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» Growing bonsai from seeds. Practical advice. Bonsai - a tree on a tray: features of care and cultivation at home

Growing bonsai from seeds. Practical advice. Bonsai - a tree on a tray: features of care and cultivation at home

  1. Type of maple for bonsai
  2. Execution options
  3. Searching for seeds
  4. Preparing the soil and container
  5. Planting seeds
  6. Working with cuttings
  7. Escape landing
  8. Planting care
  9. Crown formation

Bonsai (translated from Japanese as “grown in a tray”) is a smaller copy of a tree grown at home or in a country house. The effect is achieved by regulating the size and shape of the plant's root system. It is not easy to grow a maple bonsai with your own hands; the process requires patience and time. But the end result fully lives up to expectations: a deciduous tree behaves like a full-fledged fellow tree; in the process of blossoming and withering, the leaf changes color and then falls off. Compact size dwarf plant allows you to keep it even in an apartment; taller individuals decorate verandas and garden plots.

Type of maple for bonsai

You can grow a small tree from pine, sakura, bamboo, willow, elm, lilac, lemon, spruce, ficus. Plant growers experiment with different types of plants; the principle of creating any specimen is to work with the root layering system and special care for the crown.

Maple bonsai can be grown at home from different types wood:

  • Rocky;
  • Field;
  • Palm-shaped;
  • Platanolifolia.

Dwarfs of the given species have small leaves, which looks most organic on bonsai trees.

Colored specimens have been bred for growing these trees at home. These include:

  • Maple blue or blue;

  • Japanese red;

  • Violet.

The art of bonsai is in high demand among flower growers and summer residents, because the industry is constantly developing, breeders are developing new types of maples with different leaf shapes and their shades. The photo shows the most popular types of maple compositions.

Execution options

Grow miniature tree from a representative of the maple family can be in several forms:

  • Upright appearance;
  • Inclined;
  • Broom-shaped;
  • Grove.

You can grow a composition from seeds or cuttings at home in any form, just follow a clear sequence of actions and not miss important points.

Searching for seeds

Most often, gardeners use a mature tree seed - subsequently, this source can be given any shape without the need to change the already formed system.

Harvesting is done after the “helicopters” ripen and fall off the branches. autumn period. True, such material is not ready for planting: for seeds it is necessary to arrange an imitation winter holiday V artificial conditions. To do this, take a container with a tight-fitting lid, place wet sand in it, into which the seeds are buried, close the container and place it in the refrigerator. The stratification period is 100-120 days; in the spring the collection is ready for planting.

If you want to grow a natural decorative item at home, but don’t have time to collect seeds, you should contact specialized stores that offer ready-made planting material Japanese and other types of maple. Blue, light blue, and red bonsai are obtained only from specially bred plants.

More quick way get decorative tree- planting cuttings.

Preparation of planting material

In order for the seeds to grow faster, their dense shell is cut and placed in warm water or hydrogen peroxide 9% for 2-3 days. In conditions high humidity intensive absorption of liquid occurs and the seed comes to life.

To prevent the development of diseases of the tree embryo, the seeds are initially treated with a dry or liquid fungicide.

Preparing the soil and container

To grow maple bonsai at home, it is important to properly prepare the soil. For maple, take an equal ratio of alumina, humus and sand.

An important stage is soil disinfection. Best ways:

  1. Heat treatment high temperatures. To do this, the soil is heated in the oven, microwave or in a water bath, then cooled, dried and sifted through a sieve.

  1. Another method is freezing and then thawing the soil.
  2. The use of biologically active additives such as “Fitosporin”, “Barrier”, etc. They are sold in specialized flower growing stores.

During processing, pathological fungi, mold, insect eggs and other infections that can harm the plant die. After the procedure, fertilizer is introduced into the soil to restore beneficial microflora.

For the first time, you can take a small bonsainitsa - growing a tree is no faster than in natural conditions, therefore, as it grows, it is changed to a larger volume.

The container is thoroughly cleaned with non-aggressive substances, washed and dried. There must be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. To avoid soil washing out, it is recommended to line the bottom with mesh.

Planting seeds

Soil is poured into the prepared container, leaving 3 cm to the edges of the bonsai. If there are several seeds, they are placed at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other. The resulting layer is pressed with a board, then soil no more than 3 seed diameters thick is poured on top. The planting is lightly watered and the container is covered with glass or polyethylene to allow light to pass freely and retain moisture.

After the first shoots appear, the glass is lifted and several holes are made in the film to supply fresh air.

After the leaves have formed, young shoots are planted in fresh soil at a distance of 2-3 cm.

Working with cuttings

A faster way to create a maple bonsai with your own hands is to take a ready-made tree cutting and transform it.

  1. The prepared twig is prepared early summer: choose the one you like, it should not have a formed bark.
  2. At the base of the cutting, a circular cut is made in the skin and rough woody part. This is where the roots will develop. A second similar incision is made 2-3 cm higher than the first.
  3. Remove the bark and hard part between the cuts.
  1. A root-forming hormone in the form of powder or gel is applied to the cut area.
  2. To activate the work of the substance, moistened sphagnum moss is attached to the treated cut, sealed with polyethylene and left in a dark, cool place.
  3. After a few weeks, the roots themselves will appear through the applied protection, then the bandage can be removed.

For germination, you can use a mixture of good compost and sand: place the cut part of the cutting into the moistened substance until roots appear.

After the formation of firm roots, the cuttings are separated from the mother branch.

Escape landing

Take a pot with drainage holes, pour round pebbles and soil (80% crushed bark and 20% peat) into it in an amount sufficient to securely fix the tree. The thin bark of the shoot is removed without disturbing the integrity of the roots, and the exposed part is placed in the ground.

You can add a little sphagnum moss to the soil. It serves as a fertilizer and softens hard water, which provides gentle care for the root system.

To strengthen the fixation, a peg is stuck into the pot, to which the young tree is tied.

Growing bonsai with your own hands using cuttings is only possible in cases where the tree is planned to be placed outdoors. Even proper care cannot replace a wild tree’s native elements. During the period when the foliage color changes, the composition can be brought into the house, but for no more than 1-2 hours.

Planting care

Seedlings obtained from seeds are subjected to root pruning at the age of 3 months - the main rod is shortened by 2/3.

Blue and blue red maples develop in the same way as green ones: replanting of each type should be done in the spring with an interval of no more than 2 years. Each time the soil is completely changed, the central and lateral roots are cut by 20%.

The shoots are pinched after 2-4 leaves have formed.

When the plant reaches a height of 10 cm, it is transplanted into a regular pot, preferably a ceramic one.

In late spring and early summer, bonsai are fertilized with special fertilizers.

Maples love shade, so they should not be left in the open sun. The composition should also not be exposed to large temperature changes.

Crown formation

Maples are given different shapes by pruning the branches and the direction of their growth.

The blue maple in the photo was obtained from seeds. When appears new branch for a grown plant, it is wrapped with thin wire at the base and fixed to the pot in the desired direction. In this way, the most bizarre and exotic forms of dwarf trees are obtained.

You can grow a home bonsai with your own hands in 5-7 years with proper timely care.

This method requires a lot of patience and meticulousness, but this is how especially beautiful specimens are obtained.

Almost any bonsai can be grown from seeds. There are no special seeds for growing bonsai.

The same seeds are used as for growing regular ones. Seeds can be purchased or collected directly from the plants.

The collection is carried out in the fall; All fruits - acorns, berries, achenes and nuts - contain seeds, from which, if planted, in 5-7 years you can get beautiful miniature trees of the desired shape.

Conditions for seed germination different plants are different and depend on the timing of sowing. Some seeds must be sown immediately because they germinate immediately after harvest.

Others should be stored for some time in a dry and cool place before sowing. Still others can germinate in autumn or winter, but must first be placed in damp sand for several days to maintain their ability to germinate.

Many of the seeds need a period of rest. They are stratified (that is, placed in a layer of wet sand) for 6-12 months, protected from cold and heat. Some seeds can be stored in the refrigerator in a vegetable container.

The duration of such storage ranges from 1 day to 1 month; after which the seeds must be soaked for 24 hours in lukewarm water.

There are two most favorable periods for sowing: spring or late summer to mid-autumn.

A seed with a hard shell can be cut to facilitate its germination. Seeds of different types of plants are not sown together, since their needs for water, heat, and light may not coincide.

To sow seeds, use low boxes with holes in the bottom to drain excess water.
Sowing seeds

1. To sift the soil mixture, you need a sieve.

2. A standard clay pot is filled with sifted soil mixture.

3. Stratified seeds are placed on the surface of the soil mixture.

4. The thickness of the soil layer with which the seeds are sprinkled depends on their size.

5. If the seeds are large enough, then the layer of soil covering them is slightly compacted. To do this, use a regular garden trowel.

6. The shell protecting the seeds (ginkgo seeds in the picture) is split with tongs.

7. The seed is carefully removed from the shell.

8. Seeds freed from the shell can be sown. Nothing else prevents the germination of such seeds, so stratification will be unnecessary.

9. Cover the surface of the soil in the pot with a paper circle.

10. This paper circle prevents soil erosion during watering.
The box is filled with a mixture consisting of 1/2 peat and 1/2 river sand. Any sowing container is filled only 3/4 with soil mixture, not compacting it very much to ensure better circulation of air and water.

Then the seeds are laid out on the surface of the sifted substrate, sprinkled with a layer of soil on top, lightly compacted and watered generously from a watering can with a fine strainer. After this, the box is covered with glass and placed in a semi-shaded place protected from frost.

With the appearance of the first seedlings (sooner or later in different species), the glass is raised for better air circulation.

When the first leaves appear, the glass is removed completely.

In the spring, after the stems have become stronger, the seedlings are transplanted one at a time into small pots and gradually accustomed to the sun.

After 2 years, you can begin to form a bonsai from a young tree by cutting off its branches (in spring and summer) and roots (in spring).

After 3-5 years, the tree grown from seed will have a graceful silhouette and will take on the appearance of a bonsai of the desired style without rough scars and thickening on the trunk with harmoniously arranged branches.

Bonsai is the art of growing small copies of nature's creations of plant origin, which first conquered Japan and then the whole world. A skillful likeness of a selected representative of the flora is formed with one’s own hand, so this requires a lot of patience, time and knowledge. In this article we will tell you how to grow a bonsai tree at home and what care it requires.

Choosing a tree for bonsai

To grow without much hassle beautiful tree bonsai at home, it is best to choose for this one of the plants listed below, about which reviews from gardeners are extremely positive. The photos will help you see what such a green pet will look like.

  • Indoor types of citrus fruits: lemon, calamondin;
  • Ficus benjamina;

  • Decorative varieties of apple trees;
  • Barberry;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Maple.

These are just some of the most popular options. Growing bonsai can be done from a variety of plants that are found everywhere: in parks, forests, gardens. You can also purchase seedlings in nurseries. The price will depend on the type of tree chosen and its height.

Growing Bonsai from Seeds

There are two types of shrub and tree seeds suitable for exotic bonsai. One type of crop can be immediately used for germination, while the other part undergoes a period of hibernation, during which the sprout must wait out the cold season. Stratification at home will serve as an imitation of winter.

  • For a period of 3-5 months, the seeds of the bonsai tree are placed in sphagnum moss or wet sand, then the container is put in the refrigerator. Positive temperature regime and a moist environment will help the seed prepare to grow. When it is placed in a warm place, the sprout will quickly awaken;
  • You can grow bonsai from seeds from spring until the very beginning of the autumn season. For seedlings that grew at the end of summer, it is necessary to use lighting, which is indispensable in the autumn-winter period;
  • To successfully germinate seedlings and make their first months of life easier, you need to take peat tablets, soaked and absorbed moisture, or a light sand-peat substrate. Until the sprouts appear, the container is kept under film in the dark. The air temperature depends on the type of tree being grown;
  • The greenhouse must be ventilated to prevent rot and condensation. When the first shoots appear, fresh air must be present in the room, then the seedlings are transferred to light. If necessary, they are fertilized and watered using a complex composition.

The bonsai plant is replanted when it reaches 10-12 cm in height. In this case, the main root is shortened by 1/3 so that the green pet stops its vertical growth. The future trunk is immediately formed using copper wire.

Growing bonsai from cuttings

You can grow a bonsai with your own hands from cuttings. This method allows you to speed up the growth time compared to the previous option by almost a year. First you need to collect suitable cuttings. It is better to do this in the spring.

  • Choose semi-woody or green shoots 5-10 cm in length and about 5 mm in diameter;
  • Cuttings must be planted in sterile soil, additionally treated with hormonal powder (if possible).

A short master class on planting cuttings:

  • Fill the bottom layer of a deep pot with a diameter of 15 cm about a quarter with a mixture of akadama and fine gravel in equal proportions;
  • We fill the remaining space of the container with a soil mixture suitable for the selected plant;
  • We remove all the branches at the bottom of the cutting, cut thick branches obliquely;
  • If desired, we treat the cuttings with a special hormonal powder, which can be bought in plant stores;

  • We insert the seedlings into the soil, leaving a sufficient gap between them;
  • Carefully water the soil;
  • We put the pot out of reach of straight people sun rays a place so that young bonsai leaves do not get burned;
  • Lightly moisten the soil, but do not flood it;
  • It will take several weeks until germination occurs. It will be possible to plant the shoots in a year, and after another couple of years it will be possible to begin forming the bonsai crown.

How to choose soil and pot for a bonsai tree

It is advisable to plant home bonsai in a shallow and small container so that it does not grow huge size. At the same time, it is necessary to form and trim some of the roots.

The bonsai pot is chosen very carefully. It is taken into account that from year to year the plant will become heavier and may become unstable, especially if it has a cascading, inclined or irregular shape. Consequently, for the “green friend”, which has a size from several centimeters to a meter, ceramic bowls, containers or pots are made, usually massive, different shapes and style. Their bottom should have several drainage holes used to release excess moisture and to secure the future tree.

Scalding with boiling water or a hot solution of potassium permanganate is very suitable for treating the pot. This will protect your Japanese bonsai from root fungus.

The soil helps the tree retain moisture and provides nutrition, and also thanks to the soil, the roots of the plant are anchored in a small pot. Therefore, in order to grow miniature copies of maples, oaks, lemons, lindens, etc., they resort to using a special substrate. This mixture, which is based on certain types of clay, is called akadama in Japan.

The granular substance is “flavored” with sand and fertile soil for good fluffiness and nutritional value:

  • To grow flowering crops, take three parts of sand, seven parts of soil with turf and part of highly nutritious humus, which are mixed together;
  • Deciduous bonsai trees grow well thanks to a substrate with three parts of washed coarse sand and seven parts of turf soil;
  • Conifers love loose soil, consisting of two parts washed sand and three parts turf soil.

Before planting a bonsai, the soil must be sorted out and all excess that could damage it must be removed. root system. The substrate is also sterilized and sifted, and drainage is made at the bottom of the container.

Bonsai crown formation

To give a miniature tree a beautiful, fancy shape, copper wire is usually used.

  • First, all the branches from the lower part of the trunk and all the “dry wood” are removed from the plant. Next, select three main branches on the crown, which visually form a triangle with equal sides, and remove all remaining branches between them. You can also leave 2 or 4 branches - it all depends on your desire;
  • To bend the trunk, remove the top soil layer from the roots and carefully tilt the trunk to the required angle. One end soft wire dig in and fix in the ground at the trunk base from the inside of the bend. The trunk must be tightly but carefully wrapped with wire to the base of the remaining branches, so as not to damage or tear off the bark;

  • You can also create bends in bonsai branches using thin braided wire so as not to touch delicate plant tissues;
  • It is necessary to remove the wire from the trunk of a formed tree after a couple of years, otherwise it may return to its original state. The branches can be released after six months;
  • To maintain the aesthetic appearance of your bonsai, do not forget to regularly trim long shoots that have grown beyond the crown perimeter and old foliage to allow new young leaves to grow.

Video: Bonsai pruning and crown formation

How to care for a tree at home

Your main goal is to successfully water the miniature crop. After all, a shallow pot filled with roots and a small volume of soil create certain difficulties. Best fit drip irrigation or irrigation, which will allow you to moisten the substrate under the plant in doses, without blurring.

Only settled, melted or soft water is suitable for irrigation. During the growing season, green pets require a lot of moisture, and in the fall, watering is reduced and becomes less frequent.

Miniature plants are great for mineral supplements based on algae, which are carried out every 2-3 weeks. You need to care for trees carefully, do not leave them without “food”, but most importantly, do not “overfeed”:

  • In the spring season, with maximum growth, it is necessary to add 2 times more nitrogen to the fertilizer than phosphorus and potassium;
  • In summer, the same proportions are used, but the concentration is reduced by 1/2;
  • At the end of August, especially for deciduous crops, the content of phosphorus and potassium is increased by 2 times, and nitrogen is reduced;
  • Fruiting and flowering shrubs, and trees require more potassium, which goes into the formation of ovaries and buds.

In winter, the tree requires the following care:

  • In mild climates, plants are kept outdoors or on unheated terraces;
  • In a small pot, the roots may be the first to suffer, so they are well covered and the substrate is dried a little;
  • In spring, the bonsai flower awakens. Now it again needs to be watered, fed, and the crown and roots formed.

The video below will help you review the growing process. miniature plants more clearly. If you don’t want to wait a long time, you can buy an already formed tree. But its cost will be several thousand rubles. If you do not have the time and opportunity to carefully care for such a green pet, then make one, which, according to its aesthetic characteristics, will be no worse than a living one.

Video: How to care for a bonsai tree

This article talks about growing bonsai from seeds at home.

Growing a bonsai from seeds is quite difficult and time-consuming, but patience and time will bring the long-awaited result. This activity is fascinating and requires patience from flower growers.

It may not be possible to grow a bonsai from a seed the first time. In Japan, it is not easy to grow a beautiful tree; it is a whole science of philosophy.

The tree must have a strong and strong trunk, and all branches must be clearly visible through the leaves.

There are 5 types of trees of this bonsai:

Large trees whose height is up to 120 cm.

Medium - up to 60 cm.

Small - up to 30 cm.

Miniatures - up to 15 cm.

And very tiny - 5 cm.

The most popular ones are considered to be small ones, because they are beautiful and rather fragile trees. It is also worth paying attention to what kind of soil the tree will grow in, whether it prefers shade or light, humidity or dryness.

When choosing bonsai seeds, you need to create the right ones for it. climatic conditions. If the bonsai will grow on the balcony, then take the seed that is available in public parks. It is better to plant maple and pine seeds in the fall.

You can also buy them online, but don’t just buy the pretty bonsai in the picture, because it may grow up to be completely different.

If he grows in a room, then you need to create for him comfortable conditions for growth. Ficus is suitable for beginners in this business; it does not require special care.

Experienced florists collect seeds of oak, maple and other trees, as well as chestnuts and acorns. Sakura seeds can be ordered from Japan.

Growing a bonsai tree can take many years, so think carefully about whether you can care for this tree and whether you have the patience to grow it. Some people buy already grown seedlings.

The main thing is to choose the right pot for bonsai tree. It is advisable to purchase a small pot.

You also need to purchase the right soil for bonsai. Such soil should be coarse and absorb moisture well.

The usual primer instructions are 50% base material and 50% sand. Common materials include: peat, bark or leaf humus.

And the sand should be coarse-grained and washed. But some use river or mountain sand.

Before planting, the seed must be properly prepared and treated with preparations. It is advisable to stratify each seed - this is an imitation of winter conditions.

Place the seeds in water for several days; this will give them the desired growth.

The seeds have a hard shell, which makes it difficult to absorb moisture, so it can be broken.

Thanks to this, the bonsai will grow better. To prevent the bonsai from getting sick, its seed is treated with a liquid or dry fungicide, and we also do not forget to sterilize the soil.

And the temperature should preferably not be higher than 18? C. Young shoots need a large number of light and water it as much as possible, without this they will get sick and begin to wither. After 4 weeks they need to be planted separately.

Transplantation is experienced with great difficulty coniferous trees, they should only be planted in the fall, and cared for immediately as soon as they emerge from the soil.

Most challenging task is considered to be the construction of the shape of a tree.
There are 4 types of tree shapes.




While it is growing, it needs to be watered frequently, fertilized a little, and replanted only in the spring, while removing excess roots.

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How to grow hyacinth at home and in open ground. How to grow bonsai?

Growing a bonsai tree from ordinary seeds is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Nevertheless, knowing how to grow a bonsai from seeds, you will be able to form its crown correctly and get a beautiful green specimen that will decorate your home for a long time.

Growing a tree from grains and creating a Japanese bonsai in general can be done with almost any tree-like plant. However, there are a number of the most popular in this direction trees, and it is better to choose the option that suits you from among them.

In modern floriculture and directly to form a composition, tropical specimens are often used: boxwoods, myrtles, abutilons, acacias, wisterias, and ficuses. Many domestic gardeners prefer to include broad-leaved plants (beeches, maples, birches, pomegranate trees) in their home collection.

Don’t forget about some coniferous specimens: fir, cypress, spruce, pine – all these miniature tree-like shrubs will look aesthetically pleasing and, most importantly, unusual in your home, complementing the interior.

Video “Growing Bonsai from Seeds”

From this video you will learn how to grow bonsai from seeds at home.

Where to find and how to store seeds

Seeds for planting a bonsai tree must be selected with the utmost care if you want your efforts not to be in vain. They do not have to be bought in special gardening stores or at fairs. One of the most common ways to get seed material- this is the collection of grains in botanical garden or in the park. As a rule, this is where the most attractive and sometimes unusual specimens grow.

Collect seeds or purchase them from trusted people - in this case you can hope for their high germination rate. However, there are situations when the grower has already received planting material, but cannot yet root it in the substrate. There is a solution: the grains of trees for a Japanese bonsai composition must be properly preserved.

To do this, place them in some closed container or in a wooden cellar. Don't forget to dry the seeds thoroughly before storing them. Such planting material will not lose its properties if the temperature in the cellar is maintained at -5 to 0 °C.

Processing and germination

How to germinate the seeds of a bonsai tree needs to be understood in detail. Do not rush to immediately root them in purchased or hand-prepared substrate. First of all, it is recommended to carefully prepare the planting material, process it and only then germinate it. Such activities need to be started in advance. Try to do everything like this necessary procedures so that the grains are ready for planting by the beginning of summer. At this time, plants take root quickly. This is why your seeds will have time to germinate and become significantly stronger.

Before planting the seed, you should place it in a humid microclimate. This is necessary, since the shell of such grains is quite dense and therefore does not absorb water well. All you need to do is fill the container with the first layer of wet sand, spread the seeds on top of it and then cover with a second layer of wet sand. Be sure to cover the pot with plastic wrap and then place it in a cool, dark place for about three months.

When you plan to plant the grains, remove them from the shelter, then place them in warm water for 2-3 days. It is also advisable to carry out heat treatment: heat the seed material in a water bath or freeze it. It is not difficult to germinate seeds correctly; the main thing is to follow the key recommendations from experts. In this case, you can count on full results.

Choosing soil and pot

You will certainly be able to grow a dwarf bonsai at home if you take seriously such a procedure as choosing planting material, as well as purchasing a pot and preparing the soil composition. Regular peat cups are also suitable for planting grains. If you want to root them in one container, buy a flowerpot that has drainage holes. It is recommended to fill the pot with a mixture of sand and peat.

The necessary conditions

You won’t be able to grow bonsai from China or Japan right away at home. Therefore, be patient and provide an optimal microclimate for future seedlings. It is recommended to place a flowerpot with rooted grains in a dark area of ​​the house. It is advisable to maintain the temperature here at +15 °C.

As soon as the grains begin to actively hatch from the seeds, be sure to open the glass slightly or make small holes in the film. Thus, the seedlings will absorb Fresh air. Regularly monitor the condition of the soil (it needs to be moistened frequently).

Planting and caring for seedlings

It is difficult to say how long bonsai grows from seeds. You will need more than one year to form a plant and evaluate the full result. The first thing to do is to properly root the planting material. Fill the pot with substrate. Be sure to leave an empty space 3 cm high on top of the soil layer. At this level you will spread the seeds, then carefully press them down with a piece of wood. After this, it is recommended to cover them again with a layer of earth and compact the substrate.
Full care of seedlings includes not only regular moistening of the soil composition or ventilation, but also the formation process. When the seedlings are about 1–3 months old, it is recommended to pick the tops. This way you can stimulate green specimens to grow further.

No matter how much you plant bonsai trees from seeds, the absence full care It will be detrimental to the seedlings. That is why it is imperative to control the intensity of its growth. Don't forget to feed your bonsai in the summer. When miniature tree reaches a height of about 10 cm, transplant it into another container.