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» How does severe damage to a knife work? Kitchen knife: signs to avoid getting into trouble

How does severe damage to a knife work? Kitchen knife: signs to avoid getting into trouble

A knife is an item that every person has in their kitchen. We all handle it every day, using it for its intended purpose, and sometimes we can cut ourselves or drop it on the floor. However, it has long been known that a knife is not just a piece of kitchen utensil. There are various superstitions and signs about knives.

At different times, this item played many roles: it was a symbol of power, might, often acted as a talisman or amulet, was used as a magical weapon, and so on. It is not surprising that the knife has acquired a lot of superstitions and signs, which will be discussed further.

What does a falling knife mean?

The most common sign is about a falling knife, since this simply cannot be avoided when cooking.

So, if a knife falls, you should pay attention to this, because there may be a hidden meaning in such an action. This way, holding it can warn you about something or correctly guide you through life, so you shouldn’t throw this information out of your head.

  • If a clean knife falls and does not injure anyone, this indicates that there will be guests in the house in the near future, one of whom must be a man, since this word refers to the masculine gender.
  • If a fallen object lands on the handle after falling, it means that soon someone familiar or even a family member will knock on the front door. Moreover, the visit will carry only positive energy and does not promise anything bad either for the owner or for the future guest.
  • If a knife falls on the floor or on a table at home in such a way that the tip turns towards a person, it should be ready. A man does not come to your house with good intentions; he may have negative thoughts in his head. You need to decide whether to let such a guest on your doorstep.

By the way, there is a belief that if a knife falls with its tip up and pointed towards a person, he has the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant encounter. To do this, you need to pick up the object, take it in right hand and hit the tip several times front door, while saying the following words: “No one is home, there is no need to come here.” Judging by the reviews, after this, the male guest does not come.

  • If, after falling on the table, the knife turns its handle towards the person, this indicates that there is a man who is looking for a meeting, but something is standing in his way.
  • If the house has a wooden floor in the kitchen or, for example, linoleum, the knife may stick its tip after falling. This means that a stranger will soon knock on the house.

Why does the knife break?

Everything in this life does not last forever and, of course, any object in the apartment can break sooner or later. All signs of a broken knife do not bring anything good.

If a knife in the house breaks in your hands, you should not attempt to repair it, even if it was of particular value. You need to throw it in the trash as quickly as possible, while whispering the following words: “Go out into the night, out of sight, take away all the tears and sadness above you.”

If rust appears on an object, this indicates that something is wrong in the body of one of the household members and you should pay more attention to your health.

Why do you dream

If you happen to see a knife in a dream at night, know that it’s not just like that, it’s also not the most best omen. A particularly bad omen is considered the situation when someone breaks a sharp weapon, because this means that among friends someone is only pretending to be friendly, but in fact is holding a stone behind his back.

If you dreamed that you found an old knife that was previously stolen, this is also bad sign. After all, according to knowledge about folk signs, when you pick up someone else’s thing, you take away all the negativity that its owner has ever been exposed to. Accordingly, you need to be careful in all respects if you had such a dream the night before important events.

If in a dream you happened to fight with someone or you stabbed someone, in reality you will have to experience remorse for what you once did to one of your friends or acquaintances, since the truth will float out. The same applies to dreams about how a person had to steal using the described item.

What does a found knife mean?

If you find someone else's knife, it is better to bypass such a find; under no circumstances should you pick it up. According to folk beliefs and signs, this item has the ability to absorb all the negativity emanating from its owner. If you pick up such an object, quarrels, troubles, failures will appear in life, everything will simply fall out of your hands.

If you find a rusty knife, this promises a quick breakdown in your relationship with your loved one. If you value your marriage, then under no circumstances should you pick up such a find in order to maintain harmony.

There are some points that are worth talking about in more detail. Even if you don’t plan to pick up the knife and take it for yourself, the very fact of the find can also become a sign. Pay attention to how the tip is positioned:

  • directed upward - expect changes for the worse;
  • directed downwards - everything you plan will not come true.

Thus, you cannot stop near a knife that has disappeared, much less pick it up, since such a find could turn out to be a bad thing.

Good omens associated with a knife

Despite the fact that most signs still carry a negative connotation, there are also those that promise something good for the person interacting with the knife. No matter how absurd it may sound, a common kitchen item has more than once helped women get pregnant. To do this, you need to do the following: before going to bed, rub the tip on your stomach, saying “Give me life.”

In addition, women who have already managed to become pregnant can use a knife to protect their unborn child. To do this, the knife is placed under the mattress strictly in the place where the woman sleeps.

In addition, it has long been known that a knife placed under the pillow of a newborn child protects him from evil spirits. However, this method can only be used until a cross appears on the child’s neck, indicating that the baby has undergone baptism.

If in an establishment Catering brought two knives to the table instead of the usual cutlery: forks or spoons - this means that you are a happy person. If you have lost an item, don't be upset, you have just gotten rid of all the negativity that ever passed through you. Actually, for the same reason, some people tend to throw away bladed weapons.

Other signs associated with a knife

Here we will tell you what other signs about knives that were not mentioned earlier exist.

  • Under no circumstances should you give a knife as a gift. It is believed that any sharp object given can end friendships, even those that have existed for years. There is only one way to give a knife without fear of causing irreparable harm to the friendship. To do this, the person to whom you are going to give the knife must buy it from you for a nominal fee. Then such a gift will only bring joy.

Every day we use household items that have become familiar to us. We don't think about their essence. But each of them is endowed with its own unique energy, memory, vibrations that interact with the vibrations of other objects.

In Kabbalah, for example, subtle connections between symbols, numbers, events, words, phenomena, and objects have long been noticed. Kabbalists are able to compose individual Kabbalistic formulas that strengthen or weaken the vibrations of certain things, helping a person achieve his intended goal. Folk signs also carry information about cause-and-effect or correlation relationships between things. Today we will talk about knives.

The truth is hidden in folk superstitions

The knife is an essential attribute of classical magic. Even ordinary knives that we use every day in the kitchen have magical properties, which need to be taken into account. Under no circumstances should you eat from a knife. A person who has such a habit can change from a kind and affectionate friend to an evil and cruel enemy. And first of all, he will be his own enemy, since the destructive vibrations of the steel blade will pass into his personal energy field. True, black magicians deliberately eat from a knife, acquiring the ability to destroy other people's plans, disrupt relationships between people, and cause harm to health. It is very difficult to build a reliable defense against this.

Pregnant women are strongly advised not to sharpen knives. The baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord during childbirth and die. But here you need to keep in mind the method of sharpening. Obviously, you can't sharpen on a rotating sanding wheel. The energy of the torque can be recorded in the form of a program in the subconscious of a pregnant woman. For the same reason, you cannot spin, or indeed wind, thread, say, into a ball. Folk omens also say that sharpening knives after sunset can attract thieves to the house. There seems to be a congruent connection of events here. The robbers sharpen their knives before their dark campaign (at night). And if they have not chosen the house of their victim in advance, then they may subconsciously be drawn to the place where similar manipulations were carried out. (Like action attracts like action).

An uninvited guest and a magical ritual

There is a widely known sign: if a knife falls on the floor, a man will soon come to the house. You can analyze this sign in more detail. If the knife fell with the handle down, then an old acquaintance will come to visit. And if a knife blade is stuck into the floor, expect a visit from a stranger. IN in this case the knife can serve not only as a diagnostic tool, but also as a ritual one. For example, if you do not want to receive a guest, then knock on the table reverse side knife three times. This will discourage the unwanted man.

Don't give knives as gifts. This can provoke a serious conflict, quarrel, even a complete break in relations. And if this happens, then harmonizing relations will be very problematic. You'll have to destroy the knife itself. If someone unknowingly gave you a knife, then in return you need to give the donor a penny (any small coin). This action neutralizes Negative consequences. You should also not pick up a knife on the road. Such an action cannot provoke trouble.

Naturally, we cannot live without knives in everyday life. You have to buy similar items, although not so often. When purchasing a knife in a store, make sure to give even money (without change). This will neutralize any negative clues and smooth out sharp corners events in the future. Is it possible to pay for a knife? credit card, you ask? This is not advisable. If you follow the balance of energies to the end, then you must pay for the knife in metal money. As if following the principle of exchange: metal for metal.

Subtle energies of a kitchen knife

The knife may have the properties of an invisible magical weapon. For this reason, you should not stick a knife into photographs of people, especially after the knife has been used to cut raw meat. And although at first glance the cause-and-effect relationships between these events are not visible, they still exist. It’s just that the uninitiated do not have sufficient knowledge to understand them. Let's say a wild aborigine is unlikely to be able to build a chain of cause and effect after seeing you talking to someone on mobile phone. But he can still be taught to use a mobile phone, despite the lack of knowledge in the field of physics and radio electronics. The same applies to the subtle methods of scientific esotericism. That's why ordinary people It is not necessary to comprehend complex occult sciences, but it is worth taking some precautions. And finally, remember important sign. When eating with loved ones, never cut bread different knives(but only one). But better bread Don't cut it at all, you have to break it with your hands. And although this does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, by eating in company various broken pieces from one whole loaf, people unite on a more subtle spiritual level.

If you don’t think about it, the word “find” sounds very promising. If you're lucky, you'll get something useful; no - you will stay with your own. Either way, you win! On the other hand, you can find a lot of troubles for your head, and adventures for your fifth point. Our ancestors were well aware of this and believed in omens, which is why they treated any finds with suspicion. Especially something as dangerous as a knife. What does it mean to find or, worse, lose it?

Signs about the found knife

Of course, not everything piercing and cutting carries a negative message. What's wrong, for example, with a small pocket knife, with which you can sharpen a pencil, pick out a rusty screw, and scrape tightly stuck chewing gum from the sole? Or a bread knife? Or a wood carver's tool? This one can actually be compared to an artist’s brush, what evil is that!

The ancestors understood this too. The “honest” blade, which faithfully served its owner in peaceful everyday affairs, was valued, respected and often used as powerful amulet against evil. The knife was stuck into the wall of the barn to protect the livestock. Placed under the pillow of pregnant women to ward off evil spirits. They hid the baby in the cradle until baptism - if anyone cast an unkind glance at the child, he would immediately attack him! The knife hidden under the threshold was supposed to ward off all hostile energy from the house; and a circle drawn on the ground with an iron blade was found as reliable protection from sorcerers and witches.

During mushroom season, such finds are not uncommon.

A completely different emotion was caused by someone else’s knife, found on the road, in a field or in the forest under a bush. Go guess who it used to belong to! Maybe a thief who cut other people's bags from their shoulders in the crowd? Or a robber-murderer? Or a soldier who earns his living through constant bloody battles? Such a thing will not bring any good, even if it is at least three times expensive and of good quality. If you pick it up, you yourself will begin to languish from remorse, not even knowing what oppresses you. If you bring it into the house, you will bring bad dreams, illnesses and misfortunes to your loved ones. In any case, the knife will take with it some of the black energy of the previous owner, and then anyone who happens to be nearby beware!

Where was someone else’s knife found: in the forest on the road or in an apartment/house

What exactly threatens the new owner with someone else’s knife?

  • Frivolously picked up outside the home - on the street, in a store, on the river bank - it portends quarrels, illnesses, separations, problems and financial losses, in a word, “ full package» troubles. One good thing is that until you pick up the blade, it is not tied to you. Avoid the dangerous thing and no harm will happen.
  • It’s much worse to find a knife blade in your own closet, behind your bedside table or under the rug in the hallway. Alas, such a find means that you have a hater who is eager to bring misfortune to your family. Even if you are accustomed to disdaining all kinds of “damage,” it is extremely unpleasant to realize that someone entering the house is casting a spell against you. And if we are talking about a suspicious person, the find can serve as a trigger for a whole avalanche of all kinds of troubles, because fear and uncertainty perfectly reinforce the effect of such linings. It is not for nothing that slander is often powerless against people who sincerely believe, as well as against seasoned realists who completely reject everything supernatural - their conviction itself serves as a shield that performs its protective function well. Can't you say that about yourself? Then carefully pick up the knife through a scarf or napkin, take your find away from the house without touching it with your bare hand, and bury it somewhere away. And when you return, wash yourself with holy water, sprinkle it on the walls and floor, or walk through the rooms with a burning candle, lingering in those places where the wick begins to hiss and “spit” - let it burn out the negativity completely.

New or old, rusty

  • Rust covering the blade promises tears due to parting with a loved one.
  • A sharp and brand new knife is a symbol of the difficult trials that life will soon throw at a person - “be careful not to cut yourself”!
  • A broken blade indicates that some of your current plans will not be realized.

Is it worth choosing

For some, searching for antique weapons is a way of life.

Following simple logic, it is better to stay away from a dangerous find. Of course, someone happens to find an ordinary bread knife, forgotten by the owners after a fun picnic. Most likely, his blade is not involved in “dark dealings” and does not carry any negativity. But think sensibly, do you really need this knife to risk your peace of mind for it?

However, there are times when it is really a pity to abandon a find. For example, if an ancient captured dagger from the Second World War unexpectedly falls into your hands. Or just a good, strong knife that can still serve a lot on the farm. And it also happens that someone in the family, unaware of the omen, brings home a “spicy” souvenir. How to be in this case?

What to do if you find it and want to keep it

Having picked up the knife from the ground, throw a coin at the place where it was lying. So you seem to “register” the transaction: there was no find, you decorously and nobly bought an item that you really needed, which is now considered cleared of the past and begins new story in your hands. For some peoples, this simple gesture not only completely removes the negative from the blade, but also immediately transforms the omen into the category of happy ones! It is believed that all the most ardent desires of the owner of such a knife will be fulfilled, and all hopes will come true.

For the most suspicious people and perfectionists who want to protect themselves from other people’s energy as fully as possible, folk wisdom suggests performing a simple cleansing ritual. Read the Lord's Prayer over the knife, sprinkle the blade with holy water and ask higher power protect you from evil. You can also keep the find in a vessel with spring water for a while or lower it into a fast-flowing river.

How to neutralize the effect of the lining

If you are afraid that negativity is hanging over your home or loved ones, carry out universal cleaning. There are many options. For example, like this:

  1. Get into the bathroom and rub your entire body with salt (without extra zeal, all you need is irritation right now!), and then run the water. Stand in the shower, imagining how it leaves your body. dark energy and immediately flows into the drain.
  2. After getting out of the shower, put on clean clothes, open all the windows, light a sprig of St. John's wort on a plate and start cleaning.
  3. First of all, wipe all the mirrors - in a clockwise circular motion. Moreover, it is advisable to make as many waves with a rag over each one, for how many years it has served you.
  4. Did you manage? Move to the floor. There are some discrepancies here: some suggest spraying all corners of the house with melt water and rinsing your hands and face with it, while others wash the floor with a solution of sea salt, which copes well with foreign energies.
  5. Light a candle and pass it across the front door from right to left, first at the level of the peephole and then the handle. If you are not afraid that your neighbors will start calling the priest at the nearest church or, even worse, at a psychiatric clinic, try to treat the outside of the door in the same way. And then clockwise, sequentially walk around all corners of the apartment with a candle.
  6. Wash your hands with salt and stop thinking about bad things.

Signs about a lost knife

But this belief is very difficult.

For a man, the disappearance of a knife could actually end badly

  • Some interpreters regard the loss as a good sign: they say, your enemies sharpened a knife on you (they were preparing some kind of trick), but nothing worked out for them, live in peace.
  • But others consider the loss of a knife a warning about the danger threatening, no less, the life of its owner. Judging by the fact that this belief is especially widespread in the Scandinavian countries, it came from there to us. And there is nothing to be surprised that the stern Viking northerners, and after them the Russians, feared such a sign as fire! In former times, any weapon served as a direct guarantee of the life of its owner - if you are not at hand at the right time, you will become an easy prey for the enemy. Therefore, the loss of even a small belt knife was seen as a weakening of protection: therefore, there is now a “hole” in it!
  • It is also logical that more often this sign threatens men with death, while a woman can get away with a temporary loss of strength and a series of general troubles in life. Despite the fact that our ancestors knew how to stand up for themselves on occasion, they rarely took up arms in self-defense, leaving the role of protectors and breadwinners to men. It turns out that the sign had less significance for the girls.

Lost in the house

Do you think knives don’t disappear from an apartment for no reason? No matter how it is! Every year, almost hundreds of housewives are missing one or another “tool of kitchen labor”; they disappear without a trace. And it’s okay if the woman herself absent-mindedly throws the knife into the trash can along with potato peelings or your husband will sneak the convenient blade into his toolbox! There are disappearances that are completely inexplicable, so that you involuntarily begin to look for hidden subtext in them.

The ancestors explained the loss simply: The Brownie is playing pranks, you know, they have somehow angered a good household patron! The problem was solved by leaving a saucer of milk on the floor at night and saying: “Brownie-Brownie, play with it and give it back.”

Many fear that the knife is not lost itself, but that someone steals it from the house with the aim of committing a “slander”, but the likelihood of this is very low. A very difficult quest awaits your enemies: first steal the knife, then speak, then throw it back! And all this so as not to fall under suspicion yourself... Why give yourself extra trouble if you can plant someone else’s cursed blade? But for those who want to play it safe, there is a neutralization for this sign.

A folk way to leave an ill-wisher with his nose

Enhance the effect of salt with lavender or St. John's wort flowers

To get rid of the influence of bad omens, try taking a bath every day with sea ​​salt or do salt peeling every 3-4 days. From an esoteric point of view, they will regularly clear negative messages from your body, and according to doctors, they will perfectly calm your nerves and help you cope with anxiety. The ringing of bells also saves: its high-frequency vibrations destroy dark energy, set one in a positive mood and bring harmony to life. Buy yourself a bell with a melodic sound and “jingle” to your heart’s content as soon as dark thoughts overcome you. Or play recordings of bells ringing - a wonderful tool that helps even those who snort at the word "supernatural".

Should you pick up a found knife or pass by? Decide for yourself. But if you are afraid of bad omens, it is better to leave the find in place, “out of harm’s way.” The nerves will be intact.

Every person has a knife in their everyday life. It has been used for various purposes for thousands of years. It helps a person in everyday life, hunting and fishing, at work, in self-defense, etc. Signs about knives affect many aspects of their use.

People are accustomed to listening to what the experience of their ancestors tells them, contained in sayings, tales, signs and legends. Some of them are still known, while others are rarely remembered or used. If there is this cutting object in the house, a person should know everything about it.

Energy of a knife

A knife in the house is one of the things that human rumor bestows with exclusively negative characteristics. This is more due to the fact that in ancient times the dagger was primarily a weapon intended for both protection and killing. Over time, with the advent of decorative daggers, this item began to receive much less attention as a source of negative energy.

Its energy has a negative value, regardless of the use of the item. It is for this reason that all signs about knives come down to preventing trouble or misfortune.

From time immemorial, any cutting object in the house was primarily a weapon and only then a kitchen utensil. He washed himself in the blood of animals or opponents, and at the same time helped a person in Everyday life. It is for this reason that the subject received the reputation of a two-faced liar.

Old people often use the saying “It’s not the knife, it’s the owner.” He, like a sponge, absorbs the energy of his owner. If a person has bad thoughts and intentions, then such an object will carry them too. This saying also referred to murders committed with knives. After all, an object strikes only in a person’s hand.

The most famous signs

There are a number of signs about a knife that are constantly heard.

Even the most non-superstitious people remember the signs associated with the fact that a knife should not lie openly on the table or that the blade should not be inserted into the tabletop. They come from the life experiences of entire generations. People were guided by them for a reason. Signs personified warnings against troubles and misfortunes. Signs associated with dangerous objects were created based on the desire to protect oneself and loved ones from possible troubles or misfortunes.

You can't eat from a knife

The main superstition about knives is that you can't eat with them. Most likely, the sign appeared because eating food from it is not safe and can cause great harm to health.

Another variation of the belief says that a person will become evil if he eats from a blade. This also has a logical basis. They were usually eaten by those people who lived in field conditions and could not use a fork while eating. These were:

  • military;
  • hunters;
  • robbers, etc.

Since these people were not of the kindest disposition, the sign warned of the danger of resemblance to these subjects. Still, you shouldn’t eat like this, it can lead to injury.

The knife should not lie on the table

Another equally widespread belief is the prohibition of leaving a knife on the table.

It's connected with high probability get hurt by it through negligence. But our ancestors interpreted this a little differently. There was a belief that a knife left unattended would attract danger and misfortune to residents.

A similar sign recommends not leaving the knife in this position on the table overnight. In the past, people believed that such an oversight contributed to the pranks of the brownie, who could injure or stab a person with a sharp object. In fact, our ancestors talked about the danger of getting hurt in the dark.

In addition to popular wisdom that it should be placed with the blade down, there is also an opinion that it is not advisable to point the blade at a person. This attracts disagreements, disputes and enmity. This is especially true for lovers and people with whom you do business. If a person constantly puts a knife with the blade pointed at his interlocutor, then their relationship will soon deteriorate.

If you fell

The sign of dropping a knife to unexpected guests is also often used. This belief exists not only among the Slavic peoples, but also in Japan, Germany and England.

This sign also has its own explanation. If the hostess is busy in the kitchen and in a hurry drops something, this means that she is in a hurry before the guests arrive.

If an object falls, then you need to take a closer look at exactly how it landed:

  1. The tip stuck into the floor - a man with bad thoughts and intentions will come to the threshold. See who comes to visit over the next 24 hours. This person does not always show his true colors. This could be a relative, friend, neighbor or just a stranger. It's worth watching out for.
  2. Fell on its side and sharply and points to a person, means that a guest will come to the house for whom he is waiting.
  3. He fell on his side and pointed at the window - the family was spared by adversity. These are the tricks of ill-wishers or simply evil fate. You should be wary of repeated attempts to harm your household.
  4. If you injured a person in a fall, then he needs to be more careful with his secrets. You should not trust unreliable people, otherwise soon everyone will know about them.

In China, they believe that a fallen dagger is a sign of trouble that has bypassed the house. And in African countries falling point down - a warning about death loved one, but if it hits the floor with the handle, then there is no need to worry.

Two knives on the table

You cannot keep two knives on the table. This can be a sign of a quarrel in the family and even divorce. The same is said about crossed blades. If two knives are lying nearby and their blades are crossed, you need to wait for bad news.

Little-known signs

There are also a number of little-known beliefs that are still used in society. They also concern the use of a knife in everyday life.

If it's broken

Popular beliefs about a broken knife predict misfortune for the family. Relatives of a person whose hands have broken a blade or its handle may be in serious danger.

A broken knife should not be left in the house. It's better to throw it away in a place where people don't go. This could be the far side of a park or an abandoned house. A broken thing should not just be thrown away, but a prayer should be read over it before doing so. You can use “Our Father” or any other well-known one. Some practicing magicians are recommended in such situations to pay off the negativity by throwing a coin after the breakdown with the words “Paid!”

If found

Since the knife is the personification of violence and everything bad, such a find does not bode well. If the item was found on the street, it is recommended to simply pass by. If you want to throw it away, you need to do it with protected hands. Someone else's knife will not bring good to the house; on the contrary, it can quarrel with household members.

But if someone else’s blade ends up in the house and no one knows about the history of its appearance, then in most cases damage occurs. You need to get rid of such an item immediately, throwing it away in an uninhabited place. It is also recommended to carry out a ritual of sedum cleaning the room after this.

Depending on the type of damage, the knife can be thrown in completely different places:

  • under the pillow - damage to dementia or headaches;
  • under the door - to poverty;
  • stuck in the door frame - to death;
  • under the window - for discord in the family.

If this happens, you can punish the ill-wisher by throwing a dagger into the fire and reading the “Our Father” 3 times. Under no circumstances should a knife be handled with bare hands.

If it was stolen

Even if the knife was not used in occultism and rituals, it absorbs the energy of the people who held it in their hands and used it. Even a dagger hanging on the wall, used only as decoration, contains the energy of the house and all its residents. This is why a cutting object can be stolen.

If a knife goes missing and is not found for a long time, then people in the old days considered it a very bad symbol. Especially if after some period of time he was there. Such a piece of kitchen utensil must be thrown away without pity.

You need to throw it away dry wood, and if possible, then into a deep river with the words “Go, all dashing things, to your master!” It’s better to do this at sunset, completely alone and not tell anyone about it. If an ill-wisher finds out about what happened, he will again steal knives for his dirty deeds.

You can't put a knife under your pillow

In parallel with the recommendation not to leave a knife on the table at night, there was also a ban on storing it under the pillow. According to popular belief, such an object under the pillow brings bad dreams, or even deprives a person of the opportunity to see them.


Everyone has at least one knife at home. It's hard to imagine your life without him. It is for this reason that it is recommended to listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, which has come down to us in the form of various legends.

Since most of the signs were based on basic rules of personal safety, edged weapons necessarily figured in them. It was also customary to charm an object when going on a hunt or war. Such a dagger not only obeyed its owner, but protected him from death.

A knife is one of the most necessary items that performs many various functions. They can injure and even kill, protect themselves, make many useful things, and cook food. In a word, in good hands it is a helper and protector, and in evil hands it is a dangerous weapon. Naturally, there are many beliefs and signs associated with the knife. What does it mean to “find a knife,” and what should you do with your find so as not to get yourself into trouble?

What does a discovery in the form of a knife warn about?

In the traditions of all nations, finding a knife means receiving a warning about danger. This could be an attack, bodily harm, a quarrel, separation, or ruin.

Our Slavic ancestors believed that finding a knife that lies as if cutting the path of the finder with its edge would lead to death. If the knife blade is rusty, get ready to part with the person you love. If it is broken, it means that there will be a dark streak in life associated with unexpected obstacles that will disrupt all plans.

But losing a knife yourself is good omen. Losing a knife symbolizes getting rid of a major trouble or problem that could not be solved. Sometimes fate takes danger away from you in this way.

If you are unlucky and accidentally stumble upon an ownerless knife, do not panic and, especially, do not study the find, do not pick it up, do not pick it up. Just avoid it.

Knives tend to absorb the energy of their owners and therefore have powerful power. By appropriating such a find for yourself, you take away the fate of its owner, first of all, his failures, sins and bad thoughts, and therefore responsibility for them. This can manifest itself not only in troubles, but also in poor health, neuroses, depression and changes in personal qualities.

Any superstition only works if you believe in it and experience emotions about it - fear, anxiety, even horror. Don't focus on bad feelings, rather pay attention to your safety. Signs often give reason to think about whether you are doing everything correctly, in good conscience? The misfortunes that happen to us are not without reason. They are always based on our grievances, fears or bad intentions. If you find a knife, maybe it makes sense to reconsider your behavior and be kinder, calmer or more careful?

There are a lot of signs associated with a knife. The most harmless of them - a knife falling on the floor warns of an unexpected male guest. Other signs, as a rule, do not bode well.

Be careful and handle knives with care. Keep them away from children and do not leave them on the table. Do not give or accept knives as gifts. If it is inconvenient to refuse a gift, be sure to pay the donor at least a few coins.

Do not store broken knives, but if only the tip of the blade is broken, on the contrary, sharpen it. This kind of breakdown is an exception. It means that you were somehow lucky enough to get rid of negative energy.

Findings are never accidental. Most often they warn of unexpected turns, so you should pay close attention to such things and consider them as signs from above. It is believed that the sign of “finding a knife” is one of the unfavorable ones, but he who is forewarned is forearmed. Do not pick up your find from the floor, and if you do accidentally do so, avoid potentially dangerous situations, and you will be able to avoid consequences.