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» Clean the apartment before the New Year. General cleaning for the New Year - getting ready for your favorite holiday. Comprehensive apartment cleaning before the New Year from Eco Cleaning

Clean the apartment before the New Year. General cleaning for the New Year - getting ready for your favorite holiday. Comprehensive apartment cleaning before the New Year from Eco Cleaning

Cleaning is not the most pleasant pre-New Year activity, but if you decide to invite guests to fun party, then you need to prepare carefully. Let everyone see what a wonderful hostess you are. The only pity is that after the guests leave, it will probably be dirtier than before cleaning.

So, adopt a few tricks that will help you quickly and easily clean your house both before and after New Year's Eve.

1. It’s better to start cleaning from the top. Otherwise, dust may end up on already washed cabinets, furniture and curtains. This trick is used by maids who know best how quickly bedside tables and shelves gather dust.

2. When wiping the chandelier, secure a damp pillowcase underneath(or just a piece of fabric). Then all the dust will fall into it, and not on your head. Then just throw the pillowcase in the wash.

3. By the way, it’s easier to clean the chandelier by completely removing the shade, - this way you will save a lot of effort. And we remember that wiping hot lamps plugged in is a bad idea.

4. If you have Dishwasher, do not forget that you can wash not only dishes in it, but also lamp shades, vases - in general, almost all glass things.

5. Curtains are a source of dust, they need to be wet cleaned. An alternative is to wash, but this will actually take longer: you still need to dry and iron. Therefore, using a steam generator is the most effective option.

And if there is no steam generator, you can beat off the curtains with a wet towel, preferably medium-sized and not too heavy so that your hand does not get tired. Wet it well, roll it into a tube and use it to beat off the curtains. Then, lightly tap them to knock out the damp dust onto the floor.

6. Vacuum the floor first and then wash it.. Then the process will become quick and easy: there will no longer be flakes of dust, hair, small debris, crumbs on the floor surface, and the water will have to be changed less often.

7. A rubber glass squeegee is great for removing pet hair from carpets.. So, if you need to quickly collect the fur of your favorite Tuzik, try this method.

8. Wet the cloth you use to wipe the furniture with fabric softener.. Then the treated surfaces will attract dust less.

9. Microfiber - best fabric to remove dust. Therefore, before general cleaning, buy special napkins, and do not suffer with a rag that used to be underpants.

10. Wash the wall near the stove and carefully stick cling film on it(the wall should be a little damp).

Most likely, during the holidays you will, and all the consequences of this process will remain on film. You will remove the film, and the wall will retain its pristine cleanliness.

11. Use baby oil for massage when cleaning chrome taps and handles.. Soak a napkin in it and wipe metal surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen with it - they will immediately shine!

12. After cleaning the toilet, place wet antibacterial wipes next to it.(the cheapest) - not for your personal hygiene, but to keep the outside of the toilet clean. At the slightest contamination, wipe the tank and lid with them - the plumbing will remain clean for a long time.

All these little tricks will help you deal with dirt faster.

To make it easy to keep your home clean at all times, here are a few more tips.

13. Don't hoard old things(throw away, give away, sell). The more unnecessary things there are in the house, the more dust and dirt there is. Get rid of the clutter right now - and you will have order all year long!

14. Leave at hand only the equipment that is needed constantly, and seasonal - put it away for storage in a timely manner. It’s better to donate equipment and utensils that you don’t use to those who will really need them.

15. Buy modern ones- labeled containers with compartments will help you put things in order. They are convenient for storing everything: jewelry, accessories, cosmetics, pills, etc. - even shoe care products and hand tools.

16. Take the time to understand your medications properly. You can sort them by age of family members or by type of disease. Don’t forget to also check the expiration dates of both medications and cosmetics - always leave anything that is outdated in the outgoing year!

17. Start cleaning from the dirtiest places. When your strength is running out, you will have already done all the most unpleasant and difficult work, and the easy part will be left for last.

18. Set a time frame for each cleaning step. and stick to them. For example, it takes 5 minutes to wash the stove, and 30 minutes to wash the floor. When you try to meet a specific time, you stop being distracted, and things go faster.

19. Do not try to wash something that cannot be restored to its original appearance. Don't fall over yourself trying to force kitchen set shine like the day it was purchased - 20 years ago. Maybe it's just time?

20. Don’t equate cleaning with hard labor, treat it as a reason to take a break from the computer, be alone with your thoughts and physically warm up.

Agree, when the apartment is clean, it is very nice! Now make sure that the housing bills are paid, and that’s it - you can enter the new year with a calm heart.

Vastu is the teaching of organizing space in harmony with the energy of the sun and other planets, which helps to attract positive energy into the house.

We asked a Vastu expert to tell us how to get the most out of cleaning and enter 2017 without unnecessary negativity Larisa Skorokhodova.

— Before the New Year, we strive to complete old tasks, clean and decorate the house for the holiday. How to properly clean the house of everything unnecessary, including negativity?

— Cleaning on New Year's Eve creates a special inner mood for the beginning of a new life. After all, each of us expects miracles and fulfillment of desires...

The most important rule Vastu: in order to fill your home with the energy of happiness, joy and fullness of life, you need to keep it clean and tidy. By clearing our living space of dirt and trash, we raise our vibrational frequency, uncover powerful layers of trash in the subconscious, and destroy negative attitudes and programs accumulated over the past year and throughout our lives. And, as a result, the world is changing: opportunities for growth appear, new meetings and events occur. Vastu recommends always keeping your home energetically and physically clean. Without cleaning, the house accumulates negative energy.

Before the New Year, the house needs special cleaning. Important:

  • wash bed linen, curtains, bedspreads.
  • clean the carpets(textiles and carpet materials absorb not only dirt and dust, but also emotions)
  • Wipe each corner: there accumulates an invisible sediment of people's thoughts and words
  • Wipe window from dust and soot. Windows are the eyes of your home; it is important that they are clean and allow solar energy to pass through them well.
  • Ventilate cabinets with clothes.
  • Check that your clothes are clean. Do not leave washing things until next year: the longer they are stored in the space of the house, the more they pollute it and deplete the energy of the person to whom they belong.

— Why is it important to free your home not only from dust, but also from unnecessary things: toys, boxes, old technology, broken dishes?

- Cluttered shelves, cabinets, mezzanines, unloved things take away your energy, joy, and opportunities. What we cling to holds us back and prevents us from moving on. You won't have new events, technology or things while there is unnecessary junk in the corner and your closet is full of dresses hanging around. The house should be filled only with necessary, sought-after things and things without a “sad story” - those that make you happy, that your eyes admire.

Review shelves with clothes, dishes, furniture and interior items, books and magazines, cosmetics, jewelry, even household chemicals! Look into the corners of your closets, mezzanines, and closets. Donate, donate, throw away, finally, things that “will be useful someday” (you know that “someday” will not come!) And after cleaning you will feel how it will become easier for you to breathe.

— Many people have Plyushkins in their families: well, it’s a pity to part with “that same Soviet carpet” or a teapot (“I’ll fix it later, let it stand”), things “We’ll give N to the dacha." And so all sorts of rubbish accumulates at home. It is clear that you can quietly throw it away. How to motivate loved ones to break up with unnecessary things?

— If the space is cluttered, there is a “occupied” sign hanging there. Moreover, broken things are energy vampires. Because of the trash, the energy of new ideas, plans, dreams, the energy of creativity, inspiration, family, favorite business, new job cannot enter your house.

All “Plyushkins” are materialists to the core, so “sell” them the idea that instead of old rubbish, completely real, tangible things will appear in their lives: unexpected gifts, quick repayment of debt, a promotion, an increase in material wealth.

In addition to the material, there is also a “mental syndrome”: a person does not let go of his past, drags “mental garbage” with him through life, and here it is important to realize one’s grievances, disappointments, despondency, self-pity and other negative feelings. If you can see and realize this in yourself (on your own or with the help of a psychologist or coach), then you thereby change your past and turn it into your invaluable experience, pull yourself out of the energies of the past into the “here and now.” Therefore, it is so important to think not only about cleansing your home, but also cleansing your soul: conducting a ritual of forgiveness and gratitude before the New Year. Vastu advises doing this in the north-eastern sector of the apartment, facing north-east, as this is the sector of spirituality in the house.

— Is it necessary to buy something new for the house before the New Year? For example, a new tablecloth, a painting, a rug in the hallway, that is, things that can, in principle, not be changed unless necessary...

— A house is a living organism. He has his own Soul, his own character, his own name. Everyone enjoys receiving gifts – and so does your home. Treat your space with some new things. This will make your home feel like you love it. I myself have a tradition of renewing the rug at the front door every year. The space at the entrance is the first step into the house, inviting energies. And if the door itself and the threshold next to it are beautiful, then they attract positive energies into the house.

Talk to your home, try to get on the same wavelength with him and hear what he wants most, what will especially please him.

— I advise you to cleanse the space according to Vastu using primary elements. Remember physics lessons? Everything in the world consists of five primary elements: earth, fire, water, air, ether. In order for our home to be in balance with the Universe, it is important that these primary elements are “included” in our space.

This ritual provides very powerful protection. It fills the space with happiness.

How is cleansing done according to Vastu? It is important to follow the order of actions, since each primary element corresponds to a person’s chakra.

Wear clean, comfortable clothes and create your own cleaning mindset. You can read prayers, mantras, say words that come from the heart, thank Nature, the Earth and all the elements and begin “work” (conversation with the Sun). While cleaning, you can talk to the house, because the walls of our house see what we do, hear our every word and know our every thought.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of sea or large ordinary table salt or cow's milk (primary elements of water and earth) per 10 liters of water and wash all surfaces in the house with this water. Then take a new candle (of any color and size, church or store-bought, it doesn’t matter), light it facing the front door and walk around the apartment counterclockwise (!!), while reading a prayer or mantra out loud. The voice connects sound vibrations: your attunement with space occurs. After walking around the entire perimeter of the house, leave the candle to burn out at the front door.

By the way, it’s good to light candles during regular cleaning, and for no reason. Little Vastu secret: if you want to lose weight, then light candles while eating, then your digestive fire will turn on, and all food will benefit your body and organism!

Then open everything interior doors, doors of cabinets, bedside tables, chests of drawers, caskets that you use, except for the doors to the toilet, bathroom and refrigerator - this is how we give space to the ether. Open all the windows slightly to create a global “air replacement” in the apartment. Leave the house to ventilate for at least 10 minutes, ideally 40. Then close everything and be sure to take a shower with salt to wash off all the negativity.

And one more important advice: Wipe all the mirrors in the house with water, baking soda and salt. Mirrors are portals to another world that have the ability to accumulate the energy of emotions, thoughts, words of all those people who looked at them. If the mirror is not “cleaned”, then it will reflect back the accumulated energy. It is useful to do this “cleaning” of mirrors after each arrival of guests, after quarrels or manifestations. negative emotions in the house.

— How do you clean your own house?

— Most often I use salt, baking soda and vinegar to clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. I clean carpets with salt if the house has been visited strangers, after which I feel uncomfortable. I use singing bowl music and aromatherapy. According to Vastu, the house should smell pleasant and sound high-frequency music.

And the most important advice! The main burden of cleaning and cleaning the house falls on the shoulders of the woman. Therefore, dear girls, remember that a woman should rest before she gets tired. Distribute your time and workload, start cleaning your home consciously and in advance so that there is no fatigue and disappointment later.

Vastu harmony in your hearts and homes to everyone!

Vastu expert Larisa Skorokhodova:

So that next year will be favorable in material terms,

I advise you to carry out not a simple, but a “money” cleaning before the New Year holidays.

1. Collect and throw away all old or unnecessary items that you do not use. But when you throw them away, mentally thank them for their service and say: “The old goes away, and the new comes to my house” .

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you first need to get rid of stagnant energy in your home so that the influx of new fresh energy can bring something new into your life. Shall we begin?

  • we throw away trash and broken objects, they absorb all new opportunities, and you are always stuck in place,
    To make it easier to do this, see;
  • get rid of old clothes, they take away your strength;
  • we clear the window sills of everything, including flowers, so that light and energy freely penetrate into your home;
  • we change the position of your things and furniture, move them from their places to start the circulation of energy, rearrangement is what you need, so there will be more positive energy in your home;
  • we throw out all the little things from the boxes that are waiting for their finest hour year after year;
  • we clean old files, unnecessary letters, numerous bookmarks on the computer;
  • and most importantly, we let go of old grievances and disappointments, we forgive everyone we can, and we forget everyone we can’t. We replace negative thoughts with positive ones: “so that no one gets sick” with “I and my loved ones are absolutely healthy.”

This way you will cleanse yourself of bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

2. When you vacuum or beat out carpets, say: “ Just as there is no place for dirt in my house, there is no place for lack of money in my house. Let it be so".

3. Save up in advance 27 coins(five and fifty kopeck coins), wash them thoroughly, as if “washing away” the energy that is alien and unnecessary to you (the number of coins is not random).
Then fill the basin clean water and put the coins there for 7 minutes. After this, remove the coins, dry them and put them away until next time.
Drain the water into a floor cleaning bucket and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For example, Feng Shui experts believe that the aromas of patchouli, pine, lavender, mint and grapefruit can attract money.
And when you wash the floor, say: “I wash with money water, I charge my floor, I attract money into the house.”
At the same time, think only about positive things, about what you would like the new year to bring you. By the way, you can also wipe with such money-charged water front door and other surfaces in the house.

Note! Wet cleaning we spend 2-3 days before the holiday, but not the day before, as according to Feng Shui this can lead to financial losses.

4. After this, according to Feng Shui, you should put new Chinese coins in the southeast of your apartment in the wealth sector, stick them on your phone, computer, on folders with financial documents, put them in your wallet and in jars of cereals.
Those who do not like Chinese symbols can place ordinary pigtails in all corners of the house.

5. “Money” cleaning before the New Year can be combined with home decoration according to Feng Shui, which will enhance the magical actions performed. To do this, you need to hang it on the front door Christmas wreath or Chinese lantern- this will bring good luck, happiness and financial well-being.

6. To decorate the hall you need to use a compass to find "Bagua" zone responsible for realizing their potential. It should be in the northeast of the room. You need to decorate it with silver rain, serpentine or tinsel, then good luck will definitely come to the house.

7. Should be put two candles near the southwest walls of the room. This will bring prosperity to family life.
And if you want to completely change your personal life, then in the same part of the room you need to hang picture with cranes.

8. So that all household members are healthy and full of energy, A basket of fruit is placed in the center of the room.

The result will definitely be verified. And don’t forget to pay off your debts before the New Year.

Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

New Year An unusual holiday is a fairy tale, the expectation of a miracle and a child’s faith in the fulfillment of desires. But for the fairy tale to be a success, you need to prepare for the holiday in advance. And you can’t do without cleaning it up. spring-cleaning before the New Year - how to manage everything so as not to fall exhausted before the chimes?! Even if it seems that you can’t do everything, the main thing is not to panic. The rule of time managers: “Eat the elephant piece by piece” also works effectively during the pre-New Year’s troubles.

A constructive approach will help you get everything done

● First of all, make a list of things you plan to do for the holiday.

● Then divide the process into stages and write a plan - when, where and what you will clean.

● New Year family celebration, so involve your family in cleaning up. Children can also do feasible work. Instruct them to beautifully draw up a plan for New Year's affairs, and mark the completed work with ticks, flags, snowflakes or other icons.

A common cause will strengthen the family and relieve you from overload. The main thing is a positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to do spring cleaning before the New Year

To get everything done before the onset New Year's holidays, devote 30-40 minutes of your evening time to cleaning every weekday.

Involve your household in this activity. No one will get tired in 30 minutes, and the to-do list will gradually decrease.

General cleaning - where to start

● Start with the hardest part—the cabinets.

It’s better to part with things that you haven’t used for more than a year. Give them to those in need or throw them away. A friend of mine, for example, gives old things to bedding for animals in shelters.

● Conduct an audit kitchen cabinets, mezzanines and storage rooms. Remove excess items, wash shelves, and air out cabinets.

● The next stage of general cleaning will be to remove dust, nets and invisible cobwebs from ceilings and high cabinets. Involve your husband and older children in this activity.

● The spouse and children will help remove the tulle for washing, shake out the curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean the carpets and upholstered furniture

● Next, take care of the lamps. All family members can also participate in this activity.

● After the most complex and time-consuming work is completed, things will move much faster. By devoting 30-40 minutes every day to cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have time to redo all the things before the New Year holidays, and on December 30 all that will be left is wet cleaning.


To avoid having to deal with these things on December 31, when every minute counts, be sure to:

▪ prepare the dishes for festive table;

▪ wash and dry plates, vases, wine glasses and glasses, clean tarnished silverware;

▪ create a holiday menu with the whole family (it’s better to buy food in advance before prices go up);

▪ think about how you will decorate and serve New Year's table, a lot of useful recommendations can be found on the Internet (children and husband can do this, they will show you the proposed options and together you will choose the best).

Now you know how to do spring cleaning before the New Year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

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Cleaning an apartment according to Feng Shui

Dear women, I will not be mistaken if I say that each of us knows how to create comfort and maintain cleanliness in our home. But what is cleaning an apartment according to Feng Shui is...

There are literally two weeks left until the new year! It’s a rare housewife who will be happy to look around the apartment and remain satisfied - there is a lot of dust, the floor is not very clean, and there are plenty of other shortcomings. Naturally, you shouldn’t start cleaning on December 30th; at that time you will have enough trouble to cook holiday dishes, and invite guests, and finally decorate the Christmas tree. So you will definitely like our article, because we will tell you everything about cleaning your apartment in the pre-New Year period, dividing it into periods.

Read in this article:

New Year's cleaning - doing the hard work with a smile

General cleaning for the New Year should begin at least 10-14 days before the holiday. This will allow you to distribute everything over the days, greatly simplifying the work. The second thing you need is good mood. Main principle cleaning for the New Year according to Feng Shui - smile and joy. Thanks to this, you will not only put your apartment in order, but also benefit your home.

Another advantage of joyful New Year's cleaning is overweight, which you will throw off for pleasant household chores. To make your mood truly joyful, turn on your favorite melody and get to work! And we will tell you how to create a cleaning calendar before the holiday.

We schedule cleaning by day:

  • Day 1. Windows and mirrors.
  • Day 2. Dressing room or pantry.
  • Day 3. Bedroom.
  • Day 4. Living room.
  • Day 5. Children's room.
  • Day 6. Kitchen.
  • Day 7. Bath and corridor.

Step one - wash windows and other glass surfaces

Advice: wash windows only in calm weather so that the liquid on the surface does not dry out very quickly, because this will leave streaks on the glass.

It is prohibited to use:

  • soap;
  • soda and abrasives

It is best to use products that contain alcohol - such substances quickly remove dirt and do not leave scratches or streaks. When adding small quantity blue into the solution, you will return the shine to the surface. A chalk solution does a good job of removing stains - mix a couple of tablespoons of chalk with 200 ml of water to obtain a homogeneous mixture, then soak a clean cloth in it and wipe the glass. After the surface is dry, go over it with a dry rag or crumpled newspaper.

If the glass is tarnished, a warm vinegar solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and a liter of water will do.

Important: many housewives have managed to appreciate the benefits of using vinegar solution for glass - flies and other insects avoid such surfaces.

Regular potatoes do a good job of cleaning glass - cut the fruit into several pieces, wipe the surfaces, rinse off any remaining potato juice with water and wipe the glass with a clean cloth. Starch is one of the the best means to restore shine to glass. Salt can also restore the surface to its former shine. If you are going to clean frosted glass, then it is advisable to carry out work hot, and not cold water by adding a little vinegar.

Step two - wash the curtains and blinds

Well, you managed to wash the windows. But if you don’t update the curtains and tulle, you can assume that all your work was unnecessary. This is why it is so important to know how to wash such products. For example, if we're talking about For curtains that are difficult to remove due to their heavy weight, simply vacuum them. After this, you can start cleaning the tulle. Take a close look at the products - the tulle that decorates the kitchen most often has an ugly yellow tint. To restore their whiteness, be sure to soak the fabric in slightly salted water before washing.

If this bleaching method does not help, the tulle will have to be soaked in another solution. The method of preparing it is simple:

  • pour hot water into an enamel bucket or other container;
  • add two tablespoons of peroxide, preferably 3%, and ammonia;
  • Immerse the tulle in water and stir.

Let the fabric sit in the solution for at least 30 minutes, after which it should be rinsed and hung to dry. To prevent the tulle from becoming wrinkled or damaged during drying, do not twist it too much. If necessary, you can lightly iron the product - the iron should be barely warm.

Refresh appearance curtains can be done using milk and blue – just add a spoonful of each product to the water when rinsing and that’s it!

If you caress beige tulle, you can return the original color of the fabric with tea or coffee. Simply strain your drink of choice and add a little to the water when rinsing.

If you prefer blinds, then you need to act differently. If we are talking about vertical fabric products, then it is better to simply wipe them with a cloth, without washing them in a machine. The thing is that such products are impregnated with a composition that protects the fabric from contamination - after washing it will simply come off, which means that dirt and dust will stick to the surface with triple force.

Tips: when performing work, try not to wet the iron parts of the blinds so that they do not become rusty.

We clean carpets for the holidays according to all the rules

To ensure a successful job, clean the carpets before you sweep and mop the floor. Otherwise, you will have to do it again. By following a few of our tips, you will quickly achieve clean soft flooring in your apartment:

If the carpet is too dirty - this happens if the owner touches them only once a year - just before the New Year, you will have to act more decisively. Wipe the carpet first ammonia or saline solution, then wipe with a brush, wetting it with a soap mixture adding 30 ml of turpentine for each liter of solution. To remove stains, first rinse the carpet warm water, and then cold, not forgetting to add a little acetic acid to return bright colors. After this, dry the carpet thoroughly to prevent it from smelling and becoming a home for mold.

To avoid any damage while cleaning, be sure to read our article where you will find important and practical recommendations for cleaning furniture.

Spilled juice on the upholstery soft chair and don’t know what products will help remove contaminants? Our team will help you quickly resolve the problem.

Cleaning the walls - how to clean the rooms?

Pre-New Year cleaning in the apartment cannot be imagined without cleaning the walls and especially the wallpaper. Well, of course, if you don’t want to meet next year with old stains from grease, food, and dirty fingerprints. Such pollution is unlikely to decorate your home, right? Therefore, it is so important to know how to clean wallpaper and what cleaning products are suitable for cleaning.

Vinyl is considered washable wallpaper. Therefore, if you find a stain on them, you can safely prepare a soap solution to remove the stains. The only difference between several types of detergents is the tool for applying the solution. Types of wallpaper and cleaning method:

  • Compact vinyl is so strong that it can be cleaned with a brush.
  • Foamed vinyl is best cleaned with a soft cloth.

It is not advisable to clean textile wallpaper with water if you do not want the fabric base to move away from the wall. It is best to simply wipe them with a dry cloth or remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Tips for removing stains:

Important: the use of organic solvents is contraindicated for any type of wallpaper.

New Year is coming soon or cleaning the kitchen is one of the most important steps

You should dedicate at least a full day to cleaning the kitchen, especially if you forget regular cleaning. With our advice, you will do everything much faster, without sacrificing quality.

First, it is best to wash the stove and hood. If you have previously cleaned regularly hob, then you won’t spend much time on cleaning. Then we move on to the dishes. Wash it, and throw away all broken cups and plates - don’t be a “bummer”.

After that, go to the wall cabinets and remove dust from them.

Further Appliances– wash and remove the smell from the microwave oven, remove scale from the kettle, clean the coffee machine and refrigerator. By the way, it is better to defrost the refrigerator and freezer a couple of days before cleaning, so as not to waste precious days. The only thing is that you can wash the shelves and at the same time conduct an audit of what you have and what is left to buy for the holiday table.