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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Statuses in VK with meaning to tears. Sad statuses to tears

Statuses in VK with meaning to tears. Sad statuses to tears

When something doesn't go as you planned, when instead of joy you get bitter disappointment, share your emotions with your friends in the status. You are not alone in sadness: sad statuses about life with meaning are created by people who have been deceived in their hopes. Our new short and sad statuses about life with meaning will help you pour out your soul.

The worst thing is when you want to cry, but have nothing to do with it; I want to say - but there is nothing; I want to leave - but there is nowhere; You can stay, but there’s no need...

She forgot how to cry a long time ago, She passes off tears as laughter. So much has happened to her in life, Everyone thinks there is ice in her soul. She takes the pain back to the beginning, She hides fear behind a mask. Too many people promised to suffer any failure for her.

You start to realize that things are really bad when the person who usually calms everyone down cries.

Sometimes it happens that love ends. And at this moment the world seems to disappear. And in my head there are only pictures from the past, which was the present yesterday

It’s a pity that life can’t be photoshopped… crop out sadness, draw happiness, cover up loneliness and make love brighter.

You have a wonderful memory when you can’t remember the reason for your sadness that tormented you last week.

Sometimes I want to become a child... because only now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart...

In the evening I wash myself with tears remembering you. In the morning, everyone sees the usual smile and the deceptive appearance of a “happy” girl...

The downside of loneliness is that after a while you begin to enjoy it, and you simply don’t let anyone into your life.

Do you begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who always calmed everyone down cries?

Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I am having fun... but not many know that under the mask of a jester there is sadness, and laughter only hides tears.

For real strong people do not explain why they want respect for themselves. They simply do not communicate with those who do not treat them with due respect.

It's very sad when you don't love anyone, but it's much worse when a person is incapable of truly loving anyone at all.

Everything changes. Life changes. People change. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes the old is so missing. That life. Of those people…

When you are at your lowest, your greatest misfortune will be that you have previously known happiness.

Time is priceless. Think carefully about what you are spending it on. Bernard Show

Before, I didn’t know that you could inflict such pain on a person that you don’t want to live. Moreover, there is only one reason for this - the fact of its existence.

So sweet, she smiles, but in her soul she is sad, happy and forever in love. I'm lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just not defined.

We ourselves are to blame for our troubles. We love too much, we give too much, we allow too much...

If a person has real love, then he doesn’t need anything else, but if it’s not there, then it doesn’t matter what this person has.

Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war.

But everything in life - both good and bad - begins with the fact that someone once simply believed someone...

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

Learn to find joy in life, this The best way attract happiness.

You are the only reason for my past happiness and present pain.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed in childhood of becoming what they became. Life just happened that way.

A lover does not always confess his love, and a man who confesses his love does not always love.

Tears are a defensive liquid.

Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up!

A beautiful girl is almost never alone, but, alas, she is often lonely.

Beautiful does not mean a toy. Bitch does not mean heartless. Lonely does not mean loner. Being in love doesn't mean happy.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

If you are inactive now, then either you have uncertainty ahead, or you regret something.

If you find yourself in different sides barricades built by someone - tear down these barricades!

If you do nothing, you will get the same thing.

Life is a game we play without knowing the rules, levels, and we lose more often than we win.

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in her marriage.

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

Let it be known to you: everyone feels sorry for the weak, but envy must be earned!

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what they lack most.

Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends.

Sometimes you just want to turn around and tell everyone: Fuck you!

Sometimes we cry from laughing, but Lately, we laugh more and more often in order not to cry. We are consumed by sadness.

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you!

The road called “later” leads to a country called “nowhere.”

In order to understand that this is shit, you don’t have to taste it.

What makes a good day is not the date or the weather, but the people.

Drive away your friends who betrayed you once, who betrayed you once will betray you twice!

It is at that moment when you realize that you know a person 1OO%, he will prove to you that you know nothing about him.

You know, it’s so offensive when your own mother behaves as if you are the last piece of shit in the world.

Tomorrow will be a new day, again sadness, melancholy.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with bad manners and rudeness.

A woman always leaves a chance. It doesn't matter, to yourself or to him. Just a chance.

There are many ways to kill time - and not one to resurrect it.

If you want to get to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him. Listen to what he says about others.

Any person on our way meets for a reason. One will bring joy, and the other will teach you how to live and strengthen your character.

Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love.

"Baurzhan Toyshibekov"

Don't be afraid of losing someone. People destined by fate are not lost. The ones that get lost are for experience.

Our most big problems arise when avoiding small ones.

Our life has meaning only as much as we sincerely want to live.

Don't expect a miracle - miracles are the consequences of our actions.

The opinions of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

Leave it muddy water at rest, and it will become clean and transparent.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.

It’s not difficult to put a point. It is more difficult to see how the person for whom you least wanted pain, all the time adds two more to this point.

She can sit like this for hours: listening to the same song, wiping her tears with her palm and convincing herself that she doesn’t care.

Words can squeeze out the soul, and it flows out through the eyes. That's why people cry.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.

Excessive touchiness is a sign of lack of intelligence or some kind of complex.

Out of thousands of those who speak beautifully, I will choose the one who silently does things.

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your hands.

Relying only on yourself is a great way to stop being disappointed in people and live in a great mood.

We often chase after what we essentially don’t need.

I don’t listen to those who say that I’m wasting my life, because at least I’m living, and someone is talking.

I don't talk about life, I live.

You can never forget what you want to forget most!

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

If the world were good place, we wouldn't cry at birth.

Day and night she cries to the same music. Tears are rolling down, and she is still trying to convince herself of indifference.

As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today.

How hard it is when friends move to another city.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

If you want to continue, don't tell anyone about the beginning.

Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath.

  • Everyone has had a moment in their life when they tripped and fell. You lie there and think that there is no more left to fight...
  • Bitter coffee and a cigarette. Cold morning and sad evening. Silence of the phone and music in the headphones. And tomorrow it will be a cold morning again...
  • Having caught the corner of my eye on all the ugliness of our life, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it awakens.
  • There's just not enough warmth, for which you don't have to pay with nerves.
  • Life is like a telephone without network. At first you search long and hard for her, but once you catch her, you realize that no one is waiting for your call.
  • Everyone feels lonely sometimes, at least once in your life it feels like everyone has abandoned you.
  • When you have everything planned, life suddenly happens to you.
  • Sometimes you want to forget about everything: problems, enemies and even friends whom you haven’t seen for 100 years... and think only about you... but you’re not around. sad.
  • Life is a complicated thing, but only for those who are trying to understand what life is.
  • I was always nearby, but you didn’t always notice it.
  • Sometimes time likes to repeat old stories...
  • Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.
  • She wandered the streets, these wet and gray streets, as gray as her soul... soiled and thrown into the trash.
  • People often do not value what they see, and value what they have never seen...
  • She loved to read books and smoke cigarettes. Everything was fine with her. Sometimes she even thought she was happy. Sometimes…
  • The most terrible pain can be inflicted on a person only by the one who gave him the most happiness.
  • Why love and be unloved? Tired, so tired of being vulnerable...
  • She loves to dream... Although no, she lives in dreams. She always thinks about things that will never come true. And he believes... that there is not long to wait...
  • Growing up is when you watch horror movies to switch away from the real nightmare.
  • Do you know why I don't like balloons? They are beautiful on the outside, but empty on the inside...
  • We are silent when we should scream... We stand when we should run... We laugh when we should cry, and we lose what we should not lose...
  • Remember me like this: strange, rude and nervous. I didn't seem like a saint, but I was faithful to you...
  • I will drink, smoke, swear... And wait until YOU tell me “enough”...
  • I'm not depressed. I’m just alone with my thoughts, but they somehow make me want to die a little.
  • In a couple of years I’ll look at you and laugh, I’ll think that I was incredibly stupid, but now it really hurts.
  • The last hope dies when the most cheerful person cries.
  • Be smart, your tears don't hurt him. Laugh and he'll wonder why you're laughing when you should be crying.
  • “I knew it” - this phrase contains the most despair.
  • I can handle anything. And the tears, and the pain, and your leaving for another, and the fact that you came back to me again, I will endure and forgive everything to only one person - you.
  • Over time, the messages become shorter and the days spent alone become longer.

Tears kill beautiful women, but are a salvation for the ugly.

True pain is quiet and unnoticeable to others. And tears and hysterics are just a cheap theater of ostentatious feelings.

Day and night she cries to the same music. Tears are rolling down, and she is still trying to convince herself of indifference.

You are the only reason for my past happiness and present pain.

Best status:
Why is the room dark? – Saving light. – Why are you sitting on the floor? - The chair is on the bank. - Why is your face in tears? - I'm cutting onions. - Right now? In the dark and on the floor?

Words can squeeze out the soul, and it flows out through the eyes. That's why people cry.

Do you want to save your happiness? Don't tell anyone about him.

Was he going to destroy anyone who dared to offend me? Do you have the courage to deal with yourself?

At four years old you cry out of resentment and scream at the whole world, at ten years old you cry quietly in the corner, and after fifteen years you learn to cover your mouth with your hands so that no one sees your tears.

If a woman cries, she was simply offended; if a woman is silent, then have no doubt that right now she is going through the most difficult moments of her life.

How hard it is when friends move to another city 🙁

Don't be sad! After all, every minute cannot be exchanged or returned)

Sometimes we don’t run away from the person who hurts us, but try to be as close to her as possible...

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can inflict the most terrible pain on a person. – sad statuses

If I am silent, it does not mean that I have nothing to say... just silence is the most painless and a sad status will not help here.

you know it’s so offensive when your own mother behaves as if you are the last piece of shit in the world

Sooner or later you discover that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you have run out of cash and it’s time for sad statuses.

Looking for a prince. To forget the king(s) - sad statuses

It doesn't get so sad when best friend throws because of a guy!

Tomorrow will be a new day, again sadness, melancholy.

how strange it is when there is not enough time for love. we shout, we whisper that this is the most important thing in life, but in the end, what is more important is study_work_some other parallels and constant sad statuses.

Beautiful does not mean a toy. Bitch does not mean heartless. Lonely does not mean loner. Being in love doesn't mean happy.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up! – sad statuses

Only cigarette smoke will dispel thoughts about you, but not for long... And only gray rain hides tears, love is so painful... And in my dreams I don’t see flowers - everything is erased from my soul... I love, I’m dying Are you silent? shut up...

In complete despair and hopelessness, close your eyes and imagine that you are blind, and then open your eyes - you will understand that you are happy!

Time passes, feelings remain, time passes, but the pain does not heal, only the tears on the face dry up, but everything is remembered about him, and the heart keeps beating so fast, and still one cannot breathe….

Almost every woman would like to be faithful, the only difficulty is to find a man to whom she can be faithful. by

She always makes eye contact, but no one understands her. She loves flowers, but does not know how to care for them. She believes people, often regretting it...

Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.

There are simply not enough words and there is no more breathing... After all, I love you and I don’t think this is stupid! (With)

I quit drinking, smoking and falling in love. I take care of the liver, lungs and nerves...

When I answer the question “How are you?” I answer “I’m doing great”, I want someone to look me in the eyes and say “Tell the truth”...

[The worst thing is, you wait for him to write... and then... HURRAY! “my messages (1)”. You open it, and there’s spam...].

People are often lonely because they build walls instead of bridges and drown in sadness.

I'm allergic to changes in your mood.

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.

If you don't like me...FUCK OFF...I won't improve...

Sometimes you just want to turn around and tell everyone: Fuck you!

anger and sadness at the same time... I want to yell at someone and then regret it...

It’s a shame that there are very few people who will just write like that, for no reason or reason, simply because they are bored.

A beautiful girl is almost never alone, but, alas, she is often lonely... - sad statuses

You must be able to close a boring and sad book, leave a bad movie, quit your job bad work and part with bad people– sad statuses

Tears are a defensive liquid.

Spring is a great time of year to cry and pretend it's just allergies.

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people who love you and understand you, but each of them has someone closer than you... - sad statuses

[Crazy, abnormal... But beautiful, sexy... A selfish, insatiable creature... Still sweet and naive... There is no conscience, no repentance... Only sincerity and despair...] - sad statuses

It happens... you exist, but no one needs you...(((

she sleeps little. afraid of evil people. bites his lips until he bleeds. takes everything to heart. she is like that. quickly gets used to people. gets burned. disappointed. crying..(c) – sad statuses

Never forget two things about me: firstly, I know more about you than you think... and secondly, I never regret what I did. – sad statuses

- Yes, it’s rubbish, especially if you fell in love with such a hysterical woman like you! – I’m not hysterical!!! - well, here it is again: I said that I love you, but you only hear Hysterical!

Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They don't make sense to me. Memory? You can't erase it. Heart? If it's broken, you can't fix it. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You can't change them

It is at that moment when you realize that you know a person 1OO%, he will prove to you that you know nothing about him.

Stupid thoughts, cigarettes, clubs... I wish I could find time to put on lipstick... I wish I could find time to admit to myself... That's all. The End. time to change…

The girl, seeing the guy off to the army, gave him her photo, and six months later she wrote to him: I met someone else, return the photo. The guy collected photos of their girlfriends from all his friends and sent them to his ex, with the words: I don’t remember where you are, choose, send the rest to me

I am too happy to love someone... Love is an experience... But I don’t want to worry - I want to live!... There is no place for sadness in my statuses... - sad statuses

Proud - because they have already humiliated me! Eternal - because she died in soul... Bitch - because she was once abandoned! ...I vowed never to love anyone...

I will always remember this phrase, I an old man said: “Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.”

But once upon a time I was so meaninglessly happy when the sun set for tea in the evenings

As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today...

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven

If FRIENDS don’t call or write….that means EVERYTHING is fine with them!

There are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective stories, comedies, thrillers in my life... Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera... But it’s not there... And then I understand - this is my life... Interesting and varied... in which the sadness is only contrived by me - sad statuses

She wears little makeup in the morning and sleeps little. He is afraid of evil people, bites his lips until he bleeds. He takes everything to heart. She is like that. He quickly gets used to people, gets burned, gets disappointed, cries...

It’s no more difficult to put an end to it. It’s more difficult to marvel at how the person for whom you wished less pain constantly draws two more to this point...

The worst thing that could happen to me is an allergy to tangerines:(((

I will always smile... even when you are very sad... so you can see how much I don’t give a damn about you! – sad statuses

We make people who love us unhappy and try to make people happy who are happy without us.

She can sit like this for hours: listening to the same song, wiping her tears with her palm and convincing herself that she doesn’t care...

“...time doesn’t heal. Time only helps you come to terms... heal deep wounds. But scars still remain... just little souvenirs for life”

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

Sometimes we cry from laughing... but lately, we laugh more and more often in order not to cry... we are consumed by sadness

If the world were a good place, we wouldn't cry at birth. ©

I miss you very much. I love you so much. I just ask... don't come back

The most the main problem in life is the suffering that you cause, and the most sophisticated philosophy cannot justify a person who tormented the heart that loved him. When you write sad statuses, you expect him to read them and understand... - sad statuses

From the outside I give the impression of a person happy with his life. But inside, underneath the outer veneer, despair reigns.

She forgot how to cry a long time ago, She passes off tears as laughter. So much has happened to her in life, Everyone thinks there is ice in her soul. She takes the pain back to the beginning, She hides fear behind a mask. Too many people promised to suffer any failure for her.

I want gouache the color of her eyes. Paint all the walls and slowly die of happiness.

Sometimes I feel useless to anyone, even my parents... just a scum of society...

Tears from laughter are better than laughter through tears.

I will wait for you, just to know that you need it...

I would really like to be slapped on the cheeks and told: “You fool, this is not love, there is nothing at all, understand this and move on with your life.”

Sometimes it becomes so scary because it has become so indifferent to what was so important.

Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I am having fun... but not many know that under the mask of a jester there is sadness, and laughter only hides tears.

do you know what's scary? when your parents live in the same apartment, but at the same time they hate each other more than anything in the world... and you look at it and can’t do anything...

Why are you crying? ...-Because I’m a fool... -Why a fool?...-Because I’m crying!

As a rule, the phrase “Don’t cry” provokes hysterics...

You don’t even know how much it hurts her. You don’t want to hear. You play with her and she makes fun of her - sad statuses

You're sitting in fun company and you laugh loudly until you cry... and at night you cry quietly...

Cold floor... A pack of cigarettes... A glassy look... And there is only one question in my head: “Why is everything like this? So strange and difficult?

At night we try to think about what we couldn’t say during the day.

-Have you seen her eyes? - Well, yes, I saw it. Blue, so beautiful. - And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, fool... (c)

I dedicate this status to every girl who is now reading it and is sad, don’t be sad, bunny!!! Everything will be great! 🙂

Having arrived home, he will go online again, open the site, but VKontakte is no longer there. He will click on its page and look at the status, “You know, everything could have been different...

Today I accidentally found your scent in the bedroom. Never... At the same time, my heart was spinning and my head was shrinking...

Angels do not condemn those who are crying... Angels simply cry from the pain that their loved ones caused them...

I want to cry, but I'm having fun. I hide deadly sadness behind laughter. I draw a smile, I joke endlessly, I live behind the façade of someone else’s face... Everyone thinks I’m happy, I smile at everyone, but my soul is torn!

Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile - sad statuses

All will be. It's worth the roses alone.

here you are cheerful and smiling, and there you are sadder than the Irish sheep Doris... life is a game... love...

Let's play a game. The rules are simple: don’t call him, don’t write, don’t read his status, don’t wait for his call, because you know it’s right. And the main prize in the game is a feeling of lightness and liberation from the past. Because that's what you want.

Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. . . Do you think it hurts? No, I’m used to it... – sad statuses

The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable. Try not to call again...

... sometimes you want to forget about everything: about problems, enemies and even about friends whom you haven’t seen for 100 years... and think only about you... but you’re not around. sad.

I was always nearby, but you didn’t always notice it.

Time heals, but the liver needs to be treated first... – sad statuses

How tired I am... I want to wrap myself in a warm blanket and, sitting in comfortable chair, drink hot chocolate and not think about anything... And so that no one bothers you with stupid questions... Just sit alone, hugging your beloved cat... Only he will look at me with understanding eyes and simply bury his face in my cheek, as if saying: “ Do not worry everything will be alright…"