Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Construction games for preschool age. Construction games

Construction games for preschool age. Construction games

Construction games children of the younger group

1. Organize by color.

Material: Lego bricks of all colors.

Target: Fix the color of the Lego parts.

Rule: Children, at the leader’s command, place Lego bricks into boxes.

2. Pass the Lego brick.

Material: 1 large Lego brick.

Target : development of movement coordination.

Rule: the presenter closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle at the command of the leader: “Pass.” Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop." He opens his eyes; which of the children has a brick, he becomes the leader.

Construction games for middle group children

1. Find a building.

Material: cards, buildings, box

Target: develop attention, observation, and the ability to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, looking at it carefully, calling what is shown and looking for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.

2. Who is faster?

Material: 4 boxes, Lego parts, 2 for each player.

Target: develop speed, attention, coordination of movement.

Rule: players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own part. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster wins.

3. Lego on the head.

Material: Lego brick.

Target: development of dexterity and movement coordination.

Rule: a child puts a Lego brick on his head. The other children give him tasks. For example: Walk two steps, sit down, lift one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If a child completes three tasks and a brick does not fall off his head, then he has won and receives a prize.

Construction games for older children

1. Whose team will build faster.

Material: LEGO construction set, sample construction.

Target: We learn to build as a team, to help each other. Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills.

Rule : Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building. For example: house, car with the same number of parts. Each child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, selecting the required part and attaching it to the building. The team that builds the building the fastest wins.

2. Find the part the same as on the card.

Material: cards, LEGO construction parts, plate.

Target : fix the names of LEGO construction parts.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a LEGO construction part. And they find the same part and attach it to the plate. At the end of the game, the children come up with what happened.

3. Mystery bag.

Material: LEGO construction set, bag.

Target: learn to guess the details of the designer by touch.

Rule : The presenter holds a bag with Lego parts. Children take turns taking one detail and guessing. Then they take it out of the bag and show it to everyone.

4. Put the parts in their places.

Material: boxes, Lego parts, beak, paw, oval, semicircle.

Target: fix the names of the Lego constructor.

Rules: Children are given boxes and a construction set, two parts are distributed for each child. Children must a short time assemble the entire constructor. Whoever collects everything without mistakes wins.

Construction games for preparatory groups

1. Name and build.

Material : Lego set

Target : Fix the names of the Lego constructor, learn to work in a team.

Rules : The leader gives each child in turn a construction piece. The child names it and keeps it. When each child has two parts. The presenter gives the task to build one building from all the parts and come up with what they built. When they built it, one child tells what they built.

2. Lego gifts.

Material : playing field, men for the number of players, dice, Lego - gifts.

Target: develop interest in the game, develop attention.

Rule: children distribute the little men among themselves. They are placed on the playing field. They take turns throwing the dice and moving clockwise. When the first person completes the entire circle. Then he wins and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts are taken away.

Cube: one side with the number one, the second with the number two, the third with the number three, the fourth with a cross and skip the move.

3. Remember the location.

Material: Lego set, plates for all players.

Target: development of attention and memory.

Rules: The presenter builds any building with no more than eight parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the building is closed, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it correctly wins and becomes the leader.

4. Build without opening your eyes.

Material : plate, construction set.

Target: We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills and endurance.

Rule: in front of the children is a plate and a construction set. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Those who have more interesting construction are encouraged.

Irina Sustavova
Synopsis of the construction game “A Ship Trip to the Zoo” (senior group)


View design

«» , senior group

Type design: technical.

Construction according to simple drawings

And visual diagrams (following the example).

Program content

Target: consolidate a skill.

Strengthen children's knowledge about animals living in zoo: elephant, hare, bear, fox, their habits, what they eat.

Bring up creative imagination, activity and awareness in the process games.

Previous work building material.

Equipment: toys

Construction material

Leadership Techniques:


Playing out the buildings

« Boat trip to the zoo» , senior group

Type design: technical. Construction from building material. Construction according to simple drawings

and visual diagrams (following the example). Target: reinforce a skill fast action with building material. Strengthen children's knowledge about animals living in zoo: elephant, hare, bear, fox, their habits, what they eat. Cultivate creative imagination, activity and awareness in the process games.

Previous work: Children looked at paintings about animals, laid out a ship from a mosaic, from building material.

Equipment: toys: fox, bear, hare, elephant, squirrel. Construction material, tickets, captain's cap, binoculars, steering wheel.

Teacher showing manufacturing techniques designs

Playing out the buildings:

Guys, today we did something amazing and very interesting. journey. You, of course, love animals very much and would probably like to go to zoo. Today you and I will accomplish this journey. Not in our city zoo so we'll go into it journey in a big and very beautiful city Saint Petersburg. What transport can we use to get to this city? (children's answers). Let's go to zoo by boat, we will see a lot of interesting things when we drive along the sea. But what do we need to prepare to go to journey, Right build a steamship.

Now let's appoint engineers, builders, designers that will create steamship according to this example.

Who will be the engineer? Seryozha, okay.

Dima wants to be a builder, Andrey, Sasha...

And who will control the helm? Natasha, okay.

- Builders Engineers, get to work, look at the picture.

What do you need first? build?

A platform for steamship.

What will we be from? build? That's right, from rectangular bars.

And now you need to build it yourself steamship

Consists of complex departments steamship?

What do you need first? build constructor? Yes fuel departments.

- Builders, get started.

What do you use for this?


Well done, builders, engineers, the steamship is being built quickly.

What's left to do?

Rocket nose.

Fine, the ship is ready to sail? Yes.


Bottom line:

Captains you are given the following exercise: in this album you need to make sketches of the animals you meet and we will take them to your deck.

Publications on the topic:

Organizing constructive play with preschool children 3 slide The game is an end-to-end mechanism for the development of a child (clause 2.7. Federal State Educational Standard for Education, through which the content of five educational programs is implemented.

Diagnostics of constructive activity From 3-4 years old. Plans his buildings, uses various building parts in accordance with their structural properties..

Summary of constructive activity “History of scissors” (senior group) History of scissors. Etc. sod. Expand children's understanding of familiar objects and the history of their origin. Continue teaching children to guess.

Summary of constructive activities “New district of the city. Building" Topic: “New district of the city” (buildings (as planned) Purpose: Updating children’s ideas about urban infrastructure and construction methods.

Goal: Formation of constructive skills and abilities. Objectives: 1. Strengthen the ability to highlight color, shape, size as special properties items.

Irina Yankevich
Card index of construction games (junior group)

1 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

“Building a house for a cat, a dog and a goat”

Target: Develop children's ability to build a house. Learn to build in the required sequence. Promote cooperative play


Progress of the game. - Look, it’s raining, and our puppy Bimka is wet, he’s sitting under a tree and shaking. He needs to build warm house- booth. The teacher offers to build a house for the dog. Children select the materials themselves and invent the house themselves.

"Animal pen"

Target: Learn to build from vertically placed bricks. Cultivate careful handling of construction. Activate dictionary: brick, pen

Material: bricks.

Progress of the game. The teacher brings a set of plastic pets and offers to build a pen for them so that they do not run away and are not eaten by wolves. It must be built from bricks placed vertically.

5 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Building a truck, roads"

Target: Strengthen the ability to tightly lay bricks flat to each other with the narrow short side (road). Place the cube firmly and evenly on the second brick (car).

Material: cubes and bricks.

Progress of the game. The teacher contributes to traffic light group, children remember what they know about traffic lights. Let's build a road and a car, shows how to build, plays with buildings.

"Gate for Aibolit car"

Target: Learn to build a gate from two vertically standing bricks, on which another brick is placed.. Material: bricks

Progress of the game. Attention, a tiger at the zoo is sick. Good Doctor Aibolit is driving a car to cure a sick person. The car enters the park, the trees make it difficult to drive further, you and I urgently need to build a gate for the car. Children offer their buildings.

9 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"The doll has a housewarming party"

Target: To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, teach them to play with buildings, and enrich the experience of children. Construction of furniture, rooms different ways.

Material: cubes and bricks. prisms, plates. cylinders.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to become builders and build entire rooms with furniture for the dolls. Choose it yourself construction material. Friends for work, and placing the dolls in a new home.

"Town for Dolls"

Target: Continue to create buildings according to the general plot. Build skill design as desired, cultivate the desire and ability to build calmly together

Material: cubes and bricks of prisms, plates. cylinders.

Progress of the game. - Look, our dolls were very upset, they had a fire, all the houses in the city burned down. Therefore, they need to be helped and built new houses. Let us help our toys, create our own houses, come up with our own buildings.

13 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Folding the figures"

Target submissions constructive activity Material

Take out inserts, such as circles, and have your child assemble them on the table and then place them in the appropriate slots. Then assemble triangles and squares in the same way.

15 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

“We come up with figures”

Target: Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing, developing imagination, creative activity.

Material: planar set geometric shapes primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

The child can come up with and put together shapes from various elements, give them names.

"Trace the outline"

Target: Introducing the concepts of shape, color, size, creating basic mathematical submissions: acquaintance with geometric figures, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, development logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development of fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing, development of imagination, creative activity. Material:

The set includes frames. If a child likes to draw and color, then he can quite easily draw a figure himself, tracing the inside of the frame with a pencil. Then this drawing can be shaded or painted over; cut

3 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Ladder for the turtle"

Target: Continue teaching children to create buildings, placing parts on top of each other and placing them next to each other; recognize and name building materials and buildings.

Material: bricks and plates.

Progress of the game. IN group children find a family of turtles. The teacher builds in advance group pond and invites the children to build a ladder so that the turtles get to the pond. The bricks must be stacked on top of each other.

“A narrow bench for Bunny - Long Ear, a wide bench for Mishutka”

Target: Learn to build a narrow bench from two bricks and a plate and a wide bench from four bricks and two plates.

Material: bricks and plates.

Progress of the game. Funny toys come to visit the children and tell the children that there are not even benches in the forest. The teacher invites the children to build a narrow bench for the bunny, and a wide bench for the bear. Children themselves select materials for construction.

7 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Collect circles"

Target: Strengthen children’s ability to navigate homogeneous objects (more, less, even less, small, selecting them in a certain sequence; teach to enrich sensory experience when acting with a certain form and different sizes, learning their physical properties.

Material: flat circles of different sizes and colors.

Progress of the game. Let's create with you fairy room and arrange the circles according to size, color, and your mood.

"Bridge for pedestrians"

Target: Continue to learn two ladders and make an overlap (put a plate on top, play with the structure. Dictionary: ladder, height, above, bridge, next to, plate.

Material: cubes and bricks, plate

Progress of the game. Here we have a wide river. And you and I need to translate the toys. - What should we do? Of course, build a bridge. (The teacher builds a sample)

Invites children to build their own bridge and transport toys.

11 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Different Cars"

Target: To strengthen children’s understanding of the color and name of building parts, methods design. Teach children to compare buildings and notice their differences.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

Progress of the game. You and I have already built a road and a car. and now you can come up with your own cars and build a whole garage of various cars. Children compare buildings. Name their cars.

“Building a steamship, a boat. The doll's trip to visit"

Target: Strengthen children’s ability to place bricks tightly together, placing them on the long narrow side, depicting a boat or steamship. Distinguish the details of the bow and stern.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

Progress of the game. Our toys love to travel, but to sail the sea you need to build a ship. Let's help our toys and build a ship and name it "Friendship."

14 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

“Finding geometric shapes”

Target: Introducing the concepts of shape, color, size, creating basic mathematical submissions: acquaintance with geometric figures, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development of fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing, development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes of primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

Scatter the game and invite your child to find triangles, circles, rectangles. Ask them to list the geometric shapes, count their number, and compare them based on their main characteristics. (angle, sides, number of them)

17 Games by design

(junior preschool age)

"Make an ornament"

Target: Introducing the concepts of shape, color, size, creating basic mathematical submissions: acquaintance with geometric figures, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development of fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing, development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes of primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

The basis of the ornament is the arrangement of repeating elements on a plane. Ornaments can be made from both identical and different figures placing them along a line, in a fan, in a flower, or partially overlapping each other

Constructive and construction classes are aimed at developing spatial thinking, which contributes to more effective mental, sensory, moral, labor, creative and aesthetic development children.

Children are introduced to the size and shape of cubes and bricks, and are taught to place them in a row or on top of each other. They show how to assemble and disassemble the pyramid.

Comparison skills are taught at older ages various forms, sizes, colors of parts, the ability to select them in accordance with the intended action.

Constructive construction games in kindergarten are recognized as creative and are considered as a type of role-playing games. It cannot do without a motive, a game plan, a role, rules, game actions, and a result.

Note to teachers: You can buy equipment for construction games in kindergarten in a specialized store for kindergartens -

Place and material for construction games

A special corner is allocated at the site and in the group with all the materials necessary for classes.

Play “building materials” must be safe and meet the objectives of constructive development for a specific age group children.


  • Natural materials - sand, stones, snow, clay, water.
  • Ancillary materials - boxes, boards, crates.
  • Specially created material in the form of a table and floor construction set. For example: “Ancient Castle”, “Young Architect”, “Lego” and others.

Examples of construction games for kindergarten

Children play with story constructors with great pleasure. Such sets allow you to build buildings of a certain nature in the form of a farm, a palace, an Egyptian pyramid.

IN seniors and preparatory groups games are made more complex by the use of building materials with different methods of fastening. Having mastered the floor constructor, older children are interested in using building materials with more in a complicated way fastenings They can easily cope with ceramic and metal construction sets.

A new technique is also used - design using flat geometric shapes, including those made from paper. Children aged 4-7 years learn, using symbolic means, to create artistic images from their environment and convey an emotional attitude towards them.

Educational children's construction game for children from 3 years old

Floor building constructor, for example, constructor of JLLC PP "Polesie".

Junior group

Purpose of the game:

  • Teach to compare, observe, distinguish, remember color and shape.

The teacher introduces the kids to the names of the construction set parts: cube, brick, plate, cylinder, prism.

Pays attention to color, what details are beautiful - red, yellow, blue, green.

A game:

1. The teacher shows the details one by one - the children name them together.
2. At the request of the teacher, children find parts of the same shape (for example, a cylinder) or the same color (red or blue)
3. "Monkey." Children repeat after the teacher. He took two parts, the children take the same ones. The teacher builds a tower or a house - the kids repeat.

The buildings gradually become more complex.

Middle group

Purpose of the game:

  • Develop creative imagination, aesthetic perception, artistic taste.
  • Teach to follow the sequence of actions.
  • Expand vocabulary: names geometric shapes, spatial relations. (Higher - lower, longer - shorter, right - left).

The teacher talks about the noble work of the builders, what beautiful structures they build. Children get acquainted with illustrations of architectural structures.

A game. The group turns into a construction bureau, which is given construction tasks: tall house, with two apartments, a long path leading to it; a garage with a low fence and so on.

Senior and preparatory groups

Purpose of the game:

  • Formation of independence, active thinking, development of efficiency, constructive and creative abilities, correct relationships in a friendly team.
  • Development of coordination of movements and eye.
  • Construction of the simplest buildings according to drawings drawn by adults, or according to options in the “Construction” section of the preschool general education program.

A game. Children learn to do work according to plan. The teacher draws a plan - for example, a room, a yard or a house. Introduces the children to the plan and puts it away. The task is to create from memory the teacher’s idea from the parts of a building set.

Construction game “My house is made of bricks”

The basics of building houses from building kits.

For younger children

Purpose of the game.

  • Reinforce the concepts: big - small, low - tall.
  • Teach techniques for building houses for your favorite fairy-tale characters.


  • bricks,
  • cubes,
  • triangular prisms.

The teacher, using a counting rhyme, divides the children into two teams: the house builders and its residents (cat, mouse, dog).

A game.

1. The teacher shows the “builders” how to properly build houses for their little friends and says:

- I'll take two cubes
I'll put them close.
I'll put a roof on them -
There will be a pussy house.

He puts two cubes next to each other and a roof on top - a triangular prism - and invites her pussy to the housewarming party. Here everyone unanimously notices that the house is very small and only a mouse can fit in it. The mouse is congratulated on his housewarming.

2. How to build a bigger house for a cat? The teacher places the bricks on edge parallel to each other, with two parallel prisms on top.


- Let’s take two bricks
And let's put them edge-on.
Let's put two prisms with their faces -
The roof will be higher.
Be a good cat -
Jump into your new home quickly!

1. The teacher suggests building a house for the foal.

- This house is very simple -
Let's put the bricks up to size.
Let's cover everything with a roof -
Here comes the house!

2. The teacher shows how you can build a house for a dog.

The dog doesn't want to be homeless
Let's build him a comfortable house!

Two bricks are placed vertically close together. There are also two bricks in parallel at a distance. Two parallel prisms are laid to form a roof. They show how to make a window: a brick is placed on a narrow edge and the wide side is placed against the house.

Metal constructor

Metal construction set is a game of increased complexity that requires a certain skill of children.

Purpose of the game:

  • Teach children to work with the diagram: distinguish parts of the structure in the drawing; find the parts needed for them; arrange them accordingly.

A game.

1. Children get acquainted with a unique way of connecting parts using nuts and small rods with threads.
2. Using the fine muscles of the hands, they learn to tighten the nuts with their fingers. Then tighten them with a small wrench.
3. Assemble structures independently according to the selected diagrams.

Features of classes with metal constructor is the gradual development of the material.
The acquired ability to assemble a model from a drawing receives further development. The assembled models are often used as an addition to other story-based games.

Svetlana Moshkina
Summary of the construction game "Zoo" in senior group

Target: developing gaming skills, organizing a construction game



1. Form ideas about the inhabitants of the zoo: lion, tiger, camel, parrot, bear, etc.

2. Develop the ability to create buildings of different sizes and designs for the same object - a zoo.

3. Foster in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: reading fiction: S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”, looking at illustrations on the topic “zoo”, conversation “who lives in the zoo”, discussion: “Wild animals”, “air, water, earth”, watching the cartoon “Where the sparrow dined” and educational video “Who Lives in the Zoo”, work with diagrams, construction games, virtual tour to the zoo.

Materials and equipment: animal toys for the zoo, construction kits different sizes, building diagrams.

Vocabulary work: zoo, enclosures, sidewalk, cage, veterinarian.

Guys, look who flew into our group (parrot). And his name is Kesha. To find out where he came to us from, you need to guess the riddle:

This is a very strange garden

There are animals in cages there,

They call it a park

People are relaxing in the park.

There are shelters, enclosures,

There are animals walking behind the fence.

What do we call this park?

And let's go see the animals? ( zoo)

Tell me, which of you has been to the zoo? Who knows what a zoo is? A zoo is a place where animals and birds living on earth today are kept and shown to visitors. Right. What animals live there? That's right, wild, domestic, animals of hot countries, animals of the North.

Kesha invites you to build your own zoo, would you like to try it? What will it be like? Who will live in it? What should we call our zoo?

Before us is a construction set, waste material with which we will build a zoo.

Kesha brought us diagrams to help with construction. Look at the diagrams. Name the buildings that will be in our zoo.

What parts or materials will you need for the buildings? (children's answers). Let's agree on how we will build the zoo.

Find yourself a buddy to build with. Take each pair according to the construction diagram and select a set of materials and a place to work.

Remember - you must act in concert and amicably. Now let's start construction. The pair that finishes faster can take the next diagram and complete another construction.

I help the guys agree on who will build what.

Methods and techniques - questions, problem situations, reminders, partial display, explanations, instructions, clarification.

Guys, I see you are already finished. Check if all the buildings are ready, if they are stable, if they are beautiful.

Come out here, now we'll have a little rest:


(children repeat everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

What did you build today? What a beautiful zoo you have turned out to be. Tell us about it: what parts did you use to build it? Did Kesha's schemes help you? What was hard for you? What's easy? Kesha says that Ira and Daniil were good at building walls, and Kirill is well versed in the details of the constructor. But Timofey and Vitalya helped the most. Guys, what do you think is still missing in our zoo?

Kesha liked your zoo so much that he invited his friends. Let's put them in our zoo. Children continue to play a story game with the created building.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Trip to the Zoo” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic word” Goal: 1. Fix the score within the limits.

Notes on origami in senior group No. 8: “Zoo for kids” Goal: Continue to teach children to work independently with paper and diagrams.

Educational areas: " Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development". Target:.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development with a presentation in the senior group “Walk to the Zoo” Topic “Walk to the Zoo” Goal: formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech on the topic “Zoo Animals”. Tasks:.

Summary of the role-playing game "Zoo" Program content: Develop gaming skills, engage in role-playing interaction with each other; Learn to carry out your plans together;

Summary of the role-playing game "Zoo" in the middle group Summary of the role-playing game "Zoo" in middle group. Progress of the game: Game “Animals and Their Cubs” Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws.

Lesson summary for children of the senior group “Zoo” Summary of a lesson for children of the senior group on the topic “Zoo” Educator: Rimma Yuryevna Titova Educational area: Cognitive development.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Zoo” Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Zoo” Purpose. Teach children how to write a short descriptive story. Equipment.

. Topic: creating a project