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» Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home (benefits and harms). Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov: what they are, how they work and how to take them at home

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home (benefits and harms). Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov: what they are, how they work and how to take them at home

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, they are used quite often at home.

This is largely due to the composition of the medicinal solutions used for such procedures. Since 1904, and it was then that Dr. Alexander Zalmanov developed the rules for taking baths, scientists have not been able to find a worthy alternative to a safe and pleasant treatment that has a fairly modest list of contraindications.

White and yellow turpentine baths

The epidermis, the surface layer of the skin, contains many small vessels called capillaries. Their total area is about 6 thousand m2. Each of the vessels plays a significant role in the metabolism in the body, which means that pathological changes in them can cause a deterioration in a person’s well-being.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths affect the conductivity of capillaries, contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients, help in the timely removal of toxins. As research has established, the positive effect of turpentine on the body occurs through the expansion or contraction of the walls of blood vessels.

Dr. Zalmanov developed 3 types medicinal baths turpentine-based: white, yellow and mixed. For whites turpentine baths the indications are as follows:

  • consequences of cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis, accompanied by low blood pressure and tachycardia;
  • arthritis (especially deforming) due to hypotension;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • angina pectoris;
  • neuritis and sciatica;
  • post-traumatic ankylosis and soft tissue wounds.

The composition of the emulsion for preparing white baths includes: 45% gum turpentine, 50% water, salicylic acid, camphor alcohol, willow bark extracts, baby soap. The therapeutic mixture promotes active expansion of capillaries, causing an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, emulsion-based baths white It is recommended to use for hypotension and conditions where the pressure does not exceed 150 mmHg. Art.

Yellow turpentine baths include: 50% base material, 20% castor oil, 15% oleic acid, more than 13% water and sodium hydroxide. Due to the good salt-dissolving properties of the components, the procedures have the following effects:

  • help reduce blood pressure;
  • increase the functionality of the respiratory system;
  • lead to the dissolution of deposits in joints, ligaments, on blood vessels and in the lenses of the eyes;
  • increase body temperature and sweating, due to which excess sodium chloride and urea are removed from the body.
  • local and general diseases of the cardiovascular system (thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, angina pectoris, etc.);
  • polyneuritis and neuritis;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis;
  • deforming arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc. against the background of high blood pressure;
  • hypertension.

Mixed baths with turpentine

Mixed turpentine baths, which have the most numerous reviews, are recommended for use by people with unstable blood pressure. The composition of the emulsions includes components of both white and yellow baths. That is, they are able to regulate a person’s blood pressure depending on his condition. Using this type procedures, the patient can increase or decrease the indicators to the most favorable level.

Despite the fact that mixed baths have the same effect as both yellow and white emulsions, they are characterized by the presence of additional properties, which are as follows:

  • increased blood flow, as a result of which it enters the capillaries large quantity amino acids;
  • increased histamine in the blood;
  • strong bactericidal and analgesic effects;
  • normalization of immune system function.

Contraindications for taking baths

Turpentine baths, the indications and contraindications of which should be studied in advance, when correct use are completely harmless and cannot negatively affect the condition of the body. It should be remembered that it is undesirable to carry out the procedures in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • open tuberculosis
  • IHD with angina pectoris and arrhythmias
  • acute skin diseases
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver
  • nephritis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder
  • malignant tumors
  • infectious and inflammatory processes
  • pregnancy over 20 weeks
  • individual intolerance to components

The procedures have no age restrictions, as a result of which both children and adult patients can take them, depending on the indications.

Taking baths has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Such procedures relieve stress, relax, the sleep after them is sound and healthy, as a result, vitality and performance increase. And at the same time, their main purpose is to get rid of diseases. In many sanatoriums, the list of procedures includes turpentine baths, or Zalmanov baths, named after the inventor, who devoted most of his life to studying this issue.

A.S. Zalmanov, who began his activities in pre-revolutionary Russia, was convinced that pathological processes in the body were caused by disruption of the capillaries. Modern discoveries of scientists confirm this, proving that the vast majority of diseases internal organs occurs as a result of a lack of cell nutrition, that is, when capillary blood flow is disrupted.

In what cases are turpentine baths taken?

Turpentine baths are included in the list of health procedures in many sanatoriums

These baths, related to natural (natural) methods of treatment, are used in the following cases:

  • for heart disease;
  • with insufficient blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • for joint disease;
  • for diseases of the spine;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • for urological and gynecological diseases;
  • for diseases affecting the nervous system;
  • for problem skin;
  • for weight loss and the fight against cellulite.

Gum turpentine (turpentine oil) - essential oil, obtained from pine resin (resin).

Types of baths and their effects

The scientist has developed two types of medicinal liquids for water procedures: white turpentine emulsion and yellow turpentine solution. Zalmanov recommended taking baths with such additives one at a time, since white ones open the capillaries, and yellow ones cleanse them of toxins. Exception for people with high or low blood pressure. At high blood pressure They make only yellow and mixed ones; if it’s low, they make exclusively white and mixed ones.

The use of ready-made turpentine mixtures allows you to enjoy spa treatments at home

White emulsion (distilled water, gum turpentine, crushed baby soap, camphor alcohol, salicylic acid) is an emulsified form of turpentine. Baths with this composition are indicated for people with low blood pressure. When taking white baths, the capillaries open and begin to contract intensively, moving blood to the cells. As a result, blood supply and nutrition of internal organs and tissues increases, while blood pressure increases.

The yellow solution (distilled water, gum turpentine, castor oil, oleic acid, caustic soda) is used by people with high blood pressure. When taking yellow baths, toxic waste from cell activity begins to actively “burn” in the capillary network, cellular metabolism is normalized, internal scars and adhesions are resolved, accumulated slag deposits in the joints and on the walls of blood vessels are dissolved, intense sweating occurs, and the pressure decreases.

Mixed baths allow you to combine both solutions in different proportions, due to which they have a more wide range actions. After taking them, capillary blood circulation improves, water-salt metabolism is normalized, hemorrhages, adhesions, and scars resolve, while blood pressure does not change significantly.

Effect on diseases and illnesses

The cardiovascular system

Baths expand capillaries, promote the appearance of new blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, dilate coronary vessels, improve metabolic processes in the myocardium, gradually normalize the heart rhythm and strengthen the heart muscle.

Musculoskeletal system

Baths help restore the cartilage tissue of the joints and spine. Reduction of pain and increase in mobility in the spine occurs after 3-4 procedures.

Back in 1968, scientists proved the effect of turpentine baths on accelerating metabolism in nervous, muscle and osteochondral tissues. This found wide application in the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, and also in the recovery of athletes after injuries and preparation for competitions.

For diabetes

Baths thin the blood, restore the tone and permeability of the vascular walls, and increase muscle blood flow. And this, in turn, is the prevention of such serious complications of diabetes as necrosis and gangrene. There is a noticeable decrease in blood sugar levels, due to increased tissue sensitivity to insulin and normalization of glucose tolerance.

For respiratory diseases

Baths increase blood flow in the lungs, which contributes to the rapid disappearance of inflammatory processes and swelling of the bronchi. Breathing improves, sputum separation increases, and the removal of toxic substances from the lungs is activated.

The use of courses of such baths is effective for people working in chemical production, for active and passive smokers, for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

Urology and gynecology

Baths for chronic prostatitis relieve inflammation and normalize prostate function by improving microcirculation. Progress is observed already by the 10-12th procedure. Restoring capillary patency helps to fill the corpora cavernosa of the penis with blood and restore erection, which makes such baths effective for impotence and infertility in men.

In women, restoring blood flow helps relieve inflammatory processes in the pelvis, normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle. Observed positive effect from such baths for infertility, adhesive disease, chronic adnexitis, cystitis and other inflammatory processes.

Nervous system

Baths help restore blood flow in the affected parts of the brain, as a result, paralysis and paresis disappear, and autonomic activity is normalized. nervous system. Available good results in the treatment of children who have suffered viral encephalitis, polio, and those suffering from cerebral palsy.

Problem skin

In cosmetology, the ability of turpentine baths to resolve scars and adhesions, as well as to rejuvenate, smooth the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles is widely used.

For cellulite

Baths increase blood flow to problem areas, help lower cholesterol levels, and accelerate fat metabolism. It is known that patients with normal build practically do not lose weight. This fact once again proves that weight loss occurs as a result of normalization of metabolism.

Preparation for procedures

So, you have decided to take turpentine baths to get rid of a certain problem. Where to begin?

  1. First, measure and record your blood pressure 2-3 times a day at the same time for a week. Observation is necessary to rule out inappropriate bathing.
  2. Secondly, consult your doctor to choose the right white emulsion, yellow solution or mixture of both, depending on your blood pressure, general condition and diagnosis. You can independently determine the bathing regime according to the diagram below.
  3. And thirdly, you need to purchase two types of liquid and the necessary equipment.

One of important conditions to start taking baths - there are no traces of urticaria, furunculosis, eczema and other dermatic diseases on the body. If there are such lesions on the skin, Zalmanov recommends taking baths with an infusion of walnut leaves for several weeks for healing.

Before taking turpentine baths, it is necessary to measure blood pressure

For the procedure we will need:

  • watch (in a case protected from moisture);
  • small (up to 100 ml) and large (up to 1000 ml) measuring cups;
  • bath thermometer.

Before you start filling the bath, you need to wash it well so that no dirt gets into the water and treatment solution.

The bath is filled with water required temperature. The white emulsion should be shaken well before use. Measure out the required amount of emulsion or solution with a small measuring cup, pour into a large one, add hot water(50-60 °C) to a volume of 500-700 ml, mix well and add to the bath.

If the drug is poured directly from a small measuring container into a bath where the water temperature is 36-37 °C, then most of it will remain floating on the surface of the water in the form of a film. Therefore, it is first diluted in very hot water. Then most of it dissolves in the water column, and the smaller part floats to the surface.

To avoid burns, it is recommended to lubricate particularly sensitive areas of the skin (armpits, inguinal folds, perineum, scratch areas on the skin) with Vaseline before a bath.

How and how much to immerse

The selection of turpentine baths is carried out individually, taking into account factors such as the patient’s age, pressure, general condition, what temperature and concentration of the emulsion or solution the skin can tolerate. Therefore, the given general recommendations The frequency of administration may vary depending on the sensations.

The application regimens in Tables 1-3 are universal, but Dr. Zalmanov, in addition to the monocourse, also gave recommendations on alternating these procedures for the treatment of certain diseases, the main ones are given in Table 4. Currently, there are already many such methods.

You cannot take baths with a blood pressure over 160/90. In this case, it must first be reduced with medications and local use of yellow baths for the hands and feet, and only then is it possible to completely immerse in the bath. In this case, the pressure must be monitored before and after the procedure.

White bath

The frequency of taking baths depends on the patient’s condition: elderly or weakened people carry out such procedures once every three days, younger and stronger people can take the first 4-5 days daily, the next 10 baths - every other day, the rest - once every three days or two once a week.

Table 1. Scheme for taking baths with white turpentine emulsion.

Bathroom numberTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutes
1 20 36 37 12
2 25 36 37,5 13
3 30 36 37,5 14
4 35 36,5 38 15
5 40 36,5 38,5 15
6 45 36,5 38,5 15
7 50 37 39 15
8 55 37 39 15
9 60 37 39 15
10 65 37 39 15
11 70 37 39 15
12 75 37 39 15
13 80 37 39 15
14 85 37 39 15
15 90 37 39 15
16 95 37 39 15
17* 100 37 39 15

* – continue according to bath regimen 17 until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Yellow bath

Such baths are immersed every other day. For a weakened body - after two days for the third or twice a week.

Important! If you find it difficult to tolerate an increase in bath water temperature above 39 °C, you need to maintain the entire duration of the procedure at this level and not increase it further.

Table 2. Scheme for taking baths with yellow turpentine solution.

Bathroom numberTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutesLater
1 40 36 39 15
2 45 36 39 16
3 50 36 39 16
4 55 36 39 at 12 minutes 4017
5 60 36 39 at 12 minutes 4017
6 65 36 39 at 12 minutes 4018
7 70 36 39 at 14 minutes 4118
8 75 36 39 at 14 minutes 4119
9 80 36 39 at 15 minutes 4219
10* 90 36 39 at 15 minutes 4220

* – continue the 10 bath regimen until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Mixed bath

Variations of this scheme are allowed depending on the general well-being of the patient, the state of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure level. If the body is weakened, the amount of both liquids for the first bath can be 5 ml. Such baths are used once or twice a week.

Important! If pressure increases or decreases during treatment, the ratio of yellow solution and white emulsion changes.

Table 3. Scheme for taking baths with a mixed turpentine solution.

Bathroom numberAmount of white emulsion, mlAmount of yellow solution, mlTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutes
1 20 40 36 39 15
2 25 40 36 39 15
3 30 40 36 39 16
4 30 40 36 39 16
5 35 40 36 39 16
6 35 40 36 39 16
7 40 40 36 39 16
8 40 40 36 40 16
9 45 45 36 40 17
10 45 45 36 40 17
11 50 50 36 41 17
12 55 55 36 41 17
13* 60 60 36 41 19

* – continue with the 13th bath regimen until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Table 4: Baths for specific diseases

Type of problemBath type

Reception frequency

At normal pressure

(90/60 – 140/80)

With high blood pressure

At low pressure

(90/60 and below)

General strengthening of the body and immune system, respiratory diseases, fight against cellulite

Yellow and white baths alternately every other dayAt the beginning of the course, yellow baths are taken daily for a week. During this time, the blood pressure usually returns to normal. Next, alternate yellow and mixed baths with a break between them of 1-3 days.The course begins with taking white baths daily for 3-5 days. During this time, the blood pressure usually returns to normal. Next, take alternately white and mixed baths with a break between them of 1-3 days.

Diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the nervous system, problem skin

WhiteMixedWhiteDaily. Depending on the patient’s tolerance, the interval between them can be increased by 1-4 days.

Diabetes mellitus, urological and gynecological diseases

YellowYellowMixedOnce every two days

After taking a bath, without drying yourself, you should wrap yourself in a sheet or put on a terry robe, lie down in bed, drink hot tea or infusion, and cover yourself warmly for 20-40 minutes to increase sweating. Then wipe off the sweat (you can rinse under warm shower) and rest in bed for about an hour. But it is best to take a bath before bed, then you can calmly relax and fall asleep.

The duration of the course of procedures is arbitrary; usually baths are taken until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

Side effects and contraindications

During use, and sometimes after it, a skin reaction appears in the form of a slight burning sensation, tingling, tingling sensation. It is normal if the sensation goes away within 15-40 minutes after the bath. If the reaction is strong or too long-lasting, then the dose of the turpentine mixture for the next dose is not increased until the skin gets used to it.

When treating the skeletal system, joint pain may increase and body temperature may increase, but this is not a reason to cancel the procedure. As in the case of hypersensitivity of the skin, during subsequent administration the concentration of the turpentine mixture in the water is reduced.

While taking a course of turpentine baths you cannot take hormonal drugs, as well as other synthetic medicines, do any injections. Alcohol intake is excluded. Let us remind you that baths made from a white emulsion are not used for high blood pressure, and baths made from a yellow solution are not used for low blood pressure.

The described baths have some contraindications. This:

  • diseases for which use is contraindicated regular baths(thrombophlebitis, heart disease, etc.);
  • oncological diseases;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • acute heart failure;
  • conditions of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke;
  • arrhythmia;
  • acute form of skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • open forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is not recommended for women to take baths during menstruation.

Zalmanov turpentine baths - effective remedy against many diseases. The procedure and its technology have been tested for decades, and many patients report rapid positive results. Ready-made turpentine emulsions produced by pharmaceutical companies allow you to enjoy spa treatments in a comfortable and relaxing home environment.

Many spa treatments can be performed at home without visiting a salon. One of them is turpentine baths, used for therapeutic, prophylactic and cosmetological purposes. We will talk about the varieties of this procedure, its purposes and limitations, as well as the stages of implementation below.

Turpentine baths - composition

The main component used in this spa treatment, as the name suggests, is turpentine. This organic substance is essentially a mix of all kinds of essential oils that are extracted from pine trees. The raw material is fresh resin, released through cuts in the wood and subjected to distillation. The resulting compound has powerful disinfectant, warming, and analgesic properties.

Not only products for taking water baths are made from gum turpentine. It is used to produce external ointments and creams. In addition, preparations called “Dry turpentine baths” are produced, which are balms for rubbing different parts of the body. Such products are not able to completely replicate the effect of turpentine baths and replace them, but they have a noticeable effect and are recommended if it is not possible to take baths.

We owe the invention of the turpentine bath technique to Dr. A.S. Zalmanov, who discovered it at the beginning of the twentieth century, studying the possibilities medicinal use natural substances. One of the main directions of his scientific and practical work became capillary therapy - the treatment of various diseases by influencing the capillary network. The doctor developed methods for dissolving turpentine for hydrotherapy procedures, which became the main instrument of capillary therapy.

Turpentine for bathing, according to Zalmanov’s developments, is used in the form of three forms, having different additional ingredients(recipes from different manufacturers may vary). These are forms such as:

  • yellow mixture;
  • white mixture;
  • mixed solution.

Yellow turpentine baths

Yellow turpentine solution for baths, in addition to high-quality turpentine, which takes up ½ of the composition, includes the following additives:

  • Castor oil;
  • oleic acid;
  • water;
  • sodium hydroxide.

The effect of the yellow mixture is based on the expansion of capillaries, removing pathological deposits from them. In addition, joint, tendon and ligamentous mineral deposits dissolve, excess fluid is removed, breathing deepens, and blood pressure decreases. There is an increase in body temperature, increased sweating, and accelerated metabolism.

White turpentine baths

White turpentine emulsion for baths, half made from gum turpentine, includes the following additives:

  • water;
  • crushed baby soap;
  • salicylic acid;
  • willow bark extract.

The white emulsified form, characterized by complete and uniform dissolution of the ingredients, causes rhythmic contractions of the blood vessels, during which they alternately expand and contract. This leads to normalization of cardiac activity and increased blood pressure. Muscle spasms are relieved and heat exchange is accelerated. At the same time, this type of procedure does not contribute to intense sweating and an increase in temperature.

Mixed turpentine baths

The third form is Zalmanov’s mixed turpentine baths, prepared by combining in certain proportions, depending on the diseases and individual characteristics human, yellow and white turpentine mixtures. Based on the proportions, you can regulate your blood pressure to the optimal level. In addition, the expansion and cleansing of capillaries is caused, and other effects inherent in certain types of baths are achieved.

Turpentine baths - indications and contraindications

The highly effective method of hydrotherapy that is being discussed is not able to bring healing in all cases, and sometimes can cause complications. Before turpentine baths began to be used, their benefits and harms were carefully studied, thanks to which the prescriptions for the treatment course and the limitations on the possibility of using this therapeutic method were clearly defined.

Turpentine baths - indications

When using turpentine baths, the benefits will not be felt immediately. Under the influence of turpentine and additional components, many processes in the body are normalized, tissues are better supplied with valuable substances and cleansed of harmful accumulations, the protective functions of the body are enhanced, and rejuvenation processes are activated. Because Turpentine baths are not suitable for everyone; it is strongly recommended to undergo a full examination of the body in advance and consult a doctor.

Procedures can be prescribed for the following main pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases, vascular disorders (hyper- and hypotension, atherosclerotic changes, periarteritis, Buerger's disease, hemorrhoids, varicose veins);
  • lesions of the osteoarticular and muscular systems (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, fractures, osteoporosis, ankylosis, muscle atrophy, myositis, osteomyelitis);
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, salpingitis, urethritis, adnexitis, abnormal menopause);
  • endocrine lesions (diabetes, obesity);
  • pathologies of a neurological nature (paresis, sciatica, ganglionitis, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis, trigeminal neuritis, migraines);
  • dysfunction of the digestive organs (cirrhosis, hepatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, colitis);
  • ENT diseases and lesions of the respiratory system (sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, tracheitis, inflammation of the lungs and pleura, laryngitis, otitis media, hearing loss);
  • eye disorders (scleritis, glaucoma, retinal artery thrombosis, blepharitis, stye);
  • skin pathologies (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, frostbite, adhesions, scars,);
  • various pain syndromes;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased immunity.

Turpentine baths - contraindications

Turpentine baths can cause harm to adult patients if the prohibitions on the procedures are ignored. In such cases, there is likely to be a sharp exacerbation of existing pathologies, a significant jump in blood pressure, allergic reactions, heart rhythm failure, etc. The main contraindications for which turpentine baths are not performed:

  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • acute dermatological diseases;
  • malignant processes in the body;
  • arrhythmia;
  • acute phases of inflammatory processes;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of mixtures.

How to take turpentine baths?

Mixtures for the procedures can be purchased at the pharmacy. Type of water procedures, duration, water temperature, mixture concentration, course duration, etc. are selected for each patient separately. In this case, special attention should be paid to how acceptable the procedure is for the person, whether discomfort arises, and whether irritability and fear are provoked. If you plan to make turpentine baths at home, their use must be agreed with your doctor.

  1. The bath should be taken at least two hours after a meal.
  2. Water is filled into the bath to about halfway, and its temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature (about 37 ° C);
  3. The turpentine mixture should be diluted in a non-metallic container, often this requires 20 ml of solution (for the first procedure - 5-15 ml), stir in half a liter of warm water and pour into the bath, mix well.
  4. The body must be clean before diving, sensitive areas (groin, genitals, axillary area) should be lubricated with Vaseline or greasy cream.
  5. During the procedure, you must constantly maintain the temperature of the water by adding hot water and monitoring with a thermometer (from 36 to 41 °C).
  6. The duration of the procedure should not exceed a quarter of an hour (for the first session - no more than five minutes).
  7. After the session, you should wrap yourself in a terry towel or robe and lie under a blanket for at least three hours.
  8. The course is often 10-20 sessions.

Turpentine baths for weight loss

Many girls practice turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home for the purpose. IN in this case recommended mixed form solution. The effect is achieved by activating metabolic processes and blood flow, removing excess fluid and toxins. According to reviews, the procedures allow you to lose up to 7 kg in 10 sessions performed daily, every other day or twice a week, but in combination with these you should follow a diet and exercise.

Turpentine baths for joints

The active ingredient in the medicinal mixture, due to its ability to eliminate blood stagnation in capillaries and improve their functioning, helps to improve the supply of nutrients to joints, eliminate inflammatory processes and restore mobility. In this case, you can do local procedures - for example, turpentine foot baths. The course of treatment can take up to 40 procedures.

Turpentine baths in gynecology

Procedures with turpentine are effective for many female diseases, they allow you to relieve inflammation in the pelvis, regulate hormonal levels, and normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition to various inflammatory pathologies, 10-12 sessions can significantly improve the situation with adhesive disease and infertility. Turpentine baths at home for the treatment of gynecological pathologies should be used with extreme caution.

Turpentine baths for facial skin

Treatment with turpentine baths, which have a systemic beneficial effect on the entire body, can also be used to solve some cosmetic problems. Thus, procedures help get rid of skin rashes on the face, smooth out wrinkles, increase tissue elasticity, and improve complexion. Often, a white emulsion is used for these purposes.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Dr. Zalmanov made the discovery that with the help of hot and cold baths one can effectively influence the vast capillary network of the human body, returning energy to cells and tissues, restoring vascular permeability, and normalizing all metabolic processes.
The trigger for the vast majority of diseases is a violation of the nutrition of organ cells, that is, a violation of capillary blood flow. If you open the gaps of tens of thousands of closed capillaries, you will not encounter a single disease that will not be eliminated by your treatment,” said Dr. Zalmanov. To “open” the capillaries, he proposed using the rich potential of water, introducing into practice baths with salt and herbal additives, as well as his famous turpentine baths.

How did it all begin?

Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov was born in Russia in 1875. After graduating from high school, he entered the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University. At the same time, he studied law, linguistics, and history. Then he went to Germany, where he received his first doctorate in medicine. A few years later he received a medical diploma in Italy, then in Russia.
During the First World War, Zalmanov returned to Russia and was a senior doctor - the head of sanitary trains. After the October Revolution, he worked as head of the Main Resort Administration and chairman of the State Commission for the Fight against Tuberculosis. In the early 20s he emigrated to Europe.
The encyclopedically educated and broad-minded doctor was dissatisfied with the main direction in which medicine was developing in the twentieth century. He believed that chemicals and other means of official medicine interfere too roughly with the work of the body, preventing it from independently coping with the true causes of illness. Monograph by A. Krogh dedicated to the physiology of capillaries and awarded in 1920 Nobel Prize, aroused in him a desire to thoroughly study the issues of capillary circulation and cellular metabolism. He concluded that the pledge healthy life– in maintaining the correct metabolic processes occurring in the capillaries that permeate the entire human body. Based on his research, Zalmanov developed new method diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, which he called capillary therapy .
A huge role in capillary therapy is played by the so-called turpentine (resin) baths . Dr. Zalmanov managed to create a method for emulsifying turpentine, thanks to which it began to dissolve in water, and it became possible to use it in hydrotherapy practice. New miracle baths made it possible to restore blood flow throughout the body and, accordingly, to heal organs that had even minor pathologies.
When taking turpentine baths, excellent results were obtained in the treatment of many diseases. Zalmanov instantly received deafening world fame. Patients from all over Europe began to come to him for treatment. Zalmanov opened several hydrotherapy clinics in France, Germany, and Switzerland. Zalmanov's patients were many famous people, crowned heads of European houses, politicians, artists, businessmen.

Why turpentine?
Turpentine (turpentine oil) is an essential oil that is obtained from pine resin, resin, healing properties which have been known since ancient times. Dried pine and fir needles, containing resin-balsamic substances and turpentine oil, are used for compresses and poultices, for bleeding, for the treatment of wounds, for rheumatic pain in the joints and gout. The great surgeon N.I. Pirogov during Russian-Turkish War actively used resin to treat long-term non-healing wounds after amputation, which saved the lives of many Russian soldiers.

Therapeutic effects of turpentine baths

The main mechanism of the therapeutic effect of turpentine baths is that, by opening closed capillaries, they restore the blood supply to desiccated islands in the tissues, provide an influx of oxygen and remove metabolites (toxins). Turpentine baths affect the general protective mechanisms of the body, their stimulation at the level of capillary blood flow, or more precisely, the metabolic processes occurring at this level of the vascular system. When in contact with the skin, turpentine causes the expansion of capillaries and contributes to a significant increase in their number. This is a good prevention of thrombosis and capillary stasis.
Turpentine baths refer to natural methods treatment. They don't upset the balance chemical substances in the body, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and have an effect on the capillary network as a whole. In addition, turpentine baths are easy to use. They can be treated at any time of the year and anywhere.

By the way
There is an opinion that turpentine baths are no different in nature from mustard plasters and pepper plasters. However, this is not quite true. Although the principle of action of mustard plasters and rubs on the body is similar, they do not produce such a powerful overall effect on the capillaries as turpentine baths. The closest thing to turpentine baths is cedar oil, which is often added to lotions, rubs or bathing water. If you add cedar oil to a bath while bathing, you can feel the effect on the body, similar to a turpentine mixture. But, compared to her, he is still much weaker.

Types of turpentine baths

There are three types of turpentine baths: white, yellow and mixed . White baths are used only for low or normal (not higher than 140/80 mm Hg) blood pressure. For patients with high blood pressure, yellow baths are recommended. But more often mixed baths are used in treatment - a combination of white and yellow baths. They are suitable for patients with both increased and low blood pressure; Moreover, during the treatment the pressure usually normalizes.
Patients with vascular diseases of the upper and lower extremities and elderly people are often prescribed partial turpentine baths - foot and hand.

White emulsions

White baths restore impaired capillary functions, causing their rhythmic contractions and expansions. This is a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels. The procedure is not accompanied by an increase in temperature and heavy sweating, but has a strong irritating effect (the person feels tingling or burning of the skin) and leads to an increase in blood pressure. White turpentine baths are used for arteritis, muscle atrophy, fractures, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and many other diseases. They are also useful for healthy people for losing weight and rejuvenating the body.

Yellow solution

The yellow solution is a specially prepared mixture where turpentine is combined with castor oil and oleic acid, which belongs to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Absorbed into the body through the skin, oleic acid, combined with caustic soda, actively binds free radicals (inhibits the aging process of the cell and, accordingly, the body as a whole), normalizes redox reactions and metabolism. It also causes active combustion of toxic metabolites, waste products and promotes their elimination through the skin (through increased sweating), kidneys and liver.
Yellow baths expand the capillaries of the venous and arterial circulatory systems, promote the dissolution of deposits in joints, tendons, ligaments, in the lenses of the eyes, in the walls of blood vessels and in the capillaries themselves. They cause a general increase in body temperature, a decrease in blood pressure, stimulate sweating and the removal of urea and sodium chloride through the skin.

Mixed baths

Mixed baths are various combinations of white emulsion and yellow solution in one bath or a course alternation of white and yellow baths. The treatment regimen is determined taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and the nature of the disease. Mixed baths have the advantages of both white and yellow baths, creating additional healing effects. After treatment, capillary blood flow improves and is restored, the physiological reactions of self-regulation and self-healing of the body are normalized, and bactericidal and analgesic reactions appear. By the ratio of the amount of white emulsion and yellow solution, you can regulate the pressure, bringing it to the most favorable level.

Rules for taking baths at home

Turpentine baths are not as simple a treatment method as it might seem at first glance. Let us dwell on each moment of this procedure in order to prevent possible errors.
1. Turpentine mixtures (white emulsion and yellow solution) should be purchased from trusted companies that manufacture them based on gum turpentine according to the recipe of A.S. Zalmanova. The emulsion has the appearance of a liquid, divided into 2–3 layers, yellowish in color. In appearance, the solution resembles vegetable oil.
Experts do not recommend preparing mixtures at home, as this is a rather complex process that requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Low-quality solutions, at a minimum, will not bring desired result, and perhaps even harm the patient.
2. To carry out the procedure, the bathtub is filled warm water(37 degrees) to about halfway: you need to choose the initial water level so that after complete immersion the water does not reach the drain hole by 7-10 cm, then by the end of the bath the level of the treatment solution will rise just to the desired level. Then measure with a beaker required quantity turpentine mixture and pour it into enamel pan(or a three-liter jar), add hot tap water to dilute the mixture and stir well. Pour the diluted mixture into the bath, distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the water (the amount of turpentine mixture should be increased gradually from 10–15 ml to 35–60 ml according to the doctor’s recommendations in each specific case).
3. Immerse yourself in an aqueous solution up to the level of the chin (the skin of the genital organs must first be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream). The start time of the procedure is noted using a clock that should be in front of your eyes. After three minutes, they begin to add hot water. The water jet should be such that the temperature turpentine solution increased gradually, by about 0.5 degrees per minute (watch the thermometer). When taking a white turpentine bath, the temperature of the solution is usually brought to 39°C. When taking a yellow turpentine bath (hot), the temperature of the solution rises to 42 °C.
At the first sign of sweat, you must end the procedure; You should also get out of the bath if there are unpleasant sensations in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, or intolerable burning of the skin. On average, the duration of a bath is 10–15 minutes; The course should begin with 5 minutes, then gradually increase the time by 1–2 minutes, depending on tolerance.
4. There is no need to wash yourself with water when leaving the bath; just wipe yourself dry with a towel and immediately go to bed in a warm bed. There may be severe sweating after this, then you should change your underwear. That is why baths according to Zalmanov’s method are best taken in the evening, before bed, but not earlier than one and a half to two hours after eating.
The usual course of treatment is 10–12 procedures, as prescribed by a doctor - up to 20 procedures. Baths are taken every other day or two days in a row with a break on the third day (usually 3 times a week).

Contraindications for taking baths

Like any method of treatment, Zalmanov’s baths have their own contraindications:
open form of tuberculosis;
coronary heart disease with symptoms of angina pectoris;
heart failure above the first stage; hypertension stage IB-III;
chronic nephritis and hepatitis;
cirrhosis of the liver;
acute eczema;
acute inflammatory process or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
diseases of the genitourinary organs;
malignant neoplasms;
second half of pregnancy;
individual intolerance to turpentine baths.

Precautionary measures

Make sure that the white emulsion and yellow solution do not come into contact with your eyes or sensitive areas of the body.
You cannot use the same bath composition several times. Taking a bath releases toxins from the body, which can be absorbed into the body of someone who sits in the same bath again.
If you have diseases that are not contraindicated, you should take turpentine baths at home under someone else's supervision and only as prescribed by a doctor.
In the process of using turpentine baths, exacerbations of chronic diseases may occur (and this is natural): pain, fever, skin rashes, itching. The patient should know that such reactions are a sign that the treatment is successful.
Nutrition when taking a course of baths should be rational and healthy. It is necessary to avoid overeating, limit the use of animal foods, and give up alcohol.
Turpentine baths are incompatible with the simultaneous use of various injections, antibiotics, hormones, and the ingestion of various chemicals.

Zalman baths should not be treated as a one-time remedy that muffles the symptoms of the disease. This is not just treatment, it is a kind of way of life that requires time, effort and a deep understanding of the processes occurring in the body, forcing one to remember the peculiarities of the work of internal organs, circulatory system, O possible consequences incorrect daily activities, unhealthy diet, etc. Treatment requires not only the use of baths, but also daily adherence to a certain regime. But, perhaps, after this, having coped with an illness that has tormented you for a long time, you will suddenly think that it would be nice to quit smoking, do physical exercise, clean up excess weight, improve appearance skin... But who knows what else a healthy modern person has to worry about?