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» Personnel Department of the Russian Armed Forces. If you don’t comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, say goodbye to your position?! The development of the military education system is the most important function of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

Personnel Department of the Russian Armed Forces. If you don’t comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, say goodbye to your position?! The development of the military education system is the most important function of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

Military personnel make up a significant part of Russian society. The conditions of their service are often very far from ideal: participation in hot spots, constant travel, lack of comfort. Spouses and children most often share the employee's share. The constant change of kindergartens, schools and the lack of work of the spouse accompany all the time of moving. That is why this category of the population needs protection from legislation.

The government actively supports military personnel. A large amount of legislative documentation is being published. How to figure out who is entitled to what? How can I get on the waiting list for an apartment? What does a unified register of military personnel in need of housing mean?

Who needs

How to become one of those on the waiting list? It is necessary to go through the approval procedure to show the situation of real need. In order for you to be recognized as needing housing, the law establishes the following rules:

  1. A person should not own an apartment or a house. He does not have housing provided under rental agreements (Agreement). He is also not a close relative of those who have their own real estate, he rents them under the Agreement.
  2. A person has his own home, rents it, or is a member of the family of the person who rents it. But several families live in it, or one of the family members suffers from a disease that prevents them from living together.
  3. A person lives in an apartment or house that has been declared unfit for habitation.
  4. You own or rent housing, but its area is smaller than required by law.

This law applies not only to the military, but also to other citizens. Russian Federation. If you relate to the above points, then you have the right to receive an apartment. Study the legislation relevant to your case. If you meet the above requirements, you can get on the waiting list for an apartment.

How to get on the register

To be included in the Register of military personnel in need of improved housing conditions, you must provide information to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense. The following documents should be attached:

  1. An application written according to a specific template.
  2. Passports for those over 14 years old, birth certificates for other family members.
  3. Confirmation of information about being married (certificate).
  4. For 5 years, proof of residence in certain places, statements of accounts, from house books.
  5. If available, information on additional benefits provided by the state.
  6. If available, information about the property, the Agreement.

The date when the entire package of required documents is submitted will be the date when they will be registered. If something cannot be provided in connection with the service, then it is registered at the moment when the right to place it appears.

The information received is checked within 30 working days, and based on the results of the review, it is decided to register or refuse. If there is a shortage of documents, a notification is sent and served within three working days. If an employee is on duty and it is impossible to deliver documents, the commander is obliged to inform the authorized body about this. If the required documents are not brought within 30 days, the application will be rejected.

If corrections are necessary in the submitted information, it is necessary to notify the authorized bodies within 30 days. If changes occur in the place of residence, an application is submitted to the new address. In this case, the registration date does not change (it remains the one when the documents were originally submitted).

If a service member has deliberately worsened his situation, he will not be considered for the next five years. The following cases are not recognized as special deterioration of life:

  1. When family members move in through the court in a situation where they had no other place of residence, or it did not meet the residential requirements.
  2. If family members have terminated their rights to use housing and moved out to live together as a result of marriage.
  3. For children who stopped using the premises because they went to the place of service, if they became disabled.
  4. The lessor decided to stop renting.
  5. Loss of the opportunity to use as a result of the court invalidating a transaction for the use of the premises.

Why can they be deregistered?

What reasons may affect deregistration:

  1. Providing adequate housing according to the waiting list;
  2. Change of conditions, resulting in loss of the right to be in the Register;
  3. Obtaining budget funds for the construction or purchase of housing;
  4. Identification of data in the provided documents that does not correspond to reality;
  5. Personal initiative to exclude those in need.

If the above situations arise, the person on the waiting list is excluded from the queue for up to 30 days. Documents informing about this are sent within 3 days.


Appeared in 2010. Since then, legislation has addressed it more than once. In 2014, information about the Register appeared on the website of the Ministry of Defense, which had previously been extremely problematic to obtain. On the website today, those in need of improved housing conditions can get a huge amount of information:

  1. Legislative acts regulating the maintenance of the Register. Information is constantly updated according to changes in legislation.
  2. Data for the Russian Federation on the location of construction of apartments for those on the Register’s waiting list.
  3. Receive a free consultation from a qualified lawyer regarding the provision of apartments.
  4. List of all documents that need to be provided.
  5. Addresses and telephone numbers, general information about the Ministry of Defense, where you can contact.

The first five items are publicly viewable. To study further information, you need to have a personal key for authorization. It is issued upon registration. If it is not provided, you must contact the authorized authorities. Personal information contains:

  1. Date of registration;
  2. Family composition;
  3. Preliminary location of the provided premises.

Maximum information is currently open for transparency and clarity of the process of progression in the queue. At the same time, data constituting a personal secret is closed. Each person on the Register can track their location in the queue, view data, and find out the preliminary location of housing.

If errors are detected in the data, you must contact the authorized authorities to correct them. They plan to launch this opportunity online through the website in the near future. If you submitted documents, but did not find any information about yourself, perhaps they simply did not have time to add you to the lists. A large number of documents requires a scrupulous verification of the information provided.

The rules for recognizing military personnel as needing housing do not differ from recognizing everyone else as needing. The recognition of a serviceman as needing permanent housing is carried out by an authorized body on the basis of the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation. Which military personnel can apply for inclusion in the Register:

  1. Officers who received a position after completing their education.
  2. Contract employees since 01/01/1998.
  3. Officers involved in service by Presidential Decree or entered into service after 01/01/1998.

The following are entitled to priority housing:

  1. In service for more than 10 years.
  2. Dismissed from service due to age, health, layoff.


After construction, pre-allocated housing is reviewed and re-allocated according to the Register. All necessary formalities are being completed to put the housing into operation. Then the data about the new building is sent to the authorized body, which sends a receipt to those in need within ten days. When there are official events that impede the execution of documents, the authorized body is notified about this within three days. In this case, the apartment is temporarily reserved for the military personnel if the events last less than 90 days. If more, housing is given in order of priority.

The potential owner inspects the property and prepares for registration. If you are not satisfied with certain points, a refusal is prepared in the required form. It is drawn up, signed and submitted within up to 5 days.

Apartments are distributed taking into account the required square footage. Possible additional residential meters that should be provided are also taken into account:

  1. If the rank is from colonel and above;
  2. Commanders military units;
  3. Having an honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  4. Teaching in military educational institutions;
  5. Having academic titles or degrees;
  6. Dismissed due to health reasons or age.

Additional meters are allocated within the framework of 15 to 25 squares. If you agree to the premises provided, you must notify the authorized body within 5 days. If consent/disagreement is not received, the apartment is transferred in order of priority.

Electronic provision of information made it possible to more clearly obtain information about the need for construction in specific regions. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Distribution of construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, within regions. The distribution depends not only on the availability of apartments, but also on their area. Apartments must meet the requirements for the number of meters per person in a family. A huge amount of analytical work is being carried out throughout the country to match opportunities and needs.
  2. Availability of the necessary means of communication and infrastructure at the construction sites: gardens, schools, hospitals, entertainment facilities. A huge amount of finance is allocated for the construction of additional institutions, especially if apartments are not provided separately in houses, but entire areas built specifically for those on a waiting list are populated.
  3. Due to the urgent need for apartments, the pace of construction is increasing. There is an urgent need to monitor not only the speed, but also the quality of houses being built. Speed ​​should not lead to a deterioration in people's living conditions.

When settling in existing areas, in order to provide citizens with everything they need after settlement, data on the availability of medical care is carefully studied: this is not only hospitals, but also the availability of pharmacies. For some categories of employees, admission without a queue is provided, but the influx of people still needs to be uniform and not exceed accepted standards.

It is also important to have jobs for retired former contract workers and their families. There are certain agreements with some enterprises regarding the employment of former contract workers and people who live with them. Often, spouses at the end of their service cannot boast of having any length of service.

Location of kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions, sports and cultural centers - important factor upon check-in.

Social hiring

The provision of living space occurs throughout the duration of the service for those in need. Apartments owned by the state or municipality are available for rent. They can then be privatized.

  • An apartment issued for rent is not excluded from the queue.
  • Military families with three or more children can receive housing out of turn.
  • Family members of a deceased serviceman who lived with him at the time of his death retain residence rights.

Now everything is being done for the purpose of convenience and comfortable military service and accommodation for the families of employees. Due to the lack of certain resources, the situation is not ideal, but, given the desire and actions taken, significant improvements are taking place.

Of course, the appearance of the Register in the public domain did not solve the housing problem: the queue did not become smaller. But the openness and availability of information has made people calmer: they know exactly where they are and can roughly determine when they will become the owners of an apartment.

This may interest you:

The Unified Register of Military Personnel who are not provided with permanent housing is an all-Russian information base, which is formed and controlled by the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation). Access to the resource is limited, and not everyone who is curious can see how military personnel are given housing today. Only those on the waiting list can find out information about military personnel exercising their rights to receive apartments. Read more about how to get into the electronic queue and how to use it later in the material.

Queue formation order

As such, there is no concept of a queue of military personnel for an apartment in Russian legislation. There is a registration procedure and that’s it!

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 1280 of September 30, 2010 (as amended and supplemented), which approved the procedure for obtaining housing for military personnel, the functions of maintaining records of military personnel (AF) in need of housing are assigned to the Department of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

According to Order No. 1280, regional divisions of the JO MO:

  • accept applications for aircraft registration;
  • include information about the accepted application in the unified housing register;
  • deregister the aircraft;
  • publish a list of residential properties available for distribution among those on the waiting list.

The Housing Department considers issues of registering employees of almost all branches of the military.

However, there are military units in which housing commissions still function, and it is they who resolve all issues related to housing guarantees. This applies primarily to the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the internal troops.

All applications for improvement of living conditions are considered and satisfied in order of priority. Since there are far fewer residential meters than there are applicants for them, it turns out that you have to wait for an apartment for years, and a queue automatically forms, which moves forward as new residential buildings are built.

Important! Today, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no rule by which the period for providing permanent housing to the armed forces is established (although previously this period was 3 months from the date of registration). Now the Supreme Court is deprived of the opportunity to demand through the court the exercise of its right to free permanent housing on the grounds that the JO MO is violating the deadlines.

Electronic database of military personnel on the waiting list

The electronic register of housing for military personnel is an official compilation of information on the procedure for exercising the military’s personal right to permanent housing. The database is attached to the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and it publishes current information on housing support.

If an employee has documentary evidence according to which he is registered in the housing register, but the register provides completely different information, then the information supported by documents is considered priority.

If such a situation occurs, then you need to conduct a reconciliation with the JO MO.

Extracts, printouts and other information from the register are not official and must be supported by documents issued by the competent authorities.

In fact, the register is needed so that the employee can at any time become familiar with the current status of the consideration and satisfaction of his application.

A few highlights of being in line:

  • if you are included in the register, it means that you are officially registered as needing permanent housing free of charge;
  • the register is maintained only for permanent free housing (those in need of office space are registered separately);
  • changes to the register can be made solely on the basis of relevant orders of the JO MO.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense, the Department of Housing assures that the queue moves very quickly, and each person on the waiting list can receive their square meters within 3 years.

How to get in line

Registration of employees in need of improved housing conditions is actually the most crucial moment in the entire procedure for obtaining living space. If you are registered, your inclusion in the register occurs automatically; no additional applications need to be submitted.

The following have the right to receive permanent housing free of charge:

  • Armed Forces contract soldiers and members of their families after 20 years of service;
  • employees who retired due to illness or reaching the age limit, having a service life of at least 10 years.

A mandatory condition for providing living space is that the aircraft does not have its own housing, that is, during the entire 20 years of service, the aircraft must live in office premises or equivalent ones.

After the circumstances with which the law connects the emergence of the right to free square meters have arisen, the Supreme Court must contact the regional office of the Housing and Social Institution of the Moscow Region with an application for free housing.

There is no automatic inclusion in the queue. This right is granted only if there is a written request from the employee, confirmed by the necessary documents.

Documentation must be submitted until the aircraft is on the lists of the military unit.

In the Russian Federation there are 4 regional departments of the JO MO in each military district. The application and documents must be submitted to the JO MO at the place of duty. The period for consideration of the application is 30 calendar days, during which the commission makes a decision on registration.

Notice of inclusion or refusal must be served on the Supreme Court no later than 30 days after the decision is made: either delivered in person or sent by mail.

The most common reason for refusal to register is the intentional deterioration of the employee's living conditions. Simply put, if the commission establishes that the armed forces had the opportunity to improve their living conditions, but he deliberately did not take advantage of it, expecting a free apartment from the state, then the application will be denied.

How to access the electronic database

Access to the register can only be obtained using the personal number of a serviceman who is already registered in it. The only official electronic register operates on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

From this information base you can find out:

  • whether the registration information about you and your family is entered correctly;
  • Are there any rooms available to those on the waiting list?
  • information on the construction of residential facilities, distributed in turn;
  • information on the procedure for obtaining and registering apartments.

If during the time you are registered, your life circumstances that affect your right to free housing change, you must notify the Department of Internal Affairs and take measures to update the data contained in the register.

Providing military housing is a complex topic, with many controversial issues and bureaucratic troubles. If you managed to get an apartment or, conversely, there are obstacles in realizing your right, tell your story here. Your experience will be useful to your colleagues.

State guarantees to citizens are associated with the benefits that the latter bring to society. This principle, in particular, was applied in the drafting of legislation regulating the provision of housing to military personnel in need. Officers and soldiers have the right to free square meters at the expense of the treasury. In order to equitably distribute space, the Russian Ministry of Defense created a database - a unified register of military personnel in need of housing (URV).

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Why do we need a registry?

The need to create a unified database of waiting lists is caused by several circumstances. We list them in order of importance:

  1. The authorities do not have time to fulfill their obligations to the soldiers. There is a long queue at the moment. It consists of both active military personnel and retirees;
  2. The previous principle of housing distribution led to abuse of power, bribery, and unfair allocation of apartments. It has been criticized for its lack of transparency;
  3. Retirees, as a rule, move to other regions. It was difficult to take into account those on the waiting list without a unified register, since they moved around the country:
    • due to official necessity;
    • due to family circumstances and other factors.

Attention: ERV allows you to create a mechanism for distributing subsidized housing:

  • transparent;
  • fair;
  • uniform for the entire expanse of a large country.

This database is a convenient tool for the department responsible for the distribution of apartments. The resource is also useful for users waiting for the desired housing. In addition, it guarantees fairness in allocating apartments to those on the waiting list. Anyone can find out information of interest at any time, familiarize themselves with regulatory documents and changes in them.

Important: only registered users can receive information from the database. They are assigned a number - a password to enter.

Now those on the waiting list can receive the necessary information without taking into account their place of stay from any geographical location.

The essence and form of the electronic database

EPB became available to users on September 30, 2010. Interested parties can find it. However, only contract officers who have the official status of needing residential premises will be able to obtain information on the resource. This is assigned to the Ministry of Defense through local units.

The methodology for working with military personnel in need of apartments comes down to the following:

  1. The applicant collects a package of documents and writes a report;
  2. The package arrives at the Housing Department of the Moscow Region, where it is checked;
  3. The applicant is assigned a personal number;
  4. Information is transmitted to the officer through the personnel department of the unit (entered in the personal file).
Important: you can enter your personal account on the registry website only using your personal number. Therefore, it must be written down so as not to be lost.

Registry Features

ERV is part of the state program to provide soldiers with living quarters. This circumstance guarantees the complete preservation of all personal data entered into the register. Thus, concerns about the unauthorized release of information have no basis. Site codes are regularly checked for reliability and likelihood of hacking.

Users in 2019 are provided with the following opportunities:

  1. To verify the correctness of entering personal information and family information. If necessary, the data should be corrected in a legal way (submit a new report with a package of documents);
  2. Upon receipt of information affecting the state of affairs in this area:
    • laws;
    • by-laws;
    • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • others;
  3. About housing under construction. The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to construct buildings for soldiers in the most popular regions. Users of the portal have the opportunity to track the status of construction, plan future occupancy down to the day;
  4. About the plans of the Russian Ministry of Defense for future developments in all regions of Russia. The person on the waiting list has the right to choose an object at his own discretion;
  5. About the place in the queue, the dynamics of its progress. The portal also contains useful information regarding benefits. It is recommended to use them if available.
Recommendation: if an error is discovered, you should definitely notify the specialists involved in maintaining the registry about it. Attention: the website contains information about the hotline number. It should be used when urgent issues or misunderstandings arise.

How to get to ERV

The state program is designed for military personnel, for whom, by law, the state guarantees housing. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the status. After receiving a letter with a personal number from the personnel department, you need to log into the portal and go through the authorization process.

It must be taken into account that document flow does not occur instantly. MoD employees need time to:

  • receiving papers from the unit;
  • studying the package;
  • checking data for accuracy;
  • entering information into the register;
  • sending an email with a code.
Hint: at least a month passes from the date of submission of the report to the time of registration.

Features of housing distribution

The procedure for providing military apartments was approved along with the State Program. It was compiled taking into account professional characteristics applicants for government assistance and general norms of Russian legislation. This means that certain categories of contract workers have benefits. So, the distribution takes into account the following factors:

  • Queue dates;
  • marital status and number of minors;
  • service life;
  • the chosen location for the future location of housing.

The following categories of applicants enjoy priority rights:

  • (three or more minor children);
  • widows of officers and soldiers who died in the line of duty;
  • soldiers who received in the service.
Attention: widows of deceased officers are placed on a waiting list by the Department of the Ministry of Defense for Housing. The application along with a package of supporting documents must be sent to his address.

An important factor is the place chosen for living. The fact is that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is carrying out construction on long-term plan. The latter is compiled taking into account the number of applications. For example, in 2017, those on the waiting list considered the outskirts of St. Petersburg to be the most promising place to live. In this area, construction was actively carried out for military personnel.

The same citizens who chose the southern regions will have to wait for the next tranche to be allocated. The state is not able to build the required number of houses at once. But the problem with the queue is planned to be eliminated in the near future. In addition, in 2019, officers and soldiers were given the right to take advantage of alternative ways getting an apartment. For example, the military mortgage program.

For information: the essence of a military mortgage is that a serviceman takes out a loan from a bank and purchases residential premises in any region of the country. The mortgage will be repaid by the budget through the Russian Ministry of Defense. The register of available funds can be viewed on the official website of the Moscow Region. It is significantly wider than the fund finished houses.

Video about housing for military personnel

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March 1, 2018, 17:50 March 3, 2019 13:38

The Ministry of Defense, after several significant steps to modernize the army, came to understand the need. At the same time, there are several programs, during the implementation of which each military personnel, at least after retirement, will be entitled to full-fledged housing. It cannot be said that all these programs work smoothly, since at one stage there may be bureaucratic delays, especially since no one has abolished corruption yet.

In order to ensure the objectivity of the queue for housing, as well as to avoid violations, certain measures are being developed, one of which is a unified register of those in need of housing. Let us immediately note that persons participating in military mortgages are already using the state program, and therefore are not included in the register. It contains information about those who are entitled to receive housing free of charge.

The actual essence of the unified registry

The most pressing issue became the creation of a unified register for military personnel waiting in line for an apartment back in 2010. Since then, some stages of modernization of the portal have taken place and today it is presented as a full-fledged resource where you can not only track the queue, preventing violations of the law, but also find out all the public information provided about the military personnel. As we have already mentioned, this register is relevant only for those who receive housing in in kind, and the mortgage or subsidy is regulated by other programs.

Data such as position, branch of service, rank and length of service are available on the portal. Each user has the opportunity to track the process of housing delivery after construction by region of Russia. Thus, the unified register of military housing is not just an electronic form of recording registered users, but is also a kind of information resource for those who are in line to receive an apartment. In addition, here you can find any legal support on emerging issues regarding the implementation of the program.

At first glance, it may seem that such administration of the portal violates the confidentiality of personal data, but this is not the case. Only solutions to legal issues are publicly available. Personal information is available to the registered user using his personal number. It is a kind of code for entering the unified registry.

Program participants

The state has a priority task of providing housing for military personnel. IN Lately you can observe the real results of its implementation. If previously citizens knew that they had the right to receive an apartment in theoretical terms, now there have been noticeable changes in resolving this issue. In this mode, each program participant will want to personally control their participation. It is advisable to track the queue for housing for military personnel using a personal number only after inclusion in the register.

No special manipulations are required from the serviceman. There are only two qualifying conditions for program participants:

  1. service more than 10 years;
  2. lack of housing.

If a citizen is suitable to participate in the program, then he must write a corresponding application addressed to the unit commander. The formation of the list is entrusted to the competent structures of the Ministry of Defense. They cope with their task quite well. The soldier does not have to worry about possible mistakes. Approximately 95% of all military personnel are included in a single register.

Close interaction with the housing policy department allows you to avoid mistakes. Currently, there is a clear trend towards improving software tools for processing registry data. In the future, it will be possible to make requests to the department directly from the specified portal.

Access to your personal account

Login Personal Area is carried out using an individual number, which can be obtained after submitting an application to the unit command. Thus, to enter the portal and view your own status in the program, you will need a personal number, an individual number of a program participant, and the very fact of being included in the unified register.

There is no need to talk about the advantages of conducting queries online. You just need to remember that without this service you would have to write a request, wait in a data processing queue, and besides, the request does not always result in a response. Now, around the clock, in a couple of minutes it is possible to study and analyze movement in the program. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember and store personal data that serves as the login and password for entering your personal account.

It must be remembered that the unified registry portal is informational. In reality, the list is compiled in the Department of Housing Affairs under the Ministry of Defense. Therefore, if you cannot enter your personal account, this does not mean that you have been expelled from the program, this is a manifestation of that small percentage of errors. You just need to submit a data reconciliation report. The queue for an apartment is moving forward, as before, and your status is gradually approaching that of the owner.