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» Pipes for country sewerage. How to properly make a sewer system in a country house and in a private house with your own hands. Types of autonomous sewerage

Pipes for country sewerage. How to properly make a sewer system in a country house and in a private house with your own hands. Types of autonomous sewerage

Do-it-yourself autonomous sewerage in a dacha can be arranged in various ways. The simple cesspool, which our ancestors successfully used, is being replaced by various septic tanks and even special local treatment plants, ready to compete with the efficiency of industrial equipment large cities. Each waste disposal method has certain pros and cons. Let's look at which ones and decide what exactly to build on our site.

What needs to be done before choosing a structure?

In order for the country sewer system to be arranged correctly, you must first draw up a diagram of the location of all its elements. These are three main components:

  • the internal part of the system, which is located in the house and combines all plumbing fixtures;
  • a system of sewer pipes through which wastewater are taken out of the house;
  • treatment facilities where wastewater is accumulated for further removal or processed and released into the soil.

If there is a separate toilet, bathhouse or other structure on the site, from which it is also necessary to remove wastewater, it is necessary to decide whether this building will be connected to the sewer system of the house or not. The first option is considered more preferable, but it is not always possible. Any decision must be reflected on a diagram of the site’s sewer system.

When drafting a diagram there are a number of things to consider: important factors, such as:

  • condition and type of soil;
  • depth of soil freezing in winter;
  • burial depth groundwater;
  • location of sources drinking water and so on.

All this information can be obtained from specialized organizations or by seeking advice from your closest neighbors. At the same time, it would not hurt to find out what type of sewage system is organized in the neighboring areas and how effective it turned out to be during operation.

You should definitely pay attention to the type of soil when choosing treatment facilities. Lungs sandy soils quickly absorb moisture, which can lead to groundwater contamination when wastewater enters the soil. But heavy clay soils absorb moisture much more slowly, which often causes siltation in treatment facilities, such as a cesspool without a bottom, etc.

The depth of the trench for the pipes should be greater than the freezing depth of the soil. It is necessary to take into account the position of the aquifer when selecting treatment facilities. They must be located at a certain distance from the well or well. No intersection allowed sewer communications and the home's plumbing system.

If the site provides for the creation of a washbasin on the street, this element does not have to be connected to the general house sewer. It is enough to divert the wastewater from the washbasin to a separate drainage well- a small hole filled with sand, crushed stone, gravel, etc. This will be enough to clean a small amount of soapy water.

Considering these nuances, it is easy to understand that the answer to the question of what type of sewage system is best to equip cannot be unambiguous. The main difference is the choice of type of treatment plant. The most commonly used options are cesspools, septic tanks and local treatment stations.

Option #1 - cesspool

Cesspools are the simplest type of local sewage system for a summer residence. This method of recycling human waste has been known for a long time, but still remains relevant. Usually a cesspool is arranged with or without a bottom.

Walls cesspool for a dacha can be made from brickwork. It is important to take care of proper waterproofing treatment plant

A structure with a bottom is a pit, the walls and bottom of which are insulated with a monolithic layer of concrete, brickwork, concrete rings and other structures or containers that prevent runoff from entering the ground.

When constructing a cesspool without a bottom, instead of concrete screed a layer is laid below drainage material: crushed stone, sand, broken brick, etc. In this case, the wastewater is purified and partially enters the ground.

Among the advantages of a cesspool are the ease of creating a structure and the absence of the need to use special equipment. However, the disadvantages of this ancient type of treatment plant make it necessary to look for an acceptable alternative.

Most quick way making a cesspool consists of using ready-made concrete rings. Install on top concrete floor and a specially selected hatch that will protect drains from freezing and the air from unpleasant odors

The fact is that quite serious hygienic requirements are imposed on the creation of a cesspool. For example, the volume of wastewater in a house should not exceed one cubic meter per day. The groundwater level is important, including during spring floods, to avoid flooding of the cesspool and soil contamination. Finally, accumulated waste must be removed regularly, which means additional costs for the services of sewer trucks.

Option #2 - installing a septic tank

Various types of septic tanks in dachas are becoming more and more popular. These are treatment facilities that consist of several interconnected chambers. Preparations of anaerobic bacteria are added to wastewater, which slowly process the waste. Purified water is filtered and released into the soil. As a result, the need for waste removal is minimized or completely eliminated.

The main thing in a septic tank is to choose the right container. It must be completely sealed and resistant to mechanical damage, aggressive substances, seasonal temperature changes and other similar factors. If these conditions are met, you can safely use any suitable size as a container for a septic tank. plastic tank. You can also choose a ready-made industrial model of a septic tank tank. This option will cost a little more, but it is a more reliable and simpler solution in terms of labor costs.

You can also create a country sewer system of this type with your own hands, but you will have to use not one, but two cesspools. The first hole should be made with a concrete bottom, and a drainage layer should be placed in the second. The containers are connected by an inclined pipe - an overflow. The waste flows into the first pit, where solid waste accumulates, and the liquid waste, reaching the overflow, enters the second container. Here they pass through the filter and enter the soil. It is necessary to periodically remove waste from the first section of the septic tank, but this is done much less frequently than when using a conventional cesspool.

Modern septic tanks allow you to minimize the need to remove accumulated wastewater or completely get rid of this problem. It is important to choose the right container for the septic tank

If as a sewer on summer cottage decided to use a septic tank, it should be remembered that anaerobic bacteria that process waste may be sensitive to some chemicals, for example, to chlorine. You'll have to be more careful when choosing household chemicals for the dacha.

Option #3 - local treatment stations

Ready-made cleaning stations offered by manufacturers practically do not cause any problems for the dacha owner. All he has to do is select suitable model station, pay for it and order installation. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save money on installing the device, since the preparation and launch of the cleaning station should be carried out exclusively by specialists.

Modern local treatment stations are expensive, but different high efficiency when removing and recycling even large quantity Wastewater

The main disadvantage of local treatment stations, abbreviated as VOCs, is the high price. This expensive purchase will be justified for a solid, large country cottage. And on small area Less expensive options for installing a sewer system in a dacha would be more acceptable.

Maintenance of VOCs is carried out very rarely and requires minimal effort. All operations can be entrusted to employees of the company that installed the structure.

If water is supplied to the house at the dacha, then, naturally, you need to think about the sewage system. You can't carry out sewage in buckets. But since country houses are usually used only periodically, in the spring-summer or on weekends, the owners are not interested in installing ultra-modern types of sewage systems, for example, stations biological treatment etc. They are interested in the most simple options with simple installation and minimal costs. The main thing is that the sewage system is reliable and prevents the penetration of waste into fertile land and did not require special maintenance. Let's figure out how you can install a simple sewer system in your dacha.

Before you start construction works, decide how you intend to remove wastewater from the bathroom, kitchen and toilet - to one place or to different ones. The type of container into which the waste will flow will depend on this. If you approach it rationally, then the option of separate containers is more beneficial for the owners, because water from the kitchen, washing machine, soul, etc. can be released through a cesspool without a bottom into the ground. They do not pose a danger to the soil, because the bacteria have time to process the waste water from washing powders, shampoos, etc.

Another thing is sewage with feces. They cannot be allowed into the ground, because you will create a lot of problems for yourself: you will disrupt the ecology of the earth, spoil the soil in the garden, and the worst thing is that this sewage will easily end up in groundwater and return with it back to the house as drinking water. For wastewater from the toilet, it is necessary to create a sealed cesspool or septic tank. In any case, it is not profitable for you if all the wastewater from the house flows into this pit, because the container will begin to fill quickly, and you will have to often call a sewer truck or pump it out with a special one. fecal pump and transported for disposal.

Important! If the main source of drinking water at the dacha is your own well, then installing any sewer system without a bottom is prohibited!

Sewage for drains from the kitchen and washbasin

The simplest option for local sewerage is for drains from the kitchen and washbasin. It is usually installed if the toilet is made on the street, or the owners have installed a dry closet.

Since household wastewater is not considered harmful, it is enough to remove it through a pipe system to the street, where a container without a bottom with filter material will be buried. Let's look at how this can be done.

Option 1 – from a plastic can

If you live at the dacha only in warm time years, then the easiest way to install a sewer system is from a plastic can and plastic pipes.

From materials you will need an unnecessary old can with a lid with a volume of 45-50 liters, ordinary plastic sewer pipes with Ø50 mm and accessories for them (a pair of elbows, seals, etc.)

Let's look at how to make a sewer system like this at your dacha step by step:

  1. Select a place on the street where you will dig the can so that the distance from it to the exit point sewer pipe there was no more than 4 m from the foundation.
  2. Dig a hole one meter deep so that a can can easily fit there, and dig a ditch half a meter deep from it to the foundation.
  3. Fill the bottom of the pit with layers of sand and expanded clay.
  4. Drill holes at least 1 cm in diameter on the bottom and walls of the can (the larger the better).
  5. In the place where the neck of the can ends, drill a hole for the entrance where the pipe will be inserted (exactly in diameter!).
  6. Place the finished can in the hole.
  7. P Lay the pipes around the house so that the sewer begins under the washbasin, with the top of the riser located at a height of 40 cm from the floor. This is necessary to create a pipe slope of 4% for normal water flow.
  8. Secure the riser to the wall behind the washbasin using a clamp.
  9. When leading pipes through the foundation, it is best to drill a hole below ground level by about 20 cm. Then in winter the pipes will not freeze if water stagnates in them.
  10. Make sure that the pipe at the exit from the house is higher than at the entrance to the can. This way you will avoid stagnation of water in the pipes.
  11. If cutting a hole in the underground does not work, you can make it above ground level. But you will need to wrap the pipe (from the foundation to the entrance to the can) thermal insulation material to protect from frost.
  12. Etc Check the created sewer system for the quality of the water flow and the absence of leaks. To do this, turn on the water in the house and let it flow for a couple of minutes, while you inspect all the elbows at this time and make sure that the water has reached the can.
  13. If everything is in order, you can fill up the trench with the pipe. First, add 15 cm of sand, and then fill it with regular soil. Level the surface with a rake.
  14. The perforated can is filled up to the neck with crushed stone, expanded clay or river sand.
  15. Car tires are placed on top of the filter material. The exact number depends on the depth of the hole. They can fit 2-3. Make sure that the last tire is about halfway out of the soil.
  16. Fill the voids between them and the ground with soil and compact them.
  17. Close the can with a lid, and place a sheet of tin, slate or a wooden board on the top cover.

Option 2 – from car tires

A sewer system made from car tires is installed in exactly the same way, only the hole is dug a little deeper (about 2 meters) and instead of a can, it is laid from the bottom to the top of the tire. The sewer pipe cuts in at the level of the second tire from the top.

The pipe crashes into the second one from above car tire without sealing the inlet, because the septic tank itself is also unsealed

Note! To use such a sewer all year round, you need to deepen the trench about a meter for the external outlet of the pipes and pack them in some kind of insulation.

Sealed cesspool from a ready-made container

For fecal sewage at the dacha, they create the most airtight sewage system possible, because the health of the inhabitants of this area primarily depends on this. The easiest way is to find a larger container. They are sometimes written off by chemical processing plants. However, a barrel from a fuel tank, a milk tanker, or a car that says “ Live fish" If you cannot find such containers, you can buy ready-made sewer well made of plastic.

If you did not purchase ready-made plastic container, but you used an old one from fuel and lubricants, be sure to treat it outside bitumen mastic to improve waterproofing

Advice! It is best to select a barrel with a volume of 3 cubic meters, since the sewer truck will be able to pump it out at a time.

Selecting a location for a container

Fecal sewerage should not be located near the dacha itself. The shortest distance from the house is 9 meters, and from a well or well – 30 meters. It is more profitable to install it near the edge of the site, so that it is easier for transport to pump out without driving around the entire territory of the dacha.

It is advisable to locate the sewer manhole so that it can be easily reached by a sewer truck along the path on the site, or located immediately near the entrance

Digging a pit

Manually digging a hole for a barrel is quite difficult, especially if the groundwater is located high. Then the water will come faster than you dig. Order an excavator for these purposes. The size of the pit should be such that the barrel fits freely, and only the inlet hole of the hatch remains on the surface of the ground. At the same time, a slight slope towards the hatch must be made at the bottom so that solid particles settle in this direction. Then it is easier for the hose of the sewer truck to grab them.

Along with the hole, a trench is dug for laying external sewer pipes. Be sure to dig a trench so that there are no bends, because feces can get stuck in places where there are bends and form plugs. If it doesn’t work without turning, then the bending angle should not be more than 45˚.

Installing the container

They lower the barrel into the hole with the help of a crane, and if there is none, they call on the men they know for help and, like barge haulers on the Volga, tighten it with ropes. The hole for the sewer pipe inlet can be cut at the top while the barrel is not tightened, or after it is installed in the hole.

The container is not installed directly in the pit, but with a slight slope towards the hatch, to make it easier to pump out solid particles from the bottom

Note. If you are not installing a septic tank, but some kind of barrel, then you need to coat the outside of it with bitumen mastic or any other composition that is usually used to treat the bottoms of cars.

Pipe laying

They begin to lay pipes from the tank to the house, maintaining a slope of 4˚, and then carry out internal sewerage wiring. When the external pipes are installed, the trench is backfilled. The voids around the container are filled with soil, compacting it. A reinforced concrete slab is placed on top, which will prevent the barrel from being pushed out of the frozen soil in winter. Around top hole containers are poured into a concrete blind area and a sewer hatch is installed in it.

The entire cesspool is hidden underground, and only the lid remains on the surface sewer hatch, through which wastewater will be pumped

A more complicated option - installing a septic tank

When local sewerage It was created for a dacha, don’t be too lazy to make an outdoor toilet with your own hands. If you have large companies in the summer, then it is better to send them there when needed, thereby saving on capacity resources.

Water supply and seweragean integral part of comfortable life in the country. Not regular use country house does not oblige you to install complex and expensive equipment for sewerage installations. Do-it-yourself sewerage in a dacha is not difficult. We will look at how to make a sewer yourself from a barrel, from concrete rings.

Internal sewerage, external sewerage, treatment devices and plumbing fixtures will all be included in a DIY sewer system.

Be sure to follow the rules according to SNiP:

  1. Pipeline tightness,
  2. One pipe material,
  3. The pipe slope level is 5 centimeters per linear meter
  4. No pressure
  5. The main riser must be open
  6. The connection to the riser is made with a tee or an oblique cross.

Installation of internal sewage system at the dacha

The work takes place in several stages.

The first stage is the project

You draw up a layout diagram of plumbing equipment, piping and wastewater treatment facilities. Be sure to consider the possibility of connecting additional buildings. Consider the level of soil freezing; pipe insulation may be required. Provide for the possibility of access by a sewage truck.

Second stage - septic tank

It is needed to collect and filter wastewater. Why a septic tank? A cesspool is always a source unpleasant odor. Storage capacity will need frequent cleaning. A biological station is expensive and not rational for a summer residence. And the main advantage of a septic tank is the ability to make a septic tank with your own hands!

The main conditions for placing a septic tank are:

  1. Distance from green areas -3 meters,
  2. Distance from the house - 5 meters,
  3. Distance from the well drinking water– 30 meters.

A septic tank made of concrete is the most reliable.

We dig a pit and cover the bottom with sand (20 cm). We build the formwork and form a frame from reinforcement.


Nothing should go beyond the boundaries of the structure!

Filling the formwork concrete mortar, but keep in mind that holes are needed for the entrance of the sewer pipe and overflow.

Then, we form the ceiling using boards and metal corners. Cover with plastic wrap and reinforce metal mesh. Pour a layer of concrete on top.

The pit itself is filled with sand and soil alternately.

Important! Ventilation pipes located above the ground surface.

We have already said that they should be located on a slope, taking into account the freezing layer of the ground. On average, the depth of the trench for the highway is from 0.7 to 1.5 meters. Be sure to cover the bottom of the hole with sand. This way we will prevent the soil from moving and protect the pipes.

On a note!

A septic tank can be made from concrete rings or barrels. In this case, the design can be two or three chamber. The largest impurities settle in the first chamber, and the liquid flows into the second chamber. Solid components also settle in it. In the third chamber, wastewater is purified using drainage system made of sand, crushed stone and pebbles.

The advantages of such systems:

  1. Self-installation

Disadvantages of the systems:

  1. Unavoidable bad odor
  2. Mandatory cleanup of solid waste using equipment

Types of sewerage for a summer residence

Proper sewerage from concrete rings

We dig a pit, lay sand in a layer of 30-50 centimeters, concrete the places of the settling tanks (you can purchase a ring with a solid bottom).

The base of the filter well must have a cushion of sand, crushed stone and gravel, about 0.5 meters thick.

When laying the rings, fasten them together with mortar or metal staples. This way you will protect the septic tank from soil movement.

When installing overflow pipes from one hatch to another, install them with a bend.

Cover the finished well concrete slab and fill the pit with increasing amounts of sand.

Do-it-yourself sewerage from a barrel at the dacha

The design of wastewater treatment from their barrels is no different from the design from. You can use plastic and metal barrels. If you decide to use the latter, keep in mind that they need to be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Sewage from metal barrels suitable for country house, but not for home with permanent residence. Barrels used for sewage must have a volume of at least 200 liters. The joints will definitely need to be sealed. When organizing sewerage from metal barrels, be prepared for the fact that after 4 years they will need to be replaced.

Plastic barrels, of course, are not inferior to metal ones. This is a huge range, long service life, ease of installation, high tightness. If a large volume of wastewater will be drained into the sewer, it is better to install a cube, tank or tank. Installation will be no different from installing a barrel.

In order to plastic barrel has not been squeezed out of the ground, it is secured with cables to concrete base. Pouring the base or installing the slab is up to you.

A dacha is a place of active work and recreation, often turning into summer residence for children and elderly people. As soon as the air temperature becomes acceptable for working on the site, trips to the dacha become frequent, and sometimes end with the older generation completely moving to a quiet place. cozy place living away from the noisy city.

Comfortable living conditions at the dacha will be ensured by the organization of communication systems. First of all, ensuring uninterrupted water supply and sewage system. From our article you will learn how to make a sewer system at your dacha with your own hands, which wastewater disposal system is best to choose for your site so as not to harm the ecology of the area.

Try to dig the trench depth no more than planned. The excess depth of the trench will have to be concreted, and not covered with earth, in order to avoid deformation of the pipe after backfilling with soil on top and its complete subsidence.

A dacha is a place of active work and recreation, often turning into a summer residence for children and the elderly. As soon as the air temperature becomes acceptable for working on the site, trips to the dacha become frequent, and sometimes end with the older generation completely moving to a quiet, cozy habitat away from the noisy city.

Comfortable living conditions at the dacha will be ensured by the organization of communication systems. First of all, ensuring uninterrupted water supply and sewage system. From our article you will learn how to make a sewer system at your dacha with your own hands, which wastewater disposal system is best to choose for your site so as not to harm the ecology of the area.


For device autonomous sewerage It is necessary to first draw up a diagram of the location of all points of water intake and drainage. Location of the water supply point for the house and the entire yard clean water must be marked as accurately as possible.

Note! We remember that cesspool or other sewer device should not be installed near a natural source.

The site's sewage system consists of:

  • Part of the system that integrates plumbing fixtures in a building and is located inside the structure.
  • Sewage pipes that carry wastewater from the house to the outside of the system.
  • Storage facilities located on the site in which wastewater is treated and released into the soil or settled for further removal.

Note! Located on the site summer showers, toilets, baths, if necessary, must be included in the sewerage system of the entire site and must be indicated on the drawn up diagram.

When developing a sewerage design project for a dacha, consider a number of factors that influence the choice of system type:

  • Location of a well or well with drinking water.
  • Groundwater level at the site.
  • Soil freezing depth.
  • Type of soil and its condition.

All soil data can be obtained from a geodetic survey during compilation construction project. If you don’t have such documents, talk to your dacha neighbors and they will tell you a lot of interesting things. By asking just a few questions, you will find out what kind of sewer system is used in neighboring areas, what is good and bad about it. When developing, take into account the information received.

The type of soil on the site particularly influences the choice of wastewater treatment facilities. Light soils, which are dominated by sand, allow moisture to pass through well. Sewage passing through such soil easily reaches the groundwater level, which leads to its pollution.

Sewage pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil. The scheme is drawn up in such a way that the water supply pipes do not intersect with the sewer pipes.

Note! There is no point in connecting a washbasin installed outdoors to common system sewerage. Dig a small hole and fill the bottom with crushed stone or gravel. Make a drain from the washbasin into this hole. For a small amount of water, such a structure is quite enough.

The sewer system at each site is developed individually and the choice of its type can also be different, even if many factors coincide. In sewer systems, it is mainly the treatment facilities that differ.

Let's look at the construction of three options:

  1. A simple cesspool.
  2. Modern construction - septic tank.
  3. Local treatment station.

SIMPLE cesspool

What could be simpler than an ordinary cesspool, used for centuries? Today, you can also see this simple structure in many areas. For some, the pit has no bottom, while for others, everything is made soundly and firmly; the pit has both walls and a bottom.

Making your own cesspool design is not difficult. Brick masonry, hand concreting, and iron are used for the construction. concrete rings. The pit with the bottom is positioned so that it can be cleaned from time to time. There must be an access road for the sewer truck. The bottom is usually concreted, and the structure looks like a large container.

In a structure without a bottom, a concrete screed is not used. The base of the pit is laid out broken brick, pebbles or other material. Entering the pit, the wastewater is gradually absorbed into the soil. For such a pit, cleaning measures are needed much less frequently, because the bulk of the wastewater goes into the ground and filling occurs more slowly.

Stages of work on the construction of a cesspool:

  1. Dig a pit.
  2. Install concrete rings or make brickwork.
  3. Install a sewer pipe.
  4. Concrete the bottom or lay a filtration layer.
  5. Install the cover.
  6. Backfill the soil and put everything in order.

The cesspool will fill quickly only when the daily volume of wastewater does not exceed one cubic meter, otherwise such a tank. If the groundwater level is high, the construction of a cesspool may be at risk of flooding during spring floods. Regular monitoring of the filling of the pit is necessary in order to pump it out in a timely manner.


Popularity of installation in the country different types septic tank What is modern design treatment plant? Firstly, these are two or three chambers connected into one structure by pipes. To process wastewater, add special means containing anaerobic bacteria. The purified water enters the next chamber, where it undergoes filtration. Practically pure water enters the soil.

If inorganic waste is not disposed of down the drain, the septic tank may not be cleaned for decades. This is its main advantage. Sometimes it’s enough to pour it straight into the toilet a small amount of preparation with bacteria to enhance the fermentation process in the septic tank.

In order for the septic tank to last a long time, you need to choose a container good quality. Basic requirements for a septic tank chamber:

  • Completely sealed.
  • High resistance to aggressive substances.
  • Resistance to sudden temperature changes.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress.

Best suited for all the above requirements the right size plastic tank. Ready-made septic tanks are sold in the markets. They just need to be installed in in the right place and can be used. This method of constructing a septic tank does not require special costs labor, but its price is slightly higher than a simple plastic tank.

You can make a septic tank yourself. To do this you will have to:

  1. Dig a large cesspool.
  2. Install the formwork, dividing the pit into two uneven parts.
  3. Concrete the base of the large compartment, and deepen the bottom of the smaller compartment a little and fill it with crushed stone.
  4. Concrete the walls of the septic tank, laying reinforcement mesh.
  5. Leave a hole between the two chambers for installing the overflow pipe.
  6. At the top of the wall of the large chamber there should be a hole for the sewer pipe to exit.
  7. Make a hole in the septic tank lid for the ventilation pipe.

Note! Anaerobic bacteria used for wastewater treatment, sensitive to chemicals containing chlorine. To ensure high-quality operation of a septic tank built on a dacha site, it is necessary to carefully select products for washing dishes and cleaning plumbing equipment.


Today you can buy almost anything if you have the right amount of money. Manufacturers offer their consumers various models ready-made treatment stations. You must decide what exactly you need and pay for the purchase, immediately ordering installation of the structure.

Highly qualified staff will help you with your choice the desired model and will make an estimate for installation services. There is no point in talking about savings in this case. All work on installation and commissioning of the structure must be carried out only by specialists.

Since the cost of VOCs is too high, not every dacha owner can afford such an installation. Local stations are bought mainly by owners of large country houses and cottages. For a summer residence, it is better to install simpler and less expensive wastewater treatment facilities.

It makes sense to talk more about laying sewer pipes.


Today, plastic pipes are mainly used. In the store you can purchase all pipes of different diameters with sealing rings for connections, rotating parts, tees, and plugs. When creating a sewerage project, everything is carefully calculated and purchased in the right quantity.

Polypropylene pipes

In order for wastewater to flow into the constructed septic tanks without problems, the pipes must be laid at a slope.

Note! The slope of the sewer pipe must be more than 1 degree towards the septic tank and less than 40 degrees.

It is not recommended to lay pipes with a large slope, so as not to destroy the pipes and septic tank. In addition to the slope of pipe laying, you need to think about creating inspectors on the site. It is necessary to install a manhole or inspection device at least every 10 meters or at every turn of the pipe. If necessary, you can do the sewer cleaning yourself through an installed inspector.

Try to dig the trench depth no more than planned. The excess depth of the trench will have to be concreted, and not covered with earth, in order to avoid deformation of the pipe after backfilling with soil on top and its complete subsidence.