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» Green turtle in a dream. Juno's Dream Interpretation - a turtle in a dream. Turtle in clear water

Green turtle in a dream. Juno's Dream Interpretation - a turtle in a dream. Turtle in clear water

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a turtle, then in reality an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Eating turtle soup in a dream means dubious entertainment.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Freud's Dream Book

Ride a sea turtle in a dream - this dream symbolizes the anxiety that has gripped you in Lately. Not only can you not get rid of it, but you also “infect” everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will instantly disappear.

If in your dream the turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, it means that for all your problems you are inclined to blame anyone but yourself. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from the ideal and at the same time spoil your relationships with people. By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men.

Watching a crawling turtle - such a dream foretells you an illness, the cause of which may be your too hot-tempered character.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Family dream book

A dream about a turtle - portends some interesting case in your life. Its consequences will undoubtedly strengthen your character and affect your work.

If in a dream you ate turtle soup, you have dubious entertainment ahead.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A turtle in a dream portends a boring life and slow progress in your affairs. The dream also suggests that the reason for this is most likely your excessive caution.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Spring dream book

Turtle - to the slow but sure progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Summer dream book

Turtle - a false assurance will be made, an empty promise will be given.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Autumn dream book

Turtle - to some kind of debt.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of a turtle means standing in lines for a long time, being late and a failed meeting.

Riding a giant turtle means ridiculous accusations against you from your husband.

A turtle lying on its back, unable to turn over and stand on its feet, is a symbol of vain efforts and futile expectation of change for the better.

A dead turtle in your dream means separation.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Turtle - a good long life.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a turtle, you will be drawn into a squabble.

In a dream you caught a turtle - you yourself will soon start a squabble.

You dreamed that you were boiling a turtle - you will witness a squabble.

If you dreamed that you were eating turtle soup, you may find yourself embroiled in a squabble, but you will benefit greatly from it.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Turtle - crisis in business; inverted - a very bad sign.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Modern dream book

A dream about a turtle means that an unusual event will bring you joy and improve the situation of your commercial affairs.

Eating turtle soup predicts that you will find pleasure in risky intrigues.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Eastern dream book

A turtle is a dream that means that some extraordinary situation will radically change your life for the better.

If you eat turtle soup, it means you will find pleasure in risky intrigues.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

long life with excellent means.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Turtle - things will drag on; withdrawal into oneself as a protective function.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Turtle - you are in vain worrying about things: they are going slowly but surely. Everything will be done on time. Imagine next to the dreamed turtle a huge sea ​​turtle, which buries eggs in the sand on the ocean shore. Soon little turtles emerge from the eggs.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Turtle - a dream about yourself.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Animal Dream Book

Turtle - the beginning of creation, time, immortality, fertility, procreation.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Turtle – The turtle is in the well near the house. - There will be wealth and nobility. A snake that wraps itself around a turtle. - Prosperity, relative wealth will appear. You see the turtle. -Presages a high position for a woman. Caught a turtle. - Foretells mourning. You see the Far Eastern turtle. - Portends the acquisition of wealth.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Turtle, what is it for 1. For many people, a turtle is a symbol of slowness, but also, perhaps, thoughtfulness. In dreams, it also represents a shell in which we - or those around us - hid to protect ourselves. 2. The turtle, of course, can simply be an image of a pet (see Pet), as an object towards which the dreamer's love is directed. It can also, however, be a symbol of long life. 3. In Chinese folklore, a turtle is a highly respected person endowed with wisdom and knowledge. It is believed that it carries all existence and also represents the Universe.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

British dream book

Turtle - These very cute animals appear to us as symbols of terrible slowness, sometimes combined with determination) and long life. In case of danger, the turtle pulls its head and legs into its shell, creating a kind of camouflage, but, however, losing mobility. What is the dream about: Maybe you spend too much time in a shell, refusing to face the outside world? Or do you feel the need to put on some armor before going out into the world - putting on makeup, wearing certain clothes or jewelry? Or maybe you just feel old and behind the times, but are afraid to admit it?

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Turtle - you see a turtle in a dream - you will experience joy and in high spirits you will easily solve all your problems that until now seemed insoluble. It’s as if you are eating turtle soup - out of all kinds of entertainment, you will be attracted to entertainment of dubious quality.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - your worries and anxieties will disappear, since it turns out that there is no reason for them. Imagine a seashore. You see a huge sea turtle come ashore. She settles down to bask in the sun. Ordinary small turtles begin to approach her from all sides. They settle around a large turtle and all rest peacefully together.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Ancient Russian dream book

Turtle - Represents slowness in fulfilling our intentions.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Russian dream book

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - slow but steady progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of E. Ericson

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - slow progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Turtle - a Giant Turtle - to a long and happy life. An ordinary turtle means boredom and languor from idleness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Women's dream book

Turtle - A turtle in a dream foreshadows an unexpected event that will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit. Eating turtle soup in a dream means dubious entertainment.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Turtle - the desire to escape reality; slowness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything. Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. When watching aquatic turtles, you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period. By feeding a turtle, you are not supporting someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, because this amphibian lives for three hundred years, which means it manages to learn a lot in its life. Exists popular belief, that the turtle moves so slowly because it has a long life and there is nowhere for it to rush.

The image of a turtle that appears in a dream can mean procrastination, an obstacle in business, and also personify a person who does not have time to do everything that is assigned to him, who is lazy or simply does not want to do anything.

Watching in a dream how a turtle hides its head in its shell is a sign that in your environment there is a dependent person who not only interferes with the implementation of your plans, but also has a bad influence on you.

Seeing a turtle hidden in its shell in a dream is a sign that you will have a calm and happy life. Harmony will reign in your home, relationships with your loved one and children will normalize.

Watching in a dream a turtle that grabs the legs of a bird to learn to fly - such a dream indicates that you are a very arrogant person and do not listen at all practical advice other people, without even suspecting that you are making it worse for yourself.

Watching a slowly crawling turtle in a dream means that in reality you are a very slow person and therefore it is difficult for you to adapt to the changes that are happening around you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work partner, due to his slowness in making decisions, is slowing down your affairs, and you will not be able to influence the course of events in any way and, despite all your efforts, you will not achieve anything new.

If you dreamed of a turtle crawling in a race with any animal, then real life you will not be able to compete with your business partner: you are too weak and slow to do this.

Seeing a turtle lying on its shell in a dream is a sign that in your environment there is a very wise, influential person who will think several times before doing anything. Listen to his advice.

Walking with a turtle in a dream - such a dream portends a long and happy life. If in a dream you saw one of your close friends walking with a turtle, then this person will live a long life.

If in a dream you buy a turtle, it means that soon a person will appear in your environment who will only disturb you, although his task will be to help you. Don’t waste your energy on this slow person, it won’t do any good.

Watching aquatic turtles swim in an aquarium requires you to be patient as you will be faced with a period of agonizing waiting.

In a dream, feeding a turtle means you are supporting not the person who needs your help, but the parasite who has found strings in your soul on which to play and get what you want from you.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that a turtle was swimming somewhere, then in the near future you will receive lice of wise advice. To help you put these tips into practice, find something made from turtle shell.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that a turtle was crawling somewhere, then life is passing you by. To stop this, eat turtle meat.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of catchphrases

TURTLE - “like a turtle” (extreme slowness).

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Men's dream book

You will show respect for the affairs of your loved ones, which will earn their respect. But you shouldn’t be hasty or openly flatter your superiors. This will bring you nothing but grief.

If a turtle swims away from you or tries to escape, and you try to stop it, you have to hold back a person close to you who decides to break off relations with you. Your attempt will be fruitless. If you want to keep a woman leaving you, the result will disappoint you. Don't take things too personally.

Turtle in muddy watercommercial activity will not bring you profit and will only force you to incur unnecessary expenses.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Indicates an attractive personality, which, however, actually pushes the person towards premature old age.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Idiomatic dream book

“Like a turtle” - extreme slowness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book for the whole family

Turtle - you will show respect for the affairs of your loved ones, which will win their respect. But you shouldn’t be hasty or openly flatter your superiors. This will bring you nothing but grief.

If a turtle swims away from you or tries to escape, and you try to stop it, you have to hold back a person close to you who decides to break off relations with you. Your attempt will be fruitless.

Turtle in troubled waters - commercial activity will not bring you profit and will only force you to incur unnecessary expenses.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Online dream book

Turtle - symbolizes health and experience, but also the gradual development of events.

Walk with her - you will live in joy for a long time.

According to the dream book, feeding her means being surrounded by someone who needs your support.

If she turns out to be dead, you will experience a painful separation.

If you wanted to catch her, you will behave like a gossip.

If you made a dish out of it, streams of dubious reputation will hover around you.

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a turtle, your plans are not destined to come true; the person you relied on, intentionally or not, will let you down.

According to the dream book, a young, small turtle predicts some changes for you, and they will be global and will change your way of life; there is a high probability of meeting someone who will become your life partner.

If in a dream a turtle in the water is a favorable sign, indicating that you will be able to achieve everything you planned, everything will work out for you in the best possible way, now is the time to conclude important contracts and great achievements.

A dream in which you caught a turtle warns that you carefully consider every word you say, and most importantly, do not speak badly about those around you or give away other people’s secrets.

If you did catch her

If you dreamed that you were feeding a turtle - be vigilant, someone is brazenly taking advantage of your kindness, be able to distinguish between those who really need support and assistance, and those who are used to getting their way through the hands of others.

If you dreamed of a dead turtle, you should take a more sober look at things and everything that happens to you, otherwise your incorrect conclusions will serve as a reason for serious troubles in life.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

American dream book

Turtle - slow but constant progress towards the goal.

A turtle can mean a desire to escape from problems or a need to look inside and gain strength.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of symbols

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness.

The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything.

Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life.

Watching water turtles - you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period.

Feeding a turtle means you are supporting not someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of a turtle, this portends a successful turn of events, thanks to which your relationship with your chosen one will improve.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

As the dream book reminds, a turtle combines the water and earth elements: solid ground underfoot and a craving for the new, unknown. This is not the only explanation for why the contradictory symbol is seen in dreams. An image in a dream promises unhurried but sure achievements, harmony between the external and the intimate.

Variety of interpretations

The range of interpretations of what a turtle dreams about is unusually wide:

  • This is a sign of wisdom, calmness, longevity;
  • The dreamer will find out someone else's secret or will be exposed;
  • Possible losses due to the fault of sluggish employees;
  • Soon you will need all your self-control.

Peaceful observation of a leisurely creature foreshadows a positive attitude and good relationships. If slowness in a dream causes boredom, in reality routine will prevail. Complete stillness calls for activity. A surprisingly agile tortilla promises quick success.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

The interpretation of the Enigma dream book will tell you why you dream of a turtle without a shell. Vulnerability in a dream warns of unforeseen difficulties, broken promises, and dangerous situations.

Those who in real life are stubborn, unfair, and prefer a secluded lifestyle cannot lure an amphibian out of an armored house.

Miller and Tsvetkov

Miller's dream book offers an unexpected explanation for why a turtle dreams. According to Miller's prediction, the leisurely creature represents sharp turns.

Esotericist Tsvetkov considers a turtle somersault in a dream to be a serious warning. Floundering on your back precedes forced downtime, as a result - a critical state of affairs.

According to Wang and Freud

According to Vanga's prediction, a motionless turtle portends years of prosperity. The habit of getting nervous over trifles can disrupt the idyll, Vanga warns.

If a turtle dreams of being in the company of a snail, the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud advises men to be more confident and women to be more proactive in the intimate sphere.

Muslim forecast

In Muslim culture, a turtle in a dream symbolizes Last Judgment. The situation can change dramatically as in better side, and vice versa.

Turtle dishes promise many years of prosperity, financial stability, self-development, and the joy of learning. Thanks to a coincidence of circumstances, a bold plan will come true.

Saw a green amphibian

Dream books will tell you why you had to see turtles of unusual colors and shapes:

  • Green - profit will solve the financial issue;
  • White - an important joyful event is approaching;
  • Blue - the time to rest on your laurels has not yet come;
  • Red - it’s time to diversify your personal life;
  • Yellow turtle - avoid misunderstandings
  • Black - the outcome of the case depends on the activity of the sleeper;
  • Gold imitation - wealth will seem like an unbearable burden;
  • Wooden figurine - there is a win or inheritance ahead;
  • If you saw a stone one, you will soon need a large sum.

What did the girl dream about?

Some predictions about why a turtle dreams are addressed to girls and women. You should know that a turtle, like a fish in a dream, portends pregnancy. In the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, this is a sign of decency, virtue, and homeliness. To an unmarried girl the vision promises a successful marriage.

In the Chinese dream book, a gigantic turtle symbolizes climbing the social ladder. If you happened to sit on the back of a giant, in reality your loved one may unfairly reproach you.

Two or more - composure helps

In the dream book of the Pharaohs there is an explanation of why two turtles dream. In ancient Egyptian treatises, a sign in a dream preceded the flooding of the Nile River. A waterfowl couple in a muddy slurry warns of high probability anger those in power.

When there are so many turtles that you can’t count them, everyday worries will cause hostility, and your productivity will drop to zero. The invasion reflects uncertainty and irritability. The dream interpreter reassures that an unfavorable period will be followed by a bright event.

What breed and habitat did you see?

If you are lucky enough to see a turtle, pay attention to its species, habits and environment around it. The Far Eastern subspecies comes in a dream shortly before making a profit. If there is a toad nearby, the dream will bring popularity, but wealth is in question.

The writer Aesop claims that seeing a turtle trying to run faster than a lizard or another animal known for its agility happens to those who have chosen an opponent that is too tough for them. When movement is hampered by quick sand, it actually makes sense to reconsider your plans.

Water inhabitants

If an aquatic inhabitant of the oceans and seas swims in natural environment, no matter any obstacles. A turtle locked in an aquarium promises a period of tedious forced inactivity.

Marine species seen in clean water, symbolize money. River waterfowl precede global changes. The graceful water tricks of turtles are dreamed of on the eve of the fulfillment of a dream.

Land individuals

Representatives of the earth element reflect the degree of trust in the world. Individuals of the red-eared breed testify to the absence of doubts in human decency. Spiny specimens, on the contrary, speak of innate wariness and inaccessibility.

If the turtle in a dream is so big that you can ride on it, your worries will dissipate by themselves. Such an amusing attraction from night dreams brings prosperity and peace to the home in real life.

The meaning of actions and events

Dream books discuss the meanings of dynamic dreams. If their heroine runs away, medium Hasse reminds that the end of the relationship is natural process, which does not need to be interfered with. When a fast reptile catches up, you underestimate a dangerous opponent. If you are lucky enough to run the race, victory will be surprisingly easy.

If you dreamed about how a defenseless creature was rescued and released, the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima clarifies what kind of trouble the turtle managed to get into.

What happened

Being saved from an evil person indicates that third parties are to blame for your troubles. Helped you turn over on your paws - you will come out of an ugly story gracefully. We managed to save you from a man-made or natural disaster - don’t expect favors from fate, act, make decisions.

For pregnant women, the symbol takes on a negative connotation: this alarm signal about the increased risk of losing an unborn child.


It’s interesting to know why you dream about how a turtle gave birth to babies. Armored ones actively reproduce in a dream on the eve of career growth, a valuable gift, or an intriguing acquaintance.

If a woman happens to give birth to a baby turtle, the likelihood of conception is actually high. The Dream Book of Yogis sees in the birth of the oldest creature on Earth the beginning of a new era.

Illness and death

Sick individuals symbolize a lack of mutual understanding. When a pet dies, there is separation, nostalgia, and remorse ahead. He may die to warn against a fatal mistake.

Nostradamus’s dream book considers a plot in which he had to kill with his own hands to be a harbinger of difficult trials.

What does communication mean?

The family dream book contains many explanations of what it means to care for a pet, communicate and interact with it:

  • The delicate turtle skin represents vulnerability;
  • The turtle was swimming - the enemy will end up in his own hole;
  • If you had to wash and scrub - get rid of your competitors;
  • Came out of the shell - justice will prevail;
  • Ironed - a cloudless period is approaching;
  • Carried in your arms - it’s time to rest, gain strength;
  • Placed on your shoulder - commit a reckless act.

Catch or buy?

Yuri Longo will help you find out what the methods of purchasing a turtle mean. If you managed to catch it in a dream, a quarrel is coming due to misunderstanding, parting forever, and a reason for mourning is not excluded. They caught him unsuccessfully - his own talkativeness threatens to tarnish his reputation.

Buying a pet warns against dangerous acquaintances that will cause continuous trouble. If the creature was given as a gift, a parasite will appear in the environment. When the donor turns out to be someone close to you, take a closer look at him.

I dreamed of aggression

If you dreamed that an evil turtle attacks and bites, an imaginary ally will deliberately create obstacles in the implementation of the plan. A clumsy colleague will bring production process more harm than good.

When an attack leaves bites, the reality can be tempting. The consequences of its implementation will negatively affect your financial situation and relationships with loved ones. Loff's dream book recommends resisting temptation.

Who was eaten in a dream

Fedorovskaya’s dream book explains in detail why she dreamed of eating a tortilla. If he eats self-obtained food, someone close to him needs support; feeding is identified with false friends.

Thrill-seekers can eat turtle soup. If you eat meat, the scandal will turn into a benefit. When you find out what a dish is made from only after finishing the meal, beware of slander and trickery. Did you feed your friends? Thanks to your efforts, they will get rich, but they will not consider it necessary to thank you.

Why do you dream of unusual abilities?

In order to interpret as accurately as possible what turtles endowed with unusual abilities dream of, you should remember what emotions these entities aroused in the dream. Often the image is inspired by the desire to do something out of the ordinary. Admiration foreshadows triumph and speaks of the ability to find happiness in simple things.

According to the dream book, a turtle is a symbol of reliability, confidence, determination, and efficiency. Why then do you dream about little turtles? It turns out that these crumbs predict wonderful changes in fate for the dreamer. Which? This is discussed in more detail below.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

Miller claims that having noticed baby turtles in a dream, a person will wake up in a great mood, full of optimism. That’s right, some fateful event awaits him, which can further inspire the sleeper and open up tempting prospects for the future.

To indicate pregnancy and the birth of a child, this is what a woman can dream of about little turtles, according to Miller’s dream book.

On land, in water, and in captivity

Why do you dream of tiny turtles in the water? Modern universal dream book interprets this plot as an extremely positive omen for a person engaged in commerce. This is a sign of sure profit and increase in capital. It’s even better if the dreamer noticed a lot of turtles in the water. This predicts lucrative contracts for him or an excellent sponsor or investor for business expansion.

However, if these were aquarium pets, you are destined for hardships and obstacles. If tiny turtles have literally filled the entire aquarium or glass jar, then a conflict is brewing in your service, provoked by unhealthy competition and envy.

There are turtles that live only on land. Did you dream that poor creatures found themselves in the water? Then you will be forced to attend events during which you will experience discomfort and embarrassment.

Luck accompanies the dreamer in all his endeavors. This is what sea turtles dreamed about in their natural habitat. You can safely begin to implement plans and ideas. Right now, the dream book emphasizes, all doors are open to the sleeper, and he simply must take advantage of the unique chances.

Other habitats

Noticed a turtle on your desktop? Why could this be a dream? You need to wait for better times. For now, all your business is clearly hampered by bureaucratic and paperwork delays. If you are taking on a new position, be patient while there are only organizational difficulties ahead and establishing contact with the team.

The interpretation of the dream that turtles are in the river implies huge, rapid changes in the fate of the sleeper. The Dream Interpretation recommends that he, without delay, take advantage of this moment to his advantage.

Moment of birth

Did you happen to see in a dream how baby amphibians are born? The dream book is encouraging - you have every chance to gain some valuable information and experience that will be very useful later.

For those who put their career and work first, this plot predicts a change in gender professional activity, or promotion.

The universal dream book believes that newborn turtles dream of the fact that the sleeping person at the time of the dream is very susceptible to any rudeness or injustice. He is afraid of everything new, unknown to him. But don't be upset, this is a temporary condition.

Only for women

A dream about turtles is always successfully interpreted for dreamers. If such a vision falls on an ambitious, business girl, then her dreams of dizzying professional growth will certainly come true. And for older ladies, the dream prophesies strong family ties, or the birth of a long-awaited child.

The secrets of the human subconscious have been little studied, but it is known for sure that sometimes it tries to convey information to a person in dreams, the meaning of which is not always clear, sometimes it tries to warn about something, not directly, but with the help of symbols, and it is not easy to unravel them right away. Why does a turtle dream, what does this dream mean, what events should we expect in the future?

Chinese wisdom

The turtle is the oldest animal; many legends and myths are associated with it, and its slowness, regularity and long life give reason to believe that this reptile has accumulated an invaluable reserve of wisdom. The Chinese believe that secret signs are inscribed on the back of the turtle that help to gain wealth, health, knowledge, success and love. It is these components that are reflected in the interpretation of dreams with her participation.

Why do you dream about a turtle? The big one, the Chinese think, appearing at night will ensure a calm, peaceful and stable existence, success and prosperity.

Seeing her in a dream means touching the unknown, learning the secrets of the world, but it is also worth thinking about whether you are living correctly, maybe it’s time to open your eyes and notice the changes happening around you.

When this reptile appeared in a well near the house in a dream, you can be sure that reverence and wealth will soon come. If a woman is lucky and dreams of a turtle, then it will bring nobility and respect. But if caught with your hands, it will bring grief and mourning into the family, and bad times will come.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Legend ancient people says that the turtle holds the earth's firmament on its back in a huge boundless ocean; it was she who gave shelter to people on her shell. They considered her the spirit of the earth, the guardian, which is why they had a ritual of purification, when the Mayans entered under the arches of the hemisphere, as if penetrating into it, symbolizing the bowels of the earth. Therefore, if a person dreams of a turtle, it means that he is moving towards his goal slowly but surely. And when she floats somewhere, then soon the wise and helpful advice will help you find a way out of a difficult situation. For these tips to really help, you need to find something made from a turtle shell.

If you dreamed of a reptile crawling past, then this means that reality itself has pushed the individual to the sidelines, and in order to return to the center of events, you need to eat turtle meat. Why do you have a dream: a turtle, frightened, hides its head in its shell? It is clear that a person, like her, tries to hide from problems and adversity, and there, in solitude, he gains strength.

Old Russian dream book

The folk Russian dream interpreter characterizes the turtle as a clumsy and slow animal that does not want to do anything. And if she appeared in dreams at night, then things will begin to slow down, obstacles and difficulties will constantly arise. Walking next to a turtle is news of a long, prosperous life. And if you watch the animals swimming in the pond, you will have a long wait. If a turtle is fed in a dream, this is a hint that the kindness and trustfulness of the owner and his loved ones is being taken advantage of by a cunning person who does not need help at all.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

There is also a guide to dreams for those born at certain times of the year; it deciphers dreams involving this creature. Born in autumn period a dream about a turtle does not foretell much joy: after all, a debt may unexpectedly arise and you will have to fork out money.

During rest hours, the animal warns those born from May to August about possible deception and false promises, so you should not take everything for granted.

Turtle and business

Surprisingly, in business there are also signs of turtle dreams, and when an entrepreneur sees this animal in a dream, he should suspect that there is someone in his team who is not allowing him to move forward, but, on the contrary, is slowing down the development process.

If a large turtle appeared to a businessman while he was taking a nap, then most likely this means that an unexpected accident can have a positive impact on business, and commercial success is just around the corner.

An animal floating in dirty and muddy water, dreaming of commercial transaction, - bad sign: there will be no profit, and the money will be lost.

Why do you dream about turtles? Many small aquarium reptiles frolicking in it foreshadow the need for patience and endurance to implement large projects.

Did you buy an animal in a store in a dream? Having woken up, you can calmly make a negative decision about hiring a new employee: it will be useless ballast.

If an entrepreneur sees that he is competing with a turtle, then most likely there are difficulties in his work that he is not able to overcome. It could be troubles haunting him or a more successful competitor.

Love dream book

Why do people in love dream about a turtle? For a young man or girl, her appearance in a dream suggests that the other half is not yet sure of the strength of her feelings, and there is no need to rush her, it will take time to make a decision.

Why dream about a beautiful, attractive shiny shell? Such a dream suggests that joyful and bright moments await ahead, and if such an animal dreamed of a wedding, then the young couple’s marriage will be happy. If this dream occurs before a long journey and road, then interesting novel secure with a foreigner.

A turtle running away or swimming away without looking back in a dream, when the dreamer’s frantic attempts to stop it do not bring results, means that close person decides to break off the relationship, and separation from him is inevitable. But you shouldn’t grieve too much about this, everything is for the better.

Turtle in Freud's dream book

The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, interpreting dreams, argued that secret desires and experiences of the individual emerge in them. He believed that if you managed to see a sea turtle in a dream, and even ride on it, this indicates the anxiety that has gripped a person lately. It is difficult for him to get rid of it, he constantly thinks about his problems and infects those around him with his excited state. A more optimistic view of your existence helps to get rid of this mood.

Why do you dream of a turtle that hides in its shell and refuses to emerge from it? Such a dream indicates that a person likes to blame others, and not himself, for all the troubles and problems that happen to him. This is wrong - you should first understand yourself and learn to place responsibility not on others, but look for the reason in your shortcomings.

From popular experience

In general, a turtle comes in a dream infrequently, but if it appears in dreams, it means that a person already has or is about to have an important matter, but he is in no hurry to decide it. Usually the obstacle is the laziness of the dreamer himself, but if he wakes up, thinks about it and tries to speed up the solution of the problem, then a positive result awaits him.

In a dream, you also need to pay attention to where the turtle is. If the area is deserted and far away, vigorous and healthy, then, having gathered strength, you can achieve triumphant achievements. If the animal looks sick and weak, then injustice may come along the way and perhaps you need to wait a little, but do not give up or despair. This may also mean that you feel unwell, and during this period you should consult a doctor, otherwise the condition may worsen.

If the weather is inclement and it is raining, and the reptile slowly and surely moves along the ground and reaches its goal, then the person will be successful in his endeavors, even the enemies and obstacles encountered on his way will not interfere.

When in a dream a turtle is asked for its opinion or talked to, it means that a person needs the recommendations of an older and wiser comrade.

Why else can you dream about a living turtle? If she hides in a shell in bright sunshine and good weather, then the dreamer will experience a cloudless family happiness, peace and love, but if the weather is windy, raining and cold, then the hearth will not escape storms and bad weather.

Sea animal frolicking in clear water, makes a hint about the need to play sports, go to the pool and regularly pay attention to your physical fitness.

Why do you dream about a lot of turtles?

Seeing in a dream a large number of these animals, you should prepare: a long-distance sudden trip associated with an important family event (wedding, anniversary or funeral) is possible.

Many small turtles do not foretell anything extraordinary, and you don’t have to worry about your future days.

But if small turtles hatch from eggs in a dream, then new problems will soon appear on the horizon, and when the dreamer also helps them in this process, then the source of these failures is himself.

In oblivion, reality sometimes changes and looks grotesque and unthinkable. Why do you dream of a big, simply huge turtle? If it is rapidly approaching a person, then this clearly indicates significant trouble for him. A significant number of attacking large turtles indicate more serious problems - betrayal and ruin may await.

Sometimes in dreams turtles literally fall on your head, then the number and severity of troubles will be commensurate with the number and size of the animals. Added to this is a snail's slowness - it is at this speed that problems will be solved.

But a dead animal, on the contrary, is a favorable sign: all your plans will come true. And it’s great if there are a lot of these turtles and they are big, then even the most grandiose ideas will be realized.

When wondering why a turtle is dreaming, you should think about what associations this animal evokes in you. Does it seem clumsy and slow to you? Or maybe strong and brave? The interpretation of the dream will largely depend on this.

It is worth remembering the tales of ancient peoples, and you will notice that animals in them symbolize certain qualities. There will be no exception turtle, associated with thoroughness, wisdom, and balanced decisions. But she also has unattractive traits, including slowness and clumsiness. So why do you dream about a reptile: good luck or stagnation in business?

To find the answer, remember the details of your night visions. Although in general the appearance of an animal is considered a favorable sign, some nuances will affect interpretations.

Why does a woman dream about a turtle?

Young representatives of the fair sex can rejoice at the appearance of a turtle in a dream. This means that in the foreseeable future you will receive a pleasant surprise and the attention of others. When you see a large animal, get ready for an improvement in your financial situation: this will happen after meeting an eligible groom.

If a woman has already found her chosen one, then the speed with which the “tortilla” moved will play an important role. Try to remember whether she was moving too fast or trying to escape from danger because she was slow. In the first case, the dream means that the relationship is developing too quickly, and the man may turn out to be authoritarian. When the animal barely hides from the enemy due to its slowness, the meaning changes: it is worth talking with the chosen one about moving to a more serious stage.

When interpreting such a dream, you should pay attention to the general impression. When the atmosphere is friendly, even a slowly moving reptile will be a favorable sign: she wants to say that the lack of haste will help avoid mistakes.

Why do you dream about big turtles?

If you see a large turtle, expect profit and success in business. A dream where you walk with her, as if with a pet, is especially favorable: a possible inheritance, promotion up the career ladder, or a valuable gift awaits you.

If a reptile appears to a married lady, it portends an imminent pregnancy, just like a fish. But men will need to pay attention to the shell: its heavy pollution warn of troubles, delays in business, failures. Western dream books claim that such a vision means upcoming discord in personal life. After all, a turtle is an animal whose strong external protection helps hide vulnerable spots! For a business person, the habit of being tough to defend a position becomes second nature. In this case, the wise animal warns that such behavior is good in business, but destructive in family relationships.

Why do little turtles dream?

Dreamed turtles become a sign of good luck and future prosperity. When there are a lot of babies, it is likely that the dreamer will find an investor for his venture and successfully expand the business. If they hatch from eggs, then numerous ideas will dawn on you in the future.

It’s worse when you feed one small reptile: an addict will appear in the environment, weak person. Get ready to immediately reduce communication, otherwise you will have to waste time and money on it. You shouldn’t rejoice if you catch a small turtle, which spells trouble. The dream will be followed by a quarrel with a loved one, and if a reptile bites you, the quarrel will drag on due to rudeness on his part.

Why do you dream about a turtle in the water?

A representative of the fauna frolicking in a clean pond means that you will forget about the ups and downs of life and receive unexpected income. Even if failures have been haunting you for a long time, such a dream means their imminent end! After all, a turtle, clumsy on land, turns out to be agile under water and navigates situations where others are lost. Appearing in a dream, it reminds you that in any environment you need to catch your luck and realize the opportunities that arise. It’s especially good if she splashes in a well: wealth will not keep you waiting.

But an aquarium that embarrasses its inhabitant turns into a bad sign! It reveals the internal discomfort caused by the limiting frames. Think about whether you've put up barriers with my own hands or were at a disadvantage due to enemies. When in aquarium water Several turtles are splashing around, get ready for a long wait for an important event for you.

Why do you dream about a lot of turtles?

If in a dream you see numerous reptiles, then the meaning changes depending on the situation:

  • young beauties will look forward to a period full of gifts and sweet trifles;
  • those who are dissatisfied with their work should pay attention to the cases that have accumulated due to sluggishness;
  • people expecting changes will be disappointed when they see a cluster of land turtles, because they symbolize stability and immutability.

During your night's rest, do you watch how the “tortillas”, after playing in the waves, come out to bask in the sun? The dream serves as a reminder that warm relationships are more important than momentary entertainment. Pay attention to your family to bask in the rays of their love and be inspired for new achievements.

Astrologers also claim that the abundance of turtles appearing at night promises profit. But such dreams have a peculiarity - their implementation takes time to arrive. After all, the animal is not distinguished by its mobility, so the dreams inspired by it come true later than we would like!

Why do you dream about a sea turtle?

When you see a turtle frolicking in the depths of the ocean, it means that you will easily achieve your goals. Let her slowly move her flippers, because progress towards success will be slow, but stable. Difficulties await only when the animal becomes entangled in algae or finds itself in dirty water- things will not end as expected.