Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Modern educational technologies. Selevko G.K. modern educational technologies

Modern educational technologies. Selevko G.K. modern educational technologies

This presentation discusses the essence of educational technologies, their classification, and main parameters. Given a brief description of some well-known educational technologies. The materials were prepared based on the book by Selevko German Konstantinovich “Modern educational technologies» Education is an industry aimed at the future. S.P.Kapitsa

Concept educational technology Aspects of pedagogical technology Aspects of pedagogical technology Aspects of pedagogical technology Levels of pedagogical technology Levels of pedagogical technology Levels of pedagogical technology Levels of pedagogical technology Qualities of pedagogical technology Qualities of pedagogical technology Qualities of pedagogical technology Qualities of pedagogical technology

Description and analysis of pedagogical technology Identification Name of technology Conceptual part Conceptual part Conceptual part Conceptual part Features of the content of education Features of the content of education Features of the content of education Features of the content of education Processual characteristics Processual characteristics Processual characteristics Processual characteristics Software and methodological software Software and methodological software Software and methodological software Software - methodological support

By level of application By level of application By level of application By level of application By philosophical basis By philosophical basis By philosophical basis By philosophical basis By leading factor of mental development By leading factor of mental development By leading factor of mental development By leading factor of mental development By concept of assimilation By concept of assimilation By concept of assimilation By concept of assimilation By orientation to personal structures By orientation to personal structures By orientation to personal structures By orientation to personal structures By the nature of content and structure By the nature of content and structure By the nature of content and structure By the nature of content and structure By organizational forms By organizational forms By organizational forms By organizational forms By type of management of cognitive activity By type of management of cognitive activity By type of management of cognitive activity By type of management of cognitive activity By approach to the child By approach to the child By approach to the child By approach to the child By the predominant (dominant) method By the predominant (dominant) method By the predominant (dominant) method By the predominant (dominant) method In the direction of modernizing the existing traditional system In the direction of modernizing the existing traditional system In the direction modernization of the existing traditional systemIn the direction of modernization of the existing traditional system Classification of pedagogical technologies

Examples of pedagogical technologies Modern traditional learning (TO) Modern traditional learning (TO) Modern traditional learning (TO) Modern traditional learning (TO) Computer learning technologies Computer learning technologies Computer learning technologies Computer learning technologies System of developmental education L.V. Zankova System of developmental education L.V. Zankova System of developmental training L.V. Zankova System of developmental training L.V. Zankova Game technologies. Gaming technologies. Gaming technologies. Gaming technologies. Pedagogy of cooperation Pedagogy of cooperation Pedagogy of cooperation “Dialogue of cultures” “Dialogue of cultures” “Dialogue of cultures” “Dialogue of cultures” Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner) Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner) Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner) Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)

Scientific Scientific: technology is a part of pedagogical science that studies and develops the goals, content and methods of teaching Procedural - descriptive Processual - descriptive: description of the process to achieve the planned learning outcomes Procedural - effective Processual - effective: implementation of the pedagogical process Aspects of pedagogical technologies:

Levels of pedagogical technology: General pedagogical General pedagogical: educational process in this region at a certain stage of education Private methodical Private methodological: a set of methods and means for implementing the content of training and education within one subject Local Local: solving private didactic and educational problems

Qualities of pedagogical technologies: Conceptuality Conceptuality is reliance on a certain scientific concept; Systematicity Systematicity is the interconnection of all parts of the technology; Controllability Controllability - design of the learning process; Efficiency Efficiency is the guarantee of achievement of a certain standard of learning; Reproducibility Reproducibility - the possibility of application in other educational institutions.

Dogmatic, reproductive Developmental learning Creative Dialogical Self-developmental learning Explanatory and illustrative Problem-based, exploratory Programmed learning Game Informational, computer Based on the predominant (dominant) method Based on the predominant (dominant) method

In the direction of modernizing the existing traditional system In the direction of modernizing the existing traditional system Based on the humanization and democratization of relations Based on the efficiency of organization and management Nature-appropriate Based on the activation and intensification of children's activities Based on the methodological and didactic reconstruction of the material Alternative Holistic technologies of original schools

Modern traditional education (TO) The term “traditional education” implies, first of all, the class-lesson organization of education, which developed in the 17th century on the principles of didactics formulated by Ya.A. Kamensky, and is still predominant in schools around the world. Classification parameters Classification parameters Classification parameters Classification parameters Target orientations Target orientations Target orientations Target orientations Conceptual provisions Conceptual provisions Conceptual provisions Conceptual provisions Features of the technique Features of the technique Features of the technique Features of the technique

Classification parameters of technical training By level of application: general pedagogical. On a philosophical basis: pedagogy of coercion. According to the main factor of development: sociogenic - with the assumptions of the biogenic factor. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex based on suggestion (sample, example). By orientation to personal structures: informational, ZUN. By the nature of the content: secular, technocratic, general education, didactocentric. By type of control: traditional classic + TSO. By organizational forms: classroom, academic. By approach to the child: authoritarian. According to the predominant method: explanatory and illustrative. By category of trainees: mass.

Conceptual provisions The conceptual basis of TO is made up of the principles of pedagogy: scientific nature (there cannot be false knowledge, there can only be incomplete knowledge); nature-awareness (learning is determined by development and is not forced); consistency and systematicity (sequential linear logic of the process, from particular to general); accessibility (from the known to the unknown, from easy to difficult, mastering ready-made knowledge); strength (repetition is the mother of learning); consciousness and activity (know the task set by the teacher and be active in executing commands); the principle of clarity (involving various senses in perception); the principle of connection between theory and practice (a certain part of the educational process is devoted to the application of knowledge); taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Features of the methodology Traditional technology is an authoritarian pedagogy of demands Learning is very weakly connected with the inner life of the student, with his diverse needs and requirements, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of personality

Procedural characteristics Features of the methodology, application of teaching methods and means Motivational characteristics Organizational forms of the educational process Management of the educational process (diagnosis, planning, regulations, correction) Category of students for whom the technology is designed

Features of the methodology Computer teaching aids are interactive. The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process. In the teacher function the computer represents: source educational information, visual aid, individual information space, simulator, diagnostic and control tool. In the function of a working tool, the computer acts as: a means of preparing texts and storing them, text and graphic editors, a modeling tool,...

Conceptual didactic provisions Purposeful development based on an integrated developmental system. Systematicity and integrity of content. The leading role of theoretical knowledge. Training at a high level of difficulty. Progress in learning material at a rapid pace. The child's awareness of the learning process. Inclusion in the learning process of not only the rational, but also the emotional sphere (the role of observation and practical work). Problematization of content (collisions). Variability of the learning process, individual approach. Work on the development of all (strong and weak) children.

Features of the content are the way of inductive comparison. analyzing observation The dominant principle in the system is the inductive path. Special place allocated to the comparison process. The main attention is paid to the development of analyzing observation. The main motivation for educational activities is cognitive interest. The methodological goal is to create conditions in the lesson for the constant activity of students. Ways to achieve: creating problem situations, using various forms and methods of organizing educational activities, drawing up and discussing a lesson plan with students, creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work. The progress of knowledge is “from the students.”

Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner) Waldorf pedagogy is one of the varieties of the embodiment of the ideas of “free education” and “humanistic pedagogy” Target orientations Main ideas Features of the methodology Features of the content Any human education is nothing more than the art of promoting nature’s desire for its own development. I. Pestalozzi

Goal orientations Education is designed to form a holistic personality: striving for the maximum realization of their capabilities; open to new experiences; capable of making informed and responsible choices in a variety of life situations. Not so much knowledge as ability Development of self-determination, individual from Not so much knowledge as ability Development of self-determination, individual responsibility for one’s actions.

Features of the methodology Pedagogy of relationships, not demands Immersion method, “epoch-making” methodology Education without textbooks, without rigid programs Individualization Collective cognitive creativity in the classroom Teaching independence, self-control Lots of games Denial of grades.

Features of the content Extensive additional education Interdisciplinary connections Compulsory art subjects: painting, eurythmy, music A large role is given to labor education Harmonic combination intellectual, aesthetic and practical - labor aspects of education

Pedagogy of cooperation Pedagogy of cooperation is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical generalizations of the 80s. Pedagogy of cooperation should be considered as a special type of “penetrating” technology, which is the embodiment of new pedagogical thinking, a source of progressive ideas and, to one degree or another, included in many modern pedagogical technologies as their Part. Man is the measure of all things Protagoras

Classification characteristics By approach to the child: humane-personal, subject-subject humane-personal, subject-subjective By the predominant approach: problem-search problem-search system of small groups By type of management: small group system: associative-reflexive + phased interiorization By concept assimilation: associative-reflexive + stage-by-stage interiorization: humanistic On a philosophical basis: humanistic

List of modern pedagogical technologies (according to G. Selevko)

Pedagogical technologies based on humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process

4.1. Pedagogy of cooperation

4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili

4.3. System E.N. Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person

4.4. Vitagen education technology (A.S. Belkin)

Pedagogical technologies based on activation and intensification of students’ activities (active learning methods)

5.1. Gaming technologies

Gaming technologies in the preschool period

Gaming technologies in primary school age

Gaming technologies in middle and high school age

5.2. Problem-based learning

5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning

5.4. Interactive technologies

Technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” (RDMCHP)

Discussion technology

Technology "Debate"

Training technologies

5.5. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E.I. Passov)

5.6. Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)

Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process

6.1. Programmed learning technology

6.2. Level differentiation technologies

Differentiation by level of development of abilities

Model “Intraclass (intrasubject) differentiation” (N.P. Guzik)

Model “Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results” (V.V. Firsov)

Model “Mixed differentiation” (subject-lesson differentiation, “mixed group model”, “stratum” differentiation)

6.3. Technology of differentiated learning based on children's interests (I.N. Zakatova)

6.4. Technology of individualization of learning (I. Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)

Model of individual educational programs within the framework of productive education technology

Model of individual educational programs in specialized training

6.5. A collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)

6.6. Group activity technologies

Model: group work in class

Model: training in mixed-age groups and classes (RVG)

Models of collective creative problem solving

6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: forward-looking learning using reference schemes with commented control

Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material

7.1. “Ecology and dialectics” (L.V. Tarasov)

7.2. “Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)

7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)

7.4. Implementation of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich)

7.5. Modular learning technologies (P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Sennovsky, M.A. Choshanov)

7.6. Integration technologies in education

Integrated educational technology V.V. Guzeeva

Technology of education of ecological culture

Global education concept

Concept of holistic pedagogy

Civic education concept

7.7. Models for integrating the content of academic disciplines

Model “Integration of Natural Sciences”

Model of "synchronization" of parallel programs, training courses and topics

Model “Integrated classes (lessons)”

Model "Integrated days"

Model of interdisciplinary connections

7.8. Concentrated learning technologies

Suggestive immersion model

Temporary immersion model M.P. Shchetinina

Technology of concentration of learning using sign-symbolic structures

Features of ideographic models

Subject pedagogical technologies

8.1. Technology of early and intensive literacy training (N.A. Zaitsev)

8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school (V.N. Zaitsev)

8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)

8.4. Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)

8.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev)

8.6. Technology of music education for schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky

8.8. Technologies of textbooks and educational-methodical complexes

Technology of teaching materials “Educational program “School 2000-2100”

Alternative Technologies

9.1. Technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness

9.2. Technology of productive education (Productive Learning)

9.3. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)

Features of language culture acquisition

Technology "Other Mathematics"

9.4. Workshop technology

9.5. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy)

Forerunners, varieties, followers

Natural technologies

10.1. Nature-appropriate technologies for teaching language (A.M. Kushnir)

Nature-appropriate technology for teaching reading A.M. Kushnira

Nature-appropriate technology for teaching writing by A.M. Kushnira

Nature-appropriate teaching technology foreign language A.M. Kushnira

10.2. Summerhill Free School Technology (A. Neill)

10.3. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy

10.4. Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)

10.5. Self-development technology (M. Montessori)

10.6. Dalton-plan technology

10.7. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)

10.8. School Park (M. A. Balaban)

10.9. Holistic model of the free school T.P. Voitenko

Developmental education technologies

General Basics technologies of developmental education

11.1. Developmental education system L.V. Zankova

11.2. Technology of developmental education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova

11.3. Technology of diagnostic direct developmental training (A.A. Vostrikov)

11.4. A system of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov)

11.5. Personally oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

11.6. Technology of self-development of the student’s personality A.A. Ukhtomsky - G.K. Selevko

11.8. Integrative technology of developmental education L.G. Peterson

Pedagogical technologies based on the use of new and cutting-edge information tools

12.1. Technologies for mastering information culture

Model “Informatization (computerization) of educational institutions”

12.2. Computer as an object and subject of study

12.3. Technology of using information and computer tools in subject teaching

12.4. Computer lesson technologies

12.5. Technology of mastering and developing computer support tools for the learning process

12.6. Technology of using the Internet in the educational process

TOGIS model (V.V. Guzeev, Moscow)

Telecommunications technologies

12.7. Education and socialization by media and communications

12.8. Media education technology

Model “Media education” as a training course

Model “Media education integrated with basic education”

Model “School Center SMK”

12.9. Use of ICT tools in school management

Social and educational technologies

13.1. Family education technology

13.2. Technologies of preschool education

13.3. Technology “School is a center of education in a social environment” (S.T. Shatsky)

13.4. Technologies of social and pedagogical complexes

Model “School is the coordinator of educational activities of social institutions”

Model “Commonwealth of School and Industry”

Model “Complex of social and pedagogical support for the child”

Model “SPK as a specially designed environment”

13.5. Technologies of additional education

13.6. Technologies of physical education, saving and promoting health

13.7. Technologies of labor and professional upbringing and education

Technology of labor education and training in a modern mass school

Technology of contextual professionally oriented training

13.8. Technology for educating the spiritual culture of the younger generation

13.9. Technologies of religious (confessional) education

13.10. Technologies for raising and teaching children with problems

Model of differentiation and individualization of training

Technology of working with problem children in public schools

Technologies for correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation

13.11. Technologies of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and support for children with disabilities (disabled people)

Technology of working with mentally retarded children

Technology of working with children with special educational needs

13.12. Technologies for rehabilitation of children with impaired social connections and relationships

Model “KDN – coordinating center of social and educational work in the district”

Model “Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors”

Model "Social Shelter"

Technology of anti-alcohol and anti-drug education of children and adolescents

Model “Correctional (Penitentiary) Institution”

13.13. Technologies for educating subjective social activity of a person

13.14. Technology for establishing public relations (PR? technologies)

Educational technologies

14.1. Technology of communist education of the Soviet period

14.2. Technology of “hard” collective education A.S. Makarenko

14.3. Technology of collective creative activity I.P. Ivanova

14.4. Technology of humane collective education V.A. Sukhomlinsky

14.5. Technology of education based on a systematic approach (V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova)

14.6. Educational technologies in modern mass schools

14.7. Technologies of individualized education

Generalized classification characteristics of individualized education technologies

Model (technology) of pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman)

Technology of tutor support for individual educational programs (T.M. Kovaleva)

Neurolinguistic programming technology

14.8. Education in the learning process

14.9. Technology of organizing self-education according to A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvinsky

15.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide)

15.2. Model “Russian School” (I.F. Goncharov)

15.4. Agroschool A.A. Katolikova

15.5. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

15.6. Center for Distance Education "Eidos" (Khutorskoy A.V., Andrianova G.A.)

In-school management technologies

16.1. Basic technology secondary school management

School management technology in development mode

Technology of school management based on results (according to P.I. Tretyakov)

16.2 Technology for managing methodological work (G.K. Selevko) Pedagogical councils

16.3. Technology for optimizing the management of an educational institution (Yu.K. Babansky)

16.4. Technology of pedagogical experiment

16.5. In-school monitoring technology

16.6. Technologies for design and development of technologies


Technology of self-development (Montessori M.)

Technology of pedagogical support (Gazman O.S.)

Technology for the formation of visual and constructive activities in children with special needs of psychophysical development (Zakharova Yu.V.)

Technology of level differentiation (Guzik N.P.)

Technology of developmental education (Zankov L.V.)

Technology of student-centered learning (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

Technology for planning correctional work (Gladkaya V.V.)

Technology of communicative learning (Grek L.V.)

Technology of collective creative activity (I.P. Ivanov)

Interactive learning technology (Kashlev S.S.)

Technology of individual correctional and developmental work (E.M. Kalinina, V.P. Parkhomenko)

Technology of differentiated learning based on children's interests (Zakatova I. N.)

Theory of solution of inventive problems (TRIZ) (Korzun A.V.)

Psycho-saving technologies (Parkhomovich V.B.)

Implementation of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (Galperin P.Ya.)

Humane-personal technology (Amonoshvili Sh.A.)

Problem-Based Learning (Dewey John)

Communicative technology of language teaching

Information Technology

Gaming technologies

Health-saving technologies (Kovalko V.I.)

Health-saving technologies (Bazarny V.F.)

Technology of level differentiation (Firsov V.V.)

Technology of early and intensive literacy training (N.A. Zaitsev)

Technology of multi-level training

Technology of educational games (Nikitin B.P.)

Technology of developmental education (Elkonin D.B., Davydov V.V.)

Technology of problem-based learning (Makhmutov M.I.)

Technology of pedagogical workshops (Paul Langevin, Henri Vallon, Jean Piaget)

Visual modeling technology

Critical Thinking Technology

Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (Passov E.I.)

Technology of collective creative activities in working with children with psychophysical disabilities (N. E. Shchurkova)

Technology of collective learning (CSR) (Rivin A.G., Dyachenko V.K.)

Modular learning technologies

Adaptive learning technology

Technology of differentiation and individualization of training

Technology of individual training (T.L. Leshchinskaya, I.K. Borovskaya)

Technology of individual training (Unt I.E., Granitskaya A.S., Shadrikov V.D.)

Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (Shatalov V.F.)

Educational model “Step by step”

Prospective-anticipatory learning in commented control using reference schemes (S.N. Lysenkova)

Project-based learning

Theory of solution of inventive problems (TRIZ) (Nesterenko A.A.)

Compensatory learning technologies


Materials of the republican scientific and practical seminar "Organization and content of the educational process with children preschool age with visual impairments."

Attention parents, teachers, everyone interested.

Studying the experience of the Russian Federation in organizing distance learning for persons with disabilities

All-Russian seminar for teachers working with children after cochlear implantation

I republican competition "Best institution of special education"

IX Republican competition “Computer. Education. Internet"

Materials of the final stage of the V republican competition "Modern technologies in special education

Materials from the experience of auxiliary schools in Minsk “Improving correctional work with students with intellectual disabilities”

An annotated list of the best competitive materials of the IV republican competition “Modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching and upbringing of children with special needs of psychophysical development. Regional models of special education”

Works presented at the final stage of the republican competition “Modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching and upbringing of children with special needs. Regional models of special education - 2010" by teachers of the special education system of the Republic of Belarus

Corrective work

The use of information technology in teaching deaf children in science and mathematics lessons

From the experience of working as a teacher-psychologist at the Vileika special comprehensive boarding school for children with STD

The science. Innovation. Experiments.


List of educational institutions implementing educational programs of special education, on the basis of which experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in 2014/2015 academic year

On introducing amendments and additions to the Instruction on experimental and innovative activities in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 1, 2011. No. 251.


Republican pedagogical readings “Raising children with special needs of psychophysical development: problems, solutions”

Materials of the republican meeting “Creating an adaptive space on the path to inclusive education.”

Materials of the republican scientific and practical seminar “Organization and content of correctional work with children of early and preschool age with hearing impairment compensated by a cochlear implant” (04/08/2014).

Section (II Republican Pedagogical Readings “Innovative Trends in modern education"(November 15-16, 2013)

Republican meeting “Special education institutions: yesterday, today, tomorrow” 09.19.2013

Republican scientific and practical seminar "Organizational and methodological aspects of language and mathematics education in auxiliary schools"

Republican scientific and practical seminar “Preparation of competitive materials for participation in the republican competition “Modern technologies in special education”” 02.20.13

Republican meeting "Current issues of special education"

Republican scientific and practical seminar "Organization of integrated training and education at the second stage of general secondary education"

Republican seminar "Priority directions of correctional and developmental work with children of early and preschool age with hearing impairment"

Correction of disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere in children with special needs of psychophysical development

Creating conditions for the education and upbringing of children with musculoskeletal disorders in the education system of the Republic of Belarus

Ideological support of educational work in a school (boarding school) for children with special needs

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with special needs of psychophysical development in integrated education classes

Providing individually oriented correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with special needs of psychophysical development through the creation of a correctional and developmental environment

Methodological work in the modern educational space: features and trends

Modern computer technologies as a means of creating an environment for the development of the personality of a child with special needs

Correctional work as a factor in improving the quality of special education

Pedagogical technologies in teaching and raising children with special needs of psychophysical development

Modern approaches to organization methodological work in special educational institutions

Republican scientific-practical seminar “Ways to improve the diagnostic activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions in the Central Committee for Regional Development and Rehabilitation in modern conditions”

Republican problem seminar "Continuity in the work of teachers-defectologists preschool institutions and schools providing special education" Reports. Presentations

Presentations by speakers at the 2nd Republican Pedagogical Reading “Education of Children with Disabilities of Psychophysical Development: Problems, Solutions”

Materials of the Republican round table "Competency-based approach in special education: methodological aspect"

Republican meeting “System of special education in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education”

Materials of the republican round table “Pedagogical technologies as one of the conditions for the quality of special education” 10/31/2011

Scientific and practical seminar “Providing correctional and pedagogical assistance as a factor in improving the quality of education of children with special needs of psychophysical development” 11/30/2011

Scientific and practical seminar “Organization and content of work in the second department of the auxiliary school” 7-8.12.2011

Materials of the republican scientific and practical seminar “Organization of labor training in auxiliary schools” 05.17.12

Round tableOrganizational and pedagogical conditions for working with children with visual impairments” 4.06.12

Presentations and collection of reports at the III Republican Pedagogical Readings “Education of children with special needs of psychophysical development: problems, solutions”

Presentations of the August plenary meeting of teachers of the special education system in Minsk “Activities of the special education system in the 2012 – 2013 academic year.”

Materials of the Republican meeting "Use of information communication technologies in the implementation of educational programs of special education" 09.14.2012

Selevko German Konstantinovich (February 15, 1932, Yaroslavl) - academician of the MANPO, professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences

He began his career at a factory, from where he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to a military flight school. Already at the technical school and college, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he was always an assistant to teachers, helping those who were behind in their studies.

In 1954 he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute named after. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in “Teacher of Physics and Fundamentals of Production.” He successfully combined his studies at the institute with his work as an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodological) talent flourished and his first printed works appeared. After graduating from the institute, he, as an advanced teacher, was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transitioning secondary schools to 11-year education.

In 1962 he entered graduate school at the Scientific Research Institute of Evening Schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he completed ahead of schedule and in 1964 defended the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

After this G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at school and at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty. In 1967 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

In 1985, he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute of Advanced Studies. Working as the head of the department, Associate Professor G.K. Selevko contributed a lot of new things to the activities of this institution. Over the course of 10 years, the department headed by him trained personnel to open new departments. In 1989, for his successful scientific and pedagogical activities, he was awarded the academic title of professor. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he initiated the creation in 1990 of the Faculty of Social Pedagogy at the Yaroslavl IPK.

For active work in training teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded the medal. K.D. Ushinsky.

G.K. Selevko is developing a technology for self-development of a person’s personality as a continuous system from kindergarten before graduation from a vocational educational institution, enriches it with new practical tasks and situations, goes to schools, consults teachers, listens to their advice.

Since 2000, four interregional scientific and practical conferences have been held, at which more than a thousand teachers shared their experiences.

But the main thing in life of G.K. Selevko is the “Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies”, published in two volumes in 2006 by the publishing house “Narodnoe obrazovanie”.

German Konstantinovich actively participates in international cooperation, makes presentations at international symposiums, meetings, including in the near and far abroad(Kazakhstan, Belarus, Slovakia).

Books (5)

Know yourself

A collection of developmental activities for fifth grade students. Textbook, collection of developmental activities.

The book opens the series “Personal Self-Improvement” and is intended for fifth grade students high school as a teaching aid for the “Know Yourself” section.

It provides various information about personality psychology. The basic qualities of a person in the moral, mental, volitional and emotional spheres are considered, and methods of self-knowledge and self-esteem are given.

Realize yourself. Collection of developmental activities for 11th grade students

The book is devoted to the formation of the personality of a graduate who strives to realize all his potentials, has a sense of social responsibility, and knows how to use and increase the spiritual and material wealth of society.

The books are intended for students and teachers, psychologists and educators, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of personal development and self-improvement.

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 1

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 2

The book is a teaching aid of a new generation.

About 500 teaching, educational and socio-educational technologies are presented; a separate chapter highlights pedagogical technologies based on the use of modern information tools.

The methodological basis of the book was the concept of educational technology by G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formal-descriptive and procedural-effective.

In each of the technologies, the scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the material necessary for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (section “Forerunners, varieties, followers”). The manual also includes control questions about the contents of the chapters and answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the world of educational technologies of the present and past, and introduces some technologies of the future.

Intended for a wide range of educators, teachers and students of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

IN The theory and practice of schools today there are many options for the educational process. Each author and performer brings something of their own, individual, into the pedagogical process, and therefore they say that each specific technology is the author’s. We can agree with this opinion. However, many technologies have quite a lot of similarities in their goals, content, methods and means used and, based on these common characteristics, can be classified into several generalized groups (Fig. 3).

Based on essential and instrumentally significant properties (for example, target orientation, the nature of interaction between teacher and student, organization of training), the following classes of pedagogical technologies are distinguished.

Bylevel of application General pedagogical, specific methodological (subject) and local (modular) technologies are distinguished.

Byphilosophical basis: materialistic and idealistic, dialectical and metaphysical, scientific (scientist) and religious, humanistic and inhumane, anthroposophical and theosophical, pragmatic and existentialist, free education and coercion and other varieties.

Byleading factor mental development: biogenic, sociogenic, psychogenic And idealistic technologies. Today it is generally accepted that personality is the result of the combined influence of biogenic, sociogenic and psychogenic factors, but a specific technology can take into account or rely on any of them, consider it the main one.

In principle, there are no such monotechnologies that would use only one single factor, method, principle - pedagogical technology always complex. However, by its emphasis on one or another aspect of the learning process, technology becomes characteristic and receives its name from this.

Byscientific concept learning experience are highlighted: associative-reflexive, behavioristic, gestalt technologies, interiorization, developmental We can also mention the less common technologies of neurolinguistic programming and suggestive ones. Byorientation to personal structures: information Technology (formation of school knowledge, abilities, skills in subjects - ZUN); operational(formation of methods of mental action - COURT); emotional and artistic And emotional and moral(formation of the sphere of aesthetic and moral relations - SEN), technology self-development(formation of self-governing mechanisms of personality - SUM); heuristic(development of creative abilities) and applied(formation of an effective and practical sphere -

Bynature of content and structure technologies are called: teaching and educational, secular and religious, general education and professionally oriented, humanitarian and technocratic, various industry, private subject, as well as monotechnologies, complex (polytechnologies) and penetrating technologies.

In monotechnologies, the entire educational process is built on any one priority, dominant idea, principle, concept; in complex technologies, it is combined from elements of various monotechnologies. Technologies, the elements of which are most often included in other technologies and play the role of catalysts and activators for them, are called penetrating.

By type of organization and management of cognitive activity V.P.

This classification has been promptly proposed pedagogical systems(technology). Teacher-student interaction (control) can be open(uncontrolled and uncorrected activity of students), cyclical(with control, self-control and mutual control), absent-minded(front) or directed(individual) and finally manual(verbal) or automated(using educational tools). The combination of these features determines the following types technologies (according to V.P. Bespalko - didactic systems):

1) classical lecture training(control - open, diffuse, manual);

2) training using audiovisual technical means(open, scattered, automated);

3) “consultant” system(open, directional, manual);

4) learning using a textbook(open-loop, directed, automated) - independent work;

5) system of “small groups”(cyclical, scattered, manual) - group, differentiated teaching methods;

6) computer training(cyclical, scattered, automated);

7) “tutor” system(cyclical, directed, manual) - individual training;

8) “software training”(cyclic, directed, automated), for which there is a pre-compiled program.

In practice, various combinations of these “monodidactic” systems are usually used, the most common of which are:

- traditional classical class-lesson system Ya. A. Komensky, representing a combination of the lecture method of presentation and independent work with the book (didachography);

- modern traditional education, using didachography in combination with technical means;

- group and differentiated methods of teaching when the teacher has the opportunity to exchange information with the entire group, as well as pay attention to individual students as a tutor;

- programmed training, based on adaptive program control with partial use of all other types.

A fundamentally important aspect in educational technology is child's position in the educational process, attitudeto the child from adults. There are several types of technologies here.

A)Authoritarian technologies in which the teacher is the sole subject of the educational process, and the student is only an “object”, “vintik”. They are distinguished by the rigid organization of school life, the suppression of initiative and independence of students, and the use of demands and coercion.

b) They are characterized by a high degree of inattention to the child’s personality didacto-centric technologies, in which the subject-object relationship between teacher and student also dominates, the priority of teaching over upbringing, and didactic means are considered the most important factors in the formation of personality. Didactocentric technologies are called technocratic in a number of sources; however, the latter term, unlike the first, refers more to the nature of the content rather than to the style of pedagogical relations.

V) Personality-oriented technologies They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, and the realization of her natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a subject priority; she happens to be purpose educational system, and not as a means of achieving some abstract goal (which is the case in authoritarian and didactocentric technologies). Such technologies are also called anthropocentric.

Thus, personality-oriented technologies are characterized by anthropocentricity, humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation and have the goal of versatile, free and creative development child.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, humane-personal technologies, technologies of cooperation and technologies of free education are distinguished as independent directions.

G) Humane-personal technologies They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the individual and helping her. They “profess” the ideas of comprehensive respect and love for the child, optimistic faith in his creative powers, rejecting coercion.

d) Collaboration Technologies implement democracy, equality, partnership in subject-subject relations between teacher and child. The teacher and students jointly develop goals, content, and give assessments, being in a state of cooperation and co-creation.

e) Technologies of free education They place emphasis on providing the child with freedom of choice and independence in more or less areas of his life. Making a choice, baby in the best possible way implements the position of the subject, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence.

and) Esoteric technologies are based on the doctrine of esoteric (“unconscious”, subconscious) knowledge - Truth and the paths leading to it. The pedagogical process is not a message, not communication, but communion to the Truth. In the esoteric paradigm, the person himself (the child) becomes the center of information interaction with the Universe.

Method method means learning is determined by the names of many existing technologies: dogmatic, reproductive, explanatory-illustrative, programmed learning, problem-based learning, developmental learning, self-development learning, dialogical, communicative, playful, creative and etc.

Mass (traditional) school technology, designed for the average student;

Advanced level technologies (in-depth study of subjects, gymnasium, lyceum, special education, etc.);

Technologies of compensatory training (pedagogical correction, support, alignment, etc.);

Various victimological technologies (surdo-, ortho-, typhlo-, oligophrenopedagogy);

Technologies for working with deviant (difficult and gifted) children in a public school.

And finally, the names of the large class modern technologies are determined the content of those upgrades and modifications, to which the existing traditional system is subjected to.

Monodidactic technologies are used very rarely. Typically, the educational process is structured in such a way that some polydidactic technology is constructed, which combines and integrates a number of elements of various monotechnologies based on some priority original author's idea. It is important that a combined didactic technology can have qualities that exceed the qualities of each of the technologies included in it.

Typically, combined technology is called by the idea (monotechnology) that characterizes the main modernization and makes the greatest contribution to achieving learning goals. In the direction of modernization of the traditional system, the following groups of technologies can be distinguished.

A) Pedagogical technologies based on humanization and democratizationpedagogical relations. These are technologies with a process orientation, priority personal relationships, individual approach, non-rigid democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content.

These include the pedagogy of cooperation, the humane-personal technology of Sh.A. Amonashvili, the system of teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person by E.N. Ilyin, etc.

b) Pedagogical technologies based on activation and intensification student activities. Examples: gaming technology, problem-based learning, learning technology based on notes on reference signals by V.F. Shatalov, communicative learning by E.I. Passov, etc.

V) Pedagogical technologies based on organizational effectiveness andmanagement learning process. Examples: programmed training, technologies of differentiated training (V.V. Firsov, N.P. Guzik), technologies of individualization of training (A.S. Granitskaya, Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov), promising advanced training using reference schemes with commented management (S.N. Lysenkova), group and collective teaching methods (I.D. Pervin, V.K. Dyachenko), computer (information) technologies, etc.

G) Pedagogical technologies based on methodological improvement and didactic reconstruction educational material: consolidation of didactic units (UDE) P.M. Erdnieva, technology “Dialogue of Cultures” B.C. Bibler and Sy. Kurganova, the “Ecology and Dialectics” system by L.V. Tarasov, the technology for implementing the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions by M.B. Volovich and others.

d) Nature-conforming, using methods of folk pedagogy, based on the natural processes of child development; training according to L.N. Tolstoy, literacy education according to A. Kushnir, technology by M. Montessori and others.

e) Alternative: Waldorf pedagogy by R. Steiner, technology of free labor by S. Frenet, technology of probabilistic education by A. M. Lobka.

g) Finally, with examples complex polytechnologies are many of the existing systems of copyright schools (the most famous are “School of Self-Determination” by A.N. Tubelsky, “Russian School” by I.F. Goncharov, “School for Everyone” by E.A. Yamburg, “School-Park” by M. Balaban, etc.).

Gavrilenko G.V., teacher of computer science and ICT MBOU "Secondary School No. 15"

The child is an unrecognized genius

Among everyday gray people.

M. Voloshin.

Education has reached its goal when a person has the strength and will to educate himself and knows the way and means to accomplish this.

A. A. Disterweg.

Development and education cannot be given or imparted to any person. Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this through their own activity, their own strength, and their own effort.

K. D. Ushinsky.

One of the most important global trends in education is the transition from an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching to developmental technologies.

The ideas of developmental education originate in the works of I.G. Pestalozzi and K.D. Ushinsky. A truly scientific substantiation of the theory of developmental learning was first given in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, who in the early 30s of the XX century. put forward the idea of ​​education that goes ahead of development and is focused on the development of the child as the main goal. According to his hypothesis, knowledge is not the ultimate goal of learning, but merely a means of student development. In this regard, L.S. Vygotsky proposes to focus training not on the existing characteristics of mental development, but on those that are still emerging, not to adapt the content of training to abilities, but to introduce content that would require new, more tall shapes thoughts. The transition of thinking processes to a new stage constitutes the main content of developmental education.

In recent decades, theorists and practitioners of domestic education have been paying more and more attention to this problem, devoting scientific works to it, creating teaching aids and special programs. Moreover, one of the main principles of reforming the Russian school is the principle of developmental education.

Man is a part of nature, and his life activity is subject to its general laws. Therefore, all pedagogical means used must be natural and follow the natural process of child development. The growth and development of a person as a living organism is controlled by a program transmitted by special molecular structures (genes). The process of such programmatic “self-biological” development is influenced by the environment in which a person lives and acts, and the process of socialization occurs (the assimilation and reflection of social experience and norms by the individual).

Russian physiologist Alexei Alekseevich Ukhtomsky was the first to put forward a hypothesis about the mediating role of the internal psychological world in the reflective activity of the body. According to this hypothesis, brain activity is based on the principle of freedom of choice and free will in making the required decision.

Acquiring certain experience and qualities in the process of activity (based on internal needs), a person begins on this basis to freely and independently choose goals and means of activity, manage his activities, while simultaneously improving and developing his abilities to implement them, changing and educating himself.

This fact is the most important for pedagogy and lies in the fact that a person develops not only according to the hereditary program inherent in him and under the influence of the environment, but also depending on the experience, qualities, and abilities that develop in his psyche.

Such development, which is determined by the content and level of mental development of the individual at the moment, can be called self-development.

These ideas formed the basis of the technology of self-development of German Konstantinovich Selevko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, scientific director of the author’s “School of Dominant Self-Improvement of Personality” (Rybinsk Yaroslavl region). His teaching technology is based on the use of motives for personal self-improvement and represents a new level of developmental education. It can also be called self-development training.

The technology of self-development (according to G.K. Selevko) training includes all the essential qualities of developmental training technologies and complements them with the following important features:

The child’s activity is organized not only as satisfaction of cognitive needs, but also of a number of other needs for personal self-development:

In self-affirmation (self-education, self-education, self-determination, freedom of choice);

In self-expression (communication, creativity and self-creation, search, identification of one’s abilities and strengths);

In security (self-determination, career guidance, self-regulation, collective activity);

In self-actualization (achieving personal and social goals, preparing oneself for adaptation in society, social tests).

The goal and means in the pedagogical process becomes the dominant element of personal self-improvement, including attitudes towards self-education, self-education, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation and self-actualization. The idea of ​​personality development based on the formation of a dominant self-improvement belongs to the outstanding Russian thinker A.A. Ukhtomsky.

In order for the processes of self-improvement to become dominant, the organization of three groups of conditions is necessary:

  1. An individual’s awareness of the goals, objectives and opportunities for his development and self-development.
  2. Participation of the individual in independent and creative activities, a certain experience of success and training for achievements.
  3. Adequate style and methods external influences: conditions of training and education and way of life.

Creating in students a dominant attitude-motivation for self-education, the formation of a cult of self-improvement at school will help solve many of today's educational problems, in particular such important ones as motivation to learn without external coercion, self-education.

The emphasis of the goals in the technology of self-development training is as follows:

Formation of a self-improving person (homoself-studius, self-mademen).

Formation of self-governing mechanisms of personality (SUM).

Nurturing the dominant self-improvement, self-development of the individual.

Formation of an individual style of educational activities.

Personal self-education technology: goal setting and tasks

In the very general view modern school focuses on the following educational models:

a) a model of an educated, intellectually developed graduate prepared to master the professional stage of education;

b) a model of a physically healthy person;

c) a model of a morally educated person and citizen;

d) model of a successful (productive, creative) personality;

e) a model of an adaptable personality, capable of adapting to existing social conditions and possessing entrepreneurship and competitiveness.

The concept of self-education puts forward another model of the educational ideal that is new to the Russian school: a self-educating, self-improving, self-developing personality.

A mature level of self-improvement is characterized by:

  1. spirituality, ideological orientation, connection of motives (goals) of working on oneself with the spiritual core of the personality;
  2. sustainability of goals and objectives of self-improvement, turning them into a dominant feature of life;
  3. possession, equipment with a set of self-improvement skills;
  4. conscious behavior aimed at improving oneself and one’s personality;
  5. high level of individual independence, readiness to be involved in any activity;
  6. the creative nature of human activity;
  7. effectiveness, efficiency of personality self-formation.

A child must approach this level of self-education as a result of using a certain pedagogical technology aimed at self-education and self-development.

Content Features

Self-development learning includes three interconnected, interpenetrating subsystems. (See picture)

1. “Theory” - mastering the theoretical foundations of self-improvement. A significant, fundamentally important component is being introduced into the school curriculum - the course “Personal Self-Improvement” from grades I to XI.

2. “Practice” - the formation of experience in self-improvement activities. This activity represents the child's extracurricular activities in the afternoon.

3. “Methodology” - implementation of forms and methods of self-development training in teaching the fundamentals of science.

Its essence is that, in accordance with the recommendations of A.A. Ukhtomsky to form the dominant activities of the student: 1) given theoretical knowledge about his psychology; 2) conditions are provided to satisfy needs and exercise abilities in positive activities; 3) an adequate moral and psychological climate (way of life) is created for all life activities of the student, including academic ones. This allows the student to form a dominant focus on self-improvement - constant moral growth, enriching himself with knowledge and experience.

Mastering the theoretical foundations of personal self-improvement - subsystem "Theory". According to Ukhtomsky, the effectiveness of the processes of self-improvement, self-education, and the influence of the individual on himself is determined by the level awareness child’s goals and opportunities for their development. In traditional technology, these processes occur spontaneously in the psyche; the child is not aware of them and therefore cannot influence them.

In the technology of self-development, the “secret” of the processes taking place in his psyche is revealed to the child; a series of special subjects and courses introduces students to the theoretical concepts and laws of self-knowledge, self-education, and self-education. A significant, fundamentally important component is introduced into the school curriculum - the course “Personal self-improvement” from grades I to XI.

Dominant of personal self-improvement becomes in the pedagogical process purpose And means , including attitudes towards self-education, self-education, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation and self-actualization.

The technology of personal self-development sets a promising goal - create and maintain in students a dominant focus on self-improvement, on conscious and purposeful improvement by the individual of himself. Creating a dominant motivation for self-improvement among students and forming a cult of personal self-improvement in school will help in solving many of today’s educational problems, in particular main problem– creating motivation for learning without external coercion (in its explicit form).

ZUN. The content of the fundamentals of science is determined by the current educational standards.

Variations in the didactic structure of educational subjects (enlargement of didactic units, deepening, immersion, advance, integration, differentiation) are determined by didactic approaches to their study. In the general context of special subject knowledge, general educational skills and knowledge, as well as related knowledge, are of particular importance.

A special group of students is represented by knowledge in the course “Personal Self-Improvement”, which serves as a system-forming and integrating theoretical basis for the entire process of school education.

Rice. Self-development learning technology

The course provides the child with basic psychological and pedagogical training, a methodological basis for consciously managing his development, helps him find, understand and accept goals, a program, and learn practical techniques and methods for his spiritual and physical growth and improvement. This course implements the position about the leading role of theory in personality development; it is the theoretical basis for all educational subjects.

The course is built taking into account age capabilities and presents the following structure by class.

Grades I-IV - Basics of ethics (self-regulation of behavior);

V class - Know yourself (personality psychology);

VI class - Do yourself (self-education);

VII grade - Learn to study (self-education);

VIII class - Culture of communication (self-affirmation);

IX class - Self-determination;

X class - Self-regulation;

XI class - Self-actualization.

Methods of mental action (SUD). Methods of mental action are the operational part of the intellect; they dispose, manage, and apply the information available in the ZUN storehouses. At the same time, COURTS in a conscious form represent a special kind of knowledge - methodological, evaluative and ideological.

In SRO technology, great attention is paid to this knowledge: it is assimilated in special course, and when studying the basics of science.

In the educational process, the entire arsenal of methodological techniques for forming a data management system in the technology of D.B. is used. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov, with the only difference that empirical (classical logical) methods of mental action are used on an equal basis with theoretical (dialectical logical) methods.

Within each academic subject, connections are established with the course “Personal Self-Improvement”.

SUM. The most important quality of the self-governing complex, underlying the purposeful activity of a person, is the psychological dominant. It is the dominant focus of excitation in the nervous system, giving mental processes and the behavior of the individual, a certain direction and activity in this area. Russian physiologist and philosopher A.A. Ukhtomsky created the theory of the dominant and substantiated the need to educate the dominant for constant moral self-improvement. For this purpose, SRO technology provides:

The child’s awareness of the goals, objectives and opportunities for his development;

Participation of the individual in independent and creative activities;

Adequate style and methods of external influences.

One of the concentrations for the formation of SUMs is the course “Personal Self-Improvement”. During classes, half of the teaching time is devoted to practical, laboratory and training forms of work, including

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and self-diagnosis of students;

Drawing up self-improvement programs by sections and periods of development;

Understanding, reflection of life activity;

Trainings and exercises on self-education, self-affirmation, self-determination and self-regulation.

Another focus of the formation of SUMs is creative activity as the main area of ​​personal self-improvement; interests, inclinations, abilities are formed here, positive sides Self-concept, self-discovery of personality occurs.

The creative activities of students are organized in the system of the school’s club space, which includes creative associations of interests and areas, extracurricular work in subjects, social activities, participation in olympiads, competitions, competitions. In addition, extracurricular creative activities are organized according to the teaching and educational system of I.P. Volkova.

The club space makes an irreplaceable contribution to the formation of a positive self-concept, convinces the child of the enormous possibilities of his personality (I can, I am capable, I am needed, I create, I am free, I choose, I evaluate).

SEN. The sphere of aesthetics and morality in SRO is widely represented both in the curriculum and in extracurricular creative activities by universal human values. But the most important thing is, given the current climate of lack of ideology and faith in our society and in school, the formation of the ideal of self-improvement as the meaning of life, combined with the individual’s faith in himself, which will be the ideological basis of the new system of upbringing and education.

The organization of the educational process (content and methods of child activity) in self-development technology has the following fundamental features:

  • turning pedagogical guidance of self-education and self-education into a priority for organizing the educational process;
  • the use of not only cognitive, but also moral and volitional motivation for students’ activities;
  • emphasis on independent creative activity of students;
  • activation and stimulation of the process of understanding the teaching, the subject entering a reflective position;
  • shifting the center of gravity of the pedagogical process towards the formation of methods of mental action;
  • systematic and consistent formation of general educational skills.

In the content of academic subjects, special emphasis is placed on those sections that have higher value for self-education (problems of morality, worldview, communication, etc.). The methods of subject teaching themselves are being restructured. During the period of study, the student “passes” through most of the general school technologies (methods of work), which form a gradually more complex and developing system of involving the child in the process of personal self-construction.

Features of the technique

Main motivation: moral-volitional + cognitive. Teacher's position: business partner, senior comrade, knowing a higher truth. Student position: freedom of choice, self-determination.

The main task of private methods in SRO is to form a dominant (psychological attitude) in students for self-improvement. To achieve it, adequate style and methods of external influences and the way of life of the child are of considerable importance. In a school setting, they are created by humane-personal relationships and the methodological organization of the educational process.

Interpersonal relationships “teacher-student” are determined by a humane-personal approach (“to love, understand, accept, sympathize, help”). Reliance on positive stimulation (pedagogy of success), denial of external coercion, cooperative partnerships create conditions for satisfying the needs of self-improvement, and orient the student towards developing positive creative dominant behavior.

The organization of the educational process in subjects is based on

Shifting the emphasis from teaching to learning;

Transformation of pedagogical guidance into self-education and self-education of the individual, with priority given to the organization of the educational process;

The use of moral-volitional motivation for activity (along with cognitive);

Priority of independent methods and techniques.

The general methodological level of the educational process is created by the richness and variety of methods used. To create conditions for self-determination (opportunities for self-testing) of a child in various styles and methods of activity, SRO uses a system for planning methods used in academic subjects. Each student during the period of study must work in all the most important methodological modes (technologies).

In SRO technology, the organization of mutually agreed upon education of students, teachers and parents, coordination of the functioning of all three subsystems: theory, practice and methodology is of great importance.

Some “grow” into others (Vygotsky). Their formation is a single multidimensional process, which should be the subject of teaching psychology. She has no right to ignore the processes of spontaneous (or at least directly unregulated) development.

- “Everyday” concepts are situationally connected, suggesting the movement of the child’s consciousness in a “semantic field” (Vygotsky). The child’s knowledge is situational knowledge (this does not necessarily mean a present, but a generalized and imaginary situation).

Situational and extra-situational, theoretical knowledge corresponds to two forms of mental representation of information studied by modern psychology: categorical (network) and schematic (scenario, dynamic).

The development of cognition in a child is gradual formation both forms of mental representation in their unity and interdependence.

Situational (figurative) presentation of information involves turning to the concept of objective meaning as a sensory (figurative) equivalent of verbal meaning, as building material image of the world.

It is the introduction of objective meaning that makes it possible to reconcile the theoretical nature of knowledge about the world with overcoming the verbalization of the world.

The concept of meaningful generalization has developed and is developing on the material of objects oriented more towards the structure and means of our knowledge about the world, rather than towards this objective world itself.

Not every scientific description of an object (its scientific model) is, by definition, its scientific theory, i.e. displays its deep, fundamental characteristics and connections.


  1. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies: textbook. allowance / G. K. Selevko. -M. : Public education, 1998. – 256 p.

Material provided by O.Yu. Zakharova, methodologist of MKOUDO "IMC".