Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

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What color to paint the slopes. Do-it-yourself painting of plasterboard slopes. Painting window slopes: preparation for work

What should the doors be like, how should they open, what color and material, what should surround the doors? What is influenced and promoted by the shape, color, location of doors in the interior according to Feng Shui? The teachings of Feng Shui provide clear advice and recommendations on these and other questions.

The Chinese ancient practice of space exploration "Feng Shui" is aimed at finding and distributing favorable energy "Qi". Doors, as space dividers, play a critical role in distributing this energy. Feng Shui supporters believe that the atmosphere in the house, as well as the mood of the family, depends on the location, color and material of everything that surrounds us in the house. What do Feng Shui teachers advise us?

1 The entrance door should open to the south.

This is of course appropriate to know before building a private house. But when buying an apartment, you can also take into account the direction in which the front door opens. The southern direction contributes active life in the house, and the northern calm. The color of the front door also depends on the opening direction. South direction - red warm colors, and the northern direction is cool colors.

2 There should be no mirror opposite the front door

Everything entering the house positive energy will be reflected and go back if there is a mirror opposite the door. If the mirror is in the door itself, then this is good, since positive energy will not leave the house, reflecting from the mirror on the front door.

3 There should be no sharp corners opposite the front door

An acute angle opposite the front door means a “poisonous arrow”, which is aimed at the energy field of the one who enters the house. This means that everyone entering the house may feel uncomfortable.

4 There should be no window opposite the front door

If there is a window, then it is better to decorate it with curtains so that the incoming positive energy does not leak out. Another option is to place a houseplant on the windowsill.

5 You need to hang a wind bell in the triangle of the doors

If there are located on the right and left of the front door, thereby forming a triangle of doors, then a wind bell should be hung in the center of this triangle

6 Doors must be rectangular

All doors in the house, and especially the entrance ones, must be correct geometric shape. Arched doors or doors with indirect semicircular corners are not welcome. They have a bad effect on the health of residents according to Feng Shui.

7 You cannot install a second entrance door.

Usually, back in the 90s, when the iron Entrance door the apartment was a piece of iron sheet; a second one was installed for sound and thermal insulation wooden door. According to Feng Shui, this should not be done, again due to the fact that this is an unnecessary obstacle to energy.

8 Feng Shui doors should open inward

This solution certainly favors the penetration of energy, but is contrary to technology fire safety. According to safety standards and requirements, doors must open outward to make it easier and faster to leave the premises.

9 When opening the door there should be a maximum view of the room

Interior doors should open in such a way that when entering the room we can see most of it, and certainly not rest against a closet or wall.

10 Color of interior doors: wood, brown

Light brown shades give calm and tranquility. Dark brown colors give confidence. The reddish tint will increase the energy level of a person. Dark color, for example “wenge”, will increase a person’s self-esteem and make him more focused.

11 The door should not creak or close on its own

Very important high quality door installations. There should be no chips on the doors, the doors should open comfortably, and when open they should not close on their own.

12 For those who don't believe in Feng Shui

The horseshoe over the door is a traditional Russian amulet and a symbol of the hearth. Although Orthodox Church does not approve of this, considering this “trick” pagan. For believers, an icon above the door would be appropriate.

The front door, or as it is often called the front door, is both the main entrance and exit for the energy flows of Qi. In an ideal situation, Qi energy should accumulate and then spread in front of the house. Its flows are activated by the movements of people leaving and returning to the house. Today we will look at exactly how the front door should be located according to Feng Shui in order to ensure the conditions specified above.

During times ancient China such a door to a building was called the “mouth of the house,” because it was through them that all positive and negative energy flows passed.

Very important point in terms of the location of the front door of the house according to Feng Shui, they are directed towards it "secret insoles". To check the stipulated condition, you need to stand in front of the front door and take a good look around.

Attention should be drawn to:

  • any sharp corners;
  • satellite dishes;
  • gutters;
  • lamp posts;
  • spiers;
  • access roads to the house;
  • the neighbor's house located opposite your front door.

All of them will direct flows into your home negative energy, which will concentrate at your own front door.

Any obstacles that appear on the threshold of your home will significantly worsen Feng Shui.

It is not uncommon for there to be no space in front of the front door where positive Qi energy could accumulate. This situation can be easily corrected by ordering an entrance door identical in color to the dominant direction it faces. More in an economical way is to install a lantern above the entrance to the home, which will well illuminate the space in front of it.

A front door located at the foot of the stairs will be extremely unfavorable for every family member living in the house.

IN in this case The simplest way to avoid negative energy is to raise the threshold one or two centimeters so that you can step over it by raising your legs.

The same method can be used if your front door opens directly to the elevator. After all, such an arrangement makes it impossible to accumulate positive flows of Qi energy, and also complicates its free movement.

Entrance door direction

No less important is the sector in which the front door is located, or rather the direction in which it “looks”. If it is located on:

Shape and color

Once the installation location for the front door has been chosen, you can begin choosing the color or shade of the future central element of the house. With its help, the quality of direction selection will be maintained. If the front door according to Feng Shui is located at:

  • southwest– it should be red. To achieve harmony in the family, you can use brown;
  • northwest and west– in this case, the metal should be enhanced by a golden color or a silver tint. Brown is used for support. Do not give preference to red, blue and black colors;
  • north– black, blue and white colors. It is necessary to abandon green, yellow and brown;
  • northeast, southwest– the primary colors will be yellow and brown, and the secondary colors will be orange and red. Colors such as white and green cannot be used;
  • east, southeastthe best option will be: white, blue and black colors;
  • south– in this case, you should choose red or green. It is strictly forbidden to use black and blue. Not recommended, but brown and yellow can also be used.

In order for the front door to be placed correctly according to Feng Shui, it is worth considering its shape, since it is very closely related to the five elements that improve the energy flows of Qi passing through it. Let's take a closer look at all these elements. If the door is on the side:

  • northern - its element will be water;
  • eastern or southeastern - tree;
  • southern - fire;
  • southwest, northeast - land;
  • northwestern, western – metal.

For a front door facing north, the element that enhances its cleansing properties is water, and metal is used for strengthening and support. If the front door “looks” to the east or southeast, then it is possible to use tree symbols that activate the possibilities of growth and development. In turn, water symbols update and cleanse.

The door facing south is combined with the symbol of fire, which gives good spirits and liveliness to all the inhabitants in the house. Additionally, you can use tree symbols. If it faces northeast or southwest, then the symbols of the earth can emphasize energy flows and stability.

In the case where your front door faces northwest or west, it is necessary to use metal symbols, which give strength and strength. As additional elements earth elements are used.

Front door style

The teaching says that according to Feng Shui, the front door is intended to protect the house, therefore it should not only be strong, but also solid. It is strictly forbidden to use glass elements, either in it or around it. Moreover, in the house it should be as large as possible in order to be able to provide it with the maximum influx of Qi energy into each living space.

The same condition applies to the height of the front door. She must be taller than the tallest member in the family. This is necessary in order to eliminate any possibility of inconvenience when visiting the house or going outside it.

Windows located on the sides of the door will contribute to the leakage of energy flows of Qi, which, having penetrated through the door, will leave the house through the windows near it.

In this case, lace curtains or plants growing in pots on the windowsill will help prevent energy leakage.

Door opening direction

The ideal option is for the Feng Shui entrance door to open from the nearest wall of your house or apartment, or towards it. This condition creates a feeling of space and also contributes to good energy in the hallway itself.

If the door is hung on the opposite wall, then the one who enters the house finds himself in some kind of enclosed space and immediately begins to experience discomfort.

If the front door is located opposite the “back door,” then the energy flows of Qi in such a house are not delayed at all, but pass through it in transit.

To correct this situation, it is necessary to install a special barrier in the path of the movement of Qi energy, which may be a mirror or a decorative lattice. Also, in order to solve the problem, you can use the construction of a physical barrier, which will be a hanging curtain. It should not be made of heavy velvet and in the form of a curtain, since it is not only too expensive for the given room, but also completely tasteless. It's about about an ordinary muslin curtain.

If you enter any building, including the home of your friends, relatives, even work premises, you will certainly feel how harmonious the interior is or, conversely, how destructive it is. It is not uncommon for a person to come across a corner of a wall or the edge of a cabinet when exiting a room into a corridor. large sizes. In this case, unpleasant sensations also arise that can ruin your mood in an instant. Such negativity can be neutralized by using decorative screens, plants or varied but harmonizing ornaments.

The front door has always been and remains one of the most important areas in the practice of Feng Shui. That is why it must be protected in every possible way. Actually, we talked about those protection methods that can be used in any house or apartment.