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» Scary old woman in a dream. Dream interpretation of an old woman, why an old woman dreams, an old woman in a dream

Scary old woman in a dream. Dream interpretation of an old woman, why an old woman dreams, an old woman in a dream

Old people are divided into two categories - angry and harmful old people, the rest - good-natured and calm. You want to contact the first type on rare occasions, so everyone tries to once again avoid a possible meeting. You can talk to the others as much as you like without noticing how time flies.

Why they differ is a question requiring philosophical investigation. We will not focus close attention on this. Let's talk about why elderly people appear to us in our night dreams. For example, can you answer why the old woman dreams? But this is unlikely, and the dream interpreter will give the answer, therefore, you need to turn to him first. Let's get started.

"Baba Yaga" in current life

I dreamed of a treacherous grandmother who was wearing a dark gray scarf - a sign of a long illness. Having learned about this, you should immediately take care of preventing your health, Miller’s dream book recommends, and the disease will bypass you.

If you dream that an angry grandmother scolds you, threatens you and waves her stick - a threat hangs over you, the dream book warns. You should not get involved in matters of a dubious nature in the coming days.

Did you dream about an unfamiliar grandmother? In a dream, she warns that a wave of weakness and indifference will suddenly surge. Try to deal with these feelings and move forward. The dream book will explain in detail why this image is also dreamed of.

Miller's opinion

Did you happen to see an unfamiliar old woman in the night? Miller's dream book prophesies worries and troubles that will lead to a nervous breakdown.

Think about the inevitable...

Why do you usually dream about an unfamiliar grandmother? The interpretation of the dream largely depends on her appearance, behavior and the place where she happened to see her grandmother.

Did you dream about an old woman in black? It was probably Death itself. This doesn’t mean that you will die immediately, it’s just time to think about something serious. The same vision symbolizes the comprehension of spiritual secrets or karmic punishment.

In a dream, meeting a grandmother on the road or in the forest means a comfortable old age and a quiet departure to another world. If an unfamiliar grandmother came straight to the house, then the dream book promises the death of the person you recently remembered. Did you happen to find an old woman in a hole? Mortal danger awaits you, be careful.

Hold on!

Did you dream about someone else's granny? Soon guests from another city will come to you, and you will have to show miracles of hospitality. Did an unfamiliar grandmother appear in a dream? The dream book advises you to gather your strength: life will throw you many difficulties and challenges.

Did you happen to meet a completely helpless old lady? This means that you will show weakness at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes the image hints at a job for which you will be paid much less than you expected.

Be wiser!

Why else do you dream about an unfamiliar grandmother? In a dream, it is a symbol of wisdom and maturity, respect and gratitude. In addition, the image reflects thoughts about the coming old age and spiritual quests.

Did you have to see someone else's grandmother? The dream book advises to show caution and wisdom in the matter that concerns you at the moment. Perhaps you need truly wise advice from someone more knowledgeable.

If a man happens to marry a clearly elderly bride, then his success will very quickly be replaced by total bad luck.

There will be no help!

Have you ever wondered why you dream of an unfamiliar grandmother? Remember what she looked like. If the old woman was completely weak and decrepit, then the dream book prophesies disappointment or the complete extinction of love. Sometimes a decrepit grandmother comes to a serious illness in a dream.

Did you dream about a woman with a stick? You are in vain counting on the support of your loved ones. The toothless granny warns: a secret will come to light that you are ashamed to even remember.

Seeing a grandmother without hair at night means poverty and hunger. If a cheerful and clean old woman appears, then only proven methods should be used to solve the pressing problem.

Decoding actions

What else does the appearance of such a strange character mean? The dream book recommends remembering what you personally had to do in the dream.

In dreams we often meet some characters, be they fictional characters who appear out of nowhere in our subconscious, or people we know, anything can happen.

Sometimes these people are pleasant and dear to us, and sometimes in a dream we encounter a scary, unpleasant or angry person who frightens us and leaves unpleasant emotions. But, no matter who appears in your dream, it is worth finding out the meaning of this visit - because every vision is given to us for a reason, and even more so, people always come into our dreams to point out something. A separate case is the old woman.

What does it mean to dream in which an old woman was present? This symbol can say a lot. Old age itself is a symbol of weakness and passing life, wisdom and experience, and great knowledge. But depending on whether she was angry or pleasant, scary or pretty, in black or colored clothes, and on many other details, the meaning of the dream will be completely different.

The dream book describes many options for such “senile” dreams:

  • I dreamed of an old woman.
  • Evil, scary grandmother in a dream.
  • Dreaming of an old woman in black.
  • Kind, pleasant grandmother in dreams.
  • Meet her in the forest, in the field.
  • Suddenly appeared on the way, appeared out of nowhere.
  • The old one is chasing you in a dream, wants to harm you.
  • Scary, creepy old woman.
  • Grandma gave you something in your dreams.
  • Grandma with a stick.
  • I dreamed of an old woman I knew.
  • A very old, ancient old woman.
  • Dreaming of a beggar.

Not all of these dreams are pleasant, some leave a very dark aftertaste on the soul, but believe me, not only you have this dream - dreams with old women are not something surprising. Remember that even if the dream was scary, nothing threatens you, it’s just a symbol. And you can find out what he promises you!

Dream meanings

Before reading what the dream book says, remember the dreamed vision in detail, analyze it yourself, maybe you are missing some details? After reading the meaning, think about it and treat it correctly. Dreams are only hints of future events and their probabilities, and not exact verdicts.

1. As the dream book says, an old woman in dreams is a symbol of weakness and illness, and if you dreamed of her, then you should think about how you live. This is a reminder that youth and strength are not an eternal resource, it must be protected and supported, maintained healthy image life, take care of your health.

2. An evil grandmother in a dream is a symbol of enemies and adversity. The dream book says that difficulties are possible in reality; ill-wishers at work or in other areas may try to harm you, but these are only tests that you can overcome with dignity.

Do not be afraid of adversity, stand firmly and confidently on the ground, fight for what is dear to you, and any difficulties will recede before you. Even if an unfavorable period comes, it will definitely end.

3. An old woman in black says that your suspicions are not in vain. You guess in reality about something, suspect someone or something, but you have no real grounds or evidence, just guesses. Higher powers are hinting to you that your suspicions are true and you are right. How to manage this information is up to you, but do not make hasty conclusions, do not chop wood rashly.

4. A kind, pleasant, calm grandmother in a dream is a very favorable and good symbol. Here old age does not act as a symbol of weakness and illness, but on the contrary, it indicates that you are under reliable protection higher powers, you have invisible defenders who will not let you be offended.

5. If you saw an unfamiliar old woman in a vision in the forest, in a field or by a river, this is a good symbol of the wisdom that is given to you. You have knowledge that needs to be revealed, fate has given you a lot of important and secret things, and everything that happens gives you the most valuable experience. Notice everything that happens around you, perceive it not superficially, but deeply, comprehend it, become wiser.

6. Curious why you dream of an old woman who suddenly appeared, appeared unexpectedly and, perhaps, greatly frightened you in a dream? This unpleasant dream is a warning that in reality you may experience sudden danger, if you are not ready for it. Just try to always be collected so that nothing can suddenly scare you.

7. If your grandmother was chasing you, the dream book indicates your fears in reality, which are absolutely in vain. How in real life an old man If you are unable to catch up with the young and healthy, your fears have no serious basis, and no trouble will catch up with you.

8. Why do you dream of a creepy, frightening old woman, who made your blood run cold in the dream? Don't be afraid of anything. This vision is just a hint that you have done something and feel inner remorse, it drains you. Find a way to fix everything, ask for forgiveness, repent - everything will be fine.

9. If an old lady gave you something in your dreams, you will soon receive very important and valuable new knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Do not miss!

10. A grandmother with a stick is a hint that you risk being hooked by unkind people. Don’t be too naive and gullible, beware of bad people, trust your intuition.

11. If you dreamed of a grandmother you know, this is an indicator of your attitude towards old people in general. What happened in the dream, the events, your communication, your actions are a metaphorical reflection of how you feel about the older generation in reality. And if you dreamed about it, it means it’s important. You either do not respect and neglect the opinions of old people too much, or, on the contrary, you pay too much attention to them.

12. A very ancient grandmother - your thoughts about death. It is worth thinking and remembering that life is not eternal. What do you have time to do, what do you spend it on? This is worth thinking about, this dream pushes you to these thoughts. Think about why you live in reality, what you spend your valuable time on, which is running out every day.

13. A beggar woman dreams of poverty. This is not a sentence, but a warning. You must be smart about your finances, work and earn money, spend money wisely, find new ways to earn income.

As the interpreter shows, such visions are very important and deep, filled with important, serious meaning. Take the time and think about this, about your life, about your actions, thoughts and deeds.

Even scary and unpleasant visions are sometimes very necessary and useful; they should prompt important thoughts. Analyze life, live now, and not in the past or dreams of the future. And remember that you create your own destiny! Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • An old woman means illness, danger to life, your thoughts about death. Evil old woman - enemies will pursue, deception, angry and disheveled - your evil self, your antipode. Old woman in black - suspicions will come true, the “angel of death”, her appearance and actions communicate something about the circumstances of your death, but not at all about the time when this will happen. Old maid - your home or your family will cause you suffering, an image of your callousness. A kind old woman in a dream is a faithful protector; suspicions will not be justified. To meet her on the road, in a field, in a forest is wisdom, sometimes a quiet peaceful death that awaits you in old age. The old woman in the hut is a certain dead person whose death you recently thought about. Finding an old woman in a hole, in the middle of a field, in the mountains, etc. is a danger that awaits you not close, but suddenly, harm from the fact that you think little about death. The old woman is chasing you - vain fears for life and health. The old cannibal woman is the image of your soul absorbing vitality and other people's luck, you have a heavy hand and an evil eye.
  • Angry, old or ugly women chasing you in a dream, flying or running after you, singing, rushing at you, sitting on your chest and strangling you is some kind of evil thought about a loved one, which you repent of.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • You will be called upon to demonstrate your knowledge to others.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • Old age symbolizes decadence, cessation of development, and dying. This image is undeniably negative and indicates that a vampiric takeover is taking place in relation to you. But if you see a neat old man, with expressive looks, without any special signs of illness or infirmity, then this is a positive image. It’s good if you dream of an old man who is familiar with the true knowledge of nature and life - a sage. In this form your true essence appears. Your real needs are being missed. Listen carefully to the words of such an old man if he tells you something in a dream, and then in reality boldly follow his advice. Such a sage-prophet can appear in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, farmer, shepherd, or fisherman. When a person is ready to live in accordance with his inner essence, then the sage appears as a soothsayer bringing wisdom.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • For a man, a dream in which he is courting an old woman, and she reciprocates his feelings, is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing success in worldly affairs and marriage to a beautiful young woman; he will have charming children and he will be very happy.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Old Woman

  • joy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Seeing an Old Woman in a dream

  • Old woman - displeasure, loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • Benevolent - mentor, benefactor; listen to the advice of your elders and parents.
  • Angry, unpleasant - you have ill-wishers.
  • With a stick - be careful and don’t get hooked by unkind people.
  • Familiar old man, old woman - check your relationship with old people you know. Maybe they need help, or, on the contrary, you are wasting your energy in vain, “pulling” them on yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Old Woman

  • Symbolizes extreme decline, close proximity to death, representing a matrix for many other images (mother, baby, child, dog, eagle, monk, nun, etc.). The symbol is super-negative because it hides a human-deforming deviation monitor. Indicates a vampiric hold that causes damage to the subject.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that the FATHER or MOTHER played in their lives was lost in the whirlpool of life due to DIVORCE, excessive workload or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche tends to seek a replacement for what is lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself.
  • Often these characters personify and affirm the authenticity of some source of wisdom that was not taken into account by the psyche. Perhaps you have to solve a problem that cannot be solved due to your too CONSCIOUS worldview. Thus, more effective way The solution to the problem may be one that you characterize as outdated. The image of wisdom in the dream is trying to open your eyes to this.
  • Do you view your heritage, the prospect of your own old age, with some fear or disdain?
  • Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by elders about the life choices you face?
  • Are you in search of wisdom or feel a lack of it in solving life's problems?

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Why does the Old Woman dream?

  • Displeasure and anxiety await.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream Interpretation Old Woman

  • Seeing an evil old woman means possible unpleasant events in the future, anxiety, stress, the evil eye, etc.; For patients, such a dream (especially if the old woman is bony) portends a worsening of the condition, sometimes even death; See kind old lady who has positive intentions towards you - to favorable events in the future, for patients - to an improvement in their condition.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: medieval dream book Daniel, children's dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), self-instruction book (dream book by Vrublevskaya), noble dream book by N. Grishina, dream book of Nostradamus, women's dream book, Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book, spiritual dream book, Veles's dream book, Indian shamanic dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, dream book of happy omens, Longo's dream book, lovers' dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Aesop's dream book, dream book for women, Jung's dream book, Vanga's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic) , erotic dream book Danilova, Chinese dream book of Zhou-gong, dream book of Denise Lynn (brief), and others.

Dreams are full of a variety of images. People can visit them different ages and genders that we may or may not know. If you saw an elderly woman in a dream, especially an unfamiliar one, but remembered her, it is better to look in the dream book to know exactly what it means.
Modern dream book
Dream "grandmother". A grandmother coming into your dream indicates that a family member or friend will soon become ill.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Seeing a grandmother in a dream is a sign of joy.
Psychoanalytic dream book
Why do you dream of a grandmother in a white robe with? A similar image that appears in the mind is the image of Fatima, denoting the path of service.
Freud's Dream Book
Dream of “killing your grandmother with your own hands.” (Also see) Your subconscious mind gives you a hint. There is probably someone in your circle with whom you do not want a relationship, even if you try to convince yourself that this is not the case. Take a closer look: perhaps your paths in life have already diverged, and the core that held you together that was before has disappeared.
Seeing a grandmother in a dream, according to Freud's dream book, also means that you do not need to be afraid to experiment in bed. Do not use the same techniques, even if you are a master of them: monotony is not enough.
Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • What does this dream book say? Seeing your grandmother means longevity, and if your grandmother speaks to you, then expect an inheritance.
  • But, if you look into the same dream book, someone else’s sick grandmother lying down portends death.
  • Seeing a sick grandmother in a dream always means illness. (cm. )
  • A dream about a grandmother also means anxiety and some kind of displeasure.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: grandma represents depressing chores and worries that deprive one of internal balance.
  • If you are, then get ready for noisy fun in the company, adventures that you will strive for, but which will most likely lead to disappointment. Humiliation with resentment - this is what the witch grandmother dreams about.
  • Dream interpretation: “an evil grandmother came in a dream” is a reflection of the anger accumulated inside. This is an indicator of accumulated grievances and indignation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Why do you dream about a dying grandmother? Painful death - bad sign. For you personally this means cruel man with whom you are about to meet. In general, such a dream means the appearance of a criminal who will kill many people.
someone else's grandmother can mean a variety of things. If the grandmother is some kind of important person in your dream, then it is likely that something will happen in the real world soon, for example, anxiety or even some kind of turmoil. Perhaps a politician will die and immediately after that, unrest will begin, even leading to war.
Azar's Dream Book
Why do you dream about an unfamiliar grandmother? An elderly, decrepit woman, according to this dream book, signifies illness.
Esoteric dream book
The dream "grandmother's death" signifies, on the contrary, a long life for her. If you do not know the deceased, then this dream indicates your personal philosophical reasoning and foreshadows the time when you will need to think about the meaning of existence.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Why do you dream about an evil grandmother? Such a dream indicates deception or persecution of enemies.
  • Why do you dream about a scary grandmother? A scary, disheveled grandmother is your other self, your negative, evil part.
  • Why do you dream of a grandmother in black? As this dream book says: a grandmother in black is a kind of “angel of death.” Such a dream can tell about the circumstances of your own death, for example about the place or reason, but not about the time when it will happen.
  • Why do you dream about grandma in the house? An old woman in a hut is someone who has already died, about whom you are probably in Lately thought.
  • Dream Interpretation: an old scary woman was flying. If you see yourself in a dream flying in the form of a grandmother or any other form, then this indicates that you are thinking about death, or there is something that threatens your life.

Dream book of health
The dream “grandmother is evil” - whether it is your fault or not, it is a sign of unpleasant events that will happen to you in the future. Signifies anxiety, stress, possible evil eye. If you are sick, then this is a sign of a deterioration in your condition, especially if the pastern is bony.
Wanderer's Dream Book

  • According to this dream book, a grandmother appearing in a dream can mean different things, depending on how she looks.
  • Dream "scary grandma". As they wrote in the dream book, a terrible grandmother marks some danger that may await you or your loved ones.
  • Dream "grandmother in black". Seeing a grandmother in black in a dream means punishment or initiation into spiritual secrets.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya
Dream Interpretation: a grandmother who is not familiar to you speaks of the appearance of a friend from outside your city who will stay with you.
Dream Interpretation Menetti
“A scary old woman hugs a man” - a dream of this kind may frighten the dreamer. According to this dream book, grandma represents deep decline and predicts the end life path. The image of a grandmother is negative, indicating that vitality is being drawn from a person.
Gypsy dream book
The dream “a grandmother in rags comes through the door” - if you focus on clothes, then dreams in which you see a person in rags indicate that you are being unfair to to a loved one. The image of a grandmother foreshadows that you will have to demonstrate your knowledge to others, and the door is a solution to problems from which you need to find a way out yourself.
Grandma appears in your dream as a hint about what to expect from the people around you and from your life path. She draws your attention to the problems you and your loved ones have so that you can take the necessary measures in time.