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» Toilet for the cottage. How to build a country toilet with your own hands. Do-it-yourself country toilet: photo diagrams and step-by-step construction process How to strengthen a toilet in a country house

Toilet for the cottage. How to build a country toilet with your own hands. Do-it-yourself country toilet: photo diagrams and step-by-step construction process How to strengthen a toilet in a country house

One of my friends, mastering country cottage area, having learned that I, in turn, was mastering the SketchUp program, in which you can build three-dimensional models, asked me to make him a drawing of a “classic” country toilet. You understand that this is usually the first thing that has to be built on a dacha plot that has not yet been developed.

Why not?
And I gave him a drawing of a country toilet with all the dimensions and full details, and also showed him a 3D model of his future “house”.

It is very convenient to use 3D modeling, especially if you do not have a large supply of building materials and you have to buy each board in a store. You can calculate everything down to the last screw.

Now, I decided to post all the drawings of the country toilet and its 3D model on the site, maybe someone will find it useful too. It turned out classic version“birdhouse”, for complete similarity, you can make another window in the front on top or in the door.

To view the 3D model, scroll down the page.

So, let's start with a list of materials and tools.


  • Bar 50*50 mm.
  • Board 40*100 mm.
  • Lining, blockhouse or lath - 15 m2 for finishing walls and doors.
  • Plastic bucket.
  • Expanded polystyrene sheet.
  • Flexible tiles - approximately 3 m2.
  • Wood screws and nails for flexible tiles.
  • Plywood or boards for the roof and toilet seats.
  • OBZ (fire bioprotection).


  • Hacksaw or any saw.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Jigsaw.
  • If you want to make everything beautiful and clean, you will also need an electric planer and a sander.
  • Brushes or roller for applying OBZ.

We begin work by making the base of the toilet; for this we use a 50*50 mm block cut to size. See detailed drawings below.

* For a more comfortable opening of the door (in order to stand freely on the platform), you may have to lengthen it by a couple of boards. But, it’s up to you to choose: comfort or savings.

Now you need to make the frame of the toilet itself.
The basis of the frame will be two identical sidewalls, all made from the same 50*50 mm bar. The upper part is made with a bevel of approximately 15 degrees.

Next, you should fix the sides of the toilet frame and fasten them together with jumper bars on top, behind and inside. They can be fixed using metal corners 50*50 mm, or directly with self-tapping screws.

The next step will be to make the front part of the frame, with an opening for the door.

*If you use an existing or purchased door, then take into account the size of the opening according to the size of the door.

Now you need to connect the frame with the base of the toilet into a single whole. It is better to do this already on the spot, i.e. on a dug hole, because The assembled structure will already be quite heavy, at least for one.

The next step is to stuff the cut boards onto the seat below from the inside. Whether it will be clapboard, plywood or just a butt board - it's up to you to decide. We also immediately make the seat shelf itself from thick plywood (~16 mm) or a board 20-25 mm thick, nailed end-to-end and reinforced from below.

Using a jigsaw to cut out the correct hole in the seat will help any toilet seat circled on the inside with a marker.

And one more little trick - install a PVC pipe as a hood in any corner of the toilet. I saw this somewhere, but to be honest, I didn’t see it in action myself. If anyone has made such a device, please write in the comments whether it helps or not with the removal of odors?
So I’m wondering: will it “smell” outside then?

It came to the door...
Well, there's a lot going on here. You can make it yourself, or use a ready-made one.
The main thing is to take into account the gaps for expansion, and even when the door “opens” in wet weather, it should fit freely into the opening. I think 5-7 millimeters on each side will be just right.

Important! If you make a country toilet from “raw” lumber ( natural humidity), for example, boards and you will fill them end-to-end, then keep in mind that over time, when they dry out, cracks may appear.

Having placed the toilet door on its hinges, we proceed to installing the roof and upholstering the walls.

It will even go on the roof unedged board(the top should be level), but of course it’s better to use a piece of waterproof plywood or OSB. The overhangs of the toilet roof at the front and rear should be slightly larger than at the sides.
Next, it is stuffed onto the fixed base of the roof. flexible tiles. Well, it's simple.

Which facade material It doesn’t matter what you use for upholstering the toilet walls, it all depends on personal and financial preferences. It is possible even from vinyl siding, except perhaps it will be necessary to nail more slats at the corners.

On back wall I made an opening for the window, glazing it or not is optional. But you definitely need a window, without it it will be dark. Although, as a lighting option, there are LED lights with motion sensors on batteries that are attached to the wall or ceiling.

3D model of a country toilet

Click on the picture, wait for it to load and use the pressed button left button mouse to rotate the model. Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Watch full screen - icon in the lower right corner. Exit full screen - Esc key.
To fully view 3D models, you need to download the SkethUp viewer program from the official website (free) and install it on your computer. You can download this model for viewing by clicking on the logo in the lower left corner of the viewing window.

And finally, if you are planning to install such a toilet in your dacha, here are some simple tips:

  • Treat all wood with bioprotective impregnation, at least 2 layers. External walls to maintain decent appearance and protection from ultraviolet radiation will have to be treated once every 2-3 years with bioprotection with color or paint.
  • Try to exercise final assembly toilet structures directly at the installation site - you will save effort on installation.
  • Be sure to install the toilet on some kind of foundation (stones, bricks, concrete blocks). Between wooden structure and be sure to lay a layer of waterproofing as the foundation, for example, two layers of roofing felt.
  • Boards cesspool try to reinforce it with something, for example you can put an old one iron barrel, having previously cut out the bottom in it, otherwise it may collapse.
  • To remove odors, use special powders for septic tanks.

Of course, such a country toilet is good as a temporary solution; ideally, you should still consider choosing, purchasing and installing a real autonomous septic tank, especially since there is a huge selection of them now.

Literally from the first days of using a dacha plot, the question arises: “How to make a toilet in a dacha?”, because running to neighbors is inconvenient, and you will have to build a latrine in any case. We will look at toilet designs suitable for a dacha, determine the most suitable location and tell you how to make a toilet in a dacha with your own hands.

Bathroom for a suburban area


We should immediately make a reservation: we are considering exactly country options toilets, so structures with centralized or local sewerage, flushing system and other amenities familiar to city residents will not be listed here.

Based on the above arguments, we have chosen the 4 most acceptable options:

  1. Outdoor toilet with cesspool. It is a house familiar to the village landscape, with a shallow hole dug underneath it. The products of defecation fall directly into this pit, where they undergo natural fermentation due to the vital activity of microorganisms, which is quite sufficient for the disposal of sewage under conditions of occasional use;
  2. Powder closet, or toilet with a bucket. Here we see the same house, but instead of a hole under the toilet seat there is a container (bucket, tank) into which feces fall. As the container fills, it is taken out and emptied into the contents as fertilizer;
  3. The backlash closet is the closest type of country toilet to a city. The toilet is located in the house near external wall, and feces fall into the collection pit, which is located next to this wall. The collector is concreted and completely sealed; it can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner;
  4. Dry toilet or chemical closet. This device needs no introduction - everyone has seen it in the city near metro stations and in crowded places. Sewage is processed by active bacteria or chemical reagents.

Although the street option with a cesspool is quite widespread, especially in rural areas, it is difficult to call it the most acceptable.

Firstly, cesspool toilet cannot be built in regions with high (less than 2.5 meters) groundwater levels. Secondly, the pit will fill up sooner or later, and cleaning it without a sewer truck is not the best idea. Finally, it is quite difficult to install such a toilet on a plot of 8 acres and not violate several points of sanitary norms and rules.

The powder closet got its name due to the fact that after the toilet has been used, the container is powdered with dry peat, ash, sawdust or chemicals, which helps reduce the release of odors. Modern options peat toilets are quite suitable even for installation inside a residential building, provided proper ventilation, which is also provided in many models ( country houses from block containers can be equipped with such devices).

The backlash closet is designed for a fairly populated area with normal infrastructure, not very far from settlements, since sewage disposal of the sewer is carried out using special equipment. The cost of building and maintaining such a toilet exceeds other options.

A dry closet is an option for the lazy, since all you need to do is buy the product, deliver it to the site and install it in the chosen location. Maintenance will consist of timely replacement of reagents and periodic emptying of the collector container, which makes it similar to a powder closet.

The choice of toilet design is a personal matter for each owner, but we recommend choosing a peat powder closet, as this is the cheapest and easiest to manufacture option.

Selecting a location

Once you have decided on the design and type of bathroom, you need to decide where it will be located. This is enough important point, for sewage can poison the soil and groundwater on your and neighboring areas.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account mutual arrangement buildings: proximity to a house, well, summer kitchen or barbecue area to the toilet. The interests of neighbors should also be taken into account.

Important! For powder closets, the placement principles are not as strict as for cesspool structures, for the reason that sewage does not get into the ground. However, they should still be taken into account.

Basic minimum distances from the closet to the structure or object on the site:

In addition to the data given in the table, it should be borne in mind that the toilet door should not open towards the neighboring area or be located nearby a visible road.
It is also worth considering the wind rose and the location of the living area and barbecue area of ​​your neighbors.

You should not try to hide the bathroom too far away to avoid somnambulistic night trips through the dark garden. It is also worth considering in advance how and where the path from the house to the toilet will be located.


It's time to tell you how to make a country toilet with your own hands.

For your convenience, our experts have compiled step-by-step instructions:

  1. We shoot at the chosen location fertile layer soil and compact the area 2x2 meters. Then we dig 4 holes 30x30x70 cm in the corners so that a platform of 1.7x1.7 meters is formed between them, we put plastic film in the holes and concrete them with cement-sand mortar with crushed stone, you can add a light reinforcement frame;

  1. When the concrete has hardened, we lay a double layer of roofing material on the surface of each pillar and make the bottom trim: we lay 100x100 mm timber, connect it in the corners into half a tree and fasten it to the posts with anchors or dowels;

  1. We stuff the floorboards onto the frame close to each other; it is better to use tongue-and-groove or deck boards. You can also install logs in increments of 40 cm and cover them with moisture-resistant plywood for the floor;

  1. In the corners of the resulting platform we install racks made of timber 100x100 mm or 70x70 mm, which we fasten to a steel angle and self-tapping screws. Front pillars – 2.5 m, rear 2.2 m;

  1. We make the top frame from 50x50 mm timber, we also insert crossbars at a height of 40 cm from the floor and 30 - 40 cm below the top frame;

  1. We fill the top frame with a lathing from the board and lay it roofing material – slate, metallic profile, roofing felt, etc.;

  1. We make a frame for the doorway from two 70x70 mm bars in the front part of the structure, the distance between the bars is 80 cm, the bars connect the floor and the upper crossbar;

  1. At a distance of 50 cm from the back wall, we attach a piece of 50x50 mm timber to the corners, which we use to connect the lower cross members. Between this segment and the floor we install two supports from the same timber. You should get a rectangular box, which we sew up with a board, leaving a hole at the top, and equip the vertical wall with a door into which a bucket can fit;

  1. We cover the walls with clapboard and insert the door. We lead from the porch electrical wire, connect it to the lamp socket, and make a switch on the porch.

The bottom trim bars and floorboards should be protected from rotting using antiseptic impregnation.

Since the toilet is built first, there is often no water supply electrical energy to the site. In this case, renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help you.


It’s easy to build a toilet yourself by following our instructions. The video in this article will also help you, which demonstrates the process of assembling the toilet house.

Great article 0

Any experienced summer resident knows that landscaping always begins with the construction of a toilet. Of course, each of us has an idea of ​​what a closet should be like and how to roughly build it, but when it comes to constructing a building, it turns out that this work contains a number of nuances. Therefore, in this article I decided to tell you in detail about what types of toilets there are and how to build them correctly.

The process of building an outdoor toilet can be divided into several stages:


So, we begin this work, like any other construction, with design.

On at this stage you need to decide on the following points:

  • type of toilet;
  • location on the site;
  • type of construction and dimensions.

Types of toilets

Before building a toilet in your country house, you need to choose the optimal type for your case. The fact is that its location on the site and some other construction nuances depend on this.

The most common in summer cottages are the following types closets:

Toilet type Peculiarities
With cesspool This is perhaps the most common design that has been tested over the years. The principle of operation is extremely simple - a hole is dug under the cabin in which sewage accumulates, while the liquid can leave the hole through a filter at the bottom. As a rule, cesspools are cleaned using sewage machines.
Powder closet More simple design, the principle of which is to install a bucket or other container under the toilet seat. To prevent the unpleasant smell of sewage from spreading throughout the toilet, they are sprinkled with peat.

When the container is filled, its contents are poured into compost pit. After some time, the sewage sprinkled with compost will be processed into fertilizer.

Dry toilet It is a toilet seat with a container. Sewage is processed into containers under the influence of bacteria, chemical substances or peat, after which they can be poured into a compost pit. The exception is chemical toilets, the waste of which cannot be used as fertilizer.

If the groundwater is deeper than two and a half meters from the ground surface, then any toilet can be installed. If the groundwater is located above the 2.5 m mark, then it is impossible to make a cesspool.

An exception is the use of sealed containers, for example, Eurocubes.

Location on the site An important point in designing a country toilet is choosing a location for it. First of all, I note that you cannot build a closet in any place you like, since according to existing sanitary standards

, it must be located at a certain distance from some important objects:

All these requirements must be observed when building a toilet with a cesspool, since it is a possible source of soil contamination. If you are building a powder closet or a cubicle for a dry closet, then it is not necessary to maintain these distances.

If the site is located on a slope, the toilet must be located below the water source.

  • In addition, when choosing a place for the toilet, it is necessary to take into account some other important points:
  • a compass rose so that unpleasant odors from the closet do not bother you or your neighbors;

In order to conveniently locate the toilet, it is advisable to immediately decide where on the site the recreation area, garden, vegetable garden, etc. will be located.

Construction type and dimensions

Now you can prepare the cabin drawings. True, for this you first need to decide on the size of the structure and materials for its construction.

As for the sizes, you can choose them individually to make the toilet as comfortable as possible to use.

If you don’t have any special wishes regarding the size, you can take the standard parameters:

  • height – front wall 2.2 m, rear wall 1.85-1.9 m;
  • width – 1.5m;
  • depth – 1m.

As for materials, the easiest way to make a toilet is from wooden beams. In this case, the basis of the structure is the frame, which in turn consists of several main elements:

  • the bottom trim is the base on which the floor is laid;
  • racks - are the basis of the walls;
  • top trim - serves as the basis for the roof.

It has the same design metal carcass. The only thing is that instead of beams a profile pipe is used.

The frame, regardless of whether it is wooden or metal, can be covered with clapboard, boards, OSB sheets or any other suitable material.

It must be said that the toilet does not have to have a pitched roof and smooth walls. If you wish, you can do more complex design With gable roof, for example, in the form of a fairy-tale tower.

Such a garden closet can become a real decoration of the landscape. True, it makes sense to take on work of such complexity if you already have experience. If you are a beginner, then it is better to “get your teeth into” building the simplest toilet.

If you want to build capital toilet In order for it to last for decades, it is better to build it from bricks or blocks. This, of course, will take you much more time and effort. In addition, the price of building materials will be much higher, but the result is worth it.

Having decided on the type of toilet, you can begin creating drawings. I’ll say right away that it’s not at all necessary to take them out high accuracy to scale.

You can even draw the design by hand. The most important thing is that the drawing shows all the nuances of the construction, as well as the dimensions in millimeters. The drawing, of course, should be clear to you.

Having such a drawing before your eyes during the construction process will to some extent simplify the task and also prevent mistakes.

Arrangement of the pit

The construction of a toilet should begin with the construction of a cesspool. However, you first need to decide on its volume. The latter depend on the number of people who will relax at the dacha, as well as on how often you plan to visit the suburban area.

If you are going to live at the dacha all summer, then the volume should be calculated based on 0.5 cubic meters per person. If you visit the dacha even less often, for example, only on weekends and during vacations, then for a family of four people a volume of 1-1.5 m3 will be enough. Of course, you should understand that all these numbers are very arbitrary and only affect how often you will have to clean.

As for the design, you can make a cesspool with your own hands in several ways:

From car tires

The easiest way is to make a pit from car tires. Moreover, you won’t have to spend any money for this at all, since old tires can be taken for free from auto repair shops and service stations. The only thing is that the volume of the pit is sufficient, you should use slopes from large trucks or even a tractor.

The construction process is as follows:

  1. Place the tire in the place where the hole will be located and outline it. Then mark the dimensions of the pit, which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the tire;
  2. then you need to dig a pit of the required depth. As a rule, 10 medium-sized slopes are used for such a pit;
  3. the bottom of the pit should be covered with a 10-15 cm layer of sand, which is carefully compacted, and then with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness;

  1. Now start laying the tires after cutting the rims. The top tire should rise slightly above the soil level;
  2. Then the space between the tires should be covered with clay. In addition, it is advisable to lay the remaining slopes around the resulting well;
  3. At the end of the work, the pit must be filled with soil.

With such a pit arrangement, the distance to the nearest water source should be at least 30 meters.

Made from concrete rings

A pit made of concrete rings is much more reliable and durable. The only thing is that for its arrangement it is desirable to have lifting equipment that can lower the rings to the bottom of the pit. Before laying them on the bottom, a filter is performed according to the scheme described above, or even concrete screed

, if the pit is made completely sealed.

  1. After preparing the pit, construction is carried out in the following sequence:
  2. rings are installed one on top of the other; With the joints are coated with cement mortar;
  3. the outside of the well is covered with bitumen mastic.

If there is no special equipment, then you can lower the rings to the required depth by digging.

Monolithic pit

The construction of a concrete pit is reminiscent of the construction of a strip foundation. To fill the walls around the perimeter of the pit, formwork is installed, which must be reinforced. Then the formwork is poured.

You can learn more about the nuances of pouring pit walls with concrete from other articles on our portal dedicated to the construction of reinforced concrete structures.

As for the bottom, it can be sealed in the form of a screed, or sand and gravel.

Wooden cabin

So with everyone preparatory stages we figured it out. Now we're building wooden toilet. The process of its construction can be divided into several stages:

Foundation preparation

Since our building will not have much weight, it is enough for it columnar foundation, which is executed as follows:

  1. first you need to mark the area, taking into account that the hole should be located under the toilet seat;
  2. then holes are dug in the corners of the future structure to a depth of about 25-30 cm. Their size should be such that concrete blocks can fit in them;
  3. the bottom of the holes must be covered with a layer of sand about 15 mm thick, then carefully compacted and leveled;
  4. Then the blocks are laid on the sand. Two rows, as in the diagram above, will be quite enough.
    The blocks must be laid with a bandage. To hold them together, you should use cement mortar;
  5. To complete the work, a couple of layers of roofing material should be laid on top of the blocks, which will serve as waterproofing.

Frame assembly

Now that the foundation is ready, you can begin assembling the frame. For these purposes we will need beams with a cross section of 50x50 mm.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the grillage is done. To do this, the beams should be laid on blocks and leveled.
    The beams can be connected to each other “in half a tree” and additionally secured with metal corners and self-tapping screws. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees;
  2. a jumper should immediately be installed in the lower trim, which will separate the toilet floor area from the toilet seat area, as in the photo above;
  3. further installed vertical racks. To fix them it is also necessary to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. In addition, the racks can be further strengthened with braces;
  4. on top, the beams should be connected to each other with an upper trim, which will serve as the basis for the roof;
  5. then you need to install two more racks and jumpers that form door frame;

  1. Now we need to make a frame for the toilet seat. To do this, cross members should be placed between the rear and side pillars at a height of about 40 cm (this is the average height of the toilet seat, but you can adjust it if necessary);
  2. Now the crossbars that are installed on the side walls should be connected by a crossbar, which should be located strictly above the crossbar of the lower trim. As a result, the upper frame of the toilet seat is formed;
  3. to give the toilet seat more strength, supports should be secured between the crossbars and the bottom frame.

Before starting construction of the toilet, it is necessary to process all the beams and other wooden materials protective impregnation that protects wood from moisture and biological influences.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of assembling the frame. The metal frame is made in the same way, the only thing is that all the parts that are made from profile pipe with a cross section of at least 30x30 cm, connected by welding.

Frame covering

The next stage of work is covering the toilet, which begins with the installation of the roof:

  1. on top harness the sheathing should be made of suitable slats or boards;
  2. then it is necessary to lay a waterproofing film on the sheathing;
  3. a second layer of slats is mounted on top of the film;
  4. at the end of the work, roofing material is laid on the sheathing - this can be corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, slate or any other covering.

As for wall cladding, this procedure usually does not cause any difficulties. Any suitable material, which you have on hand, is attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. Of course, if you want your wooden toilet to look beautiful, it is best to use clapboard or block house for this purpose.

It is necessary to make a window in the back or side wall of the toilet, which will provide not only light, but also ventilation of the stall.

A toilet door can be made in two ways:

  • frame - in this case, a frame is made from beams, which is sheathed with the same material as the walls;

  • from boards - door leaf assembled from boards, which are held together using two platbands and a jib, as in the photo above.

Door installation is carried out using conventional door hinges. The only thing, During the installation process, it is necessary to monitor the level so that the doors do not turn out to be skewed..

To complete the work, you should lay the boards on the floor and sheathe the frame of the toilet seat, which is also a fairly simple procedure. You need to make a hole in the center of the toilet seat.

You can do it as follows:

  1. attach a toilet board to the toilet seat and trace around the inside with a pencil;
  2. then drill a hole with a drill with a diameter of at least the width of the jigsaw blade;

  1. after this you need to cut a hole with a jigsaw along the marked line;
  2. To complete the work, you need to secure the toilet board to the toilet seat.

Now the summer wooden toilet is ready.

Brick cabin

Finally, let's look at how to make a country toilet out of brick. In this case, it is best to fill the cesspool with concrete or line it with brick. Its walls will serve as the foundation of the structure.

On top of the pit it is advisable to perform concrete slab which will serve as the floor.

The process of its arrangement looks like this:

  1. First of all, formwork is carried out;
  2. then the reinforcing mesh is laid. Keep in mind that it should be about 2cm apart.
    In addition, it is necessary to provide a hatch in the formwork, which will be located under the toilet seat;
  3. At the end of the work, the formwork is filled with concrete.

Now you can start building the walls.

This work is carried out as follows:

  1. The first step is to waterproof the foundation. To do this, you need to lay roofing felt around the perimeter of the slab;
  2. then a regular one is built brickwork. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that all rows are located horizontally and in the same vertical plane. To do this, it is necessary to use beacons in the form of tensioned threads and plumb lines.
    In addition, it is very important to ensure uniformity of seams;
  3. in the back wall, as in the previous case, you need to make a window. To do this, you need to make a jumper from steel corners, a channel or even a wooden beam.

Further work will be carried out in the same way as during the construction of a wooden toilet - the roof is laid, doors are installed, etc. The only thing is that you first need to install the door frame, which can be made from boards.

As for the toilet seat, it needs to be made portable in the form of a box so that it does not interfere with the process of cleaning the cesspool.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to make a toilet in the country without the help of specialists.


We examined the main nuances and principles of constructing a country toilet. If you wish, you can, of course, make your own amendments to the process described above. But, the main thing is that this does not affect the strength of the building and does not contradict existing sanitary standards.

You can get more information from the video in this article. If some aspects of construction are not clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

The first building that appears on any site is a toilet. We can somehow manage without a house and a shower, but we can’t do without this building. For many, a DIY garden toilet is their first construction experience. It’s good that the structure is simple, so even without experience it’s easy to do.

The very first building at the dacha is a toilet. Often this is the first experience of DIY construction.

Although a country toilet is not the most complex building, it has many features. You cannot do without a clear action plan. Let's describe step by step how to build a toilet in the country:

  1. Choose the type of toilet.
  2. Determine the location on the site for construction.
  3. Decide on the dimensions and materials for construction.
  4. You start construction.

Now about each point in more detail.

Without cesspool

In most cases, toilets without a cesspool are much easier and faster to build. In them, waste is collected in an airtight container, which is usually placed directly under the toilet seat. The whole difference is in how the waste is processed and its odor is neutralized. There are the following types:

The advantages of country toilets without a cesspool (also called dry) are significant:

There are also significant disadvantages:

  • Factory-made toilets are not that cheap.
  • It is necessary to periodically change the container.
  • It is necessary to monitor the availability of neutralization means.

Standards for installing a toilet on the site

Most of the restrictions apply to pit toilets: it is necessary to limit possible contamination. The rules are:

The remaining standards are valid for all types of toilets:

  • There must be at least 1 meter to the site boundary.
  • Doors should not open towards the neighboring area.
  • When choosing a location, you need to take into account the prevailing wind direction.

When choosing a place where you will build a toilet for your dacha with your own hands, pay attention not only to own buildings and objects, but also to neighboring ones. This will help avoid friction with them and with the sanitation station.

If you are building a toilet with a cesspool, you will need to add to all the listed requirements - the organization of an entrance for a sewer truck.

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands

You have already completed the first two steps: you have chosen the type of toilet and the place to install it. The next step is to choose the sizes. Deciding on them is not so difficult. They told us how to choose the volume of a cesspool - 1.5 cubic meters is enough for 2-3 people, now about what size the toilet house should be. It all depends on own desire and on the size of the owners. IN standard version Toilets are made in the following sizes:

  • height - 220 cm;
  • width - 150 cm;
  • depth - 100 cm.

These dimensions are convenient for people with average build. They can be changed as you wish. There are no standards.

Toilet houses are most often made of wood. But this is not the rule. He might be from sheet material type fiberboard, gypsum fiber board, made of flat slate, brick and any other building materials, profiled sheet metal, even made of plastic.

You can build a toilet in your dacha with your own hands from any material. This one is made of corrugated board

The most favorite roofing material for a country house is slate. The device is inexpensive soft roof from welded materials. In general, you can use any available one. It is attached to a continuous sheathing, so there is not much difference.

Building a village toilet

The last stage is the actual construction. The procedure is determined by what type of toilet you will build. If there is a cesspool, this is done first.

Cesspool for toilet

The procedure for construction is as follows:

In order not to bother with masonry and waterproofing, you can install a special plastic container - a septic tank. They come in different volumes and designs - with one or two necks.

Septic tanks in the cesspool of a country toilet - and no problems with waterproofing

The pit is being dug a little more sizes of the selected septic tank, the container is installed and filled with previously removed soil. The construction of such a cesspool is many times faster and more reliable.

Cabin for country toilet

Any toilet for a summer residence is installed in a small cabin-house. The easiest way to make a rectangular structure with your own hands is pitched roof: minimum time, costs and materials.

Booth base - posts

The first thing you need to take care of is the presence of flooring. It needs to be raised some distance above the ground. It is more convenient to do this with the help of columns folded in the corners of the building. It is hardly worth burying them to the depth of soil freezing, but it is necessary to bury them in the soil 20-30 cm below the fertile layer. They are usually made of bricks, rubble stone, they can be poured from concrete, etc. On this basis, the cabin will rise during heaving, but usually this does not lead to any serious damage: the structure is small.

As it turned out, building a toilet for a summer house with your own hands is not so difficult. Little time and expense is required. But in the process you will acquire useful skills.

Even if the dacha is just a bare piece of land without a single building, you still cannot do without the main thing - a toilet. The need for this simple construction arises after just a few hours of being at the summer cottage. Despite the fact that we all imagine what a toilet should look like and what needs to be done, there is still no need to rush. First of all, you should study the site to understand what type of country toilet can be built in a particular case, because there are several of them. Then you need to decide where exactly you can put the toilet, while respecting sanitary rules and norms. And only after this can you begin construction itself. There is nothing difficult about making a country toilet with your own hands. However, you don't have to make the toilet box yourself. Modern market can offer ready-made toilet houses for every taste. In this article we will look at instructions on how to make a toilet with your own hands, starting with choosing the type of toilet and ending with making a house.

What kind of toilet can be equipped in a country house - types and features

In a well-equipped dacha, where there is a house and you can actually live, it is advisable to have two toilets - one in the house and the second on the street. It is convenient to use a toilet in the house at night or in bad weather when it rains. Still, the house is warmer and more comfortable. An outdoor toilet for a dacha is necessary in order to use it during the day after gardening work on the site and do not carry dirt from the street into the house.

There are several types of toilets that can be used in the country:

  • Outdoor toilet with pit cesspool.
  • Powder closet.
  • Backlash closet.
  • Dry toilet.
  • Chemical toilet.

The choice of toilet is influenced by such indicators as the level of groundwater. If the water is far away (deeper than 2.5 m) and never rises above this level even during the rainy season or spring floods, then you can use any of the proposed toilet options. If the groundwater level is high, the water is close to the surface, then it is impossible to equip a toilet with a cesspool.

Outdoor toilet with cesspool- good old time-tested design. It is a cesspool up to 1.5 m deep, with a toilet house on top. Sewage accumulates in the pit and gradually decomposes. If the intensity of use of such a toilet is high, then the pit is filled quickly, and the sewage does not have time to ferment. Previously, this problem was solved simply - they removed the toilet house, buried the old hole, and in another place they dug a new one and put the toilet on top. Nowadays they prefer to clean cesspools either using a sewer machine or manually.

Powder closet- a toilet option for areas where water is close. There is no cesspool in its design at all. Instead, a container (bucket, barrel, box) is used, which is installed immediately under the toilet seat. To prevent sewage from being too reminiscent of an unpleasant odor, after each trip to the toilet they are sprinkled with dry peat, sawdust or ash. The process itself resembles powdering, which is where the name of this type of toilet “powder-closet” comes from. Once filled, the container is removed and emptied into a compost bin, pile or other location. Over time, sewage sprinkled with peat will turn into a wonderful fertilizer.

Backlash closet- a toilet with a sealed cesspool, which is cleaned using a sewer machine. Typically, backlash closets are installed directly in the house next to outer wall Houses. The cesspool is located outside; sewage enters it through a pipe. The pit itself has a slope away from the house for ease of cleaning.

Dry toilet- a cabin familiar to city residents with a container into which active microorganisms are poured to process sewage. Probably the easiest way to arrange a toilet in a country house, since you don’t need to build anything - you can buy a ready-made dry closet of any size, both outdoor and indoor.

Chemical toilet differs from a dry toilet only in the means of processing sewage. Chemical reagents are used here, so the contents of the container after processing cannot be used as fertilizer in the garden, unlike a dry closet.

Peat toilet- This home option powder-closet. In fact, a powder closet is also a peat toilet, because it uses peat to powder feces. A home peat toilet is a modernized achievement of civilization. It is very similar to a regular toilet, only in the water tank there is dry peat instead of water, and instead of sewer pipes there is a container for sewage.

This toilet can be safely installed inside the house. For elimination unpleasant odor Its design provides for ventilation, which must be taken outside.

The choice of toilet for your dacha depends entirely on your personal preferences and on the conditions dictated by the SanPin rules.

There are certain restrictions on the placement of an outdoor toilet. First of all, they concern those toilets in which sewage can come into contact with soil and groundwater.

  • There must be at least 25 m from the toilet to the water source. Be it a well, borehole, lake, stream or other body of water. If the summer cottage is located on a slight slope, then the toilet must be installed below the source of water intake. This will prevent wastewater from getting into drinking water.

Important! Please note that you should consider not only your water source, but also your immediate neighbors.

  • There must be a minimum of 12 m from the toilet to the house and cellar or basement.
  • From summer shower or baths, saunas at least 8 m.
  • The distance from the building for keeping animals to the toilet should be 4 m.
  • From tree trunks - 4 m, from bushes - 1 m.
  • There must be at least 1 m from the fence to the toilet.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the wind rose when choosing the location and location of an outdoor toilet, so as not to annoy either yourself or your neighbors with an unpleasant odor.
  • The door to the toilet should not open towards neighbors.
  • If the groundwater is below 2.5 m, then any outdoor toilet. If it is higher than 2.5 m, then a toilet with a cesspool cannot be made, only a powder closet or a backlash closet, and you can also install dry toilets. Such structures are safe in the sense that sewage cannot enter groundwater and pollute it.

Please note that when choosing a place for a toilet, you need to focus on objects not only on your site, but also on your neighbor’s. This applies to trees, sheds, houses, and everything else. For toilets of the powder-closet and backlash-closet types, the restrictions listed above do not apply, since in them the sewage does not come into contact with the ground. The only thing that will have to be taken into account when placing them is the wind rose and ease of use.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - instructions for building a powder closet

Setting up a country toilet with your own hands is not so difficult; it is enough to have basic carpentry skills, engineering thinking and the help of a friend. Let's look at an example of building a toilet in a country house using the powder-closet type. As we have already written, its peculiarity is that there is no cesspool under the toilet. And this makes the task much easier. Firstly, such a toilet can be located next to residential building. Secondly, the construction technology itself is somewhat easier; you don’t have to dig a pit. Thirdly, groundwater contamination is excluded.

The construction of a toilet must begin with a drawing so that all elements and parts have the appropriate dimensions, and not by eye. Due to the fact that there is no cesspool in the powder closet, only the design of the toilet house will be shown in the drawing.

The powder closet can be schematically represented as follows::

The dimensions of the toilet are selected so that it is convenient to use. For example, the most common size is: width 1.5 m, depth 1 m, height 2.2 m. The dimensions can be increased if the dimensions of the owners require it. The material for making a toilet can be different: the most common are wooden toilets, but you can sheathe the walls with metal profiles, slate or other material, and also build walls from brick.

Country wooden toilet - sectional drawing.

Example 1.

Example 2.

You can use a ready-made drawing, or you can create your own. The main thing is to comply with the dimensions during construction.

Foundation and support for toilet

Country toilet is a structure that does not require a heavy foundation. In some sources you may come across a suggestion to pour under the toilet strip foundation. In fact, this is unnecessary, especially if the toilet is wooden. The support for the toilet house can be made in two ways: the first is to bury support pillars, the second is to lay bricks or concrete blocks around the perimeter.

Can be used as support pillars wooden beam either a log or concrete pillars. The latter are more resistant to aggressive environments and will last longer.

  • First of all, we mark the area. It is extremely important to accurately determine the angles of the structure.
  • We take 4 asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 150 mm and coat them on the outside with bitumen mastic.
  • We dig wells in the corners of the toilet house and bury the pipes to a depth of 50 - 70 cm. The depth of the pipes can be greater, it depends on the structure of the soil. You can make 90 cm or 1 m.
  • They must be poured to the height of 1/3 of the pipe. concrete mortar. Carefully compact the concrete to remove air bubbles.
  • We insert wooden or concrete support pillars inside the pipes. To secure them, add concrete mortar.

Support pillars in in this case can also act as a vertical part of the frame, i.e. they must be driven to a height of 2.3 m from the ground. It is also necessary to constantly check that the position of the pillars is level relative to the corners.

There are cases when it is enough to secure concrete blocks or bricks as a support, on which the frame will then be installed. In this case, you need to remove upper layer soil to a depth of 20 - 30 cm and compact the base tightly. For greater reliability, you can add a layer of sand to the bottom. Concrete blocks, bricks or concrete curbs are installed on top.

We make the frame of an outdoor toilet

The frame of a country toilet can be made from wooden beams 50x50 mm or 80x80 mm. It is not necessary to take a thicker and more massive timber 100x100 mm or more. You can also use metal corners.

The frame must be of the following structure:

  • 4 load-bearing vertical supports.
  • Toilet roof strapping. Longitudinal beams for the roof it should protrude 30 - 40 cm beyond the toilet body. The canopy will serve as a canopy at the front, and at the back to drain rainwater away from the toilet.
  • Strapping or tie at the level of the future toilet seat. Typically, the toilet seat trim bars are attached in a spacer to the load-bearing vertical supports. The height of the toilet seat should be comfortable - 40 cm from the floor of the toilet.
  • Diagonal struts for structural strength on the rear and side walls of the toilet.
  • Frame for fastening the door. Two vertical supports to a height of up to 1.9 m and a horizontal jumper on top at the same height.

Be sure to calculate the height of the toilet seat, as a seat that is too high will be uncomfortable, especially if there are short people among the owners. Mark at what level the finished floor in the toilet will be, and set aside 38 - 40 cm upward from it. Please note that on top of the trim there will be another sheathing 20 - 25 mm thick.

We cover the toilet body and make a roof

Further construction of the country toilet consists of sheathing the frame. Since wooden toilets are always popular due to their original beauty, convenience and comfort, the walls of a country toilet can be sheathed wooden planks.

Wooden boards 15 - 25 mm thick are nailed to the frame, fitting them tightly to each other. The boards must be placed vertically. Since the roof will be located with a slope towards the rear wall, then top part The sheathing boards will have to be carefully cut at an angle.

Instead of wood, you can use sheets of corrugated board, slate or other material. They are much easier to work with since you only need three sheets for the back and two side walls. But it is much less comfortable to be in such a toilet than in a wooden one. And all because there is no natural exchange of moisture and air through the walls.

It is necessary to make a door on the back wall of the toilet through which the container with sewage can be removed. Usually it is made across the entire width of the back wall to a height of 40 cm (up to the height of the toilet seat). This door is secured on hinges. It can be made from the same wooden boards.

The roof of a country toilet is usually covered with the same material as all the buildings on the site, so that the buildings do not stand out from the composition. You can use corrugated sheets or metal tiles. A hole must be made in the roof for the ventilation pipe, which should then be carefully sealed.

If you want to make the roof of the toilet wooden, then it should definitely be covered with roofing felt or other roll material so that the wood does not get wet.

Hanging the door

The door for a country toilet is usually made of wood. We hang the door on hinges. The number of hinges 2 or 3 depends on the severity and massiveness of the door. The heavier the door, the more hinges there should be. Everyone makes the mechanism for closing the door to the toilet as he likes: a latch, a hook, a latch or a wooden latch. A latch must also be installed inside the toilet.

A window should be made above the door through which people can enter. daylight. Usually it is made as close to the roof as possible to prevent water from getting inside when it rains. The window can be glazed, then neither rain nor insects, which often fly through such windows, will be safe. You can see what a country wooden toilet looks like in the photo.

Country toilet: photos - examples

Setting up a toilet seat

The seat or toilet seat in a country toilet is made of wooden boards, lining or moisture-resistant plywood. Better to use pure wood without additives, so we exclude plywood. The frame of the future toilet seat was made at the stage of arranging the frame, so now it is enough to carefully cover it with wooden boards and paint it. We cut a hole in the middle through which we will relieve ourselves. Be sure to check at what depth from the beginning of the toilet seat the hole should be made to make it convenient to use.

We install a container for sewage with a volume of 20 to 40 liters under the toilet seat. By the way, the lid of the toilet seat can be made hinged or stationary.

On the wall in convenient location hang a container for peat. We put a bucket below toilet paper. You can install a washbasin inside the toilet if the dimensions of the building allow it. Then we install a bucket for slops under the washbasin.

How to build a toilet in a country house with a cesspool

Building a toilet with a pit cesspool is somewhat more complicated, since you will have to build a pit for waste. The toilet house for this type of toilet is no different, so we will not touch on it. Let us only indicate how to make communications. The diagram shows how the cesspool should be located in relation to the toilet house. Based on this, we mark the site and begin excavation work.

  • We dig a cesspool with a slope towards the rear wall of the toilet, 1.5 m deep.
  • We compact the bottom and walls of the pit with clay with a layer of 15 - 25 cm. Some people make the walls of the pit from wood, brick or concrete instead of clay. If the groundwater is at a sufficient depth, then it is not necessary to make the walls of the cesspool completely sealed. A clay castle is enough.
  • We make the base for the toilet from a wooden beam 100x100 mm. You can also use sidewalk curbs or concrete blocks, laying them on the ground. If you use a wooden beam, it must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • We build a flooring of boards over the cesspool. First we knock down the frame from the beams. We make such a distance between them that it is convenient to clean the hole. Please note that the flooring is done outside the toilet house; under the house there is a free space of sufficient size for sewage to fall into the pit.
  • The flooring must be covered from below with roofing felt or other rolled material.
  • Behind the toilet we install a hatch, which is a hinged lid. The hatch will be used when cleaning the pit. Wooden hatch treat with an antiseptic.
  • We lay a ventilation pipe from the pit. We install it next to the back wall of the toilet, placing it 70 - 100 cm above the roof of the toilet. For these purposes, you can use the usual sewer pipe. We attach a canopy to the top of the pipe to prevent water and debris from getting inside. We secure the pipe to the back wall with clamps. The lower edge of the ventilation pipe should be located 15 - 20 cm below the toilet floor level.
  • A toilet house is installed on top.
  • Around a toilet with a cesspool, it is necessary to make a blind area and drain rainwater so that it does not flood the pit with sewage.

If in the future you plan to clean the cesspool using a sewer truck, then the toilet must be located on the site so that the machine can drive a sufficient distance. Remember, the sleeve of such a machine is only 7 m.

Country toilet backlash-closet and its features

Most often, a country toilet of the backlash-closet type is installed next to a residential building or inside the house. The waste pit is located outside the building, behind its walls. A toilet of this type can only be built where it is possible to heat the sewer pit in winter period. If the toilet will not be used in winter, then the cesspool must be completely cleaned before the end of the season.

The main difference between a backlash closet and other types of toilets is that the cesspool in it is completely sealed and is regularly cleaned using a sewer machine. Here are a few differences in the construction of a backlash closet:

  • A sealed pit to prevent waste from being absorbed into the soil. You can fill the hole with concrete, make it out of brick and plaster it, or you can use ready-made plastic containers- caissons.
  • Must come from the cesspool ventilation tube. It must be carried out through the chimney of a stove or fireplace. In turn, a pipe should go from the chimney into a hole through which it will flow warm air. This is necessary so that the pit does not freeze. The material of the exhaust pipe is asbestos-cement or ceramic.
  • If the house does not have a regular stove or fireplace, but only gas heating, then the cesspool must be heated using a low-power electric heater.
  • A cover/hatch is made over the pit. To prevent the lid from freezing, it is made double: the top one is metal or cast iron, and the bottom one is wooden. We place thermal insulation material between the covers.
  • The slope of the pit should be away from the house for ease of cleaning.

IN Lately Peat toilets for summer cottages are becoming increasingly popular. Their convenience is that they can be safely placed in any room in the house. Peat toilets are easy to clean, practically odorless, and even a fragile woman or woman can handle them. old man. Also, similar toilets can be made on the street; the same powder closet is just a predecessor of the modern peat toilet.