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» Contents: photo in which I am not present. A brief retelling of the work A photograph in which I am not V.P. Astafieva (School essays)

Contents: photo in which I am not present. A brief retelling of the work A photograph in which I am not V.P. Astafieva (School essays)

One day in the dead of winter, the good news came to a rural school that a photographer was coming to them. Everyone had been preparing for this event for a very long time, looking for where he would spend the night. As a result, they decided to place him with the foreman of the alloy. offices.

This photo should have included main character works “Photograph in which I am not” together with my friend Sanka. A few days before the much-anticipated photograph, the boys went to ride on an ice slide, and there the main character froze, as a result of which a long-standing leg disease manifested itself.

Because of this, he could not walk and together with his faithful best friend missed the shoot. After everyone took a photo, their teacher came to the boy's house and brought a photo of the whole class.

The grandmother placed the photo in a wooden frame and hung it on the wall, even though her grandson is not on it. This image still hangs there - it is a wall history of the village people.

Updated: 2017-08-09

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A photographer comes to the village, all the schoolchildren dream of going to general photo. The main character Vitya and his friend Sanka were offended that they were going to be imprisoned at the end and ran off to the ridge to ride a sled. Vitya got sick and couldn’t take a photo. Later, the teacher brought him a photograph in which Vitya was not, and the boy always kept it carefully.

the main idea

Old pre-war photographs are a national chronicle, and they must be preserved. There are many memories associated with photography.

Read the summary A photograph in which I am not present Astafiev

The story of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “The Photograph in which I am not” is one of the chapters of the book “The Last Bow”.

In this book, the main character is the boy Vitya, an orphan. He lives with his grandparents in a remote village in Siberia. Near the Yenisei River. The events described in the book take place in the pre-war period. The grandmother loves the boy very much, although she often scolds him. Each chapter of the book reveals more and more fully the character of the grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, and her love for her grandson.

In the chapter “Photograph in which I am not” we're talking about about an unusual event for those places, which excited all the residents of the village. A photographer is expected to arrive and is going to photograph the schoolchildren. The teacher and teacher, husband and wife, immediately thought about where it would be more convenient to accommodate the photographer during his arrival. You can’t go to a visiting house because it’s dirty. They decided to place him with a cultured resident of the village with the surname Chekhov.

All the guys were looking forward to the arrival of the photographer and were wondering who would sit where in the photo. It was agreed that the best students would sit in the front, the average ones in the second row, and the C and D students in the back. However, not everyone was happy with this decision, for example, the hero-narrator and his friend Sanka, because they were just one of the worst students. Trying to achieve good place fists and having failed, the boys ran away to the ridge and sledded down a steep hill until nightfall and rolled around in the snow.

Returning home, Vitya felt that he was sick. He endured it for a long time, and his legs hurt from rheumatism, a disease he inherited from his mother. When the boy howled in the middle of the night, the grandmother woke up and began to scold him for not listening to her and getting cold feet. She got up and went to look for medicine. Then she rubbed him with alcohol for a long time, sentenced him and spanked his grandson.

So Vitya was stuck at home for a long time. He could not walk, and his grandmother took him to the bathhouse to warm up. When the day appointed for photographing arrived, the boy still could not take a step. Sanka ran after him, his grandmother prepared him a beautiful shirt, but Vitya could not get up. When he realized that he couldn’t take a photo, he began to howl and ask to be photographed somehow, but this was impossible. Sanka boldly declared that he would not go to be photographed either.

So Vitya lay at home for a long time. He examined the insert frames and everything that lay behind them:

moss, rowan branches, birch coals. Then the boy watched the ficus blossom. And then he became very bored.

And then one day a teacher came to them and brought a photograph. Vitya was very happy. The teacher and the teacher in the village were very respected by all the residents. The teacher drank tea with his grandmother and wished the boy to get well soon. The narrator recalls with reverence this teacher’s visit to their house. The teacher knew a lot, was polite to all the residents, and always said hello. The teacher was able to talk to the drunkard Uncle Levontius in such a way that he began to drink less. And one spring the teacher went into the forest with his students and told them everything he knew. Suddenly they saw a snake, it hissed terribly. The teacher grabbed a stick and beat the snake to death. He wanted to protect the children. All the village residents tried to thank the teacher and brought him either a basket of berries or some other gifts, and in winter they brought firewood to the yard.

The grandmother told her neighbors for a long time about how the teacher himself came to her.

Vitka looked at the photograph and tried to find himself and Sanka in it, but this was impossible, because they were not photographed.

The boy grew up, but did not forget his teacher, his modest smile, and the photograph is still kept. It has turned yellow and you can barely see the faces of the children photographed near the white school. Many of them died during the war, and old photo keeps the memory of brave Siberians.

Picture or drawing A photograph in which I am not present

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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“In the dead of winter, in quiet, sleepy times, our school was excited by an unheard of important event.”

A photographer arrived from the city on a cart!
He came to take pictures of the students!

Where should I put him for the night? In the teacher's family - Small child who is sick and screams all the time.

In the second half of the house where the teacher lives, there was an office. There the phone was ringing all the time and people were shouting loudly into the receiver.

In the “visiting house” the coachmen will get drunk and “infest lice.”

The photographer was assigned for the night to the foreman of the floating office, Ilya Ivanovich Chekhov. There he can be treated to an intelligent conversation, city vodka, and a book from the closet.

The schoolchildren were preparing for the shoot, discussing what to wear and how to comb their hair. It was decided that the excellent students would be in the first rows, and the hooligans and poor students would be in the last.

The narrator and his friend Sanka could not boast of either exemplary behavior or grades. Therefore, out of grief that they would find themselves in the last row, where no one would see them, the boys sledded down the hill. We returned home wet and hot.

The narrator suffered from rheumatism and his legs hurt at night. So much so that he howled - at first quietly, like a puppy, then in a full voice.

Grandma rubbed her feet ammonia, spanked him, wrapped him in a feather shawl:

- Sleep, little bird, the Lord is with you and the angels are at your head.

But rubbing didn't help. The boy struggled and screamed.

The grandmother told the grandfather to light the bathhouse and took the boy there - he could no longer walk on his own.

Sanka, out of solidarity, also said that he would not take photographs. Moreover, he was ashamed, because it was he who lured his friend to ride.

The teacher comes to inquire about the boy's health and brings him a photograph of the class. “Respect for our teacher and teacher is universal, silent. Teachers are respected for their politeness, for the fact that they greet everyone in a row, without distinguishing either the poor or the rich, or the exiles, or self-propelled guns. They also respect the fact that at any time of the day or night you can come to the teacher and ask him to write the required paper...”

So they thank the teachers: either they will “forget” a pot of sour cream in the teacher’s entryway, or they will bring firewood and unload it at the house.

The events described took place during the time of dispossession.

“The dispossessed and subkulak members were thrown out in the dead of autumn, therefore, at the most opportune time for death. And if times then were similar to today, all families would immediately try it on. But kinship and fraternity then great strength there were distant relatives, close ones, neighbors, godmothers and matchmakers, fearing threats and slander, they nevertheless picked up children, first of all infants, then from bathhouses, flocks, barns and attics they collected mothers, pregnant women, old people, sick people, after them and everyone else was sent home.”

The evicted women went to their cellars at night to get potatoes, pickles, and supplies. They prayed to God to save some and punish others. “But in those years, God was busy with something else, more important, and turned away from the Russian village.”

Liquidation activists ruined the strong economy of the kulaks. “Katka Boltukhina rushed around the village, exchanging stolen things for drinks, not afraid of anyone, not embarrassed by anything. It happened that she immediately offered what she had taken away to the hostess herself. My grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, lost all the money she had saved up for a rainy day, “bought back” more than one thing from the Boltukhins and returned it to the described families.”

They are evicted a second time, from those huts where they have settled. Baba Platoshikha clings to the joint, tearing her nails to blood. They throw her onto the porch and hit her in the face with a boot. Then her relative, the mute Kirill, who was hiding in the forest, jumped up and smashed the head of the commissioner with a rusty cleaver.

The village lived poorly, but the teacher turned out to be very active: he sent schoolchildren to collect waste: old samovars, rags, bones. I took all this to the city and brought notebooks and transfers. “We tried sweet cockerels on sticks, the women got hold of needles, threads, and buttons.

The teacher again and again went to the city in a village soviet nag, procured and brought textbooks, one textbook for five. Then there was even relief - one textbook for two. Village families are large, therefore, a textbook appeared in every house. The tables and benches were made by village peasants and they didn’t charge for them; they made do with magarych, which, as I now guess, the teacher gave them on his salary.”

This is how the school rose.

Teacher in warm time goes with his students for walks in the forest and field and tells them a lot, and the children share with him their knowledge about the local nature. One day the company saw poisonous snake and the teacher, fearing for the children, killed her with a stick.

Now no one remembers the name of the teacher in the village, but the main thing is that the word remains - Teacher.

Many people think village photos are funny, but they are not.

“Village photography is a unique chronicle of our people, their history on the wall, and it’s not funny because the photo was taken against the backdrop of the ancestral, ruined nest.”

  1. Thank you
  2. vlfff
  3. The story tells that one day a photographer specially came to the village from the city to photograph the school students. The children immediately began to think about how and where to stand. They decided that the diligent good students should sit in the front, those who study satisfactorily should sit in the middle, and the bad ones should be placed in the back.
    Vitka and his bosom friend Sanka, in theory, should have stood in the back, since they were not distinguished for diligent study, much less behavior. To prove to everyone that they were completely crazy people, the boys went for a ride in the snow from a cliff like no other normal person I never would. As a result, they rolled around in the snow and went home. Retribution for such ardor was not long in coming, and in the evening Vitka’s legs ached. His grandmother independently diagnosed him with rematism. The boy could not get to his feet, howled and groaned in pain. Katerina Petrovna was very angry with her grandson and wailed: “I told you, don’t get cold!” However, she immediately went to get medicine. Although the grandmother grumbles at her grandson and mimics him, she treats him with great tenderness and strong affection. Having given him a slap on the wrist, she begins to spend a long time rubbing her grandson’s feet with ammonia. Katerina Petrovna deeply sympathizes with him, since he is an orphan: his mother, by a fatal accident, drowned in a river, and his father has already formed another family in the city.
  4. The story by Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “The Photograph in which I am not” depicts the life of people in the thirties. Everyone lives as best they can. The life of the villagers is very simple. At school there are no desks, no benches, no notebooks, no textbooks, no pencils.
    Vitya, the main character of the story, lives without his parents. Perhaps his dearest person, his grandmother, plays a huge role in his life. She will scold the boy for his cold feet, grumble a little, but then she will nurse him all night, give him milk, rub him, wrap him up, and remain until the morning near the bed of her beloved grandson.
    In the narrative, the author introduces images of windows. Some contained just cotton wool and three or four rowan rosettes with leaves. In others, there wasn't even glass everywhere. In the third, everything was piled up: cotton wool, and moss, and rowan berries, and viburnum, and even multi-colored paper flowers that served as the most the best decoration. “By looking at the window, without even entering the house, you can determine what kind of mistress lives here, what kind of character she has and what the daily routine is like in the hut.”
    In the story there is an image of a flower, which is the “double” of the boy. Sometimes it fades away, dies, but by spring it is revived again, pale green shoots appear and hastily stretch upward to open one day beautiful flower.
    In the fragment of the story where the main character is not allowed to be photographed, the author uses a lot of verbs. Thus, Astafiev tries to describe the psychological state of the boy, to convey his thoughts, feelings and emotions to the reader. Vitya really wants to go and take pictures with everyone. But, at the same time, he understands that he cannot walk at all.
    The main character's grandmother is a kind and caring village resident. In his speech, the author included a huge number of dialect and colloquial words and expressions. So Astafiev showed all the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the Russian person.
    Of course, there are drunkards and “unreliable people” in the village. But they do not determine the atmosphere of life. The teacher enjoys special respect not only for his knowledge, but also for the fact that he himself respects everyone, greets everyone and never refuses a request. The people in this story, although not perfect, appreciate the inner, spiritual beauty of people.
    What I liked about this story is that the village lives like one big family, friendly and strong. Sometimes quarrels happen in it, but with the power of goodness, helping and forgiving, you can overcome all troubles
  5. A photographer arrived from the city on a cart!
    The photographer arrived before noon, and school was interrupted for the occasion.
    The teacher and teacher - husband and wife - began to think about where to place the photographer for the night.
    They decided to place him in a visiting house, but Aunt Avdotya intervened.
    The photographer was assigned for the night to the foreman of the floating office. In our village lived a literate, businesslike, respected man, Ilya Ivanovich Chekhov. He came from exiles.
    Everyone wanted to please the photographer, so that he would appreciate the care taken for him and would photograph the guys as expected, photograph well.
    The whole long one winter evening Schoolchildren trudged around the village, wondering who would sit where, who would wear what, and what the routine would be. The solution to the issue of routine was not in favor of Sanka and me. Diligent students will sit in front, average ones in the middle, bad students in the back - that’s how it was decided. Neither that winter, nor all the subsequent ones, Sanka and I surprised the world with our diligence and behavior; it was difficult for us to count on the middle. Should we be in the back, where you can’t tell who’s filmed? Are you or aren't you? We got into a fight to prove in battle that we are lost people... But the guys drove us out of their company, they didn’t even bother to fight with us. Then Sanka and I went to the ridge and started skating from such a cliff that no reasonable person had ever skated from. Whooping wildly, cursing, we rushed for a reason, we rushed to destruction, smashed the heads of the sleds on the stones, blew out our knees, fell out, scooped up full wire rods of snow.
    At night, the payback for the desperate revelry came - my legs began to hurt.
    grandmother and, fumbling for me in the dark, the first thing she did was slap me on the wrist. Then she rubbed my feet with ammonia for a long time. She rubbed the alcohol thoroughly until it was dry.
    I didn't sleep that night. Neither grandmother’s prayer, nor ammonia, nor the usual shawl, especially affectionate and healing because it was my mother’s, brought relief. I fought and screamed throughout the house.
    In the morning, my grandmother took me to the bathhouse - I could no longer go on my own. My grandmother rubbed my feet for a long time with a steamed birch broom, warmed them over the steam from hot stones, hovered all over me through the rag, dipping the broom in bread kvass, and finally rubbed them again with ammonia.
    I didn't go to school for more than a week. My grandmother treated me and spoiled me, gave me jam, lingonberries, and made boiled sushi, which I loved very much.
    Then the teacher came to visit. Prince show the photo.
    Next we talk about teachers and school.
  6. The story tells that one day a photographer specially came to the village from the city to photograph the school students. The children immediately began to think about how and where to stand. They decided that the diligent good students should sit in the front, those who study satisfactorily should sit in the middle, and the bad ones should be placed in the back. Vitka and his bosom friend Sanka, in theory, should have stood in the back, since they were not distinguished for diligent study, much less behavior. To prove to everyone that they were completely abnormal people, the boys went skiing in the snow from a cliff that no normal person would ever attempt. As a result, they rolled around in the snow and went home. Retribution for such ardor was not long in coming, and in the evening Vitka’s legs ached. His grandmother independently diagnosed him with rematism. The boy could not get to his feet, howled and groaned in pain. Katerina Petrovna was very angry with her grandson and wailed: “I told you, don’t get cold!” However, she immediately went to get medicine. Although the grandmother grumbles at her grandson and mimics him, she treats him with great tenderness and strong affection. Having given him a slap on the wrist, she begins to spend a long time rubbing her grandson’s feet with ammonia. Katerina Petrovna deeply sympathizes with him, since he is an orphan: his mother, by a fatal accident, drowned in a river, and his father has already formed another family in the city. Friendship This is how it began summary. A photo in which I am not like literary work talks about how, due to his illness, the boy Vitya still misses one of the most important events - taking photographs with the class. He regrets this very much, meanwhile the grandmother consoles her grandson and says that as soon as he recovers, they themselves will go to the city to see the best photographer Volkov, and he will take any pictures, even for a portrait, even for a patchport, even on an airplane, even on a horse, on anything. And right here to the very important point the plot fits. The summary (Photo in which I am not in) describes that Vitka’s friend Sanka comes to pick up his friend in the morning and sees that he cannot stand on his feet, and then he immediately decides not to go and be photographed either. Sanka acts like a true friend who does not want to upset Vitka even more and therefore also misses this event. Even though Sanka was getting ready and put on a new padded jacket, he begins to reassure Vitka that this is not the last time a photographer comes to them, and next time they will be in the frame. A photograph in which I am not: review and analysis Although the friendship of village boys is examined here at a very childish level, this episode will affect the development of the hero’s personality. In the future, he will be very important: not only his grandmother’s upbringing and care influenced his attitude towards the world around him, but also respectable relationships with friends. The work Photograph, in which I am not present, reveals the image of true Russian grandmothers, how they lived in their villages, ran their households, decorated and insulated their windows with moss, because it “sucks in dampness,” they put a coal so that the glass would not freeze, and they hung rowan trees from intoxication. The window was used to judge which housewife lived in the house. Teacher Vitya did not go to school for more than a week. One day a teacher came to them and brought a photograph. Katerina Petrovna met him with great cordiality and hospitality, had a pleasant conversation, treated him to tea and put on the table treats that could only be found in the village: lingonberries, lampaseyki (lollipops in a tin jar), city gingerbread cookies and dried cakes. The teacher in their village was the most respected person, because he taught children to read and write, and also helped local residents write the necessary letters and documents. For such kindness, people helped him with firewood, milk, and look after his child, and grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna spoke to his baby’s belly button. Conclusion That's it

The book “The Last Bow” by the Soviet writer Viktor Astafiev is a story within stories, which has a folk character, consisting of compassion, conscience, duty and beauty. There are many characters involved in the story, but the main ones are the grandmother and her grandson. An orphan boy, Vitya, lives with his grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who has become a generalized image of all Russian grandmothers, the embodiment of love, kindness, care, morality and warmth. And at the same time, she was a strict and sometimes even harsh woman. Sometimes she could make fun of her grandson, but nevertheless she loved him very much and cared for him endlessly.

Values ​​instilled in childhood

True friendship is the most precious and very rare reward for a person, Astafiev believed. “The Photograph That I’m Not in” is a story in which the writer wanted to show how the hero relates to his friends. This was important for the author. After all, friendship is sometimes stronger than family ties.

The story “The Photograph I’m Not in” is presented separate part in the story "The Last Bow". In it, the author depicted all the exciting moments of his childhood. To analyze the story, you need to read the summary.

"Photo where I'm not in": plot

The story tells that one day a photographer specially came to the village from the city to photograph the school students. The children immediately began to think about how and where to stand. They decided that the diligent good students should sit in the front, those who study satisfactorily should sit in the middle, and the bad ones should be placed in the back.

Vitka and his bosom friend Sanka, in theory, should have stood in the back, since they were not distinguished for diligent study, much less behavior. To prove to everyone that they were completely abnormal people, the boys went skiing in the snow from a cliff that no normal person would ever attempt. As a result, they rolled around in the snow and went home. Retribution for such ardor was not long in coming, and in the evening Vitka’s legs ached.

His grandmother independently diagnosed him with “rematism.” The boy could not get to his feet, howled and groaned in pain. Katerina Petrovna was very angry with her grandson and wailed: “I told you, don’t get cold!” However, she immediately went to get medicine.

Although the grandmother grumbles at her grandson and mimics him, she treats him with great tenderness and strong affection. Having given him a slap on the wrist, she begins to spend a long time rubbing her grandson’s feet with ammonia. Katerina Petrovna deeply sympathizes with him, since he is an orphan: his mother, by a fatal accident, drowned in a river, and his father has already formed another family in the city.


This is how the summary began. “The Photograph in which I’m not in”, as a literary work, tells the story that due to his illness, the boy Vitya still misses one of the most important events - taking photographs with the class. He regrets this very much, meanwhile the grandmother consoles her grandson and says that as soon as he recovers, they themselves will go to the city to see the “best” photographer Volkov, and he will take any photographs, even for a portrait, even for a “patchport”, even on an airplane, on a horse, or on anything.

And here the plot comes to the most important point. The summary (“Photo in which I’m not in”) describes that Vitka’s friend Sanka comes to pick up his friend in the morning and sees that he cannot stand on his feet, and then he immediately decides not to go and be photographed either. Sanka acts like a true friend who does not want to upset Vitka even more and therefore also misses this event. Even though Sanka was getting ready and put on a new padded jacket, he begins to reassure Vitka that this is not the last time a photographer comes to them, and next time they will be in the frame.

“Photo that I’m not in”: review and analysis

Although the friendship of village boys is examined here at a very childish level, this episode will affect the development of the hero’s personality. In the future, he will be very important: not only his grandmother’s upbringing and care influenced his attitude towards the world around him, but also respectable relationships with friends.

The work “Photograph in which I am not present” reveals the image of true Russian grandmothers, how they lived in their villages, ran their households, decorated and insulated their windows with moss, because it “sucks in dampness,” they set up coal so that the glass would not freeze, and Rowan trees were hung from intoxication. The window was used to judge which housewife lived in the house.


Vitya did not go to school for more than a week. One day a teacher came to them and brought a photograph. Katerina Petrovna met him with great cordiality and hospitality, had a pleasant conversation, treated him to tea and put on the table treats that could only be found in the village: “lingonberry”, “lampaseyki” (lollipops in a tin jar), city gingerbread cookies and dried cakes.

The teacher in their village was the most respected person, because he taught children to read and write, and also helped local residents write the necessary letters and documents. For such kindness, people helped him with firewood, milk, and look after his child, and grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna spoke to his baby’s belly button.


Here, perhaps, we can end the summary. “The Photograph That I’m Not in” is a short story that helps the reader understand the images of the main characters as best as possible, see their moral souls, priorities and life values.

In addition, we understand how important photography is for these people, because it constitutes a kind of chronicle and wall story Russian people. And no matter how funny, sometimes ridiculous and pompous these old photographs are, you still don’t want to laugh at them, you just want to smile, because you understand that many of those posing died in the war defending their land.

Astafiev writes that the house in which his school was located and against which the photograph was taken was built by his great-grandfather, who was dispossessed by the Bolsheviks. Families of those dispossessed at that time were driven straight out onto the street, but their relatives did not let them die, and they settled in other people’s houses.

This is what Astafiev tried to write about in his work. “The photograph in which I am not” is a small episode from the life of the writer and all the simple, but truly great people.

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