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» Funny stories about schoolchildren (Dmitry Suslin). Valentine's card. Funny stories about schoolchildren Children's stories Valentine

Funny stories about schoolchildren (Dmitry Suslin). Valentine's card. Funny stories about schoolchildren Children's stories Valentine

Dmitry Suslin

Valentine's card

Funny school stories

Leshka presses the bell button and rings long and shrilly. There are quick steps outside the door, then Katya's voice is heard. Katya is our friend. Or rather, she is more of Leshkin’s girlfriend. He's been in love with her since kindergarten.

- Who's there? – asks Katya.

– It’s us – Korzhiki!

- Cookies?

- Yes! Open up, come on!

Katya clicks the lock and opens the door.

- You will go out? - we ask her. - The game will begin now.

Katya's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

-What are we playing today?

- To pirates! – Leshka announces.

“Then, screw it, I’m a pirate princess!”

- Stopudovo! Come out quickly! We meet at the horizontal bars. For now we are following Anton.

And we run to next door to call Anton. And again we press the call button.

- It's us, Korzhiki! Come out!

- Now! I'll be there in a jiffy!

And we are already hurrying to Vanka. Then the game begins and continues until late in the evening. This is how we go through everything summer days. Or almost everything.

Oh yes! You probably don't know us yet. Then let's get acquainted.

Cookies are my brother and I. My name is Dima, and I just finished fifth grade, and my younger brother Alexey, or simply Lekha, is a year younger than me, but finished third grade. This happened because my mother sent me to school a year earlier. I am two whole classes more experienced and wiser than Leshka.

And Korzhiki is our last name, and not at all a nickname, as people sometimes think. I am Dima Korzhik, and Lesha is also Korzhik. Yes, such a cheerful and rare surname among us. When they call me to the blackboard at school, everyone immediately starts smiling. And I smile too. I like my last name. My brother and I have a delicious surname. Korzhik, this is not borscht or porridge. A shortbread is a shortbread. And people like her too. Leshka and I don’t even have any nicknames, neither he nor I. Why give us nicknames? Everyone calls us Korzhiki. I am Korzhik the elder, and Leshka is the younger Korzhik. Even our mother calls us Korzhikami. Such are the things. And many interesting and funny stories happened to us. Want to know them? Then read our stories with Leshka and laugh to your heart’s content. And what? We don't feel sorry!

Leshka and Santa Claus

When Leshka was very young and did not yet go to school, he firmly believed in Santa Claus. I waited for him for a whole year and thought about what gift to ask for. He sat down to write a letter to Santa Claus in mid-November and wrote it for a whole week. Or rather, he didn’t write, but dictated, because he himself didn’t know how to write then, and I was already going to school in the first grade.

Writing a letter for Leshka was real agony. Leshka sat down on the chair next to me, swayed for a long time, thought and began to dictate. On the eve of the next New Year, Leshka begged me to help him with a message to Santa Claus.

“Write like this,” the brother began the letter, “my beloved Santa Claus!”

I burst out laughing.

- Why are you giggling? – Leshka was offended.

“They don’t address Santa Claus that way,” I said. - Darling! Only mothers write this on postcards, or grooms write to brides. Is Santa Claus your bride?

- Wow! Somehow I didn't think about it. How then to write? – Leshka was confused. – Dear Mr. Santa Claus?

- That won’t work either. What else dear sir? This is Santa Claus, not the school principal. Write simply: dear Santa Claus.

- Okay, let's write it like that. Dear santa claus! I, Alexey Korzhik, behaved well for a whole year, helped my mother and older brother.

“You’re lying shamelessly,” I interrupted him.

Leshka jumped up:

- Well, yes. And you didn’t help mom enough, and I’m not even talking about myself. You haven't helped me even once this year.

- Why didn’t you help? And who stirred the paint for you for an hour when you painted your mother’s portrait for Medical Worker’s Day? Isn't it me?

- Yes, then you spilled all the colors on my paper and ruined everything. And he was also rude.

- That's because you hit me on the forehead.

- So I hit you for the matter. He ruined all my work.

– What then, in your opinion, should I write to Santa Claus?

- Write the truth.

- OK. Let's continue tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll think about what good I’ve done this year.

The next evening Leshka again took out a piece of paper, called me, and everything started all over again.

- Dear santa claus! - he dictated. “I tried to obey my mother for a whole year and helped my older brother a couple of times. I also behaved well in kindergarten.

– Who spilled compote on Katya Lemming? – I reminded.

- Look, he swung it! That’s why Santa Claus gave you a computer,” I grinned. - Hold your pocket wider.

Although I said so, in fact, in my letter three days ago I also asked for a computer, and now I felt anxious. To which of us will Santa Claus give a computer? What if it’s not for me, but for my brother? This will be the number!

“Just think for yourself,” I tried to reason with Leshka, “a computer is an expensive thing.” You ask for skates and skis. Do you think Santa Claus is a millionaire? Let's better not write about the computer.

- No way! You’d better cross out the skates and skis and leave the computer,” Leshka disagreed.

“I can’t write such a long word,” I lied. – If you want, write it yourself.

– But you know that I don’t know how to write yet! – my brother was indignant. – I can’t even read quickly.

- Who is to blame? Learn!

- OK. I will ask my mother to write this word on a piece of paper and tomorrow I will write it down myself. Just leave some space.

The next day, he actually wrote the word “computer” into his letter on his own. I sat the whole evening, but wrote and didn’t make a single mistake.

And I thought to myself: “Well, okay. Let Santa Claus give at least one of us a computer. Anyway, my brother and I have everything in common.”

Three days later the letter was completely written. Leshka put it in a huge envelope, added to the letter a drawing that he and I had drawn, and we went to the post office to send the letter to Veliky Ustyug. This is a city in the north where Santa Claus lives.

We began to look forward to the New Year.

The hardest thing in the world is to wait for a holiday. The hardest thing is waiting for your birthday and New Year. I noticed this a long time ago.

Finally after much waiting it started new year holidays.

I really love New Year's holidays. Everyone around is cheerful and smart. Every day something interesting happens. First we celebrated the New Year in class, then there was a school concert, and the next day I went to a matinee in Leshka’s kindergarten. And everywhere Santa Claus gave gifts to children. This is the most pleasant moment. Of course, neither at school nor in kindergarten He didn’t give a computer to me or Lekha. And rightly so. Why give such gifts in front of everyone? So far we only got a bag of sweets. But I knew that on December thirty-first, Santa Claus would come to our home! And then...

At school performances, every time Santa Claus walked past me, I winked at him. Like, I’m expecting the main gift from you on the thirty-first, don’t forget. I even winked at Leshkin’s Santa Claus. Just in case.

By the way, when Santa Claus handed Leshka the sweets, he bulged his eyes and suddenly asked loudly:

-Where is the computer? I ordered a computer!

Everyone laughed. Even I laughed. It's amazing how small and stupid our Leshka is. And for some reason my mother was embarrassed.

After the holiday, on the way home, I explained to Lekha what was what.

- Look how it looks! – Leshka was delighted. “And I thought it was all over.” Santa Claus deceived. Mom, will Santa Claus come to our house?

“Must come,” said Mom.

And finally the thirty-first of December arrived. The day before, we decorated the Christmas tree, lit the garlands and admired it for a long time.

In the morning, as soon as we woke up, we jumped out of bed and, without dressing or washing, ran to the tree to look at the gifts.

- Hooray! Skates and skis! - Leshka shouted. “It’s good that I didn’t ask Santa Claus for them.” They ended up under the tree anyway.

I found my skates under the tree last year, and now there was a pair lying there plastic skis and a real Spartak T-shirt with the inscription “Russia – Spartak” on the chest and “Sychev” on the back. Sychev is my favorite football player.

- Great! – Leshka and I shouted and rushed to hug each other and mom.

- That's it! - Leshka said at breakfast and clattered his skis under the table. He walked around the house in his skis and never wanted to take them off. However, just like me a T-shirt. “Now we just have to wait for the computer.”

– What other computer? - Mom winced.

“I ordered a computer to Santa Claus in a letter,” Leshka explained. – What time should he arrive?

“Oh, I completely forgot to tell you, boys,” my mother suddenly became embarrassed, “it seems that Santa Claus will not come today.”

- How so? – we asked in unison.

- Can't be! – I said dumbfounded. - He comes every year. That means he will come this time too.

but I

Valentine's card. Funny stories about schoolchildren (Dmitry Suslin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Dmitry Suslin
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: children's literature
Publisher: Talking Book
Performer: Lilya Musledinova
Duration: 06:25:09
Description: Since the times of Nosov and Dragunsky, we have not seen such books! And indeed it is. Sparkling humor, fun, and joy fill fascinating stories about two brothers. Korzhiki is a very cheerful and tasty surname. What adventures do not befall the inseparable friends. A walk through the school basement, rescuing a wounded friend, searching for a missing button and much more. And they also have a friend, a wonderful girl Katya, for whose sake the friends are even ready to perform feats! Such as, for example, how to make the best “valentine”, find the most original gift for a birthday, or give yourself a haircut, buy tickets to the circus, or rescue a runaway cat. In general, these stories are about true childhood friendship, about kindness and honesty, decency, courage, and about modern children. Want to meet them right now? Then listen!

00. Contents:
01. This is us - Korzhiki!
02. Hairdresser
03. Difficult childhood
04. How we made shortcakes
05. About the sock
06. Horoscope
07. Lyoshka and Santa Claus
08. Gift
09. Zoo on the wall
10. The circus has arrived!
11. Change
12. Kamaz
13. Button
14. Gingerbread
15. Snipers
16. Just some 10 digits
17. Basement
18. King of the Hill
19. Lyoshka and baby teeth
20. That's how it's supposed to be
21. How Katya walked the cat
22. Gentlemen
23. About the bicycle and about Nikita
24. Enchanted puddle


Funny stories from life

Genre: humor
Duration: 6 hours
Year of manufacture: 2006
Audio codec: MP3
Audio: 128 KBIT/SEC
Description: 1. Auto stories 2. Children 3. Animals 4. Foreigners 5. Logic 6. Medicine 7. Police 8. Misunderstandings 9. Miscellaneous 10. Sex 11. Neighbors 12. Intoxication 13. Students 14. Tesha 15. Transport 16. Military tales You will be bursting with laughter for 6 hours! A collection of curious, instructive and simply funny stories, recorded in MP3 format, can be listened to in the car (especially pleasant in a traffic jam), in public transport, at the desk (during a boring lecture) and in any other place - ch...


Sergey Rybalka - About Orpheus, Jason, about the Centaur Chiron, about the Greeks, about the ancients...

Genre: musical fairy tale
Author: Sergey Rybalka
Year of manufacture: 2006
Description: The author of the text, music and staging is Sergei RYBALKA. The audio performances of the "CROSSROADS" theater include: Alexander BURNAEVSKY - songwriter, Vladivostok; Natalya VOYNIK - drama theater actress Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok; Marina VOLKOVA - actress of the Academic Theater named after M. Gorky, Vladivostok; Dmitry GONCHAROV - mime, theater named after Papa Carlo, Vladivostok; Maria GORBACHEV - employee of VBC radio, Vladivostok; Evgeniy GORBUNOV - from Chelyabinsk, he was walking past, but he got caught...; Ruslana DEDIK - theater actress...


Offer intimacy! Candid stories about it! (Denisov-Melnikov V.V., Vasilyeva N.B.)

ISBN: 978-5-222-16309-2
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Denisov-Melnikov V.V., Vasilyeva N.B.
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Medicine and health
Publisher: Phoenix
Russian language
Number of pages: 285
Description: "Offer intimacy! Candid stories about it" - a book that will help you look at various issues of love, sex and life together from many various sides and points of view. This means that it will become clearer to you how relationships are built, you will better understand what your partner wants and what you yourself want. All this will allow you to develop an intimate life and mutual understanding with the person close to you...


About the parrot Kesha and other stories (Alexander Kurlyandsky)

Format: audio play, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Alexander Kurlyandsky
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: children's literature
Publisher: Children's Radio
Performer: Vladimir Levashev, Gennady Khazanov and others.
Duration: 05:44:39
Description: In this brilliant radio show you can listen to the adventures of Kesha and his friends. The adventures of a funny and independent parrot with a cantankerous character are funny and fascinating, and the words and expressions put into his mouth by the unique Gennady Khazanov have long become popular. Contents 1. Have you been to Tahiti? Kesha parrot, belonging to the breed of large African...


New stories about Winnie the Pooh. Return to the Enchanted Forest (David Benedictus)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: David Benedictus
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: Audiobook
Performer: Oleg Martyanov
Duration: 03:29:58
Description: Winnie the Pooh Bear, Piglet, Rabbit, Kanga - in general, All-All-Everything and the grown-up Christopher Robin meet again in the Enchanted Forest! You will learn how Piglet became a real hero, how the Rabbit conducted a census of the inhabitants of the forest, and Winnie the Pooh looked for the missing bees, how Someone appeared from a shallow river and... many, many other funny stories.


About land, about freedom, about workers' share (Demyan Bedny)

Format: audio play, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Demyan Bedny
Year of manufacture: 1984
Genre: Story in verse

Performer: Lev Durov, Georgy Zhzhenov, Viktor Shimanovsky, Vyacheslav Dugin, Alexander Lenkov, Yuri Kuzmenkov, Alexander Shvorin, Vyacheslav Rastsvetaev, Adolf Ilyin, Nelly Gutsol-Ilyina, Aristarkh Livanov, Irina Kartasheva, Anatoly Barantsev, Dmitry Popov, Vladimir Mikhailovsky, Boris Kumaritov, Felix Mokeev, Yuri Berkun, Alexey Borzunov, Olga Anokhina, Boris Tolmazov
Duration: 00:56:40
Description: The story “About the land, about freedom, about the working share” incorporates...


Stories about Toots (4 books out of 4) (Oscar Luts)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Oscar Lutz
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Classic prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Vladimir Laptev (I), Tatyana Markacheva
Duration: 42:48:00
Description: Spring. There are probably no people who would not like the books of Oskar Lutz. Adults and children read stories about the inhabitants of Pauivere... And, probably, this is justified, because it is impossible not to love the heroes of Luts’s books, it is impossible to forget Toots and Kiir, Teele and Arno, school teacher Lauri and the church bell ringer Lieble. The first book in a series of stories by Oskar Luts about the village of Paunvere and its resident...


Encyclopedia for schoolchildren (Mediagroup)

Format: Plain text, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: encyclopedia
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 10.000
Description: Contains a large number of illustrated encyclopedic material necessary for studying school curriculum. Information retrieval system: -by topic; -according to;
Add. information: -Articles of the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia -Articles Encyclopedic Dictionary-Articles of the Children's Encyclopedia
Musical accompaniment: Bach, Bizet, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Vivaldi, Mozart, Schuber. Don't forget to say thank you and + in your profile


Delphi for schoolchildren (Vladimir Popov)

ISBN: 978-5-279-03470-3, 978-5-16-004256-5
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Vladimir Popov
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Computer literature, programming
Publisher: Finance and Statistics, Infra-M
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: The basic principles of structured and object-oriented programming in the Objekt Pascal language in the Delphi integrated programming environment are consistently presented. The presentation of the material is given on the basis of examples of work programs. To check your understanding theoretical material There are review questions at the end of each chapter. You...


Adobe Photoshop for schoolchildren (O. Pivnenko)

ISBN: 978-5-9775-0355-6
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: O. Pivnenko
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Computer literature
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Series: Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: The book is a guide to studying the program Adobe Photoshop. It describes in detail the terms from the field of graphics processing, the interface and tools of Adobe Photoshop, the techniques of editing raster images, the stages of solving the most typical problems, tone and color correction, and the preparation of images for...


Entertaining physics for schoolchildren (audio course mp3)

Entertaining physics for schoolchildren (audio course mp3) ISBN: elective in natural sciences QUANTUM
Format: audiobook, MP3, 192 kbps 44100 Hz Stereo
Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor A. A. Varlamov and N. Melik-Pashaeva.
Performer: V. Zozulin, A. Borzunov, R. Sukhoverko, A. Dick, L. Korneeva, B. Ivanov.
Genre: educational
Publisher: Gosteleradiofond
Number of pages: 9
Description: From the publisher Our disc is for those who are interested in physics and mathematics, who love original problems and puzzles, for inquisitive researchers of secrets and riddles that they find in everyday...


About three whales and much more (Dmitry Kabalevsky)

Year of manufacture: 2008
Author: Masychev O.A.
Performer: O. Masychev
Genre: Educational
Publisher: Businesssoft LLC, published under the trademark IDDK
Duration: 39:47:00
Description: The audiobook “Modern Russia” consists of four sections that talk about various components modern Russia. Chapter " General information» tells about the history of the formation of Russian statehood, about territorial division Russian Federation, about the borders of Russia and the disputed territories. It contains information about the peoples living on the territory of Russia, about the state...


Biology - a collection of Audio courses for schoolchildren and applicants - part 1

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2008
Author: Gavrilova N.V., Masychev O.A.
Performer: IDDK announcers O. Masychev, I. Bobylev, V. Serebryanskaya
Genre: Educational
Publisher: © Businesssoft LLC, published under the trademark IDDK
Duration: 20:50:00
Description: This torrent contains five mp3 audio CDs with recordings of unique audio courses from the IDDK company in biology, botany and zoology, which cover all the main sections of the school curriculum in these natural science disciplines. In addition to this, I suggest paying attention to the fascinating Lectures for schoolchildren: ...


About professions (Natalia Borisova)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Borisova Natalya
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Scientific and educational literature
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Elena Chubarova
Duration: 02:23:08
Description: Who to work and what to do? What professions were honorable in ancient times, and which ones are respected now? Is it good to work as a teacher, actor, fortune teller and blacksmith? How come the cowboy profession no longer exists? What would happen if all the scavengers in the world disappeared? You will learn about this and much more from Natalya Borisova’s book “About Professions” - about how professions have changed over the course of...

Leshka presses the bell button and rings long and shrilly. There are quick steps outside the door, then Katya's voice is heard. Katya is our friend. Or rather, she is more of Leshkin’s girlfriend. He's been in love with her since kindergarten.

- Who's there? – asks Katya.

– It’s us – Korzhiki!

- Cookies?

- Yes! Open up, come on!

Katya clicks the lock and opens the door.

- You will go out? - we ask her. - The game will begin now.

Katya's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

-What are we playing today?

- To pirates! – Leshka announces.

“Then, screw it, I’m a pirate princess!”

- Stopudovo! Come out quickly! We meet at the horizontal bars. For now we are following Anton.

And we run to the next entrance to call Anton. And again we press the call button.

- It's us, Korzhiki! Come out!

- Now! I'll be there in a jiffy!

And we are already hurrying to Vanka. Then the game begins and continues until late in the evening. This is how we spend all our summer days. Or almost everything.

Oh yes! You probably don't know us yet. Then let's get acquainted.

Cookies are my brother and I. My name is Dima, and I just finished fifth grade, and my younger brother Alexey, or simply Lekha, is a year younger than me, but finished third grade. This happened because my mother sent me to school a year earlier. I am two whole classes more experienced and wiser than Leshka.

And Korzhiki is our last name, and not at all a nickname, as people sometimes think. I am Dima Korzhik, and Lesha is also Korzhik. Yes, such a cheerful and rare surname among us. When they call me to the blackboard at school, everyone immediately starts smiling. And I smile too. I like my last name. My brother and I have a delicious surname. Korzhik, this is not borscht or porridge. A shortbread is a shortbread. And people like her too. Leshka and I don’t even have any nicknames, neither he nor I. Why give us nicknames? Everyone calls us Korzhiki. I am Korzhik the elder, and Leshka is the younger Korzhik. Even our mother calls us Korzhikami. Such are the things. And many interesting and funny stories happened to us. Want to know them? Then read our stories with Leshka and laugh to your heart’s content. And what? We don't feel sorry!

Leshka and Santa Claus

When Leshka was very young and did not yet go to school, he firmly believed in Santa Claus. I waited for him for a whole year and thought about what gift to ask for. He sat down to write a letter to Santa Claus in mid-November and wrote it for a whole week. Or rather, he didn’t write, but dictated, because he himself didn’t know how to write then, and I was already going to school in the first grade.

Writing a letter for Leshka was real agony. Leshka sat down on the chair next to me, swayed for a long time, thought and began to dictate. On the eve of the next New Year, Leshka begged me to help him with a message to Santa Claus.

“Write like this,” the brother began the letter, “my beloved Santa Claus!”

I burst out laughing.

- Why are you giggling? – Leshka was offended.

“They don’t address Santa Claus that way,” I said. - Darling! Only mothers write this on postcards, or grooms write to brides. Is Santa Claus your bride?

- Wow! Somehow I didn't think about it. How then to write? – Leshka was confused. – Dear Mr. Santa Claus?

- That won’t work either. What else dear sir? This is Santa Claus, not the school principal. Write simply: dear Santa Claus.

- Okay, let's write it like that. Dear santa claus! I, Alexey Korzhik, behaved well for a whole year, helped my mother and older brother.

“You’re lying shamelessly,” I interrupted him.

Leshka jumped up:

- Well, yes. And you didn’t help mom enough, and I’m not even talking about myself. You haven't helped me even once this year.

- Why didn’t you help? And who stirred the paint for you for an hour when you painted your mother’s portrait for Medical Worker’s Day? Isn't it me?

- Yes, then you spilled all the colors on my paper and ruined everything. And he was also rude.

- That's because you hit me on the forehead.

- So I hit you for the matter. He ruined all my work.

– What then, in your opinion, should I write to Santa Claus?

- Write the truth.

- OK. Let's continue tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll think about what good I’ve done this year.

The next evening Leshka again took out a piece of paper, called me, and everything started all over again.

- Dear santa claus! - he dictated. “I tried to obey my mother for a whole year and helped my older brother a couple of times. I also behaved well in kindergarten.

– Who spilled compote on Katya Lemming? – I reminded.

- Look, he swung it! That’s why Santa Claus gave you a computer,” I grinned. - Hold your pocket wider.

Although I said so, in fact, in my letter three days ago I also asked for a computer, and now I felt anxious. To which of us will Santa Claus give a computer? What if it’s not for me, but for my brother? This will be the number!

“Just think for yourself,” I tried to reason with Leshka, “a computer is an expensive thing.” You ask for skates and skis. Do you think Santa Claus is a millionaire? Let's better not write about the computer.

- No way! You’d better cross out the skates and skis and leave the computer,” Leshka disagreed.

“I can’t write such a long word,” I lied. – If you want, write it yourself.

– But you know that I don’t know how to write yet! – my brother was indignant. – I can’t even read quickly.

- Who is to blame? Learn!

- OK. I will ask my mother to write this word on a piece of paper and tomorrow I will write it down myself. Just leave some space.

The next day, he actually wrote the word “computer” into his letter on his own. I sat the whole evening, but wrote and didn’t make a single mistake.

And I thought to myself: “Well, okay. Let Santa Claus give at least one of us a computer. Anyway, my brother and I have everything in common.”

Three days later the letter was completely written. Leshka put it in a huge envelope, added to the letter a drawing that he and I had drawn, and we went to the post office to send the letter to Veliky Ustyug. This is a city in the north where Santa Claus lives.

We began to look forward to the New Year.

The hardest thing in the world is to wait for a holiday. The hardest thing is to wait for your birthday and New Year. I noticed this a long time ago.

Finally, after much anticipation, the New Year holidays began.

I really love New Year's holidays. Everyone around is cheerful and smart. Every day something interesting happens. First we celebrated the New Year in class, then there was a school concert, and the next day I went to a matinee in Leshka’s kindergarten. And everywhere Santa Claus gave gifts to children. This is the most pleasant moment. Of course, he didn’t give me or Lekha a computer either at school or in kindergarten. And rightly so. Why give such gifts in front of everyone? So far we only got a bag of sweets. But I knew that on December thirty-first, Santa Claus would come to our home! And then...

At school performances, every time Santa Claus walked past me, I winked at him. Like, I’m expecting the main gift from you on the thirty-first, don’t forget. I even winked at Leshkin’s Santa Claus. Just in case.

By the way, when Santa Claus handed Leshka the sweets, he bulged his eyes and suddenly asked loudly:

-Where is the computer? I ordered a computer!

Everyone laughed. Even I laughed. It's amazing how small and stupid our Leshka is. And for some reason my mother was embarrassed.

After the holiday, on the way home, I explained to Lekha what was what.

- Look how it looks! – Leshka was delighted. “And I thought it was all over.” Santa Claus deceived. Mom, will Santa Claus come to our house?

“Must come,” said Mom.

And finally the thirty-first of December arrived. The day before, we decorated the Christmas tree, lit the garlands and admired it for a long time.

In the morning, as soon as we woke up, we jumped out of bed and, without dressing or washing, ran to the tree to look at the gifts.

Valentine's card

In the yard, sleepy Tuzik snapped in fear - his tail had probably been crushed, something crashed in the corridor and a cat howled desperately, the door slammed with a gun shot, and she, Valentinka, appeared on the threshold.

Grandma Daria, who was dozing while sitting, shuddered.

What kind of a child is this! Hail to you!

Hail, grandma, Hail to me! - Valentinka agreed and threw the briefcase somewhere in the corner. - That's it, we're not studying anymore! Dismissed for the holidays. I signed up for the youth club and will take care of the calves...

The grandmother chuckled contemptuously:

It’s not dry under your nose yet, but there you go!.. Look after the calves. You still need to take care of yourself.

“And here I will be,” Valentinka answered, frowning.

You will go to your aunt in the city. She works as a dressmaker. Take a closer look... When you finish eight years of school, she will train you to be a dressmaker. Good job this: stay at home, warm, and sleep. And the income is good.

To hell with that income! - said Valentine, using her grandmother’s words. And she ran into the yard, seeing that the grandmother was taking up a broom.

Valentinka did not like her grandmother Daria, because she woke her up every morning and cut off her magical dreams with a harsh hand. Valentinka often tried to soften her grandmother’s hard heart, asking: “Wait, granny, just a minute,” but the grandmother continued to push her away with stiff, hard fingers and monotonously, like a clockwork girl, muttered the same disgusting words: “Get up, you’ll be late for school.”

Grandma also didn’t like Valentine. She considered her the most stupid and spoiled of all her grandchildren and granddaughters. A long time ago, when Valentinka was seven years old and was getting ready to go to school for the first time, her grandmother said:

It won't do any good, it's rubbish!

Valentinka grew up, but grandmother Daria still treated her unkindly and considered her very capricious and spoiled.

... That evening the mother complained to the father:

I decided to go to the farm, signed up as a young girl... Well, that’s all right, so it’s up to you! “I’ll put on,” he says, “new green shoes for the calves.” I am mine for her, and she is mine.

To hell are they shoes! - Valentine popped up.

Father glanced sideways at Valentine and said:

I don’t mind about the farm - go ahead, but about the tricks - stop it! And shorten your tongue. What kind of thing is this? I moved to the fourth grade - I’m an adult after all.

Okay,” Valentine muttered.

Just don’t think that it will be easy with the calves,” the father added with a grin. - Firstly, you have to wake up early, which you don’t like, secondly, you strain yourself with the calves, you can’t raise your hands, thirdly...

Don’t scare me,” Valentine interrupted, “I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Now I won’t wake you up in the morning,” said the grandmother. - And I won’t bother you, and I’m on vacation. So that!

I'll wake up on my own. And there is no need to panic me, no one is asking you...

“She said seven Thursdays, and all in a row,” the grandmother noted from a dark corner. - Words go here and there, but deeds go nowhere!

Oh, how offensive it was to Valentine! Well, what does she want, grandma? I would sit in silence! It just doesn't allow passage. I just can’t breathe! And I thought: is she really spineless? Ivan Ilyich, classroom teacher, also said that she has no character.

Valentine woke up unusually early the next morning, got out of bed and went to the open window. The sun was rising. The rays lit up the high clouds. They glowed, heated up, and a minute later they burst into cherry fire. Its reflections fell on the orange sunflower field behind the road.

Valentina stood and smiled. She was pleased with herself: after all, she woke up.

Suddenly the door creaked. Valentinka looked around: the grandmother was standing on the threshold, looking at her dumbfounded.

Lord, are you up already?! - she exclaimed.

“I said that I would get up myself,” Valentinka answered, “so I got up.”

Grandma came out.

Valentinka looked under the bed for some shoes, but found only old shoes. Mother hid all the shoes. She curled her lips contemptuously, put on her boots and, after drinking milk, ran to the farm.

Petka was already there, but Olga had to wait for almost an hour. The manager of the farm, Afanasy Gavrilovich, came and took us to the calves.

The calves greeted them with a friendly moo. They were all just right: red-brown, big foreheads and very funny. Valentine darted towards them through the gap in the fence. With their ears spread out, they looked at Valentinka with all their eyes, were surprised at her and were drawn to her colorful dress. One bull, whom she immediately named Lobanchik, rushed to butt. She boldly stuck her finger into his rough mouth. He sucked greedily and immediately calmed down.

There are fifteen of them here,” said Afanasy Gavrilovich. - Grow it, I’ll help you myself. I’ll see how you can, otherwise you’re too much of a brag. Which one of you will be the eldest?

Olga began to look affectionately at Afanasy Gavrilovich, but he did not appoint her as senior. He examined Valentine and said:

Now you will be the eldest. You seem to be a fighting girl. Can you handle it?

That’s right,” said Petka.

And Valentine replied:

Okay, I can handle it.

But how she would cope was not yet clear to her.

Afanasy Gavrilovich told them what they needed to do and left.

Valentinka looked around: it was dirty in the calf barn and in the base, the calves were stained with manure, and there was unsifted barley dirt in the feeders. There is no end to the work here!

Petka, bring some water,” Valentine said very decisively. - Olga, don’t be so pretentious, you’ll wash the feeders with him.

Petka grabbed the buckets and ran for water, and Olga asked displeasedly:

What are you going to do?

I’ll find something, there’s a lot of work here,” Valentinka answered and added: “You, Olya, don’t be upset, since you’ve got down to business, don’t whine.” You have character, not like me.

Petka brought water in two buckets and began to take the feeders out into the yard with Olga, and Valentinka began to wipe the calves with a rag. They didn't like it, they ran away from her. Then she took a shovel and began to clean the bases. The calves thought it was funny. They disturbed her, butted her, and for some reason each of them considered it necessary to chew her dress with flowers.

About two hours later the bases looked completely different. And when the sun rose higher, they drove the calves out to pasture. The lop-eared pets were playful and active. The world was great. To recognize him, they suddenly ran in all directions, kicking and kicking. Valentinka was chasing them and thinking that over the summer she could train well and become a running champion.

She returned home in the evening, very tired, and slept soundly that night, without dreams. And it is unknown whether she would have woken up on her own if the grandmother had not screamed in the front garden at her window:

Shoo-shoo, damned ones! Shoo, the walnut would have taken you so you could die!

Valentina woke up, rubbed her eyes and, remembering the calves, smiled. The grandmother, seeing that her granddaughter had gotten out of bed, slipped behind the apple trees.

After washing herself and drinking milk and bread, Valentinka went to the kitchen to get a sieve to sift the dirt from the husks - for the calves. The grandmother was pounding lard and onions in a mortar. Valentine greeted her. Grandma replied:

Hello and the dog likes it.

Wiping the tears from the onion with the corner of her handkerchief, the grandmother said, as if reluctantly:

Do not herd calves in the dew, otherwise their bellies will swell.

Valentina, already leaving the kitchen with a sieve at hand, looked back at her and shouted:

Okay, grandma!

She thought that Grandma Daria was not really what she seemed.

The morning coolness refreshed Valentinka and drove away the remnants of sleep. She ran to the calf barn, examined her pets and was horrified when she saw Lobanchik. He was covered in manure and looked sickly, he didn’t even throw a fight. Valentinka thought with fear: “I’m sick!..”

And I guessed: it was my own fault. Yesterday, as a favorite, I gave him almost half a bucket of yogurt, but he took it and ate too much! She, frankly speaking, wanted to cry, but she thought that she wanted to cry because she had no character, and she refrained from crying.

Upset, she could barely wait for Petka.

Where is Olga? - asked.

Her sister told me that she was sick.

I know what kind of illness she has... Sonya is unhappy! Well, okay, she catches my eye, the quitter!.. You know, Petka, Lobanchik got sick, he ate too much yogurt. It’s my fault... You drive the calves to graze. Let the forehead remain in the calf barn, and I’ll run to grandma. She knows how to treat both people and calves.

Petka drove the calves into the steppe, and Valentinka ran home. The grandmother listened to her granddaughter and smiled at her, it seems, for the first time in her life. She advised giving Lobanchik a decoction of oak bark.

Where can I get it? - asked Valentine.

“Run to the carpenter’s shop for some bark,” said the grandmother.

Valentina turned over a mountain of wood chips in the carpenter's yard, but found oak bark. I brought it to my grandmother. She immediately lit a fire and began to work magic over the cast iron. The medicine was a great success. Valentinka quickly returned to the farm and gave Lobanchik a treat. He drank the broth willingly.

By lunchtime, Petka brought the calves, gave them water and locked them in the base.

Olga didn't come? - he asked.

“Even if she doesn’t come,” Valentinka answered, “we’ll do without her.”

Petka scratched the back of his head and said:

That's right, we'll get by.

Afanasy Gavrilovich came to them and brought a book about raising calves.

Here you are, young people, read. True, it was written for students of animal husbandry schools, I once studied on it myself, but I think you’ll figure it out - you’re a smart people.

Let's figure it out! - Valentine said confidently. - Whoever wants to, will figure everything out. We will raise calves according to science. - And I thought to myself: “What a braggart!” Well, who is pulling your tongue! May you be lifted and slammed!”

Olga, where is your friend? - asked Afanasy Gavrilovich.

She’s not our friend, and she doesn’t exist,” Valentinka answered, worried. - They say she's sick.

“Yeah, one has already given up,” the farm manager grinned. - It’s a well-known disease... My character couldn’t stand it. Apparently, I thought she would play with the calves like with dolls. This is serious work, not play.

That’s right,” said Petka.

Of course, all this is right for Petka, Valentinka thought. From an early age he helps his mother and father with housework. They have a large family - there are tons of things to do both in the yard and in the garden! His hands are strong, his palms are wide, and there are calluses on them, like those of an adult collective farmer. And Petka behaves seriously, respectably, like an adult. He never quarrels or fights with girls, and boys don’t dare jump on him: he’s a strong and brave guy - he can fight back against anyone. It was a pleasure for Valentinka to work with Petka, but it’s a pity that their work together soon ended.

A few days later, the farm manager came up to her and said, feeling guilty:

Valentine, I want to consult with you. I really need a quick assistant to bring this and that, go here and there. Our farm, as you know, is large - up to a thousand head of cattle, there are a lot of worries of all kinds, but not enough workers. Petka suits me just right. He would be a smart, smart assistant. - Afanasy Gavrilovich looked searchingly at Valentinka and added with regret: - I just don’t know what to do! Do you think maybe we should transfer your calves to a group of milkmaids?..

Valentine looked at him with offense and reproach.

So you don't trust me?! Do you think I can’t cope without Petka?

Valentinka herself did not expect that she would become so attached to the calves. And anyway, she couldn’t leave them now, since no one would go into the reasons why she no longer worked on the farm as a calf raiser. Everyone will think that she, like Olga, has given up. And class teacher Ivan Ilyich will probably say: “Again, Valentina, you have shown spinelessness!” And grandma Daria will not fail to mock: “What did I say!.. My granddaughter goes back and forth with words, but nowhere with deeds!..” No, no, under no circumstances should you give her the calves!

I can handle them myself, without Petka, look! - she added decisively.

You see, it will be difficult for you alone,” continued his manager. - You'll get stuck with them.

But she had already made a firm decision and said confidently:

It’s okay, I’ll wrap myself up and unwind right away! I carefully read the book about raising calves and understood a lot. And if I need it, Grandma Daria will help me.

Afanasy Gavrilovich looked affectionately and gratefully at the young calf:

Okay, Valentina Mikhailovna, so be it! I believe you: you can handle it. You, I think, are the fruit of our field.

“This is necessary! - she thought. - He called me by my first and patronymic name. And without any jokes, without ridicule!

And Valentinka was left alone with fifteen calves. As they grew up, they became stronger, more mischievous, more mobile, and it was not easy for her to manage them. Now try to catch up with this stubborn chick Strelka. Suddenly she gets scared of something, lifts her tail and rushes like a crazy person to God knows where. Valentine will rush across her, catch up with her, but she can neither stop her nor turn her around. He grabs the tail and drags in tow until it gets tired and stops on its own. But as the days passed, Valentinka became stronger in her training - every day she had to run short and long distances with calves, and she began to get less tired.

Now, every time she woke up, Valentinka heard her grandmother’s voice outside the open window:

Shoo-shoo! The oarsman would take you, they are rowing, damned ones!.. There is no death for you, accursed tribe!

And every time, looking out the window to see where the chickens might be grazing in the front garden, she noticed how Grandma Daria, for some unknown reason, was hiding behind the apple trees. And there were no chickens in the front garden...

And Valentinka guessed: it was her grandmother who woke her up in this way. This time she called out to the grandmother from the window:

Grandma, there are no chickens! - and laughed.

The grandmother came out from behind the trees and laughed too. Then she went to the window and asked:

Well, has Lobanchik recovered?

He has recovered and is running like a groovy guy!

The grandmother took off her dark scarf and smoothed it White hair, smiled and became completely different - very homely and affectionate, her eyes were blue and clear.

Why don’t you admit that you were left alone with the calves? Olga, I saw her playing with dolls in her garden. And Petka rides in a cart. I will help you...

Thank you, grandma! If you need anything, I'll tell you. Now I'm driving the calves to the pond to graze.

It’s a bit far, you’ll get tired of your legs if you’re not used to it.

But such tasty grass grows there near the dam! Fresh, juicy! I tried it myself. - Valentina laughed.

Wow, you're a liveie! “Look how things have organized you,” the grandmother said with a kind smile. - Well, get out, wash up, we’ll eat.

Valentina quickly had breakfast, took a bag of grub and ran to the farm.

The day started well and continued interestingly. In the morning Petka visited her and rode up on a horse. He visited her often.

Are you okay? Don't you need anything? - he asked busily.

Thank you, Petya! - she answered with gratitude. - Everything is going well for me, nothing is needed.

That’s how it is,” he said sedately, “but a man’s observation is needed everywhere.”

And he took up a hammer or a shovel, each time finding something to do in the calf barn.

And after lunch Ivan Ilyich arrived. She was grazing calves in a ravine near a dam, and he was riding somewhere on a bicycle and turned in her direction. Or maybe he specifically wanted to see her.

Oh, you’re simply unrecognizable, Valentine! - he exclaimed. - Glad to see you like this - strong, tanned.

Valentina was amazed: for the first time the teacher called her by her affectionate name!

I'm going to the field camp for reconnaissance. Soon the harvest will begin, and our student field crew has begun to prepare the grain,” continued Ivan Ilyich, “How is life, Valentinka?”

I have a fun life, Ivan Ilyich! “She openly, boldly, which had never happened to her before, looked into the teacher’s eyes, and this time they were cheerful, kind, without a shadow of severity, and it was easy to look into them. “I’ve already become a real athlete, I can now become a school running champion.” I easily get my second wind when I’m racing with calves! This chick Strelka is a wonderful runner. This is a natural horse, not a heifer!

Your calves are well fed! - he said, looking around at her charges. - And clean, well-groomed. Well done, Valentine! I see you have character. I'm happy for you!

And I’m glad that you’re happy for me, Ivan Ilyich! “She said that simply out of embarrassment: she was not used to praise - and she laughed. And then she enthusiastically and excitedly began to talk about the calves: “You know, Ivan Ilyich, at first they all seemed the same to me.” And then I began to notice: they are different, and their characters are not the same - each has its own. And they behave differently... And we probably seem like the same calves to you, don’t we, Ivan Ilyich? We can be so harmful and stupid...

The teacher laughed. He thought: “Naughty girl! There’s a little devil sitting in it... No, it’s much more complicated than it seems.” And said:

No, no, Valentine, you children are not calves, of course. You are much more complex and diverse. You are human!.. You, Valentinka, will still notice a lot, discover a lot. To those who rise with the sun, many secrets of nature are revealed.

True, Ivan Ilyich! - she lit up. - When I started waking up at dawn, I saw so many beautiful things, learned so many interesting things! My grandmother used to wake me up, either to drive away the cow or to water the garden beds, and would tell me reproachfully: “Why are you sleeping, you lazybones, at this time of year! The sun rises at once, the most beauty at once!” But I couldn’t understand her words. What beauty there is, if you want to sleep!.. And now I quickly jump out of bed, I’m afraid to miss the sunrise, I’m afraid to be late to my lop-eared people. And they, too, you know, will put their heads on the top pole of the fence and stare at the sun, which rolls out from behind the river. - Valentinka laughed again and interrupted, reining in herself: “Stop chatting! What a braggart!

And the teacher looked at her with pleasure, with a kind smile and thought: “The girl is growing up! Growing quickly. And how much energy it has! In fact, they woke up Valentine!”

He affectionately said goodbye to his student and rode further into the steppe, to the brigade’s field camp. She looked after him, a little confused, dissatisfied with herself: “What an utter chatterbox you are! Here is an uncontrolled one... Control yourself, show character!” But then I remembered his look: he listened with interest to everything she was talking about, and she calmed down: “No, no, Ivan Ilyich treats me well, he is affectionate and kind, but I always thought that he was a nagging person and didn’t like me.” me". She felt happy. Humming, she wove a wreath of wildflowers and pulled it over Lobanchik’s young horns. For some reason he got angry and started to butt heads with her. Valentine flicked him on the nose:

Oh, you stupid bull! Let's go for a swim, you potheads! Behind me! “She ran to the pond, skipping, and the whole troop of calves rushed after her, kicking and kicking.

There have not been such books since the times of Nosov and Dragunsky! And indeed it is. Sparkling humor, fun, and joy fill fascinating stories about two brothers. Korzhiki is a very cheerful and tasty surname. What adventures do not befall the inseparable friends. A walk through the school basement, rescuing a wounded friend, searching for a missing button and much more. And they also have a friend, a wonderful girl Katya, for whose sake the friends are even ready to perform feats! Such as, for example, how to make the best “valentine”, find the most original birthday gift, or give yourself a haircut, buy tickets to the circus, or save an escaped cat. In general, these stories are about true childhood friendship, about kindness and honesty, decency, courage, and about modern children. Want to meet them right now? Then listen! About all this and more in the book Valentine's card. Funny stories about schoolchildren (Dmitry Suslin)