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» Chinese green capsules for weight loss. Chinese most effective diet pills. What Chinese drugs are most effective for weight loss?

Chinese green capsules for weight loss. Chinese most effective diet pills. What Chinese drugs are most effective for weight loss?

Today on the Internet you can find a wide variety of names for Chinese diet pills. They all differ in their composition, but act almost identically: they try to break down fatty tissue, remove toxins and waste, and activate the body’s metabolic processes. The most popular drugs are:

  1. Bomb.
  2. Lida.
  3. Beelight.
  4. Wild plants "Butterfly".
  5. A pineapple.
  6. Red pepper.
  7. Ideal weight loss.

Let's look at each of these tools in more detail.


Chinese diet pills “Bomb” help to effectively accelerate the burning and breakdown of fats in the body. In addition, they improve metabolic processes, remove toxins and waste, and cleanse the body of excess fluid. Thanks to its anti-cellulite properties, the skin does not begin to sag after losing weight.

The manufacturer of the tablets claims that with their help you can easily get rid of 10 kg excess weight. To achieve this effect, you must strictly adhere to the established course of therapy (30 days). You need to take the drug daily, one capsule before meals (preferably 15 minutes before breakfast). Drink a glass of water. It is very important to increase the amount of fluid consumed while taking a weight loss product.

The active ingredient in Bomb tablets is L-Carnitin, which is considered a natural substance related to B vitamins. Medicine widely uses this component to correct metabolic processes. The drug has antihypoxic, anabolic, antithyroid effects. Helps activate fat metabolism in the body, add energy and stimulate regeneration.

The drug also contains vitamins E and C, chastuha-plantain, capsaicin, and nut fruit extracts.


Unique Chinese diet pills Lida are quite popular in Europe and the USA. The main feature of this drug is the fact that it not only helps to get rid of excess weight and get your body in order in a fairly short time, but also to consolidate the results obtained even after you stop taking it.

These tablets are distinguished by the fact that they are well tolerated by patients. They do not have a laxative effect, so they cannot provoke an unwanted reaction in the gastrointestinal tract. The special composition of Lida tablets helps you lose weight quickly and without problems: cola fruits, golden mandarin, Guaer gelatin powder, Qiaozhui flower, pachymu coconut, plants from the garcinia family, Gualajia and Ganyazhu fibers, coleus, guarana fruits, medicinal purple alfalfa, sweet fruits Jiugan.

As you can see, these Chinese diet pills consist of natural ingredients that help tone the body, relieve apathy and fatigue, speed up metabolic processes, speed up the breakdown of fats, have a diuretic effect, calm the heart and lungs, reduce nervousness, reduce production fatty acids, gently cleanse the entire body of waste and toxins.

What results can you achieve with Lida Chinese diet pills?

  1. Significantly reduce appetite.
  2. Effectively and gently remove toxins from the body.
  3. Get very fast results.
  4. Bring all metabolic processes back to normal.
  5. There is no need to diet.

Please note that the capsules have no side effects unless you exceed the recommended dose. It is recommended to take the drug in case of excess weight, severe swelling, metabolic disorders in the body, poor diet, overeating in order to correct the figure.

The tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children under 16 years of age, patients with hypertension, a history of stroke or heart attack or risk factors for these pathologies, or abnormal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Capsules are taken before or after breakfast, one tablet once a day. Be sure to take the drug with a glass of water. The course of treatment can last six months, but for further use it is worth consulting with a specialist. It is recommended to drink during the course green tea, take vitamins and microelements. Stop drinking alcohol.

In case of an overdose of the drug, dry mouth, pain in the eyes, and changes in blood pressure.


Chinese diet pills Bilight help achieve uniform, permanent and targeted weight loss. In the process of taking the capsules, extra pounds will only go away from problem areas (stomach, waist, hips). The manufacturer guarantees that the drug will help not only activate fat burning, but also normalize lipid levels and metabolic processes.

Another feature of this product is the fact that it is recommended for use by diabetics, hypertensive patients, young mothers and those who suffer from obesity. The drug contains:

  1. Lotus leaf.
  2. Tinder fungus.
  3. Coconut poria.
  4. Inner lining of a chicken stomach.
  5. Hawthorn (fruit).
  6. Rhizome of Discorea supra.

You need to take Bilayt three capsules twice a day. Please note that you can only eat half an hour after taking it. The therapeutic course lasts one and a half months. Thanks to these tablets, you can improve the functioning of the stomach and spleen, normalize the water-salt balance, break down nutrients and distribute them throughout the body, remove fats, waste and toxins, cleanse the liver, and coordinate the work of internal organs.

Contraindications include: age under 16 years, pregnancy and lactation.

Wild plants "Butterfly"

Chinese diet pills Wild plants "Butterfly" consist of natural ingredients: madder, lotus leaves, Job's tears, passionflower seed peels, swamp sprouts. It also contains various microelements and vitamins.

This is a dietary supplement that acts in several directions at once:

  1. Actively burns fat deposits.
  2. Accelerates the body's metabolic processes.
  3. Suppresses appetite, especially cravings for sweets.
  4. Cleanses from toxins and impurities.

The manufacturer recommends the use of this drug for those who suffer from obesity and also want to cleanse their intestines. You need to take one capsule once a day. Duration of treatment is one month. However, you don’t have to go on a diet. It is recommended to avoid alcoholic beverages, which neutralize the effect of the capsules.

Contraindications for the use of wild plants "Butterflies": pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood(up to 16 years) and old age (after 65 years), kidney and liver diseases, heart disease, individual intolerance drug.

Chinese diet pills with sibutramine

Today it is possible to buy various drugs that help get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body. Some nutritionists prescribe Chinese diet pills with sibutramine (Lindaxa, Meridia, Goldline, Reduxin).

If you decide to use these miracle remedies, first note that sibutramine is an anorexigenic substance that helps suppress appetite. His main feature thought to be the release of serotonin. The latter is neurotic chemical element, which acts on brain cells. Sometimes the consequences of taking sibutramine are quite serious: mental problems and heart problems.

Some countries (Canada, USA, Australia) have banned the sale of tablets containing sibutramine, as doctors believe that the side effects are not worth the effect of fat-breaking capsules. Contraindications to taking drugs with sibutramine are: glaucoma, anorexia, bulimia nervosa, mental disorders, hyperthyroidism, kidney and heart disease, individual intolerance to the components.

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A pineapple

These capsules are composed of edible fibers and natural pineapple enzyme. Thanks to this composition, the drug perfectly removes excess fat, cleanses the skin, quickly removes toxins and impurities, and also accelerates metabolic processes. All over the world, Chinese diet pills Pineapple are considered the best food additive which helps fight obesity.

What components are included in the drug: kiwi, pineapple, exotic pumpkin, garcinia mangosteen, amorphophallus extract. It is recommended for use in cases of obesity and excessive obesity, in case of unsuccessful weight loss after using other means, for the treatment of constipation and acne on the face.

Take one capsule once a day. The duration of treatment is one month. There are no contraindications or side effects.

Red pepper

This popular remedy which helps to get rid of excess weight. It consists of natural extracts of red pepper (hot), as well as natural protein and nutrients. The composition also includes: glycoside jiaodulan, zuoyuanzhou.

Chinese diet pills Red pepper create by old recipes, but with the help modern technologies, which allows you to completely save everything beneficial features components of the drug. Taking the product allows you not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

The course of admission consists of 27 days, during which you can get rid of 5-15 kg of weight. Take one capsule per day half an hour before meals (one hour after meals). Take the capsule with a glass of water.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, patients with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, gastritis and ulcers.

Ideal weight loss

If you want to not only lose weight, but also get your skin in order, we recommend choosing Chinese diet pills “Ideal Weight Loss”. The drug is based on natural ingredients: pomegranate extract, rose, malt, peach, citrus fruit quintessence, lotus leaf extract, gynostemma pentaphyllum extract and l-carnitine. That is why the product has no side effects.

Take one capsule twice a day (best morning and evening). The course of admission is one month. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, and patients with cardiopathy.

Method of use and dosage of Chinese diet pills

Such drugs are produced in the form of capsules, so they can only be taken orally. As a rule, the dosage of Chinese diet pills can be as follows: one capsule is taken before meals (preferably before breakfast). The course lasts from a month to six months (depending on the drug).

While taking weight loss medications, you should drink plenty of water and completely avoid alcohol. You don't have to stick to a strict diet.

Losing weight is a complex measure that requires considerable effort, financial investment and time. Diets, regular exercise, special treatments are all reliable remedies, but they are not suitable for everyone. Many people who are losing weight want to get real results with a minimum of effort and time. It is for them that scientists are working to create special medications to get rid of extra pounds.

Chinese diet pills occupy a special niche in the field of “lazy” weight loss. Asian weight loss remedy is effective and progressive. Manufacturers position their diet pills as dietary supplements (dietary supplements), and claim that their compositions contain only natural ingredients.

Which Chinese diet pills should you choose?

All weight loss drugs imported from China are divided into 3 groups according to the principle of action:

  • Causes diarrhea;
  • Reduce appetite;
  • Helps remove fats from the body.

Chinese diet pills are imported to Russia under the guise of dietary supplements, which allows them to pass a very superficial check, or avoid it altogether. That's why their true composition often remains known only to the manufacturer.

The most popular Chinese tablets:


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  1. "Miao Tao"- has a laxative and fat-burning effect. This Chinese drug is approved by the Chinese Ministry of Health. Designed for weight loss up to 20 kg for one course of admission.
  2. "Beelight"- a Chinese drug that reduces hunger to a minimum and removes fluid from the body. In a month you can lose up to 25 kg. These pills make you feel full all the time, but when you take them you constantly want to drink.
  3. "Bomb"- contains hormones that help you lose weight in the shortest possible time.
  4. "Golden Ball"- a drug that cleanses the body of toxins and significantly improves metabolism.
  5. "Chinese butterfly"— weight loss is achieved by accelerating the metabolic process.

Fat Burning Bomb

Bomb tablets - dietary supplement of plant origin. These pills contain fat-burning genes.

This Chinese drug has four varieties:

  1. "Red Bomb"— reduces appetite, contains vitamins C and E, has a targeted effect on fat deposits. Main active ingredients: Brazil nut (reduces appetite), plantain (cleanses the liver), Kenyan pepper (accelerates metabolic processes), L-carnitine (helps burn fat tissue). The most popular type of drug today.
  2. "Green Bomb"— the tablets are similar in composition to the previous ones, but all active substances are taken in lower concentrations, which makes this product more gentle. Persons over 16 years of age are allowed.
  3. "Third row"- tablets, which additionally have strong fat-burning components to achieve the best effect.
  4. "Golden Bomb"— all the substances in the Chinese series of tablets are maximally concentrated to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

"Magic beans for weight loss"

No less popular Chinese diet pills. This is also a dietary supplement plant based, which contains fat burners, vitamins and energy drinks.

The main function of this Chinese weight loss drug is give the person losing weight energy and strength to be active, which is achieved due to the energy drinks included in the composition. By making the body move, the medicine affects the muscle tissues of the body, which in turn leads to natural weight loss. Excess fat will be eliminated by accelerating metabolism, and high physical activity will protect those losing weight from sagging skin and a saggy belly. The product also suppresses the feeling of hunger, and the feeling of thirst noticeably increases.

All these components contribute not only fast weight loss, but also to the health of the body as a whole. According to the manufacturer from China, "Magic beans" help get rid of cellulite. Take them 1 tablet per day, before breakfast. The course is designed for 5 weeks, after a month's break it can be repeated.

Tea extract preparation

Chinese diet pills with tea extract reduce appetite and improve performance digestive system generally. Mostly, Diet pills work through diuretic or laxative effects. Here the action of the dietary supplement is aimed at reduction of adipose tissue.

A preparation with tea extract is one of the most budget options Chinese additives, which will allow you to switch to proper nutrition and maintain normal weight.

What medications will help with menopause?

No one is immune from age-related changes. Among other things, when menopause occurs, it becomes more difficult for women to lose weight. overweight. The reason for this is a decrease in hormone production.

Therefore, in order to get rid of excess weight, a woman needs to select medications that help normalize hormonal levels. The most suitable dietary supplement for these purposes is "Bomb". The variety should be selected taking into account the initial parameters and the desired result.

What pills and drugs help you lose weight without harm to your health?

In addition to these developments in Chinese medicine, other medications and weight loss products can help in your quest to achieve your ideal body. You can act both from the inside and from the outside. Suitable for oral use Chinese teas, capsules, meal replacements. For outdoor - anti-cellulite oils, special products for weight loss.

Pharmaceutical preparations for internal use are divided into 3 types:

  1. Reduces appetite - causes a feeling of fullness;
  2. Normalize metabolism - activate the body's metabolic processes;
  3. They interfere with the absorption of fat - they block the enzyme that breaks down fat molecules.

To achieve optimal results, it is better to select these drugs together with your doctor.

Those losing weight advise:

  • "Qingzishou2 ;
  • "XIYOUSHU" ;
  • "Fruit basha" ;
  • "7 colors of weight loss" ;
  • "Kushow 999" ;
  • "Wild plants Butterfly (Meizitang Capsules)."

Contraindications and side effects

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Balanced diet plus physical exercise- this is the only correct formula for losing weight. However, the temptation to achieve slimness without effort for many people exceeds the arguments of reason. The pharmaceutical and dietary supplement industry is being used. Chinese diet pills are the first to attract attention: oriental medicine preparations are famous for their naturalness. However, there is no need to rush into a purchase: weight loss medications from the Middle Kingdom are not harmless.

What Chinese drugs are there for weight loss?

Although they are all sold only online, weight loss drugs made in China are in steady demand. On the list: tablets “LiDa”, “Beelight”, “Bomb”, “Qingzishou”, wild plants Butterfly. Calling them medications is a mistake. In fact, all these Chinese medicines are dietary supplements for weight loss. At the same time, there is no confidence that this is the original and not a dummy pill. Losing weight is given to only a few. But everyone who decides to take these dietary supplements feels the side effects.

Fat burning pills and weight loss capsules are produced not only by China. Medications that promote weight loss include:

  • Swiss "Xenical";
  • Indian "Goldline";
  • German "Meridia".

Russian manufacturers have also been noticed in the profitable niche. Tablets “Fluoxetine”, “Reduxin” are ours, local. And the Russian company Evalar produces a number of effective dietary supplements that promote weight loss:

  • "Turboslim";
  • "Tropicana Slim";
  • "Garcinia Forte";
  • "Levocarnil";
  • pineapple extract tablets.

Sibutramine tablets

Preparations with sibutramine:

  • "Reduxin";
  • "Meridia";
  • "Goldline";
  • Chinese LiDa for weight loss.

They are released only with a doctor's prescription. The countries of the European Union and the United States have banned these tablets on their territory. Sibutramine has a psychotropic effect and is addictive. Thanks to it, a feeling of satiety occurs even after snacks, hunger is not felt - the kilograms disappear. However, the side effects of the pills negate the joy of losing weight. Here is a far from complete list:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • apathy;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth.

Fat burning pills

In the ratings of Chinese diet pills, Fat Burning Bomb occupies the top place. Just 2 pills a day can get rid of 5–10 kilograms of excess weight in a month, the manufacturers assure. These pills are not for men. They are designed to reduce the volume of problem areas of the female body:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • waist.

Composition of "Bomb":

  • capsaicin (alkaloid hot pepper);
  • plantain and Brazil nut extracts;
  • L-carnitine (promotes the breakdown of fats).

Wild plants “Butterfly” are among the equally potent substances. The dosage regimen is ideal for sloths: 1 tablet per day. A drug:

  • suppresses appetite;
  • promotes burning of fat reserves;
  • prevents the formation of new ones.

The composition of the tablets, according to the manufacturer, couldn’t be better:

  • lotus leaves;
  • swampweed sprouts;
  • passionflower seed peel, supplemented with amino acids and microelements.

Judging by the reviews of those who decided to try at least one of these Chinese drugs on themselves, the effect is strong. But at what cost does it cost to lose extra pounds? Some even reported fainting and hallucinations! An eloquent fact: these drugs have not been certified in Russia and are not sold legally in the country. Consequences of taking:

  • sweating;
  • irritability;
  • dryness and terrible taste in the mouth;
  • sleep problems;
  • tachycardia;
  • pressure changes.

For fast weight loss

If you need to lose several kilograms in a matter of days, tablets of a different effect are used. They do not burn fat, but remove excess fluid, cleanse the intestines, and prevent the absorption of incoming nutrients. One such drug is “Turboslim Express Weight Loss”:

  1. The course of treatment lasts 3 days.
  2. The result is minus 2–4 kilograms.
  3. Capsules contain: extracts of guarana, garcinia, seaweed, corn silk, lemon balm, chromium, senna.

"Xenical" works differently:

  1. The tablets prevent the absorption of fats from food and remove them from the body.
  2. You can actually lose a little weight. But the discomfort caused by defatting is enormous.
  3. Frequent urge to go to the toilet interferes with your normal lifestyle. The stool becomes greasy, and often the undigested substance leaks out even without signals from the body.

Chinese capsules

The manufacturers of the Beelight and Qingzishou capsules claim an exclusively natural and balanced composition: plant extracts, nothing more. Nevertheless, the side effects from taking these Chinese pills for rapid weight loss are the same as those from their other counterparts from the Middle Kingdom. Preparations:

  • reduce appetite;
  • break down fat;
  • speed up metabolism.

Hormonal drugs

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolic rate. Therefore, people with thyroid dysfunction often gain excess weight. Doctors prescribe synthetic thyroxine, triiodothyronine and other hormones in tablets to sufferers. However, for those whose thyroid gland works like a clock, taking such medicines for the purpose of losing weight, it will do nothing but harm. The extra pounds won't go away, but hormonal disruption is guaranteed.

Harmless tablets

Are there any weight loss medications that really help and are safe? Experts are unanimous in their opinion: there are no magic pills that would miraculously cleanse the body of fat reserves without affecting health, and by definition there cannot be. Recipe perfect figure simple: sport multiplied by reasonable approach to nutrition.

According to statistics, every sixth person on the planet suffers from overweight or obesity. The main reason for gaining extra pounds is considered to be an imbalance between incoming and burning calories. To lose weight, you need to eat right and exercise, but if you can’t do this, various weight loss supplements come to the rescue. Chinese medicines are popular.

What are Chinese weight loss products?

Weight loss drugs from China usually mean tablets, capsules, powders and injections containing active herbal ingredients. The use of these products helps to influence metabolism, accelerate metabolic processes and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Most medications do not have an exact composition, so they should be used with caution.

Release form

Chinese weight loss medications are available in the format of tablets, powders for dissolution in water, capsules, and chewable tablets. All of them are taken orally, each product has its own instructions for use. Examples of medications:

  1. Capsules – Bilayt, LiDa, Dali, Miaozi.
  2. Tablets – Miao Tiao, Golden Ball, Bomb.
  3. Powder – Butterfly, Ultra effect, Skinny coffee.
  4. Chewable tablets – Pineapple, Yu Shu.

What are they made of?

People who have taken Chinese drugs talk about the discrepancy between the compositions declared by the manufacturer on the packaging and those found in reality. According to the manufacturers, the composition includes:

  • lotus flowers - a moderate diuretic laxative, safe for the stomach, increases the flow of bile;
  • green tea is an energy product, used to cleanse blood vessels, is good for the heart, speeds up metabolism, and is an antioxidant;
  • black tea – a source of tannins, an energy stimulant;
  • L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance that transports lipids to cell membranes and accelerates their combustion;
  • B vitamins – improve health nervous system, accelerate metabolic reactions, create a calorie deficit, but have no effect on fat burning;
  • extract from chrysanthemum flowers or leaves – has choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • iodine – participates in the metabolic reaction, is useful for the thyroid gland, but does not burn fat;
  • Cassia torr leaves or seeds (senna, Alexandria leaf) are laxatives without additional properties;
  • caffeine, guarana – stimulants of the nervous system, improve fat burning, a remedy against increased appetite;
  • reishi mushrooms – cleanse the liver, burn fat;
  • Hoodia cactus – reduces appetite, works selectively;
  • pineapple extract – accelerates metabolism;
  • spirulina algae – a source of vitamins, minerals, biologically active food additive (BAA);
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract – regulates carbohydrate metabolism, reduces cravings for sweets.


Chinese weight loss drugs are divided into several groups according to the type of action and the content of active substances. Approximate classification:

  1. Nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals. Dietary supplements containing minerals and vitamins. There is an opinion that a person loses weight if the body receives sufficient nutrients, but this has not been proven.
  2. Laxatives and diuretics. Reduces a person’s body weight by removing excess fluid and large quantity feces This effect is short-term, in addition, constant use of such drugs can cause harm to the body in the form of dehydration, loss of beneficial microflora, and electrolytes in the intestines.
  3. Medicines based on cellulose. They cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, but are not suitable for obese people if there is inflammation in the organs.

Fat burners and anorectics

The largest group of Chinese drugs are fat burners and anorectics. They affect the brain, which commands the body to be full: this leads to suppression of appetite and increased vigor. Most anorectic drugs contain sibutramine hydrochloride, which is an analogue of amphetamine. Fat burners are a diverse group of drugs that speed up metabolic processes, but this is doubtful. Popular weight loss drugs from this group are Fluoxetine, Golden Ball, Lipovox.


Chinese weight loss drugs are not only available in oral formats. There is a large group of lipolytics that contain natural soy enzymes and are injected into the subcutaneous fat. This starts the process of fat breakdown and accelerates lipid metabolism, additionally tightens the skin, and normalizes blood flow. The active components of the drugs convert excess fat into an emulsion and remove it from the body. Lipolitics are administered by injection or a mesoscooter (a device with micro-needles). Representatives of the group are Aqualix and MRKh-complex.

With sibutramine and ephedrine

To get rid of excess weight and additionally cleanse the body, Chinese drugs with sibutramine are used: these are Meridia, Reduxin, Goldline. When taking them, you should remember that sibutramine is an anorexigenic substance that suppresses appetite. A special feature of the component is the release of serotonin, which has a neurotic effect on brain cells, and its excess can lead to mental problems and heart disorders.

Ephedrine also does not have the best effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. In some countries, the sale of weight loss drugs based on sibutramine and ephedrine is prohibited because the side effects exceed the benefits of taking the drugs. Contraindications to the use of these drugs are individual intolerance to the components, glaucoma, kidney and heart diseases, hyperthyroidism, and long-term mental disorders.

Indications for use

Chinese drugs for weight loss are not prescribed by official medicine, they are not registered in the State Register for the treatment of overweight and obesity, and they cannot be bought in pharmacies. The patient purchases them at his own risk and is responsible for the lack of results or side effects. Indications for the use of these funds are the desire to lose weight without sports and diets, consolidation of the effect of weight loss, problems with the functioning of the digestive tract.

Mechanism of action

Manufacturers of Chinese drugs write on the product labels that the drugs have a number of properties. Their mechanism of action is based on the following effects:

  1. Anti-cellulite and drainage properties - removing excess fat, smoothing the skin, increasing its elasticity. These products include Magic Bean tablets and Apple Cider Vinegar candies.
  2. Removing toxins and excess fluid - eliminating swelling, cleansing the intestines of toxins. Ginseng gel, Fenfluramine and Medonil have such properties.
  3. Accelerates metabolism and reduces appetite - the drugs reduce the feeling of hunger and stimulate the brain to send signals to the stomach about satiety. This reduces calorie intake. The remedies in this group are Medohar Guggul and Herbal Plant.
  4. Blocking the absorption and synthesis of fats by the body - the active components of such products (glycosides) prevent fats from being stored in reserves, all lipids are used to waste energy. Such drugs are Bilayt and Red pepper.

Is it possible to lose weight on pills from China?

The use of Chinese drugs for weight loss involves taking them orally. The approximate dosage is one capsule or tablet before breakfast for a course of one month to six months. You need to drink while taking medications more water, give up alcohol, manufacturers allow you not to limit yourself in nutrition, but for the results to be effective, it is recommended to reduce the number of calories consumed.

It is possible to lose weight on Chinese pills, but it carries some dangers. If a person is completely healthy, then he will be able to reduce weight, albeit by a small amount of kilograms, without harm to health. In the presence of diseases, especially chronic ones, the use of capsules and powders may result in exacerbation of inflammation and side effects. It is unknown how the body will react to the penetration of herbal and plant extracts.

Efficiency of use

In the best case of using Chinese drugs, the effectiveness of weight loss is about 5 kg per month. In the worst case scenario, the products are not effective at all, because due to the lack of certification, they may not add anything useful. According to reviews from those taking the drug, you can lose 7–10 kg in three months if you follow a diet and exercise, but the same effect will be visible without taking pills.

In most cases, the placebo effect plays a role when a person convinces himself that he is losing weight. You can maintain the achieved effect by restoring proper nutrition. Manufacturers of Chinese tablets recommend repeating the course 2-3 times a year with breaks between doses of 1-1.5 months. If a woman or girl tolerates the drugs well, they can try taking pills regularly, although official medicine is against this due to possible allergic reactions.

Possible consequences and side effects

Taking Chinese weight loss medications is safe for humans if they contain only natural ingredients and nothing unnecessary. Otherwise or if the dose is exceeded, side effects may develop. The consequences of the interaction are:

  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gastritis;
  • dizziness, headache, loss of coordination;
  • hallucinations, loss of consciousness, insomnia, depression;
  • hair loss, skin defects;
  • intoxication;
  • increased load on the liver and heart;
  • potency disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • skin rash;
  • cardiovascular cardiopathy;
  • psychoneurological and psychotropic disorders;
  • loss of appetite, anorexia, dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst.

What Chinese drugs are most effective for weight loss?

Most Chinese manufacturers suggest drinking one capsule or tablet every day during or after breakfast. You should avoid drinking tea and coffee during treatment with such dietary supplements, eating, rich in fiber and protein. Popular tablets for obtaining the effect of eliminating fat:

  1. Kushou - created on the basis of fruits, shrubs and plants, burn fat and remove it out, preventing the deposition of new fat layers and reduce appetite. The composition contains L-carnitine, ginseng, spirulina, propolis, aloe, salisburia, lingzhi, rimonabant. The action of the product is aimed at the waist, legs, stomach, arms, buttocks.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is a chewable candy containing the active ingredient of the same name. It is obtained through fermentation and extraction. Apple cider vinegar is a valuable source of energy and helps you lose up to 6 kg in 10 days or 20 kg in a month.


The Chinese company Dali produces LiDa diet pills, which involve losing weight without problems. The manufacturer promises to relieve the patient of excess weight, put the body in order within short term, to consolidate the result for a long time after stopping treatment. The tablets do not have a laxative effect. The composition of the medicine includes cola fruits, Jiugan, guarana, Gualajia and Ganyazhu fibers, Guaer gelatin powder, Qiaozhui flowers, purple alfalfa, golden mandarin, pachymu coconut, garcinia extract.

According to the manufacturer's promises, the tablets help tone the body, eliminate apathy and fatigue, and accelerate metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats. The drug has a diuretic effect, reduces nervousness and the production of fatty acids, gently cleanses the body of waste and toxins, normalizes the functioning of the heart and lungs, and reduces stomach distension. The product is intended for overweight, severe swelling, metabolic disorders, and for correcting a figure affected by poor diet and overeating.

Contraindications to taking LiDa are pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years, hypertension, previous heart attack or stroke, factors in the development of these pathologies, and improper functioning of the digestive tract. It is recommended to take the tablets once a day with a glass of water. The course can last six months. During this period, you must give up smoking and alcohol; it is recommended to drink green tea and take vitamins. In case of an overdose, dry mouth, burning in the eyes, and decreased blood pressure are possible.


The drug Bilayt is produced by the same Dali company. The product is based on natural ingredients; even the inner shell of the capsules is made from chicken stomachs. The use of the medication helps fight fat reserves and heal the body. When taking Bilayt, extra pounds disappear from the stomach, hips, and waist. The Chinese drug promises to activate fat burning and normalize lipid levels and metabolic processes.

Bilayt contains lotus leaf, tinder fungus, poria cocos, hawthorn fruits, rhizomes of discorea supra. You need to take three capsules twice a day, after half an hour you can eat. The course of treatment lasts a month. The use of Bilayt helps improve digestion, normalize water-salt balance, break down and remove excess fat and toxins.

Contraindications: pregnancy, age under 16 years, breast-feeding. The danger of taking Bilayt and LiDa is that they will contain herbs that cause vomiting and diarrhea. Weight loss occurs due to dehydration of the body. As a result, side effects include poisoning, burns of the esophagus and stomach, and hemorrhoids. There have even been deaths.

Fruit Basha

Chinese Fruit Basha tablets contain Brazilian apple extract, which is rich in amino acids and vitamins. The drug improves the functioning of the digestive system, removes toxins, and breaks down fats. Metabolism improves, excess weight goes away, cholesterol levels decrease. At the same time, the capsules reduce appetite and improve appearance skin. According to reviews, you can lose 10 kg in a month.

Bomb for weight loss

Chinese Bomba tablets are called so because they have a very rich composition. The active substance is levocarnitine, which is related to B vitamins. This component corrects metabolic processes and has anabolic, antihypoxic, and antithyroid effects. Due to this, the drug activates fat metabolism, increases energy production and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Additional components of the composition are vitamins E, C, nut fruit extract, capsaicin (extract from hot red pepper), chastuha-plantain. The manufacturer assures that the medicine is manufactured according to special technology, fights obesity, constipation, skin pigmentation and smoking cravings. The bomb accelerates fat burning, improves metabolic processes, removes excess fluid, has anti-cellulite properties and prevents the skin from sagging. In 30 days you can lose 10 kg. Take one capsule daily 15 minutes before breakfast with a glass of water.

Golden ball

Golden Ball capsules are made from extracts of papaya, lemon, spirulina and quince. These components have long been known as fat-burning and immune-strengthening substances. The unique phytocomposition of the capsules combines the experience of traditional Chinese medicine and advanced pharmaceutical achievements. Due to this, the maximum weight loss effect is achieved. According to the company's promises, excess weight will disappear forever if you take one capsule every day.

Wild plants Butterfly (Meizitang Capsules)

Butterfly tablets will help you lose 7–10 kg per month and fill your body with amino acids and microelements. The composition contains extracts of madder wild plants, passionflower seed peels, lotus leaves, swamp sprout, Job's tears. The drug blocks the breakdown of triglycerides, they are not absorbed, which reduces the amount of calories entering the body. Additionally, the product accelerates cell metabolism, removes toxins, and suppresses appetite.

You need to take Butterfly capsules once a day, one capsule for a month. During the reception you should avoid alcoholic beverages. Contraindications for use of the medication:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age under 18 years and after 65 years;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • allergy to the components of the medicine.


This Chinese drug is based on fruits and plants and eliminates fat deposits on the waist, hips, and buttocks. Taking capsules inhibits fat synthesis and eliminates the cause of gaining extra pounds. Indian lotus leaf extract burns subcutaneous fat, which stimulates muscle strengthening and restores collagen levels, which maintain skin elasticity. Under the influence of the capsules, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

7 colors of weight loss

Chinese medicine has a rich composition that removes accumulated fat from the body. Burning of lipid reserves occurs evenly, the effect persists even after discontinuation of use. Do not combine the medicine with alcohol or coffee. It is recommended to take one capsule per day half an hour before meals. Composition of the product:

  • extracts of pomegranate, white beans, lingonberries, grapes, spirulina;
  • extracts of green tea, peach, mangosteen, garcinia, spinach;
  • chromium, methionine, water-soluble fiber;
  • coenzyme Q10, bone collagen;
  • L-carnitine.


The drug contains lingzhi ascospores and codyceps chinensis mycelium powder. The product helps to lose weight, restore the functioning of brain cells, regulate blood pressure, and reduce sugar in the blood and urine. The medication is approved for use from the age of 18, is hypoallergenic and has no side effects. It should be taken one capsule daily in the morning.


The medicine Siyusha includes sea plants that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, cleanse it of toxins, and speed up metabolism. Due to the content of iodine and vitamin B, the immune system and nervous system are strengthened, metabolism is activated, and oxygen saturation of cells is improved. Already in the first days of taking the capsules, fat deposits on the abdomen, waist, and buttocks are reduced.

Skinny coffee (Miracle 26) or coffee for weight loss

The Chinese brand Guozhan produces a special vitamin coffee for weight loss, Miracle 26. It can be used alone or in combination with other capsules. The composition includes herbal extracts that suppress appetite and help you lose extra pounds comfortably. Every day it is recommended to drink a cup of aromatic coffee, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, to start the digestive processes.


You can order weight loss medications through the online store or buy them in stock from official distributors. The purchase price will depend on the volume of packaging and the type of product. Sellers regularly have promotions and discounts, free shipping. Approximate prices in Moscow:


Price, rubles

Medonil 30 capsules

Hot pepper tablets

3x slimming 30 pcs.

Lida 30 pcs.

Kuamiy 18 pcs.

Fei Shou Bu Ke slimming capsules

Candy Apple Cider Vinegar

Magic beans 36 pcs.

Ganoderma TienShan

Pineapple 60 bags


  • Laxative tablets should not be taken if you are constipated;
  • sources of caffeine are prohibited for heart problems or high blood pressure;
  • allergy to constituent components;
  • stomach ulcer, problems with the pancreas, spleen;
  • bulimia;
  • fiber sources should not be taken if you have dysbiosis;
  • Diuretics are prohibited for use with low blood pressure and kidney problems.


Many people want to lose weight with the help of food supplements, which is why diet pills are in demand. There are many similar products on sale, most of which are made in China. Not all of them are effective and safe for health, since some do not contain too much useful material. The manufacturer often “forgets” to indicate on the packaging components that are prohibited in a number of European countries.

How do Chinese weight loss drugs work?

Most dietary supplements for weight loss can be divided into several groups according to the method of action. However, some of them combine several types:

  • Fat burners. These products contain fruit extracts (pineapple, apple) and other plants that help break down fat. They activate the production of lipase, a liver enzyme that is involved in fat metabolism, and have a slight anabolic effect.
  • Digestive stimulants. Some products are based on plant fiber, which helps improve intestinal motility. It is worse if laxatives are included among the ingredients - when taken for a long time, such tablets cause atony (the intestines become “lazy”) and contribute to the loss of potassium, which is harmful to the heart.
  • Psychostimulants. Almost all Chinese dietary supplements contain plant extracts that affect the nervous system. The goal is to suppress appetite and instill a feeling of satiety.

Mechanism of action

Most weight loss products from China have the property of accelerating lipid metabolism and promoting the breakdown of fat. All kinds of supplements prevent the body from feeling hungry and reduce appetite. Other properties of diet pills declared by manufacturers:

  • Anti-cellulite. By activating blood circulation, accelerating metabolism, and enhancing lymph drainage, some dietary supplements have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. “Magic Beans” and LiDa tablets help eliminate cellulite.
  • Removing excess fluid. In the process of losing weight, an important place is occupied by the removal of excess fluid from the body, which accumulates in fat cells, contributing to their stretching. The drug “Golden Ball”, Qingzishou, has these properties.
  • Corrective. Many dietary supplements are designed to correct weight, and not to reduce it uncontrollably. Chinese capsules LiDa, Fruit Basha will help you get the optimal result - to lose weight to the size planned by nature.
  • Lipolytic. An important task of diet pills is to eliminate fat that has accumulated in the hard to reach places, therefore almost all of them have a lipolytic effect. The tablets contain an enzyme that is produced in the body by the liver - lipase - it promotes the breakdown of fat molecules, and is represented in dietary supplements by lecithin (Mangosteen Syrup, Apple Cider Vinegar tablets).
  • Drainage. Sometimes when losing weight, swelling occurs, especially if you drink water before bed and do not limit your salt intake. The drainage effect will help get rid of such manifestations and cleanse the body of excess fluid. Chinese diet pills “Magic Beans”, Qingzishou have diuretic properties and help restore water-salt balance.
  • Lymphatic drainage. When the fat layer is eliminated, breakdown products are formed that must be removed from the body. To do this, it is advisable to activate the lymphatic system, which transports waste. Lymphatic drainage action is claimed for such products as Lida, Bilayt.
  • Decreased appetite. In addition to activating the breakdown of fats, almost all tablets have the property of reducing hunger. Some of them contain components that swell in the stomach, others provide interaction with nerve endings that signal the brain that the body does not need nutrients(Wild plants “Butterfly”, Lida).
  • Removal of waste and toxins. Bilayt, Kushou 999 normalize the functioning of the excretory system, help cleanse the body of waste and toxins (lymphatic drainage).
  • Reducing body fat. The removal of excess fluid and the breakdown of fats leads to a decrease in body volume. This is how the “Golden Ball” capsules work, Qingzishou.
  • Acceleration of the metabolic process. Chinese weight loss products “Apple Cider Vinegar” and wild plants “Butterfly” speed up metabolism, help the body quickly get rid of calories, converting them into energy. Among the components that accelerate metabolism are L-Thyroxine, lecithin, etc.
  • Blocking fat synthesis. Not all fats that enter the body with food are absorbed by the intestines; some of them (about 2%) are not absorbed. The rest are split and turned into energy or settle on the sides. Diet pills increase the percentage of fat that is excreted unchanged from the body. (Beelight, Bomb).

Composition of funds

Some dietary supplements supplied from China are not tested, although the manufacturer indicates their composition. Most often on the packaging you can see a list of the following components:

  • Garcinia Cambogia extract. The fruits of this shrub contain hydroxycitric acid, which activates metabolic processes in the body. The substance helps maintain glucose levels, which signals the brain that the body is full.
  • Guarana extract is an analogue of caffeine. Consumption of guarana promotes the appearance of energy, which is produced from fat reserves.
  • Bitter orange (porange). The fruit contains a special substance - synephrine, which increases heat production and speeds up metabolism.
  • Tinder fungus. Contains a unique acid – agaricic acid, which stimulates the functioning of the liver and spleen. Enzymes that promote the breakdown of fat begin to be more actively produced.
  • Poriya coconut. Another tinder mushroom that grows underground and looks like a coconut. It has a calming effect, contains substances that improve the functioning of the digestive system and have diuretic properties.
  • Kola nuts. These fruits are energy drinks; their powder forces the body to burn fat reserves and transform them into energy, giving vigor.
  • Ginseng – tones, stimulates the adrenal glands, enhances the functions of the sex glands, increases potency.

Substances not listed on the packaging were found in some Chinese weight loss drugs.. The process of weight loss is triggered not only by natural plant ingredients, but sometimes not so harmless ingredients “work” like this:

  • Sibutramine (Reduxin). This substance is an appetite regulator, reducing the feeling of hunger. Previously, it was used in products intended to treat people with obesity. Later, sibutramine was banned in European countries - this compound has a lot of side effects and can cause the development of cardiopathy, hypertension, and cause neuropsychiatric problems.
  • Benfluorex. A psychotropic substance from the amphetamine group that affects brain functions and forces a person to expend a lot of energy. Possible heart problems - acute failure, heart attack. The substance is classified as prohibited.
  • Fenfluramine. Also from the group of amphetamines, it activates the production of serotonin. The hormone is responsible for good mood, promotes the transmission of impulses in the hypothalamus, where the saturation center is located, and a person ceases to feel the feeling of hunger. It can cause intoxication and provoke the development of heart failure and pulmonary hypertension.

Effective Chinese diet pills - top 10

It is not always easy for a consumer to navigate the sea of ​​weight loss products that can be purchased online or in pharmacies in their city. Dietary supplements that promote weight loss differ in composition, price and mechanism of action. It's worth choosing from the best drugs, carefully studying the side effects and contraindications.

Lida capsules

Dietary supplements for weight loss produced by the Chinese company Dali have many modifications, but in all of them the components are approximately the same. Lida capsules contain natural herbal ingredients - garcinia cambogia extracts, guarana fruits, golden mandarin, cola nut powder. It simultaneously affects the saturation center and fat reserves, promoting their burning. Lida adds energy, normalizes digestion and reduces nervousness.

Taking 1-3 tablets per day (depending on the modification of the drug) you can lose from 5 to 10 kg per month. In this case, the course of treatment should not exceed 3 months. Capsules are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and cardiac diseases. People with diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system should take the tablets with caution.

The composition of the drug, in addition to phytocomponents (tinder fungus, lotus leaves, hawthorn fruits), contains an unusual ingredient - dried chicken stomach film containing creon, which is necessary for normalizing digestion. The course is designed for 3-12 weeks, during which weight normalization goes through the stages of reducing appetite, burning fat deposits and consolidating the result. The regimen allows you to lose up to 8 kg in a month without harm to your health. Disadvantages - there is a possibility of buying a fake. Side effects include dizziness, nausea and insomnia.

Tablets "Fruit Basha"

The basis of this drug is the extract of the “Magic Brazilian Fruit” (fruits of the Brazilian apple tree). However, there is no information about this miracle plant in the Russian segment of the Internet. More likely, we're talking about about cashew nuts, which are collected unripe. The manufacturer of Fruit Basha is the Dali company, known for its Lida capsules. Disadvantages - questionable composition, among the components are starch, vitamin complex (group B) and amino acids.

Pros: Basha fruit helps you lose from 150 to 500 g per day, which in terms of a 30-day period is 4.5-15 kg. According to the manufacturer, taking the capsules helps get rid of figure defects and burn fat reserves that cannot be affected - on the stomach, thighs. At the same time, during the course, appetite decreases and more energy appears. Side effects– sleep disturbance, attacks of hypertension.

"Golden Ball"

The drug contains green coffee, hoodia cactus extract from the deserts of Africa, green tea, garcinia cambogia and burdock leaves. This combination starts metabolic processes and blocks the feeling of hunger due to the glycoside content. Take 2 capsules per day to treat obesity, and 1 capsule to prevent weight gain. The course is designed for 1-2 months, during which you can lose 5-12% of your total weight. Cons – the drug does not help everyone. Side effects - allergies, anxiety, insomnia.

"Wild plants Butterfly (Meizitang Capsules)"

Kola nuts, psyllium husks, lotus leaves, swampweed, oriental sigezbekia, madder - the composition of tablets with an unusual name. Cons - the drug contains sibutramine, which suppresses appetite - it was found in doping tests in an athlete who took the capsules. However, the manufacturer is silent about the content of this component. You can lose weight by taking capsules by 8-15 kg per month. Side effects are anxiety, depression, rapid heartbeat.

"Apple vinegar"

Among the components of the tablets, in addition to apple extract, are tea polyphenols (antioxidants), grapes, aloe, calcium, L-carnitine, vitamin C, chitin, konjac and trace elements. This combination is an excellent way not only to lose weight and reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, but also to strengthen the body and improve immunity. Chinese tablets with tea extract will help you lose up to 8 kg in a month. Cons - there are only 30 capsules in the package. Side effects: dizziness, dry mouth.


The drug is positioned as universal remedy against obesity, which helps in difficult cases. Ingredients include Fructus Canarli algae and L-carnitine - powerful fat burners. In addition to them, the composition contains Basha fruit (cashew nut), water plantain, capsaicin (an alkaloid contained in hot pepper), tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Pros - the complex stimulates metabolism and forces the body to burn fat reserves. You can lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week, the course of treatment is 1-2 months. Cons: Doesn't help everyone. Side effects: tachycardia, complete loss of appetite.


The product is intended for people who want to get rid of fat deposits on the hips, waist, and lower back. The drug contains apple extract to improve digestion, Indian lotus to activate metabolism, kiwi, vitamin C. You can lose weight by 5-15 kg per month with the help of Chinese Qingzishou capsules. Pros – reduces appetite, helping to reduce stomach volume. Disadvantages - there is no exact data on the composition.

"7 colors of weight loss"

According to the concept of the drug, 7 colors are the number of fruits and vegetables different color that are necessary for human health. The capsules contain seven multi-colored components that promote weight loss:

  • pomegranate – red;
  • peach – orange;
  • tea, spirulina and spinach – green;
  • garcinia – yellow;
  • beans - white;
  • grapes – blue;
  • lingonberry – purple.

There are several versions of dietary supplements on sale - “for young girls”, “for women”, “strengthened”. Pros: natural composition, effectiveness. Cons: variety of ingredients, which often cause allergies. Using “7 colors of weight loss” you can lose from 7 to 10 kg per month. The manufacturer claims that the drug has no side effects.

"Kushow 999"

An inexpensive version of a Chinese dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism. Kushou 999 includes herbal components - lingzhi (tinder fungus), aloe, salisburia ( conifer tree), L-carnitine and propolis. The dietary supplement helps get rid of toxins that accumulate in the body during the process of losing excess weight (up to 12 kg per month), maintains skin tone, and adds energy. Pros - budget price, cons - there is no certainty that the composition of the drug is fully disclosed.

Contraindications and side effects

Almost all weight loss medications have contraindications, so you should take the pills after consulting your doctor. The side effects of most Chinese dietary supplements for weight loss are similar - rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, dizziness. For some, taking it is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. You should not use such drugs in the following cases:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract - stomach ulcers, enterocolitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, intestinal microflora disorders.
  • People with diseases of the endocrine system (diabetics, diagnosed with hyperthyroidism). Some components affect the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands and contain hormones.
  • Children under 16 years of age should not take such tablets - this can affect growth and development and cause malfunction of internal organs.
  • The drugs are contraindicated for hypertensive patients. Kola nuts, guarana extract and green coffee can raise blood pressure and cause tachycardia.
  • Pregnant women and women during lactation. Substances contained in Chinese diet pills can pass through the placenta to the baby and into breast milk.
  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system, Chinese tablets can cause an exacerbation of the condition.
  • For disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Why are they dangerous?

In Chinese diet pills in different time Substances prohibited in the Russian Federation were identified: sibutramine, ephedrine, benfluorex, rimonabant, fenfluramine. Some of them relate to amphetamines, drugs that affect the central nervous system and are addictive. A person feels uplifted, a surge of strength and energy, but soon he begins to experience insomnia, signs of hormonal imbalance appear, depression, hallucinations, and convulsions occur. The composition of the drugs is not fully understood, so they should be taken with caution.

Doctors' opinion

Renata, 45 years old

I am a cardiologist, and I do not recommend that even healthy people take Chinese drugs for weight loss. It is worth understanding that this combination of substances will not help you lose weight; the effect of the pills will be mediocre. Almost everything contains sibutramine, which is harmful to the heart, which causes tachycardia, increases blood pressure, and increases the risk of stroke.

Anna, 56 years old

I have a neutral attitude towards weight loss pills and gels (I am a nutritionist). Chinese dietary supplements have helped some of my overweight patients lose weight. I think that the placebo effect worked - I don’t see any particular benefit from the capsules, but there is no harm (if you do not exceed the dosage). To have an effect, it is important to follow the rules dietary nutrition, do not eat at night.

How much do diet pills cost from China?

Most weight loss products from China can only be ordered online. This is due to the fact that many of them do not have a certificate and are not allowed for sale in the Russian Federation. Cost of the most popular dietary supplements in Moscow and the Moscow region:

Drug name


Price, rubles

Dali, Kunming

San Jiu, Guangdong

Fruit Basha

Dali, Kunming

Golden ball

Kuxiu, Guangzhou

Wild plants "Butterfly"

Dali, Kunming

Apple vinegar

Developer – USA, manufacturer – China

Jinglixin Block, China


Guangzhou Bomei Biological Health Products Co., Ltd.

7 colors of weight loss

Hanseyuan Pharmacy Group, China

Hong Kong Tianhong Pharmaceutical Corporation
