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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Ways to design a staircase in a private house. How to make a storage room under the stairs: interesting and simple ideas? How to fill the niche under the stairs

Ways to design a staircase in a private house. How to make a storage room under the stairs: interesting and simple ideas? How to fill the niche under the stairs

When planning the construction of a second floor or attic in a house, the question always arises of how to optimally use the space under the stairs. We offer you the best modern options that will help you design the space under the stairs in a practical way. Which one should I use? It all depends on your technical (and financial) capabilities and the needs of your household. It also matters at what stage you start thinking about what to put under the stairs: as always, the earlier you plan, the more options you have.

Storing things: we use the space under the stairs.

The most common option for practical organization of space under the stairs is to use it for storing things. These can be cabinets, pantries, dressing rooms or just open shelves.

  1. Under-stairs storage systems.

    The main problem with organizing storage under the stairs is the significant cost of furniture that must fit under the slope of the flight of stairs. Therefore, this option using standard rectangular cabinets and chests of drawers will allow you to arrange the space under the stairs relatively painlessly. This technique works very well for a studio apartment, where maximum efficient use every centimeter of space at minimal cost.

    Another option for placing a cabinet under the stairs on a budget is to use standard cabinets and add beveled fronts for doors. In this case, the additional fee will only be for the production of individually shaped facades.

    An open storage system is the least expensive. Using standard shelf profiles and inexpensive storage containers, you can organize the space under the stairs quickly and inexpensively.

  2. Hallway under the stairs.

    It is very convenient to use the space under the stairs as part of the hallway. Storage space can be at the top high part of the stairs - in a closet with a mirrored door.
    Or you can use the entire stairwell - tall cabinets for outerwear, low - for shoes.

    You don't have to hide all your outerwear in closets. Under the stairs you can easily arrange an open clothes hanger and place shelves for shoes.

  3. Wardrobe under the stairs.

    If the staircase in the house is located in a room, then you can arrange a wardrobe in the space under it. It could be simple open systems storage - with rails for clothes and sectional drawers.

    Or you can arrange a real one dressing room from the back of the stairwell. This storage option is every housewife’s dream.

    If the location of the stairs does not allow entry, then traditional version with built-in wardrobes under the stairs, also quite practical.

  4. How to place a closet under the stairs.

    The staircase opening is not always located in a secluded corner of the house; if the staircase goes along one of the main rooms, then the organization convenient storage Many things needed for a bedroom or dining room can be decorated using a beautiful mirrored wardrobe in combination with mirrored chests of drawers. This use of space under the stairs not only does not spoil the room, but also decorates it.

    Not required for stylish design Use special furniture for places under the stairs. You can always achieve a harmonious effect by complementing standard furniture with shelves. Such shelves visually more fully fill the space under the stairs without cluttering it.
    If the goal is not beauty, but the ability to place as many things as possible under the stairs, then using corner wardrobe will help solve this problem effectively.

  5. How to make shelves under the stairs.

    As we saw above, shelves in combination with standard rectangular furniture will help you neatly and practically organize the space under the stairs. Properly selected finishing materials, fashionable accent wall- and you excellent result at low cost.
    To store things under the stairs, you can get by with just shelves. It is important to understand here that the depth of the shelf can rarely occupy all the available space, because... It will be inconvenient for you to look for things in the depths of the shelf in a half-bent state. But using some part of the stairs as shelves is a completely practical option.

    If the style of decorating the space under the stairs is important to you, then such spectacular contrasting shelves, in harmony with the design of the stairs, are an effective and fashionable solution.

  6. How to make a storage room under the stairs.

    The basic approach to arranging a storage room under the stairs is easy access to the entire space. Therefore, it is convenient to make double doors here so that it is convenient to work with the lower part of the pantry.

    Alternatively, you can make front drawers under the stairs. But this option is suitable for rarely used items, because... It has limited storage options due to the size of things and such access to things can hardly be called comfortable.

How to place a kitchen under the stairs in a house.

IN ordinary apartment There is no problem organizing a kitchen in a separate room, but what about studio apartments or small private houses? There, this task goes from being exotic to becoming a pressing problem. First of all, the kitchen needs communications, so such placement is planned at the construction stage.

For arranging furniture in the kitchen, the general rule is this: no matter how small the kitchen is, they try not to place work surfaces under the stairs and dining tables. It is very convenient to arrange kitchen cabinets and built-in appliances under the stairs.

The kitchen under the stairs is not always the prerogative of small houses, even in big house The space under the stairs can be used as a pantry for food storage or as a wine bar.

How to make a toilet under the stairs.

Despite the exotic nature of the idea, the task of placing a small toilet or bathroom under the stairs has a very practical solution.

After all, in an attic room with a sloping roof, a bathroom is not a rarity, but a rule. And here we play with a similar configuration of the space under the stairs.

Of course, the presence of the necessary communications plays a key role here. But the very placement of a shower stall or toilet under the slope of a flight of stairs is quite acceptable.
If the idea of ​​a bathroom under the stairs still seems fantastic to most of us, then placing a washing machine under the stairs is an excellent solution. Equip a small closet for your washing machine and put a regular fan heater in it - you will have an excellent dryer for clothes. Wet clothes are hung on hangers, the fan heater is turned on and the door is closed: after half an hour the clothes are almost dry. They turn on the hood and leave them to dry on hangers - you don’t even need to iron the clothes after drying this way. This approach to washing is a common method in Scandinavian countries and Japan.

How to organize the space under the stairs as an office.

It is logical to use a secluded place under the stairs as a small office. These can be ordinary open shelves with a work surface and storage space.

Or you can use the space under the stairs as a large built-in wardrobe, with an office in the highest part. So, you will have the opportunity to close your workplace without worrying about its safety.

What to do with the space under the stairs?

In addition to the above-mentioned traditional approaches to arranging space under the stairs, other options are no less interesting and everyone can figure them out to suit their needs. So under the stairs you can make an enclosure for a dog.

If your four-legged friend is small, then you can put a cozy sofa nearby.

Or take space under the stairs for your library.

If reading books doesn’t interest you much, then maybe you’ll like the idea of ​​a home theater under the stairs more.

What can be done under the stairs in a wooden house?

A private country wooden house often has two floors or plus a cellar. A staircase in such a house is not only functional, but also often luxurious. decorative element the entire interior. How to decorate the space under the stairs so as not to spoil, but only enhance this beauty?

The simplest solution is to make an entrance to the cellar under the stairs.

Or set up a stylish bar.

You can place a boiler room under the stairs. This decision is made at the project stage and is tied to the wiring of all communications in the house and the location of the stairs.

A stylish and fashionable solution is to place a small wine cellar under the stairs.

Because This approach should guarantee the necessary microclimate for storing wines; such a cellar is made closed with its own microclimate system. Usually a small part of the wine collection is placed this way, but the main stocks, after all, are stored in.

What to place under the stairs in the country house.

A house is not always a luxurious country residence; a small one is no less cozy and loved by its owners. If country house made according to the loft principle - with a sleeping place in attic floor, then even a small staircase can eat up a lot of space. Therefore, you need to use the stairs to the fullest extent. You can make storage boxes on the side of the stairs.

Or right from the steps.

In addition, the option with a kitchen built under the stairs works great for a country house.

What else can you think of under the stairs?

The options are endless: this entrance to a secret room can be made under the stairs. It may just be a cellar entrance, but it looks intriguing.

Do you love to make things, but don't have room in the house? A workshop under the stairs is one option.

Light enters the workshop from the steps. As we all understand, you can’t have too much of a workshop, and you can’t fit too much under the stairs, so at the back of the stairs you can connect this part of the workshop with the main workshop or garage in the yard.

If adults need their own toys, then children need them doubly - give the space under the stairs to a children's playhouse.

How to decorate the space under the stairs.

And although all the ideas before this also tried to carry a certain aesthetic load, they still cannot compete with placing such a wonderful one under the stairs.

And if, admiring the stove, we understand that such a solution is not for everyone, then we can arrange this cozy place under the stairs with the help of an electric decorative device: so to speak, a budget option for a winter fairy tale.

The garden under the stairs is a favorite part of using this space. Add lighting, place appropriate indoor flowers - and you no longer have a dark, dull corner under the stairs, but, practically, a living oasis in your own home.

Option for busy people: buy a piece of artificial lawn, lay simple gravel on it geometric figures, add potted flowers or artificial flowers. Cute attributes in such a mini-kindergarten will create a cozy magical atmosphere.

If you are a fan of indoor plants, there is a chance to realize your dreams: by glazing the space under the stairs, you can create the desired microclimate in it and use it as an amazing winter Garden. The same approach can be applied to arranging a terrarium or a large aquarium under the stairs. In any case, it will be a fantastically beautiful solution.

In order to surprise everyone with its beauty, you can do without glazing by placing a small murmuring home fountain under the stairs. They say that according to Feng Shui, with such an amazing arrangement of the darkest corners of your home, you are simply bound to become happy!

We hope you liked the practical and modern ideas for arranging the space under the stairs, and we managed to surprise you!
Even more great ideas on how to use a ladder in our video:

Write in the comments what you liked and what you didn’t - we are always happy to hear your opinion.

Due to the slope, the staircase takes up a significant part of the area, which would be unwise to ignore. After all, the space under the stairs in a country house can become a completely functional and self-sufficient part of the living space.

Utility rooms under the stairs

The empty space under the stairs, which takes up a significant part of the free space, can be turned from a disadvantage into an advantage. Moreover, an interesting design and thoughtful execution will make this part country house or a dacha is the highlight of the entire interior. We are offering to you original options use of such a room: from storage space for food to equipping a full-fledged kitchen, bathroom, library or office.

Toilet or bathroom

Under the large flight of stairs there is enough space to arrange a toilet with a washbasin, shower or bath. As a rule, they are equipped as additional rooms for guests.

For the toilet you will need a room:

  • width from 1.2 m;
  • length from 2.3 m;
  • height from 2.6 m (closer to the corners the smallest height is up to 1 m).

In a room where residents or guests can fully wash themselves, you will need a little more space - one of its walls should be large enough to install at least a sit-down bathtub or shower. Just do not forget that such premises require not only high-quality ventilation, but also waterproofing of floors and vapor barrier of walls and ceilings. Provided that all the above requirements are met, it is even possible to equip a miniature bathhouse or sauna here.

The bathroom will seem visually more spacious if you use light-colored finishing materials and mirrors. In dim light, part of the space is hidden, so it will be necessary to take care of sufficient lighting.

Every country house has a lot of things: skis, a bicycle, a stroller, a stepladder, an ironing board, a vacuum cleaner and other bulky items, the placement of which sometimes becomes a real problem.

In this case, the free space under the stairs to the second floor will come in handy. Moreover, it is located close to front door. But it will be possible to use it as a storage room if there are no radiators or heating pipes here.

The space under the stairs is also suitable for storing seasonal items: sheepskin coats, fur coats, down jackets, raincoats, jackets, shoes, etc. There are many options for the arrangement of cabinets - it all depends on the free space and your desire.

Retractable structures, closed most of the time, are not only original, but also very convenient. Small space under landing There is absolutely no need to hide behind the door. If you choose cabinets in the same style as the rest of the furniture, they will look harmonious and stylish.

Food storage

If there is no cellar, some of the products that do not require low temperature storage will be placed on shelves under the stairs. Rarely used kitchen utensils are also stored here. In such a room you can also set up storage for finished, already corked wines (you will still need a cooler room to age them).

To ensure that light falls on the bottles as little as possible, you will need to take care of dark or tinted doors. For real winemakers, this is also an opportunity to once again demonstrate to guests the fruits of their labor.

Functional areas

Depending on the size, configuration and location in the house, the under-staircase space can be used as independent functional areas or parts thereof.


In most cases, the staircase is located near the front door, so some of the furniture from the hallway is placed under it - a wardrobe or hanger and a shoe rack. A small banquette or even a sofa would also be appropriate, on which you can sit while taking off or putting on your shoes.

If you choose furniture to match the main hallway, you don’t have to close the room with a door. Here you can place a coffee table and a couple of armchairs.

In this case, guests, while waiting for their hosts, will be able to leisurely leaf through the latest press. A mirror, an umbrella stand and a bedside table for seasonal items or bags will complete the interior.


It is placed under the stairs mainly when there is a lack of space, when every meter has to be saved. But with a reasonable approach, even from the space under the stairs you can make a full-fledged kitchen.

Standard furniture will not work here - due to the specifics of the architecture, it will have to be made to order or assembled with your own hands. First of all, it is necessary to think about the laying of communications and exhaust hood. Otherwise, the steam emanating from the stove and sink will quickly render wooden structures unusable. In order to avoid bending over frequently, it is better to install cabinets where there is a slight rise in the flight of stairs, which you will have to use less often.

They also use another option - a room located nearby is allocated for the sink, stove and cabinets, and only a refrigerator is placed under the stairs, freezer, washing machine and dishwasher.

A fireplace heated with wood or coal under a wooden or log staircase is not the most best idea. But if the flight of stairs has concrete base, this option is quite possible. It will only be necessary to think over a place for the removal of burnt fuel - a chimney.

Depending on the general style such a hearth can be decorated with tiles, brick, stone or wood.

Installing an electric fireplace under the stairs in wooden house much easier and safer. Moreover, modern models of electric fireplaces differ little in appearance from conventional ones heated with wood.


A small home library with your favorite publications can easily be placed in a niche under the stairs. Shelves or a cabinet are most often installed under the flight of stairs itself, and a small table and a couple of comfortable armchairs are located nearby.

Shelves with books can also be combined with a sleeping area - a small sofa or sofa. In this case, the rather spacious upper part of the niche will not be empty.


If it is not possible to allocate a significant area in the house for a study, it is quite possible to use the space under the stairs for these purposes. It can become a full-fledged room with a computer desk, a comfortable chair, bookcase, and a small corner with a couple of armchairs, one or two shelves and a coffee table.

Some furniture can be moved outside the stairs. Eg, computer desk install in a niche, and place shelves with office equipment and books nearby.

Please note that the office should be well lit. It will be better if the lighting is not only local, but also spot. To do this, you can use either several lamps built into the ceiling or a floor lamp, which will give the room a special coziness and harmony.

Rest zone

Depending on the size of the under-staircase space, it is possible to equip a full-fledged sleeping area or a small corner for relaxation.

It is possible to install a comfortable couch, sofa or even a single chair even in a small niche. If you make a small window in this place, your household will be able to enjoy the surrounding landscape in the evenings or simply dream half asleep.

Children's play area

The space under the stairs is a ready-made house in which younger family members will spend their free time with interest. A small room perfectly matches children’s ideas about comfort. All that remains is to make a door for it and equip it with children's play furniture. Depending on the child’s inclinations, the room can be decorated in the form of a dollhouse, a sports corner or an art workshop.

Be sure to take care of quality lighting. Twilight in a children's room is unacceptable. To make the room seem more spacious, try to use more light, pastel shades. Bright figurines of your favorite cartoon characters on the walls or furniture will help to revive the corner.

You can also equip a children's bedroom in this place by installing a small sofa or a full-fledged single or bunk bed in a niche. Bright pillows and a soft, fluffy blanket will make this corner extraordinarily cozy.


There is enough space under the stairs to set up a full-fledged bar. The counter and chairs are located in the highest part of the span.

When equipping such a room, it is left open or equipped with a light door. Here you can place a shelf for glasses and a small refrigerator for drinks.

Furniture placement

It will not be possible to install standard furniture in the space under the flight of stairs. But today specialists offer, on individual projects, all types of cabinets, shelving and other furniture of any, even the most unexpected shapes and sizes.


Design open space under the stairs, including cabinets, should match the color scheme and style of the rest of the interior.

You can order any number of shelves and cupboard shelves, solid or glass doors, which can be either sliding or hinged.


You can replace a full-fledged closet with a whole system of shelves or racks - in some cases it will even be more convenient. They look less bulky, but they hold no less things. Here you can place a TV, family photos, children’s toys, put an aquarium, equipment, etc.

If you have additional lighting or a window, you can place designer flower pots on the shelves.

If you have a little experience in carpentry, then you can assemble an unusual rack with your own hands.


Sleeping place under the stairs is cozy corner for relaxation of house residents or guests. Here you can use a bed or sofa in the form of a transformer so that it can be assembled for the day, freeing up free space.

Bright pillows and a cozy soft blanket will help make such a sleeping place truly cozy. For children, you can order an unusual bunk bed.


A soft corner under the stairs can become an extension of the living room or be a separate piece of furniture designed for residents to relax or receive visitors.

The walls on the side of the sofa can be equipped with shelves on which not too heavy items will be stored.

Original idea - drawers in steps

The design of a staircase with drawers in the steps looks very unusual. When closed it forms original design, which can become a very attractive interior detail. You can store anything in them - from children's things to books or household utensils.

The drawers under the flight of stairs are spacious, because their size is limited only by the height of the staircase itself and the width of the steps. In order for them to slide out easily, they are equipped with special mechanisms.

We have listed only the basic ideas for rational use of the space under the stairs. But you can bring your own idea to life - install a large aquarium here, equip a real garden of plants, or even a cozy place for pet dog in the form of a spacious original booth. Any unusual and non-standard ideas will only add individuality to the house and make it special cozy place, where you want to return again and again.

Rational use of every free centimeter is the main rule for organizing functional space. That is why in today's article we will talk about space design options under stairs in the house. You can’t even imagine how many useful things you can fit in this secluded corner. Please note that in not many houses the owners use the space under the stairs, unfairly considering that it is spoiled by the flight itself and is not of particular value. And only while watching foreign TV series or films can you notice that many manage to organize even a small room there. As a matter of fact, it was in such a “closet” that a character loved by both adults and children, named Harry Potter, lived. So, we present to your attention 22 the most interesting and useful ideas, which will help you look at the place under your stairs in a new way and even come to the conclusion that a staircase in the house is not a punishment, but an opportunity to feel like a real designer.

Before you start trying on different ideas When organizing space in your home, you need to think through several important details, on which the possibility or impossibility of realizing a particular idea depends.

A flight of stairs, depending on the layout of the house, can be located in the hallway, in the living room, and even in the kitchen or bedroom. It all depends on the preferences of the owners. It is logical to select a method for filling the space under the flight, taking into account the functional features of the room. After all, you won’t install a guest bathroom in your rest room, right?

Storage area

Let's start with the most banal and most common, but no less popular method - arranging built-in or retractable under the stairs modular boxes.
Theoretically, in your own home there should be no problem with a lack of storage space, but things tend to accumulate. Therefore, planning a suitable place for them in advance is much easier than later trying to squeeze another bulky cabinet into an already formed interior.

IN in this case There is no need to even order expensive designs. It is enough to make a regular rack and install a sliding or swing system - see what is more convenient for you and what is more realistic in your case.
Instead of a shelving unit, you can use old bookshelves. If necessary, they can be refined by painting or gluing them self-adhesive film. Or maybe it’s not necessary to do this at all, because they will be hidden behind the doors.

Modular drawers will have to be made to order and will cost much more than sliding system. Think in advance about how high the drawers or shelves should be placed and how deep they should be. Looking up with a stool is inconvenient and dangerous, just as it is inconvenient to get contents from shelves or drawers that are too deep.


Have you dreamed of having your own small library, but couldn’t find space for bookshelves or shelving? It’s not surprising, because this element would occupy the entire wall in one of the rooms. And in a secluded place under the stairs, the home library is the perfect place. The main thing is that they do not clutter up the interior of other rooms and do not interfere with other family members. In this case, you need to take care of the light source, because the lighting from the adjacent room may not be enough, and not many people know how to search for a book by touch.

Reading space

If there is enough space under the stairs, you can create a real reading corner there. Then the space should accommodate both the library described above and a place for the reader. Depending on the size of the remaining free space, you can put a small sofa, or, in extreme cases, a chair, the main thing is that it is comfortable. In addition to lighting the bookshelves, you will need one, which should be placed on the right or left behind the seat. The side is chosen in such a way that you do not block the light for yourself when turning the pages. You can also put a small one so that you can put glasses, put a cup or put a book aside.

Fireplace area

In this case we're talking about o or about . Since it is very difficult to equip a real, functioning hearth in such a place and is only possible at the stage of developing a house project. Then, taking into account the presence of this element, completely different requirements will be put forward for finishing materials and to exhaust system. But what's wrong with an electric fireplace?
With help, you can easily build the portal itself and install a fireplace in it. Don't forget about the power source. A stone would be perfect. Depending on your budget, it can be either natural or artificial. The mantelpiece can be replaced by a regular cut kitchen countertop suitable color, for example, imitating wood texture. Suddenly, after replacing, you just had such a fragment left, and you couldn’t find a use for it...

Well, then, the fireplace area, which is not much different from a real one, can be decorated as you like. These could be family photographs placed on a shelf, decorative candles or other nice little things. Perhaps to suit your interior suitable design deer antlers and made to look like animal skin. Opposite such an area, place a sofa or armchairs and spend pleasant evenings.


Thrifty housewives will definitely like the idea under the stairs. This is very easy to do - just think about it lighting fixture, fix shelves or place racks on the walls, and close the place from prying eyes with a neat door. If the staircase is located in the kitchen, to simplify the process, you can replace the door with a regular thick curtain. In this case, choose the right fabric either to match the color of the curtains, or to match the color of the chairs or. Then all the elements will be combined harmoniously in the interior. In such a pantry you can store cereals, vegetables and fruits, bulky pots and pans that always have no place in cabinets, sets of spare utensils, a kitchen broom and dustpan.
If you plan to use the pantry to store canned food and other items, consider whether it will be too hot for them and whether they will spoil. It may be necessary to install some kind of cooling device. Then you will have to install a full-fledged door with a seal, which will prevent the cold from penetrating into the adjacent room.

Day nursery

What child doesn't dream of his own nook? Do you remember how you built improvised huts out of chairs or under a table, covering everything with blankets? In such huts one could spend time for hours, fantasize and have fun. Why not give your child and his friends this opportunity and organize a small but interesting room for them? Depending on its size and your child’s hobbies, you can place anything inside. The main thing is that it is soft and warm. Therefore, as flooring We recommend using with medium or high pile. The walls of the room can be covered with images of your favorite cartoon characters, space planets or sea inhabitants. Or paint the walls yourself with your child. Place small plastic chairs and a table, chest or special box for toys, in a small bedside table you can store pencils, markers and coloring books. Your child will be incredibly happy.

Guest bathroom

Agree, it would be convenient if your guests didn’t have to march through the entire house or go up to the second floor just to wash their hands. Or your child could visit the bathroom before going outside or running from the yard without taking off his shoes. All this is possible if the staircase is located in the hallway. And, of course, if it is possible to bring appropriate communications to the place. There is no need to place anything special in such a bathroom – just a small hook for a towel and that’s it. Please note that for ease of use, the toilet must be installed at some distance from the wall, and the lowest part of the ceiling should be above the barrel so that when you get up, you do not hit your head on the ceiling. By and large, forced ventilation is not needed in such a room, because there will be no wet zone there, which means there will be nowhere for condensation to come from.

In principle, an additional bathroom would be appropriate in the bedroom, especially if the main bathroom is located on the second floor.

Aquarium zone

Aquarium lovers can please themselves with a large aquarium, which will fit very conveniently under a flight of stairs. After all, large aquariums are most often installed in the wall so that they do not take up too much free space, but if you have not thought about this in advance, or the desire to make silent and interesting “friends” has arisen only now, we have found a suitable place for this. All you need to take care of is a durable cabinet that can withstand considerable weight and the presence of at least one outlet. To connect everything necessary equipment You will be able to use a carrier.


Those who often bring work home or those for whom remote work is the main source of work definitely need their own work area. Considering that apart from a table, a chair, a lamp, a computer and maybe a couple of wall shelves, nothing else may be needed, the space under the stairs should be more than enough to arrange your own office. Whether this area will be open or fenced off by a door is up to you to decide. It is clear that in an isolated space it is easier to concentrate, disconnect from the knowledge that you are at home, develop self-discipline and resist the desire to take a break and go drink tea or watch TV. But you also need to take into account the size of the space under the stairs. There may not be room for a chair after installing the door if the area is too narrow.

TV zone

If, sitting on your favorite sofa, an empty space under the stairs comes into your field of vision, then you simply cannot help but take advantage of it. This is just the right place to organize a TV zone. How exactly to arrange the equipment and what pieces of furniture to use is up to you to decide. The main thing is that the design style of the TV area matches the one to which it will belong. This is ensured by the use of furniture that matches both in color and shape. Depending on the layout, such a location may have advantages. Firstly, light from a chandelier and other lamps is unlikely to be reflected on the screen and interfere with comfortable viewing. Secondly, window openings are often located at a considerable distance from the flight of stairs. This way the sun will not heat the surface of the screen and create glare.

Wall of Achievement

If someone in your family is involved in any kind of sport and participates in various competitions, they have probably already accumulated a lot of certificates, cups and medals. Some place their trophies on desk, and many simply put the awards in the back drawer after some time. But this approach does not at all motivate new achievements, and friends are not given the opportunity to brag. We suggest setting up a small corner where there will be a whole wall of your achievements. For all certificates can be purchased beautiful frames and hang them on the wall. Place cups and other related items on neat wall shelves. For medals, come up with hooks that suit the style. And be sure to leave room for new prizes.

Kitchen area

Typically, kitchens in their own homes are quite spacious, but there are exceptions. Therefore, someone may find the idea of ​​arranging a mini-kitchen under the stairs useful. In the very first paragraph, we wrote not only about the need to provide for the possibility of supplying various communications, but also about the importance of the material used to make the staircase itself.
And this is due not only to possible difficulties carrying out installation work. The fact is that in many pictures on the Internet, the kitchen in this case is a countertop with a sink and a hob, which is not entirely correct. If you decide to place the stove under the stairs, then you must install it, which is problematic. If this is not done, hot steam and high temperatures may have a detrimental effect on the material of the flight of stairs. Therefore, we recommend limiting yourself to one. But there will be more space specifically for the cooking process itself. In general, the kitchen under the flight of stairs is great option and for spacious rooms. After all, it becomes possible to fit bulky household appliances, such as a refrigerator, freezer, without losing useful space.

Souvenir corner

Travel lovers probably cannot deny themselves the pleasure of bringing another souvenir that would remind them of an exciting vacation and the country they visited. Over many years, a large number of such pleasant little things can accumulate. And it’s already difficult not only to remember what and where, but also to find a suitable place. Now is the time to remember the empty space. To make the area smaller, and to ensure that the pieces of furniture on which souvenirs will be placed do not distract from the products themselves, we recommend using glass wall shelves. You can add a few more shelves at any time if there is no longer enough space. So you can gradually fill the entire wall from top to bottom, and then move on to the inclined surfaces of the stairs themselves. If you collect decorative plates, you can also place them on shelves on special stands or attach them directly to the wall. In any case, such a corner will be interesting not only to you, but also to all guests.

Minibar or wine cellar

What real owner has not dreamed of having his own wine cellar? Especially if you have winemaking experience and are gradually building a wine collection homemade. But setting up a real cellar can take not only a lot of effort, but also money. Therefore, you can arrange an improvised one, where there will be space for placing bottles, beautiful glasses and wine glasses. Perhaps there will even be a small bar, and you will feel like a real bartender. In addition, you can limit yourself to two small but comfortable armchairs and place a mobile minibar between them. At one time, similar bars in the form of a large globe, the upper part of which folded back or opened in two directions, were very fashionable.

Green Zone

Those who want to refresh the interior, fill it with vibrant colors and simply ensure a healthy microclimate in their home can take up the idea of ​​​​organizing a real green area. This idea can be implemented in two ways:

  • green wall
  • indoor plant greenhouse.

If you think that the first method is very expensive and difficult to implement on your own, do not rush to conclusions.
Yes, this will indeed be a costly undertaking if stabilized moss and other materials are used as landscaping material. small plants, processed using the same technology. But, if you replace moss with the usual indoor plants, which to create the effect solid wall placed in special pots that are attached to the wall, costs can be kept to a minimum. The only caveat is that you will have to be patient a little while the seedlings grow up and hide all the auxiliary elements with their leaves.

Relaxation zone

For everyone, such a zone may appear differently. Some people enjoy simply lying on a comfortable couch and listening to their favorite music. Some people like to embroider or do other handicrafts. Others dream of a small corner where they can meditate or just be alone with themselves. Depending on your preferences, such a place can be open or closed. There can be a comfortable sofa or just a soft carpet and lots of pillows. Listen to yourself and create your own personal relaxation corner.

Storage area for sports equipment

What items are never in the house? suitable place? What is your balcony/attic/corridor/closet filled with? Personally, my corridor between two apartments is filled with my neighbor’s bicycle, sleds and skis, balls and other similar things. Fortunately, you can avoid this in your home.
It is enough to attach the appropriate fasteners to the wall under the stairs and hang bicycles on them. Arrange everything else and hide it out of sight with a neat door. The only rule that must always be followed is to keep equipment clean. Otherwise, you will simply get tired of sweeping out dried garbage in the closet and cleaning up dirty “paths” while you take the same bicycle across the house to the street.

Hiding large equipment

No matter how spacious your bathroom is, taking up space with items such as washing machine Or you still don’t want to dry it. Moreover, they take up a lot of space. Ideal place for this household appliances- a place under the stairs. Of course, in this case it is necessary to take into account the location of the span. Carrying wet laundry across the house can be cumbersome and inconvenient. But if there is drying, this issue is automatically removed. You can also put a large laundry basket in such a necessary “closet”. A cabinet for storing various laundry and cleaning products. This will free up the bathroom space to the maximum.

Music corner

By analogy with sports equipment, it is sometimes difficult to find a place for a bulky piano or other musical instrument. They can be installed under the stairs painlessly for the rest of the space. You can even set up a small rehearsal corner if you are in a group and your family is not against your creativity. To add the right atmosphere or for inspiration, you can hang posters of your favorite artists, old records and shiny CDs on the wall behind the instruments. In general, in this case, you, as a creative person, will know better which scenery will be more suitable.

To the delight of pets

Many people simply dote on their pets. They buy them all kinds of toys, beautiful clothes, soft houses and collars with rhinestones. But isn’t it better to show your love in a slightly different way, namely by arranging a real play corner for your animal? This idea is more suitable for those who love cats. It was for these animals that entire labyrinths and ladders were invented, which are attached to the wall and consist of separate fragments. The fragments are located at a short distance, so the animal will have to jump and play with a rope, which can be tied to the section located below. There is also a place for relaxation.
Dog owners can simply install a dog house under the stairs, put bowls there, put a rug or buy a special basket. Your pet will be grateful to you. This solution is very functional and convenient and allows you to save a lot of space in the hallway. You can also install a built-in wardrobe to store outerwear or shoes.

If the space under the stairs is very tiny

There are staircases of very modest size, which can accommodate very few steps. Naturally, the space under such an element will have minimal dimensions. But that doesn't mean you can let it sit empty. The best option filling the void - shelves. There is something to put on them in every home. This could be anything from books to decorative items. The shelves are convenient because they can be easily adjusted to the shape of the opening yourself, which will avoid unnecessary expenses. Or you can make the shelves not horizontal, but vertical, and put beautiful vases with decorative dried flowers in the resulting sections. It will be no less impressive.

Do you still think that the space under the stairs is absolutely useless space? Share in the comments to the article what other interesting ideas came to your mind while reading, or have already been implemented in your home.

You've probably often seen in private houses that have a staircase to the top floor, free place under the march is in complete disrepair or in a neglected condition. But the free area under the stairs can be transformed using original solutions arrangement. We are sure that this idea will significantly decorate the space of your home.

This article will tell you how to completely transform the space under the stairs, and the accompanying photos and videos will help you. The area under the stairs can be made closed or open.

Under the flight of stairs, work areas, a bathroom, a storage room, a niche, etc. are arranged. The tips given in the article will help you, but your imagination should also be involved in the process.

If sewer and water pipes are located next to the flight of stairs, then the free space is quite suitable for arranging rooms such as:

Options for using the free space under the stairs

When we see the open space under the stairs, we immediately get the impression of spaciousness. Perhaps the most common use of this space is to create a storage system under the stairs, as shown in the photo and video. In the free zone you can make shelves for storing things or, for example, arrange a wardrobe. A great idea for removing unnecessary things from your eyes.

Bathroom or toilet

The area under the flight of stairs can be converted into a guest bathroom. An additional toilet in which you can put a sink will fit perfectly into this area. This solution will allow you to solve your needs without going to the top floor of your home, and without disturbing your household once again.

If space allows, consider installing a mini shower under the stairs. However, keep in mind that water and electricity will have to be installed under the stairs. When using this option for using the area under the stairs, do not forget about ventilation, it is extremely important. By the way, it is better to contact specialists to install ventilation.

You will have to invest additional funds into the planned project, but the result is worth it. As a rule, a bathroom or toilet fits perfectly under a staircase with a flight of 8-10 steps. This space is quite enough.

Here are the parameters for arranging a bathroom under the stairs:

  • minimum height – 1 m;
  • maximum height – 2.6 m;
  • room width – 1.2 m;
  • length of the room – 2.3 m.

Of course, judging by the parameters, you can immediately guess that the bathroom will be a bit cramped. You can visually increase the area of ​​such a room using bright hues for finishing and large facing tiles.

You can also place mirrors in the bathroom under the stairs, which will visually expand the space. Instead of spotlights, we recommend hanging regular lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Arrangement of an additional room

If your home has a small living space, then the area under the stairs is perfect for additional room, in which you can place a folding sofa, bed or appropriate furniture. This will make an excellent area for relaxation and sleep.

Also, the space under the stairs can be used as a children's corner or play area.

Another arrangement option is a kitchen under the stairs. In such a kitchen you can place a small kitchen set, kitchen furniture, dishwasher. If the area under the flight of stairs allows, then a small dining-living room will fit organically into the free area.

What other options for arranging the open space under the stairs exist?

If you love books, then you probably have a home library. So, the area under the stairs is great for placing books on shelves. Install shelves of various configurations and place your books on them. Paint your bookshelves to match the baseboards and paneling. This library will fit perfectly into general interior Houses.

A work area is another option for using the space under the stairs. Place in work area homemade table or a cabinet. Arrange your work area according to your needs. It turns out to be a real mini-office.

Advice! When creating a work area, take care of good lighting, because when working, you will have to be with your back to a natural light source. Another option is to use sconces.

Use the area under the stairs for a mini workshop and mini bar.

Telephone corner – great idea to use the space under the stairs. Install comfortable armchair, telephone table and enjoy conversations: both work and friendly.

If the staircase in your home is located in the living room, then you can install a home theater underneath it.

Location under the stairs of a closed area

The area under the stairs can be made not only open, but also closed. For this purpose, wooden boards and plywood are used. For example, you can build a real storage room under the stairs.

Pantry room

You can store a variety of things in the pantry:

  • bike;
  • sleds and sports equipment;
  • winter clothes;
  • small furniture;
  • fishing gear.

In this case, the pantry will resemble a balcony, which is most often used by us for storing things (see video).

Original solutions for using the area under the stairs

You can not only arrange the space under the stairs in an original and useful way, but also in a creative way. Under the stairs you can place an aquarium, a wine cellar or a place for pets.

A fireplace looks great under the stairs.


When deciding on arranging free space under the stairs, first consider all the options. Decide for yourself exactly what you would like to place in this area. Don't be afraid to experiment and imagine!
