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» Currency control for legal entities: passage and documents. New instructions for use, or how the Bank of Russia will control foreign exchange transactions Central Bank Instructions on currency and foreign exchange control

Currency control for legal entities: passage and documents. New instructions for use, or how the Bank of Russia will control foreign exchange transactions Central Bank Instructions on currency and foreign exchange control

In 2019, new currency control rules are in effect. This is very important for companies importing or exporting products. After all, there are a lot of innovations, ranging from changes in the documentation of currency control to fines for violating it. So let's figure it out together.

Back in 2018, a new legislative framework for currency control of legal entities came into force. What has changed for what:

  • Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003 was amended by Law No. 325-FZ of November 14, 2017, which came into force on May 14, 2018.
  • Central Bank Instruction No. 138-I dated June 4, 2012, regulating the procedure for companies to provide a package of documents for currency control, has been cancelled. From March 1, 2018, Central Bank instruction No. 181-I dated August 16, 2017 is in effect.

The new instruction of the Central Bank cancels a number of documents, introduces a slightly different procedure for currency control, and changes fines. And now about everything in more detail.

What's new in currency control in 2019

This year, the same changes in currency control for legal entities apply as from March 1, 2018. We have compiled a table in which we clearly demonstrated for each item: what happened before the reform and what has happened now.

Change object

What happened before

How did it happen?

Impact of contract amount on exchange controls

  • If the contract amount was $50,000 or higher, it was required to register it with the bank, having first issued a transaction passport;
  • If the contract amount was less than $1,000, the Russian resident company sent only a certificate of currency transactions to the bank;
  • Registration time is 3 days.
  1. When importing goods in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles and above, the agreement is subject to accounting in the bank;
  2. When exporting goods worth 6,000,000 rubles or more, the contract must be registered with the bank;
  3. If the transaction amount is 200,000 rubles or less, there is no need to submit documents to the bank;
  4. The contract registration time is 1 day.

The process of transferring a contract to a bank

A transaction passport was required, for which the contract itself had to be submitted to the bank

The transaction passport has been cancelled, and the bank has registered the contracts. It is not necessary to provide the contract itself for this operation.

Certificate of Currency Transactions (CVO)

When making a transaction for an amount over $1000, you had to:

  • submit documents confirming its necessity to the bank;
  • submit a certificate of currency transactions;

When making a transaction of 200,000 rubles or more, the company and individual entrepreneur transfers to the bank:

  • documents that explain the transaction.

Important! The certificate of currency transactions has been cancelled.

Certificate of supporting documents (SPD)

If the transaction took place, then the bank demanded an SPD. The deadline for submitting a certificate is 15 working days from the end of the month in which:

  • products passed customs;
  • supporting documents were prepared.

If the transaction has taken place, residents and non-residents provide the bank with information about the type of transaction code.

The SPD takes the form of a unified form of accounting for the completed transaction.

The procedure for transferring a contract to another bank

A currency control statement (CSC) from the organization was required

The bank itself deals with VVC

Reasons why a bank has the right not to conduct a foreign exchange transaction

  1. Incorrect or missing documentation;
  2. Suspicion of money laundering.
  1. The obligation of organizations to note the dates of execution of the contract in the contract;
  2. Their absence is a reason to refuse to conduct a currency transaction.

Certificate of supporting documents currency control 2019

Certificate of supporting documents This is a type of unified form of accounting and reporting of currency settlements, which is compiled by a resident of the Russian Federation. Its form is OKUD 0406010. It was approved by Appendix 6 to Bank of Russia Instruction No. 181-I dated August 16, 2017.

The certificate is filled out in a similar way to previous years, but not without its peculiarities. The order is prescribed in the indicated position.

Note! From March 1, 2018, the “transaction passport number” field has changed to a unique contract number.

A unique number is assigned by your bank when registering a currency transaction. See below for a sample of filling out the SOP in 2019.

The certificate is not issued by residents who have completed a transaction in the amount of 200,000 rubles or less. The deadline for providing the certificate is 15 days from the date of crediting the currency

Registration of a transaction passport for currency control

In 2019, according to the new currency control rules, a transaction passport is not issued. Now banks will register contracts with foreign companies and their representatives. What to do if the transaction passport has already been issued.

New fines for currency control 2019

In 2019, there are strict sanctions for legal entities for violating the rules of foreign exchange transactions.

  1. Legal entities have received resident status, which means they must notify banks about the timing of contracts;
  2. Fines have been increased due to changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Reason for fine

Amount of sanctions

Illegal currency transaction

from ¾ to one time the transaction amount

The company did not ensure timely receipt of money to the current account

  • The money did not arrive at all - from ¾ to one time the amount that was not received

The company did not ensure timely receipt of money to the current account, while a passport was required during the transfer

40,000 – 50,000 rubles

Late refund of advance payment for goods that were never delivered

  • The money arrived late - 1/150 of the Central Bank key rate of the money received;
  • The money did not arrive at all - from ¾ to one time the amount that was not returned

How does currency control work now?

Let's look at the step-by-step process of overcoming currency regulation with all the changes of 2019.

  1. To register a foreign exchange contract, provide the financial institution with general information about your contract. Include data on the type of currency and amount, be sure to include the day of the beginning and execution of the contract, its type, details of the foreign counterparty;
  2. Having received the data, the bank employee will register your contract within 1 business day, assigning it a unique number and opening a currency control sheet for it;
  3. After scrolling through the transaction, you must report on it by sending supporting documents and a certificate of supporting documents.
  • Inform the bank of any changes to the contract by sending the appropriate documentation. If the counterparty's details have changed, a simple statement is sufficient.
  1. If you want to deregister your contract, write a statement accompanied by documents explaining this step;
  2. If you wish, you can change the financial institution serving you by transferring the contract and its unique number to the new bank.

Currency control: changes 2019 for individuals

The 2018 changes in currency control affected not only legal entities, but also individuals. Let's touch on these changes.

  1. If a citizen of the Russian Federation lives on the territory of a foreign state for more than 183 days a year, then he is exempt from the obligation to notify the Central Bank about his foreign accounts, their changes, and movements of funds through them;
  1. If an individual lives abroad for more than 183 days a year, he is not obliged to comply with the rules for conducting currency transactions specified in Article 12 No. 173-FZ;
  1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has accounts abroad now has the right to transfer income from the sale of his vehicles (except for airplanes) there;
  1. Individuals, residents of the Russian Federation, can now transfer income from the sale of their real estate or aircraft to their foreign accounts, but only if these accounts are opened in OECD or FATF countries.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Press service

107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12


On Bank of Russia Instruction No. 181-I dated August 16, 2017 “On the procedure for residents and non-residents to submit supporting documents and information to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, on uniform forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, the procedure and deadlines for their submission”

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered Bank of Russia Instruction No. 181-I dated August 16, 2017 “On the procedure for residents and non-residents to submit supporting documents and information to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, on uniform forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, the procedure and timing of their submission” (hereinafter referred to as instructions).

This instruction is aimed at liberalizing the current requirements of foreign exchange control in terms of reducing the burden on residents when they carry out foreign exchange transactions.

The document cancels the requirement for residents to issue a transaction passport at an authorized bank. Instead of the requirement to issue a transaction passport, a procedure for registering contracts with banks and assigning them unique numbers is being introduced. A simplified procedure for registering contracts is established for resident exporters. Banks register contracts within one business day. The new procedure eliminates the basis for a bank to refuse to register a contract.

The value of the amount of obligations at which registration under foreign trade export contracts is required has been increased to 6 million rubles 1 .

The instruction cancels the requirement for residents to submit certificates of foreign exchange transactions to authorized banks, which are forms of accounting, while maintaining the requirement for them to submit documents that are the basis for conducting foreign exchange transactions.

The document introduces a procedure that eliminates the need for residents to submit documents related to foreign exchange transactions under agreements (contracts) concluded with non-residents, the equivalent amount of obligations of which is less than 200 thousand rubles.

The instruction reduces the burden on residents in terms of processing currency control documents, which will help reduce the grounds for bringing residents to administrative responsibility, simplifies the mechanism of interaction between residents and banks, increases the efficiency of work of resident-exporters, and redistributes the burden in terms of currency control from residents to authorized banks.

1 Currently, in accordance with Bank of Russia Instruction No. 138-I dated June 4, 2012 “On the procedure for the submission by residents and non-residents of documents and information related to foreign exchange transactions to authorized banks, the procedure for issuing transaction passports, as well as the procedure for accounting by authorized banks of foreign exchange transactions and control over their implementation”, the value of the amount of obligations at which a resident needs to issue a transaction passport under a foreign trade contract in an authorized bank is 50 thousand US dollars.


On November 2, 2017, Bank of Russia Instruction No. 181-I dated August 16, 2017 “On the procedure for residents and non-residents to submit supporting documents and information to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, on uniform forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, procedures and deadlines” was published their ideas" ( effective from March 1, 2018; At the same time, the previously in force Instruction No. 138-I dated June 4, 2012 ceases to apply).

The new Instruction somewhat simplifies the procedure for processing documents related to foreign exchange transactions in foreign economic transactions in Russian authorized banks. It applies to residents - legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and persons engaged in private practice, as well as to non-residents who are not individuals.

According to the specified Instructions:

  1. The requirement for registration of transaction passports has been abolished. The previous Instruction No. 138-I established a threshold for the amount of obligations under the contract, the excess of which required the issuance of a transaction passport, in the amount of $50,000. New Instruction 181-I does not provide for the requirement to draw up a transaction passport.
  2. The requirement for residents to submit to authorized banks is cancelled. certificates of currency transactions and currency control statements, which were forms of accounting. At the same time, the requirement to submit documents that are the basis for conducting currency transactions remains unchanged.
  3. The procedure for submission by residents and non-residents to the bank is established. supporting documents and information in connection with foreign exchange transactions.

In particular, when carrying out an operation to credit foreign currency to a transit currency account, a resident must submit to the bank documents related to the operations, no later than 15 working days after the date of crediting foreign currency to the transit currency account specified in the bank’s notification of its crediting.

When writing off foreign currency from a resident’s current account, the resident must submit to the bank documents related to the transactions, simultaneously with a write-off order.

Requirements for the submission of supporting documents apply to agreements (concluded between residents and non-residents, and providing for settlements through residents’ accounts (opened in both Russian and foreign banks)), the amount of liabilities for which is equal to or exceeds equivalent:

  • for import contracts or loan agreements – 3 million rubles;
  • for export contracts – 6 million rubles.

The amount of obligations under a contract (loan agreement) is determined as of the date of its conclusion or, in the case of a change in the amount of obligations - as of the date of conclusion of the latest amendments (additions) to the contract providing for such a change in the amount, at the official exchange rate of foreign currencies in relation to the ruble.

If the amount of obligations under an agreement with a non-resident is equal to or does not exceed the equivalent of 200,000 rubles, the submission of documents related to conducting currency transactions under such an agreement is not required.

  1. Introduced new procedure for accounting contracts in banks with the assignment of unique numbers to them (as well as deregistration and change of information in them), which replaces the existing procedure for issuing transaction passports.

A resident who is a party to an export or import contract, or to a loan agreement, must register them with an authorized bank and make payments under such a contract only through their accounts opened with the authorized bank that accepted the contract. The bank accepts the contract for registration and assigns it a unique number (which it informs the resident about).

To register a contract, you need almost the same information as now to fill out the transaction passport:

  • general information about the contract: type of contract, date, number (if any), currency of the contract, amount of obligations stipulated by the contract, date of completion of fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  • details of the non-resident who is a party to the contract: name, country.
  1. Transaction passports issued but not closed before March 1, 2018 will be considered closed from the specified date. In this case, a mark about their closure will not be placed in the transaction passport, and its unique number will be transferred by the bank to the register as the number of the registered contract.

Please note that banks do not have the right to refuse to register a contract. In this case, the maximum period for such an operation cannot be more than 1 working day. The previously effective Instruction 138-I established a deadline for issuing a transaction passport of 3 business days.

In addition to this, it is necessary to mention that in addition to changes in the rules for processing transactions for the purposes of currency control in the direction of their simplification (reducing the number of required documents; increasing the threshold values ​​of transaction amounts at which their registration is required; reducing the time frame for registering a transaction), and other features of regulation of foreign economic transactions provided for Federal Law of November 14, 2017 N 325-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 19 and 23 of the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences”. These include the following:

  1. Installed mandatory requirement to indicate the deadline for fulfillment of obligations by the parties under a foreign economic agreement.

Based on the wording of the new wording of paragraph 1.1 of Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”, it will be necessary not only to indicate the deadline for fulfilling obligations in the agreement concluded between a resident of the Russian Federation and a non-resident, but also to inform the banks accurate terms for crediting funds in foreign currency to the resident’s account, as well as accurate deadlines for fulfillment of obligations by a non-resident.

The wording of the previous edition made it possible to indicate in bank accounting forms expected deadlines for fulfilling obligations and crediting funds in foreign currency. The new edition will come into force on May 14, 2018.

Thus, in practice, a situation may arise when a foreign economic agreement without specifying deadlines for fulfilling obligations will be declared invalid due to non-compliance with legal requirements, or the bank will refuse to conduct a foreign exchange transaction under such an agreement.

  1. Expansion of the list of grounds to refuse to conduct currency transaction.

In addition to the previously provided grounds for refusing to carry out a transaction due to the failure of the parties to the transaction to provide the documents required by banks for a currency transaction or the unreliability of the information specified in such documents, after the provisions of the new edition of Federal Law No. 173 come into force, banks will be able to refuse on other grounds. In particular, such grounds may be the implementation of prohibited transactions to credit funds to the account of a resident of the Russian Federation in a foreign bank, the implementation of prohibited currency transactions between residents of the Russian Federation, as well as non-compliance of documents submitted in connection with the transaction with legal requirements.

  1. Administrative liability is introduced for carrying out prohibited currency transactions for officials in addition to the existing liability for individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Responsibility consists of paying a fine in the amount of 20 to 30 thousand rubles by the official who violated the currency legislation. For repeated commission of an illegal currency transaction, an official may be subject to disqualification for a period of 6 months to 3 years.


The instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation somewhat simplifies the procedure and procedure for currency control of foreign economic transactions of residents of the Russian Federation. This mainly concerns the abolition of transaction passports and their replacement with the registration of agreements with the bank, as well as the abolition of the requirement to submit documents for transactions of less than 200,000 rubles. At the same time, new amendments to the currency legislation introduced requirements for the mandatory indication of the exact deadline for the fulfillment of obligations in a foreign economic agreement (failure to comply with which may lead to a refusal to conduct foreign exchange transactions under it, and possibly to the recognition of the transaction as invalid); the list of grounds for a bank’s refusal to conducting a currency transaction and expanded the list of persons who can be held accountable for violating currency legislation (liability for officials was introduced).