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» Terrible thinness. The thinnest people in the world (13 photos). Here's what the psychologists say

Terrible thinness. The thinnest people in the world (13 photos). Here's what the psychologists say

The phrase "Beauty is a terrible force!" probably familiar to everyone. And indeed - sometimes the desire for beauty pushes people to truly terrible deeds, forcing them to abuse radical methods for weight loss and death.

One of the worst examples is the story of Valeria Levitina, the thinnest woman in the world. At 39, Valeria looks like a living mummy - with a height of 172 centimeters, she weighs only 25 kilograms, like a 6-year-old child. And the worst thing is that the woman did all this with herself.

In 1989, Valeria moved from Moscow to the USA with her parents. The young girl had a very beautiful appearance and easily won the beauty contest in 1994, becoming the owner of the title "Miss Chicago". This was the beginning of the end for Valeria ...

Lera got into the habit of constantly weighing herself as a child: all the women in her family had problems with weight, so the caring mother constantly weighed her little daughter and was afraid that she was too fat. Having won a beauty contest in the United States and decided to become a model, Levitina began to desperately lose weight. In a very short time, the 19-year-old girl lost a lot of weight, but did not stop there - and by the age of 24 she weighed only 38 kilograms.

This is how Valeria looked before - before she decided to lose weight

Now one of the thinnest people in the world, lives in Monaco - only here thanks to the constant sunshine and warm weather she feels more or less comfortable. Valeria almost does not feel the taste of food, and grocery shopping turns into hell. She eventually managed to get rid of the eating disorder that Levitina struggled with for more than 20 years, but the woman still cannot gain weight.

The story of Lizzy Velasquez is not at all like the story of Valeria Levitina - unlike the latter, Lizzy did not seek to lose weight on her own. The girl was born in 1989 with a very rare disease - neonatal progeroid syndrome, as a result of which her body is not able to accumulate body fat. At the moment, Velasquez weighs only 26 kilograms.

Newborn Lizzie weighed only 1.2 kilograms - and for 24 years she never managed to overcome the bar of 27 kilograms. To simply survive, the girl has to eat every 15 minutes and consume from 5 to 8 thousand calories a day.

It is worth giving the girl her due: despite the terrible disease that led to her becoming one of the thinnest people in the world, she did not give up and took up educational activities. For a few recent years Velasquez has written several books and organized over 200 performances.

Lizzy Velasquez with her family - parents, sister and brother

Velasquez at an autograph session with his book "Be beautiful, be yourself"

Ioana Spangenberg was dubbed by the European media as a “living hourglass”: the girl’s waist circumference is only 50 centimeters, and her weight is only a little more than 38 kilograms. What caused the extreme thinness - no one knows: Ioana herself in all interviews tirelessly denies that she suffers from anorexia.

As a child, Ioana was quite an ordinary child, and began to lose weight already in adolescence. Despite all the efforts, Spangerberg can not gain weight in any way - although, according to his own statement, he is reinforced daily with pizza, chocolate bars and other sources of “quick kilograms”.

In 2006, Spangerberg got married and started working as a fashion model - the designers from the "living mannequin", apparently, are completely delighted.

Men, for the most part, suffer much less from imperfections in appearance. According to statistics, only 15% of all patients diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia are men. However, for some men, the pursuit of beauty ends in tragedy. The clearest example is the story of Jeremy Gillitzer, a former fashion model who died in 2010 after a 25-year battle with anorexia at the age of 38. At the time of his death, he weighed only 30 kilograms and was one of the thinnest people in the world.

At the age of 12, little Jeremy was first diagnosed with anorexia, and by the age of 14 he learned to swallow laxatives so as to lose 1-3 kilograms at a time. In the next few years, the young man traveled to clinics - first private, and then, when his insurance ran out, public ones. And finally, a miracle happened - 20-year-old Gillitzer somehow recovered. With the same passion that he had lost weight before, Jeremy began to work out in the gym, got an excellent figure and found a job as a fashion model.
The magic didn't last long. In 2004, Gillitzer broke up with his first (and only) boyfriend, his mother became seriously ill, and Jeremy himself had two car accidents in a month. Depression forced the successful fashion model to return to old habits again. Unfortunately, this time attempts to be treated did not lead to success - a few years later, Gillitzer died.

10 people suffering from excessive thinness.

This girl was born in March 1989 in Austin, Texas. In the family, she is affectionately called "Lizzie". Since childhood, Lizzie has been suffering from a rare disease - Rautenstrauch-Wiedemann syndrome.

Its main symptoms are the inability of the human body to accumulate body fat. In addition, Elizabeth also has a weakened immune system, completely blind in one eye and barely seeing the other.

A girl with a height of 1.54 meters weighs only 26 kilograms - this is the thinnest girl today. To maintain life in her body, she eats 5500 kilocalories daily and takes food every 20 minutes. This fact was registered by the Guinness Book of Records. In 2013, she was named "the ugliest girl in the world."

Now Lizzy is involved in medical research at the University of Texas, maintains a personal blog, and speaks on forums. She has also written several of her own health books.

2. Lucia Zarate

This girl was born in Ursulo-Galvan (Veracruz). She is of Mexican descent. The reason for Lucia's thinness lies in the genes: she has a disrupted gland in the pituitary gland that regulates human growth, which led to dwarfism.

With a height of 45 centimeters at the age of 18, the girl weighed only 2.2 kilograms. However, then her weight increased to 5.5 kilograms, but her waist circumference was still 17 centimeters. The girl was given the title of the thinnest girl in the world in its entire history.

But it cannot be said that Lucia suffered from her thinness. Subsequently, she became a circus artist, and she was recognized far beyond the United States. But the stunt rehearsal itself was a problem for her. In addition, the girl was always surrounded by attention: she was either mistaken for a doll, or surprised at her growth.

Lucia died in 1890 from an unexpected cause: the train in which her circus troupe rode got stuck in the snowy mountains. Many died of hypothermia, including the dwarf.

The girl was born in 1982 in France, in Marseille.

The reason for her excessive thinness is anorexia nervosa, provoked by problems in the family. The father of the Frenchwoman, Christian Caro, being a businessman, often traveled, and the mother, the teacher, did not like it. Mari Caro was afraid that her daughter, when she grew up, would leave and doom her to eternal loneliness. Therefore, she forbade Isabelle to walk and go out, forced her to sit at home all the time. The girl tried to prove herself in the game on musical instruments, figure skating and ballet, but in the end she simply began to deny herself food to satisfy her mother's desire, slowing down her growth.

At the age of 14, she was admitted to the hospital with exhaustion. This was the beginning of the end: anorexia developed on a nervous basis.

With a height of almost 1.7 meters, she weighed 32 kilograms.

In 2007, Isabelle posed nude in a photo shoot dedicated to the fight against anorexia. A year later, the girl wrote a book - an autobiography in which she told her story of anorexia. She also warned other girls about the possibility of this terrible disease with excessive weight loss for the sake of a modeling career.

Isabelle died in 2010 in Paris, having spent several days in the hospital with SARS.

Marie Caro committed suicide in 2011.

4. Valeria Levitina

The girl was born in Russia, at the moment she is 40 years old. In 1989, she emigrated with her parents to the United States and participated in the New York beauty pageant. Valeria won it, because she had an attractive appearance. However, the decision to lose weight was made.

20 year old girl as soon as possible shed a couple of kilos. However, she did not stop there: at the age of 25, her weight was 37 kilograms. Valeria fell ill with anorexia. Now, with a height of 1.75 meters, she weighs only 24 kilograms - so much does a small child weigh.

The girl lives in Monaco: there is a warm, favorable climate that helps her restore her health. She still managed to get rid of the eating disorder, but she still cannot gain weight. To maintain good health, Valeria has to take a certain amount of food, as well as consume a lot of caffeine, so as not to pass out from low blood pressure.

The girl's mother says that email Every day, a hundred letters come from teenage girls who want to be like her daughter. She answers all of them, explaining that "being a living corpse is not good."

This young man passed away in 2010 at the age of 39 after a 26-year struggle with excessive thinness. The terrible diagnosis of "anorexia" was made to him at the age of thirteen. At the age of 15, he discovered the technique of using laxatives in such a way as to lose several kilograms at once.

After that, he was a frequent visitor to private and non-profit clinics.

However, at the age of 21, Jeremy still managed to gain weight, he began to go to the gym and built up muscle mass, got a pumped-up body. After that, the guy began to work as a fashion model.

For several years everything went well. In addition, Gillitzer admitted that he was a homosexual, began to build relationships with a work colleague, but then broke up with him. At this time, his mother became seriously ill, and the guy himself became a participant in road accidents several times. Stress made itself felt, and old habits returned.

The mannequin began to steadily lose weight. All attempts to gain weight were in vain.

At the time of his death, Jeremy weighed only 30 kilograms with a height of 1.8 meters.

The model with Romanian roots is a living "hourglass": her waist circumference does not exceed 49 centimeters. The girl strongly denies that she suffers from anorexia and that she was forced to lose weight by a modeling agency. She explains this by the fact that “in the homeland, in Romania, excess weight talks about the financial well-being of the family. So with such thinness, she is doomed to loneliness.

But in 2005, Jan, a young man of German origin, noticed her, and they got married. Subsequently, Ioana began working as a fashion model. Designers are delighted with her, because things are perfectly sewn on the hourglass figure.

Model figure parameters: 80-49-80. This is almost a Barbie doll, enlarged to real size.

Two twin girls were born in 1981 in the UK.

At the age of twelve, they heard the innocuous remark from their father that "they are growing up, and the first sexual signs are already beginning to appear." These words hurt young girls, because they did not want to become adults. And a pact was made that none of them would ever get fat.

From that moment on, they completely denied themselves food: they hid full plates of food, fed it to dogs and always counted energy value products.

Soon the parents sounded the alarm: Cathy and Marie were exhausted. They were sent separately for treatment to special clinics, but even there they managed to outwit the orderlies, still malnourished. After that, they began to live separately from their parents.

The two sisters curse the day the pact was made because it ruined their lives. The once beautiful and sweet girls are now skeletons covered in leather.

In our time, they are under forty years old, but their life is completely broken: they have serious health problems, progressive anorexia. Most likely, they will never have a family and a happy marriage.

Mary and Katie have a medical education, they are aware of the complexity of their situation, but they cannot cope with the disease.

Doctors say that there is still hope for salvation, for a start it is worth normalizing nutrition.

The wife of popular soccer player David Beckham, Victoria (nee Adams) used to be a girl with uniforms and sang in a popular pop group of the 90s.

But one day, the producer of the music agency told her that "it would not hurt her to remove a couple of fat folds," and this caused the girl psychological trauma.

Since then, Victoria began to eat only a few leaves of greens and a few fruits a day, thinking that this would not harm her health. An ovarian disease brought her to her senses, but a small amount of time.

Victoria could not cope with the pregnancy due to anorexia, because an exhausted body simply cannot bear a healthy child.

Currently, the girl says that she eats well, but she still looks at the energy value of the products. There are also rumors that she is on a drinking diet.

Now her height is 163 centimeters, and her weight ranges from 42 to 45 kilograms.

The American fashion model, the adopted daughter of the star of the 80s and 90s, denied her eating problems in every possible way. In 2006, she admitted to a foreign magazine that "now she looks far from healthy and does not want teenage girls to look at her and say they want to look the same." After that, she was admitted to the hospital with low blood glucose.

In 2007, photos of the star jogging on the beach of Malibu excited the world: with a height of 158 centimeters, she weighed 39 kilograms. Anorexia is present.

She was forced to resort to losing weight by participating in television shows, because her partners were thin socialites, while Nicole herself weighed 75 kilograms.

The pursuit of the ideal turned out to be a tragedy for her: the weight of the actress became critical for her height.

Some time later, she gave birth to a child: this served as an incentive to defeat a terrible disease.

Now Nicole has normalized her weight to 54 kilograms and coped with anorexia. She states that "it was the birth of a daughter that fixed her life."

The British singer was born in 1983 and died in 2011 in London.

Despite the success in her musical career, the half-ten Grammy-winning rock and roll performer suffered from a mental disorder. On the personal front, everything was not so smooth: she often quarreled with her manager due to her difficult nature.

She used to be a girl with forms, but addiction to alcohol and psychological difficulties did their job: Amy began to lose weight.

The star joked that she has a little bit of everything for both anorexia and bulimia. She said that "she feels more like a guy than a girl, but she is not a person of non-traditional sexual orientation."

The singer died of an alcohol overdose. Her height was 161 centimeters with a weight of 42 kilograms.


The first Hollywood actress, singer and TV presenter to publicly declare that she suffers from anorexia. If you believe the rumors, she was advised to lose weight from 65 kilograms to 38 (!) best friend— Paris Hilton, who was close to exhaustion herself at the time. It took Richie more than two years to come to his senses and, in the end, defeat the disease. Pregnancy helped to correct her figure: having given birth to two beautiful children, Christina noticeably rounded and acquired much healthier and more feminine forms.


The cause of Jolie's painful exhaustion was the tragedy - the death of her mother. The actress fell into depression, went headlong into work and almost completely refused to eat. Brad Pitt was in despair: “She has fainted from hunger several times, but I can’t make her eat, she doesn’t want to listen to anything.” However, having recovered from severe stress, the actress did not recover much and continued to follow a strict diet, consisting mainly of cereals (buckwheat and quinoa). With a height of 169 cm, the actress weighs about 40 kg. It seems that the former forms of the "tomb raider" are a long forgotten story.


The wife of the sexiest footballer in the world is often accused of promoting an unhealthy attitude towards her own body, because, according to Victoria herself, she is “always unhappy with her figure.” It seems that with the birth of another child, instead of getting a little better, Mrs. Beckham "disappears before our eyes." The designer is credited with a passion for severe starvation. The flight attendant, who served the star during a transatlantic flight, said that Beckham did not eat a crumb, but only drank water with lemon. It remains to admire the photographs of the young and much more appetizing "peppercorn".


In 2008, Mary-Kate Olsen revealed that her morbid thinness was "her body's unhealthy response" to the media attention and worldwide adoration she and her sister received at a very young age. To restore more or less normal weight, the actress had to go to the clinic. Faithful companion, Olivier Sarkozy, finally brought the girl to her senses and helped to restore her strength. And if lovers usually suffer from a lack of appetite, Mary-Kate's love helped stimulate the appetite.

Claudia Schiffer

“The fashion world promotes thinness, but looking at these models, I can’t help thinking that something is wrong with them. Models have always been thin, but today they are too thin. So thin that sometimes it seems that they will now become invisible, ”said the supermodel in 2006 in an interview with a German publication. Three years later, the press placed this quote next to Schiffer herself.


Even before pregnancy, journalists now and then attributed to Kira an unhealthy hobby for diets. The Briton denied: “I don’t sit on diets! I love sweets and hamburgers!” The media did not let up and tried to bring Knightley to clean water. The mother of the star put an end to the “skin and bones” case: a slim body- this is hereditary for Kira. thinness - distinguishing feature her father, actor Will Knightley. To be honest, the soft roundness of a pirate in a position is definitely very to her face.


"Flat!" - so aptly described her character Mila Kunis during the filming of the film "Black Swan". To look convincing in a tutu, the actress, whose height is 163 centimeters, had to lose weight to 44 kg. To do this, Kunis refused fatty foods and simple carbohydrates and practiced ballet every day for several hours. However, after the end of filming, Mila quickly returned to her former sharp body curves, recovering back by 12 kilograms.


The figure of the star of the youth series "Beverly Hills 90210" often found itself in the center of attention of journalists - the media vied with each other to discuss the actress's large breasts, which contrasted strongly with the general thinness. It turned out that this was not the limit. After the birth of two babies, Spelling began to lose weight rapidly, practically refusing to eat. The result of the experiment with its own weight was extremely depressing. It remains to be seen: will we ever see the former Donna?

In the coming days, the second part of the long-awaited picture starts. Familiar characters, new jokes and spectacular footage - this is what awaits all fans of superhero films. In addition, as in the first part, viewers will be able to enjoy the beauty of actress Zoe Saldana, who will again play the seductive warrior Gamora. By the way, the actress, who naturally has a slender body, was even happy to gain a few pounds after giving birth.

Zoe Saldana

The American actress, who has an attractive exotic appearance, is distinguished by a fragile and petite physique. Therefore, Zoe's happiness knew no bounds when she was finally able to gain the cherished kilograms during pregnancy. However, she did not succeed in achieving the "golden mean" immediately. At first, the weight of the beauty reached more than eighty kilograms, and this, you see, is a lot even for such a thin person as Saldana. However, thanks to sports and dancing, the girl quickly threw off some overweight and now even more beautiful than before.

Keira Knightley

It's no secret that Keira Knightley is absolutely not complex about her thinness. Moreover, the actress has repeatedly taken part in candid photography. However, her main condition was the only one: that her body should not be changed in Photoshop. After all, as we know, Knightley had to fight several times with the "masters" of Photoshop, who periodically increased the shape of a Hollywood star. Kira herself notes in an interview that appearance is not the most important thing for her, because natural female beauty is much more important.

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore has always boasted a luxurious and slender body, but few people know what efforts it required from her. So, Moore does not hide the fact that for a long time she lived in a real race for a beautiful body, and in preparation for the next role, she was forced to torture herself with strict diets. Now Demi assures that this painful time is left behind and now she can enjoy life to the fullest. The actress is no longer on diets, but relies on proper nutrition, however, allows herself some weaknesses, for example, if she wants a cake, then Demi will not deny herself this pleasure. However, the actress is in great shape, we are sure that an extra couple of kilograms will not spoil the Hollywood star.

Victoria Beckham

Fashion designer and style standard Victoria Beckham has been scaring her fans with excessive thinness for several years now. An adherent of the strictest diets, Victoria literally exhausts herself with hunger, which sadly affects the entire body of the girl. True, Beckham herself does not see any danger in this: she assures that she eats everything she loves, while adhering to a certain discipline. We, in turn, believe that Victoria is simply disingenuous. Be that as it may, the whole girl barely exceeds forty-five kilograms, and Beckham herself looks much thinner than some professional models.

Tara Reid

Tara Reid became popular after her role in the teen comedy American Pie. The pretty blonde immediately attracted the attention of the audience and won the love of millions of fans. However, fame turned the girl's head: in pursuit of an ideal appearance, Tara began torturing herself with diets, which led her to anorexia. In addition, Reid had to endure several extremely unsuccessful plastic surgery, which literally mutilated the body of the actress. Now Tara looks painfully thin, which worries the public a lot. We hope the actress will be able to pull herself together and gain at least a little weight, which will significantly improve her appearance.

Hilary Swank

Actress Hilary Swank has always had an incredibly slender body. However, thinness did not spoil the Hollywood star at all, but Hilary still had to add extra pounds. And it happened while preparing for a role in the film "Million Dollar Baby". The role of a boxer, for which the girl gained muscle mass, became not only a landmark in Swank's career, but also brought the actress the coveted Oscar statuette.

The whole world is discussing how the famous actress Angelina Jolie has shockingly changed. It is really difficult to recognize the former seductive beauty in an emaciated and emaciated woman. The American edition of the National Enquirer reports that actress Angelina Jolie is allegedly dying of weight loss and cancer. According to the tabloid, Jolie has lost up to 35 kilograms, refuses to eat and does not try to bring herself back to normal.

It is also reported that the actress was hospitalized. The magazine notes that the actress's husband, Brad Pitt, is threatening her with a divorce, thus trying to force Jolie to start eating. Together with the article, the tabloid also published photographs in which the actress really seems painfully thin. It is worth noting that this is not the first time that in the American media, and in particular in the National Enquirer, information appears that Jolie is dying of anorexia, because the actress has lost weight not in a week or a month. The celebrity has been dropping kilogram after kilogram for several years. Here's what she looked like recently:

But, interestingly, Jolie is far from the first and, unfortunately, a woman who has brought herself to such a state. It would seem beautiful, successful, rich, famous. Yes, after all, she has a husband - Brad Pitt! What else might be needed for happy life?! But that doesn't seem to be the issue. We remembered the stories of others famous people, who are also shocking with their thinness, and tried to figure out why this is happening.

Here, for example, Lesya Kafelnikova is the daughter of the famous tennis player Evgeny Kafelnikov. She is a successful model, but with a height of 174 centimeters, 17-year-old Lesya weighs 44 kilograms. Her father calls her anorexic.

“This is real anorexia,” says Yevgeny Kafelnikov. - Lesya has 14-year-old teenagers on Instagram who do not understand anything in life, they say, well done, that they have lost weight. Don't listen to these idiots! Last year, Lesya weighed 52 kilos. I was glad that my daughter was so beautiful: she had feminine forms, outlines. Now what? I am categorically against such weight loss, but Lesya does not listen to me.

“If I get better, I won’t be able to work as a model anymore,” says the model herself. - And, frankly, I was already tormented by my dad's talk about the fact that I need to get better.

A few years ago, the daughter of the “beautiful nanny” Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who also tried herself as a model, suffered the same fate:

What can I say, even the handsome George Clooney sounded the alarm when his wife, the famous lawyer Amal Alamuddin, with a height of 172 centimeters, began to weigh 40 kilograms.

The heiress of the 600 millionth empire, Allegra Versace, has also been treated for anorexia for a long time in a special clinic. This was told to The Daily Mail by her mother, famous fashion designer (and, judging by the photographs, also close to exhaustion) Donatella Versace.

“My daughter is very sick. Anorexia literally eats it from the inside, and we are all very worried. Nevertheless, the doctors are doing everything possible to snatch her from the clutches of this terrible disease, and we very much hope for them. Many mothers know what I have to go through now and what my daughter is risking.”

It is believed that the fashion for thinness, bordering on the painful, was introduced by Victoria Beckham. She herself has never denied that she is on a strict diet. But she did not agree with those who claimed that this was no longer a diet, but a real anorexia. She even sued one tabloid. Before the birth of her daughter, doctors literally forced Victoria to gain weight. And after the birth of her daughter, she tried not to appear in public until she returned to her previous form:

However, anorexia is not some kind of "star" disease. This is what happens to everyone, including ordinary people. So, now the story of Rachel Farrukh and Rod Edmondson is being actively discussed. Ten years ago they were a beautiful, healthy couple. They met at a fitness club where Rachel was a client and Rod was a personal trainer. The girl was 27 years old. With a height of 170 cm, she weighed 57 kg.

At some point, Rachel decided that she would look better if she dried her abs. An innocent, at first glance, desire turned into the fact that at the age of 37, a woman began to weigh 18 kg. Her husband quit his job to take care of her.

Why do women, including those who, at first glance, have everything, bring themselves to such a state? One of the options that psychologists are leaning towards is the desire for some mythical ideal figure, which eventually develops into an obsession and a terrible disease. So, a friend of the Pitt-Joli family shared with reporters that the actress has always been a real fan of beans and grains, "but now she began to eat only products from millet, buckwheat, chia seeds and quinoa." The desire for an ideal figure has led to the fact that now the actress looks like a skeleton.

Here's what psychologists say:

- The danger is that anorexia creeps up gradually - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss turns into a mania. At one point, something clicks in the brain, and refusing to eat becomes an end in itself.

At first, the young organism fights for its rightful piece of bread - it wants to eat something ... And then the appetite disappears altogether, and the worst begins. Aversion to food, when even a slice of orange or a spoonful of yogurt can cause painful vomiting.

Usually, patients with anorexia fall into the hands of doctors with a body weight deficit of 20-30%. That is, a girl who should weigh 60 kg with a height of 170 brings herself up to 40 kg! Anorexia has two mechanisms of development - external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous). The first is more common, accounting for about 70% of all cases of anorexia. Under him, the obsession with losing weight is always based on nervous experiences, a kind of protest. A decrease in appetite can be caused by quite objective reasons: the first unsuccessful love experience, a difficult divorce of parents, conflicts at school, a host of other things that in youth seem to be “the end of the world”. As a rule, girls suffering from anorexia are very impressionable and suspicious natures, with elements of envy and self-deprecation in character. This type of anorexia is successfully treated by the joint efforts of a psychologist and a nutritionist. Sometimes it is enough with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques to find the true cause of the girl's dissatisfaction with herself and others. Depression will pass, and appetite will return.

Another type of anorexia is an external manifestation of a serious mental disorder - congenital or acquired (against the background of neurosis, trauma or infection). The hallmark of endogenous anorexia is not a far-fetched, but a real physical aversion to food. It seems that any food is completely tasteless or has a nasty taste and smell. Patients bring themselves to complete exhaustion. In such cases, the help of a psychiatrist is needed.

However, there is another opinion. Here is what fitness blogger Lena Miro writes about the story with Angelina Jolie:

- One of the most beautiful women of our time has become a victim of a mental disorder in which even with a minimum weight, a person seems ugly fat to himself. This has already happened in the past. A few years ago, Jolie was literally dragged from the other world when her weight was 40 kg. Angelina threw tantrums, but there was loving husband. Brad Pitt quit his business and flew to the shooting to his wife, where he tried to calm her down, console her. And he succeeded - Jolie, having entered the mind, got out of the trailer and continued to work.

I can't shake my personal liking for Angie. I know everything: about her turbulent past with drugs and orgies, and rumors that she is infected with hepatitis C, and about how ugly she behaves with her husband. I know, but I really feel sorry for her. It is the same regret when the Mona Lisa was destroyed or the Venus de Milo was blown up. However, even stronger, because Angelina is a living person.

Beauty is a terrible force. No fools, it really is. A person gets used to a beautiful appearance, uses it, and when it disappears over time, this can become a real tragedy. Up to suicide and mental disorders. Beautiful woman learns to use what is given to her. Appearance opens any doors for her, makes it possible to earn more and live better than everyone else. She can have any man nearby, she is loved, she is worshipped. Losing beauty, a woman goes crazy. And sometimes it ends sadly.