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» Requirements for a kebab shop. Business plan for opening a kebab shop: necessary documents, equipment, prices

Requirements for a kebab shop. Business plan for opening a kebab shop: necessary documents, equipment, prices

The best option– open an individual entrepreneur, it's fast and inexpensive. A significant plus is simplified accounting.

OKVED code 55.30.– “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

The following permissions will be required:

  • Conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the establishment sanitary standards, issued for five years, then renewed. To obtain, please read the requirements. SanPiN;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a cafe in the selected location;
  • Certificate from Rospozharnadzor. Required fire protection system, evacuation plan and emergency exit.

Each employee needs a medical record and certificates of passing basic tests to obtain permission to work in the catering industry.

If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages (very important for such an establishment), you will need to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages in Federal service regulation of the alcohol market. The requirements for the enterprise are given in Law No. 171-FZ.

The cost of obtaining all permits ranges from $900-1000.

Menu and delivery

The main product is shish kebab. Popular are kebabs made from pork neck, balyk, lamb, chicken, and red fish. It is important to include side dishes, sauces, salads, desserts, and bread products in the menu.

Additional customers are brought by home delivery when ordering for a certain amount (for example, from 1000 rubles).

Barbecue room

The best places for accommodation are on the highway, on the banks of a river or sea, near a park. The kebab business should be located in a busy place - near the roadway, where people stop to rest and have a snack, or in places for recreation. The premises must meet the requirements of SP and SNiP 2.04.01-85.

Required area – 90 square meters: 40 sq. m – hall with 10 tables, 30 – kitchen, 10 – bathroom, 10 – utility rooms.

For the warm season, organize a summer area in front of the establishment.

Rental cost is 1000-1100 dollars per month. About a thousand dollars will be spent on repairs and communications.

Basic requirements for the premises

  1. Water supply (hot and cold water) and sewerage, ventilation system;
  2. Availability of a bathroom;
  3. Floor with non-slip coating;
  4. Kitchen walls are tiled to a height of at least 1.7 m;
  5. When placed in a residential building, the entrance and emergency exit are isolated from the residential part. Reception of products is organized from the side of the building, where the minimum number of windows opens.

Equipment for barbecue

What equipment is needed to open a kebab shop? Prices are indicated in dollars.

  • Barbecue with a roof for grilling outside in summer – $250-300. Good producers— “Forge of style”, “Gardener”;
  • Electric kebab maker for indoor cooking – $140-200. Quality companies - Sterlingg, Gastrorag;
  • Exhaust ventilation hood – $200-300. Iterma, EuroVentGroup, HiCold;
  • Industrial washing – $70-100. RADA, HESSEN;
  • Two cutting tables – $100-150. ATESY, Hicold, Cryspi;
  • Dishwasher – $400-500. Smeg, Bosch, Mach, ABAT;
  • Two refrigerated cabinets– about 1000 $. Polair, Astra, Ariada;
  • Kitchen utensils (pots, pans, etc.), skewers, small utensils (cutting boards, measuring utensils, knives, graters, etc.) – $800. Merxteam, TECNOEKA, Luxstahl, MAC.PAN, APS, BOK, Westmark;
  • Two racks for dishes – $120-160. Cryspi, ATESY;
  • 15 sets of dishes for visitors – $500-600. Baltic, Tvist. Disposable tableware is suitable for selling barbecue to take away;
  • 11 wooden tables– 800-900 $. Equivalent, Delacosa;
  • 40 chairs or 20 wooden benches with backs – $900-1000. Equivalent, Delacosa, PremierDecor.

In total, equipment for a kebab shop requires an investment of 5-6 thousand dollars.

Raw materials

All products must have quality certificates. Many establishments buy already soaked meat to save time and resources.

But the main dish in a kebab shop should form a corporate identity; many visitors return for their favorite taste.

So develop your own marinade recipe and soak the raw materials yourself. You will need 2000-3000 kg of meat per month.


For a small establishment, two waiters, two grillers, a cook, and a cleaner will be enough. We outsource accounting. Salary fund – 2000-2500 dollars per month.

Costs and profits

How much does it cost to open a kebab shop? Approximately 18 thousand dollars, taking into account the rental of premises for three months in advance and the purchase of raw materials for a month. Monthly expenses – 10 thousand dollars. Average bill – 15 $. Monthly revenue is from $15,000, that is, the company will earn at least 5 thousand net per month.

A properly organized barbecue is relevant in any city, will quickly pay for itself and bring in good income.

The public catering market in our country is now going through a very interesting period. On the one hand, fast food and the products of once trendy sushi bars have already become boring to the consumer. On the other hand, a worthy alternative that can cause a gastronomic frenzy among the average person has not yet been invented. If you decide to open own business in the catering industry right now, then when choosing a specific area of ​​activity you should pay attention to the “eternal” values ​​for the Russian consumer. For example, think seriously about opening a kebab shop. Did the idea seem tempting to you? Great! Here are some tips to help you on how to start this wonderful, profitable business in the best traditions of Russian catering.

Business Features

So, a kebab shop is a specialized “one-dish” cafe. Kebab, of course, occupies a priority place on his menu. One of the variations is grilled meat. Contrary to popular belief, running your own kebab shop does not necessarily mean seasonal business: In large Russian cities, it has long been the practice to open kebab shops that operate throughout the year. However, the instructions on how to open a summer barbecue cafe are not too different from the instructions on how to create a business that operates all year round.

In a word, feel free to decide on the time limits for the operation of your kebab shop, and all your other actions in starting your own business will be directly related to the main specific aspect of the “kebab” business. Which one? Of course, with the fact that your own kebab shop is a catering enterprise. And not just any, but Russian. This means that without first collecting numerous documents and certificates, you will not be given permission to feed people. Therefore, it is worth starting your “kebab” enterprise from the bureaucratic stage.

What documents are needed?

Regardless of what business you intend to engage in, you should register as a subject of this very business. If you open a kebab shop, it’s better for you to become an individual entrepreneur (unless, of course, you plan to immediately create an extensive network of establishments). When registering an individual entrepreneur, select item 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” in the list of OKVED codes.

Once you register, you will need to select a form of taxation and report your decision to the tax office. It is important to do this in a timely manner, because otherwise you will be charged with the OSNO regime by default, and it is extremely unprofitable for small catering establishments. Hurry up and opt for a simplified taxation system, noting that you would very much like to give the state 15% of the difference between income and expenses: this will not allow you to go into the red even in the most unfavorable scenario.

Now all you have to do is come out of the shadows and become legalized as a new player in the public catering market. To do this, you need to obtain the following permits:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) of the SES,
  • permission to locate a catering establishment in a specific location,
  • licenses for the right to trade certain categories of goods, for example, wine and vodka products,
  • medical records for each employee of the establishment.

If you intend to independently transport meat for your kebab shop, then for this you will also need a sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

Perhaps, at the stage of collecting documents, you will not yet know where exactly your kebab shop will be located and how many people will work in it. Don’t wait for inspiration, collect the remaining documents: issuing medical records these days is a fairly quick procedure, but it’s better not to delay obtaining permission to engage in business.

Finding suitable premises and choosing equipment

There are two criteria to follow when choosing a room for a kebab shop. Firstly, this room must fully meet the fire safety requirements. In addition, it must have all the necessary attributes for the operation of the kitchen, in particular, water supply and electricity. Secondly, your kebab shop should be located in a place with good foot traffic. If your aspirations are limited to a business idea about how to open a kebab shop on the highway, then it should be a full-fledged highway with several lanes. If you dream of your own cozy restaurant, then it should be located in the center of the city or neighborhood.

As for the interior, here you should rely only on your imagination and own ideas about beauty. Sometimes the craziest interior concept of a catering establishment can encourage residents of surrounding cities to come to this particular cafe. And it also happens that a design verified according to all the canons of art will leave most of the guests indifferent. In general, think for yourself.

In any case, you will need the following equipment for a barbecue:

  • maximum power hood,
  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two - for meat, etc., and preferably three),
  • cutting tables,
  • distribution stand,
  • kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers,
  • dishes

If we are not talking about how to open a takeaway kebab shop, you will also need furniture for the hall: tables, chairs, a bar counter, bar stools - and a wardrobe.

A little about the products

It’s hardly worth reminding once again that the choice of meat supplier for a kebab shop can determine the entire future fate business. It is best to look for a supplier among local farmers, but you can even start from markets. As your business develops and your needs for meat grow, you will be able to reach the level of cooperation with major suppliers.

The most important thing: the meat must comply with all conceivable (sanitary and veterinary) and inconceivable (specifically to your liking) standards. To a lesser extent, but this circumstance also applies to all other products for your kebab shop.

Menu development

The king of the menu in your establishment will, of course, be shish kebab, most likely made from balyk and pork neck.

Kebabs made from chicken, lamb, veal and red fish also enjoy stable success among domestic meat-eaters. But don't forget about the other dishes. Consider the composition of side dishes, salads, desserts.

Separately, think about serving the shish kebab. If, as a bonus, your establishment includes delicious sauces, pita bread, and fresh herbs, then this factor will certainly attract grateful guests.

Take care of the alcohol menu, especially the wine list, because meat with good wine is a classic that will not fade with time. Remember to decorate the table and provide each table with condiments, napkins and toothpicks.

Financial issue

Maybe money doesn’t buy happiness, but when opening your own kebab shop, it is extremely desirable to know what you can count on in the end. Approximate calculations show that a kebab shop with an area of ​​100 m² pays for itself in approximately 18-24 months.

The turnover of such an enterprise is about 12 million rubles per year. You can start a business with half a million rubles (of which about 100 thousand will be spent on equipment).

No matter how much you feed a Russian person sushi and “cutlet buns,” his love for aromatic, steaming, juicy kebab will not decrease. It is this circumstance that can be turned into an excellent business idea - think about how to open a kebab shop and get the maximum income from it. And they will help with both valuable recommendations from those who have already become venerable “catering guru”.

Business specifics

Like any “one-dish establishment,” a kebab shop is a place where kebab is presented in the largest assortment (grilled meat can complement the menu). Despite the fact that “to a first approximation” such a business seems seasonal, this is not at all the case: in most large Russian cities you can find kebab shops where the flow of customers does not dry out throughout the year. Therefore, it is almost equally profitable to open a summer barbecue cafe and to create a year-round business in this area.

The main feature of opening a kebab shop is the fact that it is a catering enterprise, and a domestic one at that. Why is the last factor so important? The fact is that the state is extremely reluctant to allow people to be fed - and therefore, without first collecting an impressive package of certificates and documents, you cannot open a kebab shop. In a word, it is from the bureaucratic stage that the enterprise should begin.

What kind of documents are needed for a barbecue business?

The first thing you need to do is register as a business entity. If you want to open one (and not just a chain of them) kebab shop, it is better to become acquainted with the corresponding 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.” As for the choice of taxation regime (“imputation” or “simplified”), you should not hesitate with this, otherwise the government agency will impute OSNO, and this is far from the most convenient and profitable way of settling with the state. Perfect option– with the payment of a single tax amounting to 15% of the difference between income and expenses: an entrepreneur who has chosen this regime will not be able to make a loss even in the most unfavorable scenarios.

After registration, it’s time to collect documents. The list is small, but the procedure for obtaining each paper is far from fleeting. Here is what you will need to present to the government agency:

  • licenses for the right to trade certain categories of goods, in particular, wine and vodka products;
  • medical records for each employee of the institution;
  • permission to locate a catering establishment in a specific location;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) of the SES.

If you want to transport meat for an establishment yourself, you also need to take care of a sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

If at the start stage there are no clear ideas about how many personnel will subsequently work in the kebab shop, you should not delay collecting documents: of all the procedures preceding the submission of papers to government agencies, issuing medical records is the fastest. Unlike the process of collecting other permitting documentation.

Finding premises and purchasing equipment for a kebab shop

What do you need to know before you start looking for the ideal premises for your future catering establishment? There are two objective criteria that it must satisfy:

  • compliance with all fire safety requirements;
  • availability of all necessary conditions for kitchen operation (electricity and water supply).

Well, from the point of view of profitability, the kebab shop should also be located in a place with high human traffic. Even we're talking about about how to open a very small kebab shop on the highway, it should be a full-fledged highway with several lanes. It is most appropriate to locate a restaurant with barbecue as the main dish in the city center (if the city is small) or district (in metropolitan areas).

An interesting and attractive interior concept for an establishment is one of the key success factors. It is extremely difficult to give advice here: everyone has their own ideas about beauty. However, there must be a concept - and its implementation should be given increased attention.

Whatever the kebab shop, you will need the following equipment to open it:

  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two for meat, and preferably three);
  • cutting tables;
  • dispensing stand;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers;
  • hood (the higher its power, the better).

If the business idea is how to open a takeaway kebab shop, then this is an exhaustive list. Otherwise, you will also need a wardrobe and furniture for the hall (bar stools and counter, tables, chairs).

"Grocery" question

The fact that it is the choice of meat supplier that will determine the entire future fate of the establishment is unlikely to be an unexpected statement. And it’s best to look for one among local farmers. At the start stage small sizes establishments can make purchases on the market, and reach the level of cooperation with recognized large suppliers as the business develops.

The main criterion is the meat’s compliance with all existing sanitary and veterinary standards. However, this also applies to the rest of the products from which menu dishes will be prepared, albeit to a lesser extent.

As for the menu itself, it is advisable to pay maximum attention to its “main character” - kebab. The greatest demand is for pork neck kebab, with slightly less (but still high) demand for chicken, lamb, and red fish. However, we must not forget about other dishes (salads, side dishes, desserts): their composition must be carefully considered. It is also worth considering the presentation of the main course and taking care of bonuses that are attractive to the client, for example, sauces and fresh herbs. It’s hardly worth mentioning how much attention needs to be paid to compiling a wine list. But it probably makes sense to remind you that each table should be decorated and equipped with napkins, a salt and pepper shaker, and toothpicks, since all this must be purchased in advance.

How much does it cost to open a kebab shop and what kind of profit can you expect?

According to statistical calculations, a kebab shop with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters will pay for itself in one and a half to two years, while its annual turnover will be about 13 million rubles. And you can enter the business with a relatively small amount - about 600 thousand rubles, but you should expect to spend about 150 thousand rubles on equipment.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Many supporters healthy image lives foaming at the mouth prove that fried meat is harmful to the body, vegetarianism is becoming more and more fashionable, but all these changes in the gastronomic consciousness of the population do not affect the popularity of one of the favorite dishes of Russian people - shish kebab. Most Russians strongly associate juicy meat exuding an amazing aroma, cooked over an open fire, with a holiday, a hearty feast and friendly company.

An entrepreneur who decides to start a kebab business must take into account the competition factor. In some areas, kebab shops have grown up like mushrooms after rain and are now strangling each other. It is not worth starting your own business in such conditions. For a kebab shop, a place is suitable where there are no other kebab shops and a large number of cafes and canteens, but there are a lot of people, and it is better to choose a busy part of a densely populated residential area rather than the city center. Likewise, you can benefit from the rental price and be closer to the main consumers of barbecue - people who decide to eat well after work or on a day off. If the establishment is lost in the depths of courtyards, then you will have to spend a lot of money on various outdoor advertising(banners, signs, stands, etc.), and many potential clients never get to the kebab shop because they are too lazy to look for it in the alleys. It is also worth mentioning that a kebab shop located in a residential area will attract mainly residents of this area, but an establishment opened near a road with a lot of traffic will be noticed by everyone passing by.

Now let's talk about the premises. The size depends on whether the establishment will be focused on preparing barbecue for takeaway or attracting visitors to the hall. In both cases, the area of ​​the kebab shop must comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements. An entrepreneur may find official documents containing these requirements useful:

1. SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Public buildings and structures.”

2. SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings.”

3. SNiP “Public catering enterprises”.

4. SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

5. “Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation” PPB-01-93.

6. SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials."

7. SNiP 2.04.01-85 " Internal water supply and building drainage."

The kebab house can be located either in a separate building or in part of a residential or public building, but the proximity to a catering establishment should not worsen the living conditions of people. It is best to rent or buy premises that have already been used as a cafe, since refurbishment of the premises is fraught unnecessary costs and paperwork. In the case where the premises have already been used by a catering company, preparing the area for opening a kebab shop (purchase of equipment, furniture) will cost from 200 thousand rubles.

If the kebab shop is located in a residential building, then its entrance and emergency exit must be isolated from the residential part of the building, and food intake must be carried out from that part of the house that does not have windows. The parking area for personnel and visitors' vehicles should be located on the side of the roadway, and not in the yard.

The premises of a catering establishment must be equipped with water supply and sewerage. The operation of a kebab shop that does not have a bathroom is prohibited. The bathroom must be equipped with an autonomous ventilation system. All sinks must have hot and cold water supplied. The kitchen walls are tiled to a height of 1.7 meters. The floor must have an anti-slip coating. The decoration of the walls of the barbecue hall should be easy to clean and comply with fire safety requirements.

spring-cleaning catering premises should be carried out at least once a month. For cleaning production premises and toilets, separate equipment is allocated, which is stored separately and has special markings.

Cutting equipment is marked into groups in accordance with the products it processes. Since a kebab shop is, in fact, a one-dish establishment, cutting equipment is used for meat, fish, vegetables and bread. After all technological operations, knives and boards are thoroughly cleaned using detergents And hot water and are stored in a specially designated place. The block for cutting meat is installed on a special stand or crosspiece, firmly fastened with metal hoops. Every day after finishing work, the deck is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt.

Industrial sinks and brushes are used to wash dishes and equipment. Dishes are dried overturned on racks or lattice shelves. In the washing area, instructions are posted on the rules for washing dishes and equipment and indicating the concentrations of detergents. It is most convenient to use a two-section sink. Welded sink made of of stainless steel costs from 7 thousand rubles. Racks for drying and storing dishes and equipment will cost 8-15 thousand rubles.

Now about food storage. All products are separated by type and stored separately. Raw and prepared foods are also stored separately. And spices and other strong-smelling products are stored in well-closed containers. Storage conditions and expiration dates of products should be carefully observed. Don't be greedy and feed your visitors spoiled meat. At best, they will find another kebab shop. At worst, you will pay fines and compensation. Refrigeration chambers should be equipped with easy-to-clean racks. Chilled meat carcasses are hung on hooks so that they do not come into contact with each other or with the walls. Poultry is stored in supplier containers on racks or stockpiles in stacks. To ensure air circulation between the tanks, slats can be laid. Best kebab obtained from fresh meat, which has never been frozen, but if you still plan to use frozen raw materials, then you should equip a place for defrosting the products. The meat is defrosted in a defroster or on a production table. Defrosting meat in water and re-freezing meat is not recommended. The bird is defrosted in air, washed running water and laid with the cut side down. Fish can be defrosted in air or in cold water at a temperature not higher than 12 degrees. It is better not to defrost sturgeon in water.

Industrial cutting tables with sides cost from 2.5 thousand rubles. When using different cutting boards and small volume production, you can get by with two tables.

The main equipment in a kebab shop is, of course, a kebab maker. There are special barbecues for cafes, equipped with an exhaust hood and a damper, which ensures fire safety. Cost from 20 thousand rubles. The device can also be electric or gas. The kebab maker has automatically rotating skewers, ensuring uniform frying of meat in the shortest possible time. a short time(from 15 to 25 minutes). The cost of equipment starts from 25 thousand rubles for an electric oven, and from 40 thousand rubles for a gas oven. Barbecue maker for closed premises used during cold periods. In the summer, if there is room, barbecue is cooked in the best traditions over coals in the open air. This is possible if the kebab shop has its own yard.

The kitchen of a catering establishment is usually equipped with an exhaust (ventilation) hood, which is installed in the system exhaust ventilation over any kind thermal equipment to purify indoor air. The cost of an umbrella is from 10 thousand rubles.

The barbecue room is usually furnished with several tables at which visitors can eat or wait for their order, and a bar counter. Cost of one wooden table with four stools is 5-10 thousand rubles, a bar counter - from 10 thousand rubles.

In addition to kebabs, sauces, bread, onions and vegetables and drinks are usually served. Most kebab lovers prefer to eat favorite dish in combination with alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, red wine, beer. The presence of a bar will attract many visitors and bring additional income, but then you need to think about a spacious hall and purchase a license to sell alcoholic beverages, which costs 40 thousand rubles.

Permission to open a public catering establishment is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain a permit, you need to collect a large package of documents. Various law firms provide assistance in preparing documents, asking for their services from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. It is difficult to obtain permission on your own, but it is possible, you will just have to spend a lot of time and effort, but if every penny counts, there is no choice. When an enterprise is already registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, is registered with the tax authorities and has a current account, the following documents should be provided to Rospotrebnadzor:

Ready ideas for your business

  • premises rental agreement;
  • a copy of the design conclusion for catering facilities (or the project itself, if a conclusion has not been drawn up);
  • calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;
  • permission for the possibility of placement;
  • a copy of the BTI floor plan with an explanation of the food establishment;
  • copy master plan territories;
  • communication diagrams (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);
  • layout diagram technological equipment;
  • copies of current contracts with Vodokanal;
  • passports for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;
  • act of inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, checking thermal and refrigeration equipment at the catering unit;
  • service contract ventilation systems and air conditioning systems, incl. disinfection;
  • copies of bacteriological and chemical analysis drinking water;
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration of the kebab shop.
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • bank details (in full), certified by the “living” signature of the director and the “living” seal;
  • a copy of the company's charter (if an LLC is registered);
  • copies of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for PC (production control);
  • assortment list of products;
  • copies of contracts for waste disposal: solid waste, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;
  • copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials;
  • a copy of the contract for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection work (+ license);
  • a copy of the contract for periodic medical examinations (+ license);
  • sanitary passport for the facility (issued in the disinfection service);
  • decorated consumer corner (registered book of complaints and suggestions, Federal Law 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, “Sanary rules for the organization of public catering and additions to them”, “Sanary rules for carrying out a production control plan” , “Hygienic requirements for shelf life of food products”, “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”, etc.);
  • a log of accounting and consumption of disinfectants with an approved calculation;
  • completed medical records of employees.
Kebab shop workers must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as professional hygienic training and certification. Compliance with these requirements is monitored by the employer, who is responsible in case of violations. To ensure the operation of a kebab shop, a cook, a waiter, a cleaner, and a dishwasher are required. Since the establishment must operate seven days a week, and people cannot work in this mode, it is necessary to provide for a shift schedule. If you plan to open an establishment with a large hall, then you will need several waiters and an administrator. Usage disposable tableware will allow you to save on a dishwasher, and serving customers through the bar will allow you to avoid hiring waiters, which is very useful at first.

What attracts visitors to a kebab shop is not beautiful interior, Not cozy atmosphere, A delicious kebab, which is obtained by observing two identical important conditions: using fresh meat and the right technology preparations. Let's take a closer look at the meat.

In order for the cook to always have fresh meat at his disposal, he needs to enter into an agreement with a supplier who will deliver the required amount of products every day or every other day. After a couple of weeks of work, it will become clear how much meat you need to order, and the size of the order can be adjusted. The supplier must have documents confirming the quality and safety of the products. It is prohibited to use meat without a brand and a veterinary certificate for cooking in public catering. Direct manufacturers prefer cooperation with large buyers, among whom it is quite difficult for a kebab shop to become one, unless, of course, we are talking about a chain of establishments. Therefore, you will have to look for a supplier through resellers and, therefore, pay more. But this also has its advantages: you can choose from a range of products from different manufacturers and you do not need to organize meat delivery. The choice of meat suppliers on the market is quite large. When deciding to start cooperation, you need to make sure you have the necessary documents and look for reviews about the company. Notoriety usually spreads faster than anyone advertising, and if you’re not too lazy, you can find it on the Internet interesting information. The larger the batch, the lower the price of meat, but you shouldn’t save in this way, otherwise you’ll have to decide what to do with the excess perishable product.

The situation is similar with suppliers of vegetables and bread: you need to check the company’s documents and decide whether the proposed working conditions are suitable.

The profitability of a kebab shop can be high if there are a sufficient number of visitors. Wholesale purchase of pork, for example, will cost 130-150 rubles per kilogram, and a kilogram ready kebab pork costs from 600 rubles. Establishments that usually prosper are those that have many regular customers who return time after time for cooked meat. These people buy themselves and recommend the establishment to friends, neighbors, and relatives.

If you have transport and a driver, you can offer clients a service that is in increasing demand in big cities: kebab delivery. Often people simply do not have enough time to get to the kebab shop, so fast delivery will definitely be in demand. Delivery is usually free if the order price exceeds a certain amount, for example, 800 rubles.

On the market ready-made business From time to time there are offers to sell kebab shops. In the regions average cost kebab shops cost 400-600 thousand rubles, Moscow establishments cost from 1.5 million.

Natalia Merkulova

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The estimated cost of the project will be 1,552,000 rubles. The predicted break-even point from the start of the project is 5 months, the payback period is 16 months.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a kebab shop, since this business can bring good profits with a small investment.

Capital investments – 750,000 rubles.
Payback period – 15–20 months.

Today there is no shortage of catering establishments.

Restaurants of various world cuisines, all kinds of themed cafes, pizzerias, fast foods, bars, pubs, pastry shops - the client has plenty to choose from.

But from this entire list, many of our fellow citizens prefer kebab shops, because it is impossible to resist the taste of grilled meat.

It is not for nothing that many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a kebab shop, because this business, with relatively small investments, can bring good profits to its owner.

Which form should you choose if you want to open a kebab shop?

A barbecue house is a type of catering establishment that can exist in two forms, from which the entrepreneur needs to choose the one that suits him most:

    Seasonal kebab shops.

    Such establishments dominated the kebab business a decade ago.
    They worked only in the warm season.
    On the street there were tables under umbrellas or under a tent, and nearby there was an open grill and a tent that served as a kitchen.
    Businessmen of this type were encouraged to open a kebab shop by the fact that the kebab shop remained mobile, for example, it could be moved to parks during national holidays and folk festivals.
    But such a business also had a serious drawback: in winter these establishments did not work, so the owners were forced to suffer losses while waiting for warmth.

    Stationary kebab shops.

    Today, most entrepreneurs, not wanting to lose profit and depend on the season, decide to open stationary kebab shops.
    IN summer period equipped summer terrace or the tables are simply taken outside, and in winter, visitors can enjoy barbecue right inside.

How to open a kebab shop: remember the peculiarities of business

The kebab business, like any other, has its own specifics, which you need to remember in order to be able to maximize short terms make your startup profitable:

  1. Competition in this sector is quite high, so even at the “How to open a kebab shop” stage you should think about your competitive advantages:
    • loyalty program for regular customers;
    • impeccable service;
    • good location;
    • the ability to pay not only in cash, but also using a card;
    • availability of delivery;
    • original recipes;
    • reasonable pricing policy;
    • various promotions, for example, “Order 3 kebabs before 18.00 and get the fourth one for free,” etc.
  2. Any business, even a kebab shop, needs a good advertising campaign.
    Use the maximum number of tools to convey information to potential customers about your kebab shop that you want to open: outdoor advertising, media, discount flyers, business cards, social media And so on.
  3. Remember that meat is a perishable product, so it must be stored properly, especially in the hot summer.
    If one of your clients gets poisoned, your business will quickly be closed by the sanitary service.
  4. Don't limit your menu to just kebabs.
    You can cook poultry, fish, and vegetables on the grill.
    Offer salads, sliced ​​vegetables, and potatoes as side dishes.
    A mandatory item on the menu of any kebab shop is lavash and several types of sauces.
    Pair simple desserts They won't be out of place on the menu either.
    This will give you more choice and expand your customer base.
  5. Despite the fact that opening a kebab shop is easier than, for example, haute cuisine, you should not ignore this important stage, such as drawing up a business plan with specific calculations corresponding to the cost of rent, utilities, products, wages and other things in your region.

1. How to open a kebab shop: calendar plan

Interesting fact:
It is pointless to look for the country where kebab first appeared. Even ancient people, having learned to make fire, ate meat cooked over a fire. But, it is still generally accepted that the birthplace of this dish is the East: Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, the Caucasus.

When you draw up a business plan “How to open a kebab shop,” then calculate how much time you will need to implement it.

Of course, the most difficult and lengthy stage will be the collection of all documents, permits and conclusion of contracts, because we are talking about a public catering establishment.

This will take at least two months, and only if you seek help from a qualified lawyer.

To do kebab business successful, you should take care of its favorable location - to search suitable premises it may also take several months.

But the remaining stages (purchase of equipment, hiring staff, advertising campaign) will take less time.

If you think through all the details, you can open a kebab shop in 4–6 months.

Registration and paperwork
Rental and renovation
Purchase of equipment
Buying furniture

2. Registration of kebab business

First, you need to legally register your business by choosing one of the forms (IP or LLC), and also decide which system you will use to pay taxes.

After registering with the Tax and Pension Fund and paying all fees, you can begin to prepare a package of documents, without which you will not be able to open a kebab shop.

To start working, you will have to fill out a serious package of documents and fulfill three mandatory requirements:

  1. Obtain permission from the SES and Fire Service to operate your building.
  2. Issue health certificates for all your employees.
  3. Enter into an agreement with Rospotrebnadzor that you have the right to open a kebab shop in the location of your choice.

Naturally, if you intend to sell alcohol in your establishment (and without this, you should not try to open a kebab shop, because it will be difficult to turn it into a profitable one), you need to obtain special permits for the sale of alcohol at retail.

3. How to open a kebab shop: premises and location

The profitability of your business largely depends on how well you choose the location for your kebab shop.

You should not try to open a kebab shop in an area where several similar establishments already operate, because the competition will be too tough and it is not a guarantee that you will come out a winner.

You shouldn’t necessarily try to open a kebab business in the center - rent there is too expensive and high level competition.

It is better to choose sleeping areas with big amount population.

To avoid having to spend too much time on outdoor advertising, it is better to open your kebab shop on a busy street, and not somewhere in the courtyards.

Those who are thinking about how to open a kebab shop that would operate permanently need a room of at least 80 square meters.

This area is enough to accommodate a kitchen, a small warehouse, a hall for clients, a toilet and a utility room.

You can either buy or rent premises (the decision should be made based on the amount of capital investment you have), which was previously used to open a catering establishment.

This way you won’t have to spend money on refurbishing it; you’ll only have to take care of the interior.

Kebab shops are loved by middle-income people with simple tastes, so there is no need to create an overly extravagant atmosphere in your establishment.

Of course, renovations need to be done to make it comfortable for visitors to stay inside, but there is no need to invite a designer to decorate it.

Make the interior of your kebab shop simple and uncluttered, focusing on the quality of the dishes.

4. Equipment required to open a kebab shop

Purchasing equipment is a rather complicated and expensive process, even if you decide to open a budget kebab business designed for people with low incomes.

You definitely need to ventilate and install lighting, purchase tables and chairs for the hall, kitchen equipment and utensils, barbecue, skewers and grates, equip the bathroom, etc.

Even in order to open a small kebab shop (for 7-8 tables), you will need to spend at least 450,000 rubles on equipment:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:450,000 rub.
Kitchen stove
30 000
Kitchen surfaces
30 000
10 000
60 000
Skewers and racks
10 000
Hall furniture
40 000
Bar counter and alcohol rack
50 000
50 000
Bathroom equipment
15 000
Pots, pans, cutting boards, bowls, etc.
40 000
Tableware for clients (various plates, knives, forks, spoons)
40 000
Equipment for service room and warehouse
40 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other equipment25 000

5. Personnel required to open a kebab shop

Those who are thinking about how to open a kebab business should worry about hiring qualified personnel.

If you want your establishment to work every day (and this is how you can get maximum profit), you need to create two shifts of employees who would work on a schedule convenient for them.

To service a small kebab shop, you need to form a shift of a kebab cook, a cook who will prepare snacks, a bartender, a waitress, a dishwasher and a scrubber.

You yourself can take care of the uninterrupted delivery of products, accounting, advertising campaigns and general management of the kebab shop.

Costs for staff salaries in an average-sized city will be about 180,000 rubles:

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 180,000 rub.
Cooks4 20 000 80 000
Bartenders2 15 000 30 000
Waiters2 15 000 30 000
Dishwashers2 10 000 20 000
Cleaners2 10 000 20 000

6. Purchasing products without which it is impossible to open a kebab shop

A barbecue shop can become a popular and visited place among city residents only if you serve delicious kebabs.

In order for this dish, prepared on the grill, to be perfectly tasty, you need to prepare it from fresh, not frozen meat.

From 1 kg of meat you can prepare 3 servings of shish kebab.

While your business is just getting on its feet, you can purchase products on the market by agreeing with some distributor on a discount as a wholesale customer.

When will you be visited daily? a large number of clients and reach certain sales volumes, you will be able to conclude a contract with some farming for the supply of fresh meat, for example, once every two days.

In any case, it is important for you to decide where you will buy meat even before you decide to open a kebab shop.

It is very important to properly marinate the meat so that it is tasty, juicy and spicy. You may need to experiment with several types of marinade by conducting a “Which is best?” survey among your clients.

Some kebab shop owners use a trick: they buy already marinated meat (it lasts longer than fresh meat, and you don’t have to spend money on marinating ingredients), but this is wrong and will not lead your kebab business to success.

How much does it cost to open a kebab shop?

You yourself understand that it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question “How much does it cost to open a kebab shop?”

It all depends on what city you want to open a kebab business in and how large-scale it will be.

We have already calculated that we will have to spend at least 450,000 rubles on equipment for a small kebab shop (maximum 10 tables).

And this amount is relevant only for small regional and district centers.

In megacities, prices will be much higher.

But you also expect expenses for registering a business, for repairs in rented premises, for advertising, etc.

In general, get ready to shell out at least 750,000 rubles to open a kebab shop:

Please also keep in mind that you will have to spend at least 300,000 rubles a month on running a kebab shop.

This amount will be spent on renting premises, utility bills, payment wages personnel, taxes, purchase of products, etc.:

How to cook delicious and aromatic shish kebab,

watch in the video:

Possible profit of kebab business

The profitability of a kebab business, according to experts, is estimated at 17–20%, which leads us to believe that with proper management of a kebab business, a capital investment of 750,000 rubles can be recouped in a maximum of one and a half to two years, and this is after deducting the monthly costs of running a kebab shop .

The average cost of one serving of shish kebab is from 200 hryvnia.

Naturally, rarely does anyone limit themselves to just barbecue, ordering also pita bread, sauce, salad/side dish and a drink.

That is, the average bill for one person is approximately 400 rubles.

If at least 30 people visit you per day, then the daily revenue will be 12,000 rubles, and the monthly revenue will be about 360,000 thousand.

The net profit from this amount will be 60,000 rubles if you open a kebab shop in a small city.

Not too much, but quite enough to make your kebab business self-sustaining in 13 months of work, not counting the time for the preparatory period.

But 30 visitors a day is far from the limit, especially in the summer.

Improve the attendance of your establishment and increase your profits.

The kebab business is considered very profitable and easy to start, which is why entrepreneurs are interested in the topic “ How to open a kebab shop"does not fade away.

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