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» Herbs and plants for winning. Nature's pantries: autumn herb collection. Jupiter plant harvest time

Herbs and plants for winning. Nature's pantries: autumn herb collection. Jupiter plant harvest time

Talismans, amulets and amulets made from plants.

Not only magicians, but also ordinary people undertake the production of amulets for homes, cars and people, without even noticing it. A child's favorite toy taken on a trip sometimes plays the role of a talisman to a greater extent than an amulet purchased from a magician. Do not scold your child on the road for a damaged or lost toy; it is quite possible that she took a “blow of fate”. And adults don’t lag behind children, buying keychains, jewelry and other trinkets. By hanging a keychain on the keys, we do this so that they do not get lost, thereby programming the keychain as a key amulet. By consciously making amulets and talismans for yourself, family and friends, you can avoid many troubles.

Amulet- a pleasant little thing in which protective forces are concentrated. The amulet protects the owner, house or car by repelling the evil eye, damage, illness, envy, theft, etc.

Amulet- a thing “charged” with active energy, which can be replenished in places of power or charged independently. The energy of the amulet is narrowly targeted, that is, it brings good luck in only one area. By charging an amulet “for love” you will receive it, “for money” you will receive money, for each action you need a separate amulet. Do not wear the used amulet, put it in a box and keep it at home. Don't let children play, don't show it to strangers.

For example, after the amulet works, put it in a black box and hide it in the northern part of the house. Amulet "for the birth of a child" in a white box and go home to the western part of the apartment. “Get well” in a yellow box and in the center of the house. Amulets can be charged in this place and maintain the achieved result.

Mascot- has all the properties of both a talisman and an amulet, and can both help and harm. A toy “grabbed” from someone else’s house can take revenge on the new owner. Other people's talismans will never be useful; they will give away all the negativity of the old owner in revenge. Sometimes talismans come unexpectedly: they are given, found, inherited, but they have one thing in common - affection for the owner. Having forgotten the talisman at home, the owner will be “out of place”, energetically feeling the gap and loss. The most accessible talismans for us are the pectoral cross, rosary or wedding ring.

On the one hand, it is good for people with a weak will to have talismans, since they nourish the owner, but on the other hand, if they are lost, they can get a nervous breakdown, since a strong attachment occurs. We must remember: if the talisman is lost, it means its power has been exhausted and the owner no longer needs it. Don’t despair, and if you need this type of magic, then look for it or wait for a new one to arrive.

Self-production medicinal fees.

The proposed therapeutic single doses and the number of herbs are not strictly mandatory; the doses of herbs depend on the state of health and well-being, as well as on the weight and age of the patient. Doses can be reduced, but should not be increased, and we also must not forget that many herbs are strong allergens.

All medicinal teas must be taken under the supervision of a physician. At the same time, you need to monitor your well-being and the body’s reaction. All plants can bring both benefit and harm. There are no “harmless” herbs that you can take just in case.

Each of us at least once in our lives bought a lottery ticket or participated in some kind of cash or gift drawing (for example, in some kind of promotion in a store). However, only a few win huge sums. How do they do this? Perhaps, a significant role was played in their victory interesting science numerology.

Numbers for winning the lottery using the Ellin Dodge method

Ellyn Dodge is a famous numerologist and expert in the magic of numbers, who has written many works on the topic of the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. He is one of the people who participated in the opening of the English National Lottery in London.

Let's take a look at the basic steps that will help you increase your chance of winning the lottery using his method. Winning will overtake you when you accurately calculate the numerology of numbers. To win the lottery, follow these simple rules:

  • You need to select the month in which you are going to play and find out its date. It's very easy to do. January is the first month of the year, so its number is 1. December is the last month, and its number is 12, etc.
  • Next, select a date.
  • Add the date to the month. If you decide to play on December 12, then our number is: 24.
  • Add a year to it. For example, our year is 2016. 2016+24=2040.
  • Next, it is necessary to bring the obtained result to an unambiguous value. IN in this case our figure 2040 comes out to 6. YOU can use our automatic calculation(right) and calculate everything automatically.

So you can use our received magic number in any number lottery. You can also use all numbers that add up to 6. For example: 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, etc.

Popular numbers - an easy way to increase your chance

Also, to increase your chance of getting a winning combination, you can look at the single-digit number of the nearest lotteries that have already ended. It's easy to do.

  • We write down all the numbers that fall out in a row and add them up. Example: 12,13,14,15,16 - 1+2+1+3+1+4+1+5+1+6 = 25, 2+5=7. Odd.
  • If you check several nearby circulations this way, you can identify certain patterns. For example, Lately If even numbers are drawn, there is a high chance that an odd number will be drawn.
  • Eliminate repetition. If the previous game had 3 or, for example, 4, then they can be excluded.

The following information may help you. After analyzing more than a hundred circulations, it turned out that the most popular combination was the one whose numerological number turned out to be the number 9. Using this method and analyzing the nearest past circulations, you can find the most suitable number at a given moment in time.

Little tricks

To finally convince yourself that your actions are correct, it is also recommended to use the following little tricks when playing:

  • If possible, buy a ticket on your birthday (or the birthday of a loved one). This method is confirmed by the calculations of famous numerologists.
  • Eight is a very good symbol. Give her some time Special attention for calculations and bets. In numerology, he is responsible for monetary wealth and financial independence and stability.
  • Pay attention to fours and twos as the main components of eight. They create numerological balance and stability, enhancing the underlying meaning. In numerology, these symbols are the most successful.

By using all the methods given in this article, you can increase your chances of success. The main thing is to believe in your luck and fortune, and never give up. After all, a positive internal attitude towards any event also increases a favorable outcome. Fortune favors brave people.

Despite the huge selection of medicinal and cosmetic products, we still turn to herbal medicine from time to time. Even skeptical people, after a short experience, admit high efficiency treatment with herbs and plants. In addition, if you use herbal medicine correctly, you will completely eliminate the possibility of causing harm to the body, while taking any medicines may be accompanied by unpleasant side effects.

Herbs have a beneficial effect not only on our health, but also on beauty. Decoctions, extracts from medicinal plants are actively used in cosmetology. You, knowing some tricks, can do it yourself, instead of spending a decent amount on purchasing advertised care. In addition, self-made herbal products will not contain harmful additives, dyes, preservatives... I think in usefulness and wide range There is no doubt about the use of herbs, now it’s time to talk about when and what herbs should be collected and prepared this autumn.

Herbalism: what you need to know

In order for the effectiveness of herbal medicine to be greatest, you should not only know how to brew a particular herb (root, buds, bark, inflorescences) and know which ailments which plant helps with, but also know when to harvest the plants. The fact is that, depending on the time of year, the same plant can be both beneficial and... harmful! Therefore, if you decide to collect plant materials yourself, carefully study the collection calendar.

You can often hear what to collect medicinal herbs follows in late spring and summer. This is partly true, since it is during this period that most of the plants beneficial to our health are collected. However, it is deep autumn, does this mean that the collection of herbs will have to be postponed until next year? Not at all! A true “herbalist” knows that work on harvesting plants is carried out from early spring to late autumn, namely from March to November.

At the end of the herbal harvesting season, namely in the month of October-November, we will still be able to collect enough raw materials to replenish our home first aid kit. At this time of year, rhizomes, roots, fruits, bark, cones, leaves, and cone berries are usually collected. We do not collect buds, inflorescences, flowers and grass for obvious reasons - by this time they have already bloomed and withered.

What do we collect in the fall?

Let's move on to a small list of plants that we can prepare for next year. So, in October we can collect:

Cranberry fruits (prevention of colds, anti-edema, varicose veins, bacterial infections);

Wild chicory roots (rash, stagnation of fluid in the body, gastrointestinal diseases);

Rhizomes of male fern (rheumatism, leg muscle cramps, under medical supervision: as an anthelmintic);

Rhizomes together with the roots of spring primrose (wound healing, insomnia, bronchitis, cough);

Cone berries (constipation, fluid retention in the body, infections, kidney stones, poor appetite, digestive problems, also prescribed for better sputum discharge);

Rhizomes and roots of burnet (inflammation, loss of strength, cramps, diarrhea);

Dandelion roots (liver and gallbladder diseases, gastritis, loss of appetite, sclerosis);

Gray alder cones (gastrointestinal diseases, colds, rheumatic arthritis);

Rhizomes creeping wheatgrass(colds, bronchitis, wound healing effect);

Cinnamon rose hips (gallbladder and liver diseases, infections, prevention of viral infections and vitamin deficiency);

Rhizomes and roots of Valerian officinalis (used to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, treat wounds and skin diseases);

Rhizomes with the roots of the snakeweed (hemorrhoids, bladder stones, pulmonary hemorrhages, dysentery, uterine bleeding, inflammation and diseases of the gums and oral cavity);

Rhizomes with roots of angelica officinalis (for stagnation of bile and fluid in the body, heart disease and as a general tonic);

Comfrey roots (runny nose, nosebleeds, tumors in the uterus and chest);

Bearberry leaves (as a diuretic, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder);

Rhizomes and roots of horse sorrel (anemia, gallbladder diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, wounds).

Despite the fact that November is considered “off-season” for collecting medicinal herbs However, you can still replenish your home medicine cabinet with something useful even after the start of frost. In November they collect:

Alder fruit (colds, inflammation of the mouth and throat, arthritis, allergies, stomach diseases);

Roots of field steelweed ( urolithiasis disease, headache, gout, hemorrhoids);

(removal of edema, spasms, antioxidant and diuretic effects, diseases of the genitourinary system, toothache, cough, bronchitis, asthma, heart disease);

Horse chestnut (seeds) (slows blood clotting, relieves inflammation, swelling, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces pain in the joints and veins);

When collected medicinal plants one more thing to consider important point. Depending on the climate, the time for collecting certain herbs may shift. In this calendar the calculation is based on middle lane Russia, therefore, depending on your location, make changes to this calendar.

As you can see, even in the fall you can collect enough herbs to defeat almost any disease and strengthen your immune system.


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used to relieve male lust, as well as weakness.

To do this, artichoke roots are collected at a time when the sun is in the fifth sign of Libra. Then it reads:

“The body is white, stand, don’t break, don’t bend before female lust. Root will pass from root to root, but not a single sorcerer will kill my flesh. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can buy an artichoke. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Pansies attract the attention of the opposite sex and relieve loneliness.

To do this, you need to dry them in any book about true love and carry it with you.

Chokeberry Flowers are collected in the second quarter of the moon from noon to sunset and are used as a talisman against thieves.

To do this, dried flowers are brewed:

“I am stone, I am fire, thief, don’t touch my place. If you, thief, enter this place, you will find destruction in the name of Analoya. The fire will engulf, crush the stone, and make the thief die. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen".

Then they rush where they need to protect themselves from theft.

You can buy chokeberry. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.


Basil is the national plant of India, very strong grass, activating a person’s personal capabilities, protects, preventing burglary.

Brings courage, increases psychic abilities, promotes reconciliation after a quarrel.

Attracts good luck, love, joy, attention of the opposite sex, increases income, is often used in conjunction with other herbs, oils to enhance influence.

If you keep it in your pocket with money, it will increase their amount.

You can buy basil. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

His kidneys are carried with them to calm down after a breakup and find new love, placed in bags with dry herbs to attract the attention of a loved one, as well as protect against evil forces.

You can buy balsam. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Periwinkle ensures love in marriage, enhances marital happiness, joy, symbolizes spiritual harmony and tranquility.

Leaves must be sewn into the mattress.

Marigold protect from evil forces, from other people during secret dates (you just need to put their bouquets on the window and front door, to unexpected guests passed by), spark a love interest that turns into passion.

Henbane refers to male love magic, to do this, he needs to pick a flower in the morning, standing on his left leg, then, closing his eyes, throw it behind his back over his right shoulder, imagining the image of the desired woman.

Due to its toxicity, it is not used in infusions or for fumigation.

You can buy henbane. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Belladonna(sleeping stupor) is collected after sunset, with the help of a certain spell it acts so that a healthy person does not wake up in the morning.

You can buy belladonna. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Benzoin cleanses, brings prosperity, strengthens mental strength.

Birch personifies extraordinary kindness, is a tree of life, brings fertility to both newlyweds and livestock, heals, protects from physical and spiritual misfortunes.

Eases suffering, helping to regain lost strength, speed up recovery, relieves depression, fatigue, and drives away nightmares and evil spirits. To do this, it is best to live next to this tree.

You can buy birch. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Tonka beans fulfill wishes, bring success, happiness, love, courage, help in achieving goals.

Beans are carried with you to attract money and ward off illness.

If you throw 7 beans into a river or stream, your wishes will come true.

Hawthorn is the tree of the goddess of carnal love.

If you destroy it, it will bring the death of children, livestock, and loss of money. Although at the same time, with the right attitude, he is able to protect, speed up marriage, and strengthen it in the future.

Hawthorn flowers brewed in tea relieve anxiety and improve appetite.

You can buy hawthorn. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

has great magical power, represents aggressive protection if it grows near the house, but if its wood is burned in the house itself, then inevitable misfortunes will come.

Its flowers are used to treat erysipelas and epilepsy.

He treats dropsy by tearing off the lower branch, dividing it into 7 parts, and then touching each one to the one who is sick, saying:

“Come, water, sit on the rod, they’ll lock you in the house by Monday. Go, water, sit on the rod, they’ll lock you in the house by Tuesday.”

You can buy elderberries. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Beech is a symbol of ancient knowledge, a guide from the knowledge of the past to the acquisition of knowledge of the future.

Valerian: if you drive an aspen stake into the middle of a plant with a spell on someone, then that person will die.

Valerian root, left behind the icon of St. George for 12 days, cures asthma, while the patient must read the prayer of St. George all this time.

You can buy Valerian. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Witch's grass attracts the attention of the opposite sex, passion, love, helps in finding a new partner, weeding out unnecessary acquaintances and problematic people, exorcises evil spirits.

To attract new lovers, you need to carry it with you or scatter it under the bed.

To scare away evil forces, you need to scatter it in the room.

Verbena protects from negativity, cleanses from obstacles in achieving a goal, expels obsessions, wards off fevers, poisoning, gives a woman beauty, charm, prevents mental attacks, attracts wealth.

Its leaves help in court so that the sentence is not harsh. There is no peace or harmony in the houses where it is kept.

If you take in right hand verbena leaves, approach from the side of the sick person’s head, ask how he feels, then the one who answered “good” will quickly be cured, and the one who answered “bad” will soon die.

You can buy Verbena. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Veronia Bukhara brings prosperity, although if you give its shoots to someone, poverty will come.

Water lilies
are under the special protection of water spirits, so if you tear it off, you can incur their wrath.

In addition, they are able to accept other people's troubles, passing them on to a new owner.

If they are greatly needed for a certain ritual, then you need to throw a few coins to the Vodyanoy, taking no more than 2 flowers.

Elm is a male tree, it supports them in all their endeavors, gives them strength, stability, support, and does not like losers.

You can buy elm. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Gardenia attracts love, brings good luck, success, happiness, personal growth, is one of the components of money rituals, as well as a link with the Moon.

To win love, attract your lover and find new friends, you need to carry her flowers with you.

To please the opposite sex, you need to dry the petals, crumble them, and mix them with orris root powder. Powder your body with this mixture.

You can buy gardenia. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

helps to concentrate on the most important, without being distracted by unimportant things, brings success, good luck, money, love, wealth, develops personal abilities, strengthens memory, protects from evil forces, promotes exorcism.

To avoid the influence of hostile forces and stop gossip, you need to carry it with you.

Small children are protected by a necklace of carnations strung on a red thread with a needle, which must be hung where they cannot reach it.

You can buy cloves. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Allspice is a powerful aphrodisiac, the aroma of attraction, success, helps protect against human anger, envy, and restores after injuries, illnesses, and operations.

Berries attract good luck in business, gambling, and help you relax.

You can buy a clove tree. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Heliotrope develops foresight, casts out evil spirits.

To induce prophetic dreams, especially regarding a theft that has occurred, you need to place it under your pillow.

Geranium attracts male attention, brings love, healing, protects from enemies, reduces rage, anger, develops a sense of humor, helps those who are in difficult situations life situation, increases potency, ability to conceive and bear children.

To attract love and the attention of your loved one, you need to carry her flowers with you.

To ensure harmony in married life, it is worth placing a pot of geraniums in the bedroom.

You can buy geranium. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Hermala vulgare (burial ground) helps to cure Parkinson's disease, shaking palsy, gathers at night, knowing in advance where, and is sentenced:

“Just as the earth under my foot does not sway and does not shake, so that the slave (name of the patient) does not shake forever and ever. Amen".

To do this, it is placed under the patient’s bed for 40 days.

Swamp cabbage roll goes hunting, saying:

“I will go into the forest easily and boldly, and I will return with booty and safe.

A bear will not touch a hunter with this grass, and no animal will ever touch him.”

Peas helps in legal matters, making speech more convincing, forcing people to listen.

To do this, you just need to take its dried pods with you.

You can buy peas. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Gum arabic cleans and protects the house.

Damiana is a powerful love herb, helps to seduce, return a loved one, develops sensuality, excites (for this purpose it is smoked like tobacco in a pipe, brewed like tea), increases love possibilities.

In addition, it is used to terminate pregnancy.

To enhance the understanding of your visions, you need to burn it.

You can buy Damiana. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Dragon's Blood protects against evil spirits, drives them out, attracts love, strengthens sexual potency (just put a piece under the mattress).

The resin brings purification, is added to incense to increase effectiveness, and is used in talismans.

You can buy dragon's blood. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Dracaena used to prepare love potions and protective agents.

is a symbol of power, strength, stability, protects the home from financial turmoil, promotes professional growth, awakens extrasensory abilities, increases physical strength, the amount of vital energy, calms the soul, normalizes blood pressure, helps in starting new things.

To get the support of your superiors, ensure career advancement, as well as ensure longevity and increase vital energy, you need to carry acorns with you.

To increase strength and attract good luck, you should carry leaves or a piece of oak bark with you.

Oak is not compatible with spruce, in this case it begins to stimulate intrigue. It is also worth remembering that oak only responds well to healthy people, so it is better for sick people not to communicate with it.

You can buy oak. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Datura common dried, hidden in a small canvas bag, a special spell is read. If you then touch a person with this bag, it will become stinking to everyone.

Oregano used to enhance the effects of other herbs, in love magic, finding a life partner, and increasing attractiveness.

You can buy oregano. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Spruce provides energy support, especially in winter when there is a lack of strength, helps control emotions.

To clear a room of harmful influences, you need to fumigate it with the smell of burnt, dried pine needles.

Jasmine is a symbol of the Moon, the night, tones, stimulates, prevents the onset of physiological and psychological problems due to excess energy, helps the body work better, develops extrasensory and mental abilities.

Brings pure love, prosperity, helps in birth original ideas, adapt to unfamiliar surroundings, strengthens self-esteem, used in love spells.

You can buy jasmine. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Jaundice plucked by a healer at the first rays of the sun, before the first roosters crow, to treat liver cancer in a patient. The grass is passed along the patient's back, saying:

“Go, cancer, to the field, you will have freedom. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Honeysuckle helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex, the sympathy of superiors, in finding a partner, exaggerates positive qualities, downplays negative ones.

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Harelip intoxicating cures for drunkenness. To do this, he must be sewn into the clothes of a drunkard, saying:

“The hare does not drink wine, does not carry hops to his lips, and the slave (name) will not take hops into his mouth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Zamanikha high is a love spell herb, to do this you need to wave it towards the desired person when he passes by, saying:

“Lure him, lure him, to me, God’s servant (name). Amen".

St. John's wort is a strong anti-demonic herb, helps with depression, fatigue, colds, repels evil spirits well, promotes divination.

To forget the deceased, you need to weave a wreath on the night of Ivan Kupala, throw it into the water, saying:

“Mother is a fast river, sandy shores, accept St. John’s wort from me, and calm my melancholy and sadness.”

You can buy St. John's wort. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Star anise protects, develops predictions, foresight, prevents nightmares.

To gain clairvoyant abilities, its seeds must be burned as incense.

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Golden rod is a strong witchcraft plant that protects from enemies, causing damage. To do this, they hide her at home, saying:

“Whip, rod, my enemies, beat them, rod, whip them more often, and protect me, the servant of God (name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

centaury brings wealth if you pick it on Trinity, stand with it in the church service, holding it on your chest, then steam with this herb at night in a bathhouse.

Willow is a tree of female magic, associated with the Moon, serves nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. It gives great power to women to perform a love spell, turn away, or cast a spell on the offender.

Its branch can protect against nightmare visions.

You can buy willow. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

It is an anti-demonic herb, allows you to achieve harmony, attracts what is missing for happiness, calms nervous system, used in infusions.

To remain unnoticed by enemies and authorities, you need to take it from an unmarked grave after sunset.

To wash away the essences that devour beauty and well-being, you should wash yourself with a broom of this herb on the day of Ivan Kupala, that is, in the evening of July 7th.

It is used to induce dope and doze while treating a patient’s deep wound, so that he does not feel pain, falling into a light trance.

Improves mood, helps maintain self-control, eliminate deficiencies, and overcome various addictions.

You can buy ylang-ylang. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Ginger brings love, money, success, power, encourages you to look deep into yourself, see your strengths and weaknesses, is good for meditation, helps in finding compromises, giving a person flexibility and loyalty.

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Indigo helps in the treatment of sore throat, hepatitis, reduces high temperature, is a good prevention of inflammation, alleviates pain, irritability, and is used to make magic ink.

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Helps quickly cleanse a person’s energy of accumulated dirt.

You can buy hyssop. To get a discount (10% for new customers and 5% for regular customers), add the selected product or products to the cart. Click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Enter the promotional code ABP7400 in the line “Enter promo or reword code” (located in the upper right corner). Click "Apply". The discount will automatically be added to the selected products, you can place your order. If the discount is lost during the checkout process, enter the promotional code ABP7400 again.

Iris is a symbol of fertility, procreation.

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See the continuation of the article

Ecology of consumption. The moon greatly influences the quality of certain parts of plants collected. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice.

The moon greatly influences the quality of certain parts of plants collected. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice; in the first phase of the moon it is best to collect rhizomes, roots and root crops, especially in the sixth and seventh phases lunar day. During this period, energy and microelements are maximally found in the underground part of the plants.
The second phase of the Moon is most favorable for collecting above-ground plant organs. Energy coming from the bottom up carries out a lot of microelements. The best time to collect herbs is when the moon is visible.
The third phase of the Moon is similar to the first. During this period it is also good to dry herbs: microelements and others useful material better preserved. The fourth phase of the Moon is similar to the second in its properties when collecting herbs.
Quarter-moon short development cycles (phases) are conveniently modeled according to our seven-day social cycle, in fact. So the statements of experienced herbalists, which seem absurd at first glance, that, for example, plantain should be collected on Sunday, actually have a solid scientific basis, namely, knowledge of the peculiarities of plant rhythms.


The sun is a male “planet”, so plants help cope with specific male diseases. Plants of the Sun activate processes in the body - increase blood pressure, enhance hair growth, accelerate the maturation of abscesses. Solar plants invigorate, increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system. Plants of the Sun - dry, bright, flowering, round, yellow or golden in color, odorless or with a faint odor, grow in open places. The stem is hard, the leaves are tough. If it is a tree, then it is tall and straight, with a lush crown. Such plants are: orange, arnica, immortelle, valerian, grapes, cloves, heliotrope, red hyacinth, gentian, mustard, elecampane, angelica, St. John's wort, Ivan da Marya, raisins, ginger, calendula (marigold), cinnamon, mullein, chickweed, laurel, buttercup, coltsfoot, lemon balm, almond, juniper, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, plum, mistletoe, walnut, eyebright, parsley, tansy, peony, primrose, plane tree, sunflower, wormwood, motherwort, chamomile, fragrant rue, sandalwood, pine, bearberry, poplar, string, celandine, fennel, saffron, ash.


Elecampane - at the beginning of August, at noon, on the waxing moon and on the full moon.
St. John's wort - in July, August from sunrise to noon, on the waxing Moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second quarter of the Moon.
Calendula (flowers) - at noon in the bright Sun, immediately after the new moon.
Coltsfoot - in the morning at dawn, on the waxing Moon.
Melissa - in the morning on dew, near the full moon.

Sea buckthorn - from midday to full moon sunset.

Dandelion (flowers) - in the morning after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Sunflower - at noon, on the new moon.

The sequence is in the evening before sunset, near the full moon.


The moon gives plants the ability to reproduce. It affects the pistil, protective coverings of the plant and the fruit. Plants of the Moon contain a lot of juices, they have thickened stems and leaves with a dull color and a weak odor. Their flowers are white. According to US scientists from the University of Illinois, on a full moon vegetable plants grow more intensively and increase productivity by 15-20%. Potatoes were grown in the experimental plot.
Moon plants absorb diseases well. For example, white cabbage leaves are applied to the inflamed mammary gland. Magic plants The moons are lotus and white lake lily, willow and all the trees inclined towards the water.
Plants of the Moon: calamus, watermelon, banana, birch, willow, seaweed, mushrooms, melon, larkspur, willow, hyssop, white cabbage, potatoes, watercress, water lily, laurel, lily of the valley, water lilies, linden, lotus, onion, juniper, carrots, sea buckthorn, cucumber, aspen, shepherd's purse, plantain, purslane, chamomile, lettuce, marsh cinquefoil, poplar, turnip, pumpkin, tricolor violet, horsetail, white rose hip, apple tree.


Birch (tussocks) - during the day summer solstice, on the waxing Moon.
Cabbage, white - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Lily of the valley - on the rising Sun on the morning dew, near the full moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, during the full moon.
Cucumber - before sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Plantain (leaf) - during flowering, after evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Chamomile - in the morning in the dew sunny weather, in the first quarter of the Moon.


Climbing, dry creeping subshrubs, small-leaved plants and plants with variegated colors, as well as all multi-component mixtures (including finely chopped salads). Mercury plants include: azalea, wild rosemary, birch, lingonberry, valerian, heather, bindweed, anthelmintic algae, knotweed, peas, elecampane, sweet clover, blackberry, strawberry, Ivan da Marya, galangal, cauliflower, fireweed, clover, coriander, lavender, cinquefoil, vines, marjoram, raspberry, juniper, wild carrot, coral moss, mint, birch mistletoe, hazel, fern, parsnip, shepherd's purse, parsley, wormwood, wheatgrass, chamomile, celery, knotweed, thyme, caraway, bearberry, shamrock arable, cane, dill, horsetail, hops, winter savory, string, blueberries, mulberries, rose hips, horse sorrel, endive.


Lingonberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the Moon.
Lingonberries (berries) - before noon, in the first phase of the Moon.
Sweet clover - before noon, on the waxing Moon.

Strawberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the Moon.
Strawberries (berries) - in the morning dew, on the waxing Moon.
Raspberry (leaf) - first half of the day, in the second phase of the Moon.

Mint - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Birch mistletoe - after sunset, during the full moon.

Chamomile - in the morning after dew in sunny weather, in the first phase of the moon.
Bearberry - in the first half of the day, on the full moon.

Horse sorrel - after sunrise.


The planet gives plants the following characteristics: beauty, tenderness, aroma, attractiveness and charm, affects petals and flowers. The flowers of the plants are red-purple; white with a predominance of delicate tones, pleasant to the touch and taste. Venus has a fertile force and rejects everything harmful. Under its influence, plants accumulate necessary nutrients and vitamins. It is she who gives beauty and harmony to flowers and gives them a wonderful smell.
Plants of Venus apricot, marshmallow, wild rosemary, birch, elderberry, valerian, cornflower, verbena, strawberry, Ivan-da-Marya, Ivan-tea, viburnum, marsh marigold, clover, nettle, gooseberry, lavender, lily of the valley, levkoy, lily, burdock, lovage, raspberry, coltsfoot, bearberry, almond, young, lemon balm, mint, daffodil, forget-me-not, black alder, holly, peach, plantain, wheat, wheatgrass, rose, chamomile, wild rowan, sundew, marsh cinquefoil, osprey, licorice, caraway, bearberry, umbilical grass, yarrow, dill, beans, fennel, violet, chicory, bird cherry, blueberries, sage, rose hips, tarragon, apple trees, orchis.


Ledum - around noon, near the full moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning Moon.

Oregano - at the end of July, after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second phase of the Moon.
Ivan-tea - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Clover - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Lily of the valley - at sunrise on the morning dew, near the full moon.
Linden (color) - at noon under the scorching Sun, on the waxing Moon.
Raspberries (berries) - in the morning on the dew, on the waxing Moon.
Melissa - in the morning in the dew, near the full moon.
Peppermint - at sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Cumin - at sunset, on the growing Moon.
Dill - in the first half of the day, on the waxing Moon.


Jupiter, together with Venus, ensures assimilation nutrients plants, protects and guides their development. Under him beneficial influence the fruit is ripening, the harvest is in progress. Plants of Jupiter are large-leaved, spreading, often with umbrella-shaped inflorescences and hollow trunks. Plants on the planet help restore strength after a serious illness. They cleanse the blood and liver. Oak is especially useful - a symbol of longevity and power. Plants of Jupiter- calamus, aloe, aster, marshmallow, anise, watermelon, birch, henbane, lingonberry, cornflower, cherry, wild carnation, hornbeam, yellow sweet clover, oak, angelica, datura, honeysuckle, strawberry, calendula, cabbage, chestnut, cranberry, hoof, coriander, lemon, larch, linden, burdock, leek, lovage, daisy, lemon balm, liver moss, foxglove, sea buckthorn, borage, dandelion, comfrey, nutmeg, parsnip, shepherd's purse, tansy, sycamore, plantain, wormwood common, motherwort, rhubarb, burdock, beetroot, red and black currants, pine, caraway, scurvy herb, yarrow, dill, fig, chicory, mulberry, pink rosehip, horse sorrel, eucalyptus, apple tree, ash.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Althaea (root) - after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Cabbage - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Cranberry - in the morning or evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Linden (flowers) - at noon, under the scorching Sun, on the waxing Moon.
Burdock (leaf) - at the end of July before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Lovage (root) - at the end of August before sunrise, on the waning Moon.
Foxglove - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, during the full moon.
Shepherd's Purse - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Plantain - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Chicory (root) - before sunrise, on the waning moon.
Horse sorrel - after sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Apple tree - from sunrise to noon, on the waxing Moon.


Calamus, anemone, artichoke, basil, barberry, henbane, hawthorn, lingonberry, valerian, wolf's bast, buckwheat, gorse, hyssop, cactus, capers, cranberry, coriander, stinging nettle, watercress, gooseberry, onion, buttercup, madder tincture, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, sedge, fern, hot pepper, plantain, wormwood, motherwort, wheatgrass, radish, roses, marsh cinquefoil, boxwood, pine, arrowhead, blackthorn, bearberry, tomato, Chernobyl, black root, string, thistle , garlic, celandine, rose hips, hops, horseradish, tarragon.


Calamus marsh - before sunset, in the third phase of the Moon,
Lingonberry (leaf) - before the full moon, in the second phase of the moon.
Cranberry - by morning or evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset during the full moon.
Motherwort - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Bearberry - first half of the day, on the full moon.

Rosehip - in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, on the full moon.


Saturn gives plants the following characteristics; stability, endurance, long-term preservation, crystallization, thickening, affects the root. Plants sown or planted at the wrong time and forced to grow in the wrong phase of the Saturn cycle develop slowly and often die.
Plants of Saturn: calamus, marshmallow, aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, immortelle, flea beetle, blue wrestler, legumes, lingonberry, valerian, cornflower, heather, hernia, sweet clover, oregano, fumifera, blackberry, spruce, larkspur, galangal, cypress, cranberry, groundsel, buckthorn, flax, lichen, bear's ears, juniper, moss, loquat, comfrey, aspen, nuts, fern, ivy, plantain, parsnip, nightshade, wormwood, rye, rue, rowan, beet, licorice, pine, thorn , yew tree, thuya, yarrow. horsetail, black hellebore, bird cherry, blueberry, thistlehead, sage, tarragon.
A decoction of lingonberry, bear's ears or blueberry leaves has a strong diuretic effect, so it helps to lose weight. But in order not to be washed out of the body along with extra pounds and precious calcium - do not forget to eat cottage cheese or apricots, rich in this element.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Althaea (root) - after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Ledum - around noon, near the full moon.
Belena - after sunset, near the full moon.
Immortelle - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Valerian (leaf) - during the transition of the Sun from Cancer to Leo, afternoon, on the waxing Moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning Moon.
Cornflower - in the first half of the day, on the waxing Moon.
Heather - in the first decade of Virgo, on the waning Moon.
Blackberry - from noon to sunset, on the waning Moon.
Comfrey - before sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Yarrow - near sunset, on a sunny, windless day, and in last quarter Moons.
Blueberries - in the morning dew, before the full moon.
Tarragon - before sunset, on the waxing Moon. published