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Rusts on the facade are a type of plaster finish on the outer walls of buildings. This is one of the most inexpensive and simple decorative ways arrange a plinth or facade.

In this article, we will explain in detail what rusts are and how to make them.

What are they

As you can see in the video above, plastered facades often imitate masonry made of bricks or stones that have a roughly chipped surface or edges cut to some profile. Such processing of plaster is called rustication.

Their volumetric variety, when the facing has the form of pyramids or rectangular prisms, is called squares. These types of plaster processing have been known since ancient times.

These buildings in Ancient Greece and Rome. However, plaster rustications have not lost their relevance so far.

Rusts can imitate the seams of the most different forms, width, depth, vertical and horizontal.

There are three main methods for making them.

  1. Imitation of large stones and seams is stuffed with a steel ruler over a still wet mortar.
  2. Such a decor can also be created with the help of identical, even wooden slats inserted during the plastering of the facade.
  3. Thin seams are cut with a saw through the already set mortar.

Facade rustications can be made over the entire area of ​​the walls of the building, or only on its basement.

It does not matter which tool you will use to create rustication on plaster, you first need to make a horizontal and vertical marking of the surface.
It is produced using a laser or water level, as well as a chopping cord.

Markup under wooden slats make it a little more difficult, more on that below.

Rust making methods

Now let's talk about methods for creating rusts on outer walls buildings.

Stuffing with a steel ruler

For work you will need metal rail(ruler): 8/10 mm thick, 50/100 cm long and 40/50 mm wide, as well as a hammer.

  1. Place the ruler on the surface of the plaster, exactly along the beaten line.
  2. With the help of hammer blows on its edge, drown the ruler to the desired depth, as a rule it is 1/1.5 cm.
  3. Next, carefully remove the instrument from the solution.
  4. Clean the distance between the recesses from the ruler, and then smooth it with a foam, wooden or rubber rectangle of the desired width.

For reference!
Please note that you can fill the rustication with a ruler only on fresh plaster. Their width depends on the thickness of the tool.
However, if you need to make the seams wider, simply sink the ruler parallel to the previous seam, to the width you need.

Creating thin rustication with a saw

A saw saws through thin facade rustications on the already set plaster. The tool should have teeth of medium length.

First, attach the rule to the pre-marked line and use the saw to carefully make cuts. As needed, clean the created seams with an emery cloth.

Making rustication with wooden slats

  1. Reiki should be even and preferably have a trapezoidal section (so it will be easier to remove them from the solution).
    They are attached to the marked .
  2. When making rustications with your own hands, decide in advance in which layer of the solution the slats should be installed - in a primer or a cover.
    This will depend on the depth of the seam you need.
  3. Make an even and precise markup. It will not be possible to beat off fresh plaster with a coloring cord, so mark up using a stretch of fishing line or nylon threads.
  4. Attach wooden slats with mortar or grab with small nails. The method of fastening depends on the thickness of the plaster, as well as the weight and thickness of the rails.
  5. Fill the gaps between the slats tightly with mortar.
  6. After the plaster has set, remove the slats and clean them of adhering mortar.
  7. Loose plaster around joints should be repaired immediately with mortar. If necessary, trim the seams. The work process is shown in the published photo.

How to draw even seams on plaster

To do this, install guides on the wall. It can be either wooden, necessarily even slats or plasterboard profiles.

Align the guides along the marked lines and fix them into the set primer layer with nails or plastic dowels with screws. After completion of work, they are removed along with the slats.

Between the installed guides, throw the solution. Then draw it out using a pre-made template. Attach it tightly to the rails, at an angle of 90 °. The template can be made from plywood and wooden bars.

Manufacturing of squares

  • To create a prismatic square, after applying the primer layer and marking the tapes, find the extreme points of the upper prismatic rib. To do this, divide the right angles on the base of the prism in half with straight lines.
  • Hammer nails at the points where they intersect. They should have such a height that their hats are located at the extreme points on the upper rib.
  • In the four corners of the base of the figure, also hammer in a nail.
  • To create the frame of the prism, connect the heads of all 6 nails with wire.
  • Next, apply a primer layer of mortar around the nails with a plaster spatula, thereby creating the body of the frame.
  • After the primer coat dries, apply a top coat and process it to the selected texture.
  • Then check the correctness of the made edges of the square with a ruler.

As a result of the work, you will receive your home, the price of which will be low, and the aesthetic qualities are very impressive.

In the classical architectural design of the facades of buildings, there is such a thing as rustic - sections of the wall or the whole wall, the decoration of which is presented in the form of piece facing products with a clearly visible seam.

It is this seam that separates piece products from one another along its square or rectangular perimeter and is called rust. At the same time, it is important to know that rust can be made in different bends, that is, forms in its cross section, but at the same time remain strictly straight.

This decoration technique was used in order to give a feeling of heaviness and monumentality to the building and was carried out using purely stone piece materials. However, such materials are expensive, and it is rather difficult to lay them, therefore, imitation is often densely performed, which is a rusticated plaster.

Previously, the process of producing such a “wet” finish took a lot of time, but today rusticated finishes are carried out mainly according to modern technologies and materials, which greatly facilitates the process. Actually, we will talk about how to perform it both in modern and in traditional technologies, and also what are its varieties in general.

Such plaster is carried out not only on the planes of the walls and their individual sections, but also on architectural and structural areas, such as the basement of a building, pylons, pilasters, columns, arches and many others.

The shape of the rust, as well as its depth, regulate the appearance, betraying or taking away the massiveness of the parts of the building, made in architectural style. decorative design in this manner.

The profile contour of the template itself, from which rustication of seams is performed (stretched, cut out), consists of a standard set of lines - architectural breaks. Thus, it is possible to distinguish a list of rusticated plasters according to their rustication design:

  • "Greek";
  • rectangular;
  • bevelled;
  • rounded;
  • grooved;
  • figured.

In addition to the shape of the rustication, for appearance the shape of quadras is also important - sections of planes that are framed / separated by rustication. They can be either flat and not protruding, or have the shape of a torn stone or prism, a pyramidal convex shape, and also a grooved rectangular shape.

Greek rust has a small recess, similar to a rectangular one, but the difference is the alternation of rows of small and large rectangular stones, made with a rusticated seam in a “wiring”. The quadras themselves, imitating Greek stone, are flat (imitating polished stone). There is also a slightly different kind of imitation - under the Roman masonry, when the squares imitate a roughly hewn stone.

Rectangular rust is the most common and does not have a special set of architectural breaks; the seam is a rectangular cut of moderate depth and can be performed in almost any shape when making squares. It is especially used when rusticating plaster of a small layer thickness.

bevelled rust has a triangular section, tapering inward. Such an imitation creates the impression of a special heaviness, massiveness of the blocks and gives them the shape of a trapezoid due to the fact that sharp, protruding corners are presented as beveled. In order to perform such a rust, you need to make a thick layer of plaster, or brickwork should be made with recesses in the places of rusts.

rounded rust like the previous one, it is performed on a thick layer of plaster. In this way, rusticated plaster looks more harmonious with oval, semicircular elements of the structure and light architectural orders, although, as they say, “the taste and color”. Internal corners there are no sharp, external ones, because they are ground into a radius, but the junction of vertical and horizontal seams is performed without rounding.

grooved rust it also consists of a rounded one, of a radius and a rectangular break, only the radius is not straight, but reversed, which forms a seam in the form of a gutter. Such rustication looks very wide (in general, it is so) and when developing a sketch, it is important to calculate the size of the squares so that they do not look too small relative to such rusticated seams.

Figured rust is already considered complex, as it consists of a whole complex of architectural breaks. There are a lot of various combinations of architectural breaks, from which you can get the most diverse forms of a rusticated seam. The width of such rusting can be very large, as well as the depth, therefore it is not possible to perform it on an ordinary layer of plaster (2.2 cm - maximum according to SNiP). It is performed exclusively in one way - by pulling using a template.

Facade decoration with rusticated plaster according to traditional technologies

This option does not provide for the presence of an insulating facade layer, which is so popular today. However, it is still possible to combine materials, especially you can take modern plaster compositions and perform work on the formation of rusts using them.

According to traditional technologies, the imitation of sections of the facade of a house under rusticated stone is carried out from an ordinary cement or cement-lime plaster composition with application according to ordinary technology with the presence of layers of blasting and soil.

At the same time, work on the formation of rusts can be carried out on freshly rubbed plaster, or they can be performed directly together with plastering. One way or another, there are several options for performing rusts on the facade of the building, the list is as follows:

  • stretching rusts using a template;
  • production of rustication with a wooden crate;
  • cutting rusts with a saw under the rule;
  • stuffing of rusts with a metal lath.

There are special design ideas when the rust itself is framed (edged) with a pattern or a continuous strip drawn along the perimeter of the square. This frame is separately finalized hand tools, as well as the quadras themselves, if they are performed with a relief or a certain shape of the protrusion of the plane.

produced as plastering according to special guides (rules), which are mounted above and below the rust line. In this case, rusting is performed on a freshly applied layer of soil and is formed by linear movements of the template along the rails.

There are several ways in which the rustication of the facade is done with a template: pulling one tape and pulling two tapes. In the first case, only one strip of rustication is formed by the template, while in the second, the template has protrusions for pulling two parallel rustications at once. At the same time, the template can have the profile of the quadra itself, that is, in this way it is fashionable to stretch two rusts and a figured quadra at the same time.

Probably the easiest way to get the job done. Its essence is to “monolithize” into a freshly applied and leveled soil layer, that is, to drown the slats that repeat the rust profile. This is done by rubbing or vibrating with light hammer taps on the rails.

First, horizontal slats are recessed, then vertical ones so that a crate is obtained. After the beginning of the setting of the solution, the rails are carefully removed, if necessary, overwrite the defects. There is also an amateurish way, when these slats are installed as beacons along, gluing them onto continuous strips of the mortar with which it is supposed to plaster the entire surface. When the solution is firmly set, a solution is applied between the rails, like beacons, and leveled.

can be used to ensure that the surface rusticated chalk thin and shallow rust. IN this case work is carried out on slightly strengthened, worn plaster according to the preliminary planned marking of the surface. In order for even cuts to come out, the saw is leaned on a rule firmly pressed to the surface to be treated.

The formation of the rust seam itself is carried out in several working operations: cutting through the lower boundary of the rust, the upper boundary and scraping the solution between them (you can scrape it with a thin spatula, chisel). You can also wipe the formed seam with a piece of foam cut out according to its shape and size.

a rather complex process in which plastering has to be rusticated with a tool not long more than a meter, and monitor the uniform depth of the resulting seam along its entire length. The ruler is laid according to a pre-made markup. Such a rust can be obtained with a thickness of no more than 10 mm, the depth of implementation of which largely depends on the complexity of the entire process.

In this case, it is very important to wait for a certain moment, at which the solution has not yet completely seized, but will no longer “float” from the vibration created by the hammer blows on a metal tool (ruler). The depth of the seam made in this way can be no more than 10 mm, and its shape can be rectangular, and it is especially convenient to make beveled and trapezoidal rusty in this way.

Modern stucco rustic facade, that is, finishing it " wet way» is carried out using a layer of insulation - mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. Work begins with surface preparation, that is, leveling it with rough plaster (cement-sand / cement-lime or modern polymer cement), laying a continuous layer of insulation, and then marking the lines of future seams.

The quadras themselves are formed from these board materials by laying them in compliance with the seam, and a special profile made of plastic or aluminum is laid in the seam between them. Most common square section profile, but there are also all those types that were considered rusticated walls using traditional technologies.

This profile has perforated planes that are adjacent to the plates, laying them on the glue. Further, everything goes according to the technology: the installation of a fiberglass mesh over the insulation boards on an adhesive plaster composition and a secondary coating with the same composition on a dried glued fiberglass mesh.

After that, either preparation for painting is carried out, which consists in applying a sandless coating, or preparation for undercoating (bark beetle, pebble, mosaic) and in this case the surface is treated with primer paint with quartz sand filler. Thus, rusticated pilasters, as well as rusticated columns, can be made quickly and with high quality, in addition to walls, arches and many other elements of the building.

As you can see, according to modern technologies, work is performed in the same way, regardless of the form of rust. In addition, there are special curly rustic slabs that are not required at all for decoration, except for painting, perhaps, but this already applies to facing works and not to plaster.

Everything fashionable can be long forgotten old. Now to give the building unusual look use rustication on the facade, which was used in ancient Rome.

To protect the walls of the first floors of residential buildings from the impact of carts, they were specially finished differently, creating protective bulges on the facade. In Rus', this finishing technology began to be used much later and did not receive such wide popularity.

Today, a similar technology is used during the decoration of the walls of houses with plaster. The facade with rustication gives the building vintage look and radically changes general style the entire building.

Creation technique

To create rustic and quadra profiles (if front side made in the form of pyramids or rectangular prisms, they are called squares) a standard mixture for plastering walls is used, after applying which it is shaped to the surface, breaking it into sectors using dividing strips. Before drying, it is necessary to make notches in sectors in order to give the shape of a “raw” stone.

Thus, it is possible to obtain a facade in the form of masonry without the use of expensive materials. But for such a facade decoration, it is necessary to have certain skills so that the result looks as harmonious and realistic as possible.

There are other technologies for creating this decor. You can perform rustication in the form of a rhombus throughout the building. For this, special saws are used, with which an already solidified solution is sawn. Serifs created in this way are thin and neat, but carving them will require a certain amount of time and painstaking work.

The fastest is the method of stuffing with a steel bar. To do this, you need a hammer and a steel bar or ruler. On the uncured solution, it is necessary to place the bar and hit it with a hammer, carving lines. Thus, you get a very neat pattern in the form of brickwork.

Why do you need to do rusty?

The rustic facade looks quite interesting and unusual. In this way, you can finish the basement and the main facade of the building. Why is this façade still in use? It is quite cheap, and it gives the building a completely different look.

To create rustication, you need a standard plaster mixture and a few tools in order to make notches. Then the resulting plastered surface can be painted in any color you like. The illusion of masonry is created without much money different colors, which is usually simulated by expensive panel materials for facing.

Apart from decorative look, the building will receive excellent protection thanks to mixtures and paint. Additional sound insulation and thermal insulation will protect the owner from noise and cold. Such a finish can withstand a dozen years of operation before it becomes unusable.

One of the minor difficulties is that updating the facade will be quite time consuming. In addition, you will need to get rid of the old layer of plaster. But the cheapness of the expended materials compensates for the expended effort.

Completion on the topic

The facade of the building has good view if it is finished by the master. It doesn't matter what material he uses. Very often, expensive materials are considered the standard for excellent finishes. But, if you use even the cheapest plaster mixture correctly, you can make the building beautiful.

Although the rustic facade is not the simplest, nevertheless it is very often used for building decoration. for various purposes and will be used as long as the price of plaster mixes will be just as low.

What could be more expressive natural materials? For example, stone. It can look strict, concise, and sometimes sensual or aristocratic. Architects and designers have long used these unique qualities to give the facades of buildings a special characteristic look. So, decorative elements made of natural marble brought a touch of pomposity and luxury to the image, but to enhance the impression of respectability and solidity, rustication from hard varieties of this natural material was used.

Rusty - the power of raw stone

Sometimes facade rustications could even look like rough unhewn natural stones or like smoothly polished wooden or stone plates. In the first case, the emphasis was on the inviolability and static nature of the stone, which gave the facade a really very masculine and, one might say, brutal look. Of course, the stones were selected with a special thickness and often processed, brought to the desired shape, size and texture, but they still looked very natural and natural. Smooth rustications, on the contrary, look invariably solemn and calm on the facade, they seem to set a vertical rhythm for the entire facade, make it more presentable and expressive.

Modern rusticated stones

IN modern conditions making facade rustications is much easier and cheaper than in the times of Antiquity or the Renaissance. Polyurethane is considered a convenient material for this, since it can be given not only the texture and shape of natural rustic stones, but also painted in the desired color. In addition, polyurethane rusts are many times lighter than a natural stone, that is, even the facades completely finished with them do not become heavier and do not need additional reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing structures.

Despite new technologies, design decision rustication can also be divided into two types: "stone" and "panel". The first type, stone-shaped rusts, are small decorative elements rectangular or square with a smooth or textured surface, for example, imitating natural granite or sandstone. They are most often used to decorate the basement, bay windows and corners of the building, or to decorate separate parts facade. It is customary to arrange such rusts in a checkerboard pattern, another option is to select elements of 2-4 sizes and make a free composition from them.

Rust in the form of a panel looks like long horizontal stripes covering the plinth or the lower surface of the facade. They are mounted one above the other at some distance from each other. And I stack them both strictly one above the other, and in a run. In any case, it turns out a very solid and monumental facade, worthy of the most luxurious mansion.

In the catalogs of decorative facade elements from the company "ProfDeco" you can choose rustication both by the type of "stone" and by the type of "panel", and our on-line consultants will help you calculate the required number and size of polyurethane elements.