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» Warm floor from a stove with a water circuit. Warm floor in the bathhouse from the sauna stove. Alternative and mixed heating options

Warm floor from a stove with a water circuit. Warm floor in the bathhouse from the sauna stove. Alternative and mixed heating options

The installation of a heated floor in a bathhouse, in addition to having its own characteristics, belongs to the category of expensive work. But it has significant advantages: the ability to maintain a favorable temperature in the room, as well as a positive effect on wooden and finishing elements. You can install a heated floor in a bathhouse with your own hands; all you need to do is know the installation technology and have all the necessary tools on hand.

Main types of heated floors

There are several ways to make a warm floor in a bathhouse, but first you need to know the main types of such a design:

  • Pipeline with coolant fluid, powered by a boiler or sauna stove.
Fluid floor heating pipeline
  • Electric heated floor.

Installation of cable for floor heating

A heated water floor consists of: a closed pipeline, a pump, a boiler and the coolant itself. The liquid circulating through the system plays a significant role in the process of heating the room, and as its cost increases, it also increases specifications. For example, the most affordable option is water, followed by antifreeze, ethylene glycol and more modern coolants.

The water heating system is more expensive and requires appropriate Maintenance, but at the end the user receives high-quality floor heating, which will pay for itself in just a few years with frequent use. It’s up to the bathhouse owner to decide, but the liquid heating system has proven itself to be reliable and durable.

Electric flooring is divided into installation of cable heating and installation of special mats with infrared radiation. The cost of both the first and second options is much lower than installing water heating. But there is a significant disadvantage - constantly rising prices for electricity.

As repairs, electric and water floors are quite problematic. In case of any even minor damage to the circuit, the wooden surface must be dismantled and the section of the circuit that has become unusable must be replaced. With liquid heating, the system contains a boiler and a pump, which are also problematic mechanisms.

Sequence of installation of cable electric floor

When laying this type of floor, a special cable with high resistivity is used. Accordingly, there is not a simple transfer of electricity to the consumer, but its conversion into heat.

The sequence of installing a warm cable floor in a bathhouse with your own hands:

  1. If laying a new floor is taking place in an old room, then the first step will be to dismantle the old floor covering. The used surface is removed down to concrete floor, after which you should begin restoring it: seal all cracks and chips with concrete, level the surface with a layer of mortar, or, if correct, make a screed.
  2. After the screed has dried, it is necessary to prepare the place in which it will subsequently be fixed. temperature sensor, for example, in the sink. Before laying the heating element, you should install a screening mesh, which can be secured with several brackets for greater reliability.
  3. Next, install the mounting tape, which is attached to concrete surface using dowels. Before this, the cable layout must be selected. The heating cable is placed and secured directly onto the mounting tape. It is secured at least every 3 cm, with strict adherence to the following rules:
  • Make sure that the cable does not intersect and its turns do not touch. Contact of the cable may result in a short circuit. After laying the cable, you should check its resistance at the coupling. If there is a deviation of the parameter by 10-15%, then the problem should be solved immediately, since the system will not work properly.

Example of a cable for a warm electric floor
  • Leave a free space of at least 5 cm from the wall to the heating element. This is very important, since this parameter relates to fire safety. When the cable comes into contact with wooden surfaces, an open flame may appear, which will lead to a fire.
  • We connect the system to the power source. Before this action, you need to decide on the location of the temperature sensor. It should be placed in corrugated pipe and install it near the connection point - this will help save on wires.

The main element in the heating floor connection diagram is the temperature controller. It should be placed at a distance of 70-80 cm from the floor. It cannot be placed less than 30 cm from the floor level. The thermostat is the connection point, so the following wires must fit to it: heating cable floor, power cable and temperature sensor. The wires from the ground bus can simply be connected to each other using terminals.

Correct styling cables for heated floors
  • The last step is pouring the screed and installing the flooring. It could be batten, linoleum, carpet or other material. But it should be remembered that at least one month must pass between pouring the concrete floor and installing the coating. In order for heat to spread evenly throughout the room, the heating cable should be completely filled, without bubbles or other cavities.

After the cable is completely poured, its resistance should be checked, since it may be damaged during the concreting process. A huge disadvantage of an electric heated floor is the need for it complete dismantling in case of any breakdown.

Installing a panel electric floor in a bathhouse

What is the difference between a panel electric floor and a cable floor? Practically nothing, only a pre-prepared and fixed structure. The heating panel manufacturer charges reinforced mesh and attaches the cable to it. Finished products costs a little more, but does not require self-installation.

Ready to use electrical panel

This type of installation may seem costly at first glance, but you should figure out whether this is so. The advantages of installing panel heated floors in a Russian bath are as follows:

  • Time saving, since there is no need to assemble such panels from scratch, you just need to purchase them from hardware store. The only thing the stacker will have to do is lay them out on the prepared base and secure them.
  • The minimum thickness of the product allows you not to fill the panels with concrete, but to use special construction adhesive. Repeated savings on building materials.
  • Such a warm floor in the bathhouse is ideal for tiles. But if the coating is different, then the panels will need to be filled with concrete, the thickness of which should not exceed 30 mm.

You just need to expand

The positive aspects of a panel electric floor are enough to use it in your home or apartment. But it should be remembered that such a structure cannot be laid in places where furniture or plumbing elements will subsequently be placed.

Film electric floor in the bathhouse

It should be clarified that the operating principle of a film floor is very different from a panel or cable floor. Here they use infrared plates, which can be purchased in the form of a single roll. The plates are fixed on a polymer base, through which conductors are located along the entire length electric current. After connecting the film floor to the general network and supplying electricity to it, the plates convert it into infrared waves, heating the surface of various objects.

Convenient and easy to install, infrared film

Film heated floors have a higher cost than cable or panel ones, but they also have a significant advantage - the infrared converter consumes a small amount of electricity. As a result, you can save a lot over the entire heating season.

The rules for installing a film floor are quite simple: cut off individual pieces from a common roll, place them on the prepared surface, and then cover them with cladding. This floor has no other features; furniture and other interior items can be placed anywhere.

Sequence of installation of a water heated floor in a bathhouse

As was said earlier, water based software has a number of advantages, but requires thorough installation and installation of such additional elements, like a water pump and a boiler for heating liquid. But you can make a warm floor in a bathhouse, powered by a stove, without the need to install a boiler.

The sequence of laying a water floor in a bathhouse:

  1. Removing old coating. This could be a wooden floor or a concrete screed. The old coating is removed right down to the slab, after which it is necessary to remove all debris and check the floor level. If it is not level enough, then you should fill in a new one. concrete screed, which will only improve the thermal insulation qualities of the room.
  2. Laying thermal insulation material. Most often, foam or polystyrene boards are used. These materials are the most durable and reliable, and also have affordable price. A damper tape should be placed around the perimeter of the room, which is secured using simple self-tapping screws. Modern tape has a special adhesive layer on one side, so installation is greatly simplified.

After laying the foam boards, you should walk on the floor. If the surface “walks” a little, then it is necessary to remove the insulation layer and remove previously unnoticed debris from under it. After the insulation is laid and leveled, it is covered with a thermal insulation film.

Laying thermal insulation
  1. Pipeline laying. A special film with pre-prepared markings is used as a base for the pipeline. The markings are represented by bosses - small protrusions between which it is convenient to lay water system pipes. Enough to put plastic pipe between the bosses and press it down a little until it is fixed in the cavity between the grooves.

Correct scheme pipeline placement

If instead special film If a simple reinforced frame was used, then the pipes are attached to it using standard plastic clamps or electrical cable ties.

Laying the pipeline on a special surface
  1. Installation of the manifold cabinet. A manifold cabinet is necessary to collect all communications in one place. All pipelines located on the floor approach this point. Also connected to this cabinet are a liquid supply pipe and a pipe through which the cooled coolant re-enters the boiler.

Preliminary installation of the pipeline under the manifold cabinet
  1. Fill the screed and lay it down flooring. For greater structural strength, it is best to use 2 reinforcing meshes: under the pipeline (at the very beginning of laying the floor) and above it. Next, the entire surface of the finished floor is poured with concrete. There should be no cavities or empty spaces in the screed.

The most popular for such a system metal-plastic pipes with an internal diameter of 16 mm. They have a long service life and these products are very convenient to work with.

After the screed is ready, the system must be checked by turning on the boiler, heating the water and starting the pump, which will supply coolant to the system. If the pipeline is not sealed, a stain will immediately appear on the concrete screed. Unfortunately, in this case it is necessary to dismantle the floor and install it again.

It is very convenient to use not a boiler in this system, but the heat from a sauna stove. The only drawback of such a system is the impossibility of preheating the room, because to heat the liquid it is necessary to light the stove. But at the same time, there is a certain saving, since there is no need to purchase a boiler.

Efficiency of water use heated floors in the house led many to the idea: is it possible to heat the floor in a bathhouse from a stove? What are the features of such an undertaking, what will have to be taken into account and how it can be implemented - these are the nuances of the previous question.

The warm floor in the bathhouse will have a hot coolant due to the peculiarities of the combustion intensity of the stove

System Features

The first feature is that the furnace acts as a boiler, so you need to equip a heat exchanger above the firebox. For this you can use a regular metal tank. From this tank all circuits will go to the required rooms.

In order for the cooled coolant to circulate through the system, it is necessary to equip it with a pump. Without using a pump, the coolant will circulate through the pipes only if the furnace level is below the floor. Also for natural circulation you need to use pipes with a large diameter (24 mm), but usually a smaller diameter (16 mm) is used. But even these measures will not ensure effective circulation.

Important! A boiler heating system allows you to regulate the temperature, but with a stove this is more difficult to do. For a comfortable condition of the floor covering, you need to heat the coolant by 40-50 degrees, and the sauna stove brings the water to a boil.

In addition, the bathhouse does not always have a temperature above zero if heating is not maintained in it. In this case, you will have to use antifreeze as a coolant, and separate the system from the general water heating system.

A wood stove will not be able to circulate water, so they use a tank as a heat exchanger. The thermal circulation diagram is shown in the picture

Install heat exchanger large sizes will not work, so you need to use a battery tank. It is connected to the system with steel pipes, and on the base it is necessary to equip thermal insulation layer to prevent heat loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a heated floor in a bathhouse

Installing a water heated floor system in a bathhouse provides the following advantages:

  • No electromagnetic waves as occurs when using electrical systems heating
  • Comfortable conditions. Often the floors in the bathhouse are cold, which causes serious discomfort and can cause colds.

Warm floors are especially beneficial in the waiting room to avoid getting sick
  • Health safety. Used environmentally as a coolant pure product, so there is no harm to health.
  • Saving on heating. Since circulating water acts as a heater, you can achieve good savings on solid fuel to create a comfortable microclimate.

But this system has serious disadvantages and difficulties with reliable operation:

  • IN winter time you will have to drain the water so that the pipes do not crack when expanding due to freezing. To do this, you will have to provide a complete drainage system, which is not very convenient and economical in terms of water consumption. Perhaps the solution to the problem is to create positive conditions, but constantly heating the stove is also not very convenient. It would be more cunning to use antifreeze together with water.
  • Heating the coolant will require a certain amount of heat, which will be taken from the heat to heat the steam room and washing area.
  • Difficult installation. We'll have to implement complex circuit covering the entire room and passing under the floor.

It will be necessary to provide a drainage hole in the bathhouse floor so that the moisture does not destroy the thermal insulation material, but goes into the ground behind the bathhouse wall
  • It will be necessary to ensure leak-proof floors so that moisture cannot destroy the insulating material.

As you can see, the pleasant moments of using a warm water floor require solving problems of increased complexity. It is necessary to take into account many factors, therefore it is necessary to dwell in detail on the process of arranging the floor pie and heating system.

Features of the arrangement

Can be used the following types flooring arrangements that can be combined with a heating system:

  • Concrete screed. Is the best option, because it allows you to save on materials. Concrete is characterized by a high degree of moisture resistance. However, operation is possible only after the screed is completely dry. To do this you need to wait 4–6 weeks. There is another negative feature: the location of the leak in the system will be difficult to determine.
  • Polystyrene plate. Not quite a standard type of base for a bath, but very effective when used with a heating system. Especially with a foil surface, it provides good protection from convective and radiated heat. But you will still need to use a concrete screed on top.
  • Gasket under wooden floors. You can take the easier route and organize heating of the floorboards directly. To do this, holes are made in the logs for pipes. The advantage is that the maintainability of such a heating arrangement is many times higher.

An example of how a heated floor is installed under the floorboards and in the joist system

Important! Polystyrene foam can be used as a layer to protect against heat loss, mineral wool or expanded clay.

How to make floor heating in a bathhouse

For example, let's look at one of the possible ways creating a warm water floor with a concrete screed and a heat-insulating layer. The entire structure will consist of the following layers.

  • Waterproofing layer. Designed to prevent condensation from accumulating on the floor during heating.
  • Thermal insulation layer. Necessary for protection against heat loss.
  • Reinforcing layer. Protects thermal insulation material from mechanical loads.
  • Foil sheet. Allows you to increase heating efficiency by reflecting heat radiation.
  • Pipeline contour in a spiral shape.
  • Concrete screed. Allows you to lay floor coverings on top. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the drain hole.
  • Finish floor covering. You can use ceramic tiles.

Preparatory part of the work

Before installing a heating circuit, you need to take care of the drainage system, because the floor must not leak. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Remove 30–40 cm of soil. Make a dig under the foundation and a trench to extend the pipe into the drainage pit. Bury the pipe with an equal distribution of sand. In this case, compact the trench before laying the pipe.
  • Make a backfill of 15 cm with crushed stone and compact it.
  • Make an insulating layer of expanded clay 15–20 cm thick. In this case, you need to ensure that there is a slight slope towards the open end of the drain pipe.

Heating system installation

Scheme of how to equip a screed with heated floors and heating with conventional stoves

After the preparatory part of the work is completed, you can proceed to the actual implementation of the heating system:

  • Lay two layers of waterproofing with rolled roofing felt overlapping and seal the joints with mastic.
  • Lay thermal insulation material. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the formed slope.
  • Strengthen the thermal insulation layer with reinforcing mesh.
  • Lay the pipes, forming a spiral circuit for uniform heating.
  • Connect the pipes to common system and check the functionality of the system.
  • After the test “run” has been completed, the concrete screed can be poured. It is necessary to provide it with free expansion. To do this, a damper tape is laid along the contour of the room.
  • The screed is poured and leveled along the beacons, which are pre-set in compliance with the slope towards the sewer pipe.
  • After the screed has completely dried, you can begin installing the finishing floor covering.

It turns out that it is possible to install water heating in a bathhouse. In this case, you can use a conventional stove as a heater, to which a manifold is additionally connected to heat the coolant and a heat exchanger is mounted above the stove.

How to make a warm water floor and radiators in a bathhouse with your own hands:

What a heated floor is and how convenient it is today is known to everyone. We are talking about a bathroom or bedroom. What if you make a heated floor in a bathhouse from a sauna stove?


Such a design exists and has long proven itself with the most positive side. There is no need to use additional electricity for this. Water acts as a coolant, and it is heated by... a stove.

Pros and cons of installation

This design has the following advantages:

  • electromagnetic radiation will not have its negative impact, which is inevitable when using electrical energy;
  • this design is completely environmentally friendly;
  • helps to heat the room more evenly;
  • saving resources;
  • fungus and mold do not receive a favorable environment for reproduction;
  • There is no risk of a draft, since the entire steam room heats up evenly.

Let's move on to the disadvantages:

  • the bathhouse is not constantly heated and there is a risk of pipes freezing, which can lead to failure of the entire system, so there is a need to drain the water from it every time;
  • the heat exchanger consumes a lot of energy, which it takes from heating, therefore, if there is no adequate power supply, the room may take longer to heat up;
  • the volume and time of heating water will depend on how many adjacent rooms need to be heated;

Before construction

Let's give a few simple tips who will help you build a similar system at home with your own hands. Such a system is fully justified if the stove is heated with wood.

Choosing a floor design

Experts recognize concrete screed optimal material for the floor in the bathhouse. The advantages are as follows:

  • cement has high moisture resistance;
  • simplicity of the device;
  • cheap materials.


  • damage can only be repaired after complete dismantling;
  • Otherwise, it is impossible to localize the accident site.

In addition to concrete, you can also use wooden structure floor. Holes in the logs are provided in advance in order to carry out the necessary communications. This design, unlike concrete, will make it easy to carry out repairs without dismantling the entire floor.


To prevent heat loss, the heated floor structure must be thoroughly insulated. For this, polystyrene plates are used. Special internal gutters will make installation as convenient as possible, and the metallized coating will reflect heat back into the room.

Other nuances

  • Irregularities and distortions of the floor will not matter if you make a rough screed.
  • Condensation will not accumulate if a layer of waterproofing is laid.
  • All energy will be directed into the room and heat loss will be eliminated as much as possible, thanks to the thermal insulation layer.
  • Thermal insulation will be protected by a reinforcement mesh.
  • Thermal energy will not be lost due to the metallized substrate.
  • The “snail” arrangement system will ensure optimal heating of the heating circuit.
  • The slope towards the drain must be provided when arranging the finishing screed. Check the slope using a building level.
  • Decorative coating will give the floor a finished look. Any material that is not contraindicated for a heated floor system can be used.

System Features

Due to the heat exchanger installed above the firebox, hot water will enter the system, cool down as it passes through it, and return cold again to the heat exchanger. There, the sauna stove with floor heating will heat it up again and the whole process will repeat.

A small circulation pump will help us return the cooled water back to the heat exchanger. Due to the circulating energy of the coolant, the room will be evenly heated.

You will have to lay a pipe with a diameter of at least 24 mm, which will reduce the resistance when the coolant moves. Standardly, for the system, a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm is used, but this will not suit us.

The heating system provides for the use of a coolant with a temperature no higher than +40 0 C. We will need to cool the water to the required temperature, since practically boiling water will come out of the heat exchanger, the temperature of which impossible to regulate.

Installation diagram

Manufacturing instructions

Now let's look at how to complete each step with your own hands. It is almost similar to the design in the house, but it also has its own specifics. Step-by-step instruction:

Operating rules

Operation does not require much effort. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • IN winter period drain the system every time.
  • The operating pressure in the system must be constant.
  • Malfunctions in the operation of the pump and shut-off valves must be corrected in a timely manner.


A good alternative to water warm floor Electric and infrared heated floors can serve. Let's look at them in more detail.

Electric heated floors

Similar in nature to water floors. The electric heating cable, which replaces the heating circuit, is the main distinctive feature such floors. All other processes occur similarly.

The system requires the installation of an additional machine and careful waterproofing. On the other hand, no heating circuit, pump or heat exchanger are required. If in the previous case we did not have additional costs (if the boiler had sufficient power) for operation, then here we will have to pay a lot for electricity.

There are two types of heating cable: with one core and with two.

The advantages are as follows:

  • the floor is easy to manufacture;
  • a water circuit for heating will cost more;
  • installation of such a heating system does not take much time;
  • The thermostat makes it easy to set desired temperature heating

Minus: high consumption electricity for heating.

Such a system can be used not only in a bathhouse, but also for heating floors in a house.

Infrared heated floors

The existing bathhouse puts the feasibility of implementing a water-heated floor into question. In this case, an infrared floor comes to the rescue. It does not require dismantling the old coating. A thin film with a heater is easy to lay on any base. The installation of a final screed in the bathhouse is also not necessary.

The most durable, safe and economical solution would be to install a water heated floor. This is if we're talking about about building from scratch. In an existing bathhouse, an infrared floor is the most optimal solution.

When choosing a heated floor system in a bathhouse, you should take into account the flooring material, planned costs and desired durability.

With an electric floor, not everything is so simple. Electricity tariffs are different in each region. Somewhere it will be appropriate. This design is especially relevant when using an electric heater.

In this case, the additional power consumption for the heated floor will not be a problem, since you will still have to provide an additional 380V line. And its advantages can be fully used.

Choosing which option to use is not so easy. Each will have its advantages in one situation and disadvantages in another. Only starting from specific situation, you can make the right choice.

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The properties of warm air are such that it rises, so it may be hot in the bathhouse, but the floor will remain cold.

Such changes are uncomfortable for many people, so you can make a heated floor system, which is widespread today.

It is easier and more expedient to make a heated floor in a bathhouse from a stove than to use electric floors. After studying the material in the article, you will be able to find out the features of the system and installation methods.

General information about the system

The water in the water circuit pipes will be heated by the stove

For a heated floor in a bathhouse, there is no need to install a boiler, since the heating will come from the stove. To do this, a heat exchanger should be made from a metal tank above the firebox.

From it it will be possible to lay water heating on the floor in those rooms where it is necessary. Additionally, you will need to install a pump to circulate water in the pipes.

Since it will not be possible to install a volumetric heat exchanger in the furnace, you should additionally place a battery tank next to it and connect it using steel pipes with heat exchanger. To reduce heat loss, insulation is laid on the floor so that it can properly reflect it and the rooms will have the required temperature.

The main problem with a water-heated floor from a stove is the inability to regulate the temperature. For heating, it is recommended to heat the floor to 40 degrees, but in the bath the water gets hotter and you will need to additionally install a mixing unit.

To protect the floor itself from moisture, a standard cement-sand screed, and tiles are used as flooring.

Before installing the system, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons, which are given in the table:

Advantages Flaws
1 No electromagnetic radiation unlike the electrical system. In winter, it is necessary to drain the water so that the pipes do not burst from frozen water or the stove must be constantly heated. The best option– change the water to antifreeze.
2 Environmentally friendly and harmless to health. Heating the battery tank will require a lot of heat, making the furnace less efficient for its main purpose.
3 Saved in the bath comfortable conditions, the floor remains warm. To heat floors in several rooms, you should install a large coolant, which will increase the warm-up time.
4 Economical.

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Warm floors can be made using several types of materials and devices, which are presented in the table:

Name Advantages Flaws
Concrete screed - for a bathhouse perfect option. Filling is simple and does not require special skills. Saves money on building materials, and due to cement, the floor will be resistant to moisture. You can use the floor a month after pouring, but if the pipe is damaged, you will have to remove the entire screed to be able to determine the location of the leak.
Polystyrene boards are easy to use. Each plate already has a layer of foil, which allows it to reflect heat, and they are also equipped with places for fixing pipes. It is necessary to additionally fill the screed.
Heating pipes in a wooden floor. High maintainability. Needed accurate calculations to determine the laying of the pipeline.

To insulate the system, you can use any thermal material: mineral wool, expanded clay, polystyrene foam and other types.

Floor installation and preparation

A concrete screed is poured over the laid materials and pipes

The warm floor in the bathhouse from the stove according to the scheme is made from the following layers:

  1. A layer of waterproofing that will protect the floor covering from condensation collection.
  2. The thermal insulation layer will retain the heat that can pass through the ceilings.
  3. To protect the insulation, a reinforcing mesh is laid.
  4. A layer of reflective materials with foil that will reflect heat into the room.
  5. A pipeline laid in the form of a spiral to uniformly heat the area.
  6. Screed for leveling surfaces with small slopes towards the drain hole.
  7. Laying the final floor covering.

If the floor will be laid on open land, then before the waterproofing layer you should pour a cushion of gravel and sand, and also lay a layer of expanded clay. Expanded clay will additionally perform a thermal insulation function.

Before any work, preparation is necessary. For a floor that will be heated by a stove, you should prepare a base and make a drain. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove the soil between the foundation, under the washing room and compact the surface. You will need to first lay a pipe in the wall to drain water into the sewer.
  2. A backfill of sand and gravel 15-20 cm high is made, after which the cushion is compacted.
  3. The base is insulated using expanded clay. The layer of material is 15-20 cm depending on the climate.

When preparing the surface, you need to remember the slope for the drainage.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Heating the floor in the bathhouse using the heat of the stove is a profitable step

Every person who has been to a bathhouse once has probably encountered such an effect as a cold floor in a heated room, which is fully explained by the usual physics of the movement of heated air masses. In this article we will look at how to make heating in a bathhouse from a stove so that visitors feel comfortable all the time, and not just while the steam rooms are warming up.

Warm floor in the bathhouse and its features

As mentioned above, warm air according to the rule of convection, it rises to the ceiling while cold masses remain near the floor, preventing the coating from warming up. Naturally, discomfort is felt during use. bath procedures, and sometimes such a deficiency can lead to colds and other diseases.

Improving the environment in the bathhouse is possible provided that a heated floor heating system is installed, because It is unacceptable to install electric heating. A similar system is not visible in the photo, but visitors will feel it from the first minutes of being in the steam room or shower.

The cooled coolant can only be returned to the heat exchanger if a circulation pump is installed in the system. Otherwise, only a furnace located below the floor level will be able to ensure continuous circulation of the coolant in the circuit. Also in the absence circulation pump you will have to use 24mm pipes. According to the standard, 16 mm are used. In this case, the coolant circulation will be weak, and the efficiency of floor heating will decrease.

If a warm water floor in a bathhouse from a boiler can be equipped with a temperature regulator, then brick oven It is almost impossible to control the heating process of the coolant. The optimal temperature for underfloor heating is 40 degrees Celsius. Since the stove in the bathhouse heats the water to boiling temperature, it is necessary to take care of installing a mixer unit in the system that reduces the temperature of the coolant.

When installing a water floor in a bathhouse from a stove, you need to make sure that the coolant flows to the drain hole, through which it will enter the sewer or drainage structure. Considering the peculiarities of such a structure as a bathhouse, it is recommended to create a tiled floor covering under the stove on top of a cement-sand screed.

Advantages and disadvantages of heated floors in a bathhouse

Today, heated floors in a bathhouse from a stove have a number of positive qualities:

  • absence of electromagnetic radiation created by any structural elements, which cannot be said about electric heated floors;
  • the system is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for human body;
  • in the bathhouse regularly maintains a positive microclimate;
  • Due to low consumption and low cost of fuel, you can save significantly.

However, a warm water floor in a bathhouse from a stove has a number of disadvantages:

  • in the cold season, all coolant must be removed from the heating circuit, since freezing inside the system will lead to rupture of the pipes. This can only be avoided if the system is constantly warmed up, or if antifreeze is used instead of water as a coolant;
  • a significant part of the thermal energy is spent on heating the storage tank, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the stove in heating the steam room and the room where visitors wash themselves;
  • the heating process is significantly delayed if the floor heating system is occupied large area in several rooms of the bathhouse at once. The reason is that the volume of coolant in the heating circuit increases and more thermal energy is consumed to heat it;
  • In such a bathhouse, it is unacceptable to install leaking floors, since getting the thermal insulation layer wet will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the heating system.

Installation methods and materials used

You can lay heated floors in a heating bath in various ways:

  1. Concrete screed considered one of the most effective ways when installing heated floors in a bathhouse. When pouring it, you can significantly save on building materials and get a high-quality moisture-resistant coating. The disadvantage of this method is that water floor heating can be put into operation only after the screed has completely dried (about a month after it has been poured). It will also be very difficult to produce renovation work, since this will require dismantling the screed, which is very difficult.
  2. As a thermal insulator layer, you can use polystyrene boards with a reflective foil layer and fixing recesses for installing the heating circuit. But, even after installation, the system will have to be filled with screed.
  3. Installation of water heated floor V wooden floor is also possible, but for its production you will have to first compose detailed diagram. The reason is that the heated floor in the bathhouse from the stove, the diagram of which is drawn up, can be laid in pre-cut holes in the joists, which means their placement will have to be predetermined. Read also: "".

Installation of water heated floors

Standard heated floors in bath rooms are placed in a “pie” of the following layers:

  • layer waterproofing material , protecting floors from condensation;
  • layer of thermal insulation material, allowing to avoid losses of thermal energy through leaky floor coverings;
  • metal grid for reinforcement as a protective layer for insulating materials;
  • reflective layer, allowing you to direct thermal energy in room;
  • heating circuit underfloor heating, laid in a spiral manner, which allows for maximum uniform heating of the room;
  • leveling screed maintaining a slope over the entire area towards the drainage hole;
  • finishing floors

If the floor “pie” is laid on the ground, then before laying the waterproofing material it is necessary to fill and compact a cushion of dry sand-gravel mixture. On top it is covered with an expanded clay layer, which additionally performs the functions of insulation.

You should not be afraid of a slight slope of the floors, since in the photo and during visual inspection it will be almost invisible, but at the same time it will perform a very significant functional task.

Preparation for installation

Before laying a heated floor in a bathhouse from a sauna stove, it is necessary to carry out proper preparation bases so that the floors are not only durable, but also have a well-thought-out drain.

The preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. The soil under the bathhouse is removed and the remaining area is compacted. A sewer drain pipe is built into the end part of the foundation.
  2. Then a sand-crushed stone cushion 15 centimeters thick is poured in and compacted.
  3. An expanded clay layer of 15-20 centimeters is poured on top, taking into account temperature regime on the street. Do not forget to maintain a slope towards the drain.

Installation of underfloor heating system

The heated floor system itself is installed as follows:

  1. First, two layers of waterproofing are laid in the form of rolled roofing felt. The joints of sheets of material are coated with a special mastic. Stripes in different layers should be perpendicular to each other.
  2. Then a layer of thermal insulation is laid on top of it, maintaining a slope towards the drain.
  3. A reinforcement mesh is laid as a protective layer.
  4. The heating circuit is laid on the mesh itself.
  5. Copper or metal-plastic pipes are connected to the heat exchanger and the system is checked. If there are no leaks, then the screed can be filled.
  6. Before pouring, the entire perimeter of the room is glued with a damper tape, which will act as a compensation gap and will not allow the floor to deform during expansion due to increased temperature. The screed can be poured using ordinary cement-sand mortar, for the reinforcement of which fiber was used, or using a dry mixture.
  7. The screed should be poured and leveled according to the beacons with prerequisite: slight slope towards the drain.
  8. As soon as the screed has completely hardened, it is necessary to lay the finishing floor covering.

Bottom line

The article describes in detail the procedure for installing a heated floor system in a bathhouse. If you follow the instructions, you can get high-quality, reliable, efficient and safe floor heating. You can trust this type work to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages - from procurement necessary materials before installation and commissioning of the heated floor system.