Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Compiling a collective story based on the painting “Sasha and the Snowman. GCD summary: Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Snowman”

Compiling a collective story based on the painting “Sasha and the Snowman. GCD summary: Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Snowman”

Lyubov Kozak
Compiling a story based on the plot painting “Sasha and the Snowman.” Routing classes on speech development in the middle group

Technology maps.


organized learning activities for middle group

I take salads:Educational region: Communication.

Blimderi: Chapter: Speech development.

Tayryb:Subject: Compiling a story based on a plot picture« Sasha and the snowman» .

Masata:Goals: To consolidate children’s understanding of winter and its signs.

Clarification, expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic "Winter"; secure correct pronunciation sounds "With" And "R".

Improve grammatical structure speeches(agreement of nouns with adjectives).

Learn make up with the help of a small teacher story by story picture .

Develop visual attention, thinking, memory, coordination speech with movement.

Develop creativity and imagination.

Continue to cultivate culture speeches, the ability to listen carefully to children’s statements.

Szdik zmys. Vocabulary Job: snowstorm.

Aldyn-alu zhmysy. Preliminary Job: targeted walks, daily observations, looking at illustrations about winter, winter phenomena, winter entertainment. Reading works about winter; familiarity with proverbs and poems about winter; solving riddles about winter phenomena.

Zhabdytar. Equipment: snowflake, painting« Sasha and the snowman» , picture of a melting snowman, foam bottles, silhouettes snowmen, lovely pencils.

Bilingual component: Bilingual component: ys - winter, ar - snow.



Trbieshiny is- sketeti

Activities of the teacher

Balalards is-reketi

Children's activities




All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly.

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, look, a snowflake has arrived! (takes a snowflake, and something is written on it! Let's read it!

"Hello girls and boys middle group No. 6, kindergarten "Alyonushka"! Writes to you Snowman! I sent you as a gift picture, which shows me and my friend Sasha. I really want you to pay close attention looked at this picture and came up with a story based on it about me and my friend. I love you very much. Snowman».

Well, guys, are you ready to do this? children stand in a circle

hands to chest, arms extended to each other

join hands


They answer.


Organizational and search

(Shows picture, but nothing is visible on it.)

-The painting is enchanted, but if we try, we can disenchant it.

Guys, what time of year is it now?

Di "Choose a word". (Activate in speeches children adjectives.)

What's winter like? (Cold, snowy, frosty). What snow in winter?. (Cold, white, fluffy) What snowflakes? (Small, cold, white). What kind of snowdrifts? (Large, white, snowy). What kind of wind is it? (Cold, icy).

(Hanging out painting, children must name what doesn’t happen in winter.)

Oh look, what do you see? It seems to me that the artist mixed something up. What did the artist get wrong?

Physical exercise.

Snow, snow, snow, white snow(stand up, wave their arms).

It spins and falls on everyone.

The children are all up on skis (imitation of skiing).

They ran after each other.

We are from a ball of snow was formed("draw" big circle with hands)

We made a snowman(“draw snowman made of three lumps).

We played, we played,

And we got down to business (go to their seats)

On picture of a melting snowman.

Guys, look what's happening to our Snowman? Why is he melting?

Let's create a blizzard.

What is a blizzard?

Maybe then we can save Snowman?

Guys, now we will arrange snowfall in bottles.

Exercise "Snowstorm" Formation of a directed air stream.

The teacher gives the children small plastic bottles filled with grated foam. Each bottle has a cocktail straw in the cap.

The teacher shows how to perform the exercise correctly.

While the children are doing the exercise, the picture opens.

Looking at the painting« Sasha and the snowman» .

What time of year is shown in picture? Why did you decide so? What is the boy's name? How is the boy dressed? What does Sasha have in his hands? Who did the boy blind? What did you make it from? Sasha the Snowman? Look at the snowman and tell me, Which snowman. (Big snowman, snowy, has a bucket on his head, coal eyes, carrot nose). What birds sit on a tree?

Then the teacher summarizes:

There was a lot of rain in winter snow. Boy Sasha I dressed warmly and went outside. He took a shovel and sled with him. The snow was sticky and Sasha made a snowman. Instead of a hat snowman bucket, eyes are coals, instead of a nose there is a carrot. It turned out beautiful Sasha's snowman.

The teacher offers the children tell from the picture(2-3 children complete the task).

They answer. Winter.

They answer by naming adjectives.

They call something that does not happen in winter.

They do physical exercises.

They answer that it is melting.

Because it's warm.

They reason.

Do the exercise.

Looking at the picture.

Answer questions.

Children make up a story based on a picture.

Reflevsivti - ear correction

Reflexive - corrective

Well done! Picture we were able to break the spell. Have miracles happened here today?

Sa-sa-sa-such miracles.

The wheel spun so-so-so.

Ra-ra-ra the kids are very happy.

Ry-ry-ry the end of the game has come.

Well done today!

Guys, today we played, we tried, we cast a spell picture.

There are silhouettes on your tables Snowmen. Let's revive them and present them to our guests.

They repeat pure sayings.

Children complete the details Snowman and give to guests.

Ktiletin below:

Expected Result:

Nene Beledi:

Know: signs of winter.

Anday tsinikterdi igerdi:

Have: an idea of ​​how to agree nouns with adjectives.

Megergen dadalar men iskelikteri:

Be able to: write a short story based on a picture modeled after the teacher.

The development of coherent speech is the most important condition future success of the child’s schooling. Only with well-developed coherent speech can he give detailed answers to complex questions school curriculum, consistently and completely, reasonedly and logically express your own opinions, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works fiction and oral folk art Finally, an indispensable condition for writing programmatic statements and essays is sufficient high level development of a child’s coherent speech. Skillful use of technology such as TRIZ in classes on speech development in kindergarten, successfully helps develop thinking, ingenuity and, of course, speech in preschoolers.



Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group.

Subject: Teaching storytelling based on the picture “Like a Snowman!”

Educational areas:“Communication”, “Health”, “Artistic creativity”.

Priority task:development of coherent speech.

Educational objectives:clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Winter”; develop the ability to carefully examine a picture, reason about its content (with the help of questions from the teacher); learn to compose a detailed story based on a picture based on a plan; teach the ability to come up with a title for a picture.

Educational: practice solving riddles; develop imagination and creativity; develop fine motor skills hands; cultivate independence and accuracy in work.

Educational: cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of your comrades and complement the answers.

Individual work:Alisa, German, Egor. activate children's speech when answering questions.

Equipment: story picture on the topic “That’s how a snowman is!”, pictures about winter, a snowflake with a riddle,

Preliminary work:observing winter phenomena while walking, talking about winter fun, finger gymnastics.

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle

1. Organizational moment, announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Guys, look at the board, there is a train waiting for us again, on which we travel every day to the land of knowledge.

And what will we do now and will tell us... .

Game "Black Box"

You will find out what lies there when you guess my riddle.


White, but not sour cream

Cold, but not ice cream

It flies and spins, but it is not a butterfly.

What is this? (Snowflake)

Lexico-grammatical work

Game “Words of Winter” (working with a bank of words)

- Guys, passing a snowflake to each other, you will name the words of winter (this includes winter fun, natural phenomena, clothing, everything related to the winter season), and we will collect all these words in our box. The teacher takes the last snowflake in his hands and says the word blizzard, explains the meaning of the word (blizzard with strong destructive winds). “Puts” this word in the box and closes it.

Game “What can a snowflake turn into?

2. part Compiling a story based on the picture.

Looking at the painting “This is a snowman!” and a conversation about it.

The teacher places a picture on the board and organizes a conversation. Gives you the opportunity to look at it and exchange impressions. Then he asks you to come up with a title for the picture. The teacher names the most successful names, explains that they are the most accurate and concise.

“And the artist called his painting “This is a snowman!” Isn’t that a good snowman?

Conversation on the painting:

What time of year is shown in the picture? Why did you decide so?

What did the children make? What was the snowman made from? (what kind of snow was it?)

Look at the snowman and tell him what kind of snowman he is. (The snowman is big, cheerful, has a bucket on his head, coal eyes, a carrot nose...)

Tell us about what is happening around the snowman?

Did you like the snowman?

Then the teacher summarizes:

It was a beautiful winter day, it was very beautiful around. A lot of snow fell. The children and the teacher went for a walk. Sasha was sledding, and Yura and Lena began to build a snowman. The snowman turned out to be big and cheerful. The snowman has a bucket instead of a hat, coal eyes, a carrot instead of a nose, and hair is made from twigs. He is very beautiful.


One two three four. (Children bend their fingers to count).

We made a snowball together. (They make a pretend snowball).

Round, hard, very smooth. (Children “stroking” the snowball).

And not at all sweet. (“They threaten” with a finger).

One, we'll throw it, two we'll catch. (Imitation of throwing snowballs.

We'll drop three, oh, they broke!)

The teacher invites the children to repeat the story (2-3 children complete the task). Well done guys you did it good stories, and now let's continue the story (TRIZ) (the teacher shows the snowman's sad face and asks him to come up with a story about why the snowman suddenly became sad?) Then he changes the snowman's face to a cheerful one, and asks him to come up with and tell why the snowman became so cheerful?

TRIZ “Let’s bring the snowman to life and let him tell about himself”

Summing up the lesson, evaluating the work


So guys, what did we do today? (return to the engine)

What didn't work for you?

Drawing "Funny snowmen".

Educator: Try to draw a snowman.

How much do you need snow globes for a snowman?

What size are these balls and how are they located?

What can serve as a snowman's headdress?(Bucket, cap, pan).

What items of clothing can you draw as a snowman?(Scarf, belt).

What should I give him?(Shovel, broom, hockey stick, Christmas tree).

What kind of facial expression can a snowman have?(Merry).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 1"
Educator: Puryushina Elena Nikolaevna
Educational activities on speech development
with middle school children
Topic: “Composing a story based on the painting “Sasha and the Snowman.”
Goal: to develop the ability to compose a story based on a picture together with the teacher.
Educational: coherent speech - the ability to compose a story based on a picture (3-4 sentences) together with the teacher, improve dialogic speech, the ability to answer the teacher’s questions; grammatical structure of speech - to develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, select an adjective to a noun; sound culture of speech With the ability to isolate sounds in a word, pronounce phrases; vocabulary enrichment - to activate children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter".
Developmental: develop speech, memory, attention, fine motor skills;
Educators: cultivate a culture of speech, responsiveness, and the ability to listen carefully to children’s stories.
Educational area: “Speech development”, “ Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development".
Preliminary work:
Reading fiction about winter (poems, stories); study of the lexical topic: “Winter” (examination of illustrations and pictures); making a snowman on a walk, visual activity on the theme "Snowman".
Flashcard with a recording of classical music by P. Tchaikovsky " Winter morning"and the children's song "Snowman", snowflakes cut out of paper, riddles written on them with a plot picture "Sasha and the Snowman", a magnetic board, glue, a silhouette of a snowman, cotton balls.
OD move:
The teacher plays classical music by P. Tchaikovsky “Winter Morning”.
Oh, snowflakes are flying and flying
Snow-white fluffs
It's winter - winter
She moved her sleeves.
- Children, look how big snowflakes flew into my palm.
- Yes, they are not simple, but magical, they don’t melt! Oh, there's something written on them. (The teacher examines the snowflakes).
- Yes, there are riddles on them!
- Listen carefully and guess.
1. The bear stopped roaring, The bear fell into hibernation in the forest, Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (Winter).
2. The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake).
3. They rolled a lump in the yard, They attached an old hat to it, They attached a nose, and in an instant - It turned out... (a snowman).
4. Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again (bullfinch).
- You solved the riddles correctly. Guys, what time of year is it now? (Winter). P
- Which of you loves winter? Why? (answers)
That's right, in winter you can also go for walks and come up with a lot of ideas different games and entertainment.
- What games can you come up with with snow? (build houses, a fortress, a slide, go sledding, etc.) - And when there is a lot of snow, what can you build? (Snowman). The teacher shows the children the plot picture “Sasha and the Snowman”. - Look, children, what I have beautiful picture. Let's take a closer look at it, what is depicted on it? (Considering).
- What time of year is shown in the picture? (Children's reasoning: Winter). - Why did you decide so? (Children's reasoning...)
- Let's play a game with you: “Choose the word.”
- What kind of winter is it?.........(cold, snowy, frosty)
- What kind of snowflakes?......(white, beautiful, cold, small)
- What kind of snowdrifts?.........(large, snowy, white)
- What kind of wind?.............(cold, icy, strong)
- What is the sky like in winter?......(gray, gloomy)
- What kind of snow?............(white, wet, sticky, cold)
- Okay, guys, well done! Let's look at the picture further...
- What did the boy blind? (Children’s reasoning…….)
- What did the boy make a snowman from? (Children’s reasoning….)
- Guys, look at the snowman and tell me what he is like?
(the snowman is large, snowy, there is a bucket on his head, a carrot on his nose, coals on his eyes, branches instead of hands).
- Guys, tell us about what is depicted around the snowman?
Children's reasoning...
- Let's come up with a name for the boy? (Children's reasoning...) And the artist named the boy Sasha.
Then the teacher summarizes: A lot of snow fell in winter. The boy Sasha dressed warmly and took a shovel and sled with him. The snow was sticky and Sasha made a snowman. The snowman has a bucket on his head, coals for his eyes, and a carrot for his nose. Sasha’s snowman turned out beautiful! or (On a clear winter day, Sasha went out for a walk. He took a sled and a shovel with him. Sasha dressed warmly, he was wearing a fur hat, a winter coat, felt boots. Sasha made a snowman from wet snow. He put it on top of it. Then he stuck the snowman’s hands. Stuck it in hands him a broom. I made the eyes, mouth and nose. I put a bucket on the snowman’s head. The snowman turned out beautiful.)
- Guys, listen to the story again...
- Guys, now you try to repeat the story, but for the story to turn out beautiful, you need to pronounce all the words clearly. Let's train our tongue.
Pure saying: SA - SA - SA - these are the miracles, SO - SO - SO - the wheel spun, RA - RA - RA - the kids are very happy, SA - TSY - TSY - WE ARE GREAT FOR TODAY! Children describe a picture of 3-4 children. - Well done! Now let's take a rest.
Physical education minute.
Look how it glitters
Little white snow.
Let's stand together in a circle (children stand in a circle).
Snow, snow, White snow- puts everyone to sleep.
We're playing in the snow, feel free! (bend over and “take snow”)
Oh, what a deal! ("making snowballs")
We are not too lazy to play snowballs.
We could play all day.
Clap - clap, don't yawn! (clap).
Hurry up and play in the snow! (bend down and “take the snow”).
Clap - clap, don't yawn! ("making snowballs")
Now throw it at me! (throwing snowballs)
Let the frost freeze us
We'll stomp now! (stomping).
One - hand, two - hand (children extend one hand forward, then the other).
We are making a snowman. (imitate making snowballs)
We will roll a snowball (with our palms we make circular movements on the hips).
Like this, (Spread their arms to the sides, showing a large size of the lump)
And then a smaller lump - (Rub your chest with your palms).
Here it is (They show with their hands the size of the smaller lump).
And we’ll put it on top (Stroke cheeks with palms).
Small lump (Place your fingers together, keeping your palms at a “small lump” distance).
So the snowman came out (put their hands on their sides and turn their body to the right and left).
- We played together
Need to dry off
Since we became ourselves
All snowmen.
- Children, look, I have a silhouette of a snowman. Do you want to revive it? Let's glue cotton balls onto the silhouette of a snowman. To the children's song "Snowman", children perform appliqué (collective work).
3. Final part (reflective analysis):
- Guys, today we learned to write a story based on a picture. What is the name of the painting? Children's reasoning...
- What do you remember? Children's reasoning...
- How is the boy dressed? Children's reasoning...
- What did Sasha blind? Children's reasoning...
- That’s right, guys, the artist called the painting “Sasha and the Snowman”, well done, they remembered. Today everyone worked well, answered questions, made up a story based on the picture, and we got a wonderful snowman.
Ardatov settlement, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Attached files

Lesson summary

33 Topic “Sound and letter z"


Material. Dolls Aza, Lisa, Zoya; objects or their images (vase, umbrella, TV, bell, mosaic); toys (bunny, goat, Dunno); drawings of flowers (roses, mimosa, forget-me-nots); pencil cases with a set for sound analysis of words and verbal analysis of sentences.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment


Game: "Mosquito". The speech therapist holds a hanging piece of paper representing a mosquito and says: z-z-z-z. Children imitate different states with their facial expressions: “an annoying mosquito”, “we are afraid of a mosquito”, “a mosquito has bitten”, “we are driving away a mosquito”, “we are not afraid of a mosquito”.

2. Isolated sound pronunciation h. Isolating the first sound from a word Zoya. Sound Characteristics

In the morning a mosquito flew in and woke up Zoya: s-z-z-z. How did the mosquito ring? (Z-z-z-z.) What is the first sound in a girl's name? (Sound z.)

3. Pronunciation of sound h in syllables. Analysis and synthesis (logs for, zo, zu

Catch the sounds behind. Which syllable will you return? (Syllable behind.) "Lo- Vite" sounds z, O. What syllable did you get? (Zo.)"Give" me the first sound of a syllable zu ... (h), second... (y).

4. Pronunciation of sound h in words. Determining the position of the sound. Development of phonemic representations

What did mom affectionately call Zoya? (Zoyushka, Zoinka, Zoya-shenka.) Guess what Zoya did in the morning. She pushed... (curtain) bed... (in charge), did... (charging), Ko-Sichki... (braided) bandage... (tied up) cleaned... (teeth). What is the name of the paste used to clean teeth? (Dental.) What about the powder? (Dental.) Then Zoya went to the kitchen... (breakfast). In the morning we... (let's have breakfast).

Two friends came to visit Zoya. Give them names with sound h. (Lisa, Aza.) Guess what they brought with them.

Objects and toys are displayed.

The first sound in a word m, last - A. What is this? (Mosaic.) First sound V, last - A, name the word. (Vase.) The girls brought... (mosaic, vase, wind-up bunny, toy TV, umbrella) and more flowers... (roses, forget-me-nots, mimosas).

Development of auditory attention and memory

The girls decided to play “Telephone”. You need to convey the following words over the phone: bunny, mosaic, umbrella, vase, and now: forget-me-nots, roses, mimosas.

Children repeat words in a given sequence.

Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis

Aza suggests playing with words in a different way. Place the naked ki on your hands and close your eyes. Aza will say the word, and you will raise as many fingers as there are syllables in the word. Words are called.

Now complete the missing syllables in the words: frost... (sigh), ta...(thank you), diver...(thank you), gr...(behind). Now Aza will name the first syllable, and you will name the whole word: eyes... (eyes), str... (dragonfather for...(castle), be... (birch), behind... (curtain), behind... (fly in), that... (basins).

Zoya and Aza decided to find out how many syllables and sounds there are in a word basins. How many syllables do you think there are in this word? What's the first syllable? What about the second syllable? Indicate the sounds of this word with circles. Name the vowel sounds. How many consonants are there? Where is the consonant sound? h?


Zoya and Aza invite us to do exercises with them and With a groovy bunny.

The reading of the poem is accompanied by imitation of movements.

Jump-hop, hop-hop, On your toes, pull yourself up!

The bunny jumped onto a stump. We put our paws on the side,

He beats the drum loudly, Skok-skok-skok on his toes.

He invites you to play leapfrog. And then squat down,

Paws up, paws down, So that your paws don't freeze.

V. Volina

8. Pronunciation of sound h in sentences. Making sentences based on supporting words. Practical mastery of verb forms call

Tell us how the children played with toys.

Children talk. Make sentences with words mosaic, bunny, vase.

The speech therapist offers sentence diagrams.

Lisa suddenly remembered what she needed on the phone... (call). And now you, Dima (Mitya), call.

The phone is brought to the child.

What are you doing? I... (calling) I... (I'll call). What did you do? (Called.) You already... (called). We will... (call). We... (we'll call). What have we done? (They called.)9. Pronunciation of the sound z in connected speech Lisa is very fond of pure talk. Let's write pure sayings for her with the word goat.

For-for-for, there is a goat in the meadow.

Zu-zu-zu, together we herded the goat.

Zy-zy-zy, the goat has a bell.

For-for-for, go home, goat.

And here is Zoya's honest talk. Let's repeat them with her.

Bunny Booba has a toothache.

Zoya is the bunny's mistress.

The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

We wash Lisa in a basin.

Introducing the letter z

Do you know what this book is called? (ABC.) Zoya took the alphabet , letter h named in it. Look what the letter z looks like? (//With number three.)

3 - not just a curl,

3 - spring, pretzel, shavings.

B. Stepanov

Look at this letter: It’s just like the number three.

S. Marshak

11. Reading syllables for, zo, zu, zy. Composing words from scattered syllables

Let's read the syllables together with the girls for, zo, zu, zy. And now from the syllables ta, nor, co, would, zu, zy make up words. (Horses, basins, teeth.) Let's help Zoya write out her name from the cut alphabet.

Lesson summary

What sound did we study today? Who helped us? What kind of fat is this? (Consonant, hard, sonorous sound.) Which letter did you meet? (With the letter z.) And what number does this letter resemble? (On the number three.)

34 Topic “Sounds z, z" and the letter z"


Material. Pictures of a starship, “star men”, a Castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, monkey, grasshopper, bunny, jellyfish), birds (finch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin), plants (strawberries, boletus), products (raisins, marshmallows ); objects (lock, nails, basket, curtain); color symbols of sounds, letters.

Progress of the lesson

Org moment.

What planet do we live on? (On the ground.) Who are we? (Earth not, children of Earth.) And who lives on the stars? (Children of the stars.) He" sends us their favorite sounds z, z".

Lesson topic message

The children of the stars sent us star signals: z-z-z-z,z"-z"-z"-z",

3. Characteristics of sounds z, z" according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics. Identification of them by color symbols

Subject: Speech development. For children senior group preschool educational institution
Meta-subject tasks:
1. Learn to act according to a plan or instructions
2. Strengthen the ability to distribute tasks among team members.
Subject tasks:
Strengthen skills in composing a fairy tale.
1. Organizational moment.
Q: Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.
D: Hello!
Q: How else can you say hello?
D: Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!
Q: How are you feeling now? (Good). And I'm in a good mood too.
- Guys, look, I have a ball in my hand. Would you like to play a game? (Yes) The game is called “Say it the other way around.” I will name the words, and you come up with words - “on the contrary”, words with the opposite meaning.
Good evil
Bravery - cowardice
Hard work - laziness
Scary - beautiful
Weak – strong
Brave, modest – boastful
Difficult - easy
Angry - affectionate
The beginning is the end.
The group receives a letter from Dunno: “Guys, please help. The fact is that I’m in a fairy tale country, and I can’t return home until I come up with my own fairy tale. Your teacher will tell you how to come up with fairy tales.”
- Guys, can we help Dunno? (Yes)
- Can you? (Yes)
Go to the tables
- Tell me, please, where do I need to start in order to consistently remember the plot?
- Of course, first you need to make a plan. Let's try.
-Remind me what parts a fairy tale consists of? (Beginning, middle, ending.) - Guys, your fairy tale should have a fairytale beginning.
- Guys, how do you understand the fairy tale beginning? How do fairy tales usually begin? (Once upon a time...In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...It happened a long time ago...)
- What else is said in the first part? (About the characters and the main theme.)
- Who will tell you about the middle part, how it differs from other parts? (The middle is the largest part; it lists the events that happen to the heroes.)
- And what heroes appear in the fairy tale (good and evil)
- Guys, what good and evil fairy tale heroes do you know? (Baba Yaga, Koschey the immortal, Good fellow.)
- In a fairy tale there must always be some kind of magic? What magic do you know? How can you draw this?
- What is the ending? (It tells how it all ended.)
- What words does it end with? (They began to live and live well and make good money. That’s the end of the fairy tales, and whoever listened, well done!) - And now the guys have all come up to me, I suggest you turn into real storytellers. Let's say magic words: “Turn left and right and turn into storytellers!” Well, now you are real storytellers.
-And today, guys, we will invent fairy tales in teams.
There are circles on this table, take the circle and go to the tables and find your place and your team.
- Let’s come up with a team name, and I’ll write it on the board.
- Guys, let's start work. Don't forget about our plan.
- Guys, we’re finishing inventing a fairy tale.
-Dear storytellers, now agree who from each team will tell a fairy tale. And I will record it to send to Dunno.
The team that finished first was... Let's listen
(Tales invented by all subgroups are listened to in turn; the teacher, if necessary, invites members of the subgroup to add to the story.)
- Did you guys manage to complete the task? Let's check if your fairy tale is drawn up according to plan. Then the teacher notes whether the genre features of the fairy tale were taken into account when compiling it and according to the plan. “Let’s, guys, Dunno, also teach how to compose fairy tales.” Guys, remind us what parts a fairy tale consists of, what is said in each part, where the work begins. I am sure that now Dunno, according to our plan, will be able to become storytellers himself.
And each of you in his own way personal plan can tell it to his parents at home.

Attached files