in ancient China they showed that everything in the world is changing, and people who are with us can leave our lives, but only our partner will remain nearby.

Medical rationale

The interesting thing is that no matter how many legends and beliefs that answer the question of why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger, we may not know, few people can believe that there is a justification from a medical point of view. Probably, with some inner feeling, our ancestors determined that it is on the ring finger that there are nerve endings that are literally responsible for sexual desire in the human body. They regulate the endocrine system, command the sacrococcygeal zone of the spine, maintain the tone of the vessels of the pelvic organs. So, if you easily massage the skin on the ring finger, you can activate the production of hormones responsible for sexual desire.

Why do some wear on the right and some on the left?

The choice of the hand on which the wedding ring will be worn is directly related to the traditions and faith of a certain territory. So, Orthodox believers have the concept that everything connected with the right side of the body is correct, as a result of this, the correct concept of marriage is displayed in wearing a wedding ring on the right hand.

Unlike the Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants wear it on the left hand, as it is located closer to the heart.

Features in wearing wedding rings in different countries

Answering the question of why a wedding ring is put on the ring finger, you can see that this action, despite its seemingly universality for different countries, may have its own characteristics. They are due to cultural traditions and the acceptance of the wedding itself as an important event. So, for example, in Germany and Holland, young people who decide to get married indicate their intentions by putting rings on their left hand. But after the marriage ritual, a wedding ring is put on the ring finger of the right hand. This marks the change that has taken place in life.

An interesting fact when looking for an answer to the question of why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger was the traditional behavior at a Jewish wedding. Ringing the finger of the right hand as the main one, the groom knows that after the ceremony his wife will independently transfer the ring to the left hand.

In most countries, it is customary for spouses to wear rings on one side. But in Sri Lanka things are different. It is customary to wear the symbol of marriage from different sides. The groom wears the fidelity symbol on his right hand, and his bride on her left.

In Muslim countries, it is rare to find the ritual of exchanging rings, but they can be seen in ordinary life. Which hand the ring will be on depends only on the person who wears it.

Thus, we can conclude that to the question of why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger and why the choice of hand for different countries is different, the answer for each individual region has its own rationale. It lies in the historical past, religion and culture of a certain people.

Despite the fact that all Catholics and Protestants wear rings on their left hands, Austria, where mainly representatives of these Christian denominations live, has a different approach. Rings don't disappear predominantly on the right hand.

One of the justifications for wearing the symbol of marriage among the Orthodox is that it is with the right hand that a person does most of the work.

In the Orthodox tradition, in the event of the death of a spouse, what would testify his fidelity, the symbol of love is transferred from the right hand to the left. Therefore, if a visitor puts a ring on his left hand, he may be mistaken for a widower or widow.

Interestingly, the tradition of wearing wedding rings at first concerned only women. It was only during the Second World War that men began to wear a symbol of fidelity permanently, when they took rings with them to remember that they were waiting for them at home.
In order to say why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger in your region, you need to turn to history and understand why your ancestors adopted one of the versions or they had their own.