Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Transport characteristics of the cargo. Transport characteristics of cargo Types of containers and packaging

Transport characteristics of the cargo. Transport characteristics of cargo Types of containers and packaging

On different stages economic cycle: production – transportation – consumption, the result of labor appears each time in a new quality. At the first stage (production), the material result of social labor is product having consumer value. The product, in whole or in part, can be used for sale or consumption elsewhere. In this case he becomes goods. At the second stage (transportation), the product acquires a new quality: it becomes cargo, that is, the object of transportation. Cargo in transport is any product that is in the process of transportation, that is, from the moment it is accepted for transportation until the moment it is delivered to the consignee. At the third stage - when the consumer value is realized - the cargo again acts as a product.

The cost of a product consists of the cost of its production and the cost of transportation. In the process of transporting cargo, the main participants in this process are not the manufacturer and consumer of the product, but the cargo owner and the transport organization (carrier). Objectively, transportation increases the cost of the product for the consumer, so transportation costs should be reduced in every possible way, but not to the detriment of the safety, timeliness and safety of cargo delivery.

Any product, even before it gets transported, already has the required set of properties, that is, a certain quality that should not change during transportation or, in any case, deteriorate from the consumer’s point of view.

All those beneficial features product, which characterize its consumer value, are significant at the initial and final stages economic cycle. At the transportation stage, many consumer properties of the product that characterize it as a commodity turn out to be insignificant, since they do not affect the transportation process. In this case, those properties of the goods that are associated with the transportation process and constitute the transport characteristics of the cargo come to the fore.

A transport characteristic of cargo is a property of a product that manifests itself during transportation and determines this process. The transport characteristics of cargo include: physical-chemical, biochemical, thermophysical and hazardous properties; volume-mass indicators; containers and packaging in which the cargo is transported; marking; modes of transportation, storage and reloading. A change in the transport characteristics of the cargo leads to the need to change the technical support and/or technology of the transportation process. For example, the transition from transportation of cement in bulk to transportation in containers (paper bags) will require the use of other types of rolling stock, warehouses and means of mechanized loading and unloading operations (LOW), as well as the use of packaging materials and packaging means.

The set of specific qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo is called the transport state of the cargo. For example, when transporting cement in bags, the transport state of this cargo consists of the following components: according to physical and chemical properties - subject to sprayability, abrasiveness, caking, hygroscopicity; in terms of volumetric mass indicators - it has a volumetric mass of 1.7 t/m 3; due to its dangerous properties – it generates dust and causes diseases; for containers and packaging - transported in paper bags indicating the name “Portland cement for construction” and the weight of the cargo (50 kg).

Cargo concept

technological stages:

cargo, i.e. object of transportation.

transport characteristics cargo

Transport characteristics of cargo

In order to ensure the safety and timely delivery of the transported cargo, it is necessary to know its characteristics and properties.

TO transport characteristics cargo include:

1) physical and chemical properties;

2) volume-mass characteristics;

3) biochemical processes;

4) properties that determine the degree of danger of the cargo;

5) properties that determine the Technical Conditions (TS) for transportation, transshipment and storage;

6) requirements for containers and packaging of cargo.

Taking into account the transport characteristics and properties of the cargo allows you to make right choice rolling stock, loading and unloading mechanisms (LOM), storage facilities and transportation modes.

Knowledge of the transport characteristics of cargo is an indispensable condition for fulfilling main transport task– timely, safe, in qualitative and quantitative terms, delivery of cargo from the point of departure to the point of destination.

The set of specific qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo is called transport condition of the cargo .

Transportability of goods

The cargo is considered transportable if he:

– complies with the standards and conditions of transportation;

– has serviceable containers, packaging, seals, locks, and proper markings (packaged piece cargo);

– protected from adverse external influences (moisture, environment, foreign odors);

– during the validity period negative temperatures measures were taken to prevent cargo from freezing during transportation and storage.

Fulfillment of all the above conditions is a guarantee of high-quality and safe delivery of cargo to its destination.

Question 2. Cargo classification systems in transport. Nomenclatures of goods.

Cargo classification system

In railway transport, the following classification of cargo is distinguished.

Transport classification

Transport classification of goods is understood as the ordering of a set of goods according to some criterion that determines the characteristics of the transport process.

Transport classification is determined by the type and condition of the cargo presented for transportation, the type of packaging, and the method of loading and transportation.

In transport classification, all cargo is grouped into three groups:

1) dry cargo ships;

2) liquid cargo;

3) living creatures.

Each group is divided into subgroups that unite goods that are similar in their transport characteristics and transportation conditions.

¨ Bulk carriers can be divided into three subgroups:

– bulk cargo;

– bulk cargo;

– general cargo.

Bulk cargo– accepted for carriage without counting of places ( solid fuel, ore, timber, etc.).

There are bulk cargoes that:

– do not require protection from precipitation and spraying – are transported on open rolling stock;

– require protection from precipitation, are susceptible to spraying, contamination, deterioration – are transported in covered wagons.

Bulk cargo– represent a homogeneous mass of fractional components with mutual mobility (flowability).

Bulk cargo is transported in bulk in universal and specialized cars, divided into cargo that:

– do not require protection from precipitation – are transported on open rolling stock or in specialized wagons;

– require protection from precipitation – are transported in covered or specialized hopper cars: grain trucks, mineral trucks, cement trucks.

When preparing transportation documents for bulk and bulk cargo, the shipper indicates “in bulk” or “in bulk” in the consignment note in the column “number of pieces.”

General cargo– various piece cargo (containers, piece cargo, packaged piece cargo).

Container a unit of transport equipment with an internal volume of at least 1 m3.

Based on their purpose, containers are divided into universal and specialized.

Universal containers are designed for the transportation of a wide range of goods and belong, as a rule, to various transport ministries and departments.

Specialized containers are intended for the transportation of one or a group of similar goods and belong, as a rule, to shippers or consignees.

Depending on their gross weight, containers are divided into:

large-capacity– with a gross weight of 10 tons or more (20, 24, 30, 32 tons);

medium-duty– gross weight from 3 to 10 tons (3 and 5 tons);

small-tonnage– gross weight up to 3 tons (0.625 and 1.25 tons).

·Containerized and piece cargo – those that are accepted for transportation according to the number of packages indicated in the consignment note, or the weight indicated on the packages.

Packaged unit cargo (TSG) is transported in packaged form (boxes, bags, barrels, etc.).

Depending on the volume-mass characteristics packaged and piece cargo are divided into 4 groups:

1st group - cargo weighing up to 500 kg (food, consumer goods) - are transported, as a rule, in covered wagons;

2nd group – heavy cargo with a mass of one cargo item exceeding 500 kg (machinery, equipment, etc.);

3rd group – long and large-sized cargo (rails, rolled metal, equipment, etc.);

Group 4 – oversized cargo.

¨ TO bulk include liquid cargo transported in bulk in tanks and bunker gondola cars.

Of all liquid cargo transported by rail, 90% is crude oil and petroleum products(gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, etc.), 10% – food cargo (alcohol, wine, vegetable oils, etc.) and chemical(acids, alkalis, liquefied gases, etc.).

Liquid cargoes are divided into non-hazardous(transported on a general basis) and dangerous(transported on the basis of the “Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods”).

¨ TO living creatures include large and small livestock, pigs, horses, wild animals, all kinds of birds, live fish, crayfish and bees.

2. Depending on the specific properties and conditions of transportation all cargo is divided into 11 groups:

1) perishable – requiring protection from low or high temperatures, which affect the quality of the cargo;

2) having hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture from the environment);

3) easily absorbs foreign odors;

4) having specific odors;

5) constantly retaining their properties, little susceptible to environmental influences;

6) those that lose their flowability during transportation as a result of freezing and sintering of individual particles;

7) susceptible to caking as a result long-term storage and transportation;

8) dangerous;

9) subject to weight loss during transportation;

10) living creatures;

11) mechanical engineering products.

3. By storage conditions cargo is divided into 3 groups:

1) valuable cargo and cargo that is susceptible to external influences (stored in indoor warehouses);

2) not subject to temperature changes, but absorbing moisture (stored in covered warehouses or covered areas);

3) not exposed to environmental influences (stored in open areas).

Warehouse classification

There is a whole list of different classifications of warehouse premises. First, let's figure out what a warehouse is and what functions it performs.

Warehouse is non-residential premises, intended for storing raw materials, products, goods and other goods, ensuring compliance with the required storage conditions and equipped with storage equipment and structures and structures convenient for unloading and loading. According to their purpose, warehouses are divided into production, wholesale and procurement, supply and commercial. According to the types of products stored, warehouses are food, non-food, pharmaceutical and special purpose. The requirements for each type of warehouse depend on its purpose. Each warehouse must provide not only reliable storage of cargo, but also the convenience of access roads, provision of loading and unloading operations, accounting for cargo movement, sorting and shipping of goods and products. According to the storage method, warehouses can be distributed and centralized, open and closed, bunkers and tanks. According to the form of ownership, warehouse premises can be divided into rented, commercial (owned by logistics companies) and owned by the company. The classifications listed above do not reflect all the design and logistics features of warehouse premises. In order to describe the characteristics of the warehouse itself, as well as the warehouse facilities, one well-known logistics company developed a classification system that most fully reflects the characteristics of the warehouse as a logistics and marketing unit. This classification divides all warehouse premises, regardless of their purpose, into six categories. When determining the category of a particular warehouse, such parameters as the geographical location of the warehouse, the presence and condition of access roads, distance from highways, the presence of a railway line, room area, number of floors, ceiling heights, the presence of technical security equipment and much more are taken into account.

Category “A+” combines warehouses that are the most convenient and advantageously located from a logistics point of view. Such warehouses have sufficient space, offices and service premises, storage and loading equipment. The cost of renting such premises is the highest.

Category “B+” requires a warehouse premises to have a ceiling height of at least eight meters. Floors must be covered with an anti-dust coating. The warehouse should be located near major highways, have convenient access roads and space for maneuvering heavy vehicles.

You can obtain more detailed information about this or that category of warehouse premises by reading the material in the corresponding section.

Class A+ warehouses

Warehouse premises class "A+" - highest category warehouses according to general classification. Such premises meet the most high requirements warehouse facilities. The “A+” category warehouse is a kind of presidential apartment among the premises for this purpose.

Let's consider the characteristics that allow us to classify a warehouse into this category in accordance with the classification.

  1. Building type:"A+" class warehouses are one-story buildings of a single volume. They are built from lightweight, high-quality metal structures and are designed specifically for warehouse needs. The height of the ceilings should ensure storage in six to seven tiers (at least thirteen meters).
  2. Internal structures: Buildings are usually rectangular shape without columns or with columns. The column spacing is at least twelve meters and the distance between rows is at least twenty-four meters.
  3. Floor covering: A flat concrete floor is located at a level of one meter and twenty centimeters from the ground. It must provide a load of at least five tons per square meter. There is an anti-dust coating.
  4. Warehouses of class “A+” are required to be equipped with air conditioning and ventilation, ensuring high-quality ventilation of the entire warehouse premises.
  5. Temperature: temperature regime is regulated depending on the requirements for storage conditions of a particular cargo and is provided by an air conditioning system.
  6. Security systems: The warehouse is equipped with security and video surveillance systems. There is a remote control for the security officer on duty, which receives signals about alarms in a particular area and images from surveillance cameras. Fire safety is provided by a fire warning system, as well as a powder or sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing system. All signals are duplicated to the appropriate emergency services.
  7. Power supply is provided by our own autonomous electrical substation. Heating comes from its own heating unit. There are hot and cold water supply and sewerage.
  8. Class A+ warehouses are equipped with dock-type gates at the rate of one gate per five hundred square meters warehouse The gates are equipped with loading platforms of adjustable height.
  9. The warehouse has office space, a conference room, rest rooms, catering facilities and other necessary premises.
  10. Telecommunications: Communication and data transfer are carried out via fiber optic channels. There is Internet access.
  11. Control and accounting systems: These systems delimit employee access and provide control over the movement of cargo. Access control is taken into account.
  12. Adjacent area: The territory of the treasure is guarded around the clock. Special attention is paid to landscaping and lighting of the area.
  13. Parking lots for vehicles: There are parking and parking areas for heavy vehicles. Its unhindered maneuvering is ensured. Separate parking for passenger vehicles is provided.
  14. Railway connections: A separate railway line leading directly to the warehouse. It is desirable to have a railway ramp.
  15. Location: The warehouse is located directly next to major transport routes, or has a good entrance no more than four kilometers long.

Class "A" warehouses

Warehouse premises of class “A” meet high logistics requirements. They differ little from high-class warehouses. The differences mainly lie in the area of ​​the room itself and the height of the ceilings. The location of the warehouse relative to highways also plays a role. Class "A" warehouses are specialized structures designed to provide best conditions storage of any types of cargo.

  1. Building type: Class “A” warehouse premises are one-story and one-volume buildings made of metal structures or sandwich panels. They were built after 1994 specifically for use as warehouses. The ceiling height is at least ten meters, which allows for multi-level cargo storage.
  2. Internal structures: The column spacing is at least nine meters and the distance between spans is at least twenty-four meters. The building area is no more than fifty-five percent.
  3. Floor covering: The smooth concrete floor has an anti-dust coating. The height from the ground is one meter and twenty centimeters. Floors provide a load of at least five tons per square meter.
  4. Ventilation and air conditioning systems: Class “A” warehouses are equipped with air conditioning and ventilation, ensuring high-quality ventilation of the entire warehouse premises.
  5. Temperature: The temperature regime is provided by the air conditioning system and is regulated depending on the requirements for storage conditions of a particular cargo.
  6. Security systems: The warehouse is equipped with security and video surveillance systems. There is a remote control for the security officer on duty, which receives signals about alarms in a particular area and images from surveillance cameras. Fire safety is ensured by a fire warning system, as well as a powder or sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing system.
  7. Power supply and communications: Warehouses of this class are equipped with their own autonomous electrical substation. Heating is provided by its own heating unit. Hot and cold water supply and sewerage are provided.
  8. Unloading and loading structures: Class “A” warehouses are equipped with dock-type gates at the rate of one gate per seven hundred square meters of area. The gates are equipped with docklevelers – loading and unloading platforms with adjustable lifting heights.
  9. Office and utility rooms: On the territory of the warehouse there are office premises, staff rest rooms, toilets, showers, and other service premises.
  10. Telecommunications: Data transmission is carried out via fiber optic channels. Telephone communication is provided by our own automatic telephone exchange.
  11. Control and accounting systems: The warehouse territory has access control, accounting and employee access systems. All cargo movements are registered in an automated cargo accounting system.
  12. Adjacent area: Landscaped area with sufficient lighting. The territory of the treasure is guarded around the clock.
  13. Parking lots for vehicles: There are parking and parking areas for heavy vehicles. Its unhindered maneuvering is ensured.
  14. Railway connections: It is desirable to have a railway line that goes directly to the warehouse.
  15. Location: The warehouse is located near major transport arteries and has an entrance that provides traffic for heavy vehicles.

Warehouses class "B+"

Category “B+” unites warehouses built or converted to perform storage tasks various types cargo. Category “B+” is a kind of luxury in the classification of warehouse premises. Structures in this category have a number of advantages, such as reasonable cost in combination with all necessary conditions warehouse facilities.

  1. Building type: Warehouses in this category were built or converted from industrial buildings. They are one-story buildings with a ceiling height of at least eight meters. This allows you to arrange racks for storing goods in a multi-level manner.
  2. Internal structures: The spacing of the columns should ensure unimpeded transportation of cargo inside the warehouse and convenient storage. The built-up area ranges from forty-five to fifty-five percent.
  3. Floor covering: Anti-dust coating of concrete floors reduces dust levels during internal space. The permissible load per square meter is at least five tons. The distance to the ground is at least one meter.
  4. Ventilation and air conditioning systems: Class B+ warehouses are equipped with a ventilation system; an air conditioning system is a desirable condition.
  5. Temperature: temperature and humidity levels are regulated by heating and ventilation systems. In premises of this class a constant microclimate is maintained, ensuring optimal conditions storage
  6. Security systems: The fire safety system is complemented by a hydrant fire extinguishing system, which ensures reliable protection from fire. A powder fire extinguishing system is often used.
  7. Power supply and communications: The warehouse has its own heating system, sewerage and water supply. Electricity can be supplied either from general energy sources or from your own autonomous power substation.
  8. Unloading and loading structures: A ramp for trucks is required. Dock-type gates are located at the rate of at least one per thousand square meters of the warehouse.
  9. Office and utility rooms: The warehouse area has utility rooms, staff rooms, toilets, and showers. Office rooms located either in the warehouse building or in an annex.
  10. Telecommunications: Telephone communications, telecommunication systems that support work electronic systems and automation tools.
  11. Control and accounting systems: Access control on the territory, recording the arrival and departure of employees.
  12. Adjacent area:
  13. Parking lots for vehicles: There is a sufficient number of parking spaces for heavy vehicles directly next to the warehouse, and there may be parking spaces near the territory.
  14. Railway connections: close proximity to a railway freight station or the presence of its own railway line.
  15. Location:

Warehouses class "B"

Warehouse premises of class “B” can be fully considered the optimal solution for companies that know how to count their money and at the same time enjoy the benefits of civilization without unnecessary frills. Storing cargo in warehouses of this category is profitable and at the same time reliable. Warehouses meet modern requirements.

Let's consider the main points of the classification:

  1. Building type: Warehouses in this category were newly built or reconstructed to perform storage tasks. They are, as a rule, multi-storey buildings with ceiling heights of each level ranging from four to eight meters. Transportation to the upper floors is provided by freight elevators.
  2. Internal structures: There are no special requirements.
  3. Floor covering: The floors are not covered. Floors can be either concrete or asphalt. The distance to the ground is at least one meter.
  4. Ventilation and air conditioning systems: Warehouses of class “B” can be equipped with a ventilation system, which should ensure effective ventilation of up to ninety percent of the room.
  5. Temperature: Temperature and humidity levels are controlled by the heating system. In premises of this class it is supported constant temperature storage and permissible level humidity.
  6. Security systems: Cargo safety is ensured by an alarm system. There is a hydrant fire extinguishing system and fire alarm
  7. Power supply and communications: The warehouse has its own heating system, sewerage and water supply. Electricity supply is provided through the general power grid.
  8. Unloading and loading structures: To ensure ease of loading and unloading, there is a ramp for heavy vehicles. Freight elevators are located at a rate of at least one per two thousand square meters. The carrying capacity of each is at least three tons.
  9. Office and utility rooms: There are utility rooms on the warehouse premises. Office premises are located in close proximity to the warehouse area.
  10. Telecommunications: Fixed telephone network, local network between workstations.
  11. Control and accounting systems: Access control regime on the territory, automated accounting of cargo movement.
  12. Adjacent area: landscaped area, equipped artificial lighting.
  13. Parking lots for vehicles: Sufficient parking spaces for heavy vehicles both directly next to the warehouse and nearby.
  14. Railway connections: close proximity to the railway freight station.
  15. Location: Proximity to main highways, convenient access, good road condition.

Warehouses class "C"

Warehouses of category “C” are, most often, an insulated hangar or a capital production facility, with a ceiling height of at least four meters. Buildings can be of any number of floors. The main thing in the case of multi-story buildings is the presence of freight elevators in the required quantity. The floors are concrete or asphalt, there is no covering. A prerequisite for warehouse premises of category “C” is the presence of gates zero level, to ensure the entry of freight transport into the premises. The climate and temperature conditions are maintained by a heating and ventilation system. The maintained temperature ranges from +8 to +14 degrees Celsius. Visits in this category usually have a water supply and sewerage system. Fire safety is ensured by a fire alarm and fire extinguishing system. Perimeter security and access control regime are organized in the warehouse area.

Class “C” warehouses are located a short distance from the main highways; high-quality satellite roads lead to them, ensuring the unhindered movement of heavy vehicles. Near the warehouses there are parking lots for trucks and places for their maneuvering. Warehouses of this class are the most common in Russia. The rental price is low, but the tenant often has to pay for water and electricity on his own.

Warehouses class "D"

Warehouses of category “D” are perhaps the most unpretentious in terms of requirements for their equipment. For warehouses of this category they use basements, civil defense facilities, hangars, industrial premises and other non-residential and technical areas. The requirements here are minimal. Such warehouses must have lighting, constant temperature and humidity levels. Warehouses must have access and gates convenient for trucks for loading and unloading. Security is ensured by an alarm system. To prevent fires, a fire alarm, system and fire extinguishing equipment are installed. These warehouses are used mainly for short-term storage of small quantities of various goods.

The advantage of category “D” warehouse premises is the low rent. Warehouses of this class can be located both within the city limits, in industrial zones, and at a sufficient distance from the main highways.

Question 1. The concept of cargo. Components of transport characteristics.

Cargo concept

Every day, a large amount of commercial products and raw materials are transported by various modes of transport (rail, road, air, water and pipeline).

From the moment of extraction or production to the moment of processing or consumption, commercial products undergo the following technological stages:

From the moment it is transferred to transport for spatial movement, the product acquires a new quality - it becomes cargo, i.e. object of transportation.

The main participants in the transportation of goods are not the manufacturer and the consumer, but the cargo owner and the owner of the rolling stock with their service organizations. Naturally, transportation increases the cost of the product for the consumer.

Thus, from the moment of acceptance for transportation at the departure station and until the moment of issuance at the destination station, all commercial products are called "CARGO".
Cargoes of each type have unique physical and chemical properties, volumetric and mass characteristics, and degree of danger that determine technical specifications transportation In combination with the parameters of containers and packaging, the specific properties of the cargo constitute the concept transport characteristics cargo


Test assignments are designed to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the discipline “Cargo Science” and acquire practical skills in consciously taking into account the transport characteristics of goods, assessing their impact on the organization of transportation.

By doing test work the following provisions must be adhered to:

1. Assignments are completed according to the option number issued by the teacher and the student ID number.

2. The main information base for completing assignments is the bibliographic list, which is given in these instructions. When using quotes, digital and graphic materials in your work, it is necessary to indicate bibliographical references to the original sources.

3. The report on completed tasks is drawn up in the form of an explanatory note, typewritten on one side of an A4 sheet in compliance with the requirements of the current standards of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MSTU" to this species works

4. The explanatory note is submitted to the teacher for verification within the deadlines established curriculum. Students correspondence form students must register a note at the department (room 110). After checking and no comments, the student must defend the submitted test work.

5. If there are any comments in the explanatory note, it is necessary to correct all errors and make the required additions, and then present it for re-checking. In this case, the note “Work corrected” is written on the cover of the note. In this case, it is not allowed to rewrite the entire completed work or its individual sections, as well as replace the title page. All corrections are provided on back side available sheets.

6. Defense of the test work by the student can be carried out in the form of a personal interview with the teacher or in the form of a public report to the commission. During the defense process, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the material and the ability to interpret the results of solved assignments.


Transport characteristics of the cargo is a property of a product that manifests itself during the transportation process and determines this process. The concept of “transport characteristics of cargo” includes: physical-chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties; volume-mass indicators; containers and packaging in which the cargo is transported; conditions (modes) of transportation, storage and loading and unloading operations. The set of certain qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo, formed for a specific transportation, is called transport condition of the cargo.

The physical, chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties inherent in a particular cargo determine the conditions for its transshipment, transportation and storage, as well as the basic requirements for containers and packaging of the cargo. A description of these properties and their influence on the organization of the transport process is given in the works. At the same time, biochemical properties (processes) occur in cargo of plant and animal origin and are caused by the interaction of the cargo with atmospheric oxygen, or the presence of various microorganisms in the cargo and their vital activity. The presence of dangerous properties indicates the transport danger of the cargo. Transportation of dangerous goods is carried out in compliance with special conditions established in the general case by the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods approved for various types transport.

Determining the volume-mass indicators of cargo is necessary to assess the use of the capacity and carrying capacity of the rolling stock in which cargo can be transported, as well as to calculate the parameters of warehouses and loading mechanisms, and cargo weight. Moreover, for cargo different types These indicators differ: density characterizes liquid cargo, volume (bulk) mass - bulk and bulk cargo, specific volume - general.

Containers and packaging can be used for the transportation of various general cargo. Cargoes that, due to their characteristics, can be packaged and bagged, must be presented for transportation in packaged form using transport containers. As a result of product packaging, packaging units– goods packaged in consumer packaging for sale and cargo units– goods packed in transport packaging for transportation. Cargo units are called differently transport units or cargo places. Each type of container is characterized by a specific code.

The conditions of transportation, storage and loading and unloading operations must be determined on the basis of the current rules for the transportation of goods approved for various types of transport. These conditions must take into account the physical, chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties that are inherent in the cargo being transported. When presenting cargo for transportation, it is necessary to indicate its name and code, which are generally accepted in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature of Cargo (UTSNG).

Typical task

Determine the transport state of cooking fat transported in barrels.


The transport state of cooking fat is given in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1

Transport condition of the cargo

Transport characteristics Transport condition
Name of cargo, cargo code according to ETSNG Cooking fat
Physicochemical characteristics The following properties are characteristic: frost resistance - freezing is allowed; accumulates foreign odors; at positive temperatures it turns into a liquid state with the possibility of leaking out of the package
Biochemical properties Is perishable food product. Biochemical processes occurring in fat cause its deterioration: hydrolysis (acidification), oxidation (rancidity) - the appearance of a specific bad taste and odor, hardening, greasing. Fat oxidation occurs when it interacts with oxygen in the air; the process is accelerated by light and increased temperature
Hazardous properties and hazard characteristics of the cargo Hazardous properties does not have
Parameters of transport packaging and enlarged cargo space* Name of container Wooden filler barrel
Geometric dimensions containers, mm Diameter: outer – 515, at the ends – 450; height – 675. Volume 100 l
Name of packaging means, dimensions, mm Flat single-deck pallet, 1000´1200´150
Geometric dimensions of enlarged cargo space, mm 1000´1200´825
Volume/weight of enlarged cargo package, m 3 / gross t 1,0 / 0,427

End of table. 1.1

Transport characteristics Transport condition
Volume-mass indicators of a batch of enlarged cargo units (for wagon shipment)** Total geometric volume of cargo packages, m 3 60,0
Total weight of packages, gross tons 25,62
Specific volume, m 3 /t 2,34
Specific loading volume, m 3 /t 3,43
Loading mode Pallets with barrels are stacked from the sides to the center of the cargo space close to each other, resting against the end and side walls of the car. Fencing panels are installed in the voids between cargo spaces, as well as between cargo spaces and the walls of the car. The stacking height is two tiers of bags. It is prohibited to carry out cargo operations during precipitation.
Transport mode Presented for transportation frozen. Transported in refrigerated cars at a temperature not exceeding minus 5°C and a relative humidity of 80-85%
Storage mode Fat should be stored in specialized refrigerators or specially adapted warehouses. Short-term storage in non-refrigerated warehouses is allowed, provided that the temperature and humidity conditions necessary to ensure the safety of the cargo are maintained. When storing packaged cargo, the packages are stacked on top of each other to ensure their stability. Allowable storage height – three tiers of bags

* The parameters of the transport container and enlarged cargo space are determined during the execution of the second task.

** Volume-mass indicators of enlarged cargo packages are determined during the execution of the second task. Wagon shipment – ​​a shipment consisting of cargo, the weight and volume of which, as well as transportation conditions, require the provision of a separate wagon.


Determine the transport condition of the cargo, presenting it in the form of a table. 1.1. Accept the name of the cargo according to the option in the table. 1.2.

Table 1.2

Names of goods

Description of the cargo in the contract of carriage. The name, condition and quantity of the cargo are its most essential characteristics, which must be reflected in the contract of carriage, since depending on these data, issues are resolved about the possibility of accepting the cargo for transportation, ensuring appropriate conditions for loading (unloading) the cargo, its transportation and storage, the amount of freight, as well as the nature and extent of non-preservation of goods, for which the carrier may be held liable. The determination of the cargo to be transported depends on the type of transportation and the concluded contract.
In the bill of lading, the characteristics of the cargo must be complete and accurate. Information about the cargo to be included in the bill of lading is provided for in the CTM: name of the cargo, brands on it, number, places or quantity and (or) measure (weight, volume), and in necessary cases data on appearance, condition and special properties cargo In the 1924 Bill of Lading Convention, the requirement to include in the bill of lading data on the appearance and condition of the cargo, in contrast to the KTM, is formulated in an unconditional form. The Convention proceeds from the fact that data on the appearance and position of the cargo must be included by the carrier in the bill of lading.

The carrier checks the condition of the cargo, its packaging and labeling. Data about the cargo is entered into the bill of lading based on the information contained in the loading order, based on the results of an inspection carried out by the carrier in accordance with the rules for accepting cargo in force in maritime transport. A bill of lading drawn up on the basis of the loading order data verified by the carrier is the most important evidence of the actual quantity and condition of the cargo accepted for transportation. Since the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo entrusted to him safely, the recipient has the right to make a claim against him if the delivered cargo does not correspond to its description in the bill of lading. In addition, the inclusion of correct information about cargo in cargo documents contributes to the safety of cargo during storage, loading (unloading) and transportation.
The carrier checks the condition of the accepted cargo, its packaging and labeling through external inspection. The carrier, as a rule, is not obliged to check the quality of the accepted cargo, i.e. its internal properties (grade, humidity, etc.). The clause in the bill of lading “quality unknown” means that the carrier does not know the internal properties of the cargo, since he could not detect them by external inspection of the cargo. The carrier is exempt from liability for unsafe cargo caused by hidden defects of the cargo itself, its properties, as well as defects in containers and packaging that are invisible from the outside.
When inspecting the cargo, the carrier checks the presence and compliance of the stamps on the cargo with the data of the loading order and their clarity. The condition of containerized and packaged goods is determined by appearance and the condition of the container and packaging. Compliance of containers and packaging with the requirements imposed on them and serviceability is also established by external inspection, i.e. without compromising their integrity. The internal packaging of goods is not subject to inspection. In cases where documents certifying the quality of the cargo must be transferred to the carrier along with the cargo, the carrier must check the compliance of these documents with the requirements for the carriage of this cargo by sea.
Cargo condition clauses and their meaning. Most forms of bills of lading contain a provision that the cargo is accepted “in apparent good order and condition”. The presence of this provision in the bill of lading deprives the carrier of the right to refer to defects in the cargo and its packaging that could have been noticed by him when accepting the cargo, if the holder of the bill of lading is a third party. Therefore, if, upon acceptance of the cargo, an improper condition of the cargo or its packaging is revealed, the carrier enters into the navigator’s receipt, and then into the bill of lading, appropriate clauses reflecting the actual condition of the accepted cargo. The practice of merchant shipping has developed generally accepted formulations of clauses indicating deficiencies in the condition of the cargo or its packaging, “example: “second hand cases”, bags have stains” (bags stained), “packaging of bales is torn” (cover of bales torn), “barrels leaking”, etc. The presence in the bill of lading of clauses denying the good condition of the cargo does not relieve the carrier from liability for the failure of the cargo, however, it places the burden of proof on the recipient of proof that the cargo was accepted by the carrier in good condition, and the damage to the cargo was caused during its transportation. However, such consequences occur only if the loss or damage to the cargo is due to the defects of the cargo or its container noted in the bill of lading. Thus, the clause in the bill of lading “the bags are torn” will not be taken into account if the damage caused to the cargo is associated with its soaking in sea water.
Due to the fact that reservations reduce the value of the bill of lading as a document of title, shippers often ask the carrier to issue a “clean” bill of lading, that is, without reservations discrediting the condition of the cargo, and offer a letter of guarantee with an obligation to compensate the carrier for all losses that may arise as a result of inclusion in bill of lading of data that does not correspond to reality.

At different stages of the economic cycle “production - transportation - consumption”, the result of labor is presented in a new quality each time. At the first stage (production), the material result of social labor is a product that has value and use value. The product, in whole or in part, can be used for sale or consumption elsewhere. In this case, it becomes a commodity. At the second stage, from the moment of transfer to transport for spatial movement, the product acquires a new quality: it becomes cargo, i.e. object of transportation. At the third stage, i.e. when realizing consumer value, the cargo again acts as only a product.

The cost of a product consists of the cost of its manufacturer and the cost of transportation. The consumer value is maximum, since it can be fully realized.

All useful properties of a product that characterize its consumer value are significant at the initial and final stages of the economic cycle. At the intermediate stage of the cycle (transportation), the product becomes cargo and many consumer properties that characterize it as a product turn out to be non-existent, since they do not affect the transportation process. Those properties of the goods that are associated with the transportation process and constitute the transport characteristics of the cargo come to the fore.

The transport characteristics of cargo are the properties of the goods that appear during the transportation process and determine this process. The transport characteristics of cargo include: physical and chemical properties, volumetric and mass indicators, containers, packaging, storage mode, transshipment, transportation. The set of specific qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo is called the transport state of the cargo.

The safety of the cargo and the safety of its transportation is ensured if the cargo is presented for transportation in a transportable condition. The cargo is transportable if it is in good condition; complies with the standards and conditions of transportation by road; has proper containers, packaging, seals, locks and proper markings; reliably protected from the influence of the external environment; has no signs indicating its deterioration.

2 The task of organizing transportation

As you know, the purpose of the existence of transport (including road transport) is the complete and timely satisfaction of the constantly emerging transportation needs of enterprises and the population. We will consider transporting goods by road. At the same time, motor transport enterprises naturally try to use the minimum amount of resources (fuel, lubricants, etc.). The work of road transport is complicated by the fact that requests for the transportation of goods (transportation needs) change over time. In addition to relatively regular customers (clients), motor transport enterprises (ATEs) have many so-called one-time transportations, when the client contacts the ATP, for example, once a month. As a result of uneven receipt of applications, there may be periods of time when ATPs cannot cope with transportation or when vehicles are idle due to lack of work. In addition, sometimes there is a problem of finding work for specialized vehicles designed for transporting one specific or several similar cargoes. Thus, in the ATP there is a constant need to solve problems in organizing the transportation of goods in accordance with changing conditions. One of these tasks is to determine the shortest distances between cargo points (points of loading or unloading of goods). This is necessary for correct calculations with clients, payroll for drivers, establishing the time spent on transportation, etc. The need to find distances between cargo points arises when a new client appears or road conditions change (new bridges open, streets are closed for repairs, etc.) etc.). ATP costs are significantly influenced by the distribution of available rolling stock (cars, trailers and semi-trailers) among facilities. Any application can be carried out using several types of rolling stock, which require different costs and have different carrying capacity. Comparing available models, choose the most rational one. This problem is proposed to be solved when completing a course project. The main disruptions in the transportation process occur at cargo points during loading and unloading operations. These include excessive downtime in queues for loading and unloading, refusals to accept or send cargo, large amounts of time spent on loading or unloading, etc. One of the most complex tasks ATP operation services – operational transportation planning. Its complexity is mainly due to the huge number of solution options. For the organization of the transportation process, a correctly drawn up schedule for the release of rolling stock is of great importance.