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» Vyshny Volochek: what to see in Northern Venice? City of Vyshny Volochek

Vyshny Volochek: what to see in Northern Venice? City of Vyshny Volochek

Vyshny Volochyok- a city (since 1770) in the Tver region of Russia. It is part of an independent municipal formation of the region - the “urban district of Vyshny Volochyok”; also serves as the administrative center of the Vyshnevolotsky municipal district of the Tver region. Founded in 1471.

Population - 48,844 people. (2015).

The city is located on the northeastern outskirts of the Valdai Upland, on the Tsna River (Vyshnevolotskoye Reservoir), 119 km northwest of Tver. The Tvertsa River has its source in Vyshny Volochyok.

Vyshny Volochyok is located on km 297 of the federal road “Russia” (Moscow - St. Petersburg), there is a railway station.


Vyshny Volochyok arose at the watershed of two water pools- Baltic and Caspian. Loads from the Volga side rose along the river. Tvertsa to the Nikolo-Stolbenskaya pier, unloaded and transported by tug to the river. Price There the goods were again loaded onto ships and sent by water to Novgorod. The place of overland transshipment was named “Volok” or “Volochek”. The word “Vyshny” distinguishes it from the “Lower” portage, located near the city of Borovichi downstream of Tsna - Lake. Mstino - r. Msta.

Most often, the date of the first mention of a settlement on the site of the current city is 1437. However, the Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev, relying on chronicle sources, believed that Vyshny Volochyok was first mentioned in 1135. The drag itself in this place is mentioned in the Moscow chronicle in 1196: “And Yaroslav prince to Torzhka, and according to the volost and tribute was collected and the top of Msta behind the drag of the tribute."

Volok was part of the Novgorod land.

Under Ivan the Third, the Vyshnevolotsky pit was established.

In 1546 in Vyshny Volochyok there were “73 tax yards, 13 church yards and 9 empty ones.” IN Time of Troubles Volochyok was captured and destroyed by Polish troops.

In 1703 - 1722, by order of Peter I, the construction of a canal from Tvertsa to Tsna was carried out in Vyshny Volochyok - the first artificial waterway in Russia. The channel was transferred to the maintenance of the Novgorod merchant M.I. Serdyukov. As a result of his activities in the arrangement and development of the canal and other hydraulic structures, the Vyshnevolotsk water system arose - the oldest artificial water system in Russia. In the 18th century this waterway served as the most important route of communication between St. Petersburg and central Russia, supplying the new capital with food.

Since 1770, Vyshny Volochyok has been a city of Novgorod, since 1775, Tver province.

The development of the Vyshnevolotsk water system naturally entailed the development of the city. Vyshny Volochyok rose through trade in the second half of the 18th century. The city was actually located along a canal and was heavily dependent on passing convoys of ships. By the middle of the 19th century it was one of the largest cities in the Tver province, and the railway guaranteed its continued economic viability.

In 1886, there were 15,881 inhabitants in Vyshny Volochyok (7,931 men and 7,950 women), in late XIX centuries, it was one of the most populous and comfortable cities in the Tver province; it was decorated with canals and locks surrounded by gardens and boulevards. There were 15 factories and factories in the city (the largest were two paper-spinning and weaving factories), and 436 trading establishments. There was a zemstvo hospital and 6 schools.

On October 26 (November 8), 1917, the Council of Workers' Deputies in Vyshny Volochyok elected a revolutionary committee and established Soviet power in the city.

A narrow-gauge railway previously operated in Vyshny Volochyok, which belonged to the Vyshny Volochyok peat enterprise. Peat was delivered to the city along it.

The Vyshnevolotsk Regional Drama Theater operates in the city.

A monument to the LiAZ-677 bus has been erected near the city's automobile enterprise.

Urban development

  • Spelling

    Some dictionaries recommend the spelling “Volochok”, others “Volochok”. On the official website of the city the name “Vyshny Volochyok” is used. However, according to commonly used rules, after the sibilant under stress, the suffix is ​​written -OK (top, berezhok, rug), so writing "Volochyok" can be considered a historically established misunderstanding.


    • Epiphany Cathedral
    • Kazan Monastery
    • The railway station, built in the first half of the 19th century, is the only building on the Oktyabrskaya Railway that has preserved its original appearance to this day.
    • Monument to Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov. Opened on February 18, 1980 to mark the artist’s 200th anniversary. Authors: People's Artist of the RSFSR, sculptor O.K. Komov and architect N.I. Komova.
    • See also: Official list of historical and cultural heritage sites of the Tver region (monuments of Vyshny Volochok on pp. 53-59).
    • Lenin, Venetsianov, Catherine II, Lermontov, Peter I and Serdyukov, Bust of Peter I, War Memorial

    In art

    • The city is mentioned in the song “Lesopoval” by the group “Lesopoval”.
    • The Vyshnevolotsk Drama Theater has been operating in the city since 1896. The oldest theater in the Tver region. The theater is located in the former building of the Public Assembly. The auditorium of the theater has a capacity of 286 seats. Since 1994, theater festivals in small towns of Russia have been held in Vyshny Volochyok. Vyshnevolotsk Drama Theater. Retrieved August 9, 2013. Archived from the original on August 13, 2013..

Located on the banks of the Tsne River, 119 kilometers from the regional center. The area of ​​the settlement is 54 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

First mention of settlement on site modern city dated 1437. The settlement arose on the site of the watershed of the Baltic and Caspian basins.

In the 16th century, on the site of the city there was a large craft settlement, which was called Nikolsky Pogost.

At the beginning of the 18th century, by decree of Emperor Peter I, the Tveretsky Canal was built in the settlement, which was later transferred to the merchant M.I. Serdyukov.

In 1922, under the management of this merchant, the Tsninsky Canal was opened. In 1770, the settlement was transformed into the city of Vyshny Volochyok, Novgorod province.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the following factories were opened in the city: brick, candle, and leather factories. A little later, a district theological school, a district civil school and a military school were opened.

In 1849 the site was put into operation railway"Vyshny Volochyok-Tver".

In the second half of the 19th century, a paper weaving factory, a paper spinning factory, a chemical plant, a sawmill, and a large factory of the Prokhorovskaya Manufactory were built in Vyshny Volochyok.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were nine churches, several chapels, a synagogue, and two monasteries in the city. In 1917, Soviet power was established in the settlement.

In 1918, all large enterprises in the city were nationalized. During the Great Patriotic War In Vyshny Volochyok there were 21 hospitals, in which more than 1,700 people died from their wounds.

The telephone code of Vyshny Volochok is 48233. The postal code is 171167.

Climate and weather

A temperate continental climate prevails in Vyshny Volochyok. Winters are long and moderately cold. Summer is warm and short. The warmest month is July - average temperature+18.6 degrees.

The coldest month is February - average temperature is -8 degrees. The average annual precipitation is 670 mm.

Total population of Vyshny Volochyok for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2018 is 46.9 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a slight drop in population from 53,000 people in 2007 to 46,908 people in 2018.

As of January 2018, in terms of the number of residents, Vyshny Volochyok ranked 340th out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation.


1.Kazansky convent - this religious institution was founded in 1872. The main shrine of the monastery was the icon of the Andronik Mother of God of ancient Greek writing, which was lost in 1984.

2.Vyshnevolotskoye Reservoir- this artificial pond was formed in 1719. In 1951, the tenement structures of the water reservoir were reconstructed.

3.Epiphany Cathedral- this Orthodox church was built in 1814. Since 1931, the cathedral was closed and used as a warehouse. In 1945, the cathedral reopened its doors to parishioners.


In Vyshny Volochyok there are two railway stations, which connect the city with Tver, Torzhok, Bologoe, Valdai, Likhoslavl, Ostashkov, Okulovka, Veliky Novgorod.

Public transport represented by buses and minibuses.

Buses depart regularly from the city bus station to Velikiy Novgorod,

Time for inspection: 2-3 hours (city), day (city and detailed inspection of the Vyshnevolotsk water system).

Why go to Vyshny Volochek:

  • 1. "Tver Venice" is a well-preserved historical center, built on the banks of canals and rivers flowing in different directions.
  • 2. The Kazan convent of the late 19th century is one of the most beautiful in the Tver region.
  • 3. The Vyshnevolotsk water system is the oldest artificial waterway in Russia, which began to function back in the 1700s, developing and being rebuilt over the course of 250 years.
  • 4. Here you can see locks, bayslots, canals, reservoirs of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Beautiful nature

Orientation: The city has a clear rectangular layout, the center is located north of the Tveretsky Canal and is divided by the Tsninsky Canal into two parts: the City Part (where the shopping and residential areas are located) and the Island, where administrative buildings were located (the most important street is Ostashkovskaya). The current center of the city is Venetsianov Square, from where the paths to the most important objects. Kazansky Prospekt leads to the railway station, the bus station can be reached along Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, and the Kazansky Monastery can be reached along Sivers (Volodarsky) Street, which continues the Vanchakov Line, where the ancient buildings are most fully preserved. The Tsninsky and Tveretsky canals are located within the city, the Vyshnevolotsk reservoir is located to the west, and the Novo-Tveretsky canal runs to the south.

The first notable building in Vyshny Volochyok is Train Station.

Built in the eclectic style along with the entire Nikolaevskaya railway, the station has been preserved practically without reconstruction - thus we can say that it is the oldest operating station in Russia.
Epiphany Cathedral (1814).

Photo: Ilya Buyanovsky

Historical Center

The historical center of Volochok is small, but relatively well preserved. In the 18th-19th centuries, Volochek was a prosperous merchant city, and therefore its urban development would have been a credit to many provincial centers. The Tsninsky Canal divided the city into two main parts: the City (eastern bank), where trade and civil life was concentrated, and the Island (behind the canal), where administrative buildings were located. This division continues to this day, although the ancient buildings look neglected and dilapidated. City part. Historical buildings have been preserved at a distance of 1-2 blocks from the embankment. Between Kazansky Prospekt and the bank of the Tsna there are two symmetrical buildings of the Trading Rows, between which until 1935 the Kazan Cathedral stood. Now the northern building has been restored and is used for its intended purpose, the southern one is abandoned, but the Vyshnevolotsk shopping arcades are large even for the regional center. Located north of the Trading Rows Venetsianovsky Square - the center of city life, although very littered and unkempt. Installed in the park monument to Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov - Russian artist, founder of "everyday painting". The square is surrounded on all sides ancient buildings (the most interesting is the Vanchakova line - a street with one-sided buildings), among which stands out worthy of a provincial city, founded in 1896. This is one of the oldest and best theaters in the Tver province.

Island . Another historical district of the city is located on an artificial island between the Tsna loop and the Tsna Canal. Leads here from the shopping arcades Petersburg Bridge, decorated with openwork latticework, is the oldest and largest bridge in the city. Under the bridge there is a small peninsula on which rises a snow-white Epiphany Cathedral(1814, rebuilt in 1866 in pseudo-Russian style) is a symbol of the city, rather nondescript in architecture, but extremely impressively located among the water. The Petersburg Bridge goes into Ostashkovskaya Street, to the left of which is the Magistrate - a huge building in the style of early classicism (late 18th century), topped with a fire tower (early 20th century), clearly visible from opposite bank. To the right, at the corner of the Tsninsky Canal and Artyukhin Street, is the Traveling Palace of Catherine II - one of many built on the Moscow-Petersburg road according to a single design (similar palaces have also been preserved in Torzhok and Tver) - now occupied by a school. However, there are stone buildings on the Island only near the Tsninsky Canal, most of it is built up wooden mansions characteristic architecture (almost all with a mezzanine, many decorated with carvings), the most spectacular of which stands on the corner of Ostashkovskaya and Turgenevskaya streets. In general, the historical environment of the Island has been preserved much better than in the City part.

Kazan Monastery

The Kazan Monastery is located on the eastern outskirts of the city, where (along Volodarsky Street) there is a bus and minibus No. 10 (quite rarely), two kilometers from the center. The monastery was founded in 1872 through the efforts of Prince Putyatin, and Saint John of Kronstadt played a major role in its creation. The Greek Andronicus icon was kept in the monastery Mother of God, according to legend, written by the evangelist Luke - it came to Russia from Byzantium, but was lost in 1984. The ensemble of the monastery was formed at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, and the most interesting are three buildings: the bell tower in the eclectic style, the 13-domed Kazan Cathedral of the most complex architecture - one of the most beautiful in the Tver land, and Andronikovsky Cathedral, similar to Thon's creations. The monastery ensemble also includes residential and outbuildings

In addition, on the shore of the Vyshnevolotsk reservoir, at the mouth of the Tabolka River, there is Fraternal Cemetery during the war, where 1,727 soldiers and officers who died in Vyshnevolotsk hospitals are buried.

Tsninsky Canal.
Epiphany Cathedral (1814).

Vyshnevolotsk water system

The Vyshnevolotsk water system is an ancient system of navigable canals and rivers that connected the basins of the Caspian (Volga) and Baltic (Neva) seas. The ancient waterway, along which Novgorod merchants walked, was turned into a shipping route during the time of Peter I, and in the 18th century - early XIX century was the most important transport artery of Russia.

The center of the water system was Vyshny Volochek, standing on the watershed between Tvertsa and Tsna, that is, at the “node” of the water system.

Scheme . The Vyshnevolotsk waterway begins in Tver, from where ships from the Volga went up the Tvertsa (by oars, or with the help of barge haulers). In the area of ​​Vyshny Volochok, on the Valdai Hills, the Tvertsa approaches the Tsna, flowing north, only 1.5 kilometers - there was an ancient portage here, and in the 18th-19th centuries, through the efforts of M. Serdyukov, O. Koritsky and J. Sivers, there was The most important node of the Vyshnevolotsk water system was created, including several canals, the Vyshnevolotsk reservoir, and numerous hydraulic structures of different eras. Further along Tsna, the path led to Lake Msta, and from it along the Msta River (at its source there is a lock) to Lake Ilmen and Volkhov (and from Msta to Volkhov they got not through the lake, but through two shipping canals), which is in the Novaya Ladoga area intersected with the Ladoga canals, which united the Vyshnevolotsk water system with the later built Tikhvin and Mariinskaya. The oldest structure of the Vyshnevolotsk system, and indeed the oldest shipping canal in Russia in general, is the Tveretsky Canal, which borders the historical part of the city from the south. In the first version, it was dug at the site of the portage in 1703-1709 by Dutch craftsmen under the leadership of Prince Gagarin, and was called Gagarinsky. However, only with the reconstruction of the Serdyukov era, the canal began to function properly. This canal is the most important structure of the entire Vyshnevolotsk water system, since at the bottom of the canal the Tvertsa, flowing to the south, originates, and the mouth of the canal opens into the Tsna, flowing to the north. The Tveretsky Canal is a very impressive structure, its width is about 30 meters, and to walk along it (through the suburbs, then past the factories, and then the canal leads out of the city) takes at least half an hour.— the banks are overgrown with grass and littered with garbage, but here and there on the countryside there are remains of stone cladding. At the exit of the canal farthest from Tsna there is a modern concrete Tveretsky lock (the wooden one built by Serdyukov has not survived), above which two obelisks erected by Catherine II have survived.

The price within the boundaries of Vyshny Volochok is heavily dammed, and on the contrary historical center located Tver Venice- many islands between the channels, connected by bridges: in total there are more than 30 bridges and bridges in Volochek. However, the islands are occupied by a park, and there are no ancient buildings on them. A little north of the mouth of the Tveretsky Canal is boat station, where in summer you can rent a boat or catamaran. Tsna here makes a large loop, which is straightened by the Tsninsky Canal (also known as Serdyukovsky, after the builder), which begins at the Petersburg Bridge. Narrow (about 15 meters) and winding, the canal picturesquely meanders between parks and ancient buildings, and, unlike the Tveretsky Canal, is maintained in good condition: the banks are lined with granite, the water is clean. In general, unlike the Tveretsky Canal, which is blocked by bridges and pipelines, the Tsninsky Canal has been preserved almost in its original appearance and is suitable for boat trips. On Tsna itself, the only hydraulic structure from the time of Serdyukov is of great interest: Tsninsky beishlot. You can get to it along Turgenev Street, and the beishlot is a two-span dam, lined with granite slabs and equipped with modern lifting mechanism upstairs. However, the Beishlot spillway itself is entirely wooden, and has hardly changed its appearance over the past 250 years. Perhaps this beyshlot is the most interesting historical object in Volochyok.

Behind the beyslot there is a large, rather simple architectural plan building of the Vyshnevolotsky hydroelectric complex(late 18th century), where the water system directorate is located.

To the west of Volochok there is a vast Vyshnevolotskoye Reservoir.

This is the oldest reservoir in Russia (not counting the pond of the Alapaevsky plant in the Urals), and it was originally called Zavodsky (from the Serdyukov factories that stood on the banks). It was created by Serdyukov, and its original area was only 9 km 2. However, this reservoir was the most important part of Serdyukov’s project, as it maintained a constant water level in the Tsna and Tveretsk Canal, which allowed ships to pass the Vyshnevolotsk waterway during low water periods. Under Osip Ivanovich Koritsky, the reservoir was expanded to 68 km 2 (at the same time an earthen dam was built near the Moscow-Petersburg road, which protected the tract from flooding), and its last reconstruction was carried out in the 1930s, when the reservoir reached an area of ​​109 km 2, turning into a huge reservoir of fresh water. At the same time, a few kilometers south of Volochok, the Novo-Tveretsky Canal, 5 kilometers long, was dug, through which water from Tsna and Msta was supplied to Tvertsa, and from there, through the Volga and the Moscow Canal, to the capital, providing 8% of the water consumed in Moscow. An integral part of the Vyshnevolotsk water system - located on the shore of the Vyshnevolotsk reservoir, in the remote area of ​​​​Kasharovo (from Vyshnevolotsk bus No. 9) the estate Mikhail Ivanovich Serdyukov. The ensemble of buildings of this estate is one of the oldest in Russia and includes main house and outbuildings in the Baroque style, outbuildings, workshop. I visited the estate more than once

Peter the First

, and according to legend, the barberry bush growing next to the main house was planted by the emperor himself. Museums

Vyshnevolotsk Museum of Local Lore . Address: Kazansky prospect, 63-65. Apparently temporarily closed. The city of Vyshny Volochyok is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia.

, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent


Which federal district does the city of Vyshny Volochyok belong to?

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is part of the federal district: Central.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Vyshny Volochyok located? The city of Vyshny Volochyok is part of the Tver region. A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is its integrity and interconnection constituent elements, including cities and other


, included in the region.

The population of the city of Vyshny Volochyok is 47,732 people.

Year of foundation of Vyshny Volochyok.

Year of foundation of the city of Vyshny Volochyok: 1471.

What time zone is the city of Vyshny Volochyok located in?

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+4. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Vyshny Volochyok, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Vyshny Volochyok

The telephone code of the city of Vyshny Volochyok: +7 48233. In order to call the city of Vyshny Volochyok from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 48233 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Vyshny Volochyok.

Website of the city of Vyshny Volochek, official website of the city of Vyshny Volochek, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Vyshny Volochek”:

There are places in the very heart of Russia, the nature of which is filled with an atmosphere of creation and peace. From time immemorial there are traditions of cooperation and cohabitation of the various tribes that inhabited these places. Slavic, Tatar-Mongolian, Finno-Ugric tribes coexisted peacefully at the crossroads of land and water roads of the Valdai Upland, where Russian Venice is now located, the city of rivers and canals - Vyshny Volochek.

V. Volochek is a nice, cozy provincial town, located on the watershed of the Baltic and Volga-Caspian slopes. The city is surrounded by rivers: Tsna, Msta, Tvertsa, Tobolka... It was thanks to this unique geographical location and many reservoirs and rivers that the city appeared.

Initially, it was a settlement on trade routes, where bread, salt, handicrafts, and furs could be exchanged. The settlement received its name “Vyshny Volochek” for small area hauling cargo between the Volga basin to Novgorod, and then to the Baltic. Everything in this city is connected with Russian antiquity and the great names of Russia.

Early history of Vyshny Volochok

It all started with the need to drag heavy merchant ships, boats and rafts overland from the Tsna River to Tvertsa or back. The Great Trade Route from the Caspian Sea to the Baltic Sea ran here. The shallow waters did not allow the ships to cover this distance by water, so they dragged them along the ground for about ten miles. Trade developed rapidly, traffic was brisk. A village appeared, which was affectionately called “Volochek”. The prefix “vyshny” meant “upper” and was used in order not to confuse this settlement with another “volochok”, “lower”, located downstream of the Msta River, where the Msta rapids were bypassed. The estimated date of the formation of a settlement on this site is 1437. The land route also ran here: from Moscow, Tver to Novgorod. In the trading settlement of Volochok it was possible to exchange salt, bread, furs and handicrafts. By the 16th century Volochek had become a large craft and shopping mall. Under Ivan III, the Vyshnevolotsky Yam, a postal station, was established here. Recreation areas for coachmen were organized here, stables and inns were built.

The first written mentions of Vyshny Volochek date back to 1437, when Metropolitan Isidore was traveling from Moscow to Florence through this settlement.
Vyshny Volochek

V. Volochek under Peter the Great

Peter I gave the city its modern appearance. In 1703, he organized the grandiose construction of a shipping canal between the Tvertsa and Tsna rivers on the site of an ancient portage. By order of Peter I early XVIII century, a system of artificial water canals was created near Vyshny Volochok, which connect the Volga River basin with St. Petersburg. Dutch masters were involved in the design and construction of this facility. It was a huge job for that time. Over a six-year period, a canal more than three kilometers long was dug, but it was practically not used until 1719 due to engineering miscalculations. Only thanks to the talented Russian self-taught M.I. Serdyukov (Serdyukov’s estate has survived to this day), who created a very ingenious and complex water system, did the state receive an inexpensive and reliable means connections throughout the country. This is how the Vyshnevolotsk water system appeared, around which many events took place that were inextricably linked with the history of the city.

Twenty thousand serfs, brought from all over Rus', under the supervision of Prince Matvey Petrovich Gagarin, built a canal more than 3 kilometers long. The project belonged to Dutch masters.

In 1709, shipping from the Baltic to the Volga became through. But by 1710 it turned out that the canal was shallow and suitable for large ships only in the autumn and spring. Self-nominated Mikhail Ivanovich Serdyukov, owner of a distillery near Volochok, with Peter’s approval, took on the reconstruction of the canal, thanks to which the waterway from St. Petersburg to the Volga became fully operational.

In 1743, by decree of Empress Elizabeth, Serdyukov was awarded hereditary nobility for services to the Fatherland. In 1772, the settlement acquired its own coat of arms, and Vyshny Volochek became a city. This is what the Decree of Catherine II commanded for “the great benefit of Russian commerce.” At that time, about three thousand inhabitants lived in the city, among whom were barge haulers, pilots, coachmen, traders, and horse breeders. From that moment on, its economic prosperity began.

In 1785, the Empress visited the city. Since then, according to her highest instructions, everything hydraulic structures wooden ones were converted into granite ones.

Nikolaev railway and industry

The city flourished and grew thanks to the water system, until in 1849 the Nikolaevskaya Railway passed through here, taking over most of the cargo traffic. The opening of the Nikolaev railway seriously competed with the water supply system as a means of communication throughout the country and harmed the dynamic development of the city.

The city began to look for other ways to survive. The dynamic development did not stop, as textile, glass, woodworking and paper spinning enterprises appeared in the city and its regions. This is the period of industrial prosperity of Vyshny Volochok. Numerous textile, glass, paper-spinning and woodworking enterprises made Vyshny Volochok one of the most comfortable cities in the Tver province of the nineteenth century.

During Soviet power The water system was again reconstructed, which made it possible to open its own hydroelectric power station. During the Great Patriotic War, more than twenty hospitals operated successfully in the city, and repair shops were located in the buildings of industrial enterprises. military equipment. About two thousand officers and soldiers were buried on the shore of the reservoir.

Cultural development of the city

Vyshny Volochek, built on swamps, among numerous rivers and lakes, amazes with the number of ancient monuments.

The Transfiguration Church, built in the Russian-Byzantine style, gives the appearance of this ancient Russian city a unique charm;

As guests of the city, we visit the Kazan Cathedral, built on the territory of the Kazan Convent;

Interesting is the Traveling Palace, built at the end of the 18th century for recreation. imperial family when they traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

A unique example of architecture can be called the house of M.I. Serdyukov, built in the style of Peter the Great's Baroque.

The mesmerizing natural beauty of this city has attracted creative people for a long time. This is a real paradise for artists and writers who find inexhaustible sources of inspiration here.

This is academician of painting A.G. Venetsianov, who bought an estate in Vyshnevolotsky district in 1815. He taught painting to young people from various classes, who, by the way, were supported by him. Young men from different families and classes lived in the support of Alexei Gavrilovich and studied painting under his leadership.

This is the philanthropist Kokorev, who in 1884 built a “shelter for poor artists” on the shore of Lake Mstino, which later received the status of “Academic Dacha for Artists”. The names of the most famous Russian artists Repin, Roerich, Kuindzhi, and Ryabushkin are associated with this dacha. The “Academic Dacha” is still used for the practice of young artists; here you can visit a museum, an exhibition hall, and relax in a hotel. At any time of the year you can see new creators there, bending over their sketchbooks.

Vyshny Volochok today is the third largest city in the Tver region, after Tver and Rzhev, with a population of about 59 thousand people, with a well-developed light industry and social infrastructure, in which modernity and Russian antiquity coexist.

Vyshny Volochek is related to St. Petersburg with its history, culture, humid climate and nature. Built on swamps, the city is surrounded by endless expanses of reservoirs, rivers, lakes and forests, with small cozy streets, with the charm of provincial life, it seems to lure guests to plunge into its unique history!