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» Magazine “Drinks. Technologies and Innovations". How to create a successful berry business? Experience of the nursery and garden center “Brusvyana” Technologies and innovations

Magazine “Drinks. Technologies and Innovations". How to create a successful berry business? Experience of the nursery and garden center “Brusvyana” Technologies and innovations

Growing berries remains one of the most dynamically developing areas of the Ukrainian agricultural market. The most promising ones for growing are blueberries, blackberries and honeysuckle. For so-called niche crops, market demand remains limited even at a premium price. Therefore, cranberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, and actinidia occupy significantly smaller planting areas in Ukraine. The founders of the nursery of fruit and berry seedlings "Brusvyana" Liliana and Vladimir Dmitriev created unique project, which has become a model for running a berry business in Ukraine. “Brusvyana” studies the experience of foreign enterprises and popularizes berry business in Ukraine. What berry crops are currently relevant for foreign buyers, what is the potential of niche crops, as well as the prospects for the Ukrainian berry business, Liliana and Vladimir Dmitriev told the magazine “Drinks. Technologies and Innovations".

The Brusvyana Garden Center (Zhytomyr region, Ukraine) presents berry crops, various varieties fruit and decorative trees, shrubs, as well as high-quality seedlings. The Brusvyany assortment includes about 20 varieties of raspberries (regular and remontant), seedlings of black and red currants, actinidia, large-fruited cranberries, thornless blackberries, as well as various less common crops intended for industrial plantings and private gardeners. The founder of the Center, Vladimir Dmitriev, is a breeder with 25 years of experience. Thanks to his painstaking work, 5 raspberry varieties of remontant selection were included in the register of plant varieties of Ukraine: “Brusvyana”, “Brusilovsky Standard”, “Brusilovskaya”, “Yaroslavna” and “Primara”.

"Beverages. Technologies and Innovations": Which berry crops are currently the most promising for business in Ukraine?

Liliana DMITRIEVA: As for the berry business, the needs of the domestic market due to various reasons are not satisfied. The structure of berry plantings is now actively changing. The leading positions in the Ukrainian market are occupied by strawberries, raspberries, cherries, black currant. The share of the rest is very small, although in its useful and medicinal properties Blueberries and gooseberries, for example, are in no way inferior to popular berries. In our opinion, blueberries should account for 15-20% of the volume of consumption of all berries, but they are only 1-2%. The norms for consumption of fruits and berries according to world standards are from 82 to 112 kilograms per person per year, and berries make up a tenth of this. During the season, each person should eat 8-10 kilograms of berries, including jam and juices.

“N.T.I.”: How in demand are Ukrainian berries on the world market?

L.D: Ukrainian berries are in demand, but wild blueberries are the most popular. Overall, berry exports in 2015 amounted to 38 million euros. Our country exports dried, fresh and frozen berries. If it were possible to export other crops, they would also be in demand. At the same time, Ukraine imports fresh seasonal, out-of-season and frozen berries - in small quantities from 50 to 150 kilograms. The exception is strawberries, of which 4 to 5 tons are imported annually and sold in supermarkets throughout the year. Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are also the most popular frozen ones. Frozen berries are supplied to Ukraine in volumes from 1 to 20 tons - cranberries, black elderberries, currants and gooseberries. These are berries that yogurt producers cannot purchase in our country. The importing countries are mainly Morocco, Portugal, Chile and Spain. Frozen food is also brought to us from Germany and the Netherlands.

“N.T.I.”: What, in your opinion, is needed for Ukrainian berries to become more in demand on the foreign market?

L.D.: Customers today are interested in companies that can offer them a full range of services: a high-quality product, its documentary support, full information about the profit you can make by buying seedlings of different crops. That's why we started studying Foreign experience running a berry business. In our opinion, the market can develop successfully if enterprises create cooperatives or small organic farms, which are very popular in America. It is important for Ukrainian enterprises today to work on their business model; a lot depends on this.

“N.T.I.”: Last year you planted alpine strawberries in the Brusvyana nursery. Tell us more about this original culture.

Vladimir DMITRIEV: Alpine strawberry is one of the niche crops. To get a quality product, you need to follow the planting rules and rely on the experience of your colleagues. The optimal planting pattern is 1.5 meters between rows and 40 centimeters between bushes. Quantity planting material per hectare - 33 thousand pieces. The most favorable irrigation method for alpine strawberries is drip irrigation. We grow planting material in our nursery; these crops convey varietal properties well. We planted in May, and the first harvest was harvested that same year. Due to the hot summer last year, we were unable to collect marketable berries in the middle of summer: unfortunately, under the influence of the active sun, the berries became deformed. But then we were still able to collect 1.5 tons of berries per hectare. It is important to collect this crop by hand: we collected it in plastic boxes weighing 125 grams. The cost of picking berries is quite high - 30-40 hryvnia per kilogram. However, these costs were paid off by the high price of the berries: average price Alpine strawberries for sale were about 180 hryvnia per kilogram. And sales of products went, surprisingly, well. This year we intend to collect 3-3.5 tons per hectare.

"N.T.I.": What are the requirements for growing sea buckthorn?

V.D.: Sea buckthorn is a less common berry crop in Ukraine. Nowadays it has become more popular because it is used as a medicinal plant. The optimal planting pattern is 4-4.5 meters between rows and 2-2.5 meters between trees. About a thousand plants can be planted on one hectare. The yield is approximately 70 kilograms per day per harvester. To preserve the marketability of products, it is important to collect quickly. When planning your harvest, you need to take into account that about 5% of the plants will be male pollinators. Preparing a field for planting sea buckthorn is quite simple, it does not require high doses organic fertilizers and pays off pretty quickly. In the fourth year after planting, commercial harvesting of berries can be carried out. Among the advantages of this crop are the longevity of planting (15-20 years) and minimum costs for picking berries. The potential of sea buckthorn is very large; it is used for confectionery, drinks, and as a medicinal plant. Growing this crop can be a fairly highly profitable business. For a good harvest, you need to plant two-year-old seedlings with a height of 40 centimeters to 1 meter; note, one-year-old and two-year-old seedlings do not get along well.

“N.T.I.”: They say that the most expensive berry to grow is cranberry. And now it’s the most promising, isn’t it?.. Tell us about this culture, please.

V.D.: Cranberries are indeed quite an expensive berry to plant. But if you take into account the longevity of the plantations (up to 100 years), the costs will be worth it. Cranberries must be grown in peat excavations, but there are not enough such places in Ukraine. If you create artificial plantations, you need to use high-moor peat 15-20 centimeters thick, and these are huge volumes. Belarusians actively grow cranberries, but I think that the fashion for them will soon come to Ukraine. The problem is that cranberries are practically not consumed fresh, and we do not have any processing as such in our country. I experimented with planting cranberries on small areas and collected 28 tons per hectare. Planting was done using cuttings. To plant a cranberry plantation you need a large number of planting material: up to 10 seedlings per square meter and about 150 thousand seedlings per hectare. Optimal system watering - combined (drip and top watering). The advantage of cranberries over other crops is that they are industrial berries and are completely processed abroad.

"N.T.I.": What other niche crops have high yields?

V.D.: An interesting niche crop is quinomeles. The yield is very high, about 18-20 tons per hectare. This berry is unpretentious to the soil and can be grown without watering. Even after a harsh winter, quinomeles gives good harvest and recovers quickly.

It is also worth paying attention to varietal rowan, which is grown and sold dried for export. The quality of berries during the harvest of varietal rowan is much higher than that of ordinary rowan. Niche crops also include actinidia, the main advantage of which is frost resistance. The optimal planting pattern is 4 meters between rows. To plant fields, you need to use 2-3 year old seedlings. I hope that soon these berry crops will become more popular in our country.

“N.T.I.”: What, in your opinion, are the prospects for the development of the berry business in Ukraine?

L.D.: Over the past five years, the berry sector in Ukraine has been actively developing. People and enterprises who were not previously involved in the berry business are starting to get involved in the berry business. agriculture, and farms who had previously made test landings. Berry growing is one of the most highly profitable areas in business; today even corporations that were previously involved in growing other crops are ready to invest money in it. To develop the berry business in Ukraine, we all need to join forces and develop this market together, because it has very good prospects. Just for the purpose of uniting the berry market and exchanging information, we have planned to publish the catalog “Berry Business in Ukraine”, we invite you to cooperate!

Business in rural areas has many advantages, but is only suitable for those who are not afraid of physical work. One of the new directions in crop production is the cultivation of sea buckthorn as a business. This is very healthy berry, which has many uses beyond being consumed as food. Therefore, you can safely start planting a garden.

One of the features of the business is that you do not need to hire staff if you understand planting and maintaining a garden yourself. If you don’t have enough hands with the growth of the garden, you can make the business a family one. You will also need to buy special garden care equipment.

  • 1. Benefits and uses of sea buckthorn
  • 2. Features of landing
  • 3. Potential clients
  • 4. Calculate costs
  • 5. Calculate profits
  • 6. Ideas for a profitable garden

Sea buckthorn is a small tree or shrub that has more than 40 varieties.

Be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to earn money after at least 4 years; only after this time does the tree begin to bear fruit.

Is very useful product. Applications can be found not only for berries, but for any part of the bush, for example bark, leaves.

Sea buckthorn is used:

  • In cooking:
    • some varieties are consumed raw, adding sugar, sour cream, etc.;
    • processed - preserves, jams, compotes;
    • as a spicy additive (for example, for flavoring wine).
  • In cosmetology: skin masks, hair loss remedy;
  • In scientific medicine: used in the manufacture of medicines for influenza, lichen, used for stomach ulcers, burns, rashes, for the production of painkillers, etc.;
  • IN folk medicine : used for vitamin deficiency, rheumatism, widely used in oriental medicine.
  • Based on this, you can find many marketing routes for sea buckthorn, not only as a tasty berry, but also as a useful plant.

    To get a good harvest for many years, you need to plant the plant correctly.

    Business plan workflows:

    • planting seedlings;
    • care, growing bushes;
    • picking berries;
    • freezing berries;
    • sending to the buyer;
    • processing of bark and leaves.

    Sea buckthorn is planted in the spring from annual seedlings or lignified cuttings.

    Diameter landing pit– 40 cm.

    The depth of the planting hole is 40 cm.

    The distance between rows of plants is 200 – 250 cm.

    The garden must have male and female sea buckthorn seedlings for successful wind pollination.

    Compliance with such rules is the key to a good harvest!

    Each of the sea buckthorn varieties has its own characteristics:

    VarietyTaste, scoreWeight of fruit, Yield, kg/bush
    Augustinka4.1 0.6 7.8
    Botanical fragrant4.1 0.33 5.6
    Giant4.9 0.7 6.8
    Red-fruited3.9 0.35 7.2
    Lomonosovskaya4.3 0.46 9.2
    Altai News4.3 0.35 4.5
    Omskaya 274.2 0.38 5.2
    Excellent4.4 0.45 4.5
    Nugget4.7 0.5 6.1
    Trofimovskaya4.8 0.58 7.4
    Amber berry3.9 0.7 7.4

    If you choose a variety based on taste, pay attention to the following: Augustinka, Aromatic, Botanicheskaya, Vorobyovskaya, Hybrid Pepper, Moskvichka, Moscow pineapple.

    If in terms of yield, then choose Botanical Aromatic, Botanical Amateur, Pepper Hybrid, Moscow Beauty, Nivelena and Finnish.

    Decide right away what scale your business will have. If you plant only a few trees, then focus your earnings on retail trade.

    If you are planting a whole garden, you will not be able to sell the entire crop at retail before it starts to spoil; you need to look for wholesale buyers.

    Sell ​​products simultaneously to several completely different buyers:

    • retail buyers on the market (subject to combination with other types of sales);
    • wholesalers or retailers (but at a price below the market price);
    • pastry shops or bakeries;
    • supermarkets or other shops;
    • restaurants and cafes;
    • producers of yoghurts, fruit juices, jams, syrups;
    • natural cosmetics manufacturers

    It will be more difficult to establish sales for medical purposes to pharmaceutical companies, but this is quite possible.

    Again it all depends on whether you are doing sea buckthorn farming as a big business or a small business.

    For example, consider a garden of 1 hectare.

    Investments in business:

    • land - about 1,000,000 rubles;
    • plowing the land - 30,000 rubles;
    • fertilizers – 50,000 rubles;
    • fence (from a tree) – 20,000 – 150,000 rubles;
    • seedlings for 500 rubles. (900 pieces are needed for 1 hectare) – 450,000 rubles;
    • payment to assistants upon boarding – 90,000 rubles;
    • purchase of containers for transportation and storage (600 boxes are enough) – 60,000 rubles.

    The initial cost of growing sea buckthorn as a business is about 1,780,000 rubles.

    Regular costs:

    • land tax - depends on the location of the garden, but is about 5,000 rubles;
    • purchase of fertilizers and chemicals – 10,000 rubles. in year;
    • transportation costs – 40,000 rubles;
    • rent of a refrigerated warehouse before shipment - 30,000 rubles per month.

    Also, if necessary, hiring workers to help with harvesting costs RUB 100,000. per season.

    The average yield per 1 hectare of land is 130 centners of sea buckthorn.

    The average cost of sea buckthorn is 100 rubles. per kg.

    Revenue from 1 hectare is 1,300,000 rubles.

    Keep in mind that the first 3 - 4 years are allocated only for growing trees and only in the 4th - 5th year they will begin to bear fruit, but there will be expenses for taxes and fertilizers every year.

    Revenue for 3 years of cultivation and 6 years of harvest (1 hectare) is 7,800,000 rubles.

    Costs for 9 years (initial + regular) – 5,100,000 rubles.

    Profit for 9 years – 2,700,000 rubles.

    Experts report that sea buckthorn as a business will be highly profitable if planted on 10 hectares of land. It is better to achieve such scales gradually, establishing wholesale sales. Also consider what example is taken average yield berries

    Cherry orchard is an interesting and tasty business option. If you choose the right varieties, you will receive a harvest within 6 months. In addition, berries are in great demand.

    We grow strawberries - the most delicious and popular berry, and also quite expensive. At the same time, in planting or care it is quite unpretentious plant. For an initial investment, only about 200,000 rubles are enough.

    The apple orchard as a business is gaining momentum, because you no longer have to wait several years before the harvest. Modern varieties, as well as cultivation methods will allow you to make a profit the next year.

    How to create a sea buckthorn plantation that can provide a profit of 1,000 euros per hectare?
    Not every farmer can grow sea buckthorn, but if you have some free money, a plot of land and time, you can start an agricultural business that will be profitable within three years after planting. The cost of planting and cultivating one hectare of sea buckthorn will be 1500 - 3500 euros. The investment will quickly pay off in three years. From one hectare you can collect from 15 tons of sea buckthorn, the average price of which is 150 rubles per kilogram.

    Growing sea buckthorn
    1. Sea buckthorn is unpretentious and grows 900-1000 meters above sea level, preferably on flat, hilly terrain, or with a slight slope to the south. Almost any well-drained soil is suitable for it, with two exceptions: it is not too suitable for sea buckthorn. acidic soils with pH below 5.5 and swampy, with excess humidity. If sea buckthorn is planted in clay soil or rich black soil, you need to add sand or small pebbles to the planting soil.

    2. A very good harvest can be expected when planting in meadows where groundwater are located at a depth of 1.5 meters and below. For all its “dislike” for dampness, sea buckthorn can easily tolerate 7-10 days of heavy rains. For good development sea ​​buckthorn requires maximum light, so shrubs are planted in places where there is no shade.
    Sea buckthorn tolerates temperatures well from -40 ° C to + 40 ° C. A sea buckthorn plantation can withstand 2-3 of the most severe droughts, but the cost of an irrigation system will be absolutely justified, as it can significantly increase productivity.

    Planting sea buckthorn
    1. The land for planting must be fertilized at least half a year before planting. It is better if sea buckthorn is planted on a field previously sown with cereals (for example, wheat), which, thanks to cultivation, will be free of perennial weeds.
    Soil preparation for planting consists of: deep loosening (scarification) up to 60-70 cm in spring, and 35-40 cm in autumn. If the soil is well prepared, shrubs can be planted in late autumn. If not, then put it off until spring; the result will be just as good, provided it is irrigated and fertilized.

    2. Planting sea buckthorn - mechanical or manual?
    Planting seedlings can be done using specialized machines, or manually, in the traditional way. The rows of shrubs should be oriented from north to south. Bushes are planted at a distance of 3-3.5 meters between rows and 1.5-2 meters between plants.

    3. Don't forget, sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant.
    Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. In nature, two types of shrubs grow, with female and male flowers, so you need to plant shrubs from both houses, alternating them with each other. A "male" tree can pollinate several "female" trees, so they can be planted in smaller numbers, from 1/8 to 1/12, for example 1 row of male plants and 8 rows of female plants. This type of planting is especially useful if the crop will be harvested mechanically. In this case, in the “male” row the interval between trees will be 0.5 meters.

    4. Crown formation
    From the moment of landing in early spring and until autumn the plant acquires a beautiful crown of 3-7 shoots, 50-80 cm long and 8-12 mm in diameter. After the first winter, radical pruning is practiced, leaving 3-5 of the most beautiful and strong branches, the rest are removed. Pruning and care, especially in the second year, consists of maintaining the crown of the bush in proper condition. By autumn, the plants form a strong crown, with shoots from 15-20 to 140-170 cm long, ready for fruiting.

    First harvest
    The harvest takes place from mid-August to the end of September. The harvesting method used on commercial plantations is a compromise, with an obvious loss of production, but the only one practical and feasible. Harvesting is carried out by removing 2-year-old branches with pruning shears.
    With this approach, the berries are harvested after a year (since the bush does not bear fruit the next year), but the yield as a whole does not fall. It is recommended to divide the plantation into two parts and collect the fruits alternately, one year from one plot, the next from another. This way you can harvest annually and generally increase productivity, getting 22-24 tons of sea buckthorn berries per hectare.
    The collected berries are frozen directly with the branches, and only then picked, which helps reduce crop losses. Sea buckthorn on branches can also be stored and transported for longer without damage. long distances. A sea buckthorn plantation bears fruit for an average of 25 years.

    1. Healing, “wild” crops are becoming increasingly in demand on the market. And it must be said that the average buyer today understands much better that products from their native regions are much better suited for humans than exotic innovations. Therefore, people are happy to buy sea buckthorn and products containing it.
    As mentioned above, sea buckthorn is not whimsical and is quite productive. How can you realize the rich harvest?

    2. You can sell the following sea buckthorn products:
    +Fresh sea buckthorn
    +Frozen fruits
    +Dried fruits
    + Sea buckthorn oil
    It is worth saying that not only the berries of sea buckthorn are useful, but also the leaves. They can be dried and added to herbal teas, or sold as a separate product, packaged and bagged.

    3. Internet sales
    It is not at all easy to find sea buckthorn and other healing products on the market, so consumers are trying to buy them online. By creating your own online store (either yourself or ordering it from a specialist), you can sell your products online. On the pages of the site you can tell potential buyers O healing properties sea ​​buckthorn and the benefits of your products. It would also be a good idea to organize periodically promotions for customers, and create a system of cumulative discounts for regular customers.

    Project concept:

    The berry market in Ukraine is in its infancy. Today, berry crops that were previously considered rare are gaining popularity. One of these berries is sea buckthorn, a familiar crop for Ukraine, the demand for which has been returning in recent years.

    The demand for sea buckthorn berries on the international market has been increasing for several years. Thus, over the past 5 years, the sea buckthorn market has grown by 40% and is currently estimated at $1 billion. At the same time, the international market for processed sea buckthorn products is estimated at $17 billion.

    Figure 1. Domestic consumption and demand for sea buckthorn berries on the international market in 2017

    Sea buckthorn is gaining popularity due to its multifunctional use in many fields, such as: medicine (used as a medicinal plant in tinctures and syrups), Food Industry(used as an additive for the production of jams, preserves, etc.), cosmetology (oils are produced from sea buckthorn), and also for the purpose of decorating the site. In addition, you can sell not only sea buckthorn berries in dried, fresh or frozen form, but also leaves that are dried and added to herbal teas.

    Figure 2. Export and import of plants for perfumery and medicine, thousand tons. (Ukraine)

    This business plan presents an economic justification for the effectiveness of a project for growing sea buckthorn on an area of ​​10 hectares and its sale in fresh and frozen form to the domestic market.

    1. Project summary
    2. Project description
    3. Characteristics of the target market
    3.1 general characteristics berry market and medicinal plants in the world and in Ukraine
    3.2 Analysis of the competitive environment in the market for growing sea buckthorn and producing sea buckthorn oil
    3.3. Forecasts for the development of the market for berries and medicinal plants
    4. Project production plan
    4.1 Location of the project site
    4.2. Description of the growing process
    4.3. Necessary equipment and other project assets
    5. Organizational plan
    5.1. Project implementation network schedule
    5.2. Required personnel and personnel policy for the Project.
    6. Investment plan
    7. Financial plan project
    7.1. Business parameters
    7.2. Initial data for calculation and their reasoning
    7.3. Sales forecast for the project
    7.4. Profit generation for the project
    7.5. Cash flow forecast for the project
    8. Analysis of project effectiveness
    8.1. Project profitability analysis
    8.2. Indicators of investment attractiveness and profitability of the Project
    8.3. Project development scenarios
    9. Risk analysis
    9.1. Factor analysis project risks
    9.2. Risk Mitigation Strategy
    9.3. SWOT analysis
    10. Conclusions

    List of tables:

    Table 1. Ukrainian companies engaged in the cultivation and trade of sea buckthorn
    Table 2. Companies producing oils (including sea buckthorn)
    Table 3. Sea buckthorn cultivation technology
    Table 4. Sea buckthorn care calendar
    Table 5. Required equipment for the Project
    Table 6. Project implementation and financing schedule (1 year)
    Table 7. Project staffing schedule
    Table 8. Investment costs of the project
    Table 9. General parameters for the Project
    Table 10. Enterprise operating parameters
    Table 11. Taxation parameters
    Table 12. Utility costs
    Table 13. Cost of bushes for planting per 1 ha
    Table 14. Cost of fertilizers per 1 ha
    Table 15. Costs for mulching sea buckthorn
    Table 16. Calculation of depreciation charges for the Project as a whole
    Table 17. Profit and loss statement for the project
    Table 18. Capital expenditures according to the project
    Table 19. Operating expenses for the project
    Table 20. Profit generation for the project
    Table 21. Project effectiveness
    Table 22. Performance indicators
    Table 23. Break-even volume of the enterprise for the project
    Table 24. Minimum price sales and financial strength margin

    List of graphs and diagrams:

    Figure 1. Project goals
    Figure 2. Export and import of plants for perfumery and medicine, Ukraine, thousand tons. Leading countries producing aromatic and medicinal plants in Europe in 2016, thousand tons
    Figure 3. Sea buckthorn suppliers on the European market, %
    Figure 4. Dynamics of fruit and vegetable production berry crops in Ukraine, thousand tons
    Figure 5. Dynamics of areas planted with fruit and berry crops at fruiting age (thousand ha) and their yield (ts/ha)
    Figure 6. Leading regions of Ukraine in consumption of fruits, berries and grapes in 2016, thousand tons
    Figure 7. Export / import of edible fruits and nuts, million dollars
    Figure 8. Directions for selling sea buckthorn
    Figure 9. Main suppliers of frozen berries in the EU, 2016, thousand euros
    Figure 10. Pros and cons of growing sea buckthorn
    Figure 11. Project location
    Figure 12. Organigram for the project
    Figure 13. Structure of capital investments for the Project
    Figure 14. Forecast plan for the sale of fresh blackberries
    Figure 15. Dynamics of project profitability
    Figure 16. Structure of operating expenses
    Figure 17. Profit generation for the project
    Figure 18. Gross revenue and gross profit margin
    Figure 19. Dynamics of net profit and return on sales
    Figure 20. Internal rate of return
    Figure 21. Project payback period (from the beginning of the project)
    Figure 22. Break-even chart by year
    Figure 23. Investment directions
    Figure 24. Project profitability indicators
    Figure 25. Profitability indicators (total for 7 years)