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» Hidden fastenings. How to make hanging shelves with hidden fastenings with your own hands. For heavier shelves

Hidden fastenings. How to make hanging shelves with hidden fastenings with your own hands. For heavier shelves

May 26, 2017
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

The question of how to hang a shelf on a plasterboard wall has several possible correct answers. It all depends on what load the structure will place on the gypsum plasterboard sheathing, and what materials we will have at our disposal.

I will tell you how you can hang lightweight shelves with minimal labor, and also describe the technology for installing heavier structures.

For lightweight structures

Method 1. Adhesive installation

Once the paneling and finishing are complete, we may be wondering how to attach a shelf to a drywall wall. The problem is that drywall is a rather fragile material, and therefore it will crumble under load. This means that when hanging shelves we will have to use the most various devices, which will allow us to compensate for this lack of drywall.

The choice of fastening method directly depends on two parameters:

  1. The weight of the shelf itself.
  2. The planned load on it.

We will build on them when planning our work.

For decorative shelves, stands for small photographs or keys in the corridor, you can use adhesive installation. This method is the easiest to implement:

  1. We apply markings on the wall for installing a decorative object.
  2. Following the markings, apply a thin layer of contact adhesive to the surface covered with gypsum board.
  3. Apply the same layer of glue to the back of the shelf.
  4. Let the glue sit for some time (depending on the type of composition) and press the shelf against the wall. The pressure should be tight, but not too tight: it is advisable to dose the force so as not to crush the drywall.

The described method requires virtually no labor costs, but its reliability is low.

Method 2. Fastening with screws

If we are dealing with a structure whose mass is small, but does not allow the use of the adhesive method, we can simply fasten the shelf with self-tapping screws. The choice of fasteners depends on where we will carry out the work:

  • if the shelf will be installed simply in drywall or in wooden element frame, then we use wood screws (black);

  • if the position of the shelf can be adjusted so that the fasteners fit into metallic profile under the casing - take it screws for metal with a drill.

The length of the self-tapping screw must be sufficient to completely pass through the plasterboard and penetrate into wooden beam or steel profile. For single-layer sheathing, it is advisable to use elements from 25–35 mm.

The instructions for performing the work are extremely simple:

  1. Select the installation location. As I noted above, it is desirable that the fasteners fall either into the vertical posts of the frame or into the horizontal cross members.
  2. We put marks on the wall.
  3. Place the shelf against the wall and tighten the screws according to the marks. It is advisable to use a screwdriver: this way the hole will not “break”.

If tightened too tightly, the reliability of the fastening may decrease due to the integrity of the cardboard layer. And it is also undesirable to unscrew the screws and re-tighten them back: the thread destroys the plaster, and when re-attached it will hold much worse.

For heavier shelves

Method 3. Expansion and drop-down dowels

Now let's figure out how to hang a heavy shelf. Here, ordinary self-tapping screws are not enough - it is advisable to either use special dowels or solve the problem in other ways.

Let's start with a description of special fasteners - fortunately, they are present on the market in a fairly wide range:

Illustration Name and operating principle

6–12 Butterfly.

A lightweight, two-blade dowel that fits into a pre-drilled hole.

When the locking screw is tightened, the blades open and are pressed against the skin from the inside.

20–30 Driva

Plastic or metal dowel with deep carving. Installed by screwing it into drywall along a starting hole with a diameter of 5–6 mm.

Fixation is ensured by spiral blades, which, when the locking screw is screwed in, expand inside the plaster layer.

15–16 Fischer Pd

It is made of plastic, consists of a sleeve with a massive end.

When tightening the fastener, the end stop is pressed into the sleeve, opening it and pushing it apart into the drywall.

Up to 50 Molly

Probably the most popular type of fastener. It is installed in a hole with a diameter of 8–10 mm, while the teeth on the neck are stuck into the drywall.

When the locking screw is tightened, the inside of the dowel opens, pressing tightly against the gypsum board and distributing the load from the hung shelf over a sufficiently large area.

Perhaps the described mounts have one significant drawback - a rather high price. But if we consider that to hang a shelf we need only a few of these dowels, then this drawback can be considered insignificant.

Method 4. Through anchor

However, sometimes you have to decide how to screw a shelf to drywall if the load on it is high, and it’s not possible to use a special dowel. This situation arises, for example, when there is a minimum gap between the sheathing and the wall, which does not allow the installation of a spacer sleeve.

Here you can do it like this:

  1. First, using a drill or screwdriver with a drill bit installed, we make holes in the plasterboard sheathing. The diameter of the holes must be equal to the diameter of the fasteners used.

Here the rigidity of the entire system comes to the fore, so I recommend working with dowels 8–12 mm or more, even if a thinner product is sufficient for reliable fixation. The thing is that a thick dowel will not bend under the weight of the shelf, and the load on the edge of the hole in the gypsum board will be minimal.

  1. Then we replace the drill with a hammer drill and use a drill to make a socket for the anchor sleeve in the load-bearing wall. The depth of the nest must be no less than the distance from load-bearing wall before outer surface GKL.
  2. We insert an anchor sleeve made of durable plastic or metal into the drilled hole.

  1. We fix the sleeve with a locking screw with a head or hook. When screwed, the sleeve will gradually open, and most of the load will fall on the main wall.

When implementing this method with your own hands, it is worth keeping in mind that both when drilling a nest with a hammer drill and when hanging a shelf, the hole in the gypsum board will increase slightly. So it’s worth installing fasteners in advance - then at the finishing stage we will be able to mask any defects that have arisen.

Method 5. Mortgage

And finally, a universal answer to the question of how to fix a shelf on drywall . If you want the suspended structure to hold tightly, it is better to provide for its installation in advance:

  1. When installing the frame for gypsum board sheathing, we select a place on the wall for installing a shelf.
  2. In the selected location, we attach a wooden beam or a thick board to the main wall with anchors. We select the thickness of the element so that the gap between its surface and the back of the plasterboard sheathing is minimal.

Tip: be sure to place marks at the level of installation of the mortgage on the adjacent walls, floor and ceiling. This will make your job of finding it easier!

  1. After sheathing, we find the mortgage (using marks or tapping the drywall). We hang the shelf on ordinary self-tapping screws, screwing them through the gypsum board into the wood to a depth of at least 40 mm.
  2. If the shelf is heavy, we use the method described in the previous section. The use of an embedded beam will not only not interfere with the installation of through anchors, but will also strengthen the fastening unit.

A shelf in the interior of a room performs 2 functions - aesthetic and practical. This - comfortable stands for books, various useful items and souvenirs, plus a means to create a unique, original interior in the room. The topic of today's article: fastenings for shelves on the wall - their main types. At the same time, we will try to figure out when traditional types of fastenings are appropriate, and when you can resort to something unusual. When purchasing this piece of furniture, the kit often includes fittings and materials for fixing. If you built the shelf yourself, you will have to think about the issue of fastening.

The simplest mount

Immediately before your eyes there is a comic picture by the Danish artist H. Bidstrup, where a home craftsman is trying to nail something to the wall with a nail. But it's not that simple. Questions arise: where exactly to pin this item, what fastening to choose, will it withstand the weight of the structure and the things placed on it?

The easiest installation option is using corners. So, given: an ordinary wooden horizontal shelf without any decoration.

For installation you will need:

  • 2-3 metal corners, depending on the length of the product.
  • Construction level (laser).
  • Construction tape, pencil - for marking.
  • Dowels and screws. The latter, if the product is wooden, can be replaced with ordinary nails.
  • Drill with a set of drills.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Select a location for installation. It would be desirable for this to be free place, and not surrounded by photographs and paintings. First attach the shelf to the wall and see how harmoniously it fits into the interior. If you are satisfied with everything, you can proceed directly to installation of the product.
  2. Examine the bottom board and select places for fastenings. Drill small holes for the screws and secure the metal fasteners.
  3. Make markings on the wall. Place the shelf against the wall, and have an assistant make marks with a pencil, preferably under each of the holes.
  4. Drill holes in the wall according to the marks. If the wall is concrete, then you need to use dowels.
  5. Place the shelf so that the holes in the wall and on the fasteners match. Carefully tighten the screws.

Now all that remains is to admire the result and arrange books or decorative items.

Hidden fasteners

The use of practical brackets and metal corners It is appropriate when the fastenings fit into the interior of the room. If these details do not fit in with the interior, you have to resort to tricks using different types secret fastenings.

There are 3 types of hidden fastenings of shelves to the wall:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Hidden loops.
  • Metal rods.

What to give preference to?

  • Option with hidden hinges- the most popular. First, the loops are attached to back side products. Now all that remains is to hang the structure on the pre-screwed screws.

Important! The only difficulty here is to take all the measurements correctly. Extra holes will certainly spoil the whole plan.

  • A reliable and durable method of hanging is to use metal pins embedded in concrete or brick. These can be metal pins of the required length or pieces of reinforcement.

Important! The more massive the product, the more metal pins will be needed.

  • The third way to hang a shelf on the wall without visible fastenings is to use it as a base. wooden block with a cross-section in the form of a square or rectangle. The surfaces are connected using dowels - wooden pins coated with glue.

Non-standard shelf mounts

The described types of installation are used for the simplest structures, be it a “glazed box” or a horizontal board. However, designers create unusual designs with complex shapes: in the form of animals, plants, geometric shapes or tel. Here you can use the same traditional methods of attaching shelves to the wall or non-standard solutions:

  • Using a familiar object - boards 1.7-2.0 cm thick, you can make unusual design: attach shelves on it in the form of spirals, plant motifs, geometric shapes. The shape of stands for accessories can be very different.
  • Family tree. A vertical board depicts a trunk, and shelves-branches are attached to it on both sides. You can place photographic portraits of several generations on them.
  • Board with straps. A well-polished wooden board with strap fastenings is used as a shelf. It is not at all necessary that this be Genuine Leather. Faux leather or tape made of wide, durable textiles look good.

Important! Of course, such a shelf is not for heavy books. But how decorative item It looks decent in an interior with small souvenirs. The belts are secured to screws with plastic dowels.

  • Glass. This - a real find for small spaces. The transparent design creates the impression of a spacious, uncluttered space. Shelves made of durable glass are secured using special metal brackets with soft gaskets from the inside.
  • “From what was” is the solution for the originals. Shelves can be made from leftover building materials (for example, pieces of plastic pipes large diameter). You don’t need to attach such a shelf at all: tie it together with a bundle of pipes and install it in the hallway as a shoe stand.

With all the diversity existing methods interior design and modern design, almost impossible to imagine modern premises, which would not use shelves.

Decorative and easy to store various small items, massive for books - shelves can not only be an additional useful surface, but they can also act as decorative decoration any room or office.

There are two main ways to attach shelves:

  • traditional mounting of shelves to the wall
  • invisible or hidden fastening of shelves to the wall

The traditional method of fastening using various types brackets, metal or wooden racks are popular only when fasteners carefully selected in color, texture and material also add their own “zest” to the artistic image of the room.

But often, the presence of additional decorative and technological elements is not always consistent with general plan designer and target orientation of the designs. In this case, it would be better to use the second fastening method.

The development of modern design craft and the construction industry makes it possible not only to quickly cope with the task of hanging shelves, but also to successfully use the fastening of shelves to the wall without visible fasteners, thereby creating the illusion of floating in space.

Invisible fastening of shelves to the wall

Let's look at the main stages correct fastening shelves to the wall, while hiding all fastening elements:

  1. First, you need to assess the strength of the wall or partition on which the shelf will be attached.

With thickness brick partition from 250 mm and concrete partitions with a thickness of 100 mm or more can be safely used for hanging shelves without additional load-bearing structures.

Scheme of invisible shelf fastening.

1 – bracket for fastening the shelf; 2 – mounting holes; 3 – steel axle; 4 – suspension; 5 – shelf.

With thinner bricks, cinder block and plasterboard walls up to 100 mm, it is possible to use invisible fastening of shelves to the wall, but such shelves are suitable only for decorative purposes.

Since they simply will not withstand additional loads.

Then you need to determine the thickness of the shelf itself.

It can be determined by placing a load of expected weight on it. The absence of visual deflection and deflection to the touch indicates sufficient thickness boards.

An exception may be cases when the choice of a thicker board is dictated by general concept interior

However, it is also necessary to take into account the fastening features, due to which the thickness of the board, as a rule, cannot be less than 30 mm. The thickness of the shelf must be selected depending on the load, for example, for books - boards with a thickness of 45 to 60 mm are suitable.

The board must be dry and processed in accordance with its purpose.

Types of fastening shelves to the wall

After this, the types of fastening the shelves to the wall are selected, depending on its purpose and the thickness of the board.

There is a huge amount fastening materials, which can be masterfully hidden from prying eyes, let's consider some of them:

  • The most popular at the moment is use of hidden hinges located on the back of the shelf.

Fastening technology using hinges:

For accurate hanging, you need to accurately measure the distance between the centers of the loops.
This distance will determine the markings on the wall for the mounting holes. To ensure that the shelf hangs evenly and does not warp, it is better to use a building level, which will ensure an accurate horizontal line for the shelf.
After the holes in the wall are drilled in accordance with the markings, they are filled with a plug into which screws are screwed.
The screw should be screwed in deep enough, but the distance between its head and the wall should allow the shelf hinges to be put on.

The shelves come complete with special fasteners designed for invisible installation. A shelf installed in this way will be securely fastened. This will create a visual impression that it is literally hanging in the air.

Method of installing shelves using special furniture fittings

Let's consider step by step execution this installation.

It starts with purchasing a modern shelf in a furniture supermarket or online store.

Step 1. Measure the distance between the centers of the mounting holes directly on the product.

Step 2. After this, mark the location of the shelf on the wall. With help building level draw a horizontal axis on which we mark the position of the mounting holes, taking into account the center-to-center distance between them.

Step 4. Next operation There will be a hole drilled for attaching the brackets. They must be made strictly perpendicular to the wall, this will ensure that the shelf angle is 90 degrees relative to the wall. To simplify drilling, it is advisable to use a square.

Step 6. Then we attach the brackets to the wall using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Now we carry out the direct installation of the shelf. To do this, we put it on the steel axles of the brackets, alternately tapping it with a rubber hammer on the left and right sides in the front part. The shelf will be evenly installed on the fastening elements, eliminating distortions.

Step 8. The final stage will be to check the play and reliability of the fastening. After this, we remove the remaining debris and install a flowerpot with an orchid. The installation process is complete.

Another method of invisible fastening (metal rods)

Installation technology for fastening metal rods:

As a rule, reinforcing pins or threaded rods with a diameter of at least 10-12 mm are used.

First of all, we take our shelf and measure its length and width.

Then, using a ruler and a building level, we mark this length on the wall (not the entire distance, but a little shorter), at the location of the future location of the shelf.

We mark three board thicknesses on each side of the shelf and drill holes equal to the diameter of the pins; we make such holes in the shelf itself (you can use a template, since the holes in the wall and in the shelf must match exactly).

Then judge from the subsequent filling of the shelf, if there will be light souvenirs there, then these two pins will be enough, but if there will be heavier things, you can make more fastenings (even every 5 cm)

We take the required number of long rods (their length should be approximately 1/3 of the width of the shelf, but keep in mind that there should be at least 10-15 cm of pin in the wall).

Insert the rods into the wall half their length, check with a level so that they are exactly perpendicular to the wall; the durability of the entire structure and the safety of the objects standing on it depend on this. Then fix the rods with synthetic glue or resin and wait until the glue dries.

After this, we place the shelf on the rods (you can additionally glue the pins to the shelf by pouring glue into the holes).
One of the mounting options can be considered preliminary installation of a block into the wall square section(usually used for narrow shelves).
Fastening installation technology:
To do this, a square block is attached to the wall, the side of which is equal to the thickness of the board for the future shelf.

It is attached using dowels, nails or plastic anchors with self-tapping screws. Then, round wooden pins (pins) are driven into the block into holes pre-drilled according to the template, which are lubricated with glue, after which the wide part of the shelf is put on them.

In order to place the board on pins or dowels, use a mallet with a rubber striker, which is gently struck on the outer edge of the board.

By varying the height, texture, color and thickness of the shelves, you can achieve an original and unique design and create a feeling of orderliness and completeness in the design of the room.
Without limiting your imagination and using all the advantages of modern construction market, you should remember about safety, carefully make and check all fasteners.
In this case, the shelves, like any other element of the functional decor of the room, will serve for a long time, remaining a reliable, useful and beautiful element of the interior.

You can also watch a video of hanging a shelf on the wall

Selected for you:

Very often the question arises about arranging shelves in the presence of plasterboard walls or partitions. This material is quite susceptible to destruction, and therefore unnecessary impacts on it are undesirable, especially if we're talking about about large external loads. When securing heavy objects to drywall, many factors must be taken into account, since neglecting knowledge about this material can lead to its destruction. Even when drilling holes, the wall can be severely damaged, cracks may appear along its entire length, and even worse, it may not be able to withstand the load at all.

First of all, such a factor is the maximum ability of the panel to withstand the load. It is personal for each element; you can find out about this when purchasing or look at the packaging.
The second factor is, of course, the method of fastening. Considering the capabilities of the plasterboard sheet, the characteristics of the load it can withstand are described for the entire area of ​​the structure. Accordingly, if the fastening is carried out with one screw, the structure is unlikely to withstand. Therefore, when fastening heavy objects, it is worth using several profiles.

What is this article about?

Attaching a light shelf

Let's begin to consider the impact of loads on plasterboard materials from fastening lightweight shelves that do not have a big impact on the structure of the drywall.
To attach such shelves, it is enough to use screws. How does the mounting itself take place? plasterboard wall. We will analyze it step by step, and then we will understand the principles of such fastening, its pros and cons. This fastening is also suitable for attaching hooks to drywall, for example, for towels in the bathroom, the main thing is not to hang heavy jackets on them.


First of all, you should select the screws. In particular, it is advisable to carry out fastenings using dowels, thus the structure will be much better and more durable. The store will help you choose the right screws or dowels, telling you about all their properties, what load they can withstand, etc. Why will this method be much better and more durable? During installation into the wall, the dowel opens up, placing emphasis on the walls of the hole, which prevents it from being easily removed from the structure.

  1. We make holes in the structure for installing dowels;
  2. We install dowels in the wall;
  3. Using screws, we mount hooks or brackets for the future shelf;
  4. We hang the shelf on the prepared place.

The mounting method is quite simple.

Find a profile in the wall and install dowels in it. Thus, you can be confident in the quality of the structure and its durability.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now it would be worth noting the pros and cons of such fastening. Let's start unconventionally, with the bad:

  • First, of course, this method will not withstand heavy loads (except for fastening to the structure profile);
  • It is not advisable to use it when large areas shelves, even with low weight conditions.

And now a little about the good stuff:

  • Its installation will require quite a bit of time;
  • Thanks to the use of dowels, it is quite durable as long as the shelf is used properly.

Video on the topic

Arrangement of a heavy shelf

How to hang a shelf on a plasterboard wall with a large impact on the surface, namely with a large weight of the shelf. Accordingly, the method for a light shelf will not work here, since under the influence of a large mass the plasterboard will simply crumble and crack, which can lead to complete destruction of the wall structure, as well as to the fall of the shelf. And from this it follows that there is a special way to hang shelves on drywall, and let’s look at it.

To secure such shelves, a special design will be required; firstly, it will be necessary to mount the structure strictly in the profile of the plasterboard sheet, and secondly, the use of special fasteners.


  1. We drill a hole, completely drilling through the sheet of drywall and the profile to which it is attached (use a magnet to find the location of the profile);
  2. We install dowels into the prepared holes;
  3. We secure the fastening system with screws. Please note that it is necessary to tighten the screws to a certain extent so that in the future the wall can withstand the load from the shelf, and also does not deform from the fastening itself.

Please note that the mount is mounted strictly on a horizontal profile.

Pros and cons of this method

Just like with the previous fastening, we will consider the pros and cons. First of all, let's talk about the advantages:

  • The main advantage is the ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • Fastenings are individually selected for structures different sizes, right up to fastening heavy shelves along the entire perimeter of the wall.

Not a single design is without its drawbacks; there are few of them here, but they still exist.

  • Large expenditures of time and effort during the installation process;
  • If used improperly or if the structure is abused, it can lead to complete destruction of the wall.

Fastening with anchor bolts - Reliable!

One of the most popular fastening methods is the anchor bolt method. This method is known to almost everyone who works with drywall, but it is used extremely rarely. This design consists of fastening directly into the wall through plasterboard sheathing with anchor bolts.

This fastening method is used only if the distance between the wall and the plasterboard is small!

Step-by-step instruction

  1. A through hole is drilled in the drywall in the place where the drywall rests on the profile;
  2. Afterwards, a hole is drilled in the wall through the already prepared holes;
  3. The anchor is mounted into the wall, through plasterboard sheet and clamps down.
  4. We use an anchor to attach the shelf, or we attach a special fastening to it, for example, a bracket.

This mount is the highest quality and strongest.

Features and Disadvantages

Among the features of this method are:

  • Durability;
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • It practically relieves the plasterboard sheet of stress.

But there are also some disadvantages, and not a single design can do without them:

  • Installation can only be carried out when the structure is built on a metal frame;
  • Labor-intensive during arrangement, due to the need to provide holes in the drywall, and then in the building panel;
  • The cost is quite high, compared to previous methods;
  • Under global loads, or an incorrectly selected anchor, it can destroy not only the plasterboard fence, but also the building panel.

How to choose the right mount

Naturally, many controversial issues arise here. But first you need to decide on the weight and size of the shelf, its design and method of operation. And only after that make a conclusion about which method is right for you.

  • If you are going to arrange a small shelf, for example, a shelf for a light painting or photo frame, you can secure the shelf with dowels directly to the gypsum board;
  • If the goal is a shelf whose depth is more than 10 cm, but at the same time it is intended for books at most, the method of fastening to profiles is suitable;
  • If heavy or expensive fragile objects will be placed on the shelf, it is better to play it safe and attach it to the wall.

But if there is no uncertainty about how the shelf will be used, undoubtedly, the choice should be the most reliable anchor method.

The hidden shelf is a decorative accent that creates the illusion. The shelf seems to “float” on the wall. By adding such furniture to the interior of your living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, you can solve the problems of storing books, necessary accessories or souvenirs. Similar furniture often required to decorate children's rooms with many tiny cars, dolls or other toys. “Floating” shelves are cheap, beautiful, keep everything safe on them, and it takes little time to make such furniture.

Types of fastenings

The discreet fastening that supports the shelf has wide range varieties:

  1. Alcoves and niches - comfortable spot for mounting shelves, because they can easily be mounted on three walls at once.
  2. The hidden bracket with two slots is convenient because it can be used anywhere.
  3. Invisible fasteners made of durable metal with alloy steel connecting screws create tension between the posts. This gives them impressive support ability. If a longer shelf is needed, additional supports are added. Invisible fasteners can be used to create heavy-duty floating shelves.

Rustic Bathroom Shelves

If the time has come to modernize the interior, shelves with hidden fastenings in the Provence style are the ideal decor. She creates exclusively her own, unique home comfort. And at the same time it seems to be floating in the air! Its artsy and simple at the same time appearance Will decorate the bathroom and any nook that needs storage space.

This shelf model installs as a floating shelf and is reinforced for added strength, making it a great storage option for collectibles, photos, keepsakes and glassware. The design is inexpensive and requires very few materials.


  • level,
  • measuring tape,
  • saw,
  • drill.


  • tree,
  • screws,
  • optional finish.

Advice. You should avoid last-minute shopping trips; it is better to prepare materials in advance.

Creation algorithm

  1. To make hidden shelves with your own hands, first draw a sketch; this will help you understand the design and find out what type and size of wood is needed. The step also includes measuring the width of the space from wall to wall.
  2. The next step is to create a special frame. You can use liquid nails to glue the frame together first, and then use screws and angle iron to hold all the pieces together.
  3. Next, the boards are painted or painted, which will then be fixed to the frame. You can use the same paint or varnish that has already been used on other furniture. It's nice that today there are varnishes on sale that will make wood look old in a matter of minutes and highlight its texture, this finish is great for rustic style.
  4. The desired height of future shelves is measured and the support frames are attached to the wall. Before drilling, the wall is checked using a detector for the presence of wires and pipes.
  5. Next, you need to make sure that the invisible shelf is level. After all, it is quite difficult to find beautiful boards that are quite straight. If it turns out that the boards are uneven, proceed to step 6.
  6. Spacers are added to level the shelf. This step is repeated for the top and bottom boards.
  7. Then the top board is glued to the frame using liquid nails.
  8. The bottom board is much more difficult to secure liquid nails, so it is better to secure it with screws.
  9. The front part of the shelf is glued last.

Attention! The walls of the room are painted before attaching the shelves. Instead of boards, you can use MDF.

Hidden shelves from old drawers

These shelves are made from 2-8 drawers, not necessarily matching in color, shape or size.

  • The drawers are cleaned and unnecessary parts are removed. Surfaces are sanded.
  • Then the protruding edges of the cladding are cut off so that the entire side of the bottom fits tightly against the wall.
  • The inside of the drawers is painted to match the color of the wall. This will create the illusion of floating shelves.
  • Next, the boxes are laid out on the floor to find beautiful compositions to determine the places where they will be attached. The composition you like is photographed; this photograph will replace the sketch.
  • According to the plan, they are mounted on the wall wooden supports. Make sure they are level.
  • The boxes are placed on supports and secured with screws (the screws are painted over if they need to be hidden).

Decorative handles or accessories can be added if desired. Another idea is to attach a decorative "sticky note" to inside drawers, which became full-fledged regiments.

Shelves-tubes for toys

  • Buckets are cleaned, labels are removed, and top part(use a hand or electric saw).
  • Future shelves are painted on the outside with plastic paint.
  • Then two holes are made for the screws.
  • The structure is fixed on the wall.

And, voila, the furniture is ready! This DIY shelf is an economical idea for creating storage space for small items.