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» Yandex money: login to the wallet. Registration and login to your personal account using your account number on your Yandex wallet page (detailed instructions). Reviews about Yandex.Money Bank

Yandex money: login to the wallet. Registration and login to your personal account using your account number on your Yandex wallet page (detailed instructions). Reviews about Yandex.Money Bank

It is very rare now to meet a person who does not use any payment system. Although if, for example, you just decided to create an electronic wallet today, or switched to Yandex.Money from another system, then some difficulties may arise when handling the interface and other little things that can spoil your nerves: after all, each payment system has its own rules, places and ways to view the score and the like. Today we will help you with one of these problems and tell you how to log into your Yandex.Money wallet and check your balance, or how to do this without logging in Personal Area.

Through the entrance to the office

For this option, you need to have a computer and an Internet connection at hand. First of all, we need to visit the main page of the official website. If you have not yet logged in, you can do this by entering your username and password in the form, which is hidden in the top right under the “Login” button.

However, if you use some other service from Yandex, mail or Webmaster, then we can please you: the login information is general, so in this case you will be immediately transferred to where you need to go.

In front of you home page your profile in the system. “So where is the balance in Yandex.Money?” - you ask? We look up and look for the “Deposit” and “Withdraw” buttons, and between them there will be what we need - a display of the currency of the wallet, as well as the amount that is on it.

Now let's delve into some details. If you click on the black arrow pointing down on the tile with the amount, you should be redirected to this page. Let's take a closer look:

  • Your available balance is the maximum you can keep in your account; this remainder varies depending on whether you are identified or not.
  • In the “Not credited” section, something redundant will be displayed: if, for example, you have a limit of 15 thousand rubles, and you deposited 20 thousand, 5 thousand will hang on this account.
  • “Frozen” may display a transfer for which, for example, the protection code was not entered or the amount did not “fit” into the wallet.
  • And the last thing - “Blocked” - funds are blocked at the request of government agencies or the court. If you don’t know why this happened, then contact service support.

Via card

If suddenly you have an issued system card, then you can also easily check the Yandex wallet balance: all you need is to find an ATM, enter the card, then your PIN code and select the option regarding the balance. Each bank has its own ATM system, so it may be called differently.

Mobile client

The system client installed on your smartphone can also help you in this matter. They are now developed for all three leading mobile systems:

Greetings, friends. The day before yesterday I received a new bank card from Yandex Money in the mail (the old one is expiring), and I’m used to the fact that money from an electronic wallet is always at hand. While the whole process is fresh in my head, I decided to talk about receiving a card and about the payment system as a whole (how to create, configure and use a Yandex wallet).

Electronic payment systems are convenient in themselves due to the fact that they do not have the problems inherent in bank accounts - instant transfers, simple replenishment, automation of online purchases, etc. Nowadays, many online stores directly accept payments through them. Again, you can top up your mobile phone instantly and without fees, pay fines to the traffic police, I even make taxes and payments to the pension fund for my individual entrepreneur through the Yandex Money wallet.

With the advent of real physical plastic MasterCard cards linked to a wallet, the last problem disappeared - the use of electronic money in real life (if only Webmoney had done the same). Now I pay for all everyday goods, including groceries, by card - it’s convenient and there are no losses.

For those who make money online or are planning to do so, the question is “Should I register a Yandex wallet or not?” It’s not even worth it, since with its help you can automate the acceptance of payments on the site.

Yandex Money - wallet registration

Using any service from Yandex begins with creating an account - registering an electronic mailbox on the website There are also options using social network accounts, but I recommend registering Yandex mail and using it for this service. If you have such a box, then everything is in order and you can move on to the next step.

The next step awaits us is the service login page, which in the future will be the entrance to your personal account - There you will find a button asking you to open your wallet and a brief abstract explaining why this is needed. Click the button and you will be taken to the registration page.

Submit your email and be sure to include your phone number. If you didn’t have a phone connected to your mailbox, then you can’t do without it, since confirmation codes for expense transactions will be sent to your number (so that no one can write off money without you). After clicking on the “continue” button, an additional field will appear to confirm your phone number, and at the same time, an SMS with an access code will be sent to your mobile phone.

At this point, registration is completed and the wallet has been created. The initial login will differ from subsequent logins in that you will see prompts. One concerns the top right panel of the account, where the balance, wallet number, deposit and withdrawal buttons and card information are displayed. The second refers to the left menu. The tips are without details, so you can close them immediately; we will look at all the points in more detail below.

Under the prompts in the most visible place you will see your wallet number, consisting of 15 digits - these 15 digits will be necessary for replenishing and for receiving payments from other users.

Personal data and other settings

As your data, the service uses the information that you provided during registration (phone number, email), but it can be supplemented, which will increase the security of the wallet, or changed. In addition, there are a number of settings that will help you customize your wallet personally.

This is done in the “Settings” section of the left panel of your personal account. There are a total of 3 tabs in the settings, one of them concerns bank cards and we will look at it later, but now let’s move on to the first one – Personal Data.

Phone – as for the phone, you can change it (you never know if you’ll take another number) or you can add an additional number, which will increase the reliability of your wallet.

Mail – cannot be changed, but additional mailboxes can be added.

Region has little influence.

Password is a security setting and there are 3 points:

  1. Issue emergency codes – this option allows you to generate a list of codes that can be used to confirm payment when the phone is not available. For example, if you went abroad and there is no roaming, therefore SMS will not arrive - take the emergency codes and pay.
  2. Switch to passwords in the application - by default, codes are sent via SMS, as indicated at the beginning of the paragraph, but you can change the method of receiving them to a smartphone application. If you switch to passwords in the application, then when you request payments, the program on your phone will generate passwords.
  3. Always ask for a password - initially the password is asked only for the most important actions - payments, changing credentials. If you activate this item, then any action in the Yandex wallet will require a permission password.

Balance – you can hide balance and size available funds will not be shown.

All the rest

The name of the tab speaks for itself; settings are collected here on a residual basis - which does not fit into other sections. The “Information” block is of greatest interest to everyone. In it you can enable SMS notifications about all transactions with your account (paid service), disable email notifications (enabled by default) and unsubscribe from the service's newsletter.

For clients of Alfa-Bank and Otkritie Bank, you can establish a direct connection with your accounts in these financial institutions. Everything else is intuitive.

There will be several separate sections about bank cards, so I don’t say anything about them in the settings.

Wallet statuses and account identification

In the Yandex Money system, there are 3 user statuses depending on the degree of their anonymity. The higher the degree of anonymity, the more restrictions are placed on the wallet and, conversely, people who have documented themselves are allowed to do a lot.

Brief description of statuses:

  • anonymous– a wallet whose owner has not submitted any documentary data about himself to the system; such an account is limited to 15,000 rubles (according to the law of the Russian Federation), payments can only be made within Russia, and transfers are not available at all, money can only be withdrawn through MasterCard from Yandex Money;
  • personal– your personal account contains passport data, INN and SNILS; the limit of such a wallet has been increased to 60,000 rubles, you can make payments all over the world and transfers to other users of the payment system;
  • identified– you must present your passport in one of the ways (more about them below); The wallet limit rises to 500,000 rubles and all the system’s capabilities for depositing and withdrawing money become available.

You can see your current status by clicking on the wallet image in the upper right corner in your Yandex Money personal account.

All new wallets receive the “anonymous” status; to change it, click on the link in your personal account, marked with an arrow in the image above. The following window will appear:

If you plan to operate large sums of money through this electronic payment system, for example, to do business on the Internet, then you should immediately register for the “Identified” status; it is done once and for all, but there will be no problems in the future. For ordinary users who need electronic money from time to time and do not intend to store and transfer large sums there, it is enough to register for the “Name” level and calm down.

How to make a Yandex wallet “Name”

Click on the “Get status” button under the description of the personalized wallet and you will be taken to a form to fill out the data:

After saving, there will be a message saying that everything worked out and when you refresh the page in the browser, the status of your wallet will change to personal wallet.

Obtaining the “Identified” status

On the status page, click the “Get status” button under the description of the “Identified” status. Description pages will open different options checking your passport details.

The easiest way to identify your Yandex wallet is Euroset communication stores, they are in every city, so it is universal (I confirmed my wallet this way). Click on the link with the confirmation option (Euroset) and you will see a page with a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

There are many points, in fact everything is done simply and quickly.

At the dawn of the emergence of electronic currencies big problem there was a deposit and withdrawal of funds, since there were few ways to replenish funds and most of them implied a considerable commission, which was repulsive, since losing money on exchange interest is not interesting. Now everything has become simpler - there are more ways to deposit funds, commissions have become significantly lower, and in some places they have gone to 0%.

You can get to the page with a description of all the deposit methods currently available through your personal Yandex Money account.

I will not consider each of them today, since there are a lot of them. Let's focus on the most popular ones.

Top up Yandex money from a card

You can top up your own account from your personal account by clicking on the button in the picture above and selecting the “From a bank card” option. If the account is someone else’s (you can top up your own this way), then open the page – Transfer money and fill in the necessary data.

The commission will be 49 rubles. For large payments this is acceptable.

Top up Yandex Money from your phone

Top-ups from your phone only work for your own account – you cannot send money to other people’s wallets or from numbers not linked to yours. Log in to your personal account, click the “Top up” button and select the “From mobile balance” tab. The commission will be 10.86% - in my opinion this is a lot, but in emergency cases it can be useful.

Top up Yandex money through Sberbank – 0%

Sberbank has introduced a 0% commission, which makes this method of replenishment the most profitable, along with Euroset stores and some other points that do not charge a commission. True, for use this method you will need a plastic bank card, if you don’t have one, then below I will describe ways to get by with cash without any cards.

Instructions from the Sberbank website

Replenishment without commission - Euroset salons

Euroset salons work closely with electronic wallets; if you remember, it is through them that it is easiest to obtain an identified wallet status. Unlike Sberbank, here you just need to go to the seller, give your account number or linked phone number and give the money. Minimum amount 50 rubles and the funds are credited to your account instantly.

Since Euroset is everywhere, the method is the most universal, fast and free. I would call it a “Best Seller”.

Transfers between Yandex wallet and Webmoney

Despite the popularity of both payment systems, there is no direct transfer between them. Usually people get out of it by using various exchangers, paying large commissions and risking running into scammers.

The only convenient way to replenish each other is to link wallets to each other - you indicate that both belong to the same person, as a result you get a direct conversion path.

Instructions for linking are posted both on the Yandex money website - here, and on the Webmoney website - here.

To bind, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Russian citizenship,
  2. Identified wallet in Yandex,
  3. Minimum formal Webmoney certificate,
  4. Matching passport data in both systems.

Not the easiest way, but sometimes you can’t do without it.

Other replenishment methods

Among the well-known ones we can note the possibility quick replenishment through a Qiwi wallet, various payment terminals (their commission may vary even within the same company) and Contact and Unistream money transfers.

At the time of reading this article, the situation may change and the list available ways will be replenished with other convenient methods - you will find all of them in your personal account.

How to withdraw money from Yandex wallet

By analogy with replenishment, in the top menu of the personal account of the payment system there is a “Withdraw” button - this section describes the available methods.

In withdrawing funds back to real life everything is not as rosy as when they were introduced. The reason is simple – there are no methods without percentages. There is no way to withdraw real money for free, except for one way - to pay with it.

Free cash withdrawal is only available when making purchases. And the Yandex Money Bank Card with which I started the article is a real salvation, since when you buy groceries in Magnit or air tickets on the Pobeda website, you spend without commissions.

It’s not for nothing that this card is in first place on the list - the payment system itself recommends this method. There will be a detailed section of the article below about the map.

Transfer from Yandex Money to a Sberbank card (or another)

The commission in this case will be 3% of the amount, plus 15 rubles. You can withdraw money to any card using its 16-digit number. On the withdrawal page, select the “Card of any Bank” item and fill out the data in the form that opens. The money will arrive instantly.

Transfer to bank account

You can make a withdrawal to a regular bank account using the details (BIC, current account) for both individuals and legal entities. The size of the commission on physical accounts will be the same as when withdrawing to a card - 3% + 15 rubles, only it will take up to 3 banking days, and not instantly.

Accounts for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will cost less, and only 2% will be spent on withdrawals.

There are several privileged banks with which the payment system cooperates more closely - these are Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, Promsvyazbank and Tinkoff - to these institutions payments to regular accounts go instantly, like to card accounts, and the commission is slightly lower than the standard - 3%, but without additional 15 rubles.

How to transfer money from Yandex to Qiwi

A common question that concerns many users. There is no way to do it directly using the Qiwi wallet number, but there is a slightly crooked method. It consists in the fact that you issue yourself virtual card– you get its number, expiration date and other data just like a regular plastic card. Then you make withdrawals as if to a regular bank card – the point described above.

In terms of costs, more money will be added to issue a virtual card.

Withdrawal via Western Union and Contact

While there were no card options, these methods were in demand, now I don’t see much point in them, since in addition to the poison commission, interest on transfer systems is also added - the money turns out to be very expensive.

But they exist, and if anyone needs them, know about them.

Transfer funds to another wallet

In the left menu, select the “Translations” section. A window will open that is already familiar to us from withdrawing funds. Above the form there are tabs “to Yandex money wallet”, “to card”, etc. The first tab should open immediately. In the form, indicate the Yandex wallet number, mailbox or linked telephone number of the person to whom you are sending money and the amount.

When transferring within the system, the commission is only 0.5%. Can protect your payment from random errors or suspicious transactions with a protection code. The recipient will not be able to use the funds sent until you tell him the code. The code is valid for a limited time.

Bank card Yandex Money

Now the best part is where the article began. I’ll tell you step by step about ordering a plastic card. The whole process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Order,
  2. Receipt by mail,
  3. Activation.

The initial registration of the card is carried out in your personal account - a special tab in the top drop-down menu.

The page will short description cards and order button. The issue itself and delivery by mail are free, and maintenance costs 249 rubles for 3 years for Russians and 349 for citizens of other countries (if delivery is abroad).

Click order, the site will ask you to confirm entry into the secure section using SMS or emergency entry keys. After confirmation, all you have to do is fill out the form with your data - first name, last name, code word to contact support (if you call the service by phone).

The next step is to fill in the delivery address to which the envelope with the card will be sent.

When all the data has been entered, all that remains is to pay and wait for notification from the mail.

Please note that the delivery address does not have to match your registration - indicate any one where you actually live or where it is convenient for you to receive it.

Card delivery by mail

Regarding the question of how long it takes for a card to arrive by mail, I will answer that it depends on the work of the post office itself. I received it in Moscow and less than a week passed from the moment I ordered on the website to receipt at the post office. This is despite the fact that I made a mistake with the postal code. The shipment is sent by registered mail, so a notification will be sent to your mailbox and you will need to go with it to the Russian Post office indicated on the notice - usually this is the one closest to your address.

Card activation

After you receive the card by mail, you will need to perform one more action - activation. The card arrives inactive and cannot be used.

To start the procedure, go to the page, where you will be asked to confirm access to your wallet. Depending on your security settings, this will be a payment password, emergency code or SMS.

The next step is to enter the data from the plastic card received by mail into the appropriate fields on the layout displayed on the activation page:

The next step is to create a PIN code, with which you will gain access to money at ATMs and stores.

Important! Never tell anyone your PIN code!

After confirmation, you can start using your new MasterCard from Yandex. The service will immediately offer to top it up using mobile phone or by bank card.

True, the commissions for these methods are crazy, so do not forget that the card is linked to your account in Yandex Money and when you top up your wallet there, you will automatically top up the card. We discussed how to do this above.

How to block a card

If you suddenly lose your card or it is stolen from you, you need to somehow save the funds. In the left menu of the service, select the “settings” item, and go inside it to the “Bank cards” tab. I have two of them so far, since I haven’t blocked the old one yet (it’s working until the end of the month).

Next to each of them there is a button for blocking and for setting a PIN code if it is not installed (I had the old one without a PIN code). If it is lost or stolen, go there immediately and block the work before the attackers have time to spend your money.

Yandex Money virtual card

A virtual card has the same parameters as a regular plastic card, but it cannot be used to pay in physical stores. It is used to make payments online. For example, you want to buy something in an online store, but it does not accept Yandex Money, but accepts card payments. In this case, you don’t have to spend money on issuing a plastic card, but make yourself a virtual one - it’s completely free and starts working instantly.

Enter its number and CVC code in the online store and the money will go into your electronic wallet as payment.

It is created through the appropriate menu in the top panel of your personal account.

Payment of fines, taxes, housing and communal services, etc.

A lot of different services accept Yandex money for payment, and the integration is done at a high level.

Traffic fines can not only be paid, their availability is checked on the website in real time. The situation is similar with taxes. According to your TIN, you will immediately find out the amount of your debt to the tax authorities and pay. Very comfortably.

In addition to these services, there are many others, you will find all of them in the “Products and Services” tab. Study it, maybe what now requires you to drag yourself to the other end of the city is already at hand in your laptop.

Accepting payments via Yandex

In your personal account there is a designer for payment forms, where you can quickly create an invoice, page, button or form through which you can accept payments with Yandex Money or using bank cards. This is a simple solution for Internet entrepreneurs, individuals and representatives of other types of business.

Payment through these forms comes instantly to your wallet. Configuration is carried out in the “Accepting payments” section.

Using this opportunity, you can start your own small business right now.

Yandex Money mobile application

Electronic money can always be at hand if you install a mobile application. I have Android and Google Play it is easily searched for all related queries, and is officially called “Yandex Money: online payments”. I am sure that it will not be difficult for Apple fans to find it either.

After installation, you will link your account, to access the program you will need to come up with a separate 4-digit password, then you will be able to make purchases or make transfers at any time, anywhere.

Fund management in mobile application differs little from the full-fledged computer version - the same tabs, the same features, only a smaller screen.

This concludes our today's acquaintance with one of the most popular electronic payment systems. If you still have any questions, we can answer them in the comments below.

And don’t forget to share blog site materials on social networks, and subscribing to updates will not let you miss anything useful.

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Yandex Money is a popular payment system and the main competitor of WebMoney. Paying for purchases, topping up a mobile phone, paying rent, receiving or sending a payment - having a poison opens up great opportunities. In addition, you can create a Yandex Money wallet without leaving your home.

So, how to create a Yandex wallet for free from a computer and what do you need for this?
Go to the page and click the “Open wallet” button

Registering a wallet and account in Yandex

The first and most important condition is to have an account in the Yandex system. If there is one, then immediately proceed to creating an electronic invoice. If not, you will have to register with the service at the same time. You can do this yourself by entering data such as login, password, mailbox address and phone number.

The second option is to register using one of your accounts on social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki,, Facebook, Twitter or Google. To do this, you need to log into your profile and allow Yandex access to personal data. Thus, you will not only be able to create a Yandex money wallet, but you will also receive email, and 10 GB of virtual disk space.

Yandex Money - wallet registration

If you already have an account, you need to log in to it and then register a Yandex Money wallet. In this case, you will only need to enter the email address to which notifications of received payments will be sent and a telephone number

Then wait for the SMS, enter the code in the appropriate field and click on the “Open wallet” button.

This completes the mission of registering with Yandex Money! You are immediately taken to your Personal Account, where a virtual assistant will give you a short tour.

How to find out your Yandex Money account number

Immediately after registration, the account number will be displayed at the top of the page. Later, you can find it out by clicking on the arrow next to your balance in the upper right corner.

In the pop-up menu, in addition to the account number, you will find other useful features, in particular a link to the settings page. In addition, you can go to settings by clicking on “Settings” in the left menu in your Personal Account.

After registration, you receive an anonymous wallet, which has a number of restrictions. In particular, the amount in the account cannot exceed 15 thousand rubles, you can pay with them exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation, there is no possibility to send money and you can withdraw it only at an ATM using a card from Yandex. To correct the situation, click “Change status” in the settings and select the most suitable option for you

If you wish, you can either enter your passport data directly in your Personal Account on the website, which is convenient for residents of the Russian Federation, or go through identification at the company’s office or through partners, which opens up for you all the possibilities that the Yandex Money payment system provides.

Hello dear visitors! The Internet has firmly entered our lives, and with it electronic payment systems, which we increasingly use for various financial transactions. Often this is payment for the Internet, mobile communications, housing and communal services, purchases in online stores, etc.

This page will talk about the Yandex.Money electronic payment system.

From the article you will learn how to create Yandex.Wallet and order a Yandex.Money card. Also, using the example of step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to identify Yandex.Wallet and link a bank card to it.

So, let's move on from the introductory part to the instructions.

Opening an account in Yandex.Money is very simple. To do this, go to the page (the link will open in a new tab) and follow the instructions below.

We fill out the registration form, come up with a username and password. As the email for notifications about payments, we indicate the login (email) that we just came up with. It will receive notifications from Yandex.Money. Then enter your phone number. Click “Continue”.

An SMS will be sent to your phone with a code to confirm your number. Enter the code and click the “Create wallet” button.

And voila! Now you have a Yandex.Money wallet!

If you already have Yandex.Mail, then you don’t have to create a new account in Yandex. Just follow the link “I have a Yandex login.” Then log into your account, enter your phone number and confirm it. And after that, a Yandex wallet will be linked to your account!

Registration in Yandex.Money via social networks

You can also easily and quickly register through any offered social network, in which you have an account.

Let's take Mail ru mail as an example. Click on the corresponding icon. And in the window that appears, indicate the login and password for your social network account. Click “Login and Allow”.

We confirm our consent to the processing of personal data by clicking the “I am a new user” button.

Enter your mobile phone number and click “Continue”. Then we confirm our number with the code from the SMS message. And finally, click the “Create wallet” button.

IN in this case all notifications from Yandex.Money will be sent to Mail.Ru.

How to create a wallet in Yandex.Money - video instructions.

Identification in Yandex.Money

After registering in the Yandex Money system, your wallet will have the status “Anonymous”. An anonymous wallet does not allow you to use all the capabilities of Yandex Money to the fullest. For example, with an anonymous wallet it is not possible to make payments all over the world, make transfers from Yandex.Wallet to a bank card, etc. Therefore, it is better to identify the wallet or at least make it personal.

How to identify Yandex.Wallet or make it personal?

To go through identification in Yandex.Money In your personal account, go to settings, select “Change status”.

A page will open where you need to select the desired type of wallet.

Personalized wallet

If you want to make your wallet personal, then in the appropriate column follow the link “Fill out the online form”.

Fill in all the required data and click “Save Data”. After this, your wallet will become personalized.

Identified wallet

To obtain identified Yandex.Wallet Click “Pass identification”. Choose one of the proposed identification methods and follow further instructions the Yandex Money system itself.

First way The most convenient way is to go through identification via “ Mobile bank" You don't even need to leave your home to do this. You will just need to provide the necessary data and make a control transfer from your Sberbank card to your Yandex.Wallet (payment amount does not exceed 10 rubles).

You can identify Yandex.Wallet through Mobile Banking if:

  • You are a citizen of Russia,
  • Do you have a Sberbank card,
  • balance on the card is at least 10 rubles,
  • You have activated the Mobile Bank service and the same phone number is linked to your Yandex wallet.

If you changed your passport after opening an account with Sberbank, then identification through Mobile Bank may not work.

Second way Less convenient is to identify the wallet in Euroset stores.

1) Choose identification through Euroset, fill out an application on the Yandex.Money website, and print it out.

2) Take a printed application, your passport and go to the nearest Euroset store.

3) Tell the cashier that you need to identify your wallet in Yandex.Money. Submit an application, present your passport and make a payment of 50 rubles (the amount of the contribution may have changed).

4) The cashier will enter the data and print the receipt. Check your details and account number on this check. If all the information on the check is correct, then sign the check.

5) Come home. Open your wallet on the Yandex.Money website and click on balance. Follow the link and confirm your identification.

Third way— wallet identification in Svyaznoy. The same as through Euroset. You need to do the same steps. Come with an application and passport to Svyaznoy and pay 300 rubles for identification.

Fourth method— identification in the Yandex.Money office. This option is almost similar to the previous methods.

1) On the Yandex.Money website you need to download the application form and fill it out.

2) Come with an application and passport to the Yandex.Money office and give the documents to the secretaries so that they can scan them.

3) After a week, a link to confirm identification will appear in your Yandex.Wallet next to your balance.

This method is suitable exclusively for those who have a Yandex.Money office in the city. But so far, unfortunately, the offices are located in only a few cities in Russia. So, I think this option will not work for most Yandex.Wallet owners.

Fifth method— identification through partners in other countries. This option is intended for citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries, and this method is also suitable for residents of Crimea. To undergo identification using this method, you need to contact an identification agent and check with him for a list necessary documents, the cost of the service and arrange a meeting with him. You can find out the addresses and contacts of identification agents on this page.

Yandex.Money also has several other identification methods in its arsenal, but some of them are even less convenient, more expensive and are not suitable for everyone.

Once you have an identified wallet, then, if necessary, with its help you can almost instantly identify several more of your wallets. You just need to copy data from one account to another.

How to link a card to a Yandex.Money wallet

If necessary, you can link your bank card to your Yandex.Money wallet.

1) To do this, go to settings, then to the “Linked cards” section and click “Link a card”.

2) Enter the details of the card that you want to link to your wallet. Click "continue".

3) Confirm payment of the invoice (1 ruble). This amount will be debited from the card and credited to your Yandex.Wallet.

4) If everything is done correctly, a notification about the successful binding of the card will appear.

How to transfer Yandex.Money to a bank card

In order to transfer money from a Yandex wallet to a bank card, go to the “Money transfers” section. Or click the “Remove” button next to the avatar. We choose to transfer money from a wallet to a bank card. Click “Continue”.

We indicate the bank card number and the desired amount for transfer. Click “Continue”.

On at this stage We check the card number and transfer amount again. If everything is specified correctly, click “Pay”.

The time it takes for funds to be credited to the card depends on the bank; usually the transfer is carried out instantly. Personally, I often transfer money to a Sberbank card and there have never been any delays, the money always arrives on the card in a few seconds.

And don’t forget that the Yandex.Money service charges a commission for transferring funds.

How to withdraw funds from Yandex.Wallet to a bank account

To send funds to a bank account, open the “Money Transfers” section and follow the link “To a bank account.”

We indicate all the necessary details and the amount for transfer. Select “Bank Account” as the identifier for crediting. Click “Next”.

Then we confirm the transfer.

The money will arrive in your bank account within 3 business days.

How to top up your wallet in Yandex.Money

Topping up your Yandex.Wallet balance is quite easy. In your Yandex.Money personal account, next to your wallet balance, click the “top up” button. Select a method to top up your wallet and follow the instructions.

How to create a Yandex.Money card

If you make money on the Internet Yandex.Money, then it makes sense order a Yandex.Money card(MasterCard). Yandex.Wallet and card have one account. Therefore, you don’t have to transfer money from an electronic wallet to a bank card while losing money on transfer fees. With a Yandex.Money card you can pay for various services, bills and in stores, just like any regular bank card. You can also withdraw money from ATMs using a Yandex card. Without commission, you can withdraw up to 10,000 rubles every month. For cash withdrawals of more than 10 thousand per month, a commission is charged. Servicing the card costs 300 rubles for three years (the cost may change).

For those who do not yet have Yandex.Wallet, it is possible to get 100 points from Yandex.Money, which equal 100 rubles.

To get points, create a wallet by clicking here. Then, order a Yandex.Money card, and after activating the card you will receive 100 points.

Points can be spent on things, equipment, paying for the Internet, rent, traffic police fines, etc. To pay with points online, simply place an order, and when paying, add points to real money.

To order a Yandex.Money card:

1) Open the “Yandex.Money Cards” section. Select desired type cards and click “Order card”.

2) Choose a card design that you like. Click Continue.

3) Fill in the required information and click “continue”.

4) Enter your home address to which the card will be sent. Click "proceed to payment". Pay 300 rubles for card servicing in the most convenient way for you.

5) After some time, an envelope with a card addressed to your name will arrive at the post office. I received the letter within about 10 days. Pick up a letter with a Yandex card at the post office. Log in to Yandex.Wallet. Go to: and enter your card number. Then activate it and come up with a PIN code.

Now you are the owner of a Yandex.Money card!

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IN modern world Electronic currencies are already quite widespread. And this popularity is constantly growing. Yandex.Money has been operating in Russia and the CIS countries since 2002. This payment system is completely Russian, and 75% of its shares belong to Sberbank. In this regard, the question arises: is it enough to create a Yandex wallet to get all the benefits of electronic payments or will other currencies be required?

Pros and cons of the Yandex.Money wallet

To understand whether one wallet is enough for a person to meet his needs, one should consider the advantages and disadvantages of the payment system of interest.

Among the advantages of Yandex.Money are the following:

  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • the payment procedure requires small quantity actions;
  • ease of authorization;
  • creating a Yandex wallet is not difficult;
  • possibility of replenishment via bank transfer;
  • wide possibilities of use;
  • own application;
  • possibility of use without identification (if the amount in the wallet is less than 15 thousand rubles).
  • Possibility of issuing a bank card linked to the wallet balance.

In addition, Yandex.Money has a high degree of security. It is provided, among other things, by a protection code.

On the one hand, the existing advantages make the payment system in question quite attractive. But on the other hand, experts call significant disadvantages of Yandex.Money:

  • the system is focused on Russia;
  • absolutely all transactions are carried out exclusively in rubles;
  • no two-phase payment mode;
  • lack of lending opportunities within the system;
  • Quite a high fee for withdrawing money;
  • cannot use legal entities, if this rule is violated, the account is blocked.

Thus, the Yandex payment system has both pros and cons. Each user must decide for himself whether it is enough for him to open a Yandex.Money wallet or whether it makes sense to additionally use some other currency.

In any case, do not forget about the security of the funds stored in your wallet. It is important to set strong passwords and not share them with anyone. It would be a good idea to regularly check the safety of the money in your account.

Instructions for creating a Yandex wallet

Only owners of the corresponding mailbox can register a Yandex.Money wallet. If you don’t have an email on the Yandex website yet, you’ll have to create one; you don’t have to do this separately, but go straight to the website.

Step-by-step instruction to create a wallet will help you easily cope with this task. To become the owner of electronic money on Yandex, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. The required data is entered into the form that opens. These include login, password and mobile phone.
  2. Please keep in mind that the login must be unique. Therefore, if you enter an existing combination of numbers, symbols and letters, a warning will appear.
  3. You should come up with a complex password, since the security of the funds stored in the wallet will depend on it. Ideally it should contain numbers and letters. At the same time, it should be easy to remember.
  4. If an account already exists, you can click the “I have a Yandex login” link in the first step. After this, the existing login and password are entered.
  5. You must provide a real mobile phone number, as an SMS with a code will be sent to it to confirm transactions.
  6. It remains to confirm that the wallet is opened not by a robot, but by a real person. To do this, enter the numbers indicated in the special picture in the appropriate field. If you can’t make them out, you can click the “show another picture” link.
  7. Information about the wallet - login, password and phone number (after all, many have several of them) should be written down and stored in a safe place.

All you have to do is click the “continue” button. In the window that opens, enter the code received in SMS, as well as email address, to which letters about transactions in the wallet will be sent. This may be an address linked to your Yandex account.

To complete the registration of the Yandex.Money e-wallet, you only need to read the user agreement. After this, you should check the box indicating that its terms are accepted and agree to the processing of data. After clicking the “open wallet” button, a green check mark will appear next to the ready button and numbers that are the wallet number.

Thus, everyone must decide for themselves how acceptable the shortcomings of the Yandex wallet are to them. At the same time, if desired, you can use several types of electronic money at once. And after reading the instructions on how to create a Yandex.Money wallet, this will not be difficult to do.